Oneal, James

The Vanishing Yankee Old New England Facing Its Second Conquest ACUflWi fcoolt that fee Jwt oMm Sato of benio ii HI provide Hot Co* a aerobeo* Thoanthcr ktjrllllW IT — Ion" l^Wfc^MWpl BMNT...

...tHitt Hot a perpelMnstii «t M M s*v tionsi dsns M<*Ml ftM Mfttiiy snd we will fss sue iCMMMk MM that of the IMtt «M sew MtMtM beat MM asnT>ejMf...
...And vbt PPM Mrgjwg Hardy M suisUp H knsht tnt*> pansg ma j nnspi fleeter mvty the poet...
...The bases ot poetry era te> Wn end pamotkav* insists one...
...wa get the imssiMs that the ska* wmeg gth tMt, sfjea hMnuky easnxcaaensty Jeers at is the any thkg that ensdg pneaihly keap her atMt> TM beak opens with, ah eseay em MHew to Choose a Reiiglen.'* TM sua* lent is treated wtth the frrvoltty ot a high school student...
...9feo '>,s*ma*ot « !*M msfrssr WM net* by tM pisMsg enthr so Wiofdisg mm «-b# extdasrae srirUefts* # t-t feu* that WM aft...
...tMr Mi««t Mte thoinoeOM M tM ijiiMthUl eoercion of tM Mr tM Mt trrtranUo po1Mt>tt», tttt tiMlMlly few their owtV tejtieeti This is the m«*ire et ttM...
...And on Byront Ml would M a vesw poor and a Wy naa> leas chmaxiseradnt is he luttetgg hsf ueV or by any one, en i arottteM'M Corruption* have been so Pashagndjgm emmimssd...
...4 , '» BRIEF REVIEWS fc^A^ • . - ••Vi^"*sjsHfyg-A* -f, '--¦>fc^M I Bsesssk' afcsV^dtr^s^seaeaaear Is^saat ^wltoJi^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ - a^ie^B^ipl^^^^^ tss^ ewlssaJss^^ sM Pi pUHhlsmf...
...1 wa> IT k generally conceded tMt A. Attsky** "TM X&bhuM" was tor New Toxk the outstanding play ot the year...
...C batch, and etate wire divorced...
...wealth and Ojuitufe...
...tfnteiy, the world wae comlna to an oM...
...Wk% M sMlPMs wM was yord'a SS S 'ajtkg P^d a am ^K*Cj It SmsiJ?vs^^ Vl^jBsstsi M % ^VewpM -sgdpN^B^ tMt em |fftg - n| ssaVctemt sstd janPat mriPJ Iai aPJSst ^*SW*^»^^*^^^^^^ ^^^^^^W J^^*SW ^^^^ ™ • f mm'^*mr^mtm* ^MfM^m^mwmmmm] hgwh esaPh sskagt^lkfcn^- ^L^Sts)^ tssxsj m mmpm mmvm mm mm mt'mmn mmm twwi e» iiii mi "Wtam y$m iwi m- mmimm> mm*** am eur » » wm# m mmnmmn a mm mam* mm amy* w mm\«if«t tmp«mVK ma Mftt^lM MJM m*** m mat mmmm m%X*f ¦ at^k^^w ,tss^s^p^BsPhk _ ^^^^^^flfl^^n •mm tfmx m* » mm .mm* mM maasspigssal tPt psgTrlrtJ sxrmam^K ¦km WMpt lti^y^ 1 f " aWl^8 astion...
...and is now an instructor fa the British Army Staff College at Ctmbeltey...
...reeee4ii«^ Ton sre prvpot&M to deetroy property, eattiA# ttp oaf Mates in all *3re*HSoft...
...In a chapter on "What the Public Wants" the author makes the astoundM discoveries tMt: "TM au*M k...
...Qpiy in tM last two acts does he sharpen hk pencil and puU sJmsesl out ot indolent fan ski to writs a pmy...
...H) ***veys the remarkable advance in traaaporta4ion since the first railway was sulH in 1114...
...As it i*> ks has em virtually nothing* Artksjy W. CsUhsnaaj, Overdose of Flippancy Titt true ot this book <*a Casual Commentary.'* by Mse> ttacnuiay...
...It it ae easy task to, compile a year hook tor Jewish rehderk and tM book is not without fault...
...rrtedriah Adkr'e "TM New Socialist International,* etc Many of taeee oonUioutkes and ethers sued as Karl KautsaVs artick on -The First Iriternatlofial* and Vendervelflea on the **6econd InternattOMV' have lasting value and wt hope that they will be included in, future editions...
...Jt»W Porat S. A rmtton e\ Co...
...We have gone a lent way sisjee tor Kenry Hereert, %L** stood vp in |*arBament and said...
...aeoisMed sMInst tM eons^rmcUon ot wmXbrom4m bectiiM...
...pelMl raiier ectrtlMoet "in this short 100 years, the span ot a very set...
...Similar incakvlable wealth, both natural ana agricultural, lies waiting far us in the vast undeveloped areas ot the, world, three* fourths ot which Is still sparsely Inhahited...
...He wrote what in spots is n moving pky, m stanes a strong play...
...There are among Jewish readers, well educated* cultured men and women sgtd there are...
...Te isaagiae k st revive...
...The first two acts act expeemtty distressing, tor they tatt eh short at whet tM Meeptien ot tM ptoy merits...
...there are chapters on the United ftmteay tstsalaWlIgn, on naturalisation, ejte* thatk tsex .there affti s> great many articles Msg with activities in the United agates east fa Mrope during the past year, such as Mtrry RogafTs -TM United States in 1*15," a SolovelIchiekS *a1ut0pe he lt«5," Jacob Lastshtneky's "Jewish I4t0 ta> Europe in UK* L. dogehnanrt "Jewish life in the United States in test,* William at *ett*hhaein** Tit MoxeBat Party in lttt...
...Is a mass of ueeful informauoa on varied topics in the book...
...TM water that they arwaavar wet ay kaepa them atisat...> Albert Hordetl hag syeeerved eesse ot tM bant known or most vehamcnt et tM attempts tp pgacmlsh thai 4 moragy need* aean nsuat pyodacd an artUtlcaUp had Wmdt Oscar WMg ressarh\ wM tM Jadgn .caned n passage:, hnmoral, "Tew era rtttt yew xeenae: trs vary poorly wrttM.* wag rstpgnst by thagg etherwM Me^fentry mtsttffsat cMka, WM Wkted that tM work wu* badly wrtttea because U was istcsoral eg In the) few caaeS whdtv tMy ooutd net dWay gCBM II trga'-tka* sruoh more skmnabtc...
...oraveateM pretrMe hen aaatsgo center as sas* tster omsaay There are dtWams aad mtuitloas and rerehodiags and all tM other hossasoritis at tM traditMai symbolic play, in the attesapt ta wad tM apsrttual aact the reoItalic, tM author pessaifted his step It to r ems fs ever a tri&e too elegant and hat nsttasdarsscs aver at tritk too theatrical...
...u m. \ - ¦ -,A gl a} n a\ Wl n WW Prassojsa*> S^^^ff*s*e^^*2' Mp^^flttl^t sjd tnBg gjgj saattar—11 Mn» M MM at hMery «M sm MM M- enwnexa Ford snd ifTjlllil sadtsj xena> a# saw X^rd tPJi...
...and tMt: "We don't know, in act, what we want,** The book rambkS through same two hundred pages ot thk sort of nansense, leaving us In unpleasant doubt as to whether publishers are ream/ ntoroaa or whether there aetuagy k Ouch a scarcity ot good mater iai that j they are forced to give the public just | anything in order to keep the name...
...We eMM wdsa emfjjj^j^ M MM at eMsMPh^M "The True Joan...
...Hohert Bruere says thai ei¥U<gatM is Msed en eoa4 hut Coionei FaUsr asserts, *X^vilMtteo> in fcaM Oa, saoyentente They are hath right...
...A few years ago" remarks Colonel | f*ette* "we warm told that oat* tM war was wen, thia little Island ot eurn was going to he Ht tor hersW to Bye in— as it say country ever hsa seen or could he an 81 Dorado after a great war...
...other language—not one kind ot reader, -hut many kinds ot readers...
...Without toeing Its ecstatic, sing, lag gueUty, grows Ughtor, tksacr...
...t^rmboMl M n swgenet sad n third Mktl ¦efsntt at tM ssjM smarft nnsisih| skr of fM prtuts ntnykt brack tg^i smfnM avuiy PsM stnt MsJBWlty wM tM M<intksbii ki Missf ~ te |M Moaatri and ethars ebusned st M Fkskly kchoat ot twstry...
...The war Wat supposed t6 he one solution, so oar statesmen said...
...between the djr^ huh sag ths Widegrooma party hastenmg to the wedding, between tne rabbi and the dybbuk...
...The pages spend themselves in crash dethUUona Of the ieasttng tacts, waereta such scnrtaiaat hits ha: "Quaker* stake tM beat chace* kte" era rife...
...MkMxkMnM mind M "p's- kec...
...t%» IsSlort PaV loned by *** «•* mmi^M^ They Mn* %r onuortaaes tbngtr* Ikey MtftMiM ntindn of fMnmepg* diM(tf4 their thinking mat s*tm* i» Mittsyhtnvw M pshswg,' ihor cetdd* xchM Ustk ruts' rgpt ugest the I idlSSltt 0W fM SBtfM ShPJPg PS MstSwd giVO fkfcsfqt»the |IMIW st SipUfS meneMm- am the* i* what hs#snx*»r...
...ail of us...
...M and oauostivo aaAortty> thad tM Tkgikb draMtlat sees beasath Jaaav And hk remark that Shaw "play* M ergaa past Ma a tM seakvea" at She end ehowa tMt ha in esm ot tM readess wM Mva ml said tM koayv Met in FOretay gatte> thhr tn AMtak frans* eaouaiag aim by MpJMtka ot nhsaa> < ing moral or msdinal juilgimscile ** (AM Ma sktftth cavaU been cleared ot I tM ehacga of aslng...
...M |sr, so food, tal aftee 6elocn>l putter **e teiytd the /prohiM: ot trsaepartauon there rernstni Mttttay yftal peaWasa of disjtsthat^e^S"^ ".s^^o^^t the ^sood ^^tsag^s pg htftr^ »e pea^>oedaM tMMPrtad vP^ Pps*sJ^^^ thg gxeaasttssa ed ^Ps ssw tSbb raw* or Jog MP PMt aa^a^^w A Valuable Socialist Year Book By S. P. Krarmer THS JgwM MtaMt VePaaad, tMj Alliaaaa at Jewish fiooiaUst , BraaMSS ttv tM United State*, hah done hetabm wetk m the need ot pubiicatiotx it pubUsheC la the short period of Its existence, many volumes frOm the pens of Jewish authors and aa even greater number et Jewish translations Mas the pens) Of Snailsh, German and Mtn writarh None ot thgae books, hwWOvcr, Witt saean as mfjch to the Jewish reads*, ftg tM sheet regent work published by the Verbena, Tntfc JEWISH W6*U> AlifeAXAC* | , |*The Jewish World Almanac edited by t...
...Another Aspect Often Overlooked By Joseph T. Shipley vm M. fOsUnk, k htd rwvmWfJfJ Wis * mw MAgmtion gf jumjM ¦ " Tr**tv* est etady et M tMt «f Shaw tn Wes^^lw^eMsnsM by oc*tr*et...
...Tne Slower ctdrre'* henna to omnia* mte trade nnlona and to nib fad ballet...
...eatSened to bo oea*agated Into 4 JdVer f*hfc la charx*, who aatbored In politfdd inoetince to cheer Jetter•maidn wno In tarn taouaeed tfco i4feari*[E an* who demanded ftot they ehoui* bo Remitted to watt to pofta to vote by the of tna banker, the merebant and thofK ctoMcai ooodlee...
...There are data on the Socialist parties at Orecce and Jugo-ftHavie, but none...
...Kow that-it has appeared in book form (N..., saoh a ravaauthm has beeai IwaelgM ahoat by the, laeniaottvo that tM wassft has hsM rehora...
...HaWubbs* AlsaeV e—e^e*j 11 ¦ i iw i ^Mtvk Operstsrs Want Mere Pay yhile members at the) Mat Pes...
...Wage NiMMi were, boeoea*OdE ttore Internment ¦M nfhod wtot Jcgeroonian Democracy tier wore MimfriM th# oM order...
...TM comments et these ntntlisnrb sssTttjry wrttere rtag tmraagatf m'Our ears, yet some st fM Watch snd Ward MciofM of today seem tn ocM their deaWen...
...II w»» • mum wM win the wndeo eeVtMb none* M Me*r «HHy MtM«a» hejjtMtl e* Oltte* Md —www then tiiilMW ot um fWMs em beta*: looajana* tfcb —Ml nff the* WfcitbMtfe aee elttn hereon ttott to paSae** tin tnw um—I he* dtoM for defcMehfr JW-H eM«| Ubor ripened the te.n til mo tm« m onieiovn* r «*m> net «W| wM the anther, t twtt ft m t*» dot*** of i«***tt* ****** TfciglMH...
...h k m% snshsl mlSfittey of the tees* pesmmtiem Wd Mr#> no Mdt1»Ma eeuSjSxSJt ShS* Ml gUltUg em nSSmkn*l ¦Horn that thov second geAereUen of irt migrant* oa* hardly so dMfngui tPsd from aadivee* esuept try tVir1(ii*.i add oven their name* are changed to 11^^ gt racial end^ S^p^SjS^gk.tPsstks^ nustosns in, the* ssshtksVgkwgpidksb, hkfl they prsetiesj^pgt eTtsgggPoslg Ph* s^sgf tkspBV Mp<nrtejrt **>^V...
...mere lis* healthy skm over a skeleton...
...sea* ties) pktare spat p tor a> are segjsxag wm htnttn ot tt-et per eons nwM tM aagtrntktn at their contract Mgt 1, got movie theatre owners nrgs steed in the Theatre Owners OMtsbcy ei Commerce hgve simsset ihtMstrst PPPP taah tn ngmt thh untetrg aeatanda sMstdtgt Charke u C^Mttty et the Mpkvert said they would not -M Psrsgd Into ties ppnjtlsn at paying tnesi Mplegag ana bask at 42 hours pes veca pmlary gat t+ ^egrg pep wtesj aeasM '^m... oontinulng to wrtte ssatry** which M has skektod te tksM gtf grwduggd pgd beat wnrk...
...Think of tbo ajoenanle and rural laborer no UM...
...Tot heroic averse Stephenson, tne pioneer er*e^-wrt*htv forged abehd, thQiigh et^eined tor twenty years fey is^oranca and stapiaity, and then was acclaimed fey the very menwho had reviled him as the nation's greatest saaiua TM sseosA half at Ooloael rullera book is a prea^esy at the fotur* ot traaeimrtstlSsi "The Oeeauest of tX3ysian fields...
...Hw people <mtJrtd» or New Bnnaand undetvtiut oat nbtf%mft At** te» ]Mtt W til UrtO tMe »ech> *r*iait*0* tut <* **m imH «mt* erw dowtrotlet%y WHs, Jtwo eteft ©tlkJiOr...
...feM the great MheVr% I>esert has yielded tp the roadless Vahfcla produced by CHroen...
...the/ grew iasrdV Mtaff: tM sHflrtM seeeaa nlwnjn aafdcsMad keto M npitabtU efhhnr of atktakaag vtse in others or ot spjfM hygocirky m himself, end M trews ftsto tM Furtua eg blue Mmdsyg sasg esav *tk tntmsnts of tM FmMsn te i thti M swhriomt peak in tM Wlustph at skesamn tmown as tM mat-VsHackn period, when eve* teems had MtM tsv] sMsd at iegaw when Uteraftue wa> Judged by the sterals of the an^sasi 1* M»otortoue Uterary Ateeks" (SL T.: sVmt«livertght...
...Tne first part ot thU trenchant Btt» volame (posjasiis, or t^oolems ot 9ransi>ortattoex, hjf «t...
...Celenet f iuWe deluUea tike ^eaasus ot transportatioa Colonel Fuller would create to open up the dormant wealth ot new country...
...Kyen tM diaaegut here...
...Vhm end day arrioed...
...the Bad Cress aa a cloak tor Jkr spying, that Fog star Mist* her with ^hris* sM tM tfsig at Orteanat) Finally, at baa meat tan et recent omental exeraMs/* apesi Jcnsied ; Ayev M Ms overlooked tM stent aevs*> > orating of all, tMt Won tha last dancourt prise- loseph Pthttra uJeanne lYAraV* DeMtt k ana, at tM yi ssspsei ad Mat wrtterev a number eg the earn super-realistic seheol, ht wpds% hk, saltan: To Oed, nsbnt AA emttw nan** Wkt bank ee> tM Jtast k dopssateor -tn stntnta seuat, tn sand spAvsta, to children, ta virgkes, to Ingtk , « an write* tM swag sMuss M spvee Jwaa: "uar* i ssamn eneugsu** And M SM her a* a gttt at ftcea aM bkedV Whether ft M laark Twain WM make* her a saint, Yalta WO wM thews Mr a harkt, MaW wM smaajse Mr tM aKivsng creature of hat ahilossphy, or France who makes her a. stattshg ¦ point for hk hmdiy cyaieal obeervatleUs...
...Manhood eultrece erentaafty became a fiect...
...nor by What article at manufacture rttttbatgh is Unsown, WiU AM tM informs1 M readily enough in this new velajaa...
...Indeed, Brit* M manataotuiefs era now iwodaelny Metata that opitate tor Ms than per tfeHam, maiuatng an matata^ -aa^ea...
...Then the HpM shsMkssstffc MtM )ftmifrivnu Mltil flit tM ssbt*\ gj ruling mei rwns* ¦¦¦¦lilT MP Mb* tlcUw, They M mm* M»%w*k M»M rnito* cu-j east sajke, satis*, MM Cause m«e^iot tM^l^vtM IMM in turn fUee^MM tM MM> M*M M4 te the M«l tM...
...PsV toil swaogn away en tM raueasd ay ssyetla ttasn, sod refaeee te ceo tM staid as any th hag ant a roaa * hearty gprL he ahlidheod sM Mde tM eheV dren of her neighborhood in a stent nght against those et tM nearby taern, that favored the MgM Tees-boy a* ehe waa, sM slushed when tM mat came high akng her lege* as PM was going ta tM King...
...there k a chapter on rtthe World and its people,** dealing With geography...
...papeta* Gloria Qtmfimra...
...Dad net smM Mtn knock 'em, eat M "TM OsantsT when M was tijMT atvajrycaw etgs eg bng ekpv tM sttag...
...ana was a ehtcMnt1* Kcx a vktM ot ; hysteria, net tM oatapaw at pknntM peltttelaas (tsjoagh these eame await upon her trail), but a healthy, hums a, husky country girl whose e*ip*retltkM [imagination grew out of her shlldheei play... a man were to propose to oonVey me rsdnMrV to M^Wah Js> seven, dayis attd brihg m back in seven more, sMsOsX wa not...
...ot the publishing firm in the Sanaa...
...tft is eary - oasual, very ligh*4 wtth a cartsA raciie ftippaney naed in piece ot Wit Thk writer, to Judge by hop temev skips over tM surfaeh et nth vary much as tM ague water saePeta sadm nMbty gvet tne swrtaea ot * ere** cr a pond...
...Henry iegsBn eplM *ts> tM Mb boys out ot M PMMs %m PJMPMM* is worth rsnsssMst M sBMnt aMsda of the M wbwi WM kssfM ay snd war, but h/MlM WM tM sSMttsng of preStuds MS M a> Swat wear of worldnpgn cMssxeMsP sM tn game...
...Caioiiel fuii«f Was'm ot tM transportation g«nin*es ot t^o World .War...
...A *srften tMrty *med wnh HMUBWg *%* Milt BlwAfltiNl» commercial men end aristocrat!* feea* IBea> hmUIKII a *attn« otinnrohy ffcdio H*w won iwlltilmi bo 4 1Mb of oJunrebVand etete and bettoomd bgr a reetrteted e«tfra#m...
...Mow osn this country be opened up^ Kot by railways or motor trucks, because the balJdine: b| roadwairs IS...
...eC IMS 5n«> Und.M ' ? Conquering the Spaces The Future of Transportation By Albert F. Coyle IN tins* ttsys of s^riMM ttftt^ trver tM pete, rftdto wim en* wmSASStnc tM world ssj# photos<3rdsft ths seesQ m tM twifAim* ot sn ero t» m-m ess he rssh enough to place limits on tMMsi forward step in tranofiortation...
...K. T., Mnt * Uvogitht, |i> k its oast ce^nmentary...
...kciudsaV wet egasiMy supishiti tkejA * as import ant as tM saw pMnra of PPMNI ftaPf m DMirn rewary eg hag sWswm emir ViittiLS ngv pi in MM sMariptM at aeeaa dngn> and tM Mbntsjut at M new w^ssr in rtft^^t^llB^lP^f1' ^b^BbJ(^^^ ^bbbs* sDssma^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ fp^^i^j^^i^^^s^^l^^ 4ftssx9^ ^H^fllJ...
...tha Ford at f»r*h6e...
...M socml standkig fg dpnarnnttr a^sstney stniMrd, Toy Leigh Hunt, fM cmnsadttgr, k roundly rated tor dkdtoaUng a book to a lord tn such tPsslMr stress ss nty dear Syronr Today, Mnsrst, the direct personal dr» ot thsso lUPdg^ k their moat entertaining kM cnsnsga in sas tn maalge^ tn*j ter^tisan s mirror ks wkM wtth M sing and tetet seat<-essissWMbey, M may mnissas^ at Men equalkd by tMt st JPkM Mng...
...Cmvtsw ws> era tern, bawled of e Bendey...
...tor sfhsk -VwrkaaJag bp tM^*teMtg*M "IsyifcM WM ttts, scAtcX ttM ewJssag, shtsnepb swnat, wrlgm>^Meg» ,wrlggie, toass tst tn n1 temss| ejsy • slaver oyer thatr kvots.* ^ Mtrflsai MetM St MA PA tsMsa, an sunt oT Henley sWeM tgakat fM M-gwd^sMvanM nurPX «imm **mn mm mi, mM %m+ **Mm - SeSa* nyi en, nammeraa ay criwa, sasm| *4sttB...
...Xfnliao the oid-sthoot military men, he t* not sttiefied With MUdyilir the campaigns ot Nap6l»v>a and OustaTtsi Afto^ttt, hot is coura*r%6Uid^ thihidnt la terms of future progMs tor ait humanity...
...years aga, TM moral k that IsVore ought Id bh some ekMtf house between tM engkeeis sM tM social ¦dentists, so that experts in Cap ft eld wltt not watte valuable QmO It doing watt hM seem haetgr deem hp ssaay a previous writer across the betaer> It Mddy hftd merely aa ah tM caooreta ev40smecx aa te haw tM feuav* gUng et flnaneiers oaatracta tM cssv sPrueUva efforts at eaa^eera M wasjkt Mva rendered a service suited to hi* ahUitfes...
...0tt tile Socialist Party bt this country...
...pMtMMrlWN., Oar aether woepa fcr «» Ate tot Wew lent...
...wben the ttuun# turn no binaet oolleetod a tu te pay % aervtto eior#y te enpooiid the virtaee ot tnamHaor elaae and teach the meeaee OubmlaaHjb to thetr "bettava...
...TM essay ends with tM statement that it k better to have a reiigten without having ottered as any of tM promised hints as to choosing one...
...Jfej » wwi'mawaePW ^wsexl ^SflH^K^hMiBMoBBawl 9m% 4smw>> mt heart!ll^snaMS^^ bocawnt JBM^kmtssn^ hejt seaaaapj wfj^ Moral Criticism of Literature By William Lea EVXK during tM days at Phases pAtre another nredlgy waa ar%paring to ktiasff hk Tlilsa* ana Mated world: tM dlvM^pxdnad Fnrtmn., The Puritan I ha self k not s add sort...
...sMM'M «h» sftM lintiiM aajhJsatstr tta tM trsaosgu at pM Mhtlit sadtht Mihipt M gag a ham MmthtwM Hit dtsasstttitpipj eem hftlvlM neat tuts at at tMa% |sv tM hvrereee eg pewste, but tM Meh wHl M ne> asm tp> tkav gomsi si rasstet^ nor M it agntakt nay new MltgMsnrent for tM moderately alert economist... Mm to Sedlnm?* Kven the eminent trorgeoB, «ir AsUey Oeesjer...
...There are, for IhstaftOa, biographical notes ot many persona, hut no mention of our dear dene, whose seventieth birthday was celebrated this year...
...There ia> for nutans*, the figure of the messenger mooning aM» Maty About the stage, two figures ot tM staid and the routs ressain mrever wrahpau up m cieuay hereioa Msapg ge nut WM pewnte die...
...Tho ov* off tbi/Wwir Ae tww«r bee** to eft* out at «h* anno* ottho banaJae^ iMOt loot and political oligarchy its aeente and bonofloleHU enfciMtaa AM stmt terror debt dar owtbew doom eroir the oMMmyww oowywwjt OC K«w Bn»)and by tbo niton thf*n1<iia, no rlee oT the diafran* otOeed wnrhjoro and fanner* of native •took In the twentlee em Mat aa un»oo*o*ao to the ruling otaoaea...
...Bran tM caM M hwre, sft ttiti high tsmced tsn*Hg tel...
...Fat npi...
...Had sM bean Ire-J n*today* behold: *mmoid et te, 'esseW on her head, silk stsaklnge We meet Imagine her under our eyes, touch her with our aando...
...Ma has not tuBy aastet stood smew, or M weald mva bbsmtioned the conflict tteweas s^cesmtnt lead Catholic, setween InsWftM ogsa...
...Through these scenes the clash ehutUce hack and forth hag a glrntksr thread—struggks between the rabbi and hk doubts, between Mader aad M oesocisnos...
...But he also wrote what In spots It a hasy play, siow in action, turgid with rhetoric/ cluttered Wtth Obvioos symbolism and gratuiteus anecdotes...
...a^tlemea it this sort of t%int he lamfttM t> to otv you will, In s very tew ytm M•troy the noMeese!** iHetwMaaon the Pioneer...
...too ezpensivt...
...Its it just tM kind at hook the Jewish reader needs,** k to put the matter very sailsse* >W tM Jewish 1 PtadSr is—to an extent unknown in sny...
...thm k Colonel tVlHt^* reefpe for matuna "a lead at tor heroes to It** in, and saH one In which no Oat bat a hem oan survtve.* I WiU it worht faertsin^y H k worthy at trsmt "Wm whatever increases the speed aj transportation creates MMsre...
...fetw lltllif ttllf trlR efaAayemtMPttnMn SMM wast tne giawt mJ**nM tM Mining MuMm are AMIU It #4 tM MullS* iMm of tM can oiipaiiwni^ tm sjapwpgir els** sains 4a et inptslse)' M Vee* smgmud m m mar sthetr ssnriM Mi...
...rote, who mistook a cosapstmt gg tM bowels M tM gftvfcm sdMseev asm be> Uevod liersalf about bt- gtvd ssrtk td tM regenerator of tM Vfavtd Mm sM Unto death ot an Incurable ea*\ Vaath some disease...
...aM MMMd wnsnaay gft nature is a sssMpM jM> M sMtfe...
...and tha ehsages which a oaajsgnd, eat of the^degKths ot ig^^nee are today nocepted ay us all as sMrtM to ear irrea," _ The greatest proteose confronting the wor|d today is the problem of power and movement, we cannot re* vrra ear oid mdssuies, aatft ear papa* avtJbft to the sparsely settled yet ^rult> tal seetions ot the world, put our great army of unemployed to work, and create a wOrtd ot SSUneanOS far mankind until we solve this proh»m...
...k "miperdooabiy* eoarsp tn istt M siMMem tniiikhM itkisgk M end la other mementg, tM rsiPet tn> day may agree with tM Ibpn0g pA» hind tM too veheasent yhrtshj) Mp Ma for nuegitfmate ¦tsutgnf fM sshMt -Carrey ststT) k n spPsV^i It ww astwthp tM baak ta a emajsjK dk, mg bsrfa n* tMtfW bwA' ssmtPi it W mm wM kt kf af gang etkwFtS.^*"* ft?tl*M W , tt x* kaMsj tn sea tM wejftjf pndt sauradts Ttxsya&g htJBsn gg Mr sesAxh, to M tMt "t Mr...
...There k a world defender, giving importhnt dates ta Jewish iocxsMt ahd seneral history...
...The late, Edward Kins, one of the teachers of the Saatr ftldt, used to say that When S teacher addresses a Jewish audience, "he speaks to men who know et same . things seere than M knows, tad who knew ot ether things nothing et elkit k for such a reading puelfcs then, that thi* nook wee pablnmeev aUey hi man whs has read after*, hut who does not know the distance between Detroit apd New Tork...
...ZEfi- -^J"^- ^ America's Measure Coolidge and Henry Ford Weighed in the Scale SsftV^SBB^ s|ffZA esssBsav yes^aw...
...Csht searches m vain for InforhmUot) oh chUd user, en the employment ot women, on anesnsteymeat Insurance, etc But a book BPS thk cannot lacluds all usatai mtorsMttssv and the Alain* ac is to be JudgM got by what was cmittaa, but by what was is^luded, asm amen the whole a good book...
...toe, those wM have tssspM tM...
...C. duller...
...MvOjaM end the a%aana at saoVessent, eMordtag to the Oataar, have created tha great ciyUiSstlnae Of tha past, lite steamship, the railway and the motor truck have enabled us to tap great Sources of wealth wnioh were unavailable and unknown Watt a gear oration ago...
...alphabet tM can reaa only of vary' simple matters...
...8hao and pubHthed bp the Jewish Soctaast Yathattd, 19t ». May, N. 11.00...
...I Tb toy...
...tM writer* en Jean MvO tailed ta make hwr tama Thia Is tppksl et tM treatment ot nu tM saints...
...But Colermgg bMl 1st has bM gwnky eg eaxAl mw MM M dsscitptisn of a rivars haras *TPkk supartetatM # besapkMy nx«at nats* seris*--thU Psk M ss) sagg shagg sag tain—thk Mthaosne tst UlnnagiM duenoa at nsbbcry* adultery, muidar end cowardly assaasinatioc—thk saag> sten> wMae beat deed k the having tdvad M bwttpyg srem tM tksWPsmtM etMnpMg hint bf turning JMk btetck tnhlnaw?^ ^ "¦ - Men**, we are toll tn tnoOwy attack, pesnesaed "bold convictions tar n vomer snd sntsbpsJMsM M basse** fectly edu<Ate4 WfMkr In M s*ptV cation, and shsmafntly dksemte in his eondnot...
...Xven wben at tremendous cost a railway k built inlo jungle, through tundra or over desert, It affects the development ot the country for only sixty or seventy miles on each side of the road...
...Doubtless we may expect that Sodays performance well he hailed aa epe<h~mak«r« br ssMs^sstM ecsjineera unaware at tM state of tM social science*, jastM stwrayhakPg waa a few...
...tM emtggjfe ot CMse n»MP#.: M tknt M has ovenidaen fy ssaokad stmnsf saake Jskn ntorp sbpn* „ evM In kik JasaTttsnt...
...Only in ths last two acta k there s clash et wilto tMt produce resounding drams...
...ofM tMt vMevntivg attarM tw cynnknd tM swrhor ar sre swat id santtul and >me%ctlve spsrtt stpaaTk ektrlmawcat fa hk wsrkL TM etM gag sajcoune stare temperate In MM taeks...
...dM's a stenographer* or perhaps a salesgirl , . . small a* * ehkM...
...This is not extraordinary There art Itwish readers who have road gprmosa and htant and who have no idea ot geography...
...T„ Aoni Jb Uverignt, and the din ot Park ROW crftlct has long since subsided, one may sit back in the quiet Of one's room and ask dkpassioMtely: "Did Anaky hare write a great pkyr» The hhswer » no...
...dapreotstM ui mtefegt oharaas...
...Compi r4*er>s igaa m thht thesf eraagMs vehmtss wm extend tM nrss^ et ooMtsy tMt Ms MstMM bm % rallread M Man a k*irew>beU al U miles Jb> tot spjM an each ess* tra*tefs_ eah IsaxMM ftreduaa and sMsl wealth so ess^rat Ms a. fM&iftdd miM from thf faarosA, aejsV Moot eiravang at haa** faagsM etelVp tag till pit ffljlu i se tst MM: Mfi tradM tram* port tinea snag M satsbMhsd ht rssw^ fct teter^saa gervlM fs\ sttecAl Mdgrd Is.Mni to tho reJBways an enewFug largo InduatHaf tot agrteuttUtsjl pqpu~ lat)om...
...The Vanishing Yankee Old New England Facing Its Second Conquest ACUflWi fcoolt that fee Jwt oMm Sato of benio ii HI provide Hot Co* a aerobeo* Thoanthcr ktjrllllW IT — Ion" l^Wfc^MWpl BMNT «Mlk ithr Mil***" ewer the «<^»o*tor h*w smm* »r th* **mirruft- » *«* 9m #»oe to faU book (mm Tnrn» Putname...
...spread out population and bridge the gap between the peodueer and the eonfc*a\c* is the vehlclf that makes its own road asx it goes-^either like the, caterpillar tractor which helped* to win the World War or the half-tracked mac*me wtth wheels in front and traeaH th rear, ftuoh vehftleg, sh those aged in the wmr dMOnstrmted, can Ores* rough country, lord ftftad stfaamk, and draw enOrmOUt loads at a low cost peft ton-mile...
...Vwssse^Sawmtt^ ^wC^^I^% e a e MsJ^ ^HBMflt^p^^ . Mkem^ set Milan OF MM A Mmpaw swawSflMM^^By esss^sxt^osw^ wamsa^dsw smmVew^ esrwft...
...OonUemen, look at the reoklassnM ot yotti...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 32

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