AMUSEMENTS D R A M A The Drama of America By Joseph T. Shipley In: This i» th* second et e series Mitles studying American drams j*>. through tke piers is tbe three ¦aaa et ths excellent...

...effect, "gterg" were *********** bar their «ks*aoe...
...aa publleMeats were licensed...
...the famous novel by...
...Drinfytvater to Dramatize "Mayor of Casterbridge" From London comes a report that "The.Mayer of Casterbridge...«fm*v> anees of the opera Tamarlaae** ami oratorio* -gamaoa" gad Tlsisble*" There wfll- alee fee ewe lit*saber masts and eae orchestral tones* K 'Tbe g**aV val la it ii U i iTl Tj ' in iklngiaana choral orgsnlmtiens and wtfl b* g*r*a with popular* prkiad aamtostaaa...
...So (or seme ' time the plays were direct propaganda, rising out of an immediate need in the life of the time, reflecting the passions of the patriots of America...
...Saint-Seen*' "Carnival of th* Animal*," with...
...Lester A. Walg* ar*sld*nt of Tb* Faga and J. **bnund Jehaaon aad Alex Rogers m -ftea-presldeats...
...tgakerg... all typ*s of productions will be housed there...
...t i ' ¦ ¦ "Loose Ankle*" is the new title for Sam Janney'a eomedy (formerly known as "Came The Dawn "1...
...not the play violated the proprieties of society...
...Fortune Gallo to Have His Own Theatre FORTUNE GALLO, Impresario of the San Carlo Grand Opera' Company, has leased for a long term of years the theatre to b...
...f wbleh Frank T. EUrtAing tt msnagtng director...
...Tata work was only receatly **mptatad, and tk» Milan perfafmaaa* wfll be tb* world premiere...
...Norman Houston is staging the play...
...Saturday...* player* ot |M* How*, Clinton, and Bur£, strutted merrily on...
...sad "Tb* Stolen Lady* win have Its first performance there tke following week...
...Tamshl bttara...
...L. Lawrence Weber has acquired the rights to * new musical comedy entitled, "Peach**," which has a book *y Leal* aimAn and...
...who just arrived in this fountry trmm Honolulu, ia (M)f her native dances in the Hula Hula Broadway Briefs ¦"-"•AHbt--*k^**»*T «** saga*it -as trie ef dancers — Florence ODeniahawn, Ptulin* Mason and Fioreatin* Oe*nova—-to appear In "Honsymoon Lens," th* new "rsvurtctl" comedy in Which he Is to present the author...
...a eomedy, has bee* temp tad f *r...
...Thomas Hardy, will be dramatized by John Drinkwater, author of "Abraham Lincoln," and will be produced .in Leaden in -September, according to plans dnnounoed by Philip Bidgoway, the producer...
...Emperor Jones," after Eugene O'Neill's pity...
...head of the Keith-Albee Circuit, because of his recent alliance with the Cecil B. De Mille-Producers Distributing Company, motion picture organization..- . Mr...
...The Stolen Lady...
...promised for last year, return* e* tb* H*ts tdr th* ndw teaeon...
...It ia probable that anothsr unjsroduced play Of Kennedy's, called "Old Nobody," wfll be performed In London later...
...Charles Rann Kennedy Has A New Play, "Old Nobody" Charles Rann Kennedy has completed his new play, entitled/'The Salutation,'' which will be presented in London next Thursday and Saturday with the cast, including himself, Edith Wynne Matthison and Margaret Gag...
...St ia by Louie BeAeota Barfwit aad Metans Smith Dayton and is scheduled to b* pr as eats* la th* fstk Betkr play^^2S^^sm^m^st% aValftaP* ^(m» (sjp*V MsPeVkfta ^ :-: MUSIC :-: Van Hoogstraten Returns r ^ fFo Stadium W^dm^dag HENRY HADLET wfll prSasnt three novelties as-guest conductor of the Stadium Concerts this coming week...
...wkleh will be give*, it* first performance at Wsrbe's Brooklyn Theatr* on August II...
...coming to the Knickerbocker Theatre September 20...
...Am**' signaTsuece** with "lotantb*" now doing exceptionally seed bS»n**a* at tbe Plymouth, may prompt hi* reviving, of other of the GShert aad SmV 11 van operetta* altar '.The Oeadoflaz.'* Music Notes Among tb* operatic novelties for next season at La Scale, Mflea...
...a thtt of moat ef the play a of the •Jed, influenced by the traditional atsry *!»**»¦ in th* colonial collage*, ay* were presented, net by a drama• ek**, bat by a group of atudaata i |.*j»*\ and "The Battle of-BunkKjHfcV b) eddition to lta prologue If bjeTtAj speeches, hag aa appended hgee "Who fight* for freedom ¦ft the cause ot Heaven," a long Eg ipeech supposedly delivered by Kington on entering Boston, and png of Victory tor tn* army...
...Same Igjee aetata and ********* *t alt aanmiiaHtl** were- rtgfiuwmg art this "International...
...Wednssdty night...
...Ph were usually - so dull that no •gf'weuld ever go ta them if there ¦b* net a suggestion that they "His suggestion for Improving on th* resent methed of censorship, eonWded Mr...
...Rehearsal* began Monday for "The Ghost Train...
...Just wist of Broadway...
...KeithAlbee office states that tire decision to change the policy of the Hippodrome to include pictures and continuous performances was made by E--F...
...ii^ Mikhail Mordkla sad'nls BaBsd Ruato are booked far a tour of twenty - twe wAeks beginning October, making...
...By Hubert Osborne end John Gray, which was recently tried out tfi Atlantic City and I* now Being revised...
...Cpmellus vaa Vllet playing tbe 'cello qoio...
...George Ms BjBft eomedy, which ha* been pkty-' ••**» rummer in Chicago, will bare gj1^** York premier* at the Hudson gyM" Monday evening, August J*.J*>Pl*y win continue in Chicago anS*pu*t 81...
...1* at Great Neck, and is due in New Tork a weak later R*aeat*ait begM •pertly under ta* direction of S*rtr*m Herri...
...Tb* Flayehob will have a new theatre" for its- use next year...
...Th* Staggs were his star dancers...
...who >was a patron of the theAtre...
...Eva L* Galilean* will arrive h*re on the Berengtrlt Friday...
...Hew tbe salary seal* 1* arranged to obtain this effort is... is interesting to observe that the English antedated Lincoln by 85 years In offering freedom to alaves who would, eoliat to fight agalnat their former masters...
...This portrayal is carried to the absurd pitch ot wartime exaggeration: when Lord Boston bear* of the rebuff at tAxington, he cries "What .can I do...
...Shaw, wa* to license the-' ^"f—tn .tbe same way...
...Ff>f*r New Plays on John Golden s List AMONG tb* product!*** Which will b* mad* by John Golden early In th* n*W seaten are "Two World...
...Harreld wtfl be beard ta *»**> llael," "Rtgetetto" •Vamtata,*'' aa* other operas...
...a* a star...
...Tbe "Asters' inter** tl*aal" te wkiab *Aa*t*a* oeuntrte* ware r*pree*nt*a Italy ta tb* only 1bii>iu oeuatry which dldgctot eena A d*lag*t* win ***** from henoeforwerd every two year*, and it ia hoped th*t this nret attempt ta reooaeile Interests, wble* *h*u)d be eatirely ab*v* apmnat prejudlea win ea* la a d***tt* uhlen rat* af pap tor *at*r* in til eeuntrit...
...Lowell Sherman arrived oh the Olympic list wtek, and wfll soon start rehearsals In "A Woman Disputed Am*ng Men," which A. K. Woods wfll produce...
...J bp Weber ^^bna»Oe**b5r^toB ^ ^Tf^ Actors of All Nations Form International AbfXBtCA ia the Maa ceafitty » tha world t•* ataara, and Rusau th* b«*t far *nWW'li*i aatap' ^^^t^pv^J^BP " ^S*T^ ^^^(tjr^* t*H£ 1^ wJ*4 gaal ls*jtii*l*i> mage by the meaning of-eg* -A****r...
...Monday: Prelude to "Egypt," Smstana's overture to "The Bartered Bride," Dvorak's "New World" symphony... mi, , vera pledged to use nothing Save of American rata uftcturs—with more justification, perhaps, than similarly minded folk ot recent year...
...Th* ftrat article dealt with Em Drama...
...They were required to weir Hhe aim* costume* they had worn for tb* public performance...
...No definite opening date waa made publie... Crane Wilbur, walsh wm be presented In association with Samuel Wallaeh and win feature Lee' Carrtllo...
...hat the strict conditions prevailing in Japan did net appeal to delegate* in general...
...Michael KtUesser, tile author-producer, announces that two special companies wfll be assembled, erne t* tour the South, and en* to meraUs* throughout the Middle West... only are hi* British character* coward* or villains, but the nobles awear at tha rottenness of the commoners, and behind their superiors' backs tho plebeian* rail at and expose th* weaknesses *f their master...
...Hadley's novelties include) William SchroeAer's tone poem...
...H*a*ard Short win produce the C* - — - \- - •The ftwdet Buy gad Buy...
...Les Preludes...
...If at the end a year It waa considered that a *bit*bi theatre had not been conmetgd fa a proper wey, responsible N*»plaints could be mad*-, to tho bhajlllUJ .authorities...
...Overture to Strauss' -"Flederjnaua" aad Griqg'a "Two ^tegtac...
...Performances will be given from noon until 11 p. m. at popular prices...
...extensive tour at Oermeny, taetaenwf' operatic-'*«a*oad us Berlin asm Hem-, bar*, as wan,** son* recitals ta Bras r taa.'Fraakfert, Berlin, Hamburg...
...Major tt'iu a talented actor...
...ia said to- have found it important to .have at It*, disposal a large metropolitan headquarters for the exploitation and presentation of the films ms*s by his affiliated concern, "Toytown...
...ThAtaiimrL htata aad...
...Th* first entrant was...
...appearing ta,"Madame Btruwrfty," sad her new opera by Aid* FiaiialialfT, "Mamftit San...
...Tb* company, new at th* ttta Street, will tour the big cities...
...William Elliott...
...This conference, mu*h *dv**ej**a at tb* outset, nag a singularly di»*pp*4ntlar ogost ea tb* Pre** tfpfcMp *b*r* wa* a* satir* tack of ga*e*a*ejta...
...Wednesday: Mr...
...Ride Dudley, and maam *t *Ai Vop Til...
...Orvifle Harrekf, rsnfidy wt» the Metropolitan Opera C**x*a*q-| - wtfl tour thi* coming ****** with tb* Manhattan • Opera* CompAny...
...and tho shepherds of Lexington laugh over the antics of the defeated Bed coats...
...production by BeAthe...
...Mercy Warren had Kd the list*- Her dialog "Th* B." printed tho day before the p of Lexington.- include* her lmpths of Nprth and Gage...
...This appear* regrettable...
...C*w*ey-eresy,- a play by Pearl Franklin aad George Abbott, ta which Reglna Wallace aad William H. Boyd head the oast "Cewfcey-Crasy" la helag dene tn conjunction with I* Lawrence Weber...
...Warren ijes in a swoon to vilify the foes who hive slain her husband: th* English council can com* to no conclusions becauaa ot prldeful disputation...
...who appear* to be a* Anglo-American product...
...Thursday: Beethoven-Wagner program—"Pastoral" symphony aad excerpts from "Goetterdaemmerung" and "Rhelngold...
...General sgSjge n splrttsd pltywrlght But I wtrtb* American* were net to he tjtejf^th* General's farce "The SB et Boiton" waa matched by dpnaa's farce "Tbe Blockheads" of Bine—and Mr...
...being English/ are villain...
...In that country, it appears, not only mar a* outsider enter the east* af player*, traditional a* certain families,, but even certain parte are the property of certain actors bad are handed deem from father to son...
...through tke piers is tbe three ¦aaa et ths excellent collection of Eptstative Play* by American Ejttsts" edited by Mop tree* J. jp*a« publl*h*d by E. P. Button tap... the basement ef the theatre, will be retained, the -statement declared...
...The announcement from- the...
...has been planned after nearly a year's study...
...The- new piece will open at Atla*tic City August 80...
...the comedy by htartih'yiavtn...
...George Walker aad JJbm Bees* Europe...
...Plans forth* new house Include the moat modern Innovation* in- theatre and opera house construction- The drawings show numerous promcntd...
...Previous to this Levingston had been managing a peripatetic dancing school In the county of New Kent...
...Between 1**2, when a Pageant at "The Military Glory at Great Britain" wa* produced by the graduates of Haw Jersey College, and the year of Bunker"* Hill, tbe change seeds no comment Tfteaeau, Madison, end Brack* enridg...
...the bos'n insults the Admiral as soon as My Lord's back is turned...
...Shaw said that the ¦Pjmaesmed to be eo entirely oeniMaWon so-called salacious plays...
...Help Wantee—Female," by Gladys B. TJnger, In which Nydia Wast man win be featured...
...g* —-Hem* Tdwnefs...
...Ml** Dorothy June, whs bsA s Wonderful heed ot aaburn treeadM a venus-like form...
...the famous bareback rider...
...Th* other* are not 'specified In the announcement...
...White Collie," by David Sturgie, will be the second production...
...The CondoUers" Wdl Ba Next Production of Wmlhrap Amos Win th rep Ames wfll sponsor anether Ollbert azjd Sullivan.revival next season when jjroduelnji^^Th* Gondoliers" The tatter he* bean tbe least produced of tbe Gilbert aad Sam vaa cycle aad ia comparatively aaw to th* preaeptfgeaeratlon...
...ta* United Stat** to be owned •m managed by Notre** will be gtaat thi* feu in Harlem by Tha •tap Inc...
...Self a mild* document, exhibiting precisely th* queUtie* that mora rvd*ly invigorate Leaeeck'a prose drama— discarding even the imported term of verse—"The Fail of British Tyranny," Leacock spare* a* opportunity to show that an Englishman is base...
...According, to records of Accomack county for 1665, several persons were reported to tb* court for noting ia a play entitled "To Bare and T* Cubb," aad judging from the eOmplaint made against the actors the word "bare" was correctly spelltd in the titleThere wa* only on* practical way for the court to determine whether or...
...The members of this act ar* ceuslni of Mae Wirth...
...erected ta Fifty-fourth street...
...I»A«r**ti*ne.r early tbta steam m Bern...
...One Man'* Woman" win be exhibited in triplicate next seaton...
...The ftnt prUa will b* a silver cap...
...Tess of the d'TJrberviUee...
...But th* Court found nothing objectionable either ta th* 4^.tfj*t^n\,M> «*«w*ft Virginia also claims Ore honor of the first playhouse and the first recorded performance of a play in the United States...
...the English mystery melodrama which A H. Wood* and Arch Selwyn will present at the Times Square Theatre on August 1...
...Companies of "Figs" and "Seventh Heave*" will be seat on tour...
...This producer presented this year a play adapted by Hardy himself from his novel...
...larger houses, if their success justifies It Three companies of ?NOt Herbert," the organisation's chief success of last season, will be sent on-tour...
...The theatre waa in Williamsburg, the Colonial capital of Virginia, and was built in 171* during the administration , of Governor Alexander Spotowood...
...t Xmlly Steyent in Ben Heckt's "The Sceundrtl...
...On every Wednesday eveenlng far the remainder of the season there will be prise dancing, including the Chsrleeton, ungo ana cojlegiat*, to the strains of the Knickerbocker QrUl Orchestra...
...F Warren, whoso husband waa pjnent in th* early Nsw England ptalgn, arid wh* was a clot* friend Mhp Adams, has a measure of snjynr/ strength but a truly feminio •ngghnea* in her damnation, k'Store fully developed piece of the pperiod is "Ths Battle Of Bunker's Jf by.Hugh Henry Braekenridg...
...She was maks aa...
...Eddie Dewling...
...kl Woods' hew "Potesh and Perlmutter" pity, with Jamas b. Cars** and Ludwig Satz, opens Aug...
...Hippodrome to Introduce Nen> Polity the Coming Season A continuous entertainment policy of vaudeville, circus attraction* and motion pictures will be In operation at the Hippodrome next season...
...which ha* bought the **aaing *t 46 West i3Sth *tr**t and ^.convert it into a tt»-**at play**» Frog* ta an oganisatlon aiming *• ***onrege dramatic art among coln*d people by providing aa *uti*t tor bm* written by m*mb*r* of tb* rac...
...which Brock Pemberton will present here on August If...
...Another »d«ed attraction to u« circus 1* Eteay Fay with, bat trained black her*** and ponies EntrfA* far tb* red-head baibmg beauty contest to' be k*M la Luna's pool on Friday, August II...
...Friday: Goldmtrk's' "SakuntaU" overture, Deems Taylor's "Through the Looktng-Glass Suite," Mozart's Symphony In E, fiat and "Th* LOve Scene" from Richard Strauss' "Feucrsnet...
...fjbw Shows Way to ItiGurb Offensive Plays khs censorship ef play* wa* tb* Meet ef comment by Bernard Shaw pptly, when he spake at the annual pttmg of the Incorporated Society | Authors, Playwrights, and Cornran, in London... number more than to...
...According to the present plans the first of them will bo "Henrys Harem," by Arthur Stern, which will open on Sept...
...will see the opera company heused in its new home... an o'A contract by which William Levingatan, merchant, agreed with Charles Stag* and his wife Mary, actors, to build in Williamsburg a theatre "for the enacting of comedies and tragedies in said city...
...Utile Theatre to W^Open Playh ousc in Harlem j£*b*t ia slid to be the firit IHtl* thenar...
...Wiliem van Hoogstraten, returning to New Tork after directing several concerts St tke Hollywood...
...Lid* Ktae and Reea Herts have been added to "Service far Two...
...Edgar Selwyn win pr*t*fit "The Imaginative Girl," a romantic comedy by Roy Brlant end Harry Duraht, Monday night at the Savoy Theatre, Aaburv Park...
...Admiral Tombstone calls his own English "powdered beaux—pe.Ut maltres*— tope—fribbles—skip Jacks—macaronis —Jack puddings—noblemen's bastards and whores'1 sons...
...The location la now marked with aa eld rough and faded wooden signboard which can hardly be read...
...Other numbers are tbe "Leeaere" overture No...
...atrocities are implied in the accounts of the English captures, though not with the skUfull deceit developed in more recent war...
...Had leys last evening: B*a own fGuIprit Fsy," a rhapsody, will be played...
...of course, unknown t* outsiders, but Russia's car* far the uakaewn actor aad actress and agrsxeat bitted ot managers^ fgtneyal was "the meat outstanding" feature *f thi* first conference...
...In view ot the magnffieent acting shown la Russian films lately imported into Germany, where neither director nor star is allowed t* intrude his or her personality en tbe finished work of art...
...August U. tKere wtH be a prite waits contest ia the ballroom...
...lounge and rest rooms en tbfe* floor...
...Unhappily, the Soviet delegates' insistence that no manager ahould b* allowed to be a member of the proposed international union f*r supporting actors* interests, mat with suck apposition on th* part of countries whet* actor-saahagers play an important part ia th* •tag* lit*, that the Russian* withdraw from all further proceed lag...
...t" only playwright of the period •e* literary reputation (though in tar field*) h«* at all lingered...
...More even than Shakespera'* words for Henry.v before Harfieur the words ot this drama would htfiame . netrtotio - hearts...
...Through the Revolution iTmiN th* continental C*agr*ss, If m ins, closed tbe deer* of X the thastr...
...The program for the week: Sunday: »>"Bmperor Jonea,"' RlmakyKorsskora "Scheherazade," Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker" suite and Liszt's symphonio poem... hundred and •eveaty-eta psifmm ' ****** . - - ** • - j? Dueolin* Paianinl snH*S far Itarepe| on the Hamburg...
...b> tacorporator* include Bart Wilf*Jjk Bob Cole...
...Golden* new theatre en West Fifty-eighth afreet, which, tt la announced, will Be completed by August 1. Red Head Beauty Contest 'At Luna Park AvguH 13th Th* Honey Troupe of acrobats—four men and four wemea—specially imported far the Lusa Park free «(**** from Australia Is m*kthg lta Brtt appearance la this country at Lua...
...Oho of these new plays may be presented at Mr...
...van Hoogstraten returning, his program consists of Weber's overture to "Frelschuets," Debussy's '"Fetes," Tchaikovsky's "Italian Caprice" aad th* Brahms Second Symphony...
...Both of the eampaalM will sally out in September...
...Miriam SMpaand Bobart McWtd* ar* in p*ftlCAgo ca.t...
...Atelodiea for Strings" and Schubert's Symphony fa C major...
...Ob dear...
...a*g greater -waa their'need...
...Bowl, California, wfll also introduce one work to Stadium audiences this week...
...An unusually large stag*, with th* latest American and foreign equipment...
...The project marks the entrance of Mr- Gallo into the legitimate musical and dramatic producing field...
...It is understood, however, that the season at the Sixth avenue music hill will begin the latter.part ef August... is a d kit in which {he various characf stand up In turn and reveal the leular nature of their villainies— All...
...The Pldyshop to Present "Henry's Harem" in September T6r its second season Tho 'Playshop announce* the production of four and possibly six, new plays...
...Better organized countries ware aghast at tb* state af Holland and Sweden, where no kind at association exists to support actors' latcraete...
...August *. She has been abroad since the middle of May ta search of material for th* forthcoming productions of the Clvie Repertory Theatre, which will open October IS with Benavente's "Saturday Night...
...The tcter as emplCTve, la hi* eapatity of wag«-e*ra*r pure aad •lavpl...
...van Hoogstraten offers Saint-Seen*' "Carnival ot the Animal*" aa a novelty...
...mmjm— ¦ A three daps* Handel Festival wtB be given ta Lelpsl* this autumn, smoa* the eohedulad features bejag...
...Not only are the insults to th* BrUlsh^put into the mouths ef Britishers, but with crudity when Mrs...
...Ths theatre wfll eeat about 1,400 persons...
...Sb* wtfl retstm b**p tat sTJilli *b8* |« 7% .: - ~ - - ¦- J ta aavttttaa ta the Pfoattar* ta Aas-f aoameeg ^Tr\±!jiwttmj ata*p*ga| 9s^0B^tn)3att tfstk ^tk\^ks\ia9mS ^mF*fc...
...Tbe asm* of which win b* made public in a few days...
...his [odern Chivalry" being Included in i new Oreenbarg "Rogu**' BeokJ0&> rThe language of this pise*, as jfdrt- therefor* be expected, i* both toother aad freer, but lta form la...
...the prelude to William J. McCoy's opera, "Egypt" and bis own rhapsody, "The Culprit Fay...
...Princess Uia...
...The plays will open there.aad win move tp...
...Jaerneteld's Preehldturn aad Btrtuss' "Don Juan...
...The piece will be presented here next season if it Is a sue**** abroad...
...t, Dukaa' "Soroerer's Apprentice" and the Tchaikovsky Fourth Symphony...
...That wa* to brlfig the actors before th* court and hav* them repeat the play Just aa ghcy bad performed it before the puMlc...
...tb* Japanese eepraae...
...Help Wanted— F*mala" opened ta MAmareaeek en July 11...
...Support waa also give* by Sweden and Hungary, where tbe system IS gaining around...
...AMUSEMENTS D R A M A The Drama of America By Joseph T. Shipley In: This i» th* second et e series Mitles studying American drams j...
...The drama ef "The Battle of Bunker'* Hill" is it...
...In tbe record* of Tojrktown for that yea...
...The coming season's opera of the San Carlo Company will be presented at the Century Theatre, as usual, and the following season, the fall of 1927...
...rfll **a*tan* wtfb the Maabattaa ferees...
...America and England supported tb* case of th* *ct*r-man»ger... tbe object of this eeafer•nee- Tb* beat organised country tn »i* respect is Soviet Russia at th* present moment, with republican Austria aot very far behind...
...Referring to the recent banning of MM...
...Fir&t Censorship of Our Drama in 1668 TO these who are of the Impression that the current fuss about stage censorship is a recent activity it probably will coma aa a big surprise to learn that the first censorship of the dram*.in America took place about' 26$ year* ago tn Virginia...
...Otaeeea aad Truex...
...wilt ba Wolf-Ferrari'* a*W opera "Testa di OHio" (Tbe aerftsOBt^c* Heaven...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 30

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