THE NEW LEADER-SATURDAY, JULY 31 1926 Page 3 10,000 Rassaic Workers Hold Strikers Greatest Rally LEADERS REPORT ON PEACE moves Gurley Flynn and Dunn Denounce Brutal Attack on...

...Went straight back to picket line...
...They're Socialists...
...money and Joined in its anti-union report, - • *• * ' TOT BOOKS FOR TEXAS New York, July 24- — Chapters on evolution in standard blologiea intended for Texas public schools have been cut out by Henry Holt de Co...
...Those leaders helped us get wise...
...Tee, we were afraid, us kids, when we first went to work In the dye house...
...No, I never "gave the boss a kiss, or brought him a bottle a wine...
...Then when we went out on strike, I had a good chance to see how workers in shop live with the fathers getting, some of them, only $14 to $15 a week...
...m unlet propaganda ahown by the) worker...
...That's the dye house...
...I'm glad they woke us up...
...Some of us girls didn't do that...
...months from New York to CaUfamM and return...
...We wore all "markers" then* putting the numbers en goods, and all the dirt end cockroaches used to come down en us as we pulled at the cloth...
...People mil over the oountrty ere discussing the reason tor the col)¦ pee of the liberal movements and the epparent depression In the America* labor world, Roger Baldwin, director American Civil Litarti— UUn, reports...
...Rev, Orbach recalled how he .and other ministers from Passaic had 'been to Washington some weeks ago to try to get a complete Investigation ^ef the strike as well as the profits of the mills, but that Col...
...C. L. Orbach...
...Sow toe police are saying that someone threw stones," said Flynn...
...They call attention to the thousands of locomotive firemen'thrown out ot their cabs while engineers without s> run are doing the firing as a S|«f)aao of the coming of mass solidarity shsai the various grades of workers wtB net be so widely separated in wags rates and conditions aa now, but wlH an be in the same frying pan...
...It was rush, rush, rush, all time, . no matter hew you felt, no matter how sick you were...
...It is already Inciting a wave ,st resentment among the labor unions /tost will prove a boomerang against the mill owners...
...He was beaten himself in , the police wagon and at the station ! boose...
...Oppressors of mankind, to you ere owe The hateful streams from whenee shoes | miseries flow...
...Found them eating black bread and coffee for breakfast, for dinner, for supper...
...Many radicsis ted me.- says Baldwin, -that proaperity la to bjasne feat the lack of interest In Social and Cobb...
...to Col...
...the Botany Mill, who had issued a Statement saying that the strike anointed to "a seditious conspiracy ¦•fer federal statutes" and calling for aff Investigation of the strike leader¦ silp...
...The Italian and Negro workers predominate trut the Mexican worker* are' also standing firm with their brother* on the picket line...
...Liberals are still i*-aT the was* hysteria for the general spirit ef either Intolerance or indifTereaoe to tbetr sax pirations exhibited from coast to coast...
...That's why we had to go to work...
...why they call me a bolshevik" "I've Been in the Mills Since I Woe a Bit of a Girt'—"/>ever Gave the Boss a Kin or a Bottle ot Wine"—"That's Why They Call Me an Agitator" By Frances Ribardo Passaic Ctrl Striker One of the striking textile worker* from the United Piece Dye Workers at Lodi, N. J., addressed a mass meeting of Paterson dye workers on July ISrd...
...That's why they call me a Bolshevik now, and an agitator...
...That's what the Lodi workers get for slaving in the dye bone...
...Efforts are being made to line up the Paterson workers In the union eo that the strike against the United Piece- Dye Works can be made 100 percent effective...
...In silent anonioh, so her hu**«na"a bierl /'~:M*9m...
...He -sua the rank and file of labor every, where would back the strikers as-long ** ttey held out for these sound ecoesasje demands...
...Six to eight dollars a week we made...
...Other representatives of the church ••ople of Passaic urged the strikers to asM their lines firm, back*up their leadership and press on to victory...
...Vosa these fur workers who had Just j aea their strike for the 40-hour week, p|gsl to Passaic," said Flynn, "they '-tors met by the- textile workers with Isters and flowers...
...That*s all...
...That's why we want a union...
...la responsible for the split in the ralflaeiT forces and the dread of things radieaj ahown by many labor officials...
...b*a Israel Mufson, of the Brotherhood 04 Bauroad Clerks, who wan born and "•red » Passaic, told the 10,000 bow they bad brought great tome, and honor *», Passalo through their struggle : ¦Mbiai the Prussian mill bosses...
...pgt the...
...jgaisn* ^^^^nSy^ss sd^^^j^^^ anti-union lagglejsts to Ues ssuairy to th* mlsslun . .¦ When this dslegaUen eatos to Washington Mat easing it called upon the eton at headquarter*, and gave th* Mayflower hotof...
...Now, why you get suddenly interested In our religion...
...JPs a lie...
...the life out of us, and then throwing ue away...
...We should have been wise to our conditions long ago...
...Wherever In the biologies th* ward evolution appeared, "development" has been substituted...
...J was in this week...
...ot l. >j»ssss one of the most important and hjwnmsmtic meetings since the strike sms* <t weeks ago...
...That's more than yon ever did...
...Maybe ni be there the rest of my life...
...to bring about mass unions, hut the time is not far off...
...ojbjimjnt remains in fell force...
...How much pay does he get now 7 Forty-nine cento an hour No chance for education for me or my sisters on forty-nine - cents an hour...
...to the craft principle of organisetion and to the domination of craft onion chiefs in Its councils, Ms all Tl is production, with Its emphasis em the semi-skilled Instead of the sliHtot workers, has not yet displaced enough of the so-called labor aristocrats, these) analysts say...
...and the Mgcmdlau Co...
...Some of the dyers fall to tubs now and then and get boiled up...
...Then when we strike, boss comes and talks to me: "Those leader* of yours are against religion...
...No you're scabbing on yourselves...
...The relative decline of the American Federation of Labor is stated trf some observers to be due to ita ellngIns...
...So lay oil that religion stuff...
...A chart depicting man as the fruit ot an immense evolutionary tree has been eliminated, together with whole jsasiilsts d*arrlntn*^fbA amlntton at ¦higher sArmafa...
...Johnson's political puppets...
...Soon as get out of toll didn't go home...
...I worked on- investigating oosnssittos tor the union...
...The i epos I prove* to be Corpora^^mnmta^nMnt, and vartona o*Wj*Msn skes^notaMtot...
...tree* on* center of oompany uisliiiflsni to another...
...This' assault on the fur worker vlsitars Is the crowning outrage of a long series of such outbreaks," said Gurley Flynn...
...Acceptance of a- trip to America, at a time when that fact would be need to weaken the solidarity of Brltiah'-labor in support of the miners, was.pointed out as, an act of bad faith, on th* part ot i the men who took th* Daily Mall's...
...Johnson a Liar Vb» Rev...
...Her name is Frances Ribardo, ' a younger worker, 26 week* on strike, and straight from the school of hard knock* and police terrorism...
...My father worked in the United Piece Dye Works for 1,8 years...
...And we had to get out our 240 pieces or the boss would stand ever us with 'whip and ssy, "Where matter, (tot-hell out ef here if you een't do work...
...eayi whs* the men say . that < antiquated . sreang*ment of to* shop, absartoe of motestool grinders, etc, present toil normal production...
...Her speech, a part of which is given below, was pronounced by SHmoheth Gwrly Flynn as the best speech toftHmtttsf workers she had heard in iher fifteen years' association with the labor movement...
...When a woman anhe to his rescue and shouted at tee Cossack: "Stop, for God's sake, . stsp'" she was taken into custody for Insisting asx officer...
...Some moderate* betters that the Russian revolution, with Its example cat violent chance and Its iiihiiibsmi ¦¦las i ing preaching- of the claae war...
...police assault on the fur i.gltkers scores were beaten, several of •;S**» women and children, three of j&m from the New York Millinery . O/orkers' Union...
...of ptoeewer...
...Tea, only 18 years...
...SO I told the roes: "I don't care who our leaders are...
...Can't see anything In front of you, or anywhere...
...one of the hseam of the Associated Societies, in We speech to the 10,000 gave the lie ihett...
...Steam dropping from steam pipes shove you...
...on tbo order at the Texas State Textbook Commission...
...Breathing poison' Getting poison on your hands...
...This act proves eta both a hypocrite and a liar," Rev...
...Not knowing when you're going to get scalded...
...Nobody, no net even hoaav «*n> faB us anything now...
...We put up a kick and got $0.20 an hour...
...All time black bread and coffee...
...Orbach declared, and' requested the ¦toj in the audience to carry his opinion beck to the mill men...
...THE NEW LEADER-SATURDAY, JULY 31 1926 Page 3 10,000 Rassaic Workers Hold Strikers Greatest Rally LEADERS REPORT ON PEACE moves Gurley Flynn and Dunn Denounce Brutal Attack on Furriers HE*t a Jetot meeting of the Textile jbuteie* Union of Passaic In Belmont tfimf- Attended, by 10,000 wprkera Tueek—^hrht...
...Because I tell truth about the bosses...
...I've been all through the dye works, every department...
...Senator Edge and Edwards of New Jersey, had done everything possible to frustrate this investigation and had" prevented it - flhey made it impossible' for this inraWgatlon to be held...
...Big rats and cockroaches running all around...
...For how much...
...I'VE been working In the mills at Lodi since I was a bit of a girl...
...m vsji as on the progress of the ! sBsrts being- made tor affiliation with...
...T«r*ooo*s on physiology and hygiene have been similarly censored.LEBERAL DECINE STUDIED BY BALDWIN Civil Liberties Head Gets Varied Opinions on Depression in Labor Movement CHICAGO...
...Arrest tot* of us...
...No chance to go to school* like the bosses' children...
...Members of the I. W. W. attribute part of their plight to tM bitter economic and Judicial poraoon* tlon during and since the war...
...He is now under the care ot a 'physician...
...I ain't afraid a'< nothing now, but then, we kids used to rim every time we seen a big rat—or a big cockroach...
...The Lodie workers are among the best fighter* in the Passaic djktgtct...
...fan" oUpping attached, parnsshwjy Associated Socities statement on It)* One of them, a .prominent law. ysfi to Pssaalc, told The New Leader -•a*******- that-, "some of the police >2to*Or eo drunk they could scnrcriy ,4JgV when they made the arrests...
...lndicattng"tbeir sslmissiton tor American concerns that hero* been bittsr foes et American labor...
...for.you how many a mother weepe her eon, Snatch'd from HtVa course ere half hi* race who run I For you how-many a widow drop* a tear...
...Their initial declaration that thsy weno not to sympathy with "bolahevistier tSwdOwnie* in the British movement began to hew* a now meaning as they nideed...
...I've been there 7 years now...
...Same suspicion attached to th* Daily Mall's enterprise frost th* outset, because that paper was trying to arouse public sentiment in Britain against th* miners' proposed strike...
...They were met by 4» mill owners with police clubs...
...Now Johnson » seats the 'Communist origin' of the "atHks investigated...
...I asks the boss: "When : you hired us you didn't care what religion we are, you only wanted as to work, wprk, work...
...Johnson, vice-president et...
...the leaders of the Associated .^p«attss and Parishes of Passaic and ejtoafrmo leaders reported on the deMsnaneats in settlement negotiations...
...We got in bad with the boasts...
...WAUKEE week strike of union ueopis entpk>re* by tbo Btotper\P*wwmm...
...He haa been looking Into OlvB Ubartlea situations on e trip of asms...
...Then later we sort's got used to it...
...Sure, they try every way they can to' break our strike...
...That's why I want a union...
...My wages were $0.18 an hour...
...For we have the It keeps the boss from squeezing...
...Also Francesco Coco, tactile organiser, formerly associated r htm the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of 'America, was- unmercifully dubbed when he went up to policemen add protested against the beatings of the women...
...That's why they stick to'- the union, and stick to the strike...
...The A. r. of L'i prasaat insistence on making up Co the boas is, tnear say, the surest indication of Its Inner weakness and of the impending change to a mass basis...
...The oompaay demands n rednrh .to tp^, swesw^aurp ayatom...
...jw»e old man in the crowd was hhUen by the police...
...Bosses would be nice to you and not rush you so much If you brought 'em a bottle of wine now and then or give 'em a kiss...
...Frances said to the • workers in the Paterson dye shops who are now working on Lodi goods: You're scabbing on us, when you work those goods...
...Water and dyes on the floor...
...Frances Ribardo was talking to < fellow workers in Paterson who are working under similar conditions only they have as yet not -developed the manhood to organize and to strike...
...In the dye house section worse than anywhere...
...Not a pebble was thrown . ty anyone...
...nrjsabsth Gurley Flynn and Robert ss, Dsns of the American Civil Liber•kg TAosa told of the brutal and terfernrtie attack made on the visiting fur assastor- delegation ot MO workers on gbssfjfes they were boarding their i easts to return to New york City (see " ilijpiil attached particularly Associate* Societies statement on it...
...The attack was wholly unprovoked.'' Members of the Assodated Societies and Parishes of Paslankt who happened to be there at the tans of the atrocities confirmed her ¦Uliesmt...

Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 29

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