A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES assesmenaces i-valways anb-*r the* *ry oM m«* W kr»ltet»i» «T ***--CMe»to- Federattm of k - labor wm • »a<a»etf from w»y back, and • r*4n»lft)M the The proof* arc...

...the solid citizenry from canada, scotland, germany and scandinavia, had "conspired to build the greatest empire of profits and usefulness the world hfd ever seen...
...what was saved from the fire, has been destroyed by water...
...Rend 'can kl *,MaUaW>TaSWr AJ»»OCTATXO« hj' Kansas City...
...Nor i* this group which lives on its Wit*, and which may be regarded as the "new middle class" a. real obstacle to the *dvsnea of socialism...
...And then m soft night of Jon* while Oboar wn* explaining the provisions of the Aantoaob Act to as...
...it cannot last very long, "quite irrespective of the purely mechanical possibility or impossibility of it* continuance...
...tT« had learned his merchandising at montreal in the best english tradition...
...And be sure and w**r yemr teas ass as I nnderetand that it is eeld there nights" Bew often in the crowded year that fekowed eSd I think of the- parting words of that great hearted brakoman...
...When He called 1 had nty qprir* swttoaj say ttuft I waa out...
...The maids brought in more ice and bottles...
...to this in the face of the thsusands and tens of .tonfnnds ot newspapers, news agepoies...
...he saw that agatha was smiling to reassure her guests...
...t-r Be lived bis tonto M»\ And little day of sflsnt toffe* / And silent dqty: ne one asks W\ T* know hie-aam...
...the cook's child, probably," agatha explained...
...t Bow long will it be possible to maintain capitalism by these means...
...He remembered what h* had been, a printer...
...it is a question of the adaptability of -the capitalist system...
...and they walked undor the dim tree*- Be would ge on(Te be o*nttow*d Mail week i TRY TO MAKE PHILIPPINE SCHOOLS SAFE FOR BIBLE New York July IS-—«A bill introduced to the House ef PhQippto* Legislature to prohibit tbo tmehing at evolution to tb* PuMlc schools of $ft islands, baa been referred te oomebittoe...
...tbpf* was more talk, about th* inevitable liquor business, in particular the Cdoadigh traffe, golf, tb* weather...
...Life there siitoasf lawbw n'obab sBato :#^>£**«eB and strangely attract!** » Ihtss ^yaott...
...How can I daeerlbs Him to you...
...And than there came a night, aajptbeg sank ntgtat 7 in Juno and there was I puiiiiito...
...For the chief cause of crises is not anarchy...
...JsTwl sad radical speeches, listened io by hundreds ^ef thousands...
...Crises result from 'the...
...As - I heard the butler carrying out His senseless form, I rushed to my room and quickly putting - on my 'jaegers I took the night train back to Montana...
...He looked thoughtfuny at me end tb**, took as* gtoveiy by th* hand...
...1 (meftifnt...
...Arnold, much younger than boy husband, bfcndgome and vivid, waa the boot nsstoff pHto tn aba city...
...hers was a salient, shimmering, sophisticated beauty...
...bo waa thinking of the oto men and women te the low houses in th* hot., dirty streets...
...By their In a tan" iinimia *ir methods how rapidly can ' they pro*- essdT K need be, they can seriously cripple any «,«eo*t«ate'B chances for election by false prose;'snsda broadcast Immediately prior to an election, "with no opportunity for correction before it be too Think of the speeches that may do forth...
...Onlya Private Soldier Gone *£.'~Ko pipes have skirled: pa* But heaven's wildest music blares...
...1§5x4tsab: jTsootroTftrsy nee arisen between the Acting WfcSgl1lT of Commerce...
...Asa said...
...eec*p* into, a snJejrte weejd ef faery...
...Bis very t si spy ere* to ad ronaanc* and th* thought of th* sea, fer ho wn* working for ancle and hi* Job waa te moot mo kadta est Atlantic Highlands...
...the tide or talk hewed back...
...UM Mlnturn, Gayiard had had Uttls to say, but at thi* point he declared that be thought the mo6 could be managed * white longer...
...VtavMVhr follows a touching plea to the employers teotospeeiees with the m'ssnans unless they desire ;4fc^lM*%fl«h41* meoece talk the RepuhUeshr ef w>awB*V^R««ataMi*r anal Oarer toto the r**V*e*--oT Hp, i'm glad I'm not an employer...
...he said, It's n long tourney thai xem are going e...
...what is of more vital Importance, "income an such is no Index whatever of either social or economic position...
...They merely anew that th* group obtaining what B*mst«h> mstotadns are "middle class lnoomee" were increasing...
...SP* recently acquired process of radio activity -is jgw most far reaching educational scheme ever j&ugurated...
...It bad been sol It must bs so...
...he was aware ot the freshness and coolness of the night...
...he arose, said something to agatha, and stepped out upon the lawn...
...ooear .wnd Urn braitora**) on tb* N. A A C T. A* nhjmto be Wsedd com* to my bom...
...Sweet Necessity—older than time, older than God...
...reservoirs of coolness were unlocked a* the off-shore breeze washed the night dean qf th* day's heat and fret...
...Montana, It waa the West wind...
...Those two word* were a nsagto toTtepiaa to ash...
...the-furious battle of wit against boredom was renewed...
...When it come into the ofice...
...by Center and Chestnut Streets, near the n. A. A. C. P.,tracks, that I am telling this story...
...As the smell of It filled my hostrlls...
...hUbee shading hi* dark blue of...
...he waa brought back by the plerplng cry of a child.* what was it...
...i Montana...
...r •' - -Above the compound lightning flares, (<«**** rain te whirled...
...It was two night* Inter when TJheto Job**-gave bag great, party in my honor that Hp first oanss hfto tow Ufa...
...I leaped to my feet and te my sxaitasbont I stilled and kissed poor dear Ooear em the sou teat b* *vt patting one'of the** damned ¦ lb hill* sat hte trgta...
...He lay in a kind ot coma, for minutes, tor years, for hours—until he wondered' if bs could aver riae agate...
...sW.-„.n7sik task or bliasttox zeto...
...an imperialistic program, however, cannot abolish the contradiction within the system...
...its ideals may be said to be just the reverse of -the old bourgeois middle, class...
...I even basT* d. t'a...
...if it ha* any ideals at all...
...Then a glimmer of an idea showed itself...
...How surprised I eras to Snd that my"*ateto bad' aobteved wealth and tome sine* coming to fh* greet' city a penaUaes ted in tb* year* before the paasag* of th* Volstead Act...
...Boudin admits th* contention of Bernstein that crises depending oat "anarchy of production" might disappear with the development of the trust and combine...
...Marx- never contended, of course, that there would have to he an utter collapse at capitalism before a social revolution waa possible it is, according to his theory, sufflclsat that production become* . "fettered/- "the knell of capitalist private property aounds," a* asserted, when "the monopoly of capital becomes a fetter upon the mode ef production which ha* sprung up and flourished along with it and under it...
...arnold end mrs...
...such a system, maintains boudin...
...The milestones tods T-* Along the road that be has eom...
...full a* it to ef scheming yewng men who wall bo only too glad to hotp yon on too rend to rate...
...Louis ntoodta dOebcrto <bnt M*rx to no sense of thnt etoas...
...Th* question is, or should be...
...Y was lonely te the ltttta town at Wsoptoff Oub...
...When one investigates that question he will And that many included in the middle class income group are in reality members of another economic group They come partly from salaried employees of large corporations, and partly from former members of the employing class who were thrust out of the ranks of capitalists, but who Hv* on their wits and refuse to' become members of the working class...
...NQfafSp mrs...
...It toads to Awithdrawal of thoneande ef wetkers trorn productive enterprise and to their employment as civil employee in the ' ententes...
...He became conscious of the glim-' mering shore-line...
...suddenly tie was awake...
...arnold was a merchant of the old school...
...gn* confident...
...But thsn girls, take this lesson from my terrible experience...
...he turned to where the moon glossed the waters...
...he knew that it would amuse him to ride upon the lake...
...Until the mob could be re-educated there was little ground for optHw slus Mb* Arnold...
...anoV consequently no oonstttuMbnal abhorrence nf 'paternalism' eg- at *eci*B*m-~ nor can the small stockholding capitalists be said to have the same antlsociallst make-sp as the old bourgeois group...
...mlnturn kept his eyes, op his wife...
...has become a fetter to production when it can only exist by preventing production and by wasting what has already been produced...
...Mgjrtre to wave lengths, .ail of which have been ' bthgo up...
...SuatsUSMa Bst Osa— % ssf *na stimnlnrlng literature such **, tb* bsfcfttM wgtj* Eddi* Gnowt er b* would a*iUf iJWltoa e#jj*v*f...
...To be sure things are not as exciting as when I was drinking Scotch and thinking of lovs in my uncle's luxurious studio...
...For nearly s year I mid bet see Him...
...Mjr.nncl* and I were on our third quart for th* day When he, let fall this terrible news, t sajrk badt *g> say chair and...
...everything seesaed to so btoeh bedan* me...
...The tod truth is that among the ope hundred and toy sjjBjcn, alleged souls populating this particular jjto^fof the globe, there are Just about a dosfn who P** gad if you and I die...
...I bad to lie like a politician to shield 700...
...Excitement ain't everything: "A little safety Is a good thing toe...
...c will fan ploy ers give this great move on the part -vcf Iseor a second thought...
...For "by the very processes with which it creates its new customers for its goods, it makes «f preehtotog these gssan...
...Through imperialism, wests and wars, th* surplus product which threaten to slog th* wheel* of business is thus disposed of and capitalism continues on its way...
...The ftone only think they think, and being thusly afflicted **e»ed about this veto ef tears, tears and ameers Wtostmany cottontails...
...This waa by...
...The world would go to pieces without them...
...dan, however, was restless...
...Be was week- B* was unlit to be Agatha's husband...
...fn t The cold light paint* no funeral stone: j^LJfe bell need toll...
...john arnold, merchant, was there...
...he had 'c*en reading a magazine article -sfeich dealt with the revolt of the usswrman...
...labor legislation, jjae/nilra etc...
...They meant escape from the nsedet**!** *f Weeping Gulp...
...Missouri I £nrl JT...
...He allowed tb* past— what fas had been—to dutch him back from th* satisfying present...
...I could bear my undo eay...
...Or a lot Bke that at any rate...
...here he was alone...
...Eh* .nr&to^.j3wto3 and papyrus...
...jj:jh** wind shrills high, Wr^«totoiol»(pin^irlto...
...atet on* db) not ask conversation of such a Wsnegr Lad...
...the city with its heat and 'sweat and roar had been blotted out by the moist, enfolding darkness...
...in a tew minutes be was flying toward the open bay...
...to go tovek agate te my monotonous Montana, i h>ark aba bisflsi latllaw Hun that I was ost...
...he was called old-fashioned by the'heed of'm donton's, and of the younger, more pushing stores...
...lie factories, ^(4 other misinformation disseminating institutions •HaMled by employers, then labor Is a beer indeed...
...capitalism.has undoubtedly obtained a new lease of life by embarking on imperialistic ventures, continues boudin...
...and teu*tonk that «it bad net basntflaV anmeOwOjad \ rtoajt satj>t>»*y» r"'r<-ii.y Te)' me, catting tn ease waf ny issiB to too ^ limousine, the trip te his luxuriene Or*eriWtoh V*Bas*> ' studio wn* Hk* one wonderful dream...
...tbs meesege earn...
...minturn loved his wife, and he desired her...
...like a sleepy child he allowed the company, the feast and ^r^^to^EtpS...
...Ant to hero it it...
...to stand for senator, to asptr* ts be governor...
...the god of gods...
...I sat by'mysdf tt nay rwowa drinking quart .after quart of Scotch, to dreorn nsy grtof...
...Bow thrilled I waa when he shewed mo what to* called hte evicts d'arf—tall graceful bottles of Scotch, so different frond the...
...he went down the path to the pier where agatha's speed-boat lay...
...one of my attittant* road it and broke out crying...
...Agatha "and maggie, mrs...
...he had culture, dealt in old masters, in fact, dealt so extravagently that it was said that he neglected his business...
...of Hugh In th* foundry on these tropical day* facing the hot metal as it flowed from th* furnace...
...There stay be dangers akeavL Ton wont forget us an back bar* to Weeping Chnte...
...the result is the same: the middle class, that middle class which marx had in view, the middle class which was a factor obstructing the way toward socialism, is doomed...
...When I gated bite tb* htee M hi* eye* I Seemed to so* rsjs*oto< there tbo oprgo at sort and the thunder of great wav*% beettrg *• perilous beaches...
...don't let that tosh Anderson shimmy of some of the long green extracted from these j™- American labor Is as safe, sfne^ and contobetive as Andy Mellon, and his man a"'h wednesy p"- my friend Nockel* may talk to them as js...
...adam cotldif *er...
...How- can T describe my *e*a*«een* whan, n.wwek Uter my geed uncU met me at the «»5ka4.CinWni Station which la on Forty-see end Sis* eg...
...Bernard, Bernard, it it your 4uty to suffering humanity to print thi*, terrible, though it map be...
...Oscar And I have been married now for nearly a year...
...furthermore, being minority stockholders, the members of this class naturally look upon the general government, the social organisation as a whole, as th* protector of its rights against the unscrupulous methods and the...
...McAlister coleman...
...reality Just as as much a part of the proletariat as tb* merest amy laborer...
...and bstod *»w*iiitos^3i«tM Marxists' Replies to the Revisionists the history w stkaapst thought , br harry w. laider nw4n*B*gmp0c9lttmt^ ^ Wm^ Bww9 fcalddt^ IN dlstiiaatoj rn* Marxian predietton regej-dihg the) dtosppnaranoe ot - the awMato otoss...
...this neither affected his spirits non his profits- it simply meant that his store was to be reorganized, put on a modern basis, given in charge ot a younger type of business executive, be rushed into a scientific advertising campaign, and all that sort of thing, incidentally he would be released from much worry and work, and be gVsn time for pursuing bis hobby, ; art...
...JMarxists Answer Bsrnstotn on...
...No cheer of music taken bun borne: l£ Hi* wtge is paid...
...I must tury*been ssnd-> -too* ^rnehed to the head of tile stairs and cdflad t^OB^^^ a* sm^^^^^^^^^^ ' homeland out there tn Weeping Gulp...
...Bo come over to me vHth tear* rolling down hit cheek* ant tabbed opt, 'Oh...
...then he gave himself up to his impulse...
...It aMauid taw* years before b<y Here bad traveled oyer n f~i lsih and gone native and had two children by a TTsllissss wif...
...Ten are gettnsg it all bent" t . v - a He did not understand...
...to- th* feverish construction of - railroads, factories, rdadev etc to many instance* far beyond the requirements of the situation...
...h is that confounded child," he told himself...
...Now" Tee* City- It' wan aa though S Were ieavtog SBssr gtiisni eld prison and stepping out labs, tbo swramten at eb new world...
...We allowed her to bring her out for a week, you know...
...It waa from my nfste fobM to far-distant New York *noloeing a way* of Jack asnt telling me to corns on and pay kiss a kmg Vtott...
...Tenderly bo tod me by the hand ' to where * hog* Rolls-Royce stood gleemtog to tb* sunlight, "Mine, all mine," be al nlals*e*> aanMls*r»J...
...bsiisiq na In m%% % affsB %_ mslsB baby grand...
...What Joy tbo solution Save htm...
...Innocent lit tie thing from God'a own cnustry, top not to toll into tb* cuspidor again...
...to er* betas stovwtoyesL *om* reitof to attorn1 ad to th* mother country, anxious ts gat rtd of its surplus produce Besides furnishing m market fer am pin* good* :*n) far means of utudneUan...
...he folt impelled to walk about...
...he was thinking of Boko, bitter and cynical...
...H* wn* on th* v*rga of isvsrllng sharply, but instead he put hte arm around her...
...that was th* real drawback to generalizations like Arnold's...
...However, he asserts, if the trust eliminated th* crisis due to that cause, it would not abolish toe most important crises...
...dual position of the laborer, aa a seller- of his labor power and the purchaser of the product* Of his labor power, and the creation of g surplus flowing therefrom which must result in an overproduction of commodities, quite apart from tbo "anarchy of production.'" v • trusts and combinations, therefore, can Only affect the form taken by tb* crises, whether they be short and acute, as formerly, or mild and drawn out...
...itgto- sine* I was knee high, they have kept my s** toaetea of this great democracy Jumping from •to tosnaes to the other...
...Walk net with the world where it is wslking wrong--—Csrlyls...
...bnetkought wirrust Ho'eome'thlrig" about this awful revolt of the mob, and she believed organization was the only thing which would do it...
...and we wws* ato sgety wQSslto together about life...
...Ban** another little drink...
...He cams to face tb* grim tew of necessity...
...Or, to other words, a system of production can only last so long as It helps, and does net hinder, "the unfolding and full exploitation of tb* productive force* of seder," and must give way when it becomes a fetter to production...
...Th* ldealogy of this class, tike chat of the new middle class, is a curious mixture of old snd new ideas, but one thing is clear, in tbs midst of sll this confusion, that, its antagonism to aoclallsm is not a matter of principle, but of convenience.' "whatever, therefore, has been saved of the middle class by the corporation with regard to numbers, has been destroyed, and very largely, by this agency, as to character...
...Some of these false gode do make **nspr*ssions...
...hod tollefer, a large real estate dealer...
...it was Arnold'* idea—h* expressed it urbanely— that denization hadn't ever reached the "pinnacle of perfection" that it bad "here in the «re*t northwest...
...aas^neet th* BevUton^ lets in timeted, as essential, but only 'tbo disappearance of a BQiastfiiilai middle class of which be tregted...
...Such a classification baa ita dangers, since a stated sum of money has a different purchasing power in different countries, to...
...a» a.gbenp it ''has no veneration tor piuuawg or property right* no love *f eeonosnio Independence...
...fljank god...
...Onrtogr' to* period when the t ilia...
...Stephen Davis and E. N. j^Skais...
...the rich soil, with its varied productivity...
...wtols.'H* wan tb* Perfect Knight wnoee ktos *w«t*-'Tbto sseewtoa/ princeee...
...Straight a* a- teaoo and n regmter botoy...
...when he had reached a point where - there seemed to be only sky and water, he shut off the motor and drifted...
...TWhether based upon sound principles or fleH*%ous collaborations, tfce listener-In will receive it...
...For such as them there must be security...
...arnold look lean and pale, dan thought apd as he fed his eyes upon* her, she flashed him a smile of recognition, a smile that said, "i'm yours...
...I aek my reader* wo* I right to print that You mutt be the judge.—The editor...
...the heavy popper-colored braids were piled artfully upon her head and fell softly about her snowy neck...
...It la dlSteuK to tell...
...As it Is, i M~ sleep in peace and enjoy whatever measure of JSftgsshlne the good Lord and Andy volstead let slip |bsm,h...
...Often when frahad teft I ****** room and eob out my broksn Mttl* heart to pn...
...I am printing it only in the nope that it may terve to Hop tome other girl't footstep* from ttraying aoum the primroee path...
...He laid his bet face against the beat's rait and groaned . . He was foolish...
...Always there had beck me* like him...
...A train passed *t' the end of the lake, a romantic atrip of tiny lights that printed itself against j the blue veld fer a moment, and then" was lost behind tbo woods...
...I went everywhere to forget...
...speeches, lectures, "jevisws of the topics of the day...
...there will be only ten...
...Mow Ufa became a series ef wOd stndte partem where Bo and I could aft together em ssw M. wnoHfm luxurious sofas and wonder about ttto~ -To bo surp Be was not as toad ot talking en asrteag topic* ao was Oscar, te tact I don't think Bi ail iff raid to* Adaroson Act once aa tor aa I lilgluibat...
...he found that he was excited his mother In the small bed-room sb home, ill and restless...
...Crises : _ It will bp remembered that Bernstein also had a number of stricture* regarding tb* Marxian position on economic * crises, which, in his opinion, were becoming less, rather than more, acute...
...To be continued next week) GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Novel of the Northwest By M. H. HEDGES There was much good talk at dinner...
...The union's opportunity is to hny **'s*tf...
...effects "wnsa broadcast over the entire country...
...i can svsn listen to s radio program without totttae the fantangs or expecting momentarily to be Stomped by a wave of radicalism emanating from ^pgeneral direction of Chicago...
...Tfrom the standpoint ot promoting unionism, this 'fjmtme is a most wonderful stroke in strategy...
...Same -Id ^neaT) bfoadc»st jbv the Employers' Assojfcson of Kaoans City, which another menf£L g. H. NiehoHofi, fnneral chairman of the jsmwr employe*, tOippex} to me...
...maggie's father, as well as a group of odds and ends that dan did not know well.' they sat upon the terrace under the sky...
...but th* disappearance at -the scute crisis does not alter tbo revolutionary significance -of tb* crisis, does not leeeen th* mas* ot misery prodnnad by it, not indicate any lessening in too contradictions of th* capitalist system...
...He returned...
...In the first place it may bo said that his classification into lower, middle and upper class incomes is an arbitrary one...
...A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES assesmenaces i-valways anb-*r the* *ry oM m«* W kr»ltet»i» «T ***--CMe»to- Federattm of k - labor wm • »a<a»etf from w»y back, and • r*4n»lft)M the The proof* arc contained kst'o...
...tall, wins beautiful ions...
...Naughty boy...
...Tb* mob, had juat enough education to aspire to material' comforts, and not enough to appreciate talent and ability to high piece...
...He was becoming weak again, sentimental, unfitting himself for the role he had chosen to play...
...They #to all the newspaper*, all the colleges, some of the vhtoebes...
...granville had not withdrawn, lira...
...It is there ink little vine-clad cottage right opposite the Railroad Y. M. C. A...
...she hadn't bobbed her hair...
...To lend variety to the program, Ljpwjk and entertainments will be featured...
...different part* of the same country and at different periods, ot time...
...It had it* way with htm...
...dan listened as was his wont...
...To his mind, the climate with ita extremes of hot and cold...
...Thl* system will have Its...
...ah* said, "they're gen...
...With a ory of rage I seised the luxurious gold cuspidor and crowned the big bum with it...
...in BjsVe fsllow can't squeak or quack any more' unless •It squeak-squawks through one of their fooling stauohs...
...Socialism, Bolshevism, Rome, rum, Hun...
...at any rate, the merchant, the banker and Hod tollefer were pleasantly loquacious...
...the moon was up, and there was the feel ot romance in the air—perhaps induced by matf'gaylard's justly, famous liquor...
...The middU ckess undoubtedly have failed to disappear...
...Ilk* Gayiard, lik* Or*nvUJ*j strong men, who built tor themselves bastions against the flux and chaos ot a whimsical world...
...nsyM,t have talked to them, and the major aV^nor 'roBB#t8 ¦•'to tolkid to them, but a* long «l»t!l^*7* * f,w JUumlnated pumpkins left from g"*»tot Hauowd'en nl#ht, you have nothing to fear...
...Thit ttory should never have mean written...
...A motor boat chugged familiarly at a distant pier...
...Shrrsrlrsg bg every bsab I wont crushed and broken to my room snd agjihai aagt my broken little heart...
...she made the angular, muscular beauty of mrs...
...while this group owns shares of stock, it doe* not control property...
...she had grown—not more matronly—more feminine since her marriage...
...4 man with a cause, one-pose eased, driven by ldev*t . Pshaw I' Ho bad drunk too aukHe was becoming mandlto . . * Tbg past would not down...
...This broadcasting outfit owns wave ¦'"gsgpiav eight acres p'f ground,upon which the ¦¦¦ stansn • located at PaerSaH...
...Anything is good enough toem ahivejr—spooks, devils, Inflation, deflejtoftee silver, gqld bugs, immigration, repudiation, naiiilltlu...
...worst of an aba was atiB aboo «snt a* woo* th* two children...
...womerr>had a responsibility to save, the homo and civilization...
...And yet th* statistics introduced by Bernstein to his attsmpt 4* Show tb* increase to that class *f* unconvincing...
...It will be so) Always there had been human suffering like that baby's...
...Secretary ot Chicago Federation Of Leber...
...To be aura tbera wo* Osstor...
...A statement sstoOatonusyk^ On the Wings of the West Wind Tht Story of a Montana's Motion t Madnett and lit Strange Denouement at Cemfeuoi to McALTSTER COLEMAN...
...He bad to turn asd toe* the man-he-had-been with tbs lanh*-w*s...
...itqvas nothing...
...like the abentten of the zUilwny Xs^to mmt% ^ poor Httto met SosaetteM* arren Oe**i> «d not SOS**' encesyk...
...sWtof that no on* seemed-to ati dm stead...
...agatha had never looked more beautiful...
...jt . waa enough to ait and took tote tboa* ¦IsbngilJ eloquent eye* of hlsAnd then by a chsnee remark of my wnekrn my heart was shattered Into frsgmsat...
...There bad te be...
...totsy at th* Charleston...
...rapaotouen*** of the big capitalist sharks...
...Illinois, a studio *gsMB>» organ, which alone coot approximately jRNocxela said: "The program of labor's jjjfin rl""J station will be largely of an educaVflssal nature, consisting of...
...Pluto water beta** to which Oscar used to carrV h 1* whit* mole.1 'Innocent httUe thing from Ood*s own oonntry* exclaimed my ancle after we bad punished a onart together and I bad fallen twice from fh* liainH— Mortis chair into a luxurious gold onspader, "1 moot see to it that no harm befalls yon to this wicked dry...
...He must go on, and on...
...Agatha was waiting tor him...
...Odttto Gal...
...arnold's benevolent florid face shone with hope* snd optimism...
...jim hill thought so," interjected granville, "but i don't...
...anob development leads ordinarily to bba building up by the toother country of a hug* army and navy...
...wtn yen, Little Gel...
...by the very nature of its way of managing it* affairs the propriety, effectiveness, and, above all, the necessity of socialisation, is brought home to it...
...He measured hi* work, hi* nf #v by the millenlal course ot tb* starsHe thought of God, of the nuuch of the ages...
...j«s3»oRT WHAT CAN BK BOUGHT FOR ' V jAtl&eo m'—naw tort Time...
...never was there so much envy in the world a* at present...
...Mike, and if labor tog...
...at present arnold was in the hands ot a receiver, that is, in the hands of asa granville...
...net what is a man's income, but what deee h« derive it from...
...N,*w York...
...taj*1 or wrong-, correct of incorrect, misleading or ^otherwise...
...A future brakeman for the N. A. A. C. P. is rolling abouj the floor playing with one of Oscar's old lanterns...
...Eto attkas the cold goose-flesh creep up the slender »j"b»r bands which take the place of their spinal •^¦V Bdsses...
...These wild men In their wild talks ^'rerardleea of consequences, may reach the ear, rpaeslBly- inadvertently, of your influential and irsfwd employe, who may he detracted from paths level alb to his employer's success, by the oily tsagseget enemies of industry and commerce...
...the way of being sensational, everyone thought...
...The salaried workers in the corporations who make up the bulk "are in...
...I ^-tee-drume ehall rolls t "Ms but * privets soldier gen...
...He was sH that en* could ask tor to # man...
...I sprang te say -feet Hki an lnfurtated^reefttrtejat-"I will hot receive your' bK&awheaen&L': I will be true t* Oscar aad nay great West...
...and all of the broadcasting stations...
...5£ *** bow its Ed, with hi* broadcasting station...
...This undertaking will be carried out Ttoyond question by Chicago Labor Unions...
...asa granville, the banker, gaylard's particular friend...
...it has likewise been pointed out that fwhilbJlal MOaiaes requires *n asetoasteg variety of specialists, anal that thto requlrexeeot tornish** a nuttoflalfan* tor tor tb* growth ef the middle class, to so tor as its professional group* are...
...the banker went on (p explain his point of view...
...robbed of its economic independence, deprived of the' onptrol of lbs property and of the opportunity ot individual enterprise, itwhas.no other aspiration except to preserve its comforts, its incomes...
...he-wls filled mitX *comcntrojj|t—sense of security...
...what's biting these scary boys anyhow...
...HO knew a kind of cold, consuming despair...
...ytnonrss a grain of truth will sometimes knock d*to a mountain -of lies, but as a rule, the powers of JMjBloyers' propaganda -is great enough to make a Wank smell lute attar of rosea so great indeed is mis power that if public opinion manufacturers agreed so elect a slusJea mock turtle president of this shining democracy, they could do it, which is proven by the ¦jkubb of Client cal, who by the way, makes more than a boiler-factory done billy Sunday...
...in fno* th* member* ot this group hardly oonr stitute a social clans, since they ***v form's* a group no sociu-econototo function...
...Be was businesstik...
...He lay tack and looked up at the sky...
...o labor, by owning lust one broadcasting station **U seriously cripple any candidate's chances for - ahatjm by false propaganda^broadcast immediately ¦ran to an election, with no opportunity tor corrfc*n» before it is too late...

Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 29

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