THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WOKS National ttd itttssgsil flat mm id ad* reedy. dtskdwdeaof paep*4dad*. fostf luwmL tddfilfi add swdabed e*atywa«r* •houid eedd ia their order* right away aad put...

...Admission lid...
...Rat* Fahh* -2), make* it* comment ea th* the l f. T. u. W a special oj* the aallaUho* Of th* British em** tallow*: w at* taken ttm* aaaua-h b*for« x r. T. u. ha* responded to the (oak...
...Attorney General, Charles T. Mickey...
...ft M a Wdehty, a fOur^pagd P*pdf< dad y*u got tt for Id cent* f*r tlx month...
...The big work fdr a towel t* to carry on me pirty work at nomiaatiat ***did**** tor oftca, putting oat SeeleBst leedeu, book* add eMttdag tataaartp* tiena tor the Sedlalitt Pre...
...Have **«h odd *ign the application blank furnished by the National Office...
...The prosperity la the miead ef Porta RMO baa never aeon well dlibHbut«d...* Secretary-Treasurer will then tend the application and money to the National Office...
...Sept 14...
...v a i : .* -~ .- ^p^rutftjpb a .. /'v{<1 Wedaiiaay, -ftsstv Mr- FMeBs av*aa* aad aXerat ttMOL t|llBlll,^ftttM*M atrwwn ass «ea, ¦ e»im Corner Mavetaeyer aad So...
...Dt ' Critical (Continued from page ii) aayci www ^taaet-kseoi art at feUgtie m-y seasa...
...Th* Socialists of the «th Congressional, tad and ltth Senatorial Districts, are planning a campaign con* ferine* at Douglas Park Auditorium, Monday, Sept...
...Write today...
...Secretary ot State, Jdhn Bredfleld...
...Waiter Moor...
...On Sunday morning an organisation meeting was held with member* of the Jewish Branch and former member* ot the old American branch present...
...The local, when organised, shell act a time for regular meoting* do thd member* will knew wnen and wbere to meet Tn* Secretary will attend to all torrdspondewe, affix dud* stamps td thd dues books of tu sMmber* and keep books showing tad standing ot each member...
...It was agreed that application for a new lease bo made...
...The tiakdt le a* follows: Governor, Frank If...
...All members of Branch T are urged to note said dates, as every effort must be made tor a hundred percent attendance at ail future meetings sad also at th* coming lectures...
...t mil oouBtrl** of ta* ago tbat th* iBt*rbatioaai Feder*ij| trade Union* ta aatdoing tt* ¦ftmth* Sritita minor*' atrik*, th* 5po*m Surdtti of fb* I F. T. V. Ubmod a statement on th* actual g-yvil reading, IB part, a* tdilOWi: SgOommunldt of fan...
...New jwohfjy Trenton Arthur w. Newman held two open air meetings last week...
...hfg pat tkouaaadaa^rafd thd ratidnei Oft**, tacislist **rty...
...There l* at present ab* PJ/ no ihdloatlon of tad relinquish' eg+Wher gov*rnm*at or employert B* latranslgeant attitudd, jgf lean* for the workers th* mmm bt in* oeiledtidh 61 th* iip tame that can be'raissd te 9pv*he dentinusjie* et tne oonHfifhe stryg*le had *6w efitered gl final phase...
...iisj*abtaaar|g^ iieimn...
...people ot ta* United State* ar* pro*pero*us, . . . but th* pdople of Perm Ribo, a pame—lon of th* united Bute* WKh i,4td,ood human being*, ar* not enjoying the Wtatlsga of Such prosperity...
...A large mass meeting is planned to be h*ld in Workmen's Olrdl* Hail on October ti to com plot* the work ot organisation...
...All readers of The Mew Leader living in West Philadelphia at* cordially invited to attend the meeting* of thi* brancH...
...Penneylvanda Weed Philadelphia' The W**t Philadelphia Branch of tbd...
...In H* at fa* very unfavorable condiaa previthng ia the trad* union »ap*nt Is many countries, COnaidkhSt ram* of money were avauabi* dS Before th* receipt ot any ftrftlah ongg for aealstanee, sum* which in 1 pMebility compare very favorably ft* feme collected by the Contra un»^t*Ts4m« countries, la retard to Bft-'by th* way...
...Never M< tbre have our Chances been so en* oouragina...
...A eingie Socialist can be a member-at-large by Sending hi* nam* and address, twlth th* flrtt month's duet, to the National Office...
...sneakers, aHhdired RfoWh and Samuai k fjdafdtiey...
...BUt alfle* Mrs...
...J. B. shields...
...on the 27th Herman i* scheduled to M ia Cortland, ob th* Ifth also, and en the Jlth and SOta in Ithaca...
...Thi* application will be forward*d to you at one...
...Auditor, George Diebei...
...Frank in particular...
...sept, it, gipft ttreat aat Fifth pveaud...
...I, iut th* rainy, weather mad* thd picnic a failure Ttadhd comrade* are not discouraged but...
...WcurktfMSR'a ctl^d bl^taek wttl mdodt t-ttaarslibb Th* veytr tdndds aVdseh 4*1 of thd WdaftfddW* Crr*5* mil *«1ek*sU ft* Mt year with an fiS.ttar sftcw •atefttlnmont and eaats on Oft...
...H. Hlifrlcn, Syracuse, Governor...
...Waa, avtdtt...
...Fosatk ¦ *.•*>*»«* , a * **kall '' *v*h**sr*nlebi w*1>ataberet*sb epavmce 9p*leushsrvp etl7*mg*n effotea*wW| cAfadMeVw for a*i*mbty dt* a. d.i t M- Chatcuit ' Coraer BrshAwny aad hfonro* stf*e«speaaeraV tttsHtdl ft ftWdslsr did Samuel ft...
...Morris got to Work and since he earn* in contact with hot enthusiasm, ho sends in th* following tribute to her as a Socialist work*r: My Tribute and Homage to Comrade Mrs...
...Their platform has been adopted, aad the following are nominee*: m. L. Phillip*, McDonald, u. a Senator...
...Thit eledk itrthd ass been poaoOful tardudft* •ut" WORKERS OF PORTO RICO MIGRATE Economic Distress in Island Compels Laborers to Seek Work in United States idftaft u*a- at u»*r has ttasaa a<sai*^gaea« deatartsfi ' / , 'j ^J.-^Ty , Labor to tavftre wa^ sra WB*,-at*» gaiat to s* gssp|sjrti tS th* ariwrna vrrtoa Ibildd will jSft^ftjrTT condtttma b?ttCworaar*^*V^^ssr-^Bv gion...
...SUM* Secretary Merrill hat Odd* afi allotment ef tt...
...Two-third* of tha population are cut of employment and thd wages that era obtained by those who work are very mlstrsbls...
...tar Onagri**, Tenth Dn>trtcti August Cta am an*, for Lieutenant-Governor Amert Haipcm, tor Senator, Seventh Dittrieta Morris Pari*, for Assembly, Twenty-third Assembly District Yipseldom Circle g» Brewnavlile CircM t of brovrrjtvol* is plannlfii a aeries of live educational programs...
...3. M. Cornelia was so pleased witn Th* reception given Xeop'e epeech that ha went* him to oom* back tor a ataetiag adm* time ia September or October...
...On Sdpt...
...Read always achieve* hi* aim of being "a scientific critic an exaggeration to which even Mr...
...s/*, xolng an tad tilth th* "campaign work...
...A committee waaaaiected to work la cooperation with the State Committee la reviving the movement ip Trenton and arrange tor open air meetings in September and Ootober...
...New York State - Kmll Herman* Work Rmu Merman, State organiser, hat been putting in the week in titled aad Oneida and vicinity...
...a huadtad...
...With just a littm more of this ktad of help, So..., t*oa advantage ot thd first ddy tor filing It* tickets tor the Movember general election...
...The party also filed the name of Clyde Andersen a* candidate fdr Congress in thd Den* ver district All th* oadidate* named are resident* of Denver...
...Everybody is invited...
...That Mr.'Read's criuoitsn, sever the* less, is important to the modern trend, la proved by Bit eagernet* to encourage the scientific instead Of tn* metaphysical, the logical instead at the Mystical, attitude...
...If there i*n't-a Socialist Lenal ft your town or community, than Why don't you get thd Socialists teertther and organls* One...
...Any member in arrears mar* tnan three months id not a g*edtlanding ntamber...
...Pert JtMbBhtfid asquare...
...Tn* Ameridaa Appeal i* our paper, owned bp tn* National orgsfiltstlrtn...
...1 hspi...
...Superintendent of Public lfittructlon, John E. Kring...
...Smtd Sear*tary, ilt iup*ri*r kaildias...
...T. W. Duns tan, Syracuse, Superintendent Of Insurance...
...Whil* in Syracuse...
...f*pe**6ra, Frank CrddSwaith* and V. c. Oadpar...
...On receiving th* application, the National Office will forward *tampdd-np membership cards aad charter with ail the neeetsary instruction* to guide you In th* future work et thO local...
...M cents...
...On Sept tt Director Agro* am give th* first of a serf** ot lectures, which will take place at Our regular meeting room m the Labor Lyceum... book reports, current event*, the reading of tne eirsie news' paper, etc...
...Letter* must be east tfi reader* of urn Amerieaa App*a) dad Thd Mew tia ¦ rt s i -* - - — sbafikp 111 n dan a mm s mm o*u...
...jt le aid h* «t**ty way tad amtvitm* us* ddr taa tgjjpimt at ta* Otty aftadatfard, , y BROOKLYN |W«ams ftdmlsjg Is sbmwratalMd Th* opening of the Wg cdmpalgn la sVewnsviUe will b* otlebrctid by d fiudaavasa meeting at the BrewasviUd tabor Lydeum, tig Stakwisa atredt FridSvy evening...
...Attendance and book sales war* very good...
...A *T>*iiv*r*r ot M***eg«aH who 1* gladly heard by th* Multitude...
...many member* back from tneir summer vacations put their dues in good standing...
...Morris to Idaho, The Jugo Sidv Stalinists at Omeaple planned a picnic for Gillespie and surrounding mining camps- tor Sunday, Sept...
...Th* prosperity et Forte Rio* 1* being enjoyed'by only a half dcada ot oerperations that ar* deriving all the truit* of the island for th* b*neot of the** who live oufatld* ot the eoastry...
...Or per y*dr> A big list of readers in your community will mean a live, active local, a big Socialist vote and a find neighborhood to live in...
...withi* * short ttfto w* auj kav* our own dhtbroom...
...Bronx aVandh 7 tranen f, at lU clubrooms, till Third Avtrmd, thmith Its -educational committee outlined a plan for eon* ducting lectures during thd coming season...
...Pre re incut speakers will b* obtained, Newark A Saocc-Vanrntu protest meeting will be bold Friday evening, September 17, at Central Market Pi*** and Broad street...
...Kansas Socialists have filed their complete State ticket add have started Oii th* campaign...
...tef, ifl th* ordinary Way, fidtidfi pak tatdrnationally in support of a bit* trade naturally comes within * PMvbsM ot the appropriate later#•8*1 trade eeoretarlat...
...M. L. Prudtt, Pdmdna, Lieutenant Governor...
...It this appeal wae published *n the' is day on Which the request from British Trade* union Concrete tor jopenmg of such a fund wa* reftd, In Amsterdam...
...But there ie an unieilingr jfrace of etpreeeion which, how* ever leaking ia vigor and however mino* in deflnitenees, give* to nia **• aayi on "The Future ot poetry...
...Address THI SOCIAList PARTY, tltl Washington Blvd, Chleag...
...The nsxt maetiflg of th* brmroh will be held Sept fi at IM p. at at 4lii Third Avenue, Member* are urged to attend thi* meeting, a* further plans for campaign work will be preisps taatftkp tffl prds^1***** hti*r»»y *Ms!dd fa eftt *at*ft*a*bft 9mm allliHis Pa* win i imam tao^sa*aa--*etc...
...There win be alternate weeke of mid* ceiianeoue matter and lecture...
...Organlter Mernma will make tide trip* to Auburn, watartowB, Fulton, etc...
...ta*y *da-d*r ea...
...There is a possible Chance of casting vote* enough t* bacom* as official party, whjeh means pi edit** and th* «ltmin*ti*n at the n**d of «d* caring signatured, Thi* is an appeal to all comrsded ft help...
...Cdntiduet from page I) j ANTl-INJUNCTION FIGHT ON (Ceattnued from pdgd 1) ftetUTtft that drrOfita fdr vlOlitlon of th* order can be mad* only after picket* bad neon served individually ea th* picket line with injunction papers...
...Ida A. Beldof, wlchlta, Superintendent of publi* instruction...
...tkhbflk, aWpv si tbrveath stsaec jgojlft^* ^^«^*-v ^^^^^^ .- i v •¦TksabB''"y...
...These oemradee also asked that Wa M. Henry, our National Secretary, be sent to that territory for two or three meeting* before the Close Ot th* cam* paign...
...young pebpl* Bp purchasing th*** ttampa, the Ce-CperfaUvn Commonwealth, dd* glares thd Stat* Secretary, will fidve* eomd without the interact add 00speratioa of tfi* rising pendratiOB...
...sbjinfiitt ***** b* mat Ma* th* Stat*, is taa...
...tels wdabiilgtda Boalsrara, <^a,tt...
...Y*ur gaParaddaaip sad past flndbsUi tsppffft it mliiin*d 06»t»l fiofi't i*t thM appeal gs' to aaaayht» is yaur adit, 1s to y*ur parti...
...Mojr* tHaj^fOoO people were in attendance...
...Th* members of the branch are leaking forward eagerly to the next meeting, which win be held en Thursday, Sept ti, «:18 p. m, at tilt Haverford avenue...
...To have become acquainted with and to have had the privilege of meeting thi* valiant Oracle ot labor Is indeed a fortunate occurrence...
...TO UNATTACHED SOCIALISTS Why Don't You Orsanice a Local or Be- come a Membei at large...
...Then write to the National Office seeltlicf Party, till Waahingten^piVd., Chicago...
...Writ* John a. Wlllert...
...Therefore, b* it rdaolved...
...aad dd tnueh as.yea aaa adsSrd...
...msrtday, Sept go, loth mrooi and Soednd kvefitt...
...Tbd 8derdftry<dt t*sb*r hsa Already, through the daseeisisd Press dad th* United Proas, atada kaown that th* workmen ot Porto Reta are citlsen* ot the United SUtes add...
...i« i« mrmieuaa in us nkeat luesieal fornwewstmlad) wa|6h vrsuadt te m, aat m«r*l> as aiiarmiivi to mlaatlse...
...Be a worker ia tad Onus* tor Mnsaaaay...
...That we condemn aald reeolution and w* want it understood that under no clrcumetafieda would we favor any piank being placed ia duf platform that win ia any way commit th* Socialist party to th* wet program...
...Supreme CdUft, Albert Watson aad Fred a. KCiier...
...Several other place* in th* Stat* have asked for speaker...
...On Labor Day George Keep, candidate for CongreeSmnh-at-Larg*, tfiek* at a monster celebration given by th* United Mib* Workers of OflMdtdd and surrounding ten-itory...
...appeal* of th* Communists t*f lbs British trad* union* to tab* 0*1 action on raiting fund*.' |tia Pat surprising that th* Coffiaj*w should calmly take the credit laaactWTi taken by the 1 t. 1. u., tit llhislea of energetic effort tab tax* produce ie bated On just sb htliw i exertlefi ot influence...
...II Clfel* S is holding * dance in conjunction With Circle it at th* Brownsvma taker Lyceum at I p. m. Com*, comrades, and make it a success...
...ta let* dt md* a* more...
...Jallus Groan, til tbrttneey street...
...Th* publi* that sink* to stsea, trusting te oonstitutlono and machinery, pel ill elans and stats* aim tor the safety of H* liberty... t&d farrktft' ttrik* recently, there Word -attacks, aahtttttt aad brutality oft til side* There Was near mfcrdef...
...IB Magistrate Rosenbluth'a court far Kieln-* attack on th* court nnd district attorney's office for release Of strike picket* after wholesale arraata...
...dtaiism will make pregre...
...ejearail not of oa era and a. rrvsmiikaa **aa*g>n( f->r« keisal aa4 sr^fevwfeaa?^ closer t* tea eoteai taatere or tr*4 of taa crujbot aiae...
...An Bpencfit of Economic Equality...
...Later ea Mr...
...The aderiflaed at* R^Jd* win have been m*da tn Bf^u* final phase is aat fought *v*ry ounce of ttritagth...
...ho Preepertty in Port* HI** v "The eonanma...* position with regard to ? newly... men -naaataraf w*ft t dtaidad fit k flfteen oast was* gp a ithad tddtpad...
...Her message canfiOt tdil to inspire us to better things "in lit* and to **t aglow th* aptrit Of human kindness, unless cfid is possessed Of a heart of stone...
...Tn* tonewing Oesvdidated win adsrtat thi* m**tiag: Abraham l ShlpMsst...
...In the name of my hop** tor Economic Jfustloe, and alto In the name of e]****conscidu* worker*, of whom I claim to bo one, I thank you meet eihcer*iy had fraternally for having cent Mr...
...In., for an application for charter...
...Doris Morris ha* bean doing fin* work in Idaho, organising locals, securing members at large, wxing subscription* to the American Appeal, etov It te interesting to knew that tor some time C k. Cammand, itdte Secretary, was very much discouraged and in communications to the National Headquarters ha invariably la* aitttd that th* voter* of that state war* so sound asleep that It would be lmpoasibl* to awaken them until sometning happened to tear them loose...
...SUten bMdnd ' Saturday, aMpt...
...wa ***** addm MOataVT taar irgsstmlim rtad wtS *B**t ***** **ad, -.-<*¦-* l*M xemr'doaatMfit aaw ta...
...James chasd, Cdlutnbtia, ttat* prl«*r...
...Tne next rhrating Of th* State Executive committee will be in connection with the official convention* Ot September 25...
...Redd states, ta way of tentative conclusion: '•«*«*•** et eiaoav asstraatkas like an and ma, tt i* tettw ta eaaf is aetaei at, mimtas, reailtms la taetr llt-rafy aanoft...
...The misoCtlaneous matter will coasist ot then tning...
...When they nave arrived call th* meeting to order and have the group select * Chairman for thd meeting...
...They are...
...Lost Springs, Secretary Of State...
...Liduteaant OovePhdr...
...Caltforiaia tioeai^ManaanitA has adopted- tad faQowlftf retdltitiofi: Whereat, Th* last socialist Rational Cofiveetien adopted 4 resolution favorlac light arise* and bear, and Whereas, Th* .liquor question a*d so relation ta Socialism, sad Whereat, There are many la the Socialist Party wfeo cannot endorse such a resolution...
...waooor declared that he himself would likely BO arrested for shupty walking through tne garment aone It stlssf* policy Of wholesale arrest* prOvciloA "Ifl kit my experience ta labor as si*, I hav* never met suoh a peaaefui strike," Wason told the Court -There bad been no violence at dii BkVeJVmg tne union...
...Ralph Oilman, Baldwin City, Treasurer...
...P. There was an excellent attendance, hew member* were admitted to the party, aad...
...Read would object In many instance* hid atyl* it guilty ot tfi* *am* veguene** that at timet ko attribute* to bis opponents, Mr...
...add wo aaatl autk* it the center et 4-ruvity 4»r aft wdrkv Jersey Trelleymen Ressw Wage Pact for Three Year ^^^^ toaalst' *mfcp*r «xd1we4ft«>k^r2 d ttrik* vdta...
...The official Stat* Committee, consisting ot on* member from each Assembly District elected dt th* primary, will be formally Organised OB me swning of the S5th... t*r as can i. Miiiikefi, secretary ot stats, in what*-otto* the** Hit* must be filed, Knows, there are no other independent party ticket* to be filed...
...a ¦ Pond I* Growing Shaftbkiid the fund opened by the leraa^oaei Federation dt trade vmtat-me request of th* British RMMhUOa Congress i* going ahead...
...111 dims <o *1 Bdsapaay eftMat* la, ossfsrsnns fsdjal tut ssavta^ kvbgpwas*me^4br| ^mswksn ^mm^^tt^m^f^mms semwe aem%s rewl^^'pldw met wttft tad local wwnmo- i mmniii fcad aa mtukr et thd atftpaay...
...The leotureo wiU be followed b/ disc use ions...
...Then elect * Seerettry*Trea*urer, who will collect the first month's due...
...c d. fefUiior...
...Doris Morris...
...can enter freely in thd field of work of thd United States, but we are anxious" to knew if our fellow worksta ard Mtnr takan tram tk* taaad to break strtbae or to lower oondltlons of work... fir as*olutaiy dsfc-matKm~h*a~ even "been pub* Shea th* i. F. T. v., attar the conpen of the general strike, waa ap* •abed for th* second time by th* Bah T. v. C. with d request tor g**r action, thi* request was imftsitly acceded to in the manner add by the British General coupon, l'a lean war raided among th* ¦aied national centers, th* proceeds Pkieh brought the total cum placed ft* disposal of the British T. u. C. Sad through the i. F. T. u. to about ¦moe dutch guilder* (at 40 cents a...
...tattrnt * member ot th* pdrtTi pay aasa aad aoaat* aa trOu eaa t* ssslst ia Carry* lag on tk* wdra tap tad ifttfiilgaibts ftt tas wa*M'*k»vd...
...n*v*r B-nflil *bhaaok*e\ slsaif im stl sa all i man wtfl irwwwj mM1Jtmmm*m\mmvrmwmwn...
...All member* era requested to attend the gea* eral party meeting Sept II at 11*7 Boston Road...
...MM* pd*p*t «fQ b* Meshed wMb oar mm*aga add ta* ttr*setts eaaf geeada wiU be...
...B*** regarding a speedy conclusion lyttruigie have their one add only ¦•mwd in the fact, that th* mifier* jk** always, arc prepared to resume •jaudhs on the basis ot more reagfje esaditloa* and of thd urgently fJJJhty reorganisation ot the mining |h"Jij...
...i h**t...
...It you are not a member, than you era not a real Socialist Tea anu agree with ma that you thduid hdvt a local in your town...
...The Disciple* of Diderot" "Psychoanalysis and Criticism...
...instituted fund for th* aw* is this: th* i. t. T. v., a* the Mmdtlonal representative of natal trade union centers, may only •Pai to action in support et a single ha whan this action is proposad by mui»a*] center is the country con¦m This la a queafidn ot organsjk aad may be taken a* axio...
...f » Clinton mart III Clint** •frdot all taddd deftrttt fJeftMd m advance should o*aimuaieato with oar caairavda...
...The **jaried man aad wags sarnor are anxious to see a change ot tk* d*p**rabie eondiuens whioh now exktt "Aa a matter of teat," the report* conclude, -the Congress of the Usdtsd Bilfs* ahoiiss bhjisists ia *k t^traaanvi way tavorabi* to the ismad, a* ttat oar workeis wfli have faverakW Sjnptoymdnt in th* lstaad rataor than t* ester late tkt* ktad of tauugratM**.1* assoMing ta th* adatisistrdthm in Wdehiaitoa ft* ramddy that^t pas la salad i* that see AC* worker* fnmfld be taken out of Porto Rico t* rOlirve fh* ooadlUon* there...* a thousand...
...For it is quit* plainly h» seen in th* Appeal by the t. t. v, tot aaalauno* tar the English ha*, which th* paper reproduces...
...w* do aet ussn mi wBtix-miisr are going to be placed as -trlke^brwak* «r* or wnetbor they wttl hd} used aa fro* workers aad citisen*.' t . "We request yeu to extend Bh inquiry net only to Arisen*, bat ta*dWgh ta* Labor Department of Wa sTllSgftua in order to sotamiiitlnafs the results of y*ar Badlagd to thd people of Parte Rlea...
...New York City evtftlukr mlctinat > , Satarddy...
...iknmte th* appeal of tbd 1. F. ip by meeting with a prompt real* District and local organise•ma th* various countries are M action *d a* to firing the appeal LP** every Individual wdrker...
...T*> *dy that Mr...
...AMUtaflt District Attorney Was** cam* to harsh words with William Klein, attorney for the manufacturer...
...Colorado The Socialist Party, which hasn't any cents*ta, aad hence waa not tn th* primary «i*ctloa Sept...
...P. 8. L. voluntary at* sesemeat stamp* to th* ideals of thd state, and it urging comrade* td dfi* Murage tn* movement of the...
...fostf luwmL tddfilfi add swdabed e*atywa«r* •houid eedd ia their order* right away aad put taam *ui...
...Me will go to syraou** on Sunday, remaining until September ft...
...A Fighter for Human Rights...
...Aad if there am sat enough socialists to hard a local eg at Matt fly* member*, theft become a msmbei-at-large, the above query la tmpertant socialism to.the Socialist moan* complete ea-Aaeipation from eapitalitm to S»sl*M*mi -from wage-slavery to induatrual fraadom...
...Elisabeth Ouriey Flynn and other prominent sptakers will address qua meeting... wo believe in So•iausmt than w* should not be back* ward about doing out* part It Is the dues-paying member* that •osdtitut* th* Party, ft ia they who .maaag* ta* affair* of thd Party, name it* officers, nominate it* candidate* tor office, rai** campalfn fufide mnm man*, ago tne oampalgna, It t* th* red*e*rdT dues-paying meaner* that donitttutd the Party...
...Ohio The socialist ticket win be da the Ballot, thanks to all comrade* for thou ao-operation in tk* work...
...and "Thd Modern novel'' an element of appeal that is characteristic only st dtttiaotiv* erttl* clem, It to neglect of the •OClotogMdl approach that prevents such penetrating studies as "the Definition of Comedy" from being profound a* w*» *s brilliant...
...istlsjajt i *» n*wet>pjp^aabts) • smrw^psss^etga* ess^p^bbfdbaapstepp dsbt-arbwtt^gr ft MCtrsedtg...
...Then year next step is to ean the socialists together at your home or anywhere yeu can arrange for a meeting, send a letter or pats th* word around...
...Th* gutst *pmk*r tm Tony Sender, til*, brilliant orator ot the German Sdcialiftt add tabor Movement and tkt youngest member of th* German Rcica*tag...
...urn wmmt^^mntpmz ^¦tlllr^a^ •sr'e^sa^^ - .^flfftnpw-: esam +pm±mmm\AMm\ MMmmmmmmmY.' ¦ s*****u***\isbr**w...
...fmo msr* Use bettar...
...All those interested in th* district and Stat* campagin* be sure td attend thi* meeting...
...Me will reach Sim ire on October t, aad then will b* routed •long tne "southern tier" of cities and town...
...1*1 dp) Rot* Fahne oentldor* th* rhtfOtaired tor It* lnfiuencd to take pa to be a idfif oho is, however, padoauu-babl...
...Speaker*, Tift MuTpuy and AfidftW JtegsJdL Corner I ltd street aat fieadd'dy*Baa...
...Mem* Milkiuit who fdr many rears ha* represented th* international dad local union* in the htdiet' garment industry, ia counsel for tne union...
...Daniel McGiniey...
...S:*d p. fit in order to expedite constructive Socialistic work it waa decided to meet every first and third Tuesday is each month...
...howevdr, equally w*Herrarried t* continue tad strugft^uld the government aad the act on the aasumptidn that J**' iheati* ot aurvatiofi aad 9p**x lower tn* standard of living 'J* whd term th* Vanguard g> aurcpean working ciaas in ltd ppe tor the eight-hour day and a g.**d...
...tki* bants, sot ta* *t£tt* st anesea, am taa seeps at tke latbmct sot h u bwrs *up*r«tltl6e to imaaiiu tsat what cannot be known in th- mini ana br lataileetnsl symbols nay as ttortsnm is same etaer tt>*msh« war...
...If you are with Us, writ* us today fdr an awpHcati--*- **r Charter aad set tad local started...
...Oldvdaukd, ohio...
...and is tom preliminary essay 1 wish ta daosc (fee aetttsl attrtavt-a Ot ertwim...
...Idaho Mr...
...A soldier whose guns are trained on the heart Of Capitalism...
...troth (and tbartieri snear carter* mmcrlient as eeteetasm nyttleita) but aejh*tklkt <a«re tmlvstveet rsalttr tfta* tea setesftfltt raetnea...
...ThM 1* apart I d»tcs from the tact that already I* that time everything which th* Bah General Council considered td apaestary aad effective had been * »y the i. F. T. u. Immediate Aid Given •red before an exact report vr*S to i from the British T. u. C. (and arditif to Congress decision* *»oh i'emelai report must precede tad pat ef any relief measure*) the P. t. u„ immediately on tne.butak'tt the general ttrike, entered e eerreepond*nce with the T. v. C, ft g view to organising Support...
...Socialist Party launched tt* tail aad wTJrter *^IvM*t*wlth a highly successful gFtherirlg oH Sept...
...DRLDLABOR GROUP AIDS MINERS Amsterdam International Scotches Commumist Charges of Lukewarm Attitude |XAiMRAT«T> by th* rrtfiOtAnt T fopttltiofl ia tH* CfebsmaWM p taw...
...geeelitetisfl of fund* for ft* Irltg***- dfutrgy dad gddd* B'hat mar* crushing preef *f pbaa degradation than to rail ¦p'Jtber *f hand or braMit Thi* pr*m deiradlng far any *i«iaaa tfhUrH or rteme, ie the *n«y reijee toft to the predweee In our ¦gat society) wag* fiber id d k*f slavery, ¦¦Saul Urstftttd...
...Speaker*, fttadtred arewa and Wajtm Daarhsg...
...aaPSdPJfi aixy*:,aV a*PM*a^-gaW fpisjiji ariasat tjilBiM...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 36

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