Capmakers Force Jobbers to Organize; Association Gives In r« the first ttoa* lb* Jshhtag hBEPP rot fin together ud organised an aaaomaker* to Mm* nMptttw tor the jobiiers of their...

...Uatted States, said that it will he tar atdBBjSt to provide deep waterways from tb* Atlantic through tba Great Labaa aad tram tba Gulf «n tba amp ap tba Missis*!ant thaa ta build tha fiddittaaal railways that wtB ta needed to tba next n year*He estimated that IMIMdl additional papalattoa a«t ba aarvad by American rail aad amtar toaadpgrtgtiogi by IrM... tba total membership of the Seimas to aightyftvo, they are psatassBjr aaauiid of tb» »appait at tba rectal mhverfty staSsbgn aad tba Sva dSBWtlgg fram Msiliet Tend...
...Eight Freedom of Speech Violations in Jne, Cm...
...sassy ttaˆ**gJjgrSS,>J**^apTllsB» " GREEN SAYS AJI WILL ACCEPT N. J. STRIKERS Borah Told Terms on Which Textile Workera May Join the FederataOn * WA8B3NGTO|».--Senator Borah held a conference with President-Green and Secretary Morrison af the American Federation of Labor Friday night, July so, op the terms which tba Federation could offer the Passaic textije strikers in eg** thw Utter waaet change their toadarabtp from tba United Fre«t Committee to the Unlte4 TextUd Worker...
...A. A. Brill...
...Caroline La Monte...
...Association Gives In r« the first ttoa* lb* Jshhtag hBEPP rot fin together ud organised an aaaomaker* to Mm* nMptttw tor the jobiiers of their <My>iirtlimt| -to the industry ku at HM»w> Srst mtt The jobbers, adu» ba*-bodn boafttap aloof - In mi attitude ot miffwHW, hsve boon farced to **soctoto them•atase tato aa orgnnlBstlon to moot tbo heavier and homier attack* -af the union...
...It will meat at Wanaau -next July...
...OHIO FEDERATION MEETS Wisconsin State Labor Also Holds Annual Sessions — Militarism Hit AKRON...
...O.—Ohio trade unionist* marched lata the stronghold of America's most bitter antiunion industry and bold the 4Sd annual convention ot their State Federation of Labor in the shadow of Akron's bugs rubber factories...
...Ths convention urged revision ot the Volstead act and - retention ot the mayor-council system of city government...
...It was' saht tha* the Passaic Children's Milk fund Committee, collaborative with the General Relief Committee, baa been maintaining five milk stations In the tenement districts of Passaic and nearby New Jersey mill towns...
...Colo.—Excellent Instruction in a groat variety of labor subjects characterised tbe Colorado Farmer-Labor summer school, which closed its nine-day session at Idaho ^Springs recently...
...As a result at tba Bersh-^reen-MerrlaAn oenfereace tt to evident that the United Textile Workers are new prepared to take tba Paaaala strikers in ts soon as they make formal appUoa< ttoh- Tba aaa condition upon which this will be dene, however, ta that Wets herd aad an other Communists retire from leadership, aa that the nrfllesraerg shall have ao further ground for their claim that the strike ta Communist-led- With a non-Communist committee ta charge, a. F. of L> oatetata think that tbe Botany Worsted Mills and other big anti-union employer* wit...
...Among those who bavs come to the aid of tbe children, it waa said, are: Henry Morganthau, Mrs...
...However, nt aa much as tbo joobari •an refuse to oai with tbo aaton...
...Tbato ttaaia la M year* bag frawa traaa ltd bBJtos tea milw to tit bjlllaa baa mUea...
...Already pay grptt railroad gttaampa ibd tarmiaato ay* •bowtag signs at odBgeaUoa,- aa dactam...
...the next war...
...The vice-president at tbo Selma* SBSdtsagr MaUU, to a Socialist...
...LITHUANIANS ENJOY A LIBERAL REGIME As tba result of tba victory of the Social Democrat* and Populists over the Clerical reaction ta Lithuania la tba May elections, that war-bom republic ta reported ta the European Socialist press aa enjoying a really Liberal regime...
...Julius Deutscb was elected chairman of this international commlslson, and Its headquarters will bo in Vienna... a Populist, as to the new pxaaldaat of tba republic, fir...
...Affiliated unions wore unanimously urged to contribute to tbe relief fund for the locked-out British- miners...
...Aad the courts bava evidently undesstood tbe meaning of tba alee...
...In fact, reports by tbe representatives of the labor defense groups in Belgium, Germany...
...Another shadow, cast by Ohio's it,ooo unemployed miners w)w formerly constituted the backbone' of the movement a*rB«BSt- tba convention...
...Philadelphia and Baltimore social leaders and professional men and women throughout tbo/ United States, Clarlna Mlchelson...
...Oa July ll In the Socialist-ruled City of Vienna, representatives of the militant antl-Fascist bodies of Austria...
...Worker education, cooperation, the race problem, labor economies, public speaking, labor history and labor poetry were tbe principal themes...
...aad thus aB tbo •hope, thooo doing hoalBOM lor tbo SesA, are BnlOntaed...
...taoee aoMiiifsHliiion which work tor the jobbers, ore still empty aaa tba strtooro continue to brine pisasms to hoar on the Jobbers to afro In...
...It authorised a department of education aad refused to adopt a resolution demanding prohibition of women worker* in metal polishing rooms...
...Nay use Boycott ia FifinJ ForPhil^Frs^ W*t^|p^tOaV—Boycott of A^afHy C*oA* Aafgtt Jshittsjgjain irTo^orti la* patrtotto Fttiptaoa wa* tbe a««g woapaa bold ta rtoerve by tb* totdg af St* independence mey*meat addB watttag for Cdagrw...
...Kaemir Oriaie... it* rec*mtpi|| W aarCt 0*1 ^FexbtMia rneaataaXta 'fi.-aat tap to poptpaae tba day of MbeasSg at the |gbib(l> I| to fba Fblltapiae Bepubnc...
...Trenton, N. J. police prevented a Sacco- Vansottl defense meeting because _nt might result ta a demonstration...
...Wis;j—With the reelection ot Henry OhI.jJr, president and J. J. Bandley secretary-treasurer and of tba entire executive board, tbe Wisconsin State Federation of labor adjourned its 14th annual convention...
...Hons, aa tba trial of ninety-throe radical labor and peasant leaders oa Char gee ot conspiracy, ate, begun by tbe Clerical Government, same Unas before tba election, baa ended with tba aequlttal af all tbe defendants aad a virtual apology by tba judges...
...htl».Agthnr J. {Bade...
...Ku Klux -Khmsmah were forbidden bp city officials to parade ia Jersey City...
...Tbe co-operation of the Sports International and tbe Youth .International la counted of special importance, aa the athletic young folk of the labor movement form tbe backbone of tbe fighting »roups in the different countries that have already put the would-be •blackahlrts on the do-, tensive...
...John Frey, editor of the- Melders Journal waa fe-tleeW...
...leader ot the United Front Committee, that he aad aay other Communist* active in tba leadership of tba struggle win atop aside when tba stfik«r» reorganise The mill ownert have rafuaed .to dial with tba United tToai Committee aa tbb prataat that tt ia a Cemmaaiat affair...
...Vary-truly yoara» (•ifftedj EOWASai...
...aad tba prababja agisnMo baaatta...
...At .a maah kdjp ratb si lacrease we mast wttbta anathar quarter century provi4o far agpaaalea af faculties ta handUa at Hdtat daabto what we bra taawtaat today- Our pita tat railways will ebvieaaly be tmUOouata ta Stoat that taps...
...apptotPJ editorial atplalPtnff, that waBal >SBJ|b*bi have bo thought of teag toss to raaata tbato liberty, ^tterp Ig exfeafjQSjfp^f 0i C«ae> M^O#tte...
...v ^ Ob Friday...
...Samuel Crethers and Dean Bsseas Pound bf Harvard Law Schoai #art amaag 0* afSSStfl whs ¦smbueia Mayer Nichols- ¦¦¦ggsablg af ajiailasi at a are test gatbarbar ta a*« dm stoat* atadWag tease' t» Baatab...
...Dominlck Vonturado, an Ohio union coaldiajgar, framed oa a murder charge ¦fcjrfaar the »» atriko, waa tea gear that tba Federation would continue «¦ pardon efforts...
...Poor Children Hot' Wither Victims BALTTMOB-E^An appeal far fsmdS to save babies aad parttoularty bibtot of poor families from death «ne to) hot weather, baa bean toned by a Baltimore committee, sine* i« bibtoa atdd ta tba dty ta one week...
...Franklin D. Roosevelt, David Starr Jordan, Mrs...
...executive secretary of the Milk Fund Committee at 79* Broadway, said yesterday...
...Sacco and Vansettr ware given cheer by another unanimous resolution hacking efforts to secure a saw trial...
...Miae Anna M. W. I agpjgj I U i&kaadelphla: Sarah M. MrtoJfortw of Baltimore...
...Austria, IAtV% jnd tsechoalovaki* ahowed that the Would-be reactionary dictators of those countries had already loat much of their enthusiasm In the face of tba rapid organisation ot btg bodies ot militant young republicans ready far any emergency...
...We assured him that tba FedaraUoa bad at all times desired pb be helpful to the workers la tba textile iBOtaptry 1a Passaic, aad that tt was our wish ta organise the teartile workars under lea...
...Blaine was commended for hia opposition to those gunmen...
...aad tt much more difficult to avoid signing a union agreement...
...A meeting under tbe auspices of the International Labor Defense to protest tba deportation of three Portuguese anarchists aaa forbidden by the chief of police of Fan River...
...The now government, headed by Piemier Siesewicius, a Populist, ta made, op of Populists aad Socialists, as a special Socialist party convention, bald June 7, declared far participation, provided that political prisoners ware released aad other progressive ana suits adapted...
...i- wrr-^ -*.>-*---riytZSi,*.ANTI-FASCIST...
...Germany, Hungary, Belgium...
...tbo shape af tbo ml^Wlt...
...If,the wt^tam^wvfm* *• rathe usual amy to tba uaitdd TaatBS Workers tor a taaal charter, aad tt the United Textile Workers apprdma tba application, th*y will beeonsa % dart of that tatamaMoaal ualea, attUatad with the Federation...
...Through the contributions of these and many other prominent persons the committee haa up till now been able to supply the thousands of infanta aad children in Fasaaic with a daily ration of milk and bread,"' aaid Mrs...
...Bishop Francis J. MeCoanell of PltUburgh...
...Most of the organisation work will be done by the Austrian Republican Defense Laagua...
...Broobi) Powers TTfpananVg Vida D. Soud«ar^r WaibJfebm^Uun.:' Inez Haynea Irwin, Mary E. McDowell of Chicago...
...singers and other* artrsts who bare volunteered to appear in tbe benefit entertainment to be given August SI in tbe Coaay Island Stadium to raise funds to buy milk tor the children of Passaic, the milk toad la being contributed to by many New York...
...Waterways go fbr to •**»* tba — - - -«¦»¦¦- ,sadt in iiliii i - ¦« - a— - — m laSSPlP wBf IsT*^e?*S^9BBXl aVSTaTpTnsaaUaV eTaaVJO eravdad straet*.m mdtoeso toes to a span whose ' be .to barn thaw whato Ba apa IIvbi* "Twrktob prwsiarb...
...9m*m ififiliij mi Tiiiium , m u* ww •»*•«.¦•» y-t en, To tha I«»t*r •* tha Ntw Lsadsr: Dsar «ln— I foal that Th« Now LiUw mwM a* af traraanaaaa hala ta tha Orsaniaaa Labor wavamaw* If tha faamharahip of Onanlsad Labor would tak« at) Intarast in tha posor, aa it eould la usod a* a medium far transmittina to tha Publie tha trua f*ets and oelieiee af tha labor movement, and ahow Labor's sida In any eentroveray *r strike eaietina in the ranks or In tha industrial thHd...
...James W. Bayard of Philadelphia...
...bat they bav* has tad effeot of making- the leaden of tht various fighting labor organtsations of Europe gee tka seed of International unity oa their part...
...fWhile deprecating the use ot fOree, in principle, tbe representatives of tbe aatl-Paaciat organisations declared that, in practice, it wouM be folly for tbe Socialists and Republicans af Europe to lie down and allow tba reactionaries, possibly with tbe benevolent approval of some of the so-called Republican Governments, to crush labor and democracy under the Iron heel...
...emaattngS, of the oniea todopopd*nt «hop...
...Soatataxy at Commerce Hoover, ta a speech bar* aa the need for a fully devdlopad water transport* ttan system ta tba...
...He«v»r «pM ha wa* adjvtoat by bto angtaaara that tar tUM*MM tba Miagtoatppl caa be anpti tsta a camsiatdd deep waterway Uraugbeut...* we/ hajvarthareby kept many of them from'what might otherwise have been serious suffering during these hot days ot summer...
...Tbe convention denounced tbe elttsens military training camps aa a plat to train tba youth who would then be "expected to servo aa cannon fodder In...
...INTERNATIONAL FOUNDED eankssl imrSmStt Vienna - SnHnsH Tslee*Le*t£ng*at* ^^TTaatPTB Vt *ha snihtaBt raaetoma otbar^Baropaan ejpawwaa^ta ^Jat taawtaer to wage amr opaa the SSeMlIst aad Rapubliean movemenu bavs past amounted to Btadh...
...W. Russell Bowie, rooter of Or ace Church...
...Tho interstate commerce commission waa asked to discontinue dlscrim* mating In favor ot non-union West Virginia and Kentucky against union Ohio in setting freight rates on coal...
...Charles K. ovlngton, R. Fulton Cutting...
...a small union Is affiliated directly to the a. F. of Ii...
...The rubber workers are smarting under repeated wage cuts and bad working conditions...
...Alios Duer Miller and Iawranco Lengner...
...Mo new development fallowed - tbo turning up with tbo aa*oclat|sm_hssjaeSj tat tba fatatatlaa of tha^tohisra* aaoocletlon showed a straw whtoh waalt Indicia *ome eort of fiXtifi IpAbJ near jMtSrp* ' '. ALL CLASSES GIVE TO MM FUND Concert Will Be Held at Coney Island Stadium August 28th Besides scores ot gggataaaa...
...Borah baa been seeking a settlement af tba tabs strike aad ha* secured tram Albert Waiobord...
...Marx H. DUb Cannee, France...
...scams* the todtpaadaaaa aaiaetoa...
...Btuvm will be taken at once to en lift the active support ot the Socialist aad Labor International, tba Lucerne/ Sports International and tba Socialist Youth International aad ot militant anti-Fascist organisations all over Europe...
...It held that if such work waa unsanitary and dangerous there should be protection for men as wall as women workers, but that organised labor could not at thia late date prohibit women from entering industry...
...New York City notice broke up a street meeting of tba International Labor Defense...
...HANNAH, - eL^SgsBBBBBbSbOlgaBSBdbS a.-—r<J»ar¥ Ya^BBBhSaBMaMSa...
...Private armies raised by Wisconsin bankers for their private purposes were also denounced as accessories to private 'armed dictatorships and as having aa their ultimate purpose "opposition to organised labor...
...MrsGeorge Burnham ot Philadelphia...
...Tbo trot stop iiafaagis -tho vest, which will be a»v ag-reetoent With the...
...Tba aspaaatoa ot lailway tarauaato ta accaaamddato tbto growth wlU ba stoltoMBbll at ew*r*ou*ly hbrfdtbtd aapt bbtaap* of tba tooradaa of Mud aajada...
...Tba pi said eul...
...fc&4dad> \t tba State Federation by acclamation...
...The New York City Board ot Education denied tba second application of tba "a marl aaa Civil Liberties Union far a free speech meeting in tba Stuyvesant High School...
...Oar talk with Saaatar Borah waa entirely clear," <Jr*«n aaid afterward...
...To assure a continuation of this aid through tho rest ot the summer, however, tbe committee has planned the Coney Island Stadium concert and some of the best New York musicians, singers and other artists have volunteered their services to assure its success... far aa promo Una tba abas of their proponents ta law id...
...Amos Plnchot, Alice Stone' Black well of Boston...
...liberties Union Reports Sight instances of interference with freedom ot speech and assemblage are recorded in tbe report of the American CivH Liberties Union for June...
...Whtle «ba twenty-three Fwpansta and fifteen SaekUtata are running a minertty 'awrernment...
...Although tbe convention urged local unions to organise tba unorganised, it took bo- action in tbe Akron rubber situation, with the buSding trades badly dieorganlxed, the street oar span lust defeated in a strike and other crafts hardly functioning, the Akron labor movement faces demoralisation unless tbe big tire firms are organised...
...John Graham Brooks and Mrs... oapppfarad tbto 4 sate tai'mmiat...
...In the opinion of onion official* Unofficially, the Jobber.' association declared would ao* da*J with the captaaher»*\union, but tbto waa ¦ ii i ¦ i ilil " J •xpectea...
...i It waa the consensus ot the speakers at the Vienna meeting that enough words had been poured forth pa tbe evils of Fascism during the past few year* .by Socialists and Liberals all over the world and that it was time to effect an International organisation of action whose various national units would be able to defend Republican Institutions with force whenever necessary, it wis pointed out that tba letson of Italy must not bo allowed ta go unheeded aad that tba workers of all countries must be prepared to alp iff the bud any attempt by the reactieaaries to emulate tbe Mussolini march on Rome...
...Waterway* Most Sofa tbe Ridwaj Coa|esdfft, Says tWcretwy Bomr Mlnaeapoli...
...Recently a wealthy farmer near Passaic, William Gar bar, volunteered tbe Indefinite use . ot a six - acre farm to be used as a playground by the children and the committee haa equipped it with milk and lunch booths, swings, shower bathe and other playground paraphernalia It waa said that .more than 1,000 small children are ted and entertained at the playground daily...
...Tba atarioel opposition *^aWa what ta true, la eedar to mj| ej|f^^ke) *sa4kf|e> 4^^r mse^i**, for Edward L Hannah Praises New Leader Am Great Aid to Labor Movement INTERNATIONAL UNION RaiMrrtnaen, Pavers, Flag Layera, Wood tfook and Brick Pavera-Bridflt and Stono Curb Sattart, Aaphalt Workers and Road Builders utwH i. m—m...
...c Cleveland gad Philadelphia...
...After years of oppression, tba people are breathing freely once mare, tba state of siege has been lifted, censorship aof the mails abolished and ths bast af political prisoners set at liberty...
...Be believed tt toe aayty ta taraoaat tba east of tba abipway tram tba Lake* .to tba Attoatta- |a*vhrw #« tad huge aaaaal lacemt af tba AmaHcaa goapte...
...John S. Codman, Boston...
...Farmer-Labor Summer School End* 9-Day Cowse 11 » '«-• Idaho Springs...
...Moat freuuefitly death k»«ek» it the floors of tba peer for their ehiktftoV* thwy are uad*r-n*urtsh*d aad tretaS und*r nnhealtbiuj eendiUen* " . r Trmit that man In aathiag wha Haa- aat a oopddlaaaa ta...
...Svri tsar land, Yugoslavia, Cascheatdvakia, LaXTta and Poland, aad af the Socialist aad Labor International aad the Socialist Youth International, mdt under the chairmanship of Julius Deutscb, former Socialist Minister ot Defense in tba Austrian Government, and now head of the wonderfully well organised Republican Defense League of Austria, and resolved to found aa international eommlslslon of defense against Fascism...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 30

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