Granela, F. Paz

MOURN LONDON INPORTO RICO ^Masses Recalled to ^Attention of Entire By F. Paz Grand* ^o-Preddent, Porto Rican FedoraS7~ .i tion of Labor . JL-- Ban Jtiaa. ¦ erf was not until I read The...

...Valuable prises were awarded to Teresa Maranda, lone Curat...
...The effteieney of the relief machinery, tha oneperattan ef tha strikers themselves, tha fairness af tha administration, ware...
...erf was not until I read The New M Leader of June It that I received 3. (h« sorrowful news of the death £ car beloved friend...
...Th* meeting adjourned after electing Halperin and Klein us secretaries of the League...
...out against Leon Hattab...
...Party Members Ceiled On October 11 the "cstF again met at Communist headquarters and It,.was decided to call a general' meeting *fof all the comrades in the- party and In the entire laundry trade...
...Spokesman for the United Hebrew Trade was Abraham Epstein, for the general office of tho Workmen's Circle.A...' Over th* ' Jury - dfl>' hsJMSjM Jama* • Phftttpa, who dSWgbtsd ^**> LIS, gussta wtth hbl rbdj aagajgsjg vole*, wfli be the chief maslcaj r'om traetioa...
...Evidently Communists not members of the union war* also to Joint with the "cell" mapjbers to determine tha buafatoap ot the union and to shape its policies...
...The excellence of" the work dona by...
...successful picnic of the Italian Local No...
...the House voted, 78 to 187, *at London .be allowed to proceed...
...the nj.eetins the following week it was rumorei} that the' secretary of the union would probably resign...
...These elements had approached tfn> privately, attempting to get Lonk*n to vote with them...
...the sa*aie*fiW meat hag addsd those of kailg»e* ggs...
...TWa mmmmm'tU* » pWhatid'' YprfcT Ctty, « j»m, sswlt i*HUUm heaee eriebikdtod »y tm Anwie*h Pun*) fay Pmm llUls... WMti wdriah ia leea than haW weald east to have It ariatad ataa"whara...
...Litschlch reported that "be fell- the pulse of the organiser and secretary of the union and that they will support tha captain sys em...
...Party and Halperin .reports for the "steering committee...
...The "cell" met again the following week and Goldberg spoke of reorganizing the "cell...
...Therefore he .must be -defeated.' Members of the - "ceil" j I must get busy on this...
...5...* -ji<i Inactivity, from fear ef eemaa****3f, a' fsuR, ia the mark af a sswsatgyidt hrathcr, by^wheea Is.fs^^ssssapssaydhsl fdap p^ hawgeetien fiM*qpBnptd4VPads*nga...
...He never had jfegr opportunity to visit Porto Rico, M he knew the deplorable conditions spd sufferings of the working people af par'country through our press and Information published In American "sbnr papers, aa well as through the jsjgi----¦»••— and Information writes) by...
...Barbers from New York and elsewhere furnish free barber' aervlee...
...i • Reservations tar' aay part-ad'tgg> summer months shsuld a* ai*ds' bpj mediately at tha New...
...hunger ef thousand* af little children, BkolkS&motm the* thay sfay aire .wilt bp admlnis|ttosstjy|tabj|^«s»«tontV MPt taMPiMy pa4 *m»>*£ mafX*3W:*o*moM purposes eandwat -ofoJ atHka ia.which relief ia almost tha sale item ef iawpewss...
...LABOUR ORGANIZATION OFFERED OPPORTUNITY TO PUBLISHE NEW BOOKS may mow htm eajpfca twWshad at b**f «f ths*-**** *f srsdsattsa...
...The old executive board was reelected by a very small margin, -in some cases aa low as four votes...
...Ha cited Dorr's rebellion in Rhode Island as an in client of the struggle to remove the property qualifications of voters in the United States...
...Meyer Lontga defended the rights of the people eLPorto Rico with heart and enthusllS£fh*n London was a member of fls-firiM representing the Socialist Parti, the reactionary political leaders •f Porto >BJco appeared before Conli tm to disfranchise almost the entire Potto Rlcan working class by property and educational testa... . get .another "steering committee...
...With .'tha aa^sjpt -a*" jh^fdtj^iS moat mtereaang psjft - «. tW^Ci*fiB>Tamlmaat pssssav Is BsBC, sjsdsr' *nas| Th* guests ar* xotsd 3px\ thakr'apavl genial spirit, which gee* to «to*,' #3* whole atmoaphard » f**Bs*T «<'shbJm arous...
...My Dear Comrade Gottfried: : "This is to acknowledge with deepest thanks the...
...v-w * Tha whale Marxian sy*tom uaisdpgt the htoraaaing eocfal hatotfhpsaa* ahnf •xpandmg political sap salty af «**} working stsss...
...At J:30 the games were started...
...owned by Che International Ladles Garment Workers,Union, haa announced a new rata for members of other trade unkmsT making It mora conductvs for them to come out...
...Pauline Becker, Ethel Needle, Garson Mink and SSsther Berkowitx, A group picture was taken which will, be kept as one of the* best souvenirs by the Italian Local...
...There was a very large' representation of talertt from the Jewish stage...
...Evidently the "cell" was not ,worKluxvto thn satisfaction .of the leaders...
...By 3 o'clock in the afternoon the crowd was already Joyful, and so dense that people had to guess if that which they were witnessing was a picnic or a mass meeting...
...ta print aft edhTten af MM eapiaa ,af a back, on goad paper, up to W4 pagea, and bind it saWtantlelly ' In etoth...
...Bursteln, Kraaa, Scheldeman and Ben dicta...
...pgi Hfilwlils <¦*> ¦hap*, tab th* W' a...
...Oen*r*toljvtim«ff*r ad the Van-, ¦aard Rreoa ia...
...While .money haa came in in moat extraordinary - fashion until new, the continuance of tha strike and tha inereaoe in need oempel ail friends ef tha strikers - ta...
...AT the...
...Biicntein wants more unity in the '•steering- committee" which would suggest that- all was not harmony amoag those selected generals...
...In a stinging -arraignment of the proposal to take the ballot from 151,000 It the 200,000 voters In Porto Rico, London was warning the House that a people deprived of suffrage would be irtveu to violence...
...Nathan Riesel won oyer his opponents 'Rose Auebach, and was re-elected...
...The closest contested offices were those of the secretary-treasurer and business agent...
...20, 1325, the "cell" voted to brine, charges againat members of jthe "cell" who fulled to attend meetings: A -new "steering committee" for the unidri wat ejected...
...This is one reason .why we regret, from the bottom of our hearts, the death of Mayer London- Therefore, the labor movement of Porto...
...rriestman, Riesel Re-elected By Bonnaz Embroiderers One of the moat hotly contested elections in the local trade union world took place last week in the elections for oJtlcere In the Bonnaz Embroiderers' Union, Local 46, I. L. G. W> U. All offices were contested r with the exception of the presidency...
...Druskin.' M. Shore for the City'Committee of the Socialist Ferband, Drl Caiman, the president of the camp...
...Bs cages , of this he bplkwsd it necaaaary to rporggRias tha union- - Another ¦ "steering committee" of three U etactod consisting af Lltochleh, Burgtota aad...
...202, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of Rochester ever had, was held In the beautiful Genesee Valley Park on Sunday, June 27...
...daV^'ftgf ^3^Aa^a'I^B^g*^aS^3B^ - and) child endawrapnt Intrsduead...
...hL Lawbh a a...
...We have already spoken ef stores and children's t kitchens...
...Tha report stated that over 18*000 persons, strikers and their dependents, were new .getting relief at a money east af about 316,000 a weak...
...A competent physician ia employed to leak after all sickness intsmilies af the striker* at the reasonable charge of fflOO a month...**}er that (00,000 persons, paid sjfbut* to Meyer London...
...Aa early as 10 o'clock In the morning members of the union and their famines began to stroll in with baskets full of, food 'and what otherwise Is necessary to make a picnic really Joyful...
...For about two hours the crowd was kept Intensely, interested In the contest that wad going on between boys, girls and men and women...
...UaaJer Labar rata industry laps functioned with renewed riper j - weges aaaJiidhsr, haurs ef employmerit lags, and working **ndhaetM better /than ¦ in, any other Australian .stoda, , Uoompioymcnt t* at a minlmpmi< Ths bast af living In-' Ohasenetoaid- i* the Is west aa the aaaitleaBart, to Tnufc Unioii Modbers The Unity House at Forest'Park, Pennsylvania, one of the most has nil - fuf summer resort* for woihers...
...wall, "thay
...Tha data, are presented far the consideration of mdoo members and it U far them to say whether thay like tbi> her* of thing, ht they do, aa Uncol.-j •aid...
...Than the election of members of the executive board was considered arxr the following "slate" was agreed to...
...Mar mbistein suggests that It may...
...president of t2» Ink"1 Ladles' Garment JfuihMU "*"'---he said: "The labor _u) usipH""11 n lost in- him one of its x0f jbjgt sons...
...Democrats and Republicans crowded Into the chamber from cloak rooms...
...policies- and ' programs for the union, arrange \ "antes'' for the election of "cell" member* to official positions in tha 'union, ami call in Communists who have no connection with the laundry bm<*a to advise with the "cell' on how to obtain control of the anion...
...well aa the numberless fights of president Samuel Gompera...
...Tha title page of a beak published under this offer will bear tha imprints af bath the organisation sponsoring it and tha Vanguard Press...
...It was not working properly...
...par eepy...
...Meyer London, sjisn i read the headline of The N*w...
...For that . sum it ia estimated that in the lest four weeks ha haa handled about 400/ eases...
...M. Cbanih, the secretary of, the Jewish' 'Socialist Ferband, is the chairman...
...The next week eight members were present at the opening session...
...Rico expresses to* the whole labor movement of America its deep sorrow, and sympathize with you in this hour of, bereavement In which we lost one of our most loyal, intelligent and honest friends and fighters for the rights and liberties of the working class of Porto Rico...
...They were Marmelsteln, Litschlch, Halperin...
...undertake'a far mere complete organisetien and widespread campaign far funds than fertaeriy...
...won.' the prise offer** to tha"salthy Tha oonrta " are, hi...
...Tha * Kmargsnay Cammlttaa far.3J|»ilieis' Relief islander?., taking to ss/sa a sauah saSaW milk fstnd far
...On May I. 1910, wa received a message from Washington which la jert read as follows...
...A* vote was taken after London had •laahUmed advocacy of violence...
...It Is believed that thla reduction will help in .bringing out greater numbers of worker* to-Usity Houae, where thay win appreciate the fine things that can be accomplished by workers co-operation m thla held...
...The arpay far only AfiBO eapiaa at the iew pries ef Ma...
...At the following meeting Marmelstoin reports on ^the campaign ' of the Workers...
...After a heated parliamentary diaesuion...
...The season, was started with the special rate of 33 dollars a week formembers of other unions...
...The reactionaries and their legislation to disfranchise almost the entire Porto Rtean working class 'in ,1M« were defeated, due to the efforts of our friend, Meyer London, as...
...e.ven be necessary to reorganise the ."ceJJ" and...
...the Jewish Socialist Ferband have opened their Camp on June 26, with an entertainment and dance, dedicating the new Debs Auditorium at their camp which is named Camp Ganeden...
...But Meyer London opposed this reactionary legislation...
...L. Freed man has held the office for' a number of terms...
...He demands that "from now oh all the comrades become active in earnrat...
...Tours faithfully, "EUGENE V. DEBS...
...A member, by tht name - of Tqhtnd, not a Communist might be a candidate...
...Races for boys and girls, ball throwing contests, nipple and pop races and otter humorous kinds of sports were enjoyed by young and old...
...ef Meyer London...
...London was loved enwsaat all parts of the labor roove, Jlpwf Porto Rlcan labor movement aaarbs included with the general labor jsgfenent that mourns- the tragic dorie...
...The letter was as follows...
...But in considering .tha fact that many workers of other trad** who, because of the fact that they may have.been unemployed, or on strike for some time?, would find that rata prohibitive, and since tha resurf is not run for profit, .but rather aa a means of offering worker* an opportunity to enjoy thejr vacations at a nominal cost, ths rate .haa...
...omM equipment...
...Torit -oaaasi'«t, the Camp, f East 13th afreet...
...Further information may be had by addressing tha Vanguard Press, 70 Fifth avenue, NswoYark City...
...this aeeratary "parpeoutoa" Haqdstmaa...
...Seizing upon London's statement Oat deprived of 'civilized method of expressing themselves,' Porto Ricans night assume the right to use violence...''/ Mara "Unity" Needed :-'"The "captain system" receives considerable -attention at thlp meeting...
...George Trlestmafi, manager, won...
...f * la additkm to tha rsguhtr magiikm^ attraction of tha camp...
...Debs was read...
...I sayr and I toOf aawtaln If against all tha: power* af tha earth, that aha stave* are aa sappabto aa their tyrants, •nil da net knew whithsr tlbarty baa ^^^¦ssasi a^ahaaaskds Bkak as^saaSMMbBsfeasm -askff wAhamjaaal aaaaBaasl ftlW^B BJBjPBnqpnJk ¦9BJp ¦J%Pwg**l|Ta33pP««J tBaJ ¦iBtasytpaP, WW3"p Queen Land Socialist Win Bigger Majority In General Election ^^^^j^ll^^pfc^ ttT^^4*T*/1 |g\ OdjfJwV tppBy^S**" " » - ¦ s^r^l?^a^^l^l^ -> w -¦sa^'^^JSat^^^r . afQ dmt^^m^m\f TWtjtw f»s aa MnWAjprtR -dp...
...At the next meeting,- on- A«*n»t,>, at the same place the "steeatng.- conjr mittee" was instructed to work PUt:"a program of action and at...
...v,».-,v., •¦¦ «.-.;v Baghmbag i 11 ITT limb if TtflJ t th* lootofe ooaeen wta get dto most popular lectarars ia th* gs*Bs|jjgg as th* speaksr tar tha w*ek...
...Speaker Clark was hastily brought in from his office...
...Fine art hfctkat jtn which the hand, *%J^jm&*M^K toatotbar...
...meeting in the Workers'1 Party headquarters on July...
...These 14M eapiaa w»l ha shipped to the organ huttran for H to dietrlbota, while tha remaining 1,090 oomlm will aa.eireuiated ay tha Vaagaard, nyaaa hy inaiustiaaj the book in its awn papular serlee of aacial aoiance svjscts and educational eutlinea...
...In eenelueien, we can assure all those who give to the- relief ef the Paseaie strikers, 'whether out af understanding ef the imports no* of their causa er out af -pity tor the...
...The' striking shea workers af Brooklyn keep the cobbling shop of the Relief Committee being far tha repair ef the textile worker*' shoes...
...The address ef:Uia Emergency Cemmittoe ia 73* Broaafway*' GANEDEN DEDICATES DEBS AUDITORIUM ON the hills of Cold Spring New ¦ Tork, on the Hudson, the Harlem Socialists and...
...Instantly Minority Leader Mann sad other Republicans leaped to their feet with protest, motions and points Of order...
...bean reduced to 31 dollars-a week...
...Socialist Representative Meyer London was today the central figure ha tbesMst sensational incident of the ¦Jajl-qja 4h» Rouse' thus faiC, His UMss^MUck on the proposed reactionidea to disfranchise almost the entire Parte Rlcan working class by property apt educational testa In the Psrto fifa* Government bill tlfider discuslien drew the fire of those who defatted Philippine independence earlier to the week, and whom London had Ipeght on that issue and on milltsj-ism...
...Th* cane** art hfjito atf the lake made It bsurd for-*«m^»4a*» hinaeeif away from the raatxaS Vganpv dJhag...
...Useless, to the dangers which the proposed disfranchisement of the mafcrltv of Porto Ricans must involve...
...Whether any of these stalwart* were elected to the board of the unioi...
...All those who have already paid the higher rate will be ref umted, |be difference by applying to the New Tork office at • West l«th street...
...pawajr ' h»¦mws'isJ 1« April, tfit, *»d tha ' last Itpejpafe baa bad a aasjahasKs^torm sf aft** so . ^alghw^ l«asftSffb*VaalBi3m*ga>*^ OHrMng Ip* U yasr*M hah dftosN' noted dhaisg-tgssstMp af «ha waafc-" arai tha'pr*4Rasea have basM maa>: afadt gwMpdud' uasIUtifiaal>swt' WriwtawStTfi^lyv.ftri4naa aM*l aRsaWa fcava 3a^aB^S>* S4pw SfcB^a^M^'is...
...Evl - drntly Litschlch and Bursteln had not Joined the Workers' Party as a motion 1 was mad* that they *hould Jain...
...receipt ot your' telegram of the 21st hut...
...Handebnan oompjalna that tha "oell had helped to, elect th»>seeratdry wf tha avian and...
...Thomas and Miss Flynn Appeal for Passaic Strikers AT a ^conference, en relief for Psssaio strikers, a report on the relief srtustion made by lUgabeth Qurley Flynn and Norman Thomas was read...
...In general, Itowevar, rafi^Wasts sheuht beaSfcmia- - tared at the dlscrethm of the Relief Committaa," thd ¦ report says...
...CAMP TAMIMENT SEASON IS ON Lake Tennis offer Splendid Oppertunity for re Correction ¦a3at tttfut 4*4w»*»* wWiilaijiaAo *mmkt^i&SS" Da,Witt a tohoia tparaamaax *P*a hgtf...
...Representative Austin of Tennessee, a Bourbon reactionary, excitedly demanded that London be called to order...
...Celt" Plans Union Policies At Regular Secret Sessions Recently toe considered the acfa&el of a Communut "ceU" in the union of the Laundry Hand Praters, and in this installment our review of its work, taken from minutes of the "celL" is concluded...
...advising me that - the social hall erected, at the camp recently purchased by your organisations has been given my name and to say la answer that I feel touched beyond the power of wards to express by this honoring testimonial of our comrades of the Jewish Ferband and the Harlem Socialists, that I accept with pleasure and gratitude the, honor thus bestowed upon...
...Morris Sigman...
...He said that "the "steering committee* has nor accomplished anything and .that a new one should be elected now that will do tha work am| win bp connected with the erganixation of tha Trad* Union Educational League...
...I ImmediateLjimlr'"1 the newa to our friend* {gbs^were gathered with ma in . the j— of the Porto Rlcan Free Fsdera,_^c 0f Labor, it made a deep ImBphsi We felt that we were at the j w/e are writing of the death of am* spas*, Merer London, to the daily jpajrieh papers of Porto Rico In order spgitaa whole people of thla country Bay know that they lout another e/ieal ana fighter for their rights and psittf A great truth was expressed wM...
...George Halpern was re-elected- by a" margin of 35 votes over his opponent, Sam Anhouse...
...our brother, Santiago Iglesiaa, Pjssident of the' Porto Rican Free JefjKatlon of labor, and our beloved fnVnid, Samuel Gompers...
...H. Gillis delivered a.' wonderful mtaaagp^ ot greeting from the Jewish Dally Forward... behalf of tha Harlem and the Jewish Socialist Ferband...
...Marnselcomplalns that "cell' resolutions' are not carried out...
...Its members were LitaChich...
...Abb J Hubee was the whmar ajf'<jgTf women's section, whihs Arthur 3kp>aat... the two installments on this theme, enough has been shown from the official iscords kept by a Communist .'e*ll" how its members meet fj-on> time to' time, plan...
...tha ReKef Committee ia a tribute to the capacity ef the workers...
...WfHi**^ thbf SshpstPa*) Socialism would indeed b* d hsislssg dream, but g+vsn this .and th* Mstotg) ef th* working ektaa far tha las* adST* eaatary abundantly pr*v*« that 'is* asdj Justified in the assumption—we< away await wtth ssnWdpwas tha ¦¦ the,knell of Capitalism and WllJatasg of riaasioea oiriliaatiarw—A...
...Evidently the "celTb<id by this" time caused some distentions for Marmelsteln goes on to say' that, "the right gang are planning to carry out a scheme not to pay dues, to lure away members and to farm ban da' of: th sir own...
...gbimison, Bursteln, Handelman and Klein...
...The largest number of members participated in this election as compared with all previous elections...
...Joseph Giofft, Carlo Rehdasso, Teresa Brancatlsano, Patsy SIsca, Earnest Ciaccio, Sam Siaca, Domenic Brancatlsano, Edward Galluccl, Max Zipkln, Sara Sisca...
...The minutes of the "cell'* state that To land "behaves like a dog and will not give any Jobs to our comrades...
...w* do not know as the minutes that dame lata the possession of .The Now Leader end af this point...
...The letter of Eugene.V...
...Mnrmelstein, Halperin, Scbeidenman and Donetch...
...hearty aadKpaaarsidPty 'thig...
...The Socialist member directed attention, aavw...
...Air general bodies of the various progressive trade unions arid 'workmen's circles have sent delegations and also the Jewish Daily Forward Association...
...Tha eflleere and director* ef tha Vanguard Press ares Roger H. Baldwin, Elisabeth GurlSy Flynn, Clinten Golden, Bertha M. Mailly, Scott Nearinn, Rex Stout, J scab Baker and Louis KOpetin...
...who participated in the games...

Vol. 3 • July 1926 • No. 25

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