Amusements dram a Internationalism On the Strage on tlie stage "The Woman Disputed" Tear* the Emotions of the War Again THE power. Ot the drama to atir tbe heart, to influence the paa....

...Ocrtalfary no one can read it aloud In that time...
...JBarope, tha...
...a"»*B BadMr^Trlitlspato a^tatodaaa piay.One at tb* taatnra* at the «n>du«tlaa Is tAejmpJorment of g. ojhrdr of Td mmm* wtu?aSia*K 9mm^mfamio\lm§' 4StfsWafeesMs> music Philharmonic Season Opens Thursday With Mengelberg THE PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA begins Its eighty-fifth season with a pair at concerts on Thuraday evening and Friday afternoon at Carnegie Hall, Will em Mengelb e r g conducting...
...We late to think that the life of a human being can go awry through a mischance so silly as that...
...Mae Busch aad Pat O'Malley la "Perch of the Devfl...
...In his play the Theatre Guild Acting Company will make Its Initial appearance aa a group and the play itself, following the subscription run will later go into repertoire to be acted at the Guild Theatre during the season...
...starts with an interesting problem: there is a young girl, forced to poverty on the' farm, desiring better things, coming to the city—and soon a victim, then a street walker...
...I did not feel, during the performance, that sense of fated fortuity which 5a so powerfully felt by the reader of the novel...
...The cpotunjeo and settings for The Lion Tamer," by Alfred Savolr, which opened thai rapartolra aaaaoa at the...
...Thus even today, in "The Woman Disputed" at the Forrest Theatre, there is a scattering of applause when the "Tanks" surprise and bomb the "Helnlee" In tha ruined cathedral...
...IT Is difficult to dramatise any novel, hut it is so difficult to dramatise a great novel, euch as Tba Mayor of Caaterbridge," that tha bask aeema to moot people Impossible...
...but I firmly believe that all attempts to put a novel on the stags as nearly as possible In the novel form are doomed to disaster...
...Chance plays a common part in our lives, although there is no disputing the logic of the person who...
...Tba Sunday afternoon concerts at th* Brooklyn Academy at Masts beginOctober M. * - e- ' . " . ¦ ilfaBC Notes ./ - r.£j . Bhtnir Cramer, at hiav piano raathtf Tfaftasaflsr aianWg...
...As well might a man ' try to sculpt stone after the fashion of a man who paints pictures...
...Her trip win take tha oota...
...othara, Rudolph sad Joseph Schadkrant ha "Toung April...
...Walter Walker, Albert Phillips, Caroline Newcomb, Grace Oriswold...
...Beam's" and wUg^gfk* tinue to be the leading woman oTWJ comedy after it moves to the <fl^ rick next Monday...
...Into which latter pur social system finds so.many ways of laying traps.' Ignorance, trusting Innocence Itself, may be the cause of the.body's Inclination from the straight way of conventional virtue...
...The City Bank Club baa taken over the entire Plymouth Theatre for tha performance of Gilbert aad Sullivan's "Iolanthe...
...they are dragged together...
...q Lynn Fontanne returned to MfebSjpse/ of "At Mrs...
...the production directed by Philip Moeller...
...du Barry...
...t}-^** With tha return of WaBar Damreach from...
...tralto from Wisconsin ta Florida, B* December aba appears bar* wSb tba New Tork Symphony...
...Marie Ange might conceivably, have taught her creator...
...but the scenes In Mr...
...Slight hints from the author show ua that beneath the outraged virtue of some of the respectable dames is a resentment that the brigand should have preferred this common creature to them, and their more eminently unsullied attractions Nonetheless, very graciously thay lead: her to making the sacrifice...
...It was suggested, developed, completed, and bandied much mora subtly and competently by aim than by Denison Cltft, who Is responsible tar tha play although thla section of tha drama ta tha moat effective, except tar the large number ot abots and bomb eaptoatooav which always "mats tba dutefi their eooorfa manly, proteutlw "hand...
...Amos baa dire skid Mme... is the swiftest of all the ways of reading...
...Albert Bruning, Earle Larimore, Edward Van Sloan, Maurice McRae, Philip Leigh, Eraktne Sanford and Philip Loeb...
...Next Monday Florence Moore In "She Couldn't Say No* will move from'She Booth toHhe Rita, , The Charles Hopkins Theatre will open this Saturday, night wiSa Maurice Clark's play...
...The two forms of expression, despite superficial resemblances, are profoundly dissimilar, and the dramatist who attempts to us* tha material of one as material for the other must not attempt to^ make the play too closely resemble the novel...
...Opera Hons* Monday evening, by William B. Frledlander...
...will accompany her, and no doubt win-appear in her production*, aa ho has been doing when aha plays In the provinces in France.: The company will leave in November and will probably visit Canada before return lag...
...Dixie Hamilton...
...The opening program Includes the Symphony In B flat by Johann Christian Bach, the Eighth Symphony of Boothovon, Howard Hansons* "Pan aad torn Priest" and three movements from Berlioa' "Damnation of Faust.'' Oh October 17 tha Philharmonic' To* gings its fan tour, at Providence, playing at Hoiyoke tha following day, Northampton oa tha ltth, Boston oa tho Hat, New London oa tha 22nd aad New Haven on tho ttrd...
...R. and J. Schlldkraut In "Young April...
...No one can read "The Mayor of Caaterbridge" to ^himself in that, time, and reading...
...The other play* that Cecils Sorel win offer are Moliere'e "Misanthrope...
...Among them win be "Maltresse due Hot" (The King's Mistress), a play, or rather a aeries ot pictures of court life, based on Mme...
...With Arthur Bard'and Bud and Buddy...
...It bras a chance, as we call It, which brought Donald Farfrae to the King's Arms On the night of tha Mayor's dinner, but It -was a chance that profoundly affected the Uvea- -of -all-the parsons in the story;-some significance should, have been It in the Play...
...When tha trip continues, after the private consummation of the bargain, the coach continues on its way...
...Her fellow passengers grow pleasant., they plead with her, they flatter her, they finally persuade her...
...That may be so, but It does not alter the fact that what we call chance commonly occurs In life.: We are resentful when the letter written by Tesa and pushed under the door Is accidentally slipped under the floor carpet...
...CECILS SORBL, In private life tha Counts** do Segur, has ¦ decided on tha plays that she will give In New Tork next season...
...It is a baser lure that snares the soul...
...Bernsteia -assigned the teterosttag settings and costuma of last season's graat aucceay...
...Hardy's story Is beautiful...
...Tha twelve Students' Concerts on Saturday eveninaa at Carnegie Hall begin oa October to this year...
...The Jeweled Tree,** a dramatic fantasy of Garrett ChatfiekL Pier, opened at the Forty-eighth Street Theatre Thursday night...
...captain of the victorious army, ready to redeem by marriage the girl who baa, of course already redeemed herself by sacrifice...
...Perch of the Devil...
...White Wings," a naw play by Philip Barry, .author of "You aad T* aad "In a Garden...
...Donald McDonald, Albert Tavarntar, Jeeuie Graham, Arthur ABea, Donald McKee, Bart McDonald...
...Drink water has laudably endeavored to give the playgoer as much of "The Mayor of Caaterbridge" as the novel reader gets, but In spite of the fact that many of the Incidents of the story are displayed on the stage, the story itself, the essential theme...
...He must, in fact, forget the form of the novel, and remember only the story, and tell It almost as If there were ho novel...
...Jimmy Lyons...
...The woman" grows, spirited, and refuses...
...A dramatisation ot a novel la a sort of loud Trading,• aad the dramatist, therefore, knowing that .reading aloud -fa a slower process than reading to oneself, must reject details, however attcaettve they may be, dndwhat daoarattaa ar addition ha aaa" within the limits of bis aiadhiai Tba play Is a much barer tana than tba novel, a tighter, tauter farm In watch weak don* ta ml navel by a what* chapter...
...Tba Metropolitan Opera House series, which ha* been laareased to lira Sunday afternoons and two Tuesday evenings, opens on November 7, aad tba' twelve Sunday, afternoon concerts at Carnegie begin on November IS...
...Took Murdoch...
...John Print aalsi, the author ot "Abraham Lincoln...
...Tha cast Includes...
...Dixie Hamilton...
...Than seems a* ethos special reason sar thh St...
...Attracted to her...
...A group of travelers In a coach looks askance at a loose woman who is among' them...
...Db" Maupassant has an interesting psychological study you may remember...
...frequently, for cash consideration, pander to and play upon the weaknesses "and prejudices of mankind...
...Amusements dram a Internationalism On the Strage on tlie stage "The Woman Disputed" Tear* the Emotions of the War Again THE power...
...Sorel to include New Play by Fantel MME...
...The chapters grow, into each other without signs of cleav...
...Neighborhood Phtyhousa...
...Hardy uses It la all his work...
...It oaa never be a complete success, because tha dramatist Is obliged, by tha nature of his medium, to dispense with sextain elements In tha naval which may ha tha moat potent la tt...
...The play has been translated from the German by Ruth Languor...
...the Man), by Clement Van tel...
...T do not write, that dogmatically...
...Sander Hkarmatl composed th* Incidental music Willy Pogany designed the setting...
...The program saya the ait nation waa suggested by da Maupassant...
...Tragic 18," .but the regular season .win start later with Tom Cushtng*s comedy, "The Devil In the Cheese...
...Reginald MdW^ and Gavin...
...This story la taken bodily Into the second act ot "The Woman Disputed...
...Drinkwater's play do not grow Into each other...
...Dudley Dlggea, Arnold Daly, Edward G. Robinson...
...Baa Lackland...
...Broadvay Brief...
...Harry Langdon, In his latest screen comedy, "The Strong Man,'' will, be the photoplay feature JEFFERSON Monday to Wednesday—Amateur Nlte In London...
...Arthur Vinton, BJri* akatOna, fthjlbobn NeYlUa, Joaeph^jasaeat...
...The architecture of Mr...
...One of the strongest -art values of the theatre is the double atrangle-hold it takes upon our minds and our wills...
...others... la It* final week, at the Rita Theatre...
...I suggest it merely as a general principle...
...Stuart and Lash...
...This Is a very arbitrary assertion and one that seems out of all reason and experience...
...Nonetheless they accept of her lunch,-when they are enhungered...
...Critics continually assert that chance is an element on which the author must not depend...
...Settings and costumes all by Leo Stanonson...
...And what becomes of thetn...
...Tha Dybbuk...
...Mulr Join the cast toagf over the roles formerly playedF b" Earle Larimore aad LesUa Barrff Rehearsals' of "The Man WhsWgJ got," tha new play by Owen pavf* and S. N. Behrman, began yosteraaj under the direction ot Hugh Ford, Anne Nichols* production of "Howdy, King" will open - la Washington on Monday evening...
...Victor -Hugo's "Marlon de Borate," and "The Lady With the Camel iaa," by Alexandre Dumas the younger...
...The east win Include Winifred Irani hen...
...Frtsfllsndat to - Intel'pt at tha various...
...The author, a Belgian by birth, Is one of the most successful men In the .French literary world...
...We do not get any of the Immensity of tha novel in the play, and la order that we may get many unimportant details, especially in the first six of the fifteen scenes, paasagea of dramatic'importance are omitted...
...after all the atrocities, of the War he repents before he dies, leaving us with a generous gesture-tor which we can applaud Lowell Sherman while we still, hate the "Heinies" for the avfl that they- have dona, And "Tank" becomes the hero...
...The principals in the east Include Alfred Lunt, Cb\re( Eames, Margate Gilhnore...
...An American Tragedy" Opens at Longaere Horace Llveright'a production Of Theodore Dreiser's novel,- "An American Tragedy,"" dramatised by Patrick Kearney and staged by Edward Goodman, with settings by Carolyn Han' cock...
...Prostitution of the spirit fas... worse than prostitution of the body...
...Thursday- to Sunday—Around tha World Revue...
...William Harris, J. M. Kerrigan... Monday evening...
...Perhaps that Is one reason whj aliaf*lng plays are popular...
...Xttb> ka AaoUaa H*A am play apAadaattna and Variattona by Schubari-Taaalg, tha Baethovon WaJdstatn Soaata,, and ^jp* pre<ram ^ of ^tha r^t|*^B et a eacred song group aad a folk-song, group...
...Is not How can anyone hope to put all the details of a novel of more than four hundred closely printed pages into a play which is expected to perform for three" hours...
...a . Vaudeville Thsmtrss MOSS' BROADWAY The musical-revUe feature beginning Monday at B. 8. Mess* Broadway will be Pattl Moore- and her Revue, assisted by a company- ot tan...
...RECENT Monday to Wednseday Comedy bill: Alexandria and Olson...
...convincing us of the validity of its theme, a play also moves, us strongly to desire its goal...
...The anil luge bav* been designed by WnuiTmaa Thompson, who to abw responsible* tor the settings - ia -Xokurthe...
...Tat thla play,' with such talented actors aa Lowell Sherman and Ann Harding (though the high, strained, almost hysterical work ot the second may indicate her dislike ot the place) this - -play parades, -emphasises, the qualities that were stirred up by all sorts of artificial propaganda during the war, to make us hate the Germ ana The drama...
...Sorel's young" husband, the Count de Segur, who plays under the stage name of Monsieur da Sax... P^imnjb**,Zv**#<>lives...
...John Ervine Reviews Thomas Hardy's Masterpiece (Thomas Hardy's novel...
...l - -:-W "The Winged MessengeT at Bronx Opera Hawse Monday \ i * "The- Wlngbd Messenger,** a aaw play will be prison tod At tha Bronx...
...But the mischances occur, whether they, are designed or undesigned, and an author is entitled to take notice of them and to use them in telling his story...
...The pasty la waylaid by a brigand, who hi somehow drawn to the notorious female, and agrees to, spare the other passengers It she will accord him her favors...
...Ot the drama to atir tbe heart, to influence the paa. plans, and more subtly but more permanently to alter and determine a . point of view, is largely admitted, aad frequently need...
...Other acta Include George Ford aad Flo Cunningham, Pat Daly and Co...
...Because of this grip the drama has on us, It is tha more unfortunate that it should, so...
...Mom, Tark Symphony Qiihealia aBt SB hpht raopentng of the aaaaaaaaKwaw»kai wtnu Woroester, where tt baa'beM "phvylag...
...A large east has bead aagagad by Mr...
...with the passengers again shrinking from the searlet woman, even more Indignant that each, a creature should be permitted to ride In the same coach as respectable persons... PhiHp Barry, Opens Next Friday at Booth Wtnthrop amps will present at fit* Booth Theatre next Friday evening, aa hbr first production ot the naw season...
...An entirely new play that she intends to produce here is "La Belle et l'Homme" (Beauty and...
...Among tba ateBer Bgbta are Pedro da Cmehaat'lBsrtua atoan, Arthur BtohJ, C. H. qrola^-Ktng, Harriet MacGAboa...
...Two victims of society, from opposite' ends...
...Arthur Hughes, Philip Wood, Bert Wilcox and Willard DaahfeL White Wingi...
...Thuraday., have been dealgned by .Aline Barnstela, Mrs...
...Tom Powers...
...Tha following, taken from the London "Observer," is a brief review by tha author ot "John Ferguson...
...boldly avers that what seems to be chance is really design...
...ha cannot hope to deal .with subjective things as effectively as the novelist can, nor can he oaa Nature aa Impressively or dramatically as It was used by Conrad, or as Mr...
...R ta a romantic drama/of fmiihssnth ueslnij France by John Hn star'Booth, author et -Tho Msaquorader...
...with Mae Busch...
...The Mayor af Caaterbridge...
...Juarez arid Maximilian'' - At Guild Theatre Monday Next Monday evening tha Theatre Guild will offer the first production of its eighth- subscription season, "Juarea and Maximilian," by Frans Wert el...
...Including English, Russian, Bohemian and Slavic songs, • —Ernestine Scbumann-Heink, began her Golden Jubilee tour Monday ha honor ot her fiftieth year an tha eoncert stage...
...Morgan Farley, Katherine Wilson, Miriam ; Hopkins...
...was recently produced at tba Harass Theatre, London, gad caused quite a sensation...
...Murray and Charlotte...
...Hardy's text—he seems to have made no additions of his own to the story except the part ot Pauline—-Lucetta'a servant —but be has been lees faithful to the theme...
...PhO M. Sheridan aad George AM...
...other acta...
...Du Calllon, Willie Spencer, Victor Hopklnp and- George Chapman...
...Drtnkwater seems tar have begun this play by using aa Incident from almost every chapter of the book, with the result that he ovurloads tha play with preliminary Information and leaves himself little room la which to put the more poignant passages Ha has been faithful to Mr...
...A German villain is Introduced, cleverly: for-notice...
...dramatised by tha noted playwright...
...Thursday to Sunday—Steppe aad Knowlee... a son of a general, a pampered youth who had yielded to all, the temptations of his easy life, and finally put a period to his debauches by Joining—the French Par-, eign Legion...
...Pat aad Tarry Kendall...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 39

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