Garment Strikers Start Campain Against Injunctions Prosecutor Praises Cloak Union for Peacaful Conduct of Strike ACLAB3DK call to union lafaclf a*Jg»ated with the Amsrtaair Psderatton- at...

...5 *Tha enth** Amaricaa labor lasasaj meat as well as anbmaad, fair astashsj public oprnioa bars gtyan an thatr saa^ qualinod'akl and aunpovt.m nB oar «f> tloaa for tha Kew Tork «1iis>inssanU Tha Americaa radoratten of Labagaaj aD its afdliated Internationale wit...
...pat cfaaaee wiB- lir... were member* of Fascist organisation...
...thdte deportation...
...Walker had a chance to -maka those *ubw*y* cleaner by using th* occasion ot to* LILT, strik* to assert to* power and influence of to* city...
...but thd aaasatsatsjrsm who baUavo the striba wffl b* tsrsajest this way wfll oaoa Sad thtd ¦¦¦lijab> Notbinc arts swank, the liliiasmimSj of tha wortosrs so obtain ttvable bs«| leaders vffl aatar see the *fjHmmworkorn vUl ystura «a thatr Jb|sbM tarma...
...This has* •seating will bo addressed by groaaV mono loaders of the American FedersV ¦ton at Labor, it is •sid.jss wan as by tha enjoined leaders of the atrtfsv Prooldont William Grass, A. F. of Lv is invited...
...Man to whom unloa organisers had] bean ¦eon to talk war* discharged...
...budding trades, sag finally, morahora of tan Holy Nam* Slovak...
...In the building Industry our brothers have had...
...G. W. M. Taylor,- FootvtBo, Associate Justice of Supremo Court, and p. W. King...
...Spooking at imperialism, all of us must be on our guard tor *v*m* to china...
...While many issues ar* touched on in th* compr*faen*tira report" at' President John H. Walfair, th* outstanding issue te la affect whether a public utility" Candida** for th*_y...
...labor men who are said to have handled the labor vote in Illinois"' (in the' Senatorial primary...
...yaUoytaa a aiestlng,.U*eade*ko^sa|i} astttee tasasd tha foOowla...
...Simply from tod ttAfidpoint of enlightened edit totordttwe shall be awful f*c4s it...
...Alfred Wagen knecht, chairman of $toi» Striker?' Relief Copomitief...
...4he *eer« is^/tipf* of the...
...Thomas F. McMnhon, president of the United Textile Workers, was tha principal speaker., Ha Waa obviously .Influenced by Qai expected . negotiatloas with tha...
...There bad to be a heusecieaning or the whole thing might have gone under...
...Me emphasises the necessity or getting the tacts, in precise term, so that any such grievance can be promptly and effectively presented...
...What chance win be P*» Senator Norris to fight for public Jjvelopmsnt of Kuad* Shoals by PMchea over the radio T Nb*a of boys and girl* .has to ba vary yifiht to guess,that answer, tpeverthaleas,' our good frieasf, H. -fit WWwhenbush of the Coal and Power iMnmittee, has put over some Bather rwent questions to hty...
...Illinois has less labor trouble than any Important Industrial state...
...Others faaor tha Ssrtellst candidate...
...Prospects .for the future are not so bright- I look for a decline la industrial activity which will become apparent soon after the Congressional elections...
...But never Had...
...firtt, few men heed lt| next, meet men condemn Its lastly, all men accept lt-*nd the Cause it wonl—William Morris...
...Met*bH*hm*AV of ayttem of vtlng by mtflktott that Will record and count voces automatically...
...It ia Muasoliai and to* d lota tors who hat* it worst Th* League showed considerable decency in refusing to be coerced hy Spain and Brastl...
...J. L. Scogxins, Golden, Commisatpner, of Agriculture...
...It might on the other hand, toad to revive certain Imperialistic aapirau*** and t* strengthen any* feeling that may exist of twcompromising hostility to Russia... theh*" first banner gn**r*"r,rt Their'ltoos war* close'but they atratehad over th* rout* at the pared* for about two miles...
...sff>^y> VUmer, Barry -Tsiiigliai ly, anA-'ajsernot only th* Denartmeat of JshtsM - which mains the nam* of jWrJe* a mockery in tha United States...
...the latter being g te^sbunre* A*ta^S^aadfC|MB^ slbUtfcarhlah 1% waa...
...Bland -Haired chlldswa and women thickly lined tba sidewalks... is our Intention to carry on the work tt organising railway employes in complete accord with the provisions of the Railway Labor Aot and the understanding mutually announced betb by management and the railway labor organisations...
...Dallas, Judge of the Court of Criminal Appeals...
...Rdudhenbush spent most of hi* Urn* Studying the deal kartell in tk* Ruhr with hi* headquarter* ta Bod&um...* press...
...The Matsrtrste warned the pedes* *nd...
...Taxation at land valnee) a* distinct from lmprovementa, ao as...
...If it should happen that some railroad official attempts to coerce, interfere, with or discharge employes for exercising the right ot eelt-6rganlta> tion, we propose to plaoe the responsibility where it belongs, and it necefe...
...Magistrate Rosenbluth...
...We're going to get our revenge tonight...
...Tais <*ande td a adOoij eompany with greater freedom ot action aad ahaeso* of legislative interterdfio* wa* don* under great duteOa...
...Tina board of dlraator* has electsd th* *x*cuttesj at tha oecnpany, two gon*ra| dlrsetors ahd two directors, oae ef...
...D. W. Ming presided at chairman et the convention, hte announced that Arrangement* tor public Sittrlbatlofl of the statement of political principle* ot to* Socialist Party, embodying to* Stat* platform, havd been mad...
...Church and of ttej Svla Caasmtrto... too graeo at- Cat fboHdge, is Attorney-Oanaral' «sf tha VnKed States, refused «a permit...
...He Also *aid that A vsjsadue osmpsigri will be waged ha th* general election, with probably the ***tat*JM* for speakers from the national headquarters of the party to Chicago...
...Wa want our union...
...sfkreury of tha fAgaRtea on Coal i^d Power, dia!<*>¦'?> month's study of trust control sa^afsaany thla aaxatea* '* *+ •ym* of tha mast Insjjirtsiit probIssast bar country fan**,* said Mr...
...U* professes, to this circular, to nave absolute faith in the desire of the railroad management to make good the pledges their spokesmen gave to the committees of Congress when the new law was under consideration Mat winter...
...Walker or any other poUueal wizard solve the subway problem...
...The ahrS stevte* rules do.not apply to g%a*e wha wan not* formrriy' ta fcuvarsuaont saarrl** *a*7 to thohe who wera ft only aophas until ltd...
...address, and that /We J*bord'l j»ame'was & h mentioned...
...Bdth those nation* Are likely to decide before long that after all, they will aot take their guns tad other toy* aad go and ptay by themselves...
...T. B. Poster, Falestlpe, Railroad Commissioner...
...As a minor exhibit of this same sort it class luattce, may I again refer to my own cane In Bergen County...
...Promotion was dependant mainly upon' the ability ft outlive one'* superiors...
...The board at aisssluidr eonsista *» these two, the chief astea inspsctos, shr ripnssntattves of the various poUtleal parties hi the leatssttur* and thro* private business m«a appointed by ttte in* dspartaMnfac* Among tbeas ta t*a* former German gouiotary of CtHfiiiiara* Wlssell...
...The fact that men who rank a* enlightenbd conservatives like, Owen Toung hate ventured to sponsor government owned corporatism tn water powai development Is daideno* of a changing front.'* "Prussia, whish as a state compares isr ttnportanae to Mew Tork State in th* East, .haa^had mining properties tor many yunsa...
...M false, haae- dnaglsfr ta--*•*** OrVtshf a^i|f*c4urarn kr rhessVaaJara aaSfat a setuemont on their, para bscsbs...
...FASOSTS KILLED BY OWN BOMB Black Shirts in N. Y. Said to Have Planned Shell for Radical Meeting PROMINENT antl-Easctots 1* New Turk oharga that' an explosion that wrecked an automobile and ktflsd two man on 118th street and First avenue wa* the result of the premature detonation or a bomb that tha Fascist* were about to throw at an antl-Muaaounl-meeting aa the corner...
...Alfredo di Nardo wan' secretary of tha Harlem and Bronx' branch of th* ' Fascist League of North ' America...
...There la little doubt that Oermany* belated reception into the League of Nations ia at once evidence of better feeling In Europe and some additional guarantee At ita maintenance... of th* ranoM...
...7. Do not use violence any' more (Some voices In the rear: We never did...
...Hearlays on tha writ ar# .aat.Jap Tildas...
...Intarnatlunal Pr*s4d**t Mar**mgp sat forth tha unlets* pdOmrjiwrn, tWnea in^a fo%w#ng *«*sV%/- -., V . *^sF*wa^^ CjOssssfcHs^ssssJ^^ifB...
...vary AY JP...
...Before ho was thirty this rait young man was chairman of the faferado Public Utilities Commission, fab National Klectrio Light AssociaP*h, which Is always ready to buy pain* that might ba used against it, J»ok htm away from that Job to make V* a publicity director for tha assoP*t*d light and power industries of jte country...
...3. R- Barrett, Dallas,' State Treasurer...
...What if i* hew trying td do is to sat tend it* production by efficiencies and by parch*** of Other companies and am* ta enter tat* the field of tn* rmletting Industries...
...tmliltrt mat Labor IMasd national at thy spartoh msotlng whkat waa «ad*d aa Aac...
...Prussian Socialists Aim To Set Standards of Labor And Costs in State Mines J^90CUXJ0Ot\ tftet^O^atoomZ^angf aH tha good gbtete of both t iiaiT.r ba the additions tejthe sum total *i Human wisdom jatefeh Oerrnany sinow making 'ujaahjpm the 1mpresadv* received by M. 4'**uahenbua...
...A. <F...
...bis deputies, representative* from tba various trade unions of the vicinity, particularly tha faB-taahioned hosiery workers, and those in the...
...BagshsTibush, "Is tha formation of an tetsUttent polisy towaai the concentration a4 control la IndWtry...
...Th* night before the-meetlng a vole* ov*r tha telephone said: "Ton people tried to SOI Mussolini...
...Tet in spit* of tboT ex•rbltant ball In all thin time not only have X not been indicted by a wrand fury, but I have never had.a hearing Mara a proper magiatrate...
...If there had been half ta much evidence against any kind of Utdical in Mow- Tork you can Imagine how...
...6 reach to* unearned increment...
...George ' Clifton'7' Edwards, Dallas, Attorney Ganaral...
...As ha* ba»s> q*vmbsd tn Tha XaW Lander, tha- «vbn«h BociaiiaU hay* baaa rather «p**t ^Mnjhas the hurt tew...
...Tha meeting began the night attar a warning bad baaa received...
...and by undercutting j^jt'J^rfees ujfTjtJ^^lvai* oosapanles h^witog^iV^l,crtt^!^n1^^ PsasaoeaM who ar* now aotlvaty fa control U fti'o rVnislaa mm ing teAtei try...
...The fuaetldn of such a company ta setting th* pace on costs and price* Bhty grow t* b*> very considerable...
...Jefferson Market Court, freed O...
...Now Mr...
...S. Senate shall have the backing" of niinols organised Tabor...
...The executives ot the ii standard rail labor organisations who Joined with the railroad manager* to securing this law are going to stand together, he believes, in making a test of this good faith on the part ot the management "We recognise that railway management and railway tabor are en trial as to the fulfillment of their pledges to Congress, the President and the American people," he says...
...Other npmineas are L. L. Rhodes, Grand .Saline, Lieutenant Governor...
...will ba tn••atlng to see how Mr...
...TiMy 'oPTnot even tba axaaaa of beSevtng 'MM...
...The worker*, the officials dfid thd board ot directors got to* gather and made the concern go...
...his TOemoe|nVtte"rrvsi aad former partner of tha lata trrfttty boas, Roger Balllvwn, te evan worsa, - A sssaostty -ot-tha ss*f sathin asa battling for Wisest**it-* - of Parley Parker Ohrttteaaaa da tha -Pragresstve ticket...
...was .named chairman of the state Executive Committee...
...Striker*.** Behind than* war* Grand Ms rag* 1 William Johnson...
...I am atOI bald andef tie,000 baH...
...counsel for the man...
...te* tba iftsstte fg»*W Party asked tba ¦tei.Aau 1 ^CocstmHsa* at tha Infarnatiosad te'rala flat no" Saclalist ajsoatg aaaaat aa aypidatiuont to tha *>MW»« ^ggj*^s^iy^ab* stefteb a!£*nf MtmfSZm...
...M. L. Ma this, Austin^ 'Land Commissioner...
...In this letter he asks those members who have suffered discrimination at the hands ot railroad company officials because of their union activities to report to th* srand lodge the precis* foots...
...mill owner* sooner or later and tba anxious desire, to eradicate any taints sg heterodoxy that might still be associated with the Passaic Bain workesp...
...ijtdZ txu...
...In the front rank ware the lenders: ihe*uew chief, tha youthful Gustav Deak: In contrast to him, th* arsy-halred, kindly Alfred Wagankneoht, in charge Of the rsuetSrhrk...
...Aylavworth, late P the National Blactrio Light Aaso¦atton, and no# the glorified employe P we General Electric, give to Soclal^ or labor speakers demanding th* jaaption of the Ontario Phut for our ¦uper-power... backing Ortot Britain to a so-called "strong" policy toward China, we pull her chestnut* out ot tot flrc .P*r one man to d* **ed to Another l* good tor both...
...a way a little less ruthlessly than they used to sweep tha strikers off th* streets Just a short while agoThen followed the officials of th* Pas* sale Trades and Labor Council, prodtlmtsg an a largo banner which they carried that "Wo Aro Backing tba...
...They omi> mftm wOTjraaa.4eck . tea* thatr siasgai ssgt throagh the iptervwatioa of the Qsigisf nor -nay -throuyh an tnjnaotlria, baf^ aejky bwykoncadin* tSsyb* bntara s^^As^shopst^MBephrinr to fan nags ertrsrflssMssris aspesjtnr In the Yiddish jirssn, tjkMrt«J ty the Industrial Council, It was tsc lared that this appeals eoa« tarned In them, ur*tne- the workers return to Hie shops, did net coincide) with Finder's recent statements that, as ear as be was concerned, the strike) was broken and over...
...7) Establishment of State Insurance, fta*, lit...
...Are not million* of drnariraa ¦hoot children on these baauttful fall •ay*-shouting oaoa mora that grant hyasb of faith m which they pledge mtt^gBayianca to the flag and th* Mss for which H stands, "One tested, indivisible, ¦ with liberty and #m» for all...
...6. The police and employers are not monsters,, are they...
...Even the occasional hooting at tha Forstrnaqn mansion was dona in a spirit at lightness...
...ULlABOKCnS SMITH ISSUE State Convention to Debate Endonement of In»ull Financed CanST'J'Slit'rOR, lit—The shadow ot -th*' publicly' regulated utility ; fWpflratteh bang* over the 44th Uliaol* State . Federation ¦ of Labor convention here...
...QuintUllano waa buried from his open air platform and th* audience was tossed about...
...The German Socialists Who are devoting themselves to thi* practical revisionism see th* Fr*n***g at a counter monopoly to th* monopolisation of private industry...
...Having received tba lndorsebaeut of labor officials and basrda India 1 th* rsteSaUona regarding thai real sourc* of his support...
...Have yeu net heard how It hiet gene with many a Cause before new...
...Laigt Qutntilllano, a friend of Treses'* was speaking, when there was a tarrifle *xpioslon In an automobile In th* street a abort distance away...
...for bis aOesation that that doak strikers bad used 'cvarrilla' s«*f tics, ahecnd bear ant my asrtrtion...
...A Utile black coffin carried by some youngsters, ussirfced "company union,'* brought forth laughter from the spectators everywhere...
...Bjls talk, boiled down to its essentials, fellows: 1. We must reverse the old policies... mlisgfc teatah* sV-jpsaaty fiuawilrn u"*S*aU VfL 9 fa balfsyed hs thate Bftm ttemrKmttl te charge ehat'tah chaDf* taraaag fkfa ?roving lW->valus...
...8. Take the advice of the U. T- W, . 4. This Is 'a fight for union recognition and not wages ' and - hours...
...About a hundred or shore signs were tetarsparsed among Cham readingr "Union te power, wvre in'tt...
...i) AhtEtton dt Ahuae efra»«BctM*>*t ci) ttptti at pott tax remrAemna tor vet...
...But unlasa WSsr* areatly mistaken ft will ba no £nd of opportunity at an for speakers p **• radio who want to attack priP» exploiUtion of •uper-power...
...Tha little Pahbttt Justice of the Peace who held far passed on a complaint which ho paalf had helped to draw...
...M. A...
...Half of it M voted by tba** BtaU Secretary of CS*nrn*roe and the ether half by fh* Sfate hoarstary of -the Treasury...
...Tha nolle*: department says th* ear was wreckedt by an explosion of its gasoline tank, but th* antl-Fascists point out th* absence of fire and th* spresd sidewards and downwards' of thc^explosion...
...vp» »-^-*e%-vPASSAIC PARADE WELCOMES A. F. L. MacMahon Exterids Support to Strikers at End of Impreesive Demonstration By Laborice THE mantle -of r*spnf JaMMts f*4 upon tba Tusnli ji sli Ism when on Saturday f^sfternooa, September U, UN, tha^teati labfr forces cam* out to fmnhl fesabua F. XcMahoa, praateant of |tt* ! United Textile Workers, aa ha fnrttaiiy rnstaiied Paaahte Local No...
...he state mining properties became a training school wfaote bast sasat*** th* Ttettdr paid ranks of private tedastry...
...Chart** L. Pay...
...Me did not take it Tet on ao other basis cad Mr...
...K. J. X ant writing thla exactly fiya months alter my arrest In a free speech can* *t Garfield...
...They admit feat they knew them to be ismocent, TO bs sure, tha State has introduced 1^ denial a mora or lass perfunctory statement from ona of iU own agaot* vat ha workad up tha caaa Dnder those cfaeuui*t*noo*, tha ^^bajt tet could ba dona would be td oatti ha tfjag of tba Dugarimaniaf ^baOob o the attorney* tor tba Sanaa vm^ ¦attt defenW This plain lUssfrlrtll let of decency tba thjhtrmlada>- tasampeUnt who...
...IM*|day-*ara^ nub scat* over a' y*ar' Watear steafa'api "fhay ar* st!B far" from s*tlsfactory...
...G. W, B. the Consumers League of New Jersey... I* *rg*-rtsatVm ta th)p, city Is sgpootsd to participate...
...guilty of...
...Other SaeialMa who •» in th* tloagu* Assembly ar* Srouckar* *f ; Srtglum and Und*n *f-Sw*a*n...
...The President «V th* German Miner*' Union, a- i*as*a*atati»* of the Christian hi mars' Uafaa and a Commufst ar* ate* *n tha •bsa>d of daraa* tors...
...He dee* commit himself to an independent system aot unified with the old UhOA Apparently they are too dirty tor the rider* in hie new clean subway to approach...
...QsajWer tha case of H. H. Ayieamm...
...cloak pickets arrested Monday far vk.latin* the injunction, tbocsjfc ths> pap ess bad not yet been swissl art strike leadens...
...Six months* vacation for th* bosses' family In -tha" Orient— slavery for th* children and the workers In the mills...
...successor to Albert Weisbord...
...mgl (4) AMition of toe fee system add payment br salaries for public ofSeers...
...Per one Mas td da ill to Mother Ie had fto tAt>v-4ndl*n Piwvurh...
...During the war the government mines had •uffered mere than the private ones...
...IB this co-operation th* workers were influenced by a mdiiastien that their efforts did not go to any prent takers, but that ofid of th* goals.of th* company is to get to the plan* where tt can Sat a wage policy which thd private conrpanie* wttl have to equal...
...Wants to know whether ha won't «t time on the radio at a ratio of M» * to tha opponents of conoen* g***d Private control...
...and 4- »*>*»* at rvaaca, apok* a—'tnsi B*chtH*t aaVstsllnsthMi tin tba •ark of th* L*ngw>* Htuoo*' tjoan<R tejteag tt was cloaaly eoatrouaa fa, tha national Sootalbi partiea and th* IdtathattenaL Pi art* staaaadeV' rayisnaiillna fh* snhiority of abb KteacB stertsdJassVjotft loaf ^sW s»*b^rikgjv at S3l?^^^^SSSfa^g*^t tfaa^^^y Arte* neortr a^he^aonsnmse •JassPfc ^s%4 4y*s4hBA aWll mssaV snaJlftavf^^v J^fcswJsPwand •« B^raulmra uteri ***ad to work •*» r UnOmf^^^U^fi^ te th* ssaaete*vf*d IstWaUg- -' v. < -^Jsr i ¦ gi aasi'^;a*^sls^*SM**sai Sua ^3ESS&*0T%&7?W& l «*Tha Exacnttva-faiarda ft aa'ithe teak of tha nexttetarnatlanai Cdngnsn to lay dawn te detail tba principle* guild ing th* aetiaaa at the International concerning the League of Nations and tha International'* conception of th* League's democratltetlan...
...Man, Women stod children waBced along happily...
...D. Wlmtlford...
...Sargent approve fate right te iteaa tn that evtt aaoatatla swoasjajslter sf pervertsia of yastioa "A...
...Socialist Participation In the League of Nations Up to Individual Parties Socialist Participation In the League of Nations Up to Individual Parties The Soctaliat paxttoa of the various countrlea havin* Socialists amonr their delegates "to Learue of Nation* will have to OtW« for them¦•***• 11 the activities of such party members are consistent with Socialist principle...
...therefore advisn o*r sti Ihagft to oOBtiitao plotting and to saeat If) their haBs In tha sarma peaceful saap...
...The speakers were Charles Walsh, secretary df the Passaic Trades and Labor Council: Louis Budeas, editor of Labor a»e...
...The old trust-busting policy which bad such a vogue for' se many yasra was already warn out when th* *Msr LaFollette Mad to ravivo the bsttt**r*rfn UK The Sherman anti-trust^Jaw la* more jsf * memorial than a mtleatone in gressnt thinking on tba problem...
...WiJlisjn R. Vanececk, chairman of the Associated Societies of Passaic and Vicinity... was dead, another dying, and a third, Joseph Jmoatoeco, ao badly injured that hte Ufa la still dlspairod" ot Tha anti-FaacteU ar* oqnvinoed that a bomb, carried by tba man la tha ear, abort fused or want off tar some other reatea hafora It *ouht ha pitehad gt TEXAS SOCIALISTS ENTER RACE St at a Organization Names Ticket for the First Tone: in Years T{3M- Texas/ Socialist Party has aama hack in fult.foroe and noav mated 'a oompleto State ticket Texaa SoctalUtaTUeotlxg In Dallas last weak at S« North Texas BuiMHng namad a full ticket of State officers for tha coming general' election, elected a State Bkecutive Committee'and adopted a platform with seven planks, first among which is a demand for tba -repeal of the* open "pert" law...
...They wore blue and whit* buttons and yellow paper inscriptions dedicated to Local No- t**» of* the United Textile Workers and •'Fot ward to Victory...
...Tlj* .mtf^./dtaparaad.,, aipid...
...Union labor has demonstrated its desire for a minimum of strife and a maximum of labor peace...
...8. Weisbord had to .be eliminated...
...1H1 ria*iss»j . "Th* atrika w«i not,ha ayefcan *V any ln>sarHsn W«-a«fi«f tha ssMsw las that tha taktsar.aat a( tu* •*> ptuactton .is aneibar gMttariaas...
...Wha* tha union trill make aa?***» sua sfforts ta court to bar* tha taw Junction vacated, a *eri*s of gltaattt saass meetings throughout th* city af% tWc caaMly arranged ta watch- iriajt...
...They Charge th* police are attempting to conceal th* cause* and protect the Fascists...
...If you think they are, you must take the...
...1 ^"VandT velpX below, a » member te the League Council fsr stelglum...
...tba rid ham* town of ta* Tate Glenn Plum*'who sjtent his lite in an effort to-ha** th* aaUrosate nattotuOteed smt rfajsjiiisficsBy administered under wbftt hiiwtsu aaivsisany known aa th* rnawh ptea...
...It is lnterestin|f .to net*' fl»at' Gusfav beak read...
...P. M. Andeseon, W. D. Allen and S. M. Wu> lama, alt ot Dallas...
...Way up In frdli ^•aJtBhattt^isiselt and hurneraug After tMe official eacort marched the teaffte ¦anrihe^f thomsate la, "ten thbusand strong...
...Frank Espoaito, the second man who perished, wa* also m Fascist organisation member...
...A. J. Muste, chairman 'of the* faculty, "^rookwood Labor College, and finally, McMahon himself- All the speakers stressed the new relationship .of the textile striker* with the' american Federation of Labor and weris optimistic ahout 'the ultimate beneOt of the connection...
...months aver thavataad^-taha* fa* Joaaab Pmul-Bonoour, as a at tba, French ba>rcg*ril« mant to th* League at NatteaJ, upon a number of nxatosruv Zt was aBsgad that «»»il-Boacou», abfl* a great orator and-^wybf, --wa* no Mrtkmlar dtedit teFfka mmam Party aBter in Ss T^sfui ysrt «r has tear pracUe... instance* where man have been coerced or interfered with or discharged •because' ot ttembershl* or a desire to become memsen to toe shopmen's unions...
...This they did aa <SfwJfoc dlspsam* of tBem," having' ffafhd^fa gat sufficient evidestoe ta -SfUoki...
...Tb*.uMUU** safalnW gate peculiar Strsator fa...
...have ta oosao ta tanas wtth tba —'a...
...s# time to cotaer...
...This put an immediate damper on the organising campaign hi railroad shops that th* machinists have been quietly conducting during the past two month* Wharton asks for definite information as...
...that oar stalkers are' resorting f» si—st of visoaaoa, Tha rebuko ndmWatsyad yesterday shr daatstawt Dfcrtrlet Attorney bTsasir JB WlSiam KlsiB, attorney far tha met*, faeturei...
...Th* anti-Fascists and his friend* want on with th* meeting plana despite th* threats and desalt* the fact that a masting an tha aama spot three weeks before was broken up by th* polio* who sided with Fascist hoodlums that had started stoning the speakers...
...At ten nrisnrtes to threjs tba first of tha tea bands tn Una atrtMk up a tun* and th* procession began, to mo vain front wera motoreyol* - polleeman clearing...
...tear gas bombs, could not defeat us...
...sSaery otlert shay asaka to- da4ag».«l|E msai aatdmieM «SE riiianjd' ba MH aara dtaalraiiraay...
...H* might even have taken A *t*p toward recapturing toe existing lines for toe city...
...The •"future bstongd te us": ''Clubs, injunctioua...
...Everybody was in good" humor...
...But ether dap* art coming, and with them other opportunities to organise the work are...
...Tha two- Woal payers, *tn«rly hostile, nonr saVstda* th* da^roelebratioa In alowtesT tens...
...Walker publishes considerable material regarding Senator Caraway's speech of June 26, in which the Arkansas Senator said: "I want to know how much money was given to John Walker and Frank Farrlng-ton...
...Von Blon, Waco, Stats Superintendent - Of Public' Instruction...
...But th* car' waa wrecked...
...There is, for inctanca, tha preaent poUee- dapartnvant of Wow Tork City...
...Contteuod ga paga » . . . Socialists in League i»}*jri, gooiarfst,uoauV ^tta>4 rate* %'te the Leaau* of', Natlaa...
...MACHINISTS HIT VICTIMIZATION Wharton Asks Membera to Report Roads' Ducranmation to Union WASHINGTON.—Arthur O. Wharton, installed July 1 as president of the International Association ot Machinists, after, serving six years as a member of the United States Railroad Labor Board, has issued to the membership of his union a circular letter of high Importance...
...and then the other memhars of the strikers' committee...
...T* Open HeAd«u*rt*r* tAmporary bAadu*rter* tor tt* Stafi oaatpAisB *IB be eatoblltied at North Tssxaa Bunding, Th* • main Planks of the 3tate' platform mm W M»*at ot th* -epea -pep* uw...
...When th* Stat* still owned the mines la th* fftdr wBich are lost fdr, awniM to France and the nunc* in obuerShieaien tn* possibilities tor such a Company wOf* leas limited...
...As the parade entered the poorer seotlons of the city Just preceding the First Ward Park, where a mass meeting was to bo held,' the spectators grew even more numerous and enthusiastic...
...hi - R, Meltsen, Texarkana, SUt* Comptroller...
...Textile strikers'' children: wa are glad the union Teama to help us...
...An eye witness of the explosion tells a remarkable story...
...wn« ceaMder tt * necessary piece of Stat* SeoUlktm and wao fire giving most et thd energy which formerly west IBM dialectics td setting an example to thd State and S'atien...
...This was' the decision arrtvad at by tba sTtspiihn Camnut* tea at tha...
...England's trouble* m Can ten and elsewhere are none of our business...
...He repeats his own denials and tells of his vain effort* to appear before the Senatorial slush committee in Chicago...
...Sam Insult, la hfar paymaster, nevertheless thaik that Goorga Brenan...
...The fact that Oermany ha* a treaty with Russia would team to be a makeweight against aggressive anti-P.uaSuUT intrigue by the Powers to to* League...
...freedom of aosten or davolopment of responsibility...
...We are the young one*, we ar* the strong ones...
...Gwstav Daak...
...isdt into, hte erganisatiou...
...ExMutiv* Committa* Named . Ira Tuoker, .Dallas...
...Who says ffurica Isn't a land Of opportunity N? bright young men...
...Th* poUc* alNoj, dona their beat to hush up this whoia affair...
...t "Tad people who are running thi* company are mainly Socialists...
...IMt sees Jfr...
...3 "fafaaettnaa da...
...Aylesworth apVfiua a* president of the National broadcasting Company, backed by the jNooral Electric and th* Radio CorVntlon of America...
...If It *> to extthd it* mfluence it must fellow ta* Prirato 0*mpanics la the' direction of- both horizontal and vertical SgvOabpSMdit it already own* several steal wsfka a* well *• a Boat of miscellaneous industries...
...Th* act art pa marked the end of the insulation of fh* strikers from tha official Amaricaa tefahr movement...
...Continued on pats I) as TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas .the Amerlei " ^Jm*- aay ^Fv«nafflty tor 11*4 _>*aTm7tt atjght RPT'to ho profoundby^ 1stirred, fir fna rMhhnJ" of two forme* ngant* dT'tha rSpsiUuent of Justica "to tba aSaot £S*Verdara tram tba Sopart^ajakt irt Jostica they rajartad to every sMy^dsvlco known to dataattves in «tte> help convict Sacco and Vana>W% murder...
...5. You may have to-^ork with scab* when you...
...Mtfatng at all had boon «dno agslfawt tk* poHoe wha brutaSy attaoksdT a at auwwny stritenjust bagha ttsathis^tnW opponanU...
...bk WX throush fh* efforts ji» the mad* a steak ossagaay, jUtim* it ta* stoek tela* hols in perpetsdtr by th* Stat* at Prussia...
...IJlaappointlng aa la the League in many ways, On the whole it* continued existence makes for peace rather than war...
...Smith, a retired Methodist mlnlstedof Datths, will head th* ticket for Governor...
...Tha fair weather brought oat a lhrgajTrowd to sea tha beg jsvaat...> i*MMSfl>-Abto-dt*U**aft*V...
...but he won't commit hfapseU to g* P»nw»cratic platform wbiafa protnW* public operation of th* subway...
...Frsnk U atefth, stepubllcah nominee, is fighting through hfa friends at th* trad* unloa oonvoutlon to prevent th* withdrawal af the ladorsomentv Ma ay tebar spaa .ads* do aot favor BmJih beta use the aoti-laoor utOKy *tear...
...Some voices in front: They are...
...Fnygbsr, avers large mtprovoatsart hast to fa* passed by the Landtag,-fhategtetatur...
...Production per aukn-dhy waa down Id to «e per cent et the prewar rata...
...eery handle such cases to > conclusion as provided to the Railway Labor Act...
...V>«^ A hag* aarada gqthared httfhe contar of tha oKy agar tha rsiteaad station...
...They hair* rsoslesd aa cash frora Insuu, whSa both Srsjtth aad Brest* en have.: Christ ill ste wtB tddresa a maetteg* in Straater darUg fta convention...
...another fairly satisfactory year...
...A abort paragraph la to* newspaper tell* us that to* union formed by .th* Vtoteatcd eukwef xtatadr* baa bsea taken In by the Amalgamated Ran war Workers on terms which mean that th* subway men win not be spile up into different locals according -to departments, this buatoe* et splitting up th* men, it will be remembered, was toe great stumbling block during the strike, it is a good thing that this difficulty hat beta straightened out For the present » looks a lime like locking the barn door After the here* it stole...
...4> ready thsr clfart^ahors*-strike ¦nmratfi'i too hte received rhaoin lis assurance aff> support from otbor anions which teak upon tmjuaatidnM such a* Issusd In th* eleventh weak of tha uirnent steaks sa » msnaeo to unloa *d"orte,t* naprnoa ¦MaVsnf congKlons 3 sftat Tuandsy a giant mass unit la)in Jaadmsm square Oardan wiU decker* lis union's militant uiapsse to upbsM Its . avawattttioaal right...
...It is arepoetercas ta assume, fa tbd...
...Tha two... their case- He promises that the organisation will defend its individual members in their right ot self-organisation, guaranteed under the now Railroad Labor Act, Complaints had reached Whaitgti that on asm* of tba roads th* ajd persecution of union -. shopmen tor union activity had been renewed...
...bureaucratic, without much mflJ*ttve sr...
...Aylesworth P8*** off that question, . ,. ^atayor Walker has at hurt, com* oast 1» a five-cent far* on tha nasr sab2... seem a to be on the wdy td being one of the moot productive companies m PrUatU...
...Garment Strikers Start Campain Against Injunctions Prosecutor Praises Cloak Union for Peacaful Conduct of Strike ACLAB3DK call to union lafaclf a*Jg»ated with the Amsrtaair Psderatton- at Labor to fiaj$ injunction of peaceful picketing as tJsfr reaty of the -»*,*ao oloahteahars t# «m taaaporanr Injunction *fatatead kfc th* Industrial Council «* tha aloafc gasttcs...
...different would have bean the activities of the police, the authorities and...
...hUMahon Give* Advled Th* sixteen thousand paraders crowded around the speakers* platform, itself packed with cueate and newspapermen...
...I*** US fun,- assistance in rosistinc t»>i<# torts of tha saenuJacturats t» craafi oar strike by Judcersaad* law...
...aot asaka a|aa|as Coanor ar ksUr tha insii.aansjas...
...J^ssfc^s^ ¦ ^*^r^P"^*Jj ^^^^^^^^^ at th* egsat nasaen'of aha fiifiiiHsdV ta the order, daf npt res Ma* that h* waa^esan|to«^n«^^by^ aholiafaedtn ^ha^i^^of New Tork.™ "I shail...
...Other* on the committee are IB...
...8. Take the advice of the U. T- WEdward McGrady, organiser of the A. F. of L. and personal representative of President William Green, acted as chairman...
...mim Helen Te>4d of the . mediation committee of the strikers...
...1 isy^BrasAaaut*^^ atsUvbar fn' eWt^ injunctions, mod•VsnateaT |fas factory lnapoctiaw tewai s*r*vte«teg dhatpteg on the Jasykot te mtpsss th* eonvtet yrodaete of todit^'5^"steta**li ^^s^tete^rassna^^XsMgi...
...One may wish wall to to* League without thinking that toe United Statee ought to join tt on toe spot I etui have my doubts whether toe government of caivin Coolidge would strengthen the real growth et internationalism within th* League...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 36

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