THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK snirtr^botr^tbe Sscie^F^ax^cagT* mo by wrtUssT Ssessltsi, Pftrty «f Peemtown. Pa. Mew* items eosjcerniBg Laker and Pgssrsr) fits naps obewld be sent te the sMM...

...If, on the other hand, the City Committee la to take over all the activities of the party organisations aa to propaganda and organisation aad tbe locals are to be relegated to merely dues stamp selling agencies, then the Local will soon stop functioning, as It will have nothing to do...
...Comrade Nathan recording secretary, and Contrade Sabloff was re-elected financial secretary...
...If the Locals exist they must have some place where they can do their .work, and that means rent...
...and some associated organisations, with a number of...
...I may later bava something- mesa be say .on tho method of orgaalgalls*, Ha functions, etc...
...The City Committee, working independent of the Locals, will strange meetings and tbe Locals not knowing what the plane and activities of tho City Committee are will also arrange meetings, aad there "will be a conAlrt, sometimes serious sad sometimes Just a duplication...
...Jasper McLevy was nominated as a candidate for delegate to tbe national convention...
...Uen Is the blew...
...Mew* items eosjcerniBg Laker and Pgssrsr) fits naps obewld be sent te the sMM address for pubUo...
...But whatever we do at the city oSaresniou let us do it without frisks or by way of dictatorial dsereea...
...f 1 Baieg street Saaday... tbe G. A. R. Hall...
...Peoples House...
...the radia...
...let us maintain our organisation as an efficient democracy and not make aa oligarchy ot, It even on tbe plea that It Would be more efficient...
...Local New York Theatre Party Local members and sympathisers trill take notice that Local New York has engaged the Provincetown Theatre for a benefit performance oa Friday evening...
...Should it be a City Committee to take the place ef the Locale, and bo THE PARTY ORGANIZATION OF NEW TORE...
...The next Trades Council Forum meeting will be held Thursday evening, February XCth...
...In my opinion it is impossible to have a City Committee with machinery that the present committee has and with the powers tbat^tbe present committee possesses and at tbe same time continue tbe Locals aa an entity ia our ¦organization...
...If wa -want ah oligarchy, then let us be bene** Sad net condemn Facism la Italy aad Bolshevism la Russia...
...Tho prisen st ths recent ban ard baaaar ef Local Bronx ware wess by the foOowbag coearadee: Tbe pSliiii...
...Because af the local meeting on Wednesday...
...J7, Meeting of Local New York at th* Peoples -House, 1 East ISth Street Tharaday, Feb...
...Saturday, wbicb proved to be very successful in each city...
...Tbe main thing*.to be taken np at this convention should be tbe relations of the Local (County) organisations to the City Committee and to define the functions asir'kr^vitre*"ef<BcHTC As en* who has given some thought to the queeOan and nan-a little experience, vrUt.yoa permit me to sap something- oa the subject...
...Samuel A. DeWrtt...
...Cora M. Btzler of Lancaster...
...People's House...
...A change is necessary...
...Admission will be by party cards...
...It, and Sunday evening, Feb...
...Local durW .tbe neat week: r r Tuesday, fab...
...7 East 15th Street...
...was eseoted organiser of the local The members reported that they bad obtained many subscriptions for The American Appeal...
...There are still seme Uckete for both performances...
...Sew em I Membership Meeting Tbe regular monthly meeting of Local New Tork will be held en Wednesday, Feb... tbe People's Houee, at SJO p. m. Ten delegates te the eity convention will be erected and nominations for candidates for delegates te tbe National Convention will be made...
...The Coming New York Convention Fy Julius Gerber AS I understand it there la to be a convention of all tha Locale of the Socialist Party 1» the City of New Tork on February ST...
...AOinson was presbat at the Geneva Conference end can...
...Result either tbe activities of the City Committee Interfere with the activities of tbe Locals, If tha Locals, are active, or the Locals are condemned to inactivity, with the further result that they are bound to disintegrate and die...
...Bronx A general membership asstCkMf «d> Local Bronx will be heM at th* head Quarters, lltf BostOi...
...discuss it aad 1st as have tha benefit of their opinions (An article by A. I. Sjitslgtadl...
...MbadaF evemngv Feb...
...Sidney Stark of Braddock, Jane Talt of Pittsburgh, Marie Wannemaeher of Philadelphia..., «, S and 11 A. TX at 1ST Avenue B. ^ Saturday, Pah...
...Harry Xckard of New Kensington, H. W. Shay of York...
...Philadelphia McAllster Counaa will lecture in the Labor Institute, SOS Locust street Thursday evening, March 2S...
...If tbe City Committee solicits funds from the comrades, the Locals will not get any...
...Or Jo there a third sray by which we can bava a City Orranlsatlon te supplement tbe Locals 7 To do sue* things that can beet, be done by all tbe Locale co-operating...
...the report of ths Ball Committee: the report af the committee eh the La-car a sates and saepatary...
...But is the Local aa unnecessary appendix T I am not ready at this time to discuss this subject -1 merely wast te show the coarrddee bath sides ef the j medal es far aadJK* eraeartten confronts j us at pre seat-die that 'tha comrades j who are IntordMed la the subject win | Siva It Bill thought aad see If there j Is some way hp which we can organise ! tton aad waetejff time and energy and get ths maximum Activity out* ef the small number ef comrades who are willing to do the party's work...
...peat and* lecturer, wfll gpsak*" on the "Locarno Treaty...
...What is that change to be...
...sasambie wary fib* ardajr evening kvt the si iilhal evOepa of tbo Labos Temple which baa beea set aside foe the 8. p. Oak aC TerkvfOe...
...Then why waste time in merntsinlng tbemT - Then we may as...
...Tbe Ifav England PtsUaVt Coovention will be-held thls*year oa April XI at the Party's headquarters...
...IT-IS-It and *e A D-, at the Harlem Bduaaticssal Caevtre...
...The M f/W aa*e«smsns*w* evSMai VspBaasTwleJ...
...Get them either at 4he office of Local New Tork, Room BO...
...undefined powers' and activities...
...A full iTsjidgglll U urgent as several important matters must be noted upas.* The hiislrtsse taclades action upon reaueatg from tbe National sad State offices...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK snirtr^botr^tbe Sscie^F^ax^cagT* mo by wrtUssT Ssessltsi, Pftrty «f Peemtown...
...Subject "The Educational Work of the Illinois Miners...
...Upper West Side / ' The Upper West Side Branch met Wednesday...
...At present we have a City Committee consisting ot representatives from the various Locals in the City of New Tork...
...Circle Six...
...Worcester, Friday, and Boston...
...and both the Locals and the City Committee must have funds or they cannot continue 'their activities...
...the branch will bold its next meeting on Tuesday, Feb...
...T. -Whim tbe atteetdanee was not as lgrge as"1» some years, aU tbe eoBsradee were entbueieetlc party workers and the business of the Ceoterenee was> treneerte* promptly an* esBciesOy...
...Many of us wbo aro doing the party's work have realised that the present situation is not healthy nor can it be lasting...
...aad the result will ha either that wa will be left with a number ot dead organisations or organisms that have no functions...
...Upper West Sade Braneb at Pit West 134th Street...
...To stimulate the Locals to activity aad where the Locale are incapable of doing anything or refuse to do it tbo city organisation to step in sad de it so that we will have not a superstructure tfcat la too heavy for tha foundation but rather a foundation on which the Local organizations can build and strengthen the party organisation, and where tbe foundation ia weak build it up and strengthen ft se that wi wfl be able te ratals the structure* These are tbe three alternatives, tha first may work, the second never win, aad tha third in my opinion can work and is the only plan that win work...
...Untfi tbe new hisgeasarttig are reedy the tsaaah holds its mdf* laga at the Laker Tssnpse SdT East, •dth Street Easfm d, tbe BcnrnsBT Oa...
...dealing wrth the subject Cess reds •iaVs>rk»stsr &*wtt3*4w*l\ wffl epwfieea" It...
...coming oampekm and tbe aominatien of caadids tee for mUf eflUee...
...Tbe> foliowlner oessred— w<ere eeleeted to run for public office: U. S. Senator...
...7 East 15 th Street, phone StuyVesant, 4(20, or on the day of tbe performance at the thepIJ/^ Ztma Sissy ifoitt rsj ' ^ Th* fills wW meet Hide wfll b» beta bp the branohea aad the...
...Let aa de it as Socialists in a comradely way and comradely spirit Let aa net try and aPut something over to ¦ B*)jn s , point Remember, yea stay aata a point .but you may also rata tho srganiaatloa aad, Vbove all...
...I bops that the eoanraaee wbo are interested he tha party organisation, as such, wJB take this matter up...
...Tbe Conference elected the following new State Xxecative Committee: John A. Aullenbarh of Reading...
...The branch will meet evefyflrst and third Wednesday of tbe month at Ptt West lfsth Street Arrangements will be made to have a speaker at every meeting...
...Members and Socialists residing In this territory are requested te come...
...The chief buemess was the) adopttesj Ot ** platform for the...
...tbe election and instruction of delegate* to th* city convention...
...therefore, give us first band information...
...Miss Gertrade Duel...
...People were very much satisfied, and we expect - that tbe other three meetings in these cities to' be even mora successful than the first ones...
...Delegates te Ceerventien Branches of Local New Tork are reef tbe sBsaayMC iw*t in 5S»3 dajulejei ^aaB^a^a^^ejnJ ^tfjlte^ ¦^fcss^ea fcspe^J ^^^'yjs^t^p"vff'^ Pf^aaflv^ Tsbf# l*Mt aT#W sawxeTsgetaBngaarV were «j2 Mftawi' and rather rater* esttng...
...John W. Slayton of Pittsburgh...
...On the etHer band, it leaves the Locals as they exist (one in each county) with all tha powers and activities that tha Locals necessarily have under tbe constitution...
...The present Executive Secretary-Treasurer wss retained...
...and if the Locals get the funds tbe City Committee will not get any...
...Room COS...
...Carry M. Blxleevjsf Lancaster...
...Thi* is probably the strongest ticket that the Socialist Party has nominated for many years, as all of these comrades are able sneakers and will be ia a position to speak for the Party during the coming campaign...
...en semday...
...William J-VanXasan of Pittsburga...
...Fab, a at lit p. at Mr...
...21 Essex street Boston...
...One of tbe main requirements at present ia* to raise funds for party work...
...Or should it be a City Committee aa at present constituted with, tbo Locals Intact interfering and duplicating tha activities of tha Locals, a superstructure too heavy for tha foundation to carry, and ultimately Qondencaing the Local* to Inactivity and dissolution...
...New England August CIs opsone spoke at the first of his series ef four lectures In Providence...
...Lynn, Thursday...
...the lamp, winner net found aa yet Comrade DeWtU, la his nSual and meat generous way, has ddMtad the piano to Local Bronx, with the request that it should be sold aa* the money used for orgajrtaa tiasj gad propaganda pnrpesee...
...Connecticut New Haven Local New Haven held a very enthusiastic- meeting hist Wednesday evening...
...werf have the courage and perform tha operation now and get rid of the unnecessary appendix...
...Comrades in arrears will have a chance to pay at the meetlarj...
...the aemltistbai ef Selaaatee to the National Convention aast S»isals for the agenda of' as ma...
...Stetd/Pdurty Cftifsriss A me*s/sse.ssssfnl State oonferesoe ad the SeeiaUst Pssrty of pesisBj lvgsjb* was heJe...
...M North Pro «*reet Xarrtsemrg...
...Secretary of Internal Affairs...
...At a masting ot the General District Committee, bold Sunday...
...3P» p. m. Meeting of tbe Executive Committee ot Local Xefw Tork...
...Lieutenant-Governor, Harry E. Close of Philadelphia...
...E»tspg erne asJBds ressiaded tfcat Brent Dow Alknsoa...
...aader the auspices of the Boston Central Breach at their faeadVruartera...
...3. Comrade RlgsJdi was elected organiser...
...l East teeth Street 1 sad « at D. at 204 East Broadway...
...If they are fa do spy propaganda and organization work, funds are needed, and la some instances some paid help will be required to take care of tbe activities of the Local...
...Other matters of Importance will be taken up...
...When that-happens we will bare a City Committee composed ot representatives of Locals but no Locals, and if the City Committee will try and will have the Job to revive the Locals it will have nothing but the representatives of these defunct Locals to work with...
...For ths present I have aaid ssseagh...
...Feb, T. It rtaoe BnsjMsV Reewss and MeBrtda I iSWiWiirif Jtf apeak omp atgat * week wJ^esjBw...

Vol. 3 • February 1926 • No. 5

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