The News of the Week e52^3P- tUSV 'I5-*V^KSaiSsTS£ ^a^yti to^^^tsta^ nfccU*taV Mw? ujn. n*a*y ox p^^aateaf1 syndicate, padd 3*k* s% Ktep. a «$•publloan Mm* 1 a sat...

...This publication belongs to the members...
...The functions that belong to the State are being taken over by the corporations and are being used to undermine the trade unions...
...a^erfS «Jn^*sa>tl<m*ir^taly he bad pdt across leinre itajlsxt empire...
...This situation seem* to be general in England...
...rg—1 hb^paxgag^c^^J Critical Cruisings By V. F. Calverton Jarnegan aamaaaV^r'niarten* Sflfta^Kmgar "' SS ' -- ' ¦' 3ffinataL tS^^wffi *a£*t!ormmM *r"ii"-i^i s-'w ¦jaeaaar- aa, *4iiLmn psyeaoaogy ^^^^^^^^^^B y*taad5Tl5» ^aS^amtf ssab, is a^tatertan be*, of «gndj| asjrm*- swlbjaa "a nwrni to pw/iS lernegaa...
...ol L. It contented itself with a verbal denunciation of "company unionism," but reaffirmed a policy that has contributed to this menace...
...Jb> ttemen...
...Corporate unionism with its "welfare plans" is the result of labor's political impotency...
...A Socialist cannot poasiMj see virtue to any of them, so cruel a* the pre seas through which thay atoahv their swollen tortun... rsbellmaB in his own soul that he loved lsfl them.** . a^B to sax motit too...
...Local elections hi the past-taw months have given sweeping victories to the Labor Party, and there la little doubt that to ths next general election the party will return to power, but whether it will have a- majority over both ohf parties is uncertain...
...Edison's ideal of automatic machinery doing ti) of the world brings with it a series of absurd contradictions...
...Or yeu may .try to swim Th* wesry sea ef patience, time and* pain Envisaging a dream-world where there aire No arctic doctors with money on the brain, Nor rude, prim nurses austerely singular...
...Untaptu-- • neteiy, th* law* *f hie asm shtss stand soihJIy sgslwst such s prsjsst...
...It is their paper, and its influence as an educational publication depends on them...
...The fact was brought out that little financial aid can be gfven bscause at unemployment to other trade* and depleted union treasuries...
...been decided to jelose it on November 30...
...Their wives are the practical planners, even ss they scobp, pets and shop for ths averting meals...
...Then, to' *mphjslts the difference In flanmo* of erime "i* 'Blacknhirtlxnd, the court* sent is'gSJSM Domini, on* of th* Fascist bravl (tftttt served three months in prison for-Ats part in th* fturder of Oiscomo Jalf«teottt to Jail for fourteen ¦maths foaUiavlnar **Tn*nlt«wi" XnssoHat by jmrfliig statements implicating htm in—the killing- of th* Socialist DepeJsT- And'in Paris, at...
...the apex of his...
...The idea back of this revolt is for the Farmer-Labor Party to shut up shop and deliver its members and voters to the Demo- . cratic Party...
...It was...
...Branhlpan "tfWdjH labored to the nafi ronl...
...As long as the organized workers remain powerless in legislative bodies more of these welfare functions wi8 be taken over by the corporations and the more difficult will it be to organize the workers...
...Now it is all right for the Socialists to say this of the order that spawns the monarchs of property because they want to end this order, but it,is a blunder for Gary to say it, as he wants to perpetuate this order...
...There is much educational work yet to be done...
...Judge Gary of the steel trust is about the dullest, yet he breaks into the headlines frequently and homage is paid' to observations that do not rise above the level of drivel...
...The paper should be advertised...
...Smith is the acknowledged leader of a party whose officials in "power in this city have made more -arrests and raids of union- meetings and union pickets in one year than have occurred in •any other year in our history.' If trade unionism is satisfied with the' leader of a party whose officials Have proven efficient strikebreakers' we may be sure that union ballots might as well be placed in a swill barrel for ail the good that will come to those who cast them...
...Meat men are potential to a far*, evsn if their outwardly visible actions mark them as ideal hasd-working breadwinners...
...It is up to you...
...Our only regret is that th* venerable giiiflgwmi ,*>sa not suggest the drafting af a billierf dollar* from the tbeesanst ar a* real mitlhanaires in this *«*f te immediately g* about the task and accomplish it within the life of the teeming hwfiss Mb*) still sre forced by (poverty te infest th* abuwilwaWs ¦ East Sid*, it i* tang stride from Maria Anlsiiistmu • suggestion ta th* poor to "apt cake, W there be a* breed," ta...
...It must also be remembered in connection with the extortions and profiteering of the war period- to appreciate what professional "patriotism'* really means...
...On the surface ot affairs,' Se*w55!rT^^n7Cti...
...From our little oboeapation nook, it has slways occurred that wives end mother* are net at all ¦ frsetitioue erieugh against th* unjust Share of life burdens that is imposed upon them...
...Economic interests of the ruling classes form the basis of peace and war...
...Ta* pmM staccato style gives * hsstrntnf 'Wt pkUty, an cJeetrhTytog...
...That she was grossly sbussd and sadly misjudged Is still uncommon knowledge...
...We are living in a new world and a majority of the organized workers are thinking in terms of the nineteenth century...
...We are even new holding eur ear-drums against the-thunder ef their disagreement...
...The latter party has steadily increased its vote for several years, while the former has steadily declined...
...It haa always fallen tp the lot of solid and prsoticsl maidens to become maritally entangled with cloud' scrapers said sky plssterers...
...And count ths minutes ss thsy doMipat* Ths gruelling hour...
...From San Frahclsco come* the story'-of a thousand policemen, detectives atA deputies occupying automobiles equipped with shotguns and maehine guns, prepared for gangsters who have murdered -three and wounded five persons recently...
...rx«w gj ssra that he ta lb* B.....n isTSpaj ¦ , «f ¦ ?**» X^M*r aed thai i*a faP»-»-r- tCI and eJrceatttoe atf tk...
...What, a flssisJlm 0*>*rn*r ami tagMhAar* wools' d* if they war* voted tot* dower i* e«fy as y*t tha pious prayer*and Inspired dream at a eaters)hi*B*M*4Ml pHUti r1*ahf^g>tf4apwe Yfft 9ff0T prk\itMB (awTe ***^fws|tsfcer W**tiA*tVdh^ ^^^^^^^gJgfcl^lg^ aw7«t JJ*»m * aemrr.p*J*W*B* ar A •arty aver* aeeardlax to pgr...
...dSl nss* of detail that ton often aatsS t*rt» ss such deeeriptkm...
...It ws* *J| premeditated, gentlemen—It waa to fag heat *f> baatthk I **k yarn ngais...
...Socrstes" reads alongside Prof...
...the horrible atrocities of hired gunmen In mining areas of Idaho, Colorado...
...All history demonstrates that this virtue expounded by political and professional agents of the capitalist class Is a screen for plunder, graft and theft...
...the organized workers of this country...
...Moreover, the Minnesota laborities hope to contribute something to the establishment of a national Labor Party in this country...
...What is to become of the.great mass of workmen no longer needed in the industries...
...The owners win not need them, but these masses will ttSad the job...
...Perhaps ail that waa due because most of' th* msrried masculinity through ths ages has squirmed under the Jell clutch of inferiority complexes, snd has set up the crude imags af mat venerable lady for their defensive labure...
...Most of these business-tike women ere messianic in nature...
...This week tire other counties report miners mtorain* ta work...
...New Tork Is notorious for its criminals, and what with armored cars, guards with highpower rifles guarding bank vans...
...Former Labor Premier MacDonald declared, that he was appalled at the present state of union finances, but believed that relief was to be found to political action, return of a Labor Government, and nationalisation of the mine...
...As one prominent Democrat is reported as saying, "all that's left of the Democratic Party, are the blind Democrats...
...The machines will even feed themselves as they now do in some industries...
...I wrap myself In it, .Inhsilng Ms fragrance, . Of an Autumn *ftar nssn...
...This is not deliberate neglect, but it is a serious omission...
...We hardly think so...
...Enough*- Is known and admitted by the Jury that disagreed In their first trial to convince IntqJHgent people that capitalist polltics la politics for the capitalist class, and It can be nothing else...
...supposed to le jfrtttttely tatiwJtlc, ahd-yet ths figures of attendance at the Seaqui show that tittle interest was taken in the celebration of the most important event in* our history* -except the CivirWar...
...This lad- has» w*xy« wnkili 9cnl*#iii flA ¦ •atanvH with hto family and everybody...
...Thus Mr...
...And here, in our editorial silences, we pour through Fritz Mouther's "Mrs- Secretes," as excellently translated from the origin*} German, and published by the International Publishing Company, and become unalterably cenvinosd that Xantippe was beyond pearla and rubies, snd Secretes wss nothing sheet of the village "LightninV vVe might halt here just to remark how much wiser end more humsn "Mrs...
...And thee* whe ask a dot...
...the CcweftMPtJttce...
...The answer "^j^^^^S^^^^5^^^ THE CHATTER BOX THE world- he* always been toe harsh en -Xantippe, th* alleged hen-pecker ef old Seerstes...
...We think that they will sweep it aside and capitalist property in that machinery-will go koto the discard...
...May her tribe multiply...
...We must *dd.*h*t Mfiler was Allen Propsrtf ChAftodian when, th* dirty transaction occurred, while King was the New England broker for the graft- This nasty mem is piled on the Republican primaries in Illinois and Pennsylvania and the Republican Koo Koo scandal in Indiana...
...THE NEW LEADER ONLY a few weeks remain of the political campaign, and .we take this occasion to suggest to all Socialist Party workers the importance of using The New Leader...
...Of the mediocre men who have climbed to the top of a mountain of dollars...
...There has always been tee much romantic nincompoopery about the shrewishness of wives...
...In Poland, Marshal Pllsudskl continued to be worried over the recently expoojsd Rosso-Lithuanian treaty and to try t* smooth over commercial and ether difficulties with Germany...
...Witl the masses respect that barrier...
...His publicity man should teach the old gentleman the danger of spilling the beans...
...Hundisds ef landlerd swine wW «rwn*, wJ9 'ay^VVnfaMawgVtatawl t^wtOtJnJsJt Afy* %X9% wMggfgVn^rl^flgab - t\kmn% if tow* will be aeeaoaary, what reel stisnsa la Hun...
...Th* Brothers Ksramssev or MsdsmS Be • vary or even with An American Tragedy...
...We hope that co-operation in this matter .immediately taken up...
...Ettropm Hem Quit Week - About the only event ot real importance reported, from Europe dur-< ing the week was 'the meeting tn England of a delegaUon of German big business men with a number of British captains of industry* for the probable purpose of working- out a plan for the harmonizing ot the commercial interest* ot their respective countries with those of the* rest of Europe .In the hope of thus strengthening the capitalist system and checking American financial domination...
...peaxtfct of this country are con> cemed tbey have Jtnown nothirm of what ni< now being admitted iB-PhHadt^hia: They...
...Yet he ha* produced a piece Df work so spirited in theme, ee modem in motif, so dynamic in treatment, that in American fiction tt is a singular snd fascinating effort...
...But when the clay prove* to be pars gum, eternally Springing back to its original shspe, and utterly unimpressionsble, thsn s dutl sngsr stirs within her, and the virago appears, Xantippe scolded the laxy disciples of her husband in tha prayer that if they left him because ef her ire he might become more attainable for her plans...
...In Jarnegan Jim Tully hss not written a great novel that will stand comparison with Juds th* Obscure...
...rQ From the time when Jsrusgs i, •^¦jj ta sympethy with Union KdSaM pmde a speech to tad aasessfaea'M borers during the noon...
...We cannot give it a circulation...
...They dream only that impossible vision of moulding something to their hard desires...
...Republican aad Dsmssrat tsplslstars aver patallta them...
...mMm* ay• fiaja^ii f bjgg peases from ta* atrvwnmi of anwK Ugious healer to the ****g*jM**lB Hollywood...
...So specious is the heart of Charity That its compassion for a needy soulStrays over its vaunted immensity To lose itself...
...m* insuring efyaiujlk of Xentippe's character, and a* thay eventually yield te the drudgery of housewifery, smi the horrible, fesr .of being celled * "nagging woman" by their neighbors, snd nothing but...
...Minnesota is now having the same experience, but whether it has developed to the status of a menace we do not know...
...That is what he meant when he declared that friendship is a matter of peace and war...
...At every campaign meetings a bundle of New Leaders should be on hand...
...aftosj* oau.*Sl tw tka sat* abfwr...
...Cap- . italist property hi that machinery of production itself becomes an absurdity...
...On the other hand, there is no doubt that the convention represented in its actions the views of a majority of...
...Referring to the "cordiality*' between the steel monarchs of Germany and the United States, he is reported as saying: "Friendship is not a mere sentiment...
...t. •' We pass these facts on \o the National Security League and similar", organizations for what they ape'worth...
...Polnoalre's Cov*a«nent oWisingly cut the Italian ohamfttr oat of a moslo ball skit on foreign tourists...
...wm . *rJn* 3 X. ThatTbV»W»-r *>: r-_ i^l Ntoa^SgC-**lB»I*n' "**^ ram ¦Bawtoetdara balfllm i v*r -Wat •r**Ws wane it^'na^^waasM !?a Uwfhf^LJi **el£Utfai^****jM iar' »»Wl lilm!Si*l*e^»iS\*a**i*^B9 w»a> Sk -astLaaawar ipn t*a ***frW*M latiiiiay as IraaSM hold ^i^ASS n~i»« eawacMr a^aw^tUaeTaaa aS^rw...
...So far aa the... ovsr-sexed tart and my husband's a eunlch...
...Get your bundles...
...Therein does he exhibit his mediocre mind...
...Translated into plain English, his statement means that friendship between nations depends upon the economic relations' between the masters of property in(these nations...
...Mefedrstaathi taf *dM and damonenrent, the novel *V fbtwithstanding...
...In the Prussian Diet, a hot fight over the proposed property settlement with th* " ex-Kaiser was started, with the Communists the leading figures...
...As voting stock of the Democrats this would be impossible...
...MuMssn's' scrap vfl topper, ending to the lattarn, >*t*m is certainly without the dreary...
...ham mm friend...
...One* the fort surrenders it isn't the fort you wanted...
...It is a principle of economics...
...THE DETROIT CONVENTION LITTLE encouragement will be found by live men and women in the Detroit convention of the A^F...
...That she failed is history...
...The Civil UberUea Union more than any other organization has been trying to -teach the subjects of American capital civilised ways of doing things, fighting for the expression of all opinion* and helping the moneyless man to have his day In court, yet It Is singled out far condemnation by this fop... teyiatto* to his atf Litude toward the radical mi imigjf Even to to* Tltrrt rf r maiul | rotroepectum...
...Few details of the''Conversations at tats meeting have been gfven out...
...In the late twenties the promising cyiy labor parties of the East were destroyed in this way...
...Thomas ot she Railwayman reported that 46,000 members of his union had been unemployed since the general strike and 186,000 more were working only three days a week...
...llnW bajBadtajtanas* «-JtSfSSkr\^s .jaaaj ^^J?«V!a-bw...
...Augunt Weeks her, whang toad philanthropic project «f wiping out the Ohetto and reawtlding it hy private snd public subscription 1* so timely afw> •unimportant...
...TUMI ar* Invisible laws, geoUoram...
...It 1* known that Kins was th* so- between ta th* ir**jsar»1oi MiUer was, the Incorporator of th* American Lesion, aad Daugberty...
...So do we, but 4oe» the inventor realize that when that ideal is reached it will make imperative a revolution in all the institutions of society...
...We recall only one thing ever said by Gary _ that is worth remembering, and that is- the statement attributed to him the other day at a luncheon given him by friends...
...Or seek heir bounty with a body worn...
...But, if we sre st elf alive to goings-on, meet ef these stentorian protectants are usually the most abject employee ef bullytop bsssss —whit***oll*red whining Whelps before the "chief* , . . Snd ballyhooing barons in their instalmentfurnished fists...
...the- red-blooded he-men out of th* open spaces will feel snout s glorification ef "Mrs...
...The only persons," reads a- dispatch to the World, "who appear to .have profited by therSesqui are certain real estate interests and politicians who got in on the ground flaor in the early stages of the affair by handling realty deals an the strength of the Sesqui...
...Minnesota and West Virginia, one wwaders what our 1M percenters are thinking ot when they pay homage to the United States...
...JbxijjrhBjrV * s awam-r to W prevallins...
...makes . possible...
...We ask yo...
...Sunlight Among Pin« The pines, with s million nsidhjs Are busily stitching The sunlight, Te form ¦ vast and glrttering quilt Spread upon the ground...
...W^g^a^4*r and the machines have displaced them...
...But the correspondents all agree that- the effects ot the gathering are likely to be far-reaching...
...There has forever been too much lacrimose indulgence ever the "henpecked husband...
...Louis to the Bryanites in 1896...
...Few workers will be needed in the'industries...
...SB never forgets his social sfirllsllum i 35 "Members of the T. ° W. W. axdaa trade untona found to...
...Sentiment" has nothing to do with it...
...And yet, what can awe say exoept to acclaim Mr...
...The reasons given for this action is the attendance of 4,000,000 instead of the expected 25,000,000, a" deficit of several millions, politics with a hint of graft, and location of the celebration in a swamp infested with mosquitos in order to boost real estate values...
...It is generally conceded that The New Leader is one of the best weeklies the party has ever issued...
...Oar bra In leas reactionaries are first cousins of the lynchers and mobbers, and their opposition to dissenting opinions and efforts to suppress them is the other side ' of the savage character that runs through American life...
...tor 4*ir*«*s sad iiailiiibBK teav'" • 'In th* sdmhwten of *k*i nmtW topuw-sheriff— "Tt *|n't * rfn "• Vir i jjs tlji' •nyhaw" *J ". ^5Is efystallsed the sec Wl spirit of fjbj entire novel...
...Probably the largest attendance on any day waa tie day when the championship passed from Detnpsey to Tunney...
...The business and editorial staffs are glad to have the expressions of approval .received by The New Leader, but we also want to make it a POWER, and this we cannot do without the help of the party branches...
...STlewT^uVt Tmt ^Saar^rtaKaSfl-i^fl DOTTrffwtrSt) apaVV IB* **>t*t**n*T^w^?*^n^T*aaa*a...
...Whether Daugberty and Miller are convicted In another trial makes little difference...
...This week another automobile equipped with a machine gun is reported as roaming Chicago streets in a gang war...
...THE SESQUI "BUSTS" THE celebration of the Sesqui-Ce^nte^rrial of the Declaration a*-Independence nas proven a failure, and it has...
...gM tlemon, foe mtoerstandtog...
...It recalls the days when in the early nineties millions watched the daily prints for the news . of the gold reserve in Washington, it being assumed that the amount of gold accumulated in the national money vats would determine whether the industrial prostration would pass or remain...
...It is merely ano^^^^*aar^^^^^^u^»r^o»iv*a^t>^ \AaSHef aspect S^SttSnW * ursagrtotfay...
...Fellow dirt-aungers, yearV* «jM*g nothing to lose but T~---**rV SSfi_ shovel—toT* ail strany*— 9 to...
...Find phantom solace st ths hands ef scorn...
...The heavy cost of making the swamp fit for the celebration gave it a financial handicap at the start...
...dull' •x if fence results tor the innumerable marriage* of th* mediocre innumerable...
...The News of the Week e52^3P- tUSV 'I5-*V^KSaiSsTS£ ^a^yti to^^^tsta^ nfccU*taV Mw...
...The farmer revolt of the nineties was,sold at auction in St...* United States, he would likely fly back after a day's sojourn...
...Two Typmm s# Sttoag* America It the Man from Stars were to pay a visit ,to "God's own country...
...a «$•publloan Mm* 1 a sat Cnm*^l*»jimsn *«41,«0o ^gXfmtm Marten** #ataV far »7.»so,a*© titt-o*** um'Tisi'iilwi'ss, at justice, -an tn* jsjmaa agissd, ta*i Dangherty and ItSJsr got the i/berty bond* through which th* *x*ft .warn paid...
...A suggestion that tin* **f*ty men be withdrawn from th* mjass brought the report that the Government would use troops and aa empbatie declaration by Secretary Cook ot th* miners against withdrawal of the safety men...
...Subscriptions should be taken...
...When such a movement gets a large following the professional and the adventurer begin to enter it and to divert it from its professed purposes...
...The Conservative Party at lta conference last week demanded, legislation declaring strikes illegal unless preceded by secret ballot, but it la reported that Premier Baldwin doe* not favor this...
...Unionism in, this country has never faced a more bleak outlook and nothing is" to be gained by denying .'it...
...f An *ceo«n«i •tnifi.aiti bans...
...THE MACHINE REVOLUTION IN THE October Forum Thomas A. Edison expresses the opinion that machinery is "the greatest of emancipators" and he looks forward to the time when "every task now accomplished by human hands is turned out by some" machine...
...John' Erskine's "Privsts Life of Helen of Troy," which letter is quits sufficient in worldliness and understanding...
...At the dread eos,t of instilling rebellion in our own home, sllow us to whoop 'or up tar that much to be odrnrred Isdy, "Mrs...
...But aside from the question of numbers these is the fact that the revolting farmers and workers of the state have organized their own party precisely because the old parties have been the instruments of reaction and big property interests...
...SECESSION IN MINNESOTA THE Farmer-Labor Party of Minnesota is facing^ a situation that often comes to a political organization of workers H it is too loosely organized and lacking in discipline...
...Whether he succeeds remains tp be seen...
...Our young poet contrib, Joseph Raanick, sends in the following as an actual result ef experience with the charities we Inveigh dgsto'st h*e*» At the Dispensary For twenty-five cents you may ait and wait, • Whether with bloodshot eye of fractured tiist...
...They were ««vf>«ng forut something...
...Ben Tlllett reported that the Transport Workers had spent S5.eoo,000 on the strike, that *o,000 ef the transport men were unemployed, and that <• per cent, of the dock workers have no Jobs...
...H**tu*W» SSksgail vision aad ***!• ¦stews* and his prspsssl te build h*iiit*l)U hsssss tar...
...atoorMy a> ¦ whole movement of th* acVei.'-' Idee* brought out by Brdm^phtt S labor lawyer, In the trial ef XuEfeSB kre signtocant...
...It is to be hoped that the masses in Minnesota will avoid the disaster that secession will certainly bring...
...That tells the whole story...
...The few that will be required will give their/ time to pressing a button, throwing a lever or turning a wheel to start or atop the machinery...
...That is the tragedy...
...gentlemen,' he aavid...
...whSB are bigger than 'gsaa-made laws...
...True, but he said more than he should have said if he were a shrewd spokesman for his class...
...Several months ago Chicago provided this latest installment, and a number of men met their death in the street...
...Philadelphia faces a debt of $5,000^000, the PhiladdpmV Rapid Transit Company is likely to fall heir ~Vfe the city-built lines to the grounds and will probably take over the grounds as an amusement...
...It should be sold...
...She wss scooping wster with her hands from the Mediterranean Sea, wtth the aim of emptying that pond...
...When we consider all this In relation to our lynching*, our savage race tints, and...
...At any, rate a disbarred lawyer in Minneapolis has opened headquarters in that city and is leading a secession movement from the FarmerLabor Party...
...Ws "*v*r hate much of prates foe any *f OUT millionaires...
...They take a Socratee in the flaming hope that under their untiring tutelage he may gradually be transformed into s cash register, or an income tax report...
...Only the party workers and members canftlo it...
...We can understand Just hew...
...a* Attorney General, was th* gentleman Shs> called Eugene V. Deho fr*m.AU*ftt» prison to Washington and told Debs abouwtfce majesty pf the law...
...miliiena ash* sew live In inhuman hovels...
...ta does not hem his desires behind awfSK aad furbetatra «f phrase, hut fraaaW admit* that . - li ^* mxs faasry *hsut women4P Wted th* frutr be bag sswpacaW first—didn't want a peach thst Bernard haa picked, much less taken a hit out of— and in another place la a spirit of exclamation he cries: "Everything I touch turns to ashes—I wither th* roses, by God—I'm a eoul on fire—I'll die unsatisfied...
...A-Labor Party with fightipg groups in the legislative bodies forcing absorption by the government of these welfare functions would undermine corporation unionism, but instead of this the Federation practically approved Governor Smith for the Presidency...
...Joseph Wsgnisk..., tasy| Jtfl the psychology of the toiler.'' RnP nigan's speech: ' . \ 'W " IJuppuap...
...Late mat wne* the estlsmte^sj the number at miners returning to work totaled r«,K...
...Will the workers quietly go off and die 'because they ktav tt«^eaV3df,.Jiat...
...The machinery of production is private property...
...Meantime, the Labor Party Conference 1* meeting at Margate, and the plight ot the miners came up for discussion...
...Make The New Leader known at every meeting and let us make it the ..POWER it can be with the help and co-operation of those who appreciate the service "it is trying to render...
...n "You eat your heart out for a data* and you get her and you're eiek of her in'a week...
...The absurdity and dishonesty of the proposal may be seen in the fact that last year the Democratic Party received 50,000 votes in the state, while the Farmer-Labor Party received 366,000...
...It has only to add machine gun wars by bandits to...
...That ths huaWndesale **t peeve to the end as untraceable ss fiocrstea ts^jpue duly bseaus* none of them are poets or philoaephe**V And, unfit hadetety, *ji wa-of ow mesim '- -"ri i I-lly...
...Assume that it becomes more and more automatic until most every task now performed by human hands is /performed by machinery...
...fST^S» Sam raealms »* the Art tt M...
...The same week, that brought sjkis news also brings an attack on the American Civil Liberties Union, the League foe Industrial Democracy and the Students' Forum by Joseph T. Casbman at the Army and Navy Club...
...In time of war Jaggiai wouid bava b«m •hot, gvutlo* u,m i r - ''Washington cried when h« Wfj betrayed by--Arnold, gentleman ~TAf JpPP«r betrayed a cause- These ameirj you, like myeeif, that have hUwredfS the rain re and the mfila, know tuJM sear that cans* Is...
...A large number of meetings are being held by the party branches, many more than last year, and yet only a few of them are taking advantage of the opportunity to handle The New Leader at these meetings...
...That is what he meant when he declared that friendship is a matter of economics and not sentiment... ait' Hatem ¦rood, there-, is...
...Jack here was' your hoy—and Hp been caught in the net of ill ulim stances a* Jack has...* wavvet a I WSiw'ivwh «aadn*t th* i iisigapB ¦waraw...
...bring tt up to the current standards of Americanism in this line...
...sarawc )% tha saiat^ram.e»mavsrvgm aareHtlaa rkas a^apjjTaied W • Swaru to nar ajaai iiaiif \<<f ~ WaBm rib dar af Oefabar...
...On the other hand, the owners will not care to have the machines operating unless the goods can be sold...
...GARY ON PEACE IF THE glorification of our -super-Babbitts continues, .we may yet erect shrines to them...
...seems to us that these two questions serve as an index to the outlook of a majority of the delegates...
...vivid, anrtkinrf, ssjj at moments, even a bemitinil tatoglffi The beginning episode of th* nMfM i* tntaresting beoaoee of the llllnB revealed toward organhtsd labor: M scab fa soorned...
...The seeming softness ef the poet's or philosopher's nature has s lure for the sculpturing digits ot the Isdy...
...It becomes a barrier to the enjoyment of the common blessings which automatic machinery...
...Meantime real estate and traction interests of Philadelphia may bold in celebration of their own...
...r . rtanry H*i*h, Jr...
...The immutable statute reads that oppositss shall attract each other, and where some frail dreamer is accepted" by * lady whose feet wslk snd rsmsin on the firm earth, immediately' a busybedying world whispers prophecy of "What a life she will lead him...
...maudlin, aaafi erotic...
...It appears that the Government responds quickly to the need of protecting property, but rba welfare ot the miners la another matter...
...But we face the fact that the great mass cannot buy if they are not employed...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 40

Developed by
Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.