The New of the Week %3*t2£ mm* mt nuw-aWai at «tr S**U ito> B*xi^«ripsjsJ .nilMsiaSlu iTusYriiiaJtsm whfcsa b»saa !» Bfaaa-B. as Ao*. » an* seated ' la BtarVW. n*V f^Tmm' Aa*V;...

...These are questions that remain unanswered...
...We carried our knapsack In democratic . fashion j-iflht into the bunk...
...The squads who engaged in this brutal affair certainly did not act of their own accord...
...Scott, Syndicalisms is top> symbol *g IBlli ¦ IBM...
...They do not propose to solicit "charity" and we do not propose to give it...
...The work of collecting funds will go on in earnest, Sir Ernest, and we hope that it will not spoil your appetite for a good meal... in...
...The working class is heapmg up a great surplus which represents...
...The unpaid part of the labor of the workers is increasing and this is a source of increased riches for the capitalist class...
...The food must have been excellent, since wo partook of the numerous courses with that indefinable ease that one experiences when he is lost in great thought and eating enters only as is sub-conscious complement...
...It was almost time for supper...
...But .in spite of-the increased robbery^pf labor, employment is general and for the time being the workers are satisfied...
...C**U** Firm in Church ~l**um The struggle between Church aad State to htoxtoo -continues after * conference between President Caltos and a number of bisbopi proved fruitless of a compromise.' Tha Govern1 meat - stands- firmly for its positJot that the 'property, of the chnreh belongs to the nation and this to not admitted by the church authorities Enormous property Is at stake and this economic Issue is more fundamental than tha religious question...
...This shows an increased exploitation of the workers of 54 percent for the period...
...Under the...
...The cultural crusade consists of rounding up the voters for pilgrimages to his 122-acre hilltop estate at Woodcliff Lake...
...This is pnly an elementary course in educating the voters...
...Sorel's stand s»W eqmlvocsL Let the general ^BpOp a "myth," tot a be a consiimfst^f^ Bstoa...
...Th* heroic presence of Jim Phillips and hia unbelievably perfect voice...
...LaGuardia Back In Hi* Krnnnol Congressman Fiorella H. LaGuardia has returned not only to the Republican Party but, according to press stories, has agreed to support Senator Wads worth . fpr reelection and work with the' Coolidge Administration If he is elected...
...The sea aongs and the pirate tit-bits with, which he'regaled our belabored spirit still hold a conch-like iwverberenc...
...Mussolini and his teUow dictator, Rivera of Spain, have added to the...
...A phase of medieval Europe survives south of Mexico...
...The expulsion of Peter Maalow and Rerr Teidt, big Communist chiefs, was also confirmed and a couple of Prussian Diet deputies were thrown out for good measure...
...For generations the masses have been stupefied by . a lazy and grafting clergy which shares in the looting of the unfortunate workers and peasants...
...In war he could turn privateer and then venture into the permanent trade of a pirate...
...On the high seas he could take the risk of plundering a ship and sinking the boat and its crew...
...PERKINS OF THE SIXTH WE are strong for the -campaign that Congressman Perkins is making in the Sixth New Jersey district for reelection...
...Considering the millionaires spawned in this country in the past ten years and the imperial1 ist- looting sthat has followed the World War,' is it not possible that many of the young chaps' who take a chance today think itt-terms of these two pirates ? We offer the suggestion to the various Crime Commissions...
...the passing of the stnke on the * Interbord lines the promise of Police Commissioner McLaughlin to investigate the brutal attack upon the strikers as they filed out of a meeting in Manhattan Casino has been forgotten... certainly a vulnrrsbja contention...
...The rain beat down with a baton -of nasty inaiattnc: It was not long before wo stole Into tha Babsl of Brother 8hindler*a domain, aad into a most inconspicuous ehair at a table far to the rear...
...The lakeheaved like a fretful Gulliver under the impish pin pricking of the Lilliputian rain drops...
...At - hone, "pi* faen" has handed another Instalment ot Fascist "conformity" to the lawyers In the party by practically forbidding them to accept cases involving "conflict with the party's prinr ciples...
...Already there, is evidence of a slowing up of production...
...Each bandit proclaims his mission in lofty terms and then fills hispockets as rapidly as possible as he knows that another bandit will oust him as he ousted the one before him...
...Joseph Brodsky...
...There were no stars, no moon, wo nightingales to district our sensitive self into dilatory reveries...
...sad to tb« sal*atusi eC a.J elsss is of she asters ef a rslsgss " ^1 C Scot...
...And tor the wonder of a miracle i I bring my adoration to your shrine To wait In voUve reverence untU Your Una transpose their blessing on to mine...
...Intellectual debate on...
...So was the slave trade which became the biggest enterprise of that age...
...Illiteracy "is widespread and the grossest superstitions prevail...
...What the committee is asking is that we perform a duty and what we propose to do is to respond to this-duty...
...To psttC out the underlying sunftartUes of sB three to Mr, Scott's srif-appotsesB task...
...Th* syndicalist philosophy^gj...
...Kersud S&dk&tm ~ * To Mr...
...The result is that these bloody little pbligarchies gradually drift into the hands of American capital and finance...
...Bo was trusted by the workers In the district...
...Any statements he-may quote frees us lit the past WtU serve merely to emahastoe his own hvck of: prineipfss...
...Coffee and fancy tart came snd were demolished, cigarettes and pipes wore lit, form* roes and curtseyed swsy to'the veranda...
...Venezuela is not an exception for the little nations of Central America and a number of others in South America...
...His words are vigjsrsss|fc "To repay with Mack iiigislllrss*^, th* benevolence of those who j_ would protect th* worker, to siat^ with insults th* spseches of IhsSLj' who advocate human fi sssrnikfc.^ and to reply by Mow* to th* sd-i ¦ voeatoo of those who would mnmtrjL gate social psaoo all this a se-£ suredty not in eorsfermity with f**3 rule* of the fspntonsble sociaihu" | . . . but It is a.vsry practiosi vrSSK^ Of Indioatinrg to the midals ctosathat they moot mind their **fj& huolnass Skej nothing tart to hki mgrtnssi for th* cJato-rev*J| Uon...
...or another...
...We were assigned to Bunk No...
...Such collections, dear readers, being mostly for actual and imaginary pledges mad* to these prolifio if indignant radical enterprises...
...The, emtrtettt-^publrsher completely mis understands the rmssSon of the British committee...
...counsel for the, strikers, also neglected the matter...
...As warehouses and shops become overstocked at home sad Mmnfmiomglimm more add pas^fat hM -self we wilt MttmXm>m3* mmmu .j> r*jr*» . our history- \? ^' "? • The lassies at*:.9&ag^kMli|pM Stark tragedy I* ahead rtfctfce jaact when capitalism proaanjta as wrtft as^toer.tastalment <rf the crazy cosrtraAcfcos;c4 •Xsspgw in the amid** of -yfcnty* So-rJaBaiB...
...socialist since Marx," as T. s^fisunira wrote (SPECULATIONS, BxUeovrfX Brace Co...
...All the evidence available warrants the belief that the plain clothes police acted without any provocation ~and that the Police Department wasT used to serve the Interhoro in its war against the strikers...
...No, a merry life and a short one, shall be my motto...
...And when th* wind stirred it seemed about to rise and frighten the peaty things away...
...The boycott continues but appears less effective and the next few weeks wilt likely witness some conclusion of the struggle... always, keep faith with 'the working class...
...They rob the Poor under the Cover of the Law, forsooth, and we plunder the Rich under the Protection of our own Courage...
...srware of the Bow of Sjdj change, and cognizant of the.JW of snoJiuuisB progress...
...tae^sycboke^Q nnamqrrs tn tod ^ wtlk...
...Always, we will dream that above the bin* that fringe the further end of Lake Tamiment hangs the orwdle where all storms are nurtured to swift and stspstwleuo maturity...
...Smuggling'became a source of riches and many a government official shared in the loot...
...Four of these affairs have been held and more are to come...
...JEach despot reaches power by a military assault on the clique in power...
...x Ruth Fischor Is Thrown Opt In lass than, a year the policy of the Communist Party of Germany, in obedience to Instructions from the Communist International In Moscow, has completed the half circle from Left to Right...
...Social Similarlfkt ' In SYNDICALISM AND riT1Tggfs, (A...
...Her very gentleness ef psrsen and soul is to us the finest strength we have ovsr contended against...
...We await his answer—if he has any...
...In short, his is to be a "campaign of education...
...And sines nothing occurred to seriously interrupt our super-mortal mental wanderings, it foHews again that the culinary offerings of Behindtor war* spiced .with a divinity of their own: • • • A flap was open at the lake side of tha dining hall...
...This is not the first time that the workers of one Country have appealed to the workers of other countries for support in a struggle...
...Scott is more...
...labor, the inxnitionism of Bergson...
...Meantime 'It la reported that, laymen of the church are going to organise a political party which will be clerical in all but name...
...v The detoge com* Again...
...We are still giggling with snd st "Ginxy" Qingsburg, whose interminable skein of Hebrsic talss and songs Will never unravel, not that there be no end to them, but that he has of, all men we know the most engaging method in twisting the same threads into new knots and ton alee...
...American imperialism penetrates these nations with financial investments and concessions obtained from one despot...
...capitalist system of production the worker devotes a portion of the working, day to producing his keep and the rest of the day he is producing surplus values for the owners of industry...
...Sorel was unquestionably correct to minimising the# importance of psHWrat change and emphasising the necessity of economic...
...the motives the* drive to social action are tesUmosfy k> hia inspiration as a revolutionary, it certainly undeniable...
...On the contrary, most of the "elvilised nations" have bad the experience that Mexico is now going through at some time in their history and they find nothing to "wonder" at in the present struggle...
...And surely on* cannot dose the story of a most uneventful era without mentioning Brother Joseph - ¦on.rwho seemed to bo everywhere, atttnding to tk* body and spirit comforts of some three hundred rainsoaked, tempers...
...THE CHATTER BOX More Sonnets to a Dark Lady You must have lore since love alone reveals The luminous warmth beneath your reticence...
...and C. Stack, London) J. W. Seeti who is a lecturer on moral phuoeoeky in the University of Glasgow, baa **> decTored to make a philosophic condb at Ion of contemporary social trssssb|s ctes...
...v ANSWER, MR...
...Beyond, over the woody walla thalAuard SandyviHs from bsrbarie sight, the heavens muttered and glowered...
...The' table held, us only, while tk* funeral skiss drooped upon, our reflections...
...The worthy gentleman insists that it is humiliating to England to have "charity" offered by American workers to anybody in England...
...This tras the logical sequence to the recent censure passed upon Ruth Fischer by the Presidium In Moscow, so no surprise was felt in Socialist and Communist circles when Nicholas F. Bukharin came over to Berlin from Moscow the other day to preside at Jtuth's- ax communication...
...And since we have mentioned Al, we might as we*} become'quite definite in enumerating all those who helped us to forget the five sunless days ana moonless nights, when tennie and hiking, and Intimate strolls under the stars were beyond attaining...
...If only the elevator at the Wand School could catch some of his revealed effiei*n*yl And must we forget that double-barreled twjntot, Noviek and Belsky, who attend to everything from train announcing to towel collecting—end work as anfaltering as that other famous duo—To and Fro...
...McLaughlin by Samuel Untermyer...
...Bad- radical sent...
...A well-rfilled paunch obstructs .his view while the empty stomachs of the miners and their families enable them to see much that he cannot see...
...In other criticisms ot the pfauceopkp of Sorel, Mr...
...Our heart was weary with the world's weeping, and our,, mind torn with its incurable eomplieationa...
...Whenever we think of vacationing again Bertha's worm smile will bosk** to us across th* hendred milss of towns snd valleys, and we wHl rem gladly...
...oast Was owM against ah* obteetloeis at -.the British and American aulssstss, 1 After tha congress broke wo taur at tha delegates opined that while K had heso a great success is pronsormg- good-win between Frencbaxern aad Oerrmana, sad also among other aattanaitioa, if had not accomplished mach toward stamp¦ ins our war...
...Then there was Sarah Rabiner> whose quiet perfection as a companion, and whose fortitude in enduring our impossible temperament, kept all designing* Ciress from our path, the while she patiently laughed at our wizened-up quips and suffered through our lonejbesrded tavern tales...
...Ah—it was Al Farter, the e*e waiter lad who oon play Oanymede to to* thn**i*m,V*a would** have to Urn* either...
...SOUTH OF MEXICO TT is a pathetic story that is told on another 1 page of this issue by a representative of the Venezuela Labor Union...
...Here is Coolidge's "prosperity...
...a. lew ; hints regarding the popularity of.crhae^by studying the nse of piracy in the eighteenth century...
...They believed that he was sincere, -that ha was on the road to Serving the working class,' His present conduct la an indictment pf his professions and proof that ha is an adventurer, cm the other hand, wo Socialists acted up to our promises made In the .year when LaFoUette was the candidate for President Our hands are clean, our honor la untarnished, and we now...
...Why has not Commissioner McLaughlin carried out his promise to make an investigation ? Is he at all concerned when these squads run amuck...
...An advanced course consists of supper on the' lawn, while a boys' band plays the classic jazz for which we are noted...
...In his attempt to interpret Borer* exaltation * of the Impulsive and-the anti - intellectual as an outgrowth st Bergson's in tuition lam, or at least SB a concomitant that springs from thai same social substance, the author sssl drawn some very interesting sad 8a lumlnating analogies and 111s I k*W The analysis of Bergson's phlkiiustr is adequate tor the task...
...Sors* have a pmietarlat unsoUed by k^tnalfty . and dedicated to gBM else than the general strike sasf^gj elssa-revolotion...
...Respite, respite we yearned for, from the memories of clamoring con tribe and still more clamorous collection agencies...
...And ,in any other place but Camp Tamimsnt our snatch at a vacation would have been sad and woefully futHe...
...1"** ¦ &i%*.ffiJ*i-*£r A CLUE TO CRIMB Fit possible that those who see mqca perturbed over the increasing ¦ Bomber ot ; crimes being committed nay - get...
...The expelled members are supposed to resign their seats at the request of the '^SsaSgst^ tt*tB**tl^ '~li***^ti*j£ 'in&^ pmru' *mm^t!p!m*mf^mav toft r**mm ^^^i^m*H'9t %hig ,s w»fi roswrnswhiS tpBsrwtos tfa* drop- to thesreoto from WUH « hV eV ink to ajrum *BTrDs...
...From Bergson's agnlispBl of tk* Intuitive is derived "the aptaaV policy of instinctive action...
...cares of Great Britain and France by coming out against international control of Tangier, the African port just across the strait from Gibraltar, and demanding that they be allowed to take charge of it...
...It is up to the Police Commissioner...
...In that period land grabbing under the protection of laws'was a popular sport with ruling classes...
...president .at the FleSta.lawsna of the Bights of Man...
...Otherwise we are comp%ffe<r to- think that he prefer* tr* make himself an accomplice of others in this brutal raid by shielding the guilty parties...
...In the central attitqde ol sjr three, he sees the bankruptcy of 1st philosophy and the essence ot irrationality and destruction...
...And such seraphic luster in your face...
...In Nicaragua and other Latin-American, nations the work en cannot separate clericalism from the domination ot ruling classes tor the same issue faces thorn that faces tk« Mexican working class...
...wjMtf «a> toy illiiitii...
...It may . be a good clue to follow...
...c¦¦' I r. i< •Need it5 be: surprising: that ^ahip captains ventured into a Kttle business on their own account and stored com and jewels in their pockets...
...Critical Cruisings By V. F. Calverton Syndicalism and Realism i:^s^.ife'Sw!su^ are usually prepared, to thtek OajJl eppalsl ctainspls The bk.Jc*tot is J aware a* eoctolnar...
...That I might wear the vestments of a saint, So purged I am of' every carnal taint...
...Elected In 1S24 with Socialist and FannerLabor support and in opposition to the parties of capitalism, he very often voted with Socialist Congressman Berger on important bills in the ¦mmr' Tmrtiiuss Laarototft *m SaSitliS CaoUdga- Jo 1MV a* fines ux with th* higher hrhwoawcqr af the ReswhUoan Party...
...My world takes on a metamorphosis And I am lifted to a hallowed-place...
...And then there was Tessi* Taub, -whose ringers danced, like rain, drops over the keys, and made that nonagenarian of a piano sing like Adeline Patti in hsr teens...
...Sir Ernest, enjoying three good meals a day and a comfortable home at night, may live in a world that looks rosy to him, but a few months in the mining sections of Wales, with no income and no work, would prove to him that there are two worlds, one of idle owners and the other of' idle workers...
...One might say with caution that hia sympathies, fnose fastidiously intellectual than ssiaflors ally dynamic, reside with a kust at soft, parliamentary, passionless Msrrxlsm...
...We hep* to bo at Tamimsnt over the Labor Day week-end, and wa car* net if H rain again every day snd nighL And should th* sun really bless us with hia prssenoe . . .-.them- heaven will not be far behind...
...Even Maria, the Lady Chamberlain hardly raised her detioato eyebrows in recognition...
...There is a cleansing fragrance in your kiss...
...AS rssoluttons tonohlajr on the wars at' present beta* waced In Syria, Morocco, China and aesne ! other parts of the world were -aidetracked by the saaaasers.ot the oonBTeaa...
...Thus reasoned"many a jolly ship captain...
...Since 1919 factory production increased 25 percent, but the number of wage workers was less than 1919 by 16 percent...
...If American investments are endangered by the frequent revolutions American marines invade the country and make the American imperialist yoke more secure...
...s3S wesdsV a btolostoal World, a psgobfjgjE ear world, a theatre world, .nsksjlu arorM.'a philosophic world, *<*932 world, a religious world—each «BTa>W perste and disconnected with ttoesbsn...
...At the same time, he and Minister Volpl continue to Jug-ale figures calculated to show that Italy is prosperous and a good risk for American bankers with money to...* rata...
...With the modesty of the truly illustrious, we entered the Office and registered...
...j?-' That Sorol Is ."the most .....iralssjs...
...appear* to have arrived too late to save a party eager to emulate the KUkeany tssflL...
...Scott's st-2, tttude toward the whole matter of tk*4 class-struggle la largely non-*8SBxaBta.1, if not evasive...
...The organised "workers of Nicaragua hare notified the Mexidan Regional Confederation of Labor that they support the policy of Canesrwhlle the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor declares that It will not interfere in the controversy as the Pan-American Federation of Labor doea -not aoneern- U.sejf with religious questions...
...In the meantime the governments get deeper and deeper in debt to American bankers and our State DepartmenT^tokes a hand in making hard bargains that mgtst^be paid out of the sweat of the miserable- toilers...
...They received orders from somebody...
...What need have I for empire, » ' / Who a loses...
...through a military rerolt, and General Coatdylis, leader of the latest rerolt, is promising...
...communists who are apposed to syndicalism as a theory asst as a tactic are convinced that it a oakr through economic reorganisation asst revolution that a now order con evolve...
...The necromantic hour of twilight was about don*.' One could already aee the sable shadow off- night slowly climbing ovsr the, walls of the west...
...8o*B *» Inflexibly opposed to concillaUora x** compromise...
...Capitalism has been fattening on Etrope for many years, but this cannot continue forever...
...Sorel's emphasis asoB "tocaiculab 1 eness" a construed as* direct fruit of the BergsonJan thodMJ Of the- immeasurability of thtoSP Sorel's criticism - or Marxism a txsf it a too much intoUoctual and too fersfa revolutionary and violent (BefssBl "Boflectfons on Violence"—Huessstil Bis complaint is that radicals are *K towing the spirit of peace to grow *M between the clsssos, whereas ths edflj hope of the proletariat lies to hrssf** and th* desire for violence...
...stostop st see ssssf sad s« sssrs ' f» iftsmlr...
...Clerical and militarist olig1 archies maintain a union of Church and State and rule these little nations for their private plunder aftd for the profit of American capitalists" aild bankers...
...We left the burning cobblestones of Bsbylon for the palm-crowned-hiils of Canaan...
...It le not necessary for tha purpose...
...We neither need nor desire assistance ftom outside," he -writes, "even from so friendly a source as thjP United States...
...Man who sra eapetoU «t ssch aotldne are fakhCui to aesedj tort 'taemselreS...
...FOR three days and a week-end it rained...
...The fact that the strike has been settled does not...
...Naked robbery and swindle, sanctioned by law, signalized the development of infant capitalism...
...When the yokels arrive to learn what the great man thinks of economic and political questions they are invited to enjoy tennis courts, a baseball field, a swimming pool, pool tables, croquet and other diversions...
...In the meantime...
...Bis¦fjp**, fight for freedom, for votuatsrlsprsstpa Intuition...
...Even when shs quietly oreausd Al Farber and Toes Tsub snd your humble serf off th* stags, because our show was interfering with the cabaret entertainment at the Tea-Room (since our admission price wa* free, and tea has atom ye been an American source of financial irritation>, we must admit she won without even our' making a pi stones of protest Next to our own spouse wo know of no person who hss us so- effectually iroksd even before we get going...
...It often occurs, and when support is given it is not considered "charity...
...He visualises the refonntstls type ot socialist as stressing pelfBeal action and the -revolutionary -type est' stressing economic, and, with entire misapprehension of the significance ot the economic aspect of modern Ufa, concludes ' with reprehensible naivete that: -xsss...
...relieve the Commissioner of responsibility^---It «-his duty to probe this mysteHpus^Satdt fe-the bottom...
...After the Sun has set the candidate has a white - screen erected and the scholars complete their education by viewing five 'reels, of moving pictures generously provided the great lawmaker by the War Department...
...This conclusion to notj an indication of relapse, bat a-bvaaficlal result, of drastic experience...
...BENN, a London publisher, writes to the New York Times objecting to the mission of the British miners in the United States...
...Yes, we are strong for Perkinrof the Sixth District...
...But somehow, we do wish that the Camp Beard of Management would cease their superfluous Saturday night over-seeing.' Bometivos, when we think of supermen, we forget that the feminine gender ef *hat rf re class might be super-women...
...As a Republican he wants thevnoble freeman of his district to know what he thinks, what his party stands for and what the voters should support in the coming ejection...
...k* the realism of Melnong and Russell, sag bis primary considerations...
...And only love'a white wand can break the seals That hold your glories in a jailed pretense...
...Semfca, a wake is for the Irish, tart a net* Jooish boychlk should always bo awake...
...But a day of reckoning is coming...
...Ruth Fischer, the fiery and vituperative Reichstag member and German spokeswoman before the Presidium of the Communist International, who a year ago was still busy purging the party ot "moderates" and who almost succeeded in having the -veteran Clara Zetkin read out of the Communist organisation, has been formally expelled by the Communist Party's Central Committee...
...Fartsnatety, bii Twentieth CnsigTsssI msf Dtotrlot, and •octollsts wffi toko ruU advantage ol It...
...A STORM AHEAD FIGURES of production recently published by the pepartmentj;of Commerce show ijhat factory production has increased- 75 percent from 1914 to 1925, while the numberof factory workers increased only 13.5 per: <ent...
...Having finished this course the voters go home convinced that of all the men living in the Sixth District Perkins is -the one man who -understands the great questions of the hour and that his return to Washington is essential to the preservation of the glorious republic...
...General Pangaloo, who far the last rear or so has been trying to play Mussolini in Greece, has been deprived of bis dicta torsMn...
...or tkjg Byadlaallsts...
...If "legitimate business" could include seizure of "heathen" lands, drive the laborer off the common lands, and raid Africa for human flesh to be sold in America and the West Indies, why could not others rob the robbers...
...Readers of this issue .of The New Leader will note that another inquiry nas been sent to Mr...
...nsoat bsetlanad :to rise to- thto oobsitry there to no doubt that IsvOsardls wottJd have conttoosd to drMr with rt but ho would b* no n*ore ateoere to this .than be to sow...
...Rain Song If heaven weep forever...
...There ie something about Bertha Mailly that is at times miraculous...
...The lake, and th* hills, and all that Tamimsnt has been to us, could never mean as much for ad of their luring pleasantness, unless we know that- Bertha Mailly was there, too, with her welcome, which Ss at once a comfort and a benediction...
...ecor»mics-,>^Bj| PhBnsophsr tostead of aetag IgsasgM fa the matter of syushesis Is kgB the- confusions Ot critical rssltoavjE street ethios or vague ssyattrajB John Dewey kd TTttlrsnil ThlspM^gj course, are brilliant *»oeptk>a*^S|l ago to oa* of many worlds eg...
...wfflvg* « very sympathetic hearing swiien rtfre: ****** comes...
...There is a big increase in the relative share taken by the owners of industry and -the increased production .'of values is produced by, a relatively smaller number of workers...
...but that his Influence s*f been widespread, that hia quick gVxag of psychological phenomena' and hig keen apprehension of...
...Captain Bellamy, who seized a Boston sloop off the coast of South Carolina, said to the captive officer: "Damn ye, you are a Sneaking Puppy, and so are all those who will submit to be governed by Laws- which rich, men have made for theif own Security...
...Bishop Diss of Mexico broadcasts a statement that takes much for granted when he asserts that "the civilised nations of the world" have "wondered" that a "ConstituUon could have brought affairs to the extreme they have reached...
...Although denying thai the party will represent the church, in polities the pretense will deceive no one...
...unpaid labor...
...7, toto...
...sard about' hia argument is that socialists and...
...The now legendary porter did not appear...
...The five other diners at the table introduced themselves to us In family fashion, and sines only first nsmes were of custom used, "Bam" kept oar Incognito safe...
...the people a constitutional regime...
...Modern enlightenment alone offers some hope for the unfortunate workers in that part of the world...
...his denunciation ef *tlss»sag intellectuality and reason si* sad Pounded in simple, lucid fsshsm Ofl course, there, to sso Ljrrcjoy of Ttaiiwl crltiqu* or annhUaUon of BsrgasBxl but, after all...
...i - , Snail I dare complain . . «T ,' . :'r- : What user have X for sunlight Who met you to the rain- --t ' *w The earth, may turn to ocean...
...Bandits may come and bandits may go, but each one as a general rule respects the holdings of American capitalists...
...This msntion is made lest our credit be impaired in the world of finance and trade...
...Judging from, the number of people accepting his invitations we are sure'that he measures down-to their intellectual level and that if he does nothing but smoke good cigars and room at the best hotel in Washington he will satisfy the supporters of his district...
...and to l^Xl.itl oa April M, IfM...
...It is this situation which makes the problems of this region complicated...
...Who . issued the orders...
...In 1720 Bartholomew Roberts, a*pirate, declared that "In an honest service there is thin Commons, low Wages and hard labor...
...Because* the Atlantic Ocean separates us from the British *niners is no more reason why we should not perform this duty than the fact that the Mississippi Valley separates us from the miners of Colorado should justify similar neglect...
...Sorol wants no aqqesmlss, teUeotfial ssxeatficaUoas to lstrode Slj <jna«fy xhe detormtaatioa of tk* ssxfg tariet Instead of having a u^MWjJB •darated in ths history of the oksBfl srsrugrto...
...Ha«r_ could one dream with Afs beatific avoirdupois blotting out tha open flap through which the lake and the1 rain and the storm-torn face of heaven had siphoned on our soul...
...8, without the least tremor...
...iiiyliiit »• to tba> effaa* that »th« trsssgjas aa-JBaSawa oppoeVfta peasssasksfc, vgaaaVasptJj ttoa was prasssssd toy pkeMtsand Sshson...
...Our advent to Bush kill was a tone poem of intermittent rain and thunder...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 33

Developed by
Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.