U.S. Plans to Enslave Philippines to American Rubber Companies TIRE COMPANIES PROPAGANDA BARED CooiidfWill .Support iwiuii Pledge and E*tp-mWTff*W> a^ettOajsTsTeaa^ssla1 Ir THE Philiprdn**...

...was to leave Hamburg July M to vhrtt th* Soviet Union...
...That it was a legal as ¦fas a moral right is pretty well ified by the fact that even a Jersey ..jpp enjoined the sheriff of Bergen '•jjhktr from doing to anybody el»e |||it he had done to me...
...It g^'th* logical type of organisation g^*0**™ large-scale industries...
...Tata most reactionary, moreover, said that the Communists were equal to the Faseisti because they were seeking power...
...has bean ausnW oat a comprehensive program far the cul« Ovation <ot Philippine rubber plantay 5 Harvey S. Fn-estone, Jr., foHow'.mj fa conference with President Cools idg* at the summer White House, announced that 'American iwnftahats ar# now ready to «* bbteatha» *nterprte* if the Phitrpptn* tend law* are amended to POrm* extohslv* land holding* for a period of at least eeventy-flv* years...
...1 eanaet «et a Mt axattod about any daaaasldaco as, Britigb rubber gtaweta Sbart af a, war with Great Britain, whlah to am tbtakabta...
...The delegation was met at tbe pier by Miss Evelyn Preston, treasurer of the American British Miners' Relief Committee, of 700 Broadway, who...
...Now, ¦ 5Bl the honor to be valued in N*w Mar to the extent of IMhOOO bail, only :4Btt a0« than Mrs...
...Not th* fl*^ f-these aitncullies is th* .vested |3BS* *¦•* officer* naturally and InWJFA acquire m their Jobs...
...I., Settlement of other matters In dispute by negotiation between representatives of the union and representatives of th* mills...
...Tho statement concluded by asserting that the only Anti-Fascist united front which can exist is the on* that excludes tho Communists...
...please make that clear...
...Jersey Textile Strikers A.F...
...I can not stress-too...
...Harris, treasurer of the South Wsle miners...
...af th* •onorat " Two A Bather Cemnawy...
...Tweaty-Bva hundred acres to a tot off toad dad it would be far baSBr far the-FhOtaptae* to aaa a sleerar *hvsldpmaat ef rubber plantations, embays oa the co-operative pstautphV thaa ta daa tbesa dattaered over to ttoataa aabttaltata...
...Tba editorial outrages all sense ot decency aad falraeaa la controversy by preseatiag a picture of President BJUbaaa aad Beckerman at a meeting af members ef tba Amalgamated Clothing Workers in Cooper Union that haa its sou roe ta the malic*, of the wetter aad nothing else...
...It ia tho llggeet bar ta the aetutieh of tho problem that •till gives Great Britain and Holland a practical monopoly "of the werld'e high-grade rubber eupply —in Malay Land...
...TTft# rVastt aeverftine^tee daiWlagBiaBt ef «f» huasds that earn* ha as whoa M~ •iea* ttfear ^ bottle of JHwAt, 1* iffa...
...The first formal meeting of the committee will be held Wednesday morning in New Tork city...
...Afterwards, with bleeding bodies and broken spirits, the peons went to mass...
...At that time a statement circulated among the rubber trade leaders said: "If Uncle Sam will forget hia promise of Philippine Independence, change lend laWa and permit tba importation of coolies for clearing land, planting and tending tress, It ia apparent that immense areae in the Philippines ssn be devoted to high-grade rubber cultivation," -j, , v' ;' ,, ( "Rubber May Cause Next War...
...Self WASHINGTON.—»Ndli8*d by the chief clerk of hist department that' ho was to be dropped because ho_ had been absent without leave...
...Teio IPP-teatotak* to let these difficulties P* th* way to such reorganisation be necessary if ever the A. P. ^¦ft>*Tht against company unions la BP* beyond th* paper stag...
...wa make it even indirectly aad BjttSfr a lltue easier far Franca topptdfi bar abominable mlsgcwdrnmeat %¦ Syria, a mtagovarnment which 4b> grace* the whole mandate »y*t*# it tba Ldagu* af irdttoa...
...Undo* th* heading "Philippine* Oot of |tehjha» Picture Until V. B. Acta...
...z ANTI-MUSSOLINI CROUP IS FORKING Change of Heart, but Fail to Convince I AS A direct result of the withdrawal of...
...Iflea was the line of least re»latanc» gjjjjdy ami be the logical type of or•JJtetJon for most of the building although they, too, haye been with jurisdictional disputes...
...The Church las ^legally: oeaupled thete the Church has bnaken^^^^^^^A Th* tend dot* not belong to the Church: It has belonged -to...
...The caroajah Jjfcgftag* »° obvious Ontt furater stteangtoto coaatal it hare been abandoned...
...Tho rebellion of, the Indian, like that of the government, is hot against the Catholic faith but against , the Church.as organised in Mexico...
...caaarn criticise fsrelgn lmperla^Om witbdgt remembering oar own...
...Jlie strikers never affiliated with the '¦Jffjfsi'ii Jju, and they sorely missed the 'JmHft&g*, ' experience, prestige and IMkitaBd financial support which A. JUIl afflUation ml«ht have^ brought...
...newspaper IxvesUa.* new flat man labor delegation of (A, 'composed chiefly of Social Democrat* and tnecte union officials...
...In Chicago I finished my talk the same way that Felipe Carrillo...
...Miss Wilkinson Is the smallest member of parliament, being several inches under five feet...
...Aeworfcing women's delegation of It members Was to follow In Aosrust...
...His special coamttaatapar, Carmd Tbambsoa...
...presMent of th* flannel Tiro and Rubber Company...
...At tba side places in tbe ball hundreds of gangsters walked up aad down in a threatening aad provoking way...
...TC wa kaop.the...
...Documents Intended far dlaUflmUus among leaders of th* mbher-and ante industry have com* into the hands of The Now leader...
...Jones, secretary of th* Yorkshire miner*, and McKenna, secretary of the Scottish miners' federation...
...Weisbord has ahfcaMkMtelata himaelf from negoJ^nWl **^?*- many Individ a* 1...
...force) the law that the" CburehToaAnot own land in Mexico, was that the land of Mexico belongs to the peon...
...When mass waa over, in the name of some saint, they had to work the rest ot the day for some priest .or tor tho church, cutting wood, painting, repairing...
...While before their policy consisted of attacking and slandering all Itaiian labor leaders that were federated with them through the Anti-Fascist Alliance, now that the Socialists have exposed them they are shedding tears for a broken Anti-Fascist united front and even promise, through their weekly paper, that they will discontinue slandering the nonCommunist...
...The political Filipinos who have reetrleted the areas that may be cultivated—ai for rubber—to MSB acres, do'net"want to let down, tho bars to Jesse ot purSSase of larger holdings, for fear that...
...The point of "view of the revolutionlate of 1854, who passed the taw which the Calles government seeks to ; agr...
...Lor>«* Job—Kill...
...Another World War might easily follow hasty set ion by the United States or e repudiation of eur natienal pledge to the world...
...Why abasjl...
...Matteotti Opposed Communists The Socialist Committee, moreover, points out .that even if the change of attitude on the part of the Communists were to be sincere, the fact still remains that there cannot be any united frpnt between Socialist,' trade unions Free Masons and . Anti-Fascist radicals and 'liberals of any sort on one side and the Coinmnn'late on the other, as the first group stands against any dictatorship, for liberty and for the rights of all' minorities 4n any' constitutional government, while the pommunist openly declare that they ax* for dictatorship and for the suppression of civil liberties, -once they get into* power...
...It looks, therefore, to the future rather than to th* past...
...Tbe-esrMerieJ- to- ¦aaassujasdd.-gaStbar ewMaaea ac tba lmpoaaisiUty oi cooperation with tba Communists...
...Alreaay . a Provisional CotnxoJttte...
...Beckerman, Rlllman and company bad prepared the meeting wall...
...On the recommendation of tho United Pront Committee, -th*' strikers voted to maas meeting to .aatact...
...The goverrvmenr^haa let a $80,000,000 contract for Irrigation...
...The Calles government, in which Morones is one of the most influential factors, has accomplished more for the people In its few years of existence than tbe Roman Catholic Church has done for the peons in hundreds of years...
...treasurer of tbe Durham miners...
...Here waa a people that were Intensely religious, but whom you could not get Into a church at the point of a gun...
...The proposals of employes which have been made for the settlement of the strike have been as follows: "1...
...Company *PoOaw won another"vieCo'ry...
...W* American*, howqvdr...
...thy ot oar deep caatempt.BRITISH MISSION HERE SEEKING FUNDS Ellen Wilkinson, TiHett and Pureell Here to Raise Money for Miners' Families THE second woman member of the British Parliament to arete* in the United States within a.'week la here today in the person of ¦Ban-Wilkinson...
...In practically all the churches ot Yucatan the Indians destroyed and burned sll the saints that made them work extra on Sundays, aad where the saints .were painted on the walls .they scraped the walls...
...eg", a moating- at all known Communiata Anti-Faaciat etomcqta to preeeed to tba dree tie* Of a r«al united treat that wijl have also to include Amsyiaaa raalcais and liberals, as th* Bectaltatg aver that American public optniea most be arrayed against the...
...jfeaafkliig nf Passaic, it begins to look i**ae by one the difficulties which a^kaat the United Textile Workers' a^'th*xWUd Pront Committee apart •' wei*' tetej bcpn*d out...
...Th* United Pront- Committee and tho leader of the Strike, Mr...
...To settle tho strike through fJto atedlatlon of Senator Borah or any Other Adjustment agency...
...In the tent few weeks developments have com* with startling rapidity...
...Anyway, tba te*a> ahow that British rabbtr growers'«pf a*t nearly a* raapoaatale for AuiakfS* prices Aa our American producers- BP w* sell ear boner la tb* Fhillppntte far tb* aak* of rubber •toatattoaa eM J will net avan eaBact oar thirty pidto$ of silver...
...labor a leaders and' the Nuovo Mondo, the Italian labor dally...
...the Socialists from the Antl-Pasclst Alliance which lately...
...This statement fallows...
...Vadetot tyrindy ia Italy, which receives its mata support tram tba American wall Street* money kings...
...One typo eonelste of eaves* or semi-savage tribes scattered among tho i si ansa ¦ tho other consists of those of Spanish descent or eon neat ten, whs mslrs up tbo pellt leal f ores...
...not dawn...
...jgfeJjgjWj* oabagag . Tsa^spteJkr*^i>d(»enlladSSSs...
...much les» an open court, flh'tfts other hand, political pressure, Sfcanbfiy while the strike' 1> on, pre' ^aKshim from doing the decent thing ^¦p&sing the case and releasing the WL' This is Jersey Justice...
...It ia quite true Spa many other American aad Preach ff*> terefta besides tb* costly French -Sp> perisjlxm ta Syria must enter lnta aty Mb- oaasutoaattoa dt tbe debt area...
...Catholic faith...
...The hopes and intentions of tbo rubber interests were even more cynically revealed In an earlier statement by aha General Tire anal Rubber Company, makers of Goodyear tires, published In Ths New.Reader pf...
...that great man ot Mexico, who was assassinated op January », 1114...
...And those who supported ars war...
...RELIGION IS NOT ATTACKED IN MEXICO Exploitation of Peqnf by Greedy Forejijpii Prweta ? 1» Object of Call* . Campaign By Roberto Haberman (ReprescnUifct,' Mexican Federation of Labor) '* ' f I vnc Constitution of Mexico is the I expression of a hope...
...Tbla>baa been tba MetoSJ of tba steal traaa...
...But** fjT I--gsaihk* opinion on thaj" * - TESfafw-Jereey Jn«t^ ^ gmjtj- Hall has' SBlat'ajp ^* *ort °( a g-jBT^jag to dragr her . .. .. t^^tkatwat cheap stuff—cheap and ^'jghaVteaJa1- Then observ* what folliaallL woman, charged by th* teSStt complicity in.a double mnr; ggp released oa $18.0O0 ball...
...Thoy remember very keenly the...
...After the secret service man had plied . him with questions, the Mexican, priest said: "You must be a detective f' and when the secret service man said no, the priest sighed and said: "I am sorry...
...has established four new governmental banks where money Is loaned at 8 to 0 per cent instead of 48 per cent...
...will co-operate with the A. P. of I* fa arranging for the delegation in Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, and other States...
...IlllaH betrays the rubber interests' impatience tor the repudiation of th* teae> pendonoa pledge...
...A large number of committees have been assigned to this special work...
...Shay had worked together...
...Local tat, of th* Hotel and R»t«u---1 — --- ¦'¦I " 1 1 * - a TO UNIONIZE Board of Exfucatfou Employes Join Lead of Transportation Engineers - ¦ ARCHITECTS, draftsmen and engineers of the building bureau of the New Tork city Board of Education voted unanimously at a large mass meeting to seek affiliation with the American Federation of Labor and backing for - their fight for increased pay...
...P0CKETB00K MAKERS FORCE INDEPENDENT BOSSES TO SIGN PACT . A Vigorous campaign to round up an tho independent shops aa yet not signed up with th* Poeketbook Makers' Union has boon started...
...i was told that In sons* places the first act to test their freedom was to climb the church steeple and destroy the bells, the same bells that used to wake them up early In the morning...
...Today, In the name of the devil, yon have your lands, you have your homos, you have liberty," . And that whole mob of Indians shouted: "Viva el thabel lons live the devil...
...Edward A. Brauninger...
...I have never seen such thorough destruction as that of the Interior of the churches in - Yucatan...
...It is flexible and does not typify the rule of *he dead...
...Uthonraphar in th* Geological Burvey office, ahot himself...
...At prehaht no foreign corporation can own more than 1AM acres It is proposed to raise the limit to l«MM acres for periods of TI years...
...instead of freedom, bind them tight in the chains of srnnnnHs penetration backed by Oovainajsni support...
...Hall's, and I am ;j&2ebarged with having committed 'Jfcone little murder,'much less tvfo...
...real pMajpdiiaabSJ - peat...
...f )he failure of the subway strike in %fm Tork, as I have alreaay pointed *&L shows up the hollownei* of Tarnjfekgj Hall's professions of deep friendajtth tabor...
...d*lng that which ta Italy la performed by the Mack shirts: The first speaker la Blilxhan, the gentleman who dines with the* bosses...
...The statement of th* Socialist Committee recalls that even Matteotti, the great apostle of Anti-Fascism, who sacrificed'his Ufa serving th* cause of Bherty before he was murdered byAh* Fascist, expressed his views againat a united front with, the Communists...
...This Beckerssan w»o has become »lg...
...IB bis Ignorance be said nothing...
...wa shall ba abto to bap Brittoh rubber as cheap aa AmarbmS kttoraata arm permit oa to bay amaritoaa aw aad rubber- There to a» ***** bffe ia tb* prbdaettoB af rubber aaS ta tba long run over-ds i oliuiaaapt *J rubber ptaatattoaa wiB Ofd prtoto fj rabber up...
...Such a state of afraises the question whether the ifJ-J^ttf L tan make a winning fight yhWIt eerepany unions without first ¦ 9mpt with the problem of craft'or.^H%thm...
...point*.** *sV|flfiufc CTMetr, gtnldaat...
...Nothing of th* foft...
...A man may worship In private as he sees fit, but the Church and the State must and will be separated...
...Jfcfdid was to assert my legal right SgeJce a speech advising the striker* & peaceful...
...J«set **-««* Uniteev ****** prate tmiteafij^aha 1rm-^fr*4 —W rWrtoX^flj* '1 '<*'*n''**y| r^ ^aeff sAajjjaji^">^rhes "InTry jasttaed las selasw* "*f fteaalah oatentea ana aoAaoat*aaaPJ fe Wm boon ooproaooo under Spanish ririo...
...Miss Wilkinson will, af tatyt conference with President Green jM the American Federation of Labor, aWoa beelln* for the* coal fields of Peanaylvania...
...end is not yet, Bfce morale of the strikers la un^SHtlli A P- of L. affiliation through .Mpntted Textile Workers they ought ons of the most dramatic vlcfiBki in recent labor history...
...Just whan I am feeling sorry tar flfe Fraaob taxpayer* aad remew* staff par debt to LaCayattd aad aU thffjdjgg of thtag...
...The masses ware silent...
...pjgppfcwi Ott of fakbar Picture fad H S. At*i la aH this talk aaaa* arseteetion of rnhhar la tho FhiWp*vaa* His dlMtiasleaa thus far eeem to ¦%teai t4»e...
...The government is pledged to- it...
...promise of Undo Sam .that the Philippines shall bo *fee, that they shall bo set MP as an Independent government, and are oontlnually bombarding Washington for a fulfillment of tho old promise...
...The moot importaat gathering was bald st Cooper Union...
...I began to look Into the kind of propaganda that was used by the leaders of the revolution to bring this remarkable', result about...
...They were ¦Wking together...
...and . baptisms went to the Spaniards, while he and the two Mexicans mads only $1.50 every other day at & Vry P°°r mass, on which sum they had to live...
...This committee," his statement •aid,~ "derives it* authority dtreour them th* textile workers now on strike...
...It they would only stick to their business of saving soula...
...which is causing much comment la Italian labor circle*, reads aa follow*: ¦iickiuman the deceiveiv "Last Mendty a vatd waa una « tbe agreement between the uAlea sad thp manufacturer In general tba Btass of orgs nixed wericeTs ware agalnit these bow signs of tabs chits collaboration...
...In the nana of the Hply Ghost you were ragged, yon warn hungry, yon wore miserable...
...K. B. Woods of Dartmouth College, formerly chief administrator of th* War Labor Board, haa been asked to take personal charge of the election and la now considering th* matter...
...New Alliance Perming .Th* Socialists' ar* working to organise a united Antl-Pasclst front of this : kind...
...TIMELY TOPIC By Norman Thomas dMfall'the'only ^perso^ ^ g" f jaclw no oplniao e+ O W'St*« caa...
...they warn the trade unions and alt Non-Communist elements that used to belong to the AntiFaac 1st Alliance not to be Impressed so deeply by this new-crocodile-like attitude of the Communists...
...Now, there are two distinct typoo of jnhabitaMa of tho Philippines...
...About four years ago I went again to Yucatan...
...These being the fundamental conditions of settlement and powers of the committee, it has been deemed wise to tako up .first the matter of affiliation with tho A. F. of L. and the reorganisation of the.union of -striking textile workers In Passaic in an Independent election...
...of* i ala>n ^^N^sa^^^^^eh^^^B^aaa^^ 2.' BertexV'' h>mr, '' sWeteij...
...Evan if Filipino rubber is developed and ths Philippines sat free, we of ths United States will •till be dealing with a foreign sovereignty...
...We will net discus* the merit* of the'miners case at all...
...President Green of the A P. of L is reported, as pleased with th* personnel of thi* Citizens' Committee, and aa havteg no doubt that th* road to a settlement ie now open...
...would ba a erima...
...This as no jeyride or pleejnnVtrtp we ar* on," said Miss Wilkinson on her arrival...
...who, with her...
...What life Is this for-human .beings to have Inflicted on them in the name of Christ the Carpenter...
...He was speaking one day in the village' of Capita to thousands of Indians, because men, and women, and children dropped work for miles around to come to listen to their saviour...
...strongly, the.(act that there is religioue freedom in Mexico...
...Thes* : tends, occupied are not cenOscated m th* CaBee governrnent...
...During the day on most .of the haciendaathe" Simon Legrees, the foremen, besides whipping the peons at will, would now and then issue to them small metal checks...
...Seeker wan--the DeeetvaV Tho edjtoriel...
...But when |t came to Wates the A F. pt L. they found that tet an of them could unit* with the .teMsnumted .Association of Street gMfc*> Employes, but that they, would ¦pf.to be split up in several craft .s^'*- On . this rock negotiations ^ftaa,' .Tbe strike, which was In its J|j*o» a hopeful revolt against the *aeat»y unionism which the A. P. of fryaa, went on Without A. P. of L. "It was defeated...
...Plans to Enslave Philippines to American Rubber Companies TIRE COMPANIES PROPAGANDA BARED CooiidfWill .Support iwiuii Pledge and E*tp-mWTff*W> a^ettOajsTsTeaa^ssla1 Ir THE Philiprdn** hav* MUM** found it exceedingly dUBcutt t* malU "tha'Urdfgd llT» ¦» to bor promise to grant th* lalashta i lnd«-rwdence, they .should Malls* that i realisation of their hopes Is BOW Wt to impossible...
...His torn shoes and ragged attire vesifleC his story...
...idffa apparently, baa gebd aver to M rubber tntareata which w*nt to bfgt tbe Philippines as a rubber piantattas...
...Lav Bbr sbureb trmit to spiritual pewam aap> net to the pwari la tbla artoto...
...The withdrawal at reaadgfgjg,'' which earn* Catholics have *atoR...
...Once outelde capital la intrenched, the chances of Filipino Independence will SP glimmering...
...Also tbe unmerited Catalanotti spekd...
...a cttisens' committee to- take over the • tegotiaclans for.settlement of th* *trike...
...This slavery most be atiliHstsjg Tho noons actually have been taught by the Spanish priests that they n*.ve no right to own land, that ft Is sinful for any but the Church to own H. The Maudcan ' Federation of Labor Issued pamphlets to the peons showing a picture of Christ blessing a man at the plow on his own land...
...This election will insure the selection of officers and committees directly by the workers, without interference, and will serve to remove all claims that the organization is dominated by outside parties or interests...
...Philippines,-* grave point involving American integrity, a hint that wa are but for world empire, "will arise...
...Remember, these peons make up the bulk of the population of the United States df Mexico...
...After our conferehce with President Green we will be guided by his advie...
...Chicago.—Individual pickets silently walking with hajfners in front of Brennaa'e...
...May S. thia year...
...th* nation since 1854, »¦ Of the 16,0«0,000 people in Mexico, 5,000,000 are liberals...
...The Propaganda .Committee of the' Italian, Socialists of New Tork and vicinity has Issued a statement In which, while they note with a sense of satisfaction that their exposure of the Communists in the Anti-Fascist Alliance has caused such an unbelievable change of heart on the part of the Communists...
...The people are deeply religious and will remain so, hat the Church, dominated by Spain, has got to get ¦put bf politics and stay out...
...He began to question on* of tho Mexican priests, who complained to him that all the rich masses, th* rich marriages, contesslona...
...He en* deubta that there are I era* area* fa the Wtillagdaa lalaaaa waajra raoaar oa* ha I¦aeHI^'ai'i — - Ah * ¦tOfflS *JaWsVl% ^fa#f...
...This fundamental difference between tho two group*, the Socialist Committee goes on to say, renders their, alliance incompatible...
...Recognition of the union of the employes by the mill owners...
...member at the lafaidm Ohio gang, fram tbe beginning bap been trying to prava a caa* and aat conduct a fair lavaattaaUdB- Tbo younger Flreetane, aoaordtag to tba nowsptpata, ba* been ten in* tba FtapV deat that tbb rubber earporatiaa abapki be aiiewad to eemtral aa axuehaatBV too acred -woO aver ft* aojuaro mBbp' tastaad af tba S.SM acres towbtob kctdtapa apa aamr Umitod...
...so long aa our government does not sot or make a publlo declaration of our purpose and policy to all the world, wo oan hops for very little help in crude rubber fromtttseMiftp^fe Tho political uncertainty is ths only bar to rubber development in tho ialande...
...Th* union refuse* to grant this taking tho position that all work shall bo don* by workers,' the employer devoting himself to th* management of hat business...
...German Workers Will See Russia MOSCOW.' AreW<lb*T to a Berlin dispatch: to tho ofScte...
...believe me, we would be a. flag crowd if w* did not endeavor to make this trip as economical as possible in...
...i - The tabor . movement in Mexico standa pledged to Calles because Calles standa for reform...
...view of the fact that th* Miners* ?deration of Greet Britain is V*lVm-'.oar expenses...
...H hi S haa thins that man should WflrtaT' 960dH OtfWS% fcSsft K fil fata* af miUhm...
...The workers raised objection end hs bad to finish hurriedly...
...Evans L. Gunther, president of the Architects and Engineers Association, will appoint the committee to approach the A. P. of L. This group of city-employed workers follows the lead of engineers employed by the Board of Transportation who voted tc enter the A. P. of L. Technical Workers Union a week ago...
...thanks to Hillmans ssslstane* aad to ta* terror of .the paid tuibugt* are...
...I dent ba» Bava that aaytbiat af the sort is aoeaW atop tor tba oaadaaatal avswtag ef ratv ber...
...comprise the miners' aid delegation of tbe Trade Union Congress, and by Robson...
...Many Catholicn are against the CburcB, although not against th...
...The majority Of th* omployers have signed' up already either through th* association or , aa...
...Hs was applauded by tbe gangster* and pelicemrn...
...Ay pit use tram tbe gangsters and policemen...
...In this It la different from the...
...Everyone seems to bo dodging that real ieaue now...
...It was stolen from him by the Spaniards, it is the reaponaiuilty of the governuient to restore this land to the descendants of the orfginaj owners...
...Th* subway strikes had belonged to a company union...
...Historically, craft organ...
...Hero were people that were catholics and subjected to the church for ¦ 400 years or more—people whose only social outlet was the church...
...The Citizens' Committee is constituted aa follows: W. Jett Lauck, chairman...
...That the Legislature of the State, which had much more to do than the Church, because the members of it had to look after the affairs of the same population on earth, such as distribution of lands, making labor and other laws, accepting or resisting graft, fighting political intrigues, etc., that this Legislature had only It members, and he thought that it waa a 80-60 proposition—16 representatives on earth, It In heavenl I thought It worth while during tho three years I spent in Yucatan to study this remarkable phenomenon...
...A Following the ?ireetoue CooaAao ¦ • conference, thjo President took O little more time from his ~jm<listurb*d vacation- to let It ha known that tea Administration fully endorse* and win lend all encouragement to the rubber corporation's ambitions aa revealed by Mr...
...On Sundays when the peons went to the casa grande, the main office, these cheeks were cashed .—they were the number of lashings the holder was to receive...
...Can illo answer me that It priests were enough for a population of 850,000...
...Few, if any, writers mention it, yet taere'lOn fifrlittle oTSpo hope of PhHippirXaSBber untiEefce question is settled—and settled for good...
...It elected Calles to the presidency and received the first post in his Cabinet, that of Secretary of Commerce, Labor, and Industry, held by the man who la the father, son and holy ghost of .th* labor movement^ Luis N. Morones...
...So long aa the qusstion is not settled...
...With moat of the lands at Mexico owned by the Roman Catholic Church, the peons lead lives of slavery...
...I read eomsthtag #|at Preach Imperlaiism ta Syria aadffkv destrucUoa of a third of DaraaacattM my btaod begins to boil...
...One is a statement lean ad by Wife liam O'Neill...
...Miss Wilkinson is accompanied by Ben Tiilett and A. A. Pureell...
...Lauck and Borah were equally confident that affiliation would bo - followed by the negotiating of a union agreement with th* mill owners...
...As the Americans aay...
...But we will plead for help for th* miners' wives and children, especially the miners' babies...
...was the beading on this earlier statement, which then proceeded: "It is .within tho bounds of poaaibilitiaa that thia buaineea of supplying , ths...
...Hoary T. Hunt, Mate Helen Todd and Prank P. Walsh...
...has established four short-term agricultural schools which are attended by 8,200 sons of peons...
...American C«tb*taa who talk in bailees* terms abas* Mexico wtB have themselves to hbdap if H increase* tha unwillingness «f - Americans who bate tbe Kb lOma Ktoa aad all religious btoatry...
...Dure>s~ the many, many years of tho unspeakable horrors of * slavery, tho Church never ones raised Its votes to defend the workers or tho peons...
...We went to tbe spot to aee what was going on...
...Miss Preston has been associated with Miss Wilkinson In her Labor party, work in England...
...It is close P^te four months «inc« rayan-eat, but mWre'not yet been indicted by this 'frillj Jersey Justice which we read •fbtejt- The prosecutor apparently has Sttftke nerve to bring the case before HBnd>JOry...
...spoke against the Communist...
...5- The rubber oompanlee, with no at* • tempt at disguise, are ' agitating every part of their own and associated industries to rally heated the movement to break eurptedg* to the PbfJ* lpplnea sad...
...Apparently, Washington does not agree that ths aeaimllation of tho savags tribes has boon complete, or that K would bo at all safe, oven for tho Filipinos themselvee, to set them up in business for themselves...
...Ojppxs failurerof negotiations between ^strikers and the A. P.- of I* per(paeuues oa both sides were partly SabaaaMB...
...W* do Cl*"1 dual unionism in th* United ¦P*-* Neither do ws ¦ want A great labor organisation, impotent in the face of such opportunity as was presented by the discontent in the ranks of the slave union which the Inter borough Transit Company forced on its workers a« earn b-mrt * Ma^eJ^B way caa be found ta Mtabae SbM baate tba aawta rohpssmd aaaa*ffK| oa tarms that will at onca PfwBLS rsBsliiig SBSSBB ssd) fffstost Sj»^E traaa Catholic sources for asms tM of **tlew fresa tha U. a is ihaj "IbM Jubttoa b*a tba U. S- rsba** to bMsX' vdna...
...Sad a way ta itopgaat to tha Franeb gsvaramant that Its eaat( would h* bettor ta American eyes'V it would at aaee bring about a deceht dad honorable pe*ce in Syria...
...weVuld ba a fltrm of tatarvanttoi M tbto juncture tba lifting of the smtosj aghfiut tba shipment of am£ W Mtofioe, whlah ether Catboltai basv adksd...
...American rubber...
...Religion is not responsible for the wretched condition of the peons, but the Roman Catholic hierarchy is...
...in tho name of Mary, Mary the Mother ot God, Mary the Virgin, your wives were outraged and your daughters seduced by tho haotaadados...
...Ho bad become ill from the heat ion, July 4 and bad been unable to work steadily afterward...
...It will not bo...
...It seemed an odd number to me and 1 asked the Governor why djd he not limit the number -to It, It, 24 or some such round number...
...Bratybody knows that tha pomphffprajbspja that tow QbtbaBe abarab *S» apart aa *w*n a aaa^Catbatte prapbBsl to vary groat- It should ba casrmapractad by aaatrary praaawa Wharatept, oar sympathies may Uo ta tbto htaaV aba quarrel, . Ssbtrtoaa tatarwmtoa...
...Thoy center at Manila and their Influence spreads throughput the archipelago...
...A number of independent shops bar* refrained from signing the agreement with the union haeaaaa they insist upon ronreaalona frosn rh* union, especially th* right of tbe employer to work himself at the bench...
...I. Canal A. Thompson's veait to om ¦*• Philippine* ma a personal envoy of tap President has e*rvelop*d late atetesien to study the defalk...
...while wo wait, and the Filipinos elamor, there is delay in tho Philippine part of the working out of tho problem of a greater and loss reetrleted rubber supply...
...the eassaar baltova* to) spiritual force...
...of L. to Accept Them Committee Will Hold Elections Independent of Present Leadership...
...When tbe vott was taken th« pollcemeh aad gtngiter* voted 'Tea.' The VMMtt answered W Thereupon Faseisti Beckerman declared tba agreement aa accepted...
...by fJf»iSB bar war debts...
...Secretary Work keep* the employee in the Interior Department, which Includes tho Geological 'Survey, under dose watch as to their beaoa at tbehde*ka on time and a* te* time...
...has become undermined by Communlst.borinx from wltSJn, tactics, the 'Communists, have suddenly changed their united front policy...
...Vr*»h i« not altogether an isolated vTe know of an important contJaay anion which would'probably re'2^.«*d Join the A. F. of L. If It would ^.hkve to be split up straightaway teA ersft unions...
...Miss Wilkinson's quarters on the Berengarla were in strange contrast with those of Lady Aetor...
...who, accompanied by maids, had an upper deck suite on on* of the finest liners, and when she sailed there were -banks of flowers which filled half of one of her cabins...
...She added a last word to her interview, vigorously shaking her shingled bright red locks: "And we will go back second class too.— please don't forget that—no matter how much money we collect here...
...9 1 unburden ourselves of th* tqtffsrs* troubles...
...Joint conference between representatives of the union snd the mill owners relative to restoration of wage cute which precipitated the strike, and, in the event of disagreement, to submit the matter to arbitration...
...The EmerKr Committee, at 799 Broadway, Jap*, York, will be glad to receive it...
...A friend of mine, a man In .the Mexican secret service,, went to the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Mexico City, the largest church'edifice on this continent, which has -25 Spanish priests and three Mexicans...
...Lady Aetor, who haa come for a vacation In tho fashionable society colonies of Maine and fchy«l* laland...
...Moreover, th* Church is divided againat itself in other ways—the Mexican priests of tbe proletariat will be glad to side with th* government...
...It also has slgnlnohajb tor the labor movement itself...
...The ¦jy*- of L. itself has in it successful Hjhrtte of industrial unionism among Jfcanaers and needle workers...
...At sunset, the bells rang again to call the peons back from work, and the sun sets late In the tropica...
...Felipe Carrltto...
...hms.been formed to...
...world .with enough crude rubber.may be the ceus* of the next world war, for all the powers -are watching the island group tn-'the ~ Pacific over which the United States haa established a protectorate...
...I hoped you were a detective, because I know where there are some Spanish priests in hidr Ing...
...Is Plan WASHINGTON.—Immediate steps toward affiliation of th* Passaic textile strikers with the American Federation of Labor, through the United Textile Worker* of America, were announced by W. Jett Lanek, chairman of the transfer...
...Is mora polftioal^iBa eooejenW...
...Jeans tho Humble, yon were beaten instead of being paid...
...For the rubber intonate of taw United State*, -with th« foil support of President Coolidge end the Gevartimeat's machinery, is set to' definitely and irrevocably annex the island* aa a. hue* rabbet-growing plantation...
...of July »4, under" the caption of "Beckerman' the Deceiver...
...tbe big- Beckerman, the MuMellan Beekermad...
...Pradident Caifc...
...The usual routine of work on the hacienda tor the peon, until the present government carte Into effect, was something like this: The church bells would ring at sunrise, and the sun rises very early in the tropics, to send the peons to work...
...wwold >• a direct -----1 rapt m*nt to arsaad rebelllea...
...It "fflH nght company unionism withsaW?^**to,r this principle of organlSJ*"- There are some real dlfacol^Kte the way of consolidation of IJfki Unions which it win require gtetean»hip to overcome...
...He refused tbe floor to thee* who asked tar it add hi* «»ngsters were ever retdy to break the benea ot these who wanted to speak la opposition...
...these shops the workers gained a substantial increase te wages aad S, number of other important gams...
...This damn gang had beta charged with tba order of refusing admission to an those who %vsra or looked to be progressive...
...Inside the meeting piece aad euteide and ta surrounding places wa eould sob policemen and gangsters...
...built 8,000 achools...
...The speech was full of hatred srsiart the left wingers, whom he defined aa tba union disrupters...
...committee appointed by the strikers, after, a final conference with' Senator Borah in Washington...
...ta so* a> tba praatdaattol chair a man whew* femtjg, policy might be shaped evea to a» extent at Inter vest lea by dirept mdbW aiastieal prdggura fram list dbj^B lij ^^|Jˆ«b Is4 ^ojodjnn...
...Albert Wets *^Th*1 teatroeHa** to*~nk*~e«asfatehte -1...
...To bring about an affiliation of tho union of the striking textile workers with the A. F. of L through the xt: T. W. A. ' "In order" to remove all obstacles to «b aihllatldn 'wlthJ the A P. of L and oar recognition of the union with the Passaic min owners,' tbe committee baa been authorised to hold an independent election among the strikers, according to Australian ballot rules, for the purpose of selecting officers and representatives of the union, aa a basis of affiliation with the A. P. of L and for negotiating, with the niiH owners...
...More responsible, how'Orer, was th* craft organisation of the ajreet car wot Mrs...
...Ib tba meantime, profound disgust la expressed by Italian unionists because of as editorial to the Communist weakly -n Lavartere...
...Miss Wilkinson had fcn inside stateroom which sbe shared with several other women down between the decks...
...In centrist to her predecessor...
...Wheat' life Indmna ww^-ntede'frhe ui YucntanVTn"tne "spring tt^titt...
...He ended his speech, saying: "in the name pt God, God who la love, you had to .work from sunrise to sunset...
...If tbe rubber bR tarabta gat tbato way, its a safe bah that within a tow year* they arts faforming a kind of international trapp to control tba price of rubber together , with tha vary people against ddpii they are now arouatag tba AmnnaB eeaaamor...
...Japan is watching, ami all tho lurope'sn Power*, for Tho Islands' I* a very Important etretesle poTnt on "thV werlo* iMop...
...constitutions of other countries...
...The Governor at the time, Felipe Carrillo, had Just signed a law passed by the Legislature limiting the number of priests in Yucatan to It...
...The .statement in question reproduces extracts from an editorial which appeared In Nuovo Mondo of Sunday, July 11, against the leader of the Communists for his disruptive tactics, that, ' according to Nuovo , Mondo, threatened, the existence of the AntiFascist united front...
...As tor flowers, she had tat It be known that at present they are purely a luxury and that if any of her friends had a desire to send bouquets they were to forget th* flowers and send the money to swell the fund for the aiding of the miners' families...
...MeanJg*> keep up the reUef...
...Thoy insist that thoy are eapabje of oeIf-government now...
...While no definite plana have been made, probably some of th* administration of tho former-War Labor Board, who-had practical experience during tho v.-ar in such matters, will be retained to conduct th* election of union officers gad committees in Passaic Prof...
...H» waa speaking en the church and religion to a. religious people...
...in the name of Jesus, Jesus tho' Son of God, Jesus tho Carpenter...
...nop gallon restaurant in th* Chicago loop wer* arrested by pence...
...Ut among them BshaMr »ors*.' Manntrlbated...

Vol. 3 • August 1926 • No. 30

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