THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK "* mat*' -P--'W. •¦ a- • ' -awaanwetmbanomjpi-wrttas tor an apptkehan Hank aad expects to organise a SortaWst local ia has atty. .Other SerHhofa fas Miss...

...heve,exelusr»e uae of a papa or part of # paga far political purposes...
...Ylped Junier* ' Th* Ex*eutlV* Committee* to meeting Saturday evening, September 28, it I. ft a, at the Band School...
...Last Sunday they bad a party at which members of both circle* were present...
...The platform to vary' suggestive and will attract attention ef many voters...
...will be In German...
...The Educational Committee te mast lag Saturday evening, sept 28...
...and her subject will be "The German Republic...
...In going ta press th* Now Leadgy learns that a large number of saiMap era have already come te the union asking for eottlrmsBt...
...Kentucky ta still Kentucky...
...Morris' work in this backward State has ao enthused the Socialists of that State that they are up- in arms now for the rebuilding of a strong Socialist Party in Idaho...
...Miss Blxler fer two decade* was oa* of the moot active aad useful members of the Socialist Party ta Mpa-> sylvania...
...speakers, A X. Shlpiaeoff, Morris Parle, Harry Brod•ky.' Sat, Oct 2, Bristol street and Pitkin avenue...
...A pood band bpJMMjfe^tapagod aad a lively tlnje ls^Mmlll^^Admlaaion...
...Louis Relln wag elected to the position, to hold untU the next convention ta December...
...Corner Stone street and Pitkin avenue... i 1...
...The fall and frwer activities of tha North Philadelphia Branch got away to a flying start with a large and enthusiastic gathering at Branch Headquarters...
...M. MOSER 182 East Front Street, Trenton, N. J. penmywama t Philadelphia A branch of Local Philadelphia, will be organized In South Philadelphia Friday evening, Oct...
...10, 2:80 p. m„ admission 28c...
...Monday, Sept...
...Saturday, Sept 26, 125th atreet aad 5th avenue...
...Those interested ta th* Ttpeel claaeas to be held Saturday afternoons^ kindly get ta touch with the City Office...
...Thar* were many speeches and th* spirit was so fins that upon the suggeetlon of one of the comrade* 87.86 was donated to the City League...
...Bronx The General Party m—ting on September 16 transacted a large volume of business...
...l-'-' l li 1 ¦ ilaf^* reduction ta waffah sad a iiamiii .of had achterod^ta ^5%5ab Jmnum gl*s of the pest In this strike the workers ar* resolve* not eomf to shew their imptoy...
...jffjfyAtft Miss atoneha/S btootingc Th* yeungoet member ef the Oarlecturt'ta^Buflalo fa EngMah and German, This tea spleadtP opoit unity for Buffalo people to hear one of ta* moat striking figure* of'the flat sail Labor Movement...
...Comrade Morris will soon finish her work in Idaho and move to Waahlngton...
...Yipsekkm Three cheers for Circles 1, Bronx, end 8, Manhattan...
...ppss ta JTtemfm^JZema r*pky«»*rS aaa^*t»as^sS ernor to apeak-at Buffalo en the evening of Oct, xt...
...Ethelred Brown and Simon Wolf...
...A fine program baa been arraagod which win include 6*1 Deuteh, violinist well known to radio aadtenca...
...Local Boise has been reorganised and baa a large membership of active Socialists... 8:80 p. m., at 7 Beat 18th street A general membership meeting of the Seeeitlst Party of Greater New York will be held in the People's Houa* auditorium Wednesday, Sept 29, at 8:30 p. m. This meeting 1* called for th* discussion of the issue* end plan* ef activities for a stirring eitywids campaign...
...Other SerHhofa fas Miss hails td should fallow ta Comrade Adams' foutstspa...
...lncludOn S^jbaF .pyontag^topumber M, th* Bronx Campaign and Watchers' Committee* will meet with the candidate* for* phnlic office" at the headquarters, lit7 Boston Road...
...864J-North Sixth atreet, on September 18...
...All Tipsel* should not faU to attend the da—a After an, thla te the real work of a Tipsel...
...These names must be filled at the State House at Indianapolis by the State Secretary in a very short time...
...Tbe Socialist Party ot New Haven has nominated Joseph Pede and Joseph Freed roan for Representatives ta the State Legislature, Charles O'ConeU for sheriff of New Haven County, George Miller tor judge ot Probate, and tour State senatorial candidates, S. 8. Kahn, Eighth District...
...The Sociallata of the Twelfth Senatorial District will hold a' convention ta Hamden Friday...
...Readers of the American Appeal and The New Leader should get In touch with John G. Wlllert, 118 Superior Building, Cleveland, and help make these meetings a big success...
...Randolph is not a stranger in Buffalo, where he is held In the highest esteem because of his ability and devotion to the emancipation of the workera In the last two years the organizing ability of Randolph was strikingly die-, played when he completed a strong organisation of the Pullman porters...
...J. G. Friedman waa electee chairman of the Ball Committee...
...Ail the shops "are being picketed by strikers every day, and a vigorous campeign Is b*tag waged te organ to* aD tha op*n shop* at th* same tim...
...Miffouri W. L. Garver, State Secretary, reports the Socialist Party convention at Jefferson City indorsed the National Platform adopted at Pittsburgh aad reIterated their position on the State platforms for 1922 and 1924...
...speakers, Frank Crosswalth and V. C. Gaapar...
...speakers, Ethelred Brown, Hyman Nemser...
...Both meetings were well attended,' in spite ot the fact that Socialist activities were long at a standstill...
...All Socialist Party 'member* must attend this important moating...
...candidate for Congress, and Isidore Polstein, candidate for 'Assembly will lead the discussion...
...Do so Immedletsty...
...Harry Diamond acted as th* host for th* occasion...
...Ratification In Cooper Union Sociallata and their friends aad sympathizers win gather In mast meeting in Cooper Union Saturday evening, Oct 2, to ratify the Socialist Party nominations...
...Friday, Oct...
...Kansas The Socialist Party of Kansas has adopted a state piatfiorm aad ado en* • * esaww^al^^^b^^^k meeVaW ovdflaaal 0f^emw^^'^K^^9e79 a«a aasfia'prlarting^p tag of a weekly paper "whisk aha* print ah legal settees, areelaaaatioas aad judicial deototeeeV* each political party to...
...Kindly coma propared to pay tax** fan at tend esc* essential...
...Van Essen of Pittsburgh, and Patrick Donohm of New Tork...
...8 will be In Moose Hall, 1,000 Walnut avenue...
...Nathan- Ftae aad Morris Nwvtofc to th* Assembly from tha dth aad tth districts respectively, aa wea aa a social gathering...
...Th* doors win bs opea at 8:30 p. m. and th* admission to free...
...athlete* director, Mae Drucher...
...Illinois : The Socialists of Illinois are quite active in getting their petitions filled so that the* may be able to place their state ticket in good time...
...General Party Meeting The City Executive Committee will meet Tueaday, Sept 28...
...It waa decided to start some Open air meetings and a ayatematic distribution of literature, leaflet*, American Appeal and The New Leader...
...A Campaign Committee ef eleven member* waa elected to manage all work in the county ta co*op*rfitlon with th* City Campaign Committee...
...Tuesday, Sept...
...Gertrude Duel, Ninth District...
...speakers, Wm...
...It was decided to have an auto ae first prise...
...era that they wOt not gtve up jilvfcs...
...Judge Jacob Panken, candidate tot Governor, will be the principal apeaker...
...The Gorman, lecture wiD be held Sunday, Oct...
...tasatloa of aha fun rental value of land, repeal ef the anti-syndicalist law, complete enjoyment of civil liberties, and abolition ef county farms aad adoption of "did ags and disability pensions for the victims of peace-time commercial warfare...
...Joseph Friedman was elected vie* executive secretary...
...Mlaa Tony Sender, member of the German Reichstag, will apeak in Douglas Park Auditorium on Sunday, Oct...*»S« •» >*A al--* ' •v... that they wfll not aa heap, until the present ooadlrhm* are teaproved...
...A meeting of the Wnanrial aeire tar tea of aU circles will be hold Saturday evening Sep...
...The meeting on Oct...
...Miss Tony Sender will apeak in Dayton on Oct...
...Gertrude I vainer...
...Plana tor and th* issue of the campaign win be discussed...
...Otrcle 1, Int.'a' officer* are: Organiser, Joseph Friedman...
...speakers, Mbrrls Paris, Ethelred Brown, Jack Altman...
...A real lively spirit .of comradeship prevailed... f;U p. m., at'fibe Baast School - Every circle Pjuat be repreeoated...
...Comrade Morris haa also organised locals in several other districts and ia selling, many subscriptions to the American Appeal, besides celling books and taking good collections...
...A candidate for .United States Senator will be aejected ta the place of Harriot Stanton But oh whose declination of the endorsement of the unofficial convention has bean reluctantly accepted...
...Kentucky John' L. Wrather, of Mayfiold, has been doing excellent work In selling literature and getting'- subscriptions for tbe America] Appeal...
...All open air meetings wiU have the American Appeal and The New Leader on sale and tor distribution... fill aster...
...AH Bream nsmbaie are *"T*^J|QjM Jflf-lTit fit H* monthly dance u» 6e*heid Saturday, September 28, at 11|7 Boston Road...
...The official Stats Convention is to be held on the same evening...
...Brooklyn Wednesday, Sept...
...Morris Hlltquit will be chairman, the City executive Committee will reader Ha report en campaign plana, and Judge Jacob Panlean, candidate fer Governor, will address the meeting...
...Joseph Pede acted as chairman and Mary Rag ags as secretary of the convention...
...At the time of her first election she was but 21...
...speakers, E Brown and Andrew Regaldl...
...The Central...
...17 at 8 p. m. Nogre Seelallat in Buffalo A. Philip Randolph, one ot the beat orators "in the Socialist and labor movement, will lecture in Buffalo under the auspices of tbe Negro progressiva club, Tuesday evening...
...Leon R Land, Isidore Philips, Isidore Polstein...
...She was frequently elected by the member* ta that state to national conventions of tbe party- and was always seen at state mfivouffcae as a delegate...
...New York Slate Official Judicial District conventions of the Socialist Party wiu be held this Friday evening in the 2nd, 3rd, tth and (th Districts at Brooklyn, Albany, Syracuse and Elmlra respectively...
...t The State Executive Committee and the State Campaign Committee will meet at Machinists' Hall, New Haven, Sunday, September 28, at 2 p. m. New Jersey Trenton With a bundle of New Leaders, American Appeals, and propaganda literature...
...Miss Sender ia tbe flrst elected official from Germany to apeak in Buffalo since the war...
...Lillian Ksplan...
...Connocticiit At % congressional convention of tha Socialist Party of the Third District, Martin F. Pluakatt of Walllngford was nominated to Congress...
...Sept 28, 8:30 p. m. at the Labor Temple, Jefferson avenue and William street...
...Corner Hersl atreet and Pitkin avenue...
...that the Socialists had not secured a sufficient number of names to piece their ticket on the ballot for the -November election...
...1. The organization meeting will be held at the Labor Institute, 808 Locust street, at 8:15 p. m., and will be addressed by the local organizer...
...Circle f. Junior*, will hold It* regular Friday night meeting at 7:46 p. av at 62 East 108th street Circle 1, Int., has changed it* tha* of meeting...
...He reports, however, that tha voters ta that section are afraid of carrying the red card...
...Tickets for these meetings are 25c...
...All readers of The New Leader in South Philadelphia are cordially Invited to attend and affiliate with the new branch...
...2827, Martin B. Heisler, secretary...
...163th atreet and Boston road: speakers, Samuel Orr, Ethelred Brown and I. Polstein...
...Branch met Tueedey, September 22, at It* club rooms, 1147 Boaton Road...
...Samuel Orr...
...Tickets can be had at the County Office...
...Members have promised all possible support to the campaign...
...Deris Morris continue* hor excellent work ia this But...
...Re-Unien and Ball The Annual Bronx Re-union and Ball- 1* to be held at Hunt* Point Palace, January 31, 192L A committee of nine members waa elected to manage and direct all matters tending toward* a successful affair...
...24, Clinton and East Broadway...
...JefffX 2887, secretary local Buffalo Socialist Party...
...William Loefatedt, Tenth District, and L Miller for the Eleventh District...
...1, 163rd street and Prospect avenue: speakers, Samuel E. Beardsiey...
...Corner 133rd atreet and Lenox avenue...
...Organizer Newman met a number of Jewish Party members who were much interested in his plant to organise an English-speaking branch...
...indiana The Socialists of Indiana are making a strong effort to get a sufficient number of names to place their petitions with the Board of Election for the November election...
...k4sectional asrectsfm who cannot attend are rsqusatsd appoint svbatitutea...
...Starting Sunday...
...Th* State Eaeculiva Committee will meet after th* ¦lilfhp Of the MMs l^^^^aasas^^fc'ak^P...
...Room IIS...
...Get busy and see that the required number of names is on hand...
...1, Havemayer and South 4th atreet...
...Judge Jacob Panken, Socialist candidate for Governor wiU apeak at th* monster demonstration at Cairo Hall Tech Bldg., 760 Main atreet, cor of Edward, on Oct...
...If In need of ticket* or - advertising posters call Jeff...
...8, at 8 p. m. at the Haxugary Temple, 1**7 Gene*** street, opposite Kehr...
...Van Essen delivered an Inspiring address...
...29, Broadway and Monroe street...
...Other sneakers win be Jessie Wallace Hughan, candidate for United States Senator: Merris Sigman.apresffgJSSg ati'flitff aaaka m%e*axattV ' mm mm mm-mm'mja\^ th* mm mm tmm a_d...
...Trenton Socialists shoHild get in touch With tha undersigned...
...Sociallata hi this Stats Should either organise locals or become members at large...
...At the 1*4*-, Central Committee ***** tag, bald Sunday, Sept 19...
...Hare to an opportunity to learn the elementary principles* ot Socialism and Trade Unionism...
...Th* announcement, coming ao eoon after thla assurance, la a shock to all who knew her...
...This- splendid affatr has placed the North Philadelphia Branch on the road to certain success...
...Comrade Too be...
...Mia* Sender WIU lecture in English Friday, Oct,' 1. at 8 p. m. at the Elm wood Music Hall...
...Karlln and Joseph Tuvln...
...speakers, William Karlth and A. Bcall... each in the 2nd and sm, two tn the 6th, and one la the 6th Judicial District...
...speaker, E. Brown...
...A Watch*r*' Committee of three waa elected with Instructions to make every effort to have all polling place* in th* several important districts fully manned on Election Day...
...Van Eaaen rendered several beautiful vocal some, and Comrade Murphy entertained with several of his Inimitable recitations...
...Miss Sender Is a native of Dresden and a student of industrial and political problems...
...She haa been an active worker In the Socialist and Labor movement of Germany aad France atace childhood, and ha* taken part ta every important event for the advancement of the struggling mi sees...
...The meeting tor Oct...
...All members are asked to kindly settle up fer the Tony Bander and tha picnic tickets...
...Nothing definite has been received up to this time...
...Three candidates tor Justice of the Supreme Court are to be nominated at th* 1st Judicial District convention to be held st People's House Saturday evening...
...Idaho The Sociallata at Idaho have reelected c. H. Csntmans of Botes as State Secretary-Treasurer of the Socialist Party...
...T'j* pile* of the t'.ekete waa placedat 75c In advance and 11.00 at the box office...
...Reba PuahkocT, vie* recording secretary...
...Admission to either lecture in advance to 25c At the ticket office 85c...
...Wlllert writes that he had received a dispatch from CoiambOs that tie jhptp Election Commissioner* ,'*}»-« djecsJecT...
...Sept 26, Circle 1, Int...
...You have' only a very few daya in which to accomplish your work...
...Several Congressional and Legislative districts alao have petitions out for the purpose of placing candidates on the ballot...
...educational director, Mae Druekcr...
...The gathering was highly entertained by the rendition of several artistic - numbers by talented members, and by a stroke of good tortune was favored with the presence jot National Executive Committeeman William J. Van Essen and Mrs...
...The event wtP...
...28, 167th street and Prospect avenue: speakers, I. Polstein and George Friedman...
...i*c*tdll>g and fin«rjotol —ui*tar...
...Within a few daya you wfll receive a letter asking you to attend...
...Those having petitions In their hands must get signatures immediately and those not yet having secured petitions should immediately write to Effle M. Mueller, 205 Holllday Bldg., Indianapolis...
...Corner Ellery atreet and Tompkins avenue...
...802 Weat Madison...
...Mlaa Sender is a splendid proof that the future belongs to youth, Buffalo Sociallata will give, a recaption in honor ot Miss Sender on Saturday evening October 2. Former members of the T. P. 8. L. will be Invited to attend...
...Martin Stregack...
...Ohio The Sociallata of Cleveland have made arrangements for two meetings for Miss Tony Sender...
...New York City STREET MEETINGS Manhattan Friday...
...member* of the ¦aitohat Party .will take place which win aarvo the^toublc purpose ef dtofrom th* 14th^Cwngraeslonal dtotetat Nor man T|i*we* aa Mate skaaater...
...State Organizer Newman held the first Socialist open air meeting in two years...
...State Secretary, who to candidate tor United States Senator, to making a campaign for that office...
...and all th* candidate* men i*hm*iiia will ho' acrved and all mambma are urged to com...
...27, Clinton and Broome streets...
...September 24, to nominate a candidate...
...She waa elected to the German Reichstag in 1919 And haa been serving ever since...
...There wlU Da, a full State ticket for the electors to vote for in Missouri...
...A new- soap boxer haa arrived at the Snow home at Lincoln, HI...
...26, at T p. av, at tha Rand School...
...For lnfornfatlon call secretary Heisler...
...At the meeting held Tueaday, Sept 14, circle elections were hold...
...He expects a good vote tn the fall election...
...Louis Tarner raaigncd from th* position of os> ecutlve secretary...
...A date for a mass meeting in the Capital City was discussed and will be definitely decided as soon aa the speaker can be secured...
...speakers, Samuel E. Beardsiey and Samuel H. Friedman...
...r. Snow baa just arrived from down state and reports good activity...
...Samuel Orr was chairman...
...The organiser submitted a' very encouraging report on work done among member* in arrears, some member* paying as much as for tour years...
...Tha official State Committee will meet and organise following the State aad Judicial convantloas...
...Branch 7 held its regular session on Tueaday, September 22, at its club rooms, 4118 Third avenue... meet every aclasis r evening st 1S86 Lincoln place...
...Pita* Better had been sick for several months hut a few weeks ago ah* appeared to bo op the road to complete recevedy...
...All readers ot the American Appeal and The New Leader should not lose any time in assisting in this work...
...Newman spoke on "World Events From a Worker"a Viewpoint," and on Saturday evening talked on "Socialists' Place In American Politics...
...Friday, Oct...
...Her subject will be "Socialist and Trade Union Movement of Germany...
...recording secretary...
...A Buffet and Booth were also arranged for...
...SOCIALISTS acquainted* with tha personnel of th* movement tfi Pennsylvania win regret to learn of the death ef Cora Baxter of Lancaster last week...
...Subject "Germany and . th* United States at Europe...
...28, 7th street and Avenue B; ' speaker, Ethelred Brown and others: Bronx Tuesday, Sept...
...It to expected that the action ot the unofficial convention of-July will he approved...
...There are vacancies an the Supreme Court bench In these districts...
...The City Office appreciates thla and asks everyone to1 join ta tbe three loud cheers that they deserve...
...take place at she party headquarter* ta th* heart ef the district 187 Avenue B, aad th* date to Saturday, October 9, at f p. as...
...She will speak In Soclaler Turn Vercln Hall, 1*1* Lorain avenue, on Oct...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 37

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