The New Leader Mail Bag L|k fbe New IVeoddrs g^g word t* intern my mmeoro Em-*** apreehttton, *** tb* estenE^irtt of co-imtim you h*** ftajMltth the mov«a*ent to otganiso Cjalhni-...

...Abrehm Man,;asanegor of the Now Tork |tejp»ard, *nd A. Catalanotto, trade Susp ** *»• **•* *"«*¦ faroaa of B|"ajayiil istinn we** pictured by Kj'|kol«in sheet, a* bo via* -packed 7|M]a>berahlp meeting plae* with ma$ffm *BO* Pol'c*RUln fee the pur5fj|jfi^"'*'*'*' them* vote on th« rati* S^p of tha agreement the union Ay signed 'with the Manufacture ntftiMM slander araa aimed OMinilng, mm* than any one alao, firlaava comrsdv, A. Becaerman, B **¦ rallni Bcokerman the "deHir," tba Fascist Beekarman, tha BjjgillBlsii Beekerman, tha roacttonBjtookertnaa who stinks, ate...
...Sidney Smss, general president...
...But since that apir pa resented the attack that it fjabfl |t necessary to nail the Comitp^MrlfcM, one has a right to ask «gr •^We«*d.-X!ea»raaarr8eckerman •aaj JIJP** °* the other-two officials Amalgamated...
...Either commdaBeckerman...
...The meet shsrssteHstis (eaturo of tap eld societies was the exploitation of the weak by the strong under ths systems of slsvsry, serfdom and wage laker...
...JBpwaikly oarried a sourriieua at-1 KM ***** °* **• Amftlpewate* ajpsnj Workers officials...
...In fact, tab less you argue with a ftonry Bubb the sooner he wilt...
...Others wast* ft lot of time explsiniftS it tn some one who knows more about Man than tba avefege Socialist Tarty member doss...
...The New Leader Mail Bag L|k fbe New IVeoddrs g^g word t* intern my mmeoro Em-*** apreehttton, *** tb* estenE^irtt of co-imtim you h*** ftajMltth the mov«a*ent to otganiso Cjalhni- porters...
...ot his own accord join the party...
...tba malicious slander jfitast fiHT—1i Bockernmn^ unchalX,ljb% B unfair...
...What a asms to set the toat at meat Socialists is to bare same dumbbell, who cannot aran pronounce the word Socialism correotly, ssy that socialism is a tot of hunk...
...F«r thia fStbm...
...Tour work has Q-bstn * credit to your nag** sad mjmM to th* race...
...Sm libel, which the New Leader Belated into English and published Bk« issue of Saturday, Aug...
...A let ot Socialista lose « good deal of breath arguing about Socialiam with people who are dend from the neck up...
...7, v calk* ¦ eotudeomfttiou on the par) of any &j«t ¦*» or woman in tha labor \Sfmx strikes me with surprise la tha JAM** of th* "Nuoro Mania...
...City, ttmoral Organiser...
...IVhen'yoir cause'one to become a Socialist, you have 'started that «ne on the right track...
...Under the Socialist regime it ie the privilege and the duty ef the strong and talented to use their superior force and richer, endowment*' in the eerviee sf their fellewmen without dietlnetien ef class er nation or er|Sd.«*>Sneyelapsedia Brltannlea...
...jsM i.ui«ll»li'.»,M»<h-On P"^-fO» <b* eJSovo Monde" through the columns jf§tur "I...
...Parole, del Popolo," official San of tne Italian Socialist FederaSn, but to no avail...
...iW^' A Philip Randolph, feJfcW...
...2E !• answering tba Communist ¦Sob defends Hillman and CntaleSM& Marina...
...A piece ot Soeialistie literature, or * copy ot a Socialist newspaper, is more effective than ft lot ot talk...
...IfeV Ta Nneve Mend* fMp ™ 1-eader: i fir week* of* an Italian Cam...
...Unless you are well aoaoainted with tba principles of Social* lam, it is beat to say as little about it as possible...
...Bad tba "Nuovb Mnatu" * paper largely controlled W^eVajalaamatad and edited bygone ptkjafkdala, ignored the Communist BlUrt ajtotothor no on* Would have aaneaV B» .strange attitude towards TliiBjIjM Beckeraan...
...the Sn labor daily of New Tork City...
...I maintain that (fe *'Nucfvo Mondo" has left room In $g minds of its readere to doubt the MBtsty of purpose and the integrity H Comrade Beckermaa...
...Finally, always remember that when you win over a person to Socialism, you are doing this person the gfedteat good that you possibly can do hip) or her...
...again and through tba eol« Mas ot this paper, I ssk the "Nuovo Eado" to make its position clear...
...This is the bird that will argue wMh n Socialist just to learn bow much the young fellow really, knows.' Now my advice is don't discus* Socialism with a person unless ysu feel that he or she is in earnest...
...A good number at people will gat you going just because they like to see you get excited, or they feet tickled when they Are soma question that you cannot answer...
...Never •try too hard to eonvinoe anyone that Socialiam is the solution of aU world strife, or that Socialism is tha hope and salvation, of tba masses...
...So let us use more discretion in the matter of carry-, j ing the message of Socialism...
...L.tan bee* aheetutety fair and ngtflsod » high ^stoaderd of Jour|ag in the/matter...
...Trenton, N. J. Seeialiem naturally gees with an un; aslnsb or sltrulstio systsm of ethics...
...A lad at people ask me why I ever became a Socialist, why I bother my head with that bunch, and also say that t wejnid be a lot better oft of t would gteP wasting my time with the ftofdajiatd and Socialism...
...Sometimes I feel,that a felidw ttust be a nut ta ba able to so around trying to "help same one els* and then as a reward get klekedtoJ** face, be torn that sis ideas are all right, but tbsy are not practical... what aW- Communists call him—and even ||bd the "Nuova albugo" is duty* )pet* to nght Beciterman openly in auLo ia ir si iha at tba eeawsanoa dad ej p ¦ ^wm^r"^^"*asrar^sj »a^*anp^ j is Htm aj tba 44satfansBtad ajHapbae-' •nip M is the 4»ty>, otJL **Moto ItondJo- eg tPMt kUb asnentwttb tha ether tw« oftWts)*, Oa* iCi*MO»'*> <*»«•« tttam, tb* <W%nny jftai ¦ 'X w* SpaMa^vadaMsi Naliaaal staSsailasMi atf i&ka 4tatiaa Chieaaa, M, " ^ •eemlieta aad ftwatbaHa Bditar Th* K*w l*aderr • As ft flaciaUat I b**0 tMft «tm«« d nut ft damn tool, ft tW With ft lot at crftay ideas, and alao ft fellow with a lot of sense-who 'baa ft law ad »sojal» istie btmk hi my system...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 32

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