A PAGES OF EXCLUSIVE FETURES About Feet And Other Things R-EVERAL weeks age we fwouusM te have a K review of Wells' novel, "The World of ft*7 WflKam OisaoW," aod here we are wftfa the §^ak not...

...Fgtllely and grayly the man tries to remember...
...when h* maintained that they now all relied far social advance on universal suffrage...
...Allow Peaceful Picketing •» NEW HAVEN, Conn.—The City Court discharged three ladles' garment union pickets arrested for advising non-unionists to Join the organisation...
...According to our yearly cwstnmi we Journeyed up » see on* of th* gam** of th* World's Series last IJKodAy...
...Goodnit* ws* on his feet heavily denouncing Senate Pile 11,887...
...What ftjeoas to football teams, Oreek Utter fraternities, tatrorltle* and Junior proms, tf any such body of taatsnu sits down to devote themselves to the se¦M* pursuit of knowledge T But Prank te young ftjl opthnUtlc and It may wen be that he can devis...
...a mesabar of a well-to-do family, ra-' c*lv*d hjg sarly education in "the Catholic schools...
...Th* Prtm* BtojBplii emyedth* w^elnwg jatete^the sdlltiisst rights and Introduced into the Chamber a SIB far th* rsgutsAtoa of straws and for arbitration...
...It invited the socialist Minerand te enter the cabinet as a Minister of Commerce and Industry...
...Th* usual formalities...
...Galleries were packed, and by a special dispensation ot th* sergeant-at-arma visitors were admitted to the Senate floor...
...In whteb ha- ehatt reraala until tons to *w*wawi at ate...
...Bat era* to *s* •***> to Snd...
...But I would not discharge my duty as a friend of this great principle or to the people of this state if I did not vote aa I am resolved to do...
...Th* ball waa emptying...
...Ws would awake HM* ruing la th* still watches of th* night, yearning Sr some sound of human activity other than the fkeant not** of th* scheduled shooUng In the Eurotita Hotel at Herrin...
...Therefor* I vote •ao...
...But as he passed from point to point, and the slow-witted crowd sensed the drift* of his remarks, one detected an Impatient rustle of hostility...
...He would hav* th* workers free themselves from every Institution which bad not for its essential purpose the development ot production...
...Tbe noises of the street fly up to him...
...vogue far the msssurlng and weighing sf unsuhstantisl •ubstansea, *s a* te arrive *t a scientific gsuging ef the Amsrlsse ntted.' In msking this prnpo—I I shall not lay aawa *ay hard and faet Mil** ss to th* nature ef th* subtests to be thought about on Think day...
...Thsy sit in their warm, luxurious house* blind to S>* sufferings at the poor, and to th* tragedies in the house Just round ths corner...
...Goodnite said defensively, "I concluded, Mr...
...He BP now decided to separate some 21* of his mors gNMU students from' tha general rasas and see if R "p* possible to drill soma education into them...
...GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Novel of the Northwest By M. H. HEDGES Continued from last week AMAN keeps vigil...
...TIisisusjsii aaeh *ltlssn eheB rsssrd th* sseuS sf hto Uinklaevssi ¦ card prsvldsd for this pan peso asatatofi 1 H to the Intelligence department sf th* U. S. ssnsse bureau, Washiagton, D. C Arrived there, these own shall be pre^erty rtssel fled by a awdaeeJ ef Kayos punctures «nd su«h *ehsa> mechanical dsvless now in...
...His selection as secretary of th* federation assured its political neutrality, aa his dream it was "to oppose a strong, powerful economic action to political aettoa...
...They rejected th* "ptbu—*1 of regulation of strikes by abnoat aaantesous vote...
...This approach did not differ much from that of tha Broassists and the taotoeendont Socialist...
...Someone ws* standing before him...
...Aa he proceeded it was evident that he had that greatest of all poUtic*j gifts, the power to catch the Imagination of the crowd...
...Th* revolutionary element dbl not...
...None of them, to be sure, * |P**t possibly be elected to any public office, be...
...For the that time, he knew how he •was going to vote, .and for some reason he waa fUled with a sense of righteousness because ot his decision...
...It swelled Into pandemonium—in direct defiance of Senator Goodnite'a upraised hand...
...Tbe prayer— tha drone of the clerk'* voice—preliminary skirmishes—the restless, expectant rustling ot .th* crowd—then suddenly the thing was out te the open, with the breathless, impelling hush that precedes a horse race or a cavalry charge...
...They were beating him down...
...Tbe I slags lis bad also spparsauy com* te the bsttef that th* general strik* would passably uaan •a a vtolant character...
...The hope ot unity wa* general...
...When th* delegates met ta to** at, th* Congress ef Lyons tha mtotos war*, threatening a strike and tha rsport of tha eatoatltto* malnf laefl that -th* moment lead corns to try tha genera...
...The trade unions thus became the center of revolutionary agitation and by many were regarded as the chief Instrument for tha transformation ot society...
...Tbe old organisation, however, remained intact within each group...
...Abas* , three a. m. ssmsthing sapleds* in hie brala-isato - A grset light illuminated every twiet sod srssk efth* ssssrtsd oenvolutien* In hi* bss**ry...
...He had, moreover, a caustic rugged wit, which stood hlrn in good stead, and now he waa Jabbing and stabbing at that Invisible bogey, which he early raised In his speech—dangerous radicalism...
...The pickets' release follows tba recent decision of the Connecticut Supreme Court of Errors that "peaceful picketing" during strikes must be tolerated...
...Finally, the applause which started at first in recognition...
...Tbe day arrives greyly for him...
...It sought by every possible means ' to obtain tbe support of all the republican elements...
...a Ye* fwlks, Jsks Sshwltsslbsnk to only a sssapto af th* myriads sf simples wn* ae* thte, that as eha Just mm simpte-mindsd, war* l*fs*tod wHh «h*-*SS*ss>•W»pwv wVh*T**t "tad*1 o**H ttft^ypv**r**| 9*^^w9e^lb9 etr ¦MM...
...He was saying over for them what each was saying in his heart...
...Feeling that there waa little chaaeg ot revolutionary action through political parties, many Socialists Joined with the communist-anarchists in an effort to permeate the unions with revolutionary Ideals...
...Vvsta^ftwatli wwn% jWd*w Tr»ty ff«>t Into our mmk9m wbMm &m ixwefm mtm «tHlv l^w»*>hy* WMl b*0*flr# *TA*PTO flUaSj JSw9*TwB IMsssTsaspSaWst- .wssssst, sunr we approached the harden teg ef the artoilee statu...
...M. Brian d," in the party congress of 1829...
...titM k\w% f*Tefw4ftIy Inh#f>Hj#i jMnhs...
...We are ah* the prisoners in Plato's cava who could observe ' ejs passers-by but not' be observed by them, it makes gg philosophic speculation, this basement Ufa Wo vgaf ap thinking about- fast aad how they interpret esTaharacters of their possessors...
...Its organisation at the Congress of Limogis in 1115, the General Confederation of Labor ' gradually assumed an ever more revolutionary position...
...Th* acceptance of the** laws, they declared, would bat "retnfrrn»Bjt Power they wanted to destroy...
...The stars glow** aad dim...
...They would Instantly asmrme -the position gt American Samurai...
...And the old ajen wen a R*p*btl**n a****** bn used to hang out is geerg* Gea*e ssisseweswJ Osirgs, wss th* PtosnMleaa whesi-hors* ef the eased),: and) th* reason . why Dad hung aswand 0»*rgs B***e sslson wa* btaauee tears was always a pUe ef head •heeee ea the frss-limch counter of Cox's piss*, ssed if there wen anything that Dad loved ntore wVfta Kels^dch#### It WjBef ftle?r# he^s>rfolwSs^SSB*8jW' AswfJ Wm9 *st900tt9**v Dad was mite an hsndchs*** fva boon whooping M up for the grand old ftopuhii—w pswky *S the deya' of my llfs, and that** haw .11 ****** *h*e «h* sr*toetiv* tariff which raised ths prise ef wandotiiiM . mad* Columbis the gem ef the eeeaa and eel tker mastsr mind of th* universe...
...The result was th* passage of .resolution* that syndicate remain ' independent of politic* and permit the Individual to go hi* own way...
...Pangs of regret, bitterness aad envy shook Dan...
...In the Paris Congress of 1100, five years after Its organisation, the sentiment prevailed that a general strik* might take place at any moment, and that lta success depended not on money, nor on th* conscious effort of a majority of workers, hut on a darter, revolutionary minority, isiwsiliiu*of its aims...
...McMurray, Minturn...
...To th* federation PeUoutler devoted bis every thought He regarded the bourse* a* th* nuclei of the society ot th* future and syndic...
...ton eelid hours af hard think!*g s* Think dep...
...Ha want down ta a hasp...
...In casting my vote today, I Should hav* you understand"—here he lifted hi* eye* frankly to th* gallerle*—"that I am voting as a friend of public ownership...
...is try constituted itself a "Cabinet of Republican Defense...
...A committee of harmony was formed, in which an Socialist parties participated...
...1* or the BS...
...Just why we do-this every year is frankly ayond our power* of explanation...
...Dan watched him coldly, narrowly, at first, then ha felt himself, too,, being swept, under the power of his artless simplicity and sincerity...
...He "could not speak coolly: *T Just want to any, Minturn, that that wa* th* meanest, lowest trick I ever saw in sH my political experience...
...The action of the delegates at tha Congress of Lyons placed the Confederation squarely on the side ot revolutionary action...
...but hav* no meaning for him...
...We Scanned the custodian of that reserved Mctthn that Kb war* the sporting editor of the Needlecraft Mngftta...
...There Goodnite stood, like an Inanimate traffic policeman warning heedless motorists...
...Such guest* as haa* spent th* night in the spar* Seat bf our basement, often express wonder that w* %», »l*ep at all la tha midst of such trampling and 'twffiislon...
...S*r *> - - *sssm - *¦*¦¦•-«- %jg|n sifclsi ¦lam*** h 11 Hfc *te is M f ¦*¦¦*¦¦*¦» ' " •wBssTslTrwJWt *•»*» *>+9Wm9^mX& w"e)ssBWfIeB| IdgU ¦ esml^twsTAeTs w|*i*T#^s*r*aVi, hh-theay, tndigsaenaas any, MssJsB** esv* BsfllierV day, Arwttetle* day sod Leber day...
...I if* as ths means of stimulating the power and Initiative of the workers and developing their administrative abilities...
...Hlnman, Howell...
...Worker* Turn from Political Action Whlto criticising chiefly MUlerand for hi* decision, many ot the JTueadlste began to lose faith in their own party...
...Speaker, I wish to explain my vote," Senator Minturn said, seising ths center of attention...
...thine* eaeaa* **tos*p sad f **X*f1 of thewght...
...But aa the voluntary choice ef a. subjssl te think about weald undoubtedly Inflict emtae bsrsshlp «• numerous worthy psspls,' I taks eh* llbirty la *•*>* e**t at toast a few subjects, sn for- Instsnsst Why am I a ftopubitoeaf Why am I a Oesassrnit, Why do I b*i*ag to th* church I belong tot What mskaa sn* think Coslidgs is e great maal Why- le M a erwae to kill a psrssneJ enemy, and a virtu* to UP a Is* mf ¦«¦*'* j— nskdr few* Mwar sswae that mm aver-, prcdsstloa ef aese...
...When re arrived at .the Stadium at the grisly hour of eleven h Sunday morning, th* place .was so packed that no boast segt was left, save fox a section behind the Man* plate, supposedly reserved for the nms...
...Socialist parties...
...aW when —oh of us g**« up te hto garret to Jsssfc lta FfjefefeiOw*1 1 ff%*a)4CftstoeJ fs*Ota*t tiles ft*1e*e*pVw*PP*f*Vt m\Wm\ wsasWs^it*B^jr^*n'* bssims a real lnd*p*nd*n— day, far n* man to fa— who** mind is ¦ slave to th* pant *<T?F And do you bring me tows aa wetl, my *w***t Yea know how greet ray toe* has ajrswn sfno**f*yrfsa| New mo you bring ra* *f their aWJul id brejsnr^f\-*?> To be « symbol sf n lev* bhs* *V**T 5«!*' State by s*id win**, - sksnei w*ea,lil*j ti ¦HHE , "SBa4 *y '**1 rT^BHEsAdtanHu...
...however, deny the possibility or dsslrabUlty of reforms, but desired only the** reforms that would "undermine the . foundations" of existing society, would strengthen the forces and organisation of the workers and which ooukt be obtained independently of parliamentarism...
...At aa sarly a*** be sntared political, life, aad soon becams Ml advanced republican, later Joining tha Parti Ou trier...
...what a relief it would ha to meet up with some Rtaan aad find that tottr years at e*U*g* Hf* had l^eatnptotely jdaprtasd .them at aB tetettetSaal SYNDIGALISM THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W. LAIDLER e^sa*"*fJ*,R**"trtwf J^BHsa^awtfBe* - I PKLLOUTtBR (1M7-1S01...
...This union' of necessity assisted in ths general tendency toward unity among tbe various...
...It may be from envy of those rho ean sleep while they themselves are engaged In tgglng highly watered fluids around town...
...There waa a slumbering fire In his huge hulk somewhere—a capacity for indignation—which when awak-, ened clothed bis prejudices in eloquence...
...There wa* no doubt as to the magnitude of th* approaching events...
...What males* th* real twimW i* ta* ejbBMp t» egg* #eVtst tlS# wwNMMf|p9 w*f wlvS 1&&lm»TQ Mwat wflESflpewW wMf^^h **** aheasneaenw la tha light *f hto www ws** aswt1 day...
...His long arm shot out and caught ths younger man* flash on th* Jaw...
...He pause* to stare wonderingly at the wonder of the dawn...
...A young man—a Senator McMurray—new to th* Legislature had evidently been selected to lead the attack...
...leaving him ashen and haggard...
...but he waa hoehticat A little later we came Stock, disguised .behind a hot dog...
...srtain assasjn, gv*niaamisa and...
...Now, the Senator from Hennlpln...
...Trwrk to not *a th* surf *o* af thtad* anet toes* ef all to M asrtohsrrtod ihsrsotorbain Pfweh* * 'lantTnu""1 'truth' ** *** fc*tt*ui wTa *w*p wefj - Ml.tivf f •fWlitioP'B tfie*e# •MTft l^VM esw« wJM Wttm4^Q0 of the water and eaS h truth...
...Lai eeab ono wrestle with the subject nearest ta hie a lad...
...M would have * check for him » little later than JBSaL1 We are here to say that there are a great fjusny more exciting things in th* World than standMl an with thousands of f*Uow-American* to watch Hkfesa do their stuff...
...Olenn Prank, tha abls young president of tha BahJverslty of Wisconsin, has com* to th* conclusion, *fa*r * year la office, that a great part ot modern col Hap> life comes under the heading of hokum...
...Dsn felt something snap in the audienoe, and he braced himself for a deluga of sbuss such as had fallen upon Goodnite...
...To pay for this thrilling sight [Sail It necessary for us to assure the iceman that...
...PPIS method of seducing students into studying...
...On the other band, ths Independents and Brousslsts Insisted that Socialists must take part in tha general life of the country and assume Increasing responsibility...
...Confederation and th* General Strik* In th* years following...
...Brousslsts and Allamaxiists, the Parti Socialists Fran cats, th* latter supporting the Waldeck-Rousseau ministry...
...Back into the corridors of his mind, he roaches for an anchor, for th* man that he was, for a' thought, a steadying thought of his mother...
...When' McMurray had finished, hie boyish tea* flushed with the exhilaration ef hig task, there was deafening apetlaase...
...Dan sat down...
...It was McMurray...
...This was th* period of the Dreyfus affair, when all the liberal elements united to scour* th* vindication of the Jewish army officer, falsely accused ot treason...
...The delegates did not-at this time exclude th* idea of political action, although they displayed * deftait* mistrust .of peuacten* sn, hiu*p...
...McMurray declared, leaning forward, hi* hand clenched and animate, "with that class whose whole scheme of life Is concerned solely with an aim to get...
...Th* problem was thrashed out in two general congresses, but no compromise could be reached and a definite rupture in relations followed...
...Until 1102, when an amalgamation took place, it had* frequent clashes with the General Confederation of Labor, since both organisation* were appealing to local syndicsts for membership...
...A strong man keeps vigil, walking back and forth in an empty room...
...S*t't bsltova ths* mm he**** sWissst to) tMnk out say so* of th* mbtoeta engsjyjesB «gBf aea» vinee any psreea sapebte ef thinking *t est the* Ihsle views, sonvistlons end the nstlsne pertaining to the** have be** inherited tram mrents whose aBllsWie sen bs sttributed to tha task af nations...
...The Confederation and th* Socialists The Congaess of Lyons also took a stand against Socialist political action...
...Judging from ths JMMWJ appearanoo of these young man, th* entire '.Stoker gang has now gone in for newspaper report*"8sf- Fortunately, no literacy qualifications ara renjtojre* for admission to the press seats at tbe Tonka* '' Every now and then, from behind bulging shoul?tars, we could catch a glimpse of the left-flclder spit-fa, his glove...
...He soon bad the galleries laughing at his rough Jokes...
...J*k* SchnlUslbswk, whs ha* been a ikt siisiUng Repubiioas- sv*r sins* h* wee knee-high, has" pat he...
...to get...
...Should such discourtesy be shown another speaker, I shall have to ask ths sergeant-at-arm* to clear the galleries," tbe Speaker declared...
...saying that "ths wicked Seth where ao man pursue th...
...There wa* a kind of deadly, despairing, tempestuous stillness ta th* haa...
...The speaker hammered vainly for order...
...This is not' a class question...
...In 1MI b* went to Paris, cams there under the influ•ac* ot th* anarchist-communists, and accepted their point of view...
...As he finished...
...t . Not until Goodnite ' sank heavily Into his seat did tbe hubbub cease, dwindling into a silence armed and threatening...
...BarskaV he cried, "I sn * Rssufaliasn bsmm s* wee my •** man...
...He glanced up...
...la debating tha labor tews, th* speakers denounced th* Prim* totrrtotor as a "clever defender of th* interests of th* "bourgeoisie," who desired merely t* •top . th* ottenmlv movement ot th* wcrklssjman...
...The Socialists had had their first big success to mi, when they obtained some 100,000 votes and elected over SO deputies to Parliament...
...to assure him that Kb represented tha New Tork Commercial and that, Aha doubted it ho could Bad our name mentioned in jBaddy Marvin's column...
...But we ax* also certain that putt year, when th* autumn leaves begin to tan, P> will again be on our way to witness another paiM Series...
...Tbe crowd bad taken thing* in their own hands—spontaneous ly, lawlessly—end were denying him the floor...
...I am a proponent of public ownership...
...Labor Lagfsjstlon and th* Cswfaearatien < Th* delegates at the congresses also hotly discussed tbe attitude workers should assume towards th* labor laws that were then being enacted...
...his lower lip had fallen from his sharp teeth, and his great head was lowered a* IX be were going to make a physical attack] upon a visible opponent...
...i sabots** and Bsgsjssto Th* confederation likewise went eto record 'during these years in favor of sabotage, boycotts sad other farm* at "direct action...
...HoWs thatr Minturn was oa his feet blind and groping...
...Goodnite saw what had happened...
...He came in smiling, nonchalant, clean-shaven, a red carnation in bis button hole...
...Bash si, II shell bseoee* the solemn dwty of each and **ery ******* to «*s*haf**e alght e*p for thinking **n and ptea* htesv ' •elf in the aaHtad* sf prof sand maditettoa...
...Minturn sat down again...
...The big, man Was tremendously sffectlv* when aroused...
...Some come by oa dUffs tread...
...like dissatisfied spectators at * theatre...
...speaker, J move yen that Senate flto 1LJIT be told on the table," Goodnit* dsmaadsd huskily...
...thus upbraided the party offlciakj for their moderate tactics: "You became interested In theae electoral struggles which gave immediate results, and little by little oar militant Comrades also* became inter* ested in them, took a liking for them to such a degree that they soon came to...
...Th* cry for unity was beginning to be heard throughout the Socialist press, .and Jean J auras outlined a plan whereby all ot th* rival groups war* to be absorbed In one unified party...
...Ha state to act up.a university within a university, and, 3ta* conduct courses that will haw* some cultural ¦fue...
...In view of this political turmoil, the syndicate were more anxious than ever to keep pontics out ot th* union...
...It repeatedly endorsed tbe general strike, regarding It aa synonymous with the revolution...
...the ballot boxes...
...But he received nothing save si lanes...
...And this was the truth, ¦crangsly enough, for Freddy baa us down on his Hat, as overthrow*™ of th* Republic who every Tuesfday get their barrel ot gold from Moscow...
...Tbe syndicates, they felt, should carry tbe struggle not only against ths employers by strikes, sabotage and boycotts, but against the -stats, and not only the state appearing as the enemy ot labor, but the state which posed aa its protector and benefactor...
...He waa aware' of maturation within himself of an Intense aad Justifiable opposition to the bin...
...of a Joke mysteriously continued...
...We didn't Aavf enough rubles, however, at tha time, to make an •wmtssgion on the custodian, and, while w* stood, on WTlhe feet behind three of the largest and fattest UfaaMth America, we were horrified to observe the jpBa ef journalist* who were finally admitted, after <jfaa covert passing of currency...
...He was pale and disheveled...
...He was transfixing in Words the pictures ot comfort and •she that, were floating uccrystalllsed before their eyes...
...Milkmen use i thunderous approach...
...His eyes were fixed on an empty niche In the wall . . . That nteht Dan opened tbe evening Journal With misgiving...
...Tbe Gueedlsts, Blaaaulsts and others denounced this act as • betrayal of ths working class...
...In tha Chamber they constituted a Parliamentary group, the Union Soclallste, for common action...
...When Senator Minturn appeared in bis seat in tha Senate Chamber next morning-, no one suspected that he had not been in bed...
...Still others, SPflu ii lug from * local hostelry, employ ths fts/ system of locomotion...
...He was Iflt* a man beside himself...
...sse*g**y el physical end •motional esrchstlta 1 Wa**r ? t atoaa by this to that they effse an «*aj»rtaanby far, pteteiy shut out that part of human siIHsms.ii htoip** under the toras of thinking...
...Stak snd yaa ahsit «nd,» Seek Wwth *n*» tmth will be rev—to* to pan...
...As eeea aa the signal Sea been...
...H* defended the general strike before th* osagTss* at the Ousadtet party te lit*, and later broke with tha party ov«r this question...
...When It had subsided, Goodnite waa on his feat, trembling...
...Shto' I itaWs 11 ilwi **Sj I toahns» g sshbrathm * ediasir *f day* IS ¦uiifitaiaa**toW*B...
...It has been said here this afternoon that this Is a class issue...
...tenba ttan in preference to th* S tnistar Sttenca* of pudvlll...
...He was alone...
...Millersnd Accepts Offie* Th* acceptance by Mlllsrand of a post in the Waldeck-Rousseau ministry wa* * shock to many...
...He waa boyah, fair, with a frank, appealing manner, and a militant but conciliatory tone...
...gr bedroom is ta -tha basement, with a window . 4s4hi» imm*dlat*ly on to tha atraat, ao that aom*> 'W/fft wo fool aa though wo war* sojourning in ths 4ftstreet shuttle of the subway, wKh great hordes of sags* marching across our prostrate form...
...The Great Power and Drainage Act was killed...
...for some modifying idea to steer by—back, he reaches vainly...
...If any...
...It proposed a series bf protective labor laws "as the best mean* of -bringing back the working nhuses to the government...
...Thsy are mostly from out of town and Buff pull tha hackneyed llns that they "would not "Jka in New Tork tor an th* money In the world...
...Whs* w* need, therefore, to a nsilseel Think «*ry, 1 a day, etyBsHsw Inmate*, an which eg **her *a*M tie* gaperi^ase * total eeJJpeei a Say ta wjfhsh *v*ry - plan* ef bmslota*, labor, smuasmsnt, r*»ji"**ti**> edis' sation, slsvsUsa aad edlBsettea take a say eJL la' short I presses that nothing be Bene e* -JWak day' but thtoktes* exeept perhepe the seisasn a*d l*apreesiv* pressing af an spprsprtoto batoaa at tha White House signaling the opening ef Think day...
...The dawn comes futllely...
...have kept ttt tercrda away •a* oar literary ptrrroits, tad, white we know BBSjpfciic Levinsoo will be mighty sore at us, ¦kg* last hi ao review at "Tbo World ad William •Sjg>M~ tn our system at tbo praaaat moment...
...Blanquiata and several regional groups formed th* Parti Soclallste Fran eels, and th* -Independents...
...Last of all, there axe Kg unmistakable steps of th* milkman...
...It urged that the revolutionary spirit be instilled in tha army...
...A PAGES OF EXCLUSIVE FETURES About Feet And Other Things R-EVERAL weeks age we fwouusM te have a K review of Wells' novel, "The World of ft*7 WflKam OisaoW," aod here we are wftfa the §^ak not half read...
...pas ejV esnpa...
...It is a question of serving tbe whols people...
...Derisive laughter followed this remark, but there wss no further disorder...
...It maintained that th* idea of "fatherland" had been utilised to protect the strong against the weak and that the workers should develop the spirit of In te mat ions 1 Ism...
...Without rising from his seat...
...And I am thinking of the people ot the whole state...
...There wss much talk of unity during these days, and naturally, as the differences between the parties 'were becoming leas and less...
...To iia then* is something ^JMtaally deprsslng about night in a small town ;.%gta;*Jl th* Methodists bavs ceased from howling Sjprth* last run da mental 1st haa gone dejectedly to Bi own bed...
...believe that In order to triumph definitely over the capitalist society nothing was necessary but to story...
...and arduous trip* to the allying precincts of the city is evidence of the eaae rtth which w* succumb to th* hard instinct...
...Th* Guesdists...
...He returns to his Uttered room, refreshed aad unsatisfied...
...I take Issue with that statement...
...The W aid eck-Rousseau government was te power during the years from ISM to 1*02...
...Th* Dreyfus affair brought the Socialist groups into sttll closer relations...
...The day arrive* with clatter and swelling crier of business...
...Republicans, radicals, socialists and anarchists Were fighting hand in hand against monarchists, nationalists, anti-Semites and clericals...
...It passed a ten-hour law aa "a measure "of moralixation, ot solidarity and of social pacification...
...If ftfr on* university la the tend were *W« ono* to ft*a out air many aa HO saute who could with any Pbunblllty be called educated, the age of miracles is B*t pvt...
...I am convinced that this bill Is a device ot the enemies of public ownership to discredit It...
...Br land himself was soon to follow the same course...
...Th* fact that ••-groups of professionals are meeting in what the taey sport* writers call their annual "clash" should rompt us to take long...
...There for Hurst Hurst was absent...
...Th* Waldeck - Rousseau mis...
...There ft waei Sartor WMtm*¥§dr AtUckd m Seoite FImt Beats Off Aateulengt After De» cure* Defeat ef Power and Drainage Act ' — — a W e--S^ - dsfassksk...
...dafm* Ha attltads toward the** m**s arse Th* dsl*g*t—l by a small matertty, appravad tha princial* ot the Superior Council *t Labor...
...Throngs had preceded him...
...Qive us, any time, th* Big Parade of...
...Now the friends of the Power and Drainage Act had the floor...
...The Federation des Bourses du Travail finally Joined tha C. G. T. in 1102, and was soon lost in th* other organisation...
...Th* vebetsianc* of ths man startled ths crowd Into alien oe...
...We 4l*i spent six months in a little Illinois town, ten 3ip*u away from Herrin, where man are miners and tsumsu are crack revolver shots...
...era and tatrlguer...
...Ths man throws off his clothes, and plunges beneath the shower...
...t V a* I **y, tor* haa* that ntteW Tbtoh Sep...
...Think dey, *ss*h - .*•'•** N*w I sabesJt that such * *s*m*wteae dtoesnasey * es the realisation the* mm infant brain to hen # •pons* whloh, ** It grows, ebssrbs aB eh* f*#tesv imbsciliti**, notions, prejudices, Hhee and dteiteas af our environment, and that tha thing we sdN thlwk- < ing Is but a feehle-mindsd attempt te ssaylaw ear* aelv** that whatever wa are (wnwagjb ae fa'*H af our*) 'to the was* ever, weald result In » *ass*alrevolution which would make th* tasgtai aphssvat leek Nan a quilting party in an sM lad lew heese...
...A few persons began filing out...
...others are blunt and determined aa jUf put down on* foot after another...
...J - * 0 m ma i s ¦ imt ¦ *f ,--aBk***s*B*******B^*B> ' sat-1 ejepsts oss sjotton cartsas, so- oraeras j. and so fai-thk s*t tevia* w2»s so £^mmg c^Uui th« raenoa {or my motiogu- =; -v* .- . -*» eve * r| vfv.a...
...Suffering, the colloesal and withering catastrophes, the birth throe* that d esc end on whole peoples and nations, or isolate the Individual—all these are as far removed, from them as earthquakes and tidal waves...
...Mlllerand's action, he mslntslnet^ was but a natural result of such teach* lags...
...Prom 1194 to 1102 th* Federation dea Bourses du Travail waa the most important trade union organisation in Prance...
...Others attracted by tbe «naimoflon, rushed between them and lifted McMurray to hi* feet and led him away...
...Tbe dawn come...
...As this biU is drawn, Mr...
...No one spake to htm...
...In their-Congress at Nantes In 1814 they elaborated a detailed program of reforms that would age sat particularly to the agrtenttural population rand ten—.singly ampin aland ths neoessrity of eisai lag change* through universal suftraga and other legal means...
...As a matter of fact, thing* ; BSpts* and otherwise (A Toiee: "What do you Ejgfc 'otherwiae...
...The blood rustled to bis fan*, than away again...
...strik* wSB strong rtignr** gf gaeV eaae.Th* aan of such a strik s, tha snotton adopted read, "can be only the complete emancipation of tha proletariat through the violent expropriation of the capitalist class...
...I confess to very little patience...
...If th* aldmni at th* University ot Wisconsin ftjkanything' like the graduat** of other schools, we Bta expect some howling over this plan...
...Otherwise, what would wa be able to EMI our grandchildren, when they scrambled onto ywr knees and asked: "Where was you, grand pop, JjPt the 1127 World SeriesT" gjsf...
...newspaper editors, or suocesoful basin*** -men...
...JM for our part, give us the din of a large city to *tm terrible silence* that hang over the small towns if the country after nine o'clock In the evening...
...It /nay * because thsy are lonely and the sounds mads by Is slapping* of their feet give them a sens* of ¦assurance, anyhow, milkmen constitute quite tbe atilest class who com* down 'our block, always stapling those, of course, la whom there Is a strong AMI-prohibition trend, aad who insist on making nsg-thy farewells, ta an purposes standing at the head ¦ jmr bedstead...
...On numerous ssessstoad tha Oa—dtets revealed their growing ¦Moderation, la 111*, at a banquet of aB eortto* to *omm*m***A* tha victory of Socialists during th* municipal elections, all factious applauded the remarks of MfUerand...
...Following th* year 1212, when the Gueedlsts obtained a number of seats In municipal councils, they turned their attention in considerable part to Immediate municipal reforms, and had less energy left to preach th* BttlmStVrevolution...
...Speaker, it win place the state...
...I campaigned on that issue during the campaign last fall, and gave pledges to my constituency in behalf of public ownership of natural resources...
...It gave to the workers a renre**at»tton of « gut of •I on the Superior Council of^tibor, a consultative body in matter* of tohbr legislation, and to th* Confederation •f Bkbsr...
...in a situation where public ownership can but fail...
...and often, just Jsftrs dawn, there are th* steps of' running men, Ssnrently *x*mplttyln» ths...

Vol. 3 • October 1926 • No. 39

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