A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES A September Retrospect •mr OST arbitrarily, it aeeme, there is acreaAfl ment that the feat of January shall be the time tor geatral stoek-taJdc*, tor 4*trospect...

...dram* by Dorranc* Davis wkloh V711llam B. Pried lander is produotap, with prances Starr la the stellar rele The play opened ia Philadelphia Monday night and following...
...two, flv% seven blocks...
...New rm hungry a* a hunter...
...aa to* prod***r...
...ajneayjaBataa^ parte ot Bbt natteh eat ttuksb twist i *v*r mere treteatx p»Ataw*as sap r*vejat4*a at •*•*, ltta, pta«tt*ffBt ngnsldsrtal* teber sjstepttas asm nbB*>c {a...
...friends of toe Qeyterd household errlvod...
...But the night was emir, eeld end...
...Bone day, at now, no more I'll sine—" Jtatsy very well bo that tho sound of a good many sftver oords wtQ be hoard In tho land before Oo trst at the year...
...Qaylard klm*el* planned end executed the centerpiece, a auokimg pig...
...Th* Arnolds e*me...
...WtokJattott** At**> •tetloa—the Pltet latarattteaal wtMOaoft ta tendon by Probe...
...Thi* keeper interest of labor i* too work of the Tnt*rn*Uoa*l led tot froaoh letdot* to ehsnge their attitude toward toe strike as a radtsalia...
...Th* eteracl mca^kfjd was wailing for...
...Joyce a»d Mspate Teltetor...
...And there w*s plenty Of eOm»dy in tho summer, tao: real laughter over absurdly amateur at...
...nthnsi**m tor ***op*r*ttv« •octettes ran high areeat toe Trench workers, and over tot produsUve eoopbram* ergaatsattons war* formed to Pari* aad c eeaeidercbie number U too Provtaoto...
...to Orpjania* Tk* ST*ttesflst philosophy am* to* pratoct of ttaait labor movement...
...sad to* nwaoral ttrtk* ant «th*r tmm» mt "tttaet cotton" aa to* ****** at social Vaaatoratotipa: with ft* aatottv* emphasis, oa to* need tar aaoHaolaa to* poUttebl atoto apt oa tot impotaecy af^p*Btte*l **tt*a>a» a ****** at work...
...Th« matueBiate* **• j telved to e peaoetul chengete soeiai ratetloas...
...Motoer te dyinx- Ten TUptigot to baril" ." w*to to Chans* hi* ecu coat but tea* ^toe seirsiias - air...
...door meeting* of tho striking textile worker* In PftS« Me, with thousand* at <aoo* looking up under the stats to where tho dim figures of tho apealcors moved sorea tho platform;.of the last night ot tho Stadium tSaaseKs...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES A September Retrospect •mr OST arbitrarily, it aeeme, there is acreaAfl ment that the feat of January shall be the time tor geatral stoek-taJdc*, tor 4*trospect over tb« post twelve months, for the *aking of resolutions, for review of every thinf, Ml the world of •petty to that of iifee arts...
...Never forgive him for that," the Voice echoed...
...Tito Pronto warbles eta**, a* waa to* oaa* with to* working olaao ta preottecily aU tttaatrtol co** tries, taunt It no easy task to sate a tottoott ia to* national lit...
...Aa 1101 statute declared that those engaged la coalitions to cease work wet* .punishable by imprisonment ot from ana to three months, while too tenter* of such coalitions wore subject to terms of from three to five year* Th* tew at ItU prohibited associations of'Oven twenty persons...
...Of eearwc, W ye* *Wt Keve % ^datojMb* It" happened te be "ever there* mueysflpy SB HtsaaW - raay" when Ike boose weevil aw Iwttaulato BbPteSttt mm the native tree of frveoem, yoateseadjoYtaSfc...
...ft w*a Hush Mlatara ttendlat lath* Sw...
...alar at Tsmimeat...
...T suppose "you ere satisfied now...
...To several the idea at toe seneral strike suggested itself...
...There is 'fcglaln Ml after vacation...
...ke eried...
...The round table in the guest dining room, now amplified, glistened- with silver and glass...
...Man cannot live on radios and Ford car* Viae (particularly It they are bought en tho install•Mat plan), nor will he go on forever believing that 1a» is sitting pretty because proas agent* for tho Be...
...So it h*s come...
...jrtfltaa Party tall him so...
...He found Mm...
...It la fashionable to call too** who do thlt tort ot thing with apparent aaao "Introverts" aad to count them out from the hurries world of tho door* ot deeds...
...Some day...
...Patsy, has that raro jy* which comes from seat for life- Her eager eyas J* on everything with ooiual interest, whether the Jp« of her scrutiny ha « stray «og, a New Task Vpml Pailroad locomotive or a portly hank pre*iy Bio can distu humor from tha meet unlikely g»eots, brow laughter from tho barreneat of grapes, are ail far Patsy became she is so appreciative »ow feeble efforts to imitate ehlckeaa ana elephant* B*Ln>oo.oi>wa Furthermore, ska Uatons appareatly to our dimly recollected stories about peter HgWt and bis pals, it was Walt Whitman who said: ffl*j*tv* groat poets you must have great audiences...
...Where wine is furnish** by e fubW to taasabQrS ef hi* *oaor*fet|on f*f> um ta too hosne, **« mbjr* *kaa tea ffklloa* a year may be oe tarnished tar bkeae* *f any family...
...The baakruptcy at to* "Oredit an TravelT ta l*tt a* * remit et too eg...
...th* Oranviites...
...l*K# latW ts> ?•^••sBw'rt |l^W#**vv4eW*% tlu^eaVeat" *BslrtssMnl oa*% stems**, . --• - -*':y^\ • •-• . - j a.e.S '?xr-ri';-ft?*j».« - Tfc*JW| %*Mt| *W J/e^ *^Ssaaf B^w^nBy^BV^*B>BnBw*t^ w»anBT* *^a*a»«ia*»—to eter* Ittyt' ft*r talt -P* iBrSPP ' before-to* prehibltlow Hwaeegmo iSbxsfeui y*w •Bkp k**paft ant sk4att.ib-wltke*it fsaf totavW taptotteptt., •*u«r% tom bemsste, $, ;~ «-e...
...Fl|BlftpiB| l" '"' % -, • AS wars ere punned by ohf anen ¦ IS cmaacS ratena apart.**~T- ¦¦ - Was ptea tar sPtat *rm**iair- 1 > ¦. .*** me* to, baes, saart ^ ~-yy w^*r*««e<s»*teMa»m^|*y...
...Their Meal waa a dsnentraltesd eoanomlo eootety based on a now pttnetol* of right-^he priaotem ot mutuanty"' Prom Ittt to HI*, too intern* tionaj met wito but littfa saeoea* in Prenee Ta* ass*olatioa was poreoouted by too e^^rnmott and hp Jttt It seemed oempletelj to hav* disappeared...
...Coat* down," Musk •aBod...
...t* nave re*oronoo to to* aa>iiip*Joi< attests*' to «be Jew...
...Itlch the American workingman la prepared to take" •fct ar* there not signs hero and there that tho day Is 4**s at hand whon American labor may make that httorestlng discovery about class consciousness...
...was welt-, ijtothtts...
...To Be Continued Noxt Week) predorlok Truo***!* ha/bee* **ded t« the east ef "The Shelt," toe ooatedy...
...Course after course appeared and was taken away...
...He was pleased with to* arrangement...
...chanp credit w*eto to)< pteoed at the dUpoaai of aU...
...MUhtb btSBS ay eftob ft* the* rttat'at ooQbotiv* h*rsnunte*> sterna trbtr** here and there bases Mara* the Matptet* roortaateatteh et tadat trial atetety as th* oak/ •ttattea *f th* labor proa...
...s Ithe tota*> toot w** bite* elf ashed and ached...
...without S word to ttte oompeay, Sltet a* he wa* by * taSdsa no** «( presonttmont and hsffsr, he ksetonod to tap oteo...
...operative* with oredit attd advteot them to regard to their mas«gem«ni...
...She was still...
...Tin, took skis, pointed the bcU* red, end never had « finer round in my life...
...certain sharpening at mm en*" »ptrits that give us A dearer vistas* now (gag may be our* five months from now...
...a fortnight's engagement there will bo brought to the Morosco Theatre Monday evening, September 2T...
...so saidt rBl^laf tawurd toe butter^ "wbeld apt tet a*e to...
...And she Uked ban, too, understood hit political statu*, with deprecation ss Mrc Oranville did not Mis eyes often rested upon Agatha where she acted as hostess at toe feet ot the table So toe dinner progressed...
...Don't ory," the Voice again ceunSMtot- TMcto it but aatovat and SM SMI sat t...
...wh* urged th* organisation Of secret societies end the seizure mi poUttoal power through * reveiuternary upheavel...
...ax," she said, whoa they were seated at table, "I played t >eles today...
...Soma, of those are to be discussed at tho forthcoming A. JT...
...She'* dying- TO aot give •ray...
...ed aad Slewing with eacrgy...
...ld* tho Immediate business ot broad and butter gotting that tho ntoro trotting about from place to place, tho answering Ot telephone*, the keeping or breaking of appointment* ii liable to exhaust every whir ot judgment or initiative or wisdom ono ma' >MMM• Especially to this true of those who are bound la cities...
...She seemed en anomaly ia that company ef soft, seductive women...
...with his- cool appraisal of Phony "IndusJMat democracies," have done a grand Job of late *» Jolting Certain "labor leaders" out of their comstseaacy...
...Mother Miatwruc small, sVuffy bedroom W«S Ht by two candles, ¦ which gevp imeertcia Utb*- oisn ptenoed bed-ward...
...fBsguistlsns OS, U. S JNvJShretea Otto neteeten...
...American labor may discover that it has paid too high a price y^br its automobiles and radios by tho toss of class eepacioueness...
...Ben ^JMlSiaa...
...and knelt tow* beside the' bed, his srms throws ****** jtab f**Jl.o*rbs...
...k* i* .lipping *o feet sow* to* tatSSSPSte WtvJtoW even * raw of tan-penny to Ik** StoktbT l***ST tBB jf* i«*i s* Uneete mmk% *re* sanj fteaTfBS»n»aN people **me of toe time, pad oom* of ton s***S* aB tos tfme, but you w«1 tsol cB *f to* peapte a«] *t th* time,- To whajh •kewte a* eateos...
...and a score ot other vivacious persons capable ot filltag the already melodious house wtth buret* of laughter...
...Sat B lent the entantKy bat the euatity of to* dieorimineele* the* •urate*, too milk of human laaeteags la sip W*tSte Aoooretin* to this mi In*, to* Shn>l**tJ*w *f tkn) •nsrrgott^aerarnentar wine le at the *i**r**isi> *f the Ami if bh*t*U*wHssy m aay way iik* hj* tlsj^iio fv&f ttoai fajthe i and I hat p*ea%vep*vks atotoeS Stes* <v^ftsp»'wJBl B**T B^B^ma*B*-j S^BawStbj J*a*isJw^ fBB* , ^^*wv^s)*^**Bla% Sr^fa Jv*Jwj is aeHsib—(V eeo te H that there* ho ptenty ****** rubber In kte dieoretion to stretch toe quantity over •vary steanjah, Chsistisn and Papa* hety any en th* e • o Why, avea my friend...
...daring th* ******** ot it* Via, waa oompotOd awtetolMta«temre ot )P^to«dh*n...
...It Instantly gees on to reassure its . Mto timorous readers that "it is a risk, ono suspect...
...As Calvin undoubtedly med to slag in his Vermont Sunday school class: .£C "Borne day the tilver cor A will ores...
...hilarity at tho U I. r...
...o hava a short time since returned^© it* proper coardlane a two-aad-a-half-year-Old female Infant •"•waring to the name of Patsy, and wail* ore are a fit stunned and exhausted by our visit with tho -same, \*o must confess that an tho whole wa found tha ex*^«ce singularly delightful...
...Be wonderet tf some boy la too ael*m*e»ha*d wag golnx t...
...In toot, a* sooner was th* Republic established then lam* were passed torbldding to* wether* from combining tor to* improvement at their condition, ©as *ati-o*mhib*u*a law passed at that time went so far as to declare gatberl*** ot art lea* * riotous: and to provide that they be dispersed by force sad that the artisans belting the** gatherings be punished with all the severity which the low permitted...
...oid ssel dtodetatol...
...Although to* Trench Rovolvtion was ostensibly toufht ta bebHf ot too labels ot liberty...
...An orchestra was providodj a harp and strings, aad heraaf *klch, from an apstoirs room, sprayed the company with soft cascades of song...
...and Qermnn •oeteUsts to TlnrtreAoh, oeetteB tf the tnt*tn*,ttoaal...
...Marxists' Replies to the Revisionists THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W. LAIDLER |k WMrii aa* trom a* r*rvteto*tet * at th* Bight to to* ¦r«|i(|)M( SaBg^pyfl^JJj^t *^dtj4fts^^nTB> a 4v^r^ft9VBV^9ttaw\%Vp%( ^d^^vS*1 It* posfttv* *mph**te o* to* toed* end ot ta* new tedastrtel sunotar...
...Baa doted, toe...
...Uy anywhere la tha offing wo hare the fooling P* wo could outchant Walt any day in tha week ^ooabt, the modern, hard-boiled psychologist attribPM»aok of tho love for children on the part of adults Kjffll fact that youngsters contribute so greatly to ^T™J'r^-laaportance...
...Suakepi yaj ohsna* the BBS,- Wstt the GoeliCf* -gas i> abjOt war* out and a new gag la In ereer...
...It was rung wtth spirited decorum...
...Our prescription, than, It to taho ever thooo scene* Of maimer beauty into tho rain* and ruin* at autumn tai winter and always to have *em* garden »pot as a ham from watch to make excursions lata skyscraper* aaa committee mooting...
...ovory autumn...
...BO turned reuad- a stick aiaatouteted by an unitos beat w*s beeting a tattoo on th* stess...
...Up to now, »b# talth *f my fadkop* ma* j*tfaj IB|BS> for m*-*irt whoa it cemeo t* past tket fBiy « itesv can pet a lepitimato drunk in thi* Chrteti** l*ad «H*d time to five th* old dogmas the srfttegl *w*s *vUp...
...rk| mf fN . notion the* Brother 0*eHda* W a ap,> alttte *BtJ oba* ia spite of ad toe obtestes *t to* M«*est pea ma...
...w* Sad en* of the Preach delegates advocating the necessity of ergealtlng syndleate both "of resuung oapioitatwn ot capital in toe present,'" an* aa a means of organising, oat of toe grouptaf *t duterent trades In toe aity, "toe dommuno of the future"* In which case "the govoram*at wm bo replaced by federated oouneU* of syadieats and by a oommtttoo of their respective delegates regulating to* relation* of labor—this taklnt the Pi*** ot polities...
...In not, i am so mad thinkinf sheet tote tJgiiJml notion in favor «t th* "eheeon pap**** tout M«-M*»#•*> BiSy Sunday earn* to t*wa-vPs] be tap Seat to hteok* sawoHnjt *r*H toward Aarahcm** hns»m TheyVs pot the homes, tkeyVo gat top opfosrcj theyVe got the esgselty, theyVe mmt till 1*i*wi|jo***-$mM4h6 tlwy pjft tt* A*e> now my gs^srnm*n| o**a*s- etteaj ^etPSBBj B*HsW»t ^BrSt fgWflMlvl #f m}t&f*WI*1&& lrfWm>>^&-il^ £$$01)* tkn 99 m rmnasW y^ow% mmimjy ihmy peg* ¦ Couldn't Be, Done I a*te to tl*»tr*o eWto say Weetrteut oxJtesjSBi Arthur Bri*beaa, ant I etespto cmjmH mm...
...Maggie Tollerer...
...Bottle* popped...
...Noses ot bottles sumptuously unfolded ta silver t*il protruded from' nails of hammered silver...
...it brought but little liberty to the •worker* end redounding Primarily to th* advantage ot the commercial and manufacturing classes who took oontrol of th* rotes of government...
...tho welfare work and tho employe stock bsrtietnstion, boys aad girls...
...e • _ Amt by tAo way, tent tt •nsaaetej mpst SBIBtBBol wlH oe to « peopl* If it hi awwed ** n^n|s*satl, a* to* myth ot the strong eiieet ssem to to*Wblta ifausa Poor Cal leeks «b*ut *rstronf ** 4 *h*t Uttan dad a* tea*eWont a** boiler fbetorp Ok «ktay «tey» tea, never mteej...
...Kaw wo so Into a new aoaooa, now fight*, now-eofasts (of that wo may bo sure...
...If such a...
...its dam...
...elaoh and iangl* to wbteh the nervous system ot the city dweller is subject to always a matter of amassment to rueh friends at min* a* come to Now York on vlstta from tho smeller town...
...to pertlealar...
...y#i4*wv '~*~ ^ > Tka Otoe* ankif at the s»«»sattot toUewat the s**tettN total* at Cbttaf do-Paepo aad htorm Tate enap '¦»** strenxtbaaea by toe aottea ot to* Interneaoaal ta ittt sad ttte to favortag the socialist proposal of toe whereat*, af Industry by to* eematnaitp...
...up ta too rote cesipwsef y*ej by fhsj s*u*p|s*y,~siU I But wAen a fellow te oate for i *tiwwm*n, H?ehC*c .to Pl« Mamte *m sa «*» *to b te wWtt teafito *f Stem, aw* if be kc* «^*te*Srayteka«, toy a be tots...
...soma ono or soma chain at events knocks us 1st a loop), and possibly now victories- In tho labor <world, far example, where the interests of most of us , lie, there is floaty »tirrlng despite tho surface tn««catiens ot unruffled calm- in its editorial en Labor Day ^the reactionary Now York Times made a slgalftcsnt break...
...Th* r*v*lut»n at tttl, ta which th* abcteiist tdoa ot too "orgenteetton ot work" gained eoaohtorabl* headway, left a traSiuta Ot toe peesibtmios et •octal trsntformatloa and gave a strong impetus to to* trade union movement* The revolution waa toi* lowed by a partad af persecution, and this m turn ay reaoa ed agltatloa tor the lageiiscttea ot too unions, out* attakttat ta too tear ot lift, tPsattnl the tight .to strike, aad the^aw of lit*, legeiislng to* formation et syaThe French Oo> Operative Mevoment Pfeini the tlxtlee Curing th* *txt]e* interest m th* cooperative mevoment wee rtnewet, a»d oredit and caving* orgaaltations flourished tor some tim*3 Prom ittt to ittt the "Credit an Trevart" became too center* et tot* movement The council of too bank subeidised cooperative Journals, furaiebed the ce...
...rather the* ta* ***eexe*r aa ta* «oatrom>t factor to tadastry...
...end denounced too toctles of toe oo^operatoi-s and mutueltoenepaWteanyaotk...
...snbvarsrvo views of Ufa generally, and they saK* •Poll for us tho shear tot of hearing Patsy* «i»gJe each time wa pretond to bo fiigbtoned •* oar wtte at her aaimal-eraeker bear...
...Be followed Bugh., hclf-nmaing, hcU-wctein...
...Alio* Soulcoa was engaged posterday tar th* new "Ocy Pcroo," whioh Is aow te reheareai Discrimination...
...gite m tho reports from Cal CooUdge'* ineradlble camp at Paul Smith...
...9ut modern psychoiogisu Brr* mw...
...ot * man who played Beethoven on a piano in a Connecticut barn white tho wind moved among the grasses...
...and toward* tho one ft grim nets of tragedy in tho desertion by rrank yarrlngten (a man for whom I had .werked at time* ainoe 1»3Z) of his Illinot* coal miner...
...New the cusste has hssrd it...
...It eeseed- B> eoneluded that ht had bean mistaken- If was repeated...
...The feast began, \ ' Oaa found himself between Mrs...
...To mo it "twin tho surest way of oalvatlon tor thooo very doer* who are conatantly la the hot mldat ot thing...
...Even now the nasal twang of • 'Waasurlag the populace that they are filthy with lltanertty lacks a bit of its pristine glory...
...The trick is, of course, to reespture "tao flnt fin*, carele** rapture" of thooo ssrpk moment* la tho drab days that ere ahead, aad *¦#« fray littlo thing* and gray llttlo people begin ItkH down on you to r«treat to thOM recollection* sad recreate a bolovod world ot your own...
...ant w*nt by th* nap** at fttHtaplllsfe...
...They entered toe living room lit dimly by too sod stove, alive for him w(th many pleasant memories...
...McA lister Colmman...
...Arnold moved In her own particular cure, firm,tea...
...rtfaot 1st them see me cry...
...Arnold <Uftor*at M she smoked her P-u*alen cigarette* and...
...She brought meCe eyes b**k to her again and again...
...The warn face with its heavy wrinkles about the mouth was' pet ta rigid grandeur...
...jt* doubt, your gallery Sawn the addition of picteres o* surf breaking tbunderouely along glistening beaches whUa brawn bodies ride too wm or ft sudden fBmpoo of « high-riding moon above • mountain lake, or too color* of ft noon'time garden naming agelast the green of old trees...
...Delations wore connected wtth larger union...
...teg indueaoe and toey aow eeoterto it to be "toe means per exaeUoase tor the Orgeaisatloa ot the revolutionary tore** of Tabor...
...tempts at sailing In Nantucket waters...
...Oaa did not want to touch her face...
...The *n«las» at ta, timoa, poofter aad tat T/toptea *e* etaUtto toad* a deep hUprssowa ** ttapw thousands at Worker* at thi* Ptrlad, la to* kbte tsrttes *at to* aarlp fifties...
...ohonerauve •ooltio* *ad ttmilar organisations...
...It apaaors...
...Magh w*e saying distantly...
...It revived again, tote tone under toe leederthif et those who held te the ides* ot eelleotivtem end communism...
...b* futqe enough to disturb thi* gc^hexinx...
...Th* tenowiaa pears, however...
...Her* J* • euototien free* to* «Sto osej Saaa* tetlpa* of the United Stat** Treeeoep ObfditoBnl i aatonpot fcy tko PrekmBww Oimmkkebkot BBS ItSkst relsa* thf tsnSruS on your ofSJ **> emtS- ateaBp* J IB "simply *r* not-c good Am*H**hi v ¦ '. * - , e e e a'-vri sr.- a- - *(» view et tko feet that It ke* be** to* illbMii SueIns many eenterfos for Bswiab famitteb t* met*) fcv their home* th* wines uoeS In the feUptesm rtte* connected with to* Saskcto *teavvajmtee tka *b*ssv-~ an** of to* Peeeov**, and tehee •sterna feoee*, th* pr&ftriitiy •4' p#ritil%tl**9 mfc^ •••i^iibwws^'**^1 mnIi w^Btp* test hi reoefnlsed (from U> S. TrCMavp Butelin* t»4t...
...in pretxeas through educe* ttet, mutual insurance, tyndic&ts...
...Ban, wtS your Aeajas timmt Ban turaot...
...mo*urtx*re*at wet tein**r*rUy given to these easeetetioa* by the subsidy ot $,000,600 franca granted by to* Oonsutuent Actembly...
...bis htCrt thumping against his side, his mind preternetursBy clear...
...At toe fnt*ra*t!*a*l Ceaferenoe at •teste la ltd, tor laston...
...The suffering that was there was a but * f rgven aittory aow...
...Lire moves ao hectically tor anyone who bao fatoroota oat...
...a Voice within him said...
...Approved Januasy tt, BBS).'*, , " Tan fallene of wteo •bmteked oyer atty'tete pulii te act (NMk * *HeJl«velot- te he' mire...
...Persistently ss though a tree bough had scrcped toe pane...
...talked sports...
...Wo have jg #ur secret peaces of tho miad MM heart picture* and hopes n< private eosse** ele*Ji«eut from contact vHh bow friend* sad scene...
...says the editorial...
...Opened the window, and J*^fl^W***e» - M^QJtQIF fc*B^ OsspVwT 4% tW**»S?ivl fpvr...
...the Vole* said aseta...
...Pie wars were everywhere—polneettas end orchids...
...aneT **• operative soolstles of prodaetkrt aad eonsumptlan oould then be orgenteed to large numbers...
...That t*4 WM tnnshta** Tnacer...
...Several, dur-i lap these years bogn to speculate retorting toe possibilities of * future soeiai order based en toe trade union, etraoture, rather than aa to* gtote...
...The second deserts had arrived, when Dan's attention was arrestot by an extraordinary rapping oa the bay window Just behind his «betr...
...of L. eonventfc* at Detroit, and whon tho orthodox laborites begin t* omsider matters which tho radicals have boon tearISf uteir shirts about these many moons it Is an onohjraglng sign ot an awakening, however - belated, atm baa Robert Dunn, with his studies of company ¦nteaiam...
...To be Oentinued Next Week) GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Novel of the Northwest By M. H. HEDGES (ftentiauee) Prem Wast Week) TKSj eltman mi *a this gayety was <~ >to*bat ttortetotoP *WI* too more person...
...at any rate, than tho editorial writer would < km kts readers tpink- All Is not wall with tho comoaay unton...
...They t»v* much attention to eretit McioUto ant' popular banks, Throath suoh ftaantlai latstlutteba, they bellsved...
...it the activities of ttte faf*mtteat...
...Mother Miator* w** deed...
...gtuart Chase, with his ponstrating inquiries •so taa wastes of modern business enterprise...
...This dtroot esetatsnee to the workere on b^oa^oj *^e%^**4^*To^4pf ^(*)1'1 4r^*^ *^*a^^P^aaaa'^Be aePPs) popularity *t the Preach **etloa that it ma* reputed tote pear to hev* trown to a membership *f iet,vO0...
...Approved Ootebor St, tttt...
...She probably wont know me- Perhcps.sk* te teed, I hope a** 1* dead...
...There wore high spot* ot out...
...From another room, came the dlaturbtaf sound ot suppressed sobbing, rhythotl, eel, fluent C woman* crying, an* tutehod...
...Tb*y can't »ee how It to possible la tho mlaat Ot this riaieuious hubbub tor a man's mind to function at all, oat it would not bo loyal to ton them that, la tact, u doesn't very often...
...At Ittt the satoR kous* ot hi* mother...
...To agues wore unloosed- Seme one started * song...
...The SreeMtart electlee oopoeicHy *axe « >rt caeUpk - so wake up th* d*sd...
...Tho purely physic...
...Uke the Marxists, they believed that th* emancipation of the working das* moat be the omr* •t labor...
...SS^Ll^p^Mmk tadbaajtBti QPdV vto^toa gcatwtay ot to* mitoept *^"8|BatH^iBaaaav»^ftll 00 Mini toa4^»»^a*artio^lo»stf "*«f% «f 9tmm teofktr* inr*wmiMtsa$*vh at »»»»>»*, tiaert bOeotolflt httorettod ta toe s^oQtteti movoMOAt et to* omaaar...
...for myself this summer, outside tho phyaioal beautie* which it has revealed, has hol4 somo exciting spiritual adventures...
...Oa* wine ta this revived movement wa* led by llantui...
...Arnold end...
...Thor* w** SS awkward, expectant hush- - «Se* whet ft is...
...b»'» the deep one ane> «Ae atafieg otaL tbe -'•the pacers say ** ovary day, ' £lrl~ • e * — - ' tt i* true, avteidb of the Hsarst p*tear*>'tfns^cVf/1 say ft *uite aotewdly so *f yeeew . . The unanimous e^tawt *f aU *snal<atoO ouonat fteP* btaMlng had a *»bmlinj sffvet set mete sf Sum...
...pan felt himself shaken from some depth within, so dobs heaved themselves out of his throat e*4 tear* stuns km nose and throat "Ok...
...Stall****, una* te**ly * *Bf> Inferno it Jew," proeitred a SpJnPAml <*M SSfl -wtecfos me a* msku my *t«y In wteksel blow York * •"HHf ***** eneJureoie, Ant as Sft.lt frem AfSJbkf at that...
...To m* than* ftrst taw «wkt in •eptembor mn • ftr awe appropriate time tor backward look* tveryMtag »w* witfe » fast pace la January, aad u t»* «* DC* ant gone IBU things a* tatMMlr...
...AH th*** sxempt'ont are hcrw *s *J*» itetsMat ST peepls wa* live by tk* sweet *f'ejbs> bvuve TSass k) one more exemption of *townrt|hf il*T* itneteV a*w« ' ever, which ****** *v*ty ret aiseef s*>gato1*to abjrveb in my white native Protestsnt Anate-ttMbs Bafhabap...
...Ia toe tetter year to* member* *f to* Pronto section, sueesoted ia *kfttotet/ fUtancisi sunport tor to* strtoet whioh w«r* then »w**ptnp to* aouatry...
...with fifteen thousaa* men and woman wildly e**ermg a siun young conductor who bad, made magic jor them...
...THte sattes *aiy ***iLs*t Bkt 4weyort> •^kSwwb"**^ am and fetes brho sbsvt *tos*b*wfy, W* Stot mteneS" Wavent pet -to* fweta *OteiO> Of totSap^l*^ Bkbto'' .tw* toavtbas s*JN-ta oT^toSt,^;^ V JZHI Ant toe abPktewpcw woaM htvt>to teste eak-aacatf, te to* atotftrt mmea to*y msbaS^M ,t» ¦•BStiost...
...bearing a golds* apple 1* his distended Jaws, roasted to * sueeuient brown...

Vol. 3 • September 1926 • No. 35

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