Chass, Benjamin P.

American capitalism,waster of men and money : JBy Benjamin P. Qhass • * JtHUCA, hitherto, fcu Mt bar: /% sett quite efficient la ail bar in«aVJaV duatrlai pur»uiU. Tm* natter had been...

...But we can* iot manufacture radios- at a minimum BKSnga... make him carry a load to and .fro without any object or value in either case is to make an Idiot out of that, worker...
...Trance, Germany...
...Infiillj tu supposed to be well or«¦¦!¦¦« sir lent te the highest degree...
...The report showed a shortage of women organisers and speakers...
...The resolution even resort* to falsehoods...
...The Internal organisation provoked a lively debate^ The women's committee proposed there should he -a women"* imitation fee to the Party, to be paid »y all groups, and also the creation in rvery district of a central committee representing women In the political, Xgd* onion, co-operative and friendly •octet* groups...
...And in the face ef thie she faito to roeegntoa the fens value ef thenarnatural and human riches...
...Wilson dates the coming >f real freedom of Mexico with the revolution, while the resolution assigns his freedom to the period .before the revolution...
...The country la theirs...
...One wondered how aba could manage It even If he lived...
...Thoa wo thought...
...Throe, four, five, six •even children, husband earning a pitLance, perhaps fit...
...f church and State wlthoet fho rev ilutlon destroying this relation...
...Anarchy in Industry - Anarchy in design control results In a great waste, since it does not take Into account the great savings that could he made if .products were more standardised or simplified...
...Scgfo'varie^e of icM^'rth^a...
...She earns $17 to $18 as spinner on the night shift in the textile factory...
...Ken**, upon management rests the greatest responsibility for the tremendous waste rampant throughout dmtilrisii industry...
...of the people of Mexico never had a "look-in" in determining who should bo their governor or what their government should be...
...Sldohflii water •owera, ia not good hnttoess asnse...
...Another woman had com* from Woot Virginia with six children...
...We favor the revoluJon representing IS per cent...
...It is oho who works as a carder to the Botany mill ind whose daily routine hag already seen described...
...f Haws a terrible conviction SdS if- the human race in peaee had eoaf i been willing te undergo half the ssenV hoee—even the money eacriwose * i which It wag wining to underps^hy time of war, we should hove had Uhw pia painted en the map of the wsral long age, Robert Uynd, ,j-:- How Passaic Honors the Mothers -:By Agnes de Lima STUDIES made veers ago have discredited night work by women In every civilised country in Burope...
...Industry pays a heavy price for the ill health and early death of Its workers...
...In July after the Inauguration of Jefferson...
...Great Britain, under the stress Of Wag emergency, re ¦ established night work to the early years of the war...
...Why not the latter efficiency and up-to-dateness in the entire shoe industry...
...The writer of this is not a great admirer-t'of Wood row Wilson, but it is pertinent to remark that a big majority of members of...
...A man aits by, indifferent and ehSaV while - blood flows from a guahhd/ ' wound...
...Through enforce* idleness or unemployment much man-power thus goes to waste...
...Dwight'sA statement oaeetded with the views of Jef• «*eanh»-df htetery...
...Settlnr this efficiency in all the brick plants'in the United States, the brick industry could do without to per cent of its present number of workers...
...He gave his plumes a twitch and teas And held his own, unblinking...
...Tha strike, she said, had given her dt little chance at night sleep, but always she was * "like dead person for tired...
...America has her man yummt ef all grades from the unsktned to tbe skilled to too engineering gentos...
...Speculative purchasing of raw materials which Is very rampant in the clothing industries, especially in the women's clothing industry...
...Two or three of the younger children stood dully about, their ayes staring with hunger...
...but action In olng away with such waste Is what la nrely needed.' The development of ur giant power plants la also being ntlrely too long neglected...
...The loss from idleness is the shoe industry caused by waiting tor work and material alone amounts to about...
...ho dsutda bajreon placed upon tB*m ^Mallftoni jHUH.iiJi ¦i#'iirbl»'iSJiii|i "a mother is a mother still, the holiest thing...
...It is none Of my business and it Is none of yours hew they go about the business... the foregoing I have briefly - §m*m «**> mm*% a - antaiBian ¦¦• *~* ¦ I--- ^^^j the average wants in six major ieji dustriea at...
...With an apathy like her mother's she repeated the story of low wages, insufficient food, an ever increasing family, and the necessity of the mother's working at night...
...Wo alowly arrired at the aaaslTu'on that wa ware not 168 percent efficient or anywhere, near It...
...She could earn now snly (IE, and shs and her two children bad to manage somehow on that amount...
...Seventy, aao percent of .these accidents could he prevented, many aubhurOUoa an the subject agree...
...Plant Efficiency Needed Papers, forged • tools, blackboards, ilates, milk bottles, and .various other items have been standarizod...
...Rose terrified, and disappeared . r ** Tha baby foa a-thlnklng...
...The prohibition of night work by preserving the health add energies of operative*, as wsll aa tha material equipment, tends to increase production...
...It hi estimated that the average low of time between jobs is two weeks...
...greasive nation...
...Great Britain, Italy...
...rot gesdijs tim^brmA w*>*d we^leoh tern wasto to ptoaie"gto*tr^"gnd beat his competitors...
...Bestrieted production Intentionally eeueed by owners, management or labor, "> 4. test production caused by III...
...We have boot and shoe factories where the output per worker per day ia two pairs of shoes, while, en the other hand, there are shoe factories ia which the output .per men per day la twelve pair* of shoes...
...secretary of the- Belgian Labor Party, ipposed the creation of -a central pemoaVs eemmtttee in each district, tad asked the congress not to discuss letailo of afflltottop...
...Hotel china ware has been simplified from 700 items to ICO...
...Another man dun, highly developed genius takes the pkg and shovel and earns his llvellhoetjl this manner...
...perhaps 1*0...
...Even the babies of two and three reflect the dreariness and -misery which has surrounded them ever since they came so un welcomed into the-world, to a black rear tenement live* Mrs...
...The loss to wagaa r;g^ »* * billion dollars ; to addition to another billion charged '"attest medical attention...
...face of Massachusetts' enlightened stand and the monumental evidence of the evil effects of nlTht work contained in the official reporta of the adjacent state of New York...
...W« Pagan to realise that as a nation we were wasting too . much man-power too much human energy, too much tune to producing all the things a nation must hare...
...The Waste of Unemployment Using human labor when machines can do tha same work easier and mors efficiently is wasting man-power...
...What the Knights hero te nnderitaofl la that there can be no revolu400 is a nation whore there si a baton...
...At il.OOO pgr year 1140,000,000 is thus wasted each year due to the coaatant and groat labor turnover to industry...
...Her rooms are squalid, cluttered and dirty for a Polish home, which ifc usually spotless...
...Its natural resources war* perhaps bain* not too thriftily utilisedVat what of that...
...The loss .to time through accidents is equal to ' . mtn thrown out of work for a rear...
...In Connecticut the Congregational Church was facing a demand tor its' separation from the State...
...Waste to the man's clothing business amounts to 44 per cent, to the textile Industry far ovary yard of roods made" the vatoo-af another yard la-wasted...
...Over-night, fortunes are made and lost...
...According to s. B. Stewon, United States Commissioner of Labor Statistics, about moo.qoo men •hange Jobs" an average of once a Poor...
...In (hat State It waa the Episcopal Church...
...fot training organisers, and these have been successful, especially in Bruges, but iaek of funds restricts ths work considerably...
...For totanee, James D. Staler, esse date State »olog 1st of Pennsylvania, tens us that his one State aloae has wasted g nupn tons et soft coal to mining dorog the hurt, two decades...
...Tha tioa te Meo.eeo anaooify...
...She would « ombchiber mother, turtivdly and then like a starved animal filch a. bit of food...
...She tans tSd avail herself of the vast produetrveaanj ¦ Of these gigantic forces...
...Hence, a total of 7,000,000 weeks is wasted annually, „ ^ tot^l ^ 140jM0 workers, each averaging a to-week year...
...The Knights of Cohrmbne moot have obtained Inspiration from Dwight...
...On the day of the visit she was drearily washing...
...Panic reigned in the ruling oligarchy...
...Oar riches art plentiful, oar resources ere limit lass...
...ret America is committing thin very ct to an enermeus degree...
...shews ho*^ practically half ef America's ssgopt power goes to warts...
...ThU • true of the Catholic, the Protestant Ad the Mohammeaad ehurehea...
...dl A perfect genttoman then nearodt "-^ The wagtail, to a winking...
...Ordering a map to perform labor that is pot necessary or which could be performed much better and easier by machinery is simply ruining the worker...
...In other words, about MOt.eoo of our'to ,000,000 workers are out of work all Of the time...
...NSaJt^B frem SO nor ooot In the metal tredss - - to * par eowt to toe building trafaV ^ and 04 per eon* tn the nmopdaajfiBB top ef men's elethtng...
...ants aa hour...
...K U estWted, effecta the Uvea of some l.tot.ow people eaah year, covering a total tt rfreed,»to days away "frees Industry...
...Her husband at the time of the visit waa dangerously ill to the hospital snd Mrs...
...K ¦ ' ' • A stallion splashed hto way ami sea, '% The birdie nearly sinking...
...Men have an inherent hatred to pea their time and energy wasted They rather prefer work that is useful and necessary...
...which Issued out of the revolution...
...It to further estimated that at least tl.000,000,000 a year above the cost of prevention could be saved in American industry U health and life were given better care and more attention...
...Careful sad scientific Investigation attributed Industrial waste to f the following ^""^Tl** production caused by faulty management at materials, • plant, equipment and men...
...Tet this is true in innumerable Instances throughout industry...
...These countries were Austria-Hungary^ Belgium, Denmark...
...It goes on to say...
...Where a band and pick wag all right yesterday it la not today...
...They occupied two dingy room a, one a windowlees aleove...
...idle plants and Idle equipment...
...The children are sickly and she herself a beaten, wretched creature, worn to the bone, and incredibly aged...
...According to the Russell Sage foundation it is conservatively estimated that, averaging good and had times, from 10 to II percent of all the workers in the United States are oat of work all of the time...
...Of what nee are discoveries of scientific men Into new mode* and impte ways of living so lens a* the aw* of human nature tarn all she diflV roitly-won wealth Into Increased power «the few over Out Uvea and tehers of (he w*$u*T9mm—m-m*4r...
...uninterrupted use of plants which are operated by night aa wall as by dsy are reduced by the Increased running expenses, the wear on machinery and the lowered efficiency ef workers...
...Some of this waste to over-dlveret8cation has been remedied already, rhe sum of $250,000,000 is now saved % year by the simplification of the rrades, atoff and nomenclature for toft woods...
...They pay to SH creased prices tor the commodities taay I are able to obtain, and they pap agateil by Ming forced to do without vartoat other naoaaatttea...
...A few had fairly good furnf...
...There is a deadly parallel to all this in the election of Jefferson in IgOQ...
...Jledjwia— sad psoapg 1 ajl, to ~n*rmaT year* take a ton of SMSt Uvea with a* additional etch not of W^to, Typhoid sJtseto lW.foe Ures aanuaiiy and take* 16,00* lives, meetly to the working ages...
...D., all of whose four children are under six...
...But Mrs...
...Our men of government and science S<n4 engineering glanced across the ocean and beheld with not too optimistic eyaa the plunder and wastage the war had left behind lti slaughtering machines...
...All to a- heap she sat during the visitor's stay, one baby on her knees and two others clinging tp her skirts, one white-faced girl of nine, her eyes red from malnutrition, interpreted for her mother...
...perhaps only tic...
...m —Thomas Hardy...
...5 Next saw the baby round the spot ^ A mongrel slowly slinking...
...this to a picture-ef AnsnmnSb industry...
...Van Ropsbroeck...
...Can the imagination f paint anything more dreadful en thl* aide ef hell...
...Theodore bwlght, the Intellectual leader of the elerlcal-politletl alliance In Connecticut, in a ^famous address on Jacobinism and Jefferson, said: We have a country governed by 1 blockheads and knaves 1 tha ties ef marriage with ell jite feileitlea are seVered and destroyed 1 our wives and dsugnters are thrown Into the stewsi our children are east Into the world from the breast and forgotten r SMat piety la extinguished...
...Such tactics are not sensible, nor human nor economical...
...auve,''--C0LER1DGE ¦-1 * w '•>»• ji) % v* 'vi d...
...It is estimated that between eight and nine days are lost by about 40,000,000 persona classsd aa gainfully employed, or a total of approximately 180,000,000 daya lost annually due .to illness...
...00 per oent...
...and thus wo acted omlohlliiglj Or wo ware entirely ln>«t suddenly there came o bait tc this apathy...
...inee management has the greatest opportunity It also has the greatest responsibility to discharging its industrial duties...
...In one instance phydM ' energy la allowed to go tb ws.ste;T| the other case\mental energy hi snssaj to go to waste.' In both instances gt ' reason Whatever exists...
...Increase in the cost of the products Is thus obvious and necessary...
...And hp day...
...M.oA instead of **,v0s'in Xorth Carolina, and M.vOO Instead Of I1.000 to Georgia, .., Progress to Industry goes en to one part ef 'the country and not to ¦ another...
...the great majority of styles ar* "mads te please the fancy of a amah minority of customers...
...tore, a dew were decorated' by hand work, by erode at curtate*, by bond) woven banging*, made on the .ether tide...
...1 WOMEN SOCIALISTS ADVANCE IN BELGIUM , Material progress in Socialist propaganda work among the women of Belgium was reported by the Women's National Committee of the Belgian Labor Party to the 255 delegates attending a congress of Socialist women held in Brussels on June 26 and 2T...
...Some Typical Homee - The following exeprpu from notes I made in the course eV the writer's re• coat Passaic, investigation are typical of condJtiop* obtaining in the homed ef night workers: Mrs...
...In^ the building industry, for example, the standardization ef certain walls might mean a saving of about $600 in tha cost of'the average dwelling...
...some are airier, some have mn and a little move space' thaa dhers...
...r ' " What is to he said ef a carefully considered document that * peaks - of the "Russlanislng of Mexico...
...Hew, let us see what seme of these innumerable wastes are and how and where these wastes in industry occur...
...In school re were told that wo wore "wasteful" r ww wasted « piece of Chalk'in trying o caricature the schoolmarau but a tfttlon wastes a billion tons of .coal,, nd we let it go at that or wo merelr haracteriae it as deplorable...
...Hereto it has been shown how eosjf year milUoos ef werkeis are loto oddH causing bllUons ef dollars to aVJ%9 Stuart Chase, in his study of wagW The Tragedy of Wasts...
...Since the first definite atepa toward organising the women politically were taken by the Labor Party at Liege in 1923, the number of women among the some «00,000 party members has risen to about SO.000, Since last May the Socialist women have a magazine of their bwn, "La Voix de la Femme," which is doing good propaganda work...
...and that is what we want and must have if we desire to enjoy the many things tn life there is to enjoy...
...Tgr''1, a [-wufc- ^\j^m ',saia2<-f dotted State*..*it*the Vtotoe*toafed* e7w^^T^^^4^t»w the textile catput of Alabama to JIM...
...Wilson presents one visw of Mexiesn history, the resolution another...
...was beside herself with grief, wondering how she could ever raise her family should he die...
...This means millions in savings to industry^ That ia what scientific management demands...
...jfg A blaring bud wont wading througnt Tke wagtail showed no shriakhtg...
...married women's right to employment, communal laundries, and to on...
...The resolution' Itself ignores some, glaring facts of history, and also coins some fictions Which are substituted,for history...
...Nations overhardened with debts, industry knocked to the bottom, man-power wasted— these black, cold specters set the blood •¦bottiag and the mind and brain tc fbtaMag and planning and organising ? Waste Oauaaa Studied ¦br years ago tha Federated Amertaaa Engineering Society was organised and immediately was set to work g* study the industrial wastage afSttillni American Industry...
...h»peopie are often forced to go withes* many of the necessities which others Wise would make far comfort, beaNk and happtoeea This gigantte waste S) one of the greatest causes for the can*' etant battle that ia gogag on among at, large section of our phpniation ia tap attempt to "make beta ends meet...
...she ia rich with the mighty forces ef nature...
...and to have workers use picks and shovels today where a steam shoVel is necessary is wasting human energy...
...This same kind of evidence caused the Supremo Court of the United States recently to uphold this same New York statute as constitutional... one small cottage, remodeled to louse twelve families, Uvea six nightworking mother...
...Wastes to material take a' heavy industry...
...the Knights of Columbus are Democrats and admirers of Wilson.' We, therefore, commend to the authors and supporters et the resolution a statement at Wilson's on Mexico of January I. 1915...
...Qrae eat to much Bke another...
...She had remarried a textile worker and come to Passaic 'A much worse place than Want Virginia," she declared...
...Simply multiply this pathsah figure by four and a half million and you will have visualised America's ag*i nual labor waste to idleness aiotn fhf greatest waste and tragedy of a Ph...
...In toe United States twelve states new forbid woman in one or more occupations to work at night, and constitutional limitations against this kind of legislation have been removed by the courts since 1914...
...H« had forced the program of separation of Church and State in Virginia to a successful issue...
...New Jersey once had an adequate night work law for women, but In 1893 this law wag' annulled, and as already Stated, efforts made tor the past decade to end the abuse.have been successfully opposed by the wobl council Of Passaic...
...14 or perhaps alee only IT...
...Laterally, and to many instances aetaaUy...
...That night work by women in the textile industry is especially harmful was recognised by Massachusetts as far hack as 1907, When a law was passed to that state prohibiting women and minors from working in any textile mill after t p. m. New Jersey's reactionary stand is all the more disheartening in the...
...liven rnrkey has wiped out the* connection, rhe reason for this to that where ouch tnton exists |&e church hi inevitably sound up with the fortune* of the old ¦egtaa* and tb* old ruling class., it te ertaln to foee tta oM endue!** prtvjjjS**^^ placed on • Mexico and no amount of distorted 1 history will obscure it...
...While SH United States thus neglects to ututo) these forces of use and weshb...
...the surnames, the only mark ef dlstlnotlon - among familfee, are abolished...
...It* reference to marriage and the family in Mexico to no more Ip ae»ord with facte than...
...Nov/1 am for the 80 per esnt...
...Ui health and early deaths toko a g4gantte tall from Industry, g. toes so great and largely preventable, that its financial loss la incalculable, net mentioning too human loss...
...To remedy this, efforts have been made to hold courses of instruction...
...They have robbed it of its sanstity...
...The mother, therefore, forced Into tb* mitt to stand or the tong hours of to* night and o earn at the end of five long nights 112, 113... can deep with wash, with cook, with kids7 fight work haQ for woman, hut whet ran do...
...and in tha and causing men to revolt against ail kinds of work...
...That nation has a political controversy with the church that Is no concern of ours, yet a resolution is adopted which plainly means that we should step In and decide it against the Mexican Government...
...Switsetland, Spain...
...Her Health of Munitions Workers' Committee, however, as a 'result of careful inquiry, succeeded to restoring the prohibition by proving that continuous night work yields an output Inferior both to ait day work and to tha- system of alternating day and night shifts...
...Of the 500,000 workers who die each year, It is estimated that the death of at least one-half, by proper medical care, periodical medical examination, health education and community hygiene, could be postponed...
...She lives te throe dark rooms, two of Which are windowtorn, and pays far them 411 rent...
...J Brutes and Men A baby watched a ford, whereto 'a A wagtail came for drinking...
...England has forbidden the practice since it44, and fourteen European countries repudiated it in i»0«, when, at the 'Sterne conference, a treaty was signed by them to take effect id ltlO establishing a period et eleven hours rest at night for women employed to manufacture...
...Here to tha statement: \lnti| this recent revolution in Mexico, until the end of the Diss regime, SO per oent...
...Like a child with its toy« wa ware laying waste our vast natural laaouroea... hour...
...At 41,090 par year this would be an annual wastage of f 4,540,000,000...
...that "the Soviet philosophy controls the military powers of Mexico...
...The wagtail gated, but faltered net "l...
...Turnover Wests 1140/100,000 labor turnover is another waste to manpower...
...Oae by one they •old then* stories, and the stories were rJi the same...
...After aa,ex mango of views the national eamnltee wa* instructed to pad Ok* proposal before the next party congress...
...These were sufficiently overwhelming to cause the New York Court of Appeals, in 1014, te reverse its decision of 1007 and to uphold restrictive legislation on the strength of evidence-accumulated In the intervening seven years that night toil by women is disastrous to their health...
...There'are sawmills to this country where the output per man per hour la 92$ board feet If this highly efficient rate of production were the rule In all plants about 45,000 men could do the Work, that it now takes 291,000 men to del ' 'f farming Situation Weree In Chicago a brick machine produces 40,000 bricks per hour...
...p.k although twentythroe, years to tote ooudtry...
...Bat the snajcrity, leepKe the enforced "vacation" of the hree-months-old strike, appear beOMa end crushed and worn'front Saatr ens...
...Indeed, uca Waste ia depiosable...
...Moreover, industrial experience has 'long proved the uneconomic waate Involved in' night work...
...Innumerable other articles are being simplified every day...
...The government ia theirs...
...Portugal, Sweden and the Netherlands...
...A few of the o-'gbt nut hot*, Messed bp generation* of strong pedoint stock, still appear healthy-, *m do heir, children also... a. serious drain upon industry..., phyoieal defeata and industrial accident...
...Might work had finally broken her health, 10 that for two years she was unable to work and had to be helped by charity...
...To support her huge Cemily she earns $17 or gig weakly, while her husband make* a similarly nnali wage te another mill...
...They were aB conrregated on the- steps when .the investigator caned...
...Such tactics do not make-dor happy workers...
...Beau* are sloaner...
...In the best of seasons this buying of materials is no more than a gamble...
...l/t is none ef my business, end it is none ef your business, how long they take in determining it...
...Either Wilson Is a bad htoorian or* the Knights of Columbus enow many things that are not so...
...That it is Usse h)', awaken to these cold truths we eponV all invariably agree...
...Our duty is to 1 keep hands off Mexico and let her do what we did to the union of church ' and State in Virginia, Massachusetts ' and Connecticut...
...The iCnights want American intervention n the interest of an old ruling chuu >f 20 per cent...
...Omm might continue indefinitely...
...Nothing perhaps to more tragic than the faces of the, children in these poverty-stricken homes...
...freedom of education" and "Individual liberty is abolished...
...French Jacobinism was the red spook then as Bolshevism te now...
...After careful analysis of its findings the committee paaabaa the conclusion that oyer M percent of the wastes in Industry must he charged up against management and lean than 31 percent agalnsj^-labor, while the amount chargeable against id tote* I causes Is least of all...
...Strikes and lockouts which are oyer causing a stoppage of the wheats of industry are another waste in manpower...
...the *Vot'fl,io>' rhffhm is mere sat shs "saodlsis sskdsaj In oppressing the vast majority of the people of Mexico," that "freedom of conscience is Illegal," as well as "freedom of the press, freedom of petition, freedom, of speech and lawful assemblage...
...In '""UStry affect about ».eoo,§oo workers annually...
...The committee on waste, however, states that "since 'most strikes occur in seasonal employments, it can be deduced that output la not necessarily penalised, tor it is often possible to make np the looses Incurred by strikes through increased production st other times.* Nonetheless, we must state that either this increased production is harmful because of hurrying-np labor and thoa...
...Her peculiarly gharpaeed features, white cheeks and hose pinched and blue, looked Bke the famine ' pictures from Russia...
...Her husband works from 2:30 to midnight, so that half of each night the children are left in the cara of the 15year-old girl...
...Of course not: Imagination had dene its heat and -union of church and State sontiirae.1 tn Connecticut for nearly W years...
...Who Paysf [fi Who pays P»r this waster The Obaj tiro population of the United gOaOgt' pays heavily for these treamndoao SSfl disgraceful wastes...
...The Cost of III-Health t ni health is a liability everywhere...
...Profits from the...
...M percent of the time...
...Discussion was mainly directed on fuestioas/ of particular Interest to women, such aa the...
...The fourteen-year-old daughter who Interpreted shuddered...
...CobaSy tha bsfOt of too hiwrtpiss In done only on a comparatively few styles...
...Medical assistance Is at'kg j aide, but he remains apathetic teokOai . this assistance...
...Thehr conception of God is contempt for all religions...
...Tm* natter had been under the impression thai If «n» applying en tta man-power tc the beat sad moat efficient means...
...perhaps, tha cause of undue accidents, fatigue, and ill-health, br that if such increased production is efficient and harmless, then sack rate of production, should be enforced at all times...
...Church and State in Mexico By The Editor THE Knights of Columbus could not have token a course better calculated to revive the Ku Kluz Klan than it did in adopting the resolution attacking the Mexican Government and asking American intervention in Mexico...
...Wasting material is looked upon as a crime In many factories, but the wastage of man is often tolerated...
...B. Interrupted production, caused by tola men, Idle . materials... ¦ 8 A man pita idle while peoph) tsder 1 fog tha bard noceesltles of fife'axd while vast natural reeeuioos aregotog to waste...
...To make a worker break down a door simply for'the fun of it...
...In dip and alp and prinking...
...P- who Uvea te a miserable tenement on Second street in Passaic, hag eevea children...
...L. of Passaic, N. J., hag seven children, ranging in age from 4 to 15...
...New Jersey stands alone In a group of states comprising Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania and Delaware which forbid night work by women...
...To help her husband support them she has worked for years' be-> tween babies on a spinning mule at night...
...and hence these certain industries being overcrowded with 1 labor, must* also be said to be wasting manpower—how great cannot be ascertained...
...Another child was stealthily eating from the, frying pan on the stove...
...She was now able to work again and had accepted thankfully "light" cleaning by night In the mill where she had formerly been employed aa machine worker...
...Id agriculture the situation Is much Wasting todiridoal *g*rgg to deenorJtotog add oriminat Wasting our wtural . saergts* latent within the rround, waoljag 00...
...She had lived through years of strike* there, aut her husband had died to a eeal nine disaster...
...P. is too wearied.and ill to clean...
...One scrawny, sickly woman, a widow, told of her long years of struggle to bring np her two children...
...The family to them is a myth and marriage a degradation...
...It's horrible, isn't it, to lire like this...
...Tha manewer of hundreds of thousands of rorkers could be saved'by, thus develping these natural resources, which re both rich and plentiful, but which re of little use if science and engtoeerig do not come to the rescue...
...the youngest to two montha...
...speaks ggSsj ajnaojggg ajj thaa* eweum oho had f»««$^>*..-t.ii;*S...
...The oldest child is fifteen, and expects soon to g« to work...
...Ths assumption is that all these blessings were enjoyed by Mexicans before the revolution for the resolution condemns not only the government of Calles, but also the governments of Carranza and Obregon...
...I : erksd to tha mills, slaving to them > her babies came, and aa soon after they were born as possible...
...It to roughly o*> timated that I.wm workers are **• fected with venereal disease, ail in an...
...So eighty per cent, of the people of Mexico never had the blessing which the K. of C resolutions assert that they bad...
...maintenance of women and children deprived of their wage-earner, the revision Of the civil eode as regard* the right* of women tt law...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 31

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