A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES Hobbling Education MJOt OLIVER LODGE may set'spooks at S tine*, but he alio recognize* « good thine; when he sees it. freaking to the British Association for...

...Adam Cofddiggar...
...freaking to the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Southampton, he aside a plea for simpler language in dealing fcth scientific subjects...
...IVMa, fcjradajr**** aad abaw» Draw tha eurtoifs daa* asiae Syea, t a* arMry, krt sae a...
...It may be that Suzanne got a good look at the Queen's hat or umbrella or even the King who, judging from his recent pictures, is getting to look more and mora like an agitated sheep dog...
...Arose' is better, Dan," Agatha answers...
...Doh't forget your rubbers...
...The author opens her book by stating the attitudes held "quite generally among people toward the "difference" In the acnes and reviews various historical pictures of these attitudes...
...Where the yeung birds chirp and sine— I am waary, let Tire go...
...But Rakov's a cynic No fellow lores comfort and pleasure more than he doss...
...He was in an open field whW no speaker's platform...
...His hands follow ths sum llaaa ot her body tenderly...
...You could stand to be a little fatter, my dear...
...You do love ms, dpn't ysuf 8ay It...
...she echoes...
...Minturn, over the breakfast cups...
...Slum Children Y»u> sanfa at night a drunkard sings, •Sanaa, sticks, and rasa, yaw dally Hawses* like fishes' Ilea, s blusy whits, Such tips, poor mttes, art yours...
...Another Tub Party We Are in a Depreseed Mood ascent e^ ansa...
...Preliminary Conditions for Socialism THE HISTORY OF SOOALIST THOUGHT By HARRX W, LAIDUER TURNING to ths question of ths Industrial and political agsnclsa which srs destined to bring about Socialism...
...But, thank ye kindly...
...Wa are in the same pitiable condition as the guy who was recovering* from a nervous breakdown and asked his nurse to read htm a poem of Browning's...
...Psor little mites that breathe foul sir...
...If we really knew we would have done h long ago, but as our ignorance of the antbject is profound no doubt we will make a biias¥ul speech...
...Georgie fell off his horse, Mary was awfully cross, There was a scene of course, God save the King...
...paleontologists, iprioopologists, biologists, and all the other •faijet, olos and isters...
...This Involved a conflict, however,- because be couldn't see his sons borne by an inferior being, and so the madonna conception developed alongside the "kuecher, kinder, ktrche" stigma...
...it is essentially emotional, spontaneous and irrational...
...Ths baby come, but then it died- ap' then my girl died, too— Wan, t was beat I ask you, pals, what could a feUer ' do...
...Tli iisaas H ai y4at»anve>'OBBafj was in fbe primeval otJso attuggfetg to aaS*s*#B erect, get a brain sjmJ tsfKOsne rjntii.stats.Hjg moiled asd toiled, sweated arfrl gnmuA finally evolved intd a natioa that has tat mt Stateaman, Calvin CooHdgd, its Sugar, EatlK Guest, and iie Seer, the Reverend Dr...
...Been amovin' ever since, apushin* an' ashovin...
...H* commenced his speech as...
...Proterozoic," he ajys, "of, pertaining to, or designating, the era preceding the paleozoic...
...tbs fits hs throws When things don't go to suit hud...
...Set down sn a doorstep, feUer come along— "Hithere, you Bum, keep amovin' on...
...JFmwmr ' .What about ths first preliminary condition, namely, fas ripeness of industry tor Socialism, he deals with the second condition, tbe conquest of political power by tbs proletariat...
...Gtatass)^ ' These gloomy thoughts arias alter rrnadwhw, the history of the TJtoited States that was giraP ten up try the American Legion, the Ksttoaal Security League, the American FedeYatJoa sf: Labor, the Boy Scoots and otheY Ofgasisa^ tkras of savants...
...It's a beauty...
...Magnus Johnson has re-emerged on the pit* litical sc«$ne...
...While we are not proatrats before Magnus's'mental equipment wa hawt always had a soft spot in our heart far satf story about Magnus...
...They are responsible for bringing about differences which are relative gad not absolute...
...Far askin* 'bout my troubled...
...Sister, what's tbs matter T" At that she vlv# on* look s,t arte, £n' then aha bust sut eobWn...
...So I get IfCZ-book on geology,.let's say...
...The waitresses—but there was one was little an* redhaired...
...them Janes was swell...
...Which soaaehow if* calls that short and beautiful poem, "How odd Of God To choose The Jews...
...He looks like a brute...
...The British co-operative movement haa become a powerful factor in economic life, and consumers* os-operatives on ths continent have grown rapidly...
...Ton want me to get old and fat" 8h» to petulant...
...May I have another pear, please...
...But I don't want babies...
...One disagrees with or questions many of bar assertions, but tbs book to a stimulation of the perennially Interesting nroblam of sax dlftarsncs...
...Materials are way up...
...asr llttJst things, as sad and solemn, : Whose livss srs passed In human crowds...
...And if through some medium or other, he fW bring about the materialization of the ^breaker coiners who invented these sevengrated scientific fog words—I will break the Mvk of every One of them for having closed ne doors of knowledge-to more light-hungry ftals tfcfn all thejvoooop doctors, tyiteh burnJ*», inquisition generals and artti-evolution*» that ever came down the pike...
...I can't make up my mind that we should build this spring...
...You' might think of me...
...As far as ths agricultural workers are concerned, but a small number of them can look much beyond the Immediate amelioration of their economic conditions...
...One of ths groat problems is tbs development - of agricultural co-operation...
...Wllla Muir holds the function of motherhood and the many implications arising'from It as the only fundamental distinguishing marks setting off women from men...
...a "The proterozoic era or group...
...No, I talk almost as Well as Gaylard...
...In Germany some 7,080,000 out of 18,000,000, earning incomes at the time of this writing were industrial wage earners...
...s?Jfo all of which, Amen...
...I wasn't stayin' anywheres—so I took to rovin...
...One never knows what asaght have caused die collapse...
...Did they admire him above greuSdt Ne, no I but, wisely, they aslstrast Cold troth, ami heap the sssgjlirja B»gBf Of lias afcsv« n tainted omnia...
...I meant It...
...There are two horns above his blinkers, and one on his nose...
...His tares* was Ma solid, sans a, . Mia virises swell, his sins hsva shrank, Wa a* naiwbsr his imissnt Good fellowship—when hs was drunk...
...He is a big bat and anybody but an anjnialologist would have called him ''big bat...
...In this msatoroieCc, vtyefk is about to be wished on pnbiic WKkamm throughout the country, the authsbr beed8Bda> mystical and remarks that Divine Ptovirhtaeft must have had a specitl purpose in snW"whaw he reserved the North American Continent §§fr the use of us Nordics...
...When she was through be rolled back on his pillow with a low moan...
...Hs opens' tbe door and goes out...
...Oh, my Lewd Gawd in Heaven, res''d b« tweet Never had no Mammy—leas'ways don't remember...
...Say it...
...Finally t says one day...
...Where tha aspens, dreapina, grow...
...He looks like a big bat...
...Chart Algonkian, 2-n...
...Bernstein has a number of strlctnres to make on ths older Marxian concepts He first analyses ths doctrine that ¦capitalist society has advanced industry from Individual to social production and that it Is now rips for social ownership and management...
...At any rate," he tells her, "I am glad you arose and Joined me, Mrs...
...Tha only reason I can see is that it will give, tbs man more work...
...That makes three...
...Co-operative Kntsrprisss as a Prslimir nary to Socialism Many of the older Socialists, Bernstein continues, put too much faith in productive co-operative enterprises as a preparation for Socialism...
...Cenaueet of Polities...
...Scullery boy I was—sn' my...
...Their ideal Is in the meanwhile to get their own land...
...Oh, I'm so glad you came back," she cries...
...There are still many obstacles In the way of this conquest It Is true that tbs proletariat Is In the majority "if one counts in It all persons without property, all those who have no income from property or from a privileged position...
...To bo Continued Next Week) GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labdr Novel of the Northwest By M. H. HEDGES CHAPTER XI...
...The Past Returns to Agatha 1. REPRESENTATIVE AND MRS DANIEL MINTURN are al breakfast in the large and distinguished dining room of the Gaylard borne...
...What does Rakov say In his book about happiness...
...Tbs unconscious is concerned with growth rather than form...
...To be continued next week) Men and Women ASLENDER volume, Women: An Inquiry, by Wllla Muir: Alfred Knopf,, N. Y...
...5 Ye or* hut smdfll now Islands ssewi >-»**¦• nssw anatns aasss) nsmn...
...Web{ter isn't so sure about it...
...rather that' "soma men are more intellectual than any woman and some women are more .Intuitive than any man...
...When wo come to the industrial proletariat, we find that they are in a minority...
...Whan in ths water I can sss, . . Hcavsn wHh a flock of elsuse...
...Wayne Wheeler says that it cost % miUiaai bucks to dry up America, which is about the average income of a bootlegger on an off year...
...Thereafter comes a few thousand words of equal density, but not a syllable* about the Christian name of "Paleozoic...
...Goodness knows, I trjed my best to master geology—but what's the use when even Noah Webster ejn't "teil me what "paleozoic" .give up in disgust and turn to the samy of anirhalology...
...Triceratops means **fnree-horned brute...
...fiaYaas I,ever...
...she sings out...
...A driving rain lashed the bare boughs of the denuded trees against the bevelled glass of the old-fashioned bow* window...
...My fathefa that great swell to there...
...An' as don't kndw, ndr ms ndr b*r—but, Lord...
...She Is busy operating the electric toaster...
...Tough as this may have been on the Queen of England, we can't get very sere at Suzanne...
...Bvar* time she took bar tr«y bow bar teeth wSsld chatter...
...Another reason for a hew house...
...She follows htm to the door...
...She elaborates this thought thus: "Ths processes Of tha tondfaaciou* can . . . bs described by contrast with tbs conscious Ufa...
...Suzanne Lenglen, Qjueerrof the Lows Game, kept the Queen of England waiting for seventy minutes, to watch her play the other day, And then when she did arrive, Suxaafte had such a row with the officials that she collapsed...
...YeVsse, I'm what they call a self-educated sjnst and like all self-made men, I'm never pihhtished...
...We read it in our favorite saloon and for the life of tat we can't understand one sentence of it Aim it wasn't the fault of the Scotch either...
...Wet with the summsr fain, But few e' ye will live for tens...
...But why call hfm Triceratops, which its longer than "three-horn brute" and means nothing to the one hundred imilion and ten inhabitants of this country who should rule H, but don't...
...Ths stats could not even take over ths whole amount of medium and largs entsrprtass...
...He does...
...Lay ma low, Where tba wild flowers wo* tha tun...
...It Isn't necessary to be funny...
...I'm not hungry...
...McAMstar rnlsmts On Hearing a Dead Man Over-Praised He's dead, and an whs know Mm swsnr Haw seed he was, how ass, how stsunsK You'd never guess to hear thorn there rtlg sodden eye, Ms heavy pdsindb...
...Where day by day and hour by hear prosaic decisions srs to be taken which always give an opportunity for friction, it la simply impossible that tbs manager should hs tbs employe of those he manages, that be should be dependent for his position on their favor and their had temper.4* On ths other band, as Boa tried Webb brings out, a co-operative association of consumers, as In tbs Rochdale cooperative movement, tends oonstantty to broaden out and besoms more inclusive...
...Tbs history of ptudustlve co-operation, decisis* Bernstein, the* far, baa been a history of failure...
...Ton wOt sjteuss mar* He Is np before she answer* stands for a moment watching the bars, blank boughs stagger before tbs wind, turned to her and kisses her on tbe mouth Snd saovee toward the osatroosa...
...Heavens," he exclaimed, "my sickness has made me feeble-minded...
...it creates ttvtng agents snd not systems of thought Thus while conscious processes supply form arid permanence In our world, tmconscldu* processes supply growing vitality add change...
...Caught adrift tbe asms at me, an' my...
...But when I reach tbs Happy L«ad wbers Sal an* Baby've gone, I know tha goad Lord Osd'H say: "My ads, y«r fsst M But you're at home to Baavan now—doat hat* to mare no mors.** CsraMa Howsrd Haman...
...Minturn is reading the morning paper...
...I guess...
...So I go from one jawbreaker to the other, sad by the time I reach page eleven of some ojogy, I've read three thousand pages in Webster's dictionary, and instead of a working knowledge of the "ologies," I acquired a Perfectly useless vocabulary, for the more words a fellow knows, the less people can understand him...
...Now, don't you, friend wife...
...Ml hard to ', run...
...Yes, baby, I love you...
...Hs stands for a moment on ths long wet ptaasa...
...It is difficult to bars sn «»*•• dent organisation where ths norbins elect their own immediate officers and have tbs right to remove them...
...Brother TrachodOn looks as big as a house, but he wasn't big enough to break into the Dictionary in Webster's day...
...1 did not...
...Brung up in a orphan 'sylum—June tin November, Ary thing we just the same—so I skipped one day— The children goln' two by two—I run ths other way...
...Seed a man in through a Winder, Juicy steak acarvln...
...So you read it, eh...
...They could socialise at most those businesses which produce, or -which perform services, locally for that locality...
...Can't we build this spring...
...Tbs tendency-of an aseoristten of producers and setters Is "to sisiiuu exclusive snd in 41 vidua list to «nd to engage in sa intense hunt far srsflta...
...Next I meet up with "proterozoic...
...Where garbage ehekss .the sink and drain— New whin ths Hawthorne smalls as sweet...
...Hid me In a alley—Lord...
...You can't say I didn't warn you...
...I can so longer understand tbe English language.'* We are now on our way to Tamiment to tell, all the young folks how to make the world over...
...Tbs local authorities, too, ss connecting links, could not do so vary much...
...Friend wife Is vulgar...
...See Geology...
...He looks like a hairless kangaroo with a duck's bill for a snout...
...I "chuck Trachodon and grab at Triceratops...
...2. Representative Minturn drives, his own car to the office each, morning...
...Should Germany and the individual states wish to take over only tbe larger industries [this refers...
...Now that's better...
...He doss not answer, but he finds the rubbers and puts them on mechanically...
...If troublesome names...
...My motfieff Ko one knows...
...Save Minturn.** she plagues...
...Therefore, if Sir Oliver can persuade these English scientists to use the marvelously rich English language as a tool of their trade, I'd be much beholden to him...
...Meanwhile, the desire of the industrial working classes tor socialistic production Is for tbs ales* -airVatbf* a matter of assumption than of oertalaty...
...One of the first words I stumble on is Wheozoic...
...fl, aiming to probe at last into the essential dlstlhC...
...stab does not And man all intellect and consciousness, women an intuition and unconsciousness...
...You haven't eaten your bacon...
...Showing how it was psychologically necessary for man to make woman his inferior, because of his threefold dependence on her for nutrition, for sexual satisfaction, and to bear bis children...
...Shencreeps into his arms, snuggling under his coat like a playful kitten...
...That's his ball aringin' now...
...sfeT" Wsn, then after that...
...You're comfortable and happy, and your uncle needs you here...
...Farewell Lay ma law, my work la danei I am waary...
...aha admonishes...
...It's human .nature...
...gl do, and ^re, enough • here is the chart ftefaced by^this explanation: "According to the accompanying chart, geological history is divided into five great eras, the Archeozoic, Proterozoic, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and...
...So I ups an' I ambles on my ole tired feet...
...Maybe he wasn't in Noah's ark...
...and more power jp*#OU, Sir Oliver, but why pick on the bot'aattts alone...
...You haven't slipped into the lower pillsbury Jargon lately," she adds...
...I'm glad you got up...
...f took her to ths movies—an' we found a tittle flat...
...Furthermore, hitherto productive cooperatives hard split oh the rosfc of control...
...mm am...
...and U siunr^^a^ror «^hongbt waleb The "Bum" Sneaks All my life I been amovin' on— - Yes, dear Lord, Jus' amovin' on...
...Today he runs down slowly, that his thoughts may race back and forth round Agatha...
...Some wistful Impression, soma half-articulate wish, or fragment of an old dream figuring «, different, better universe emanates from that scene...
...You know what I said," he answers sternly...
...Whin tha balmy breeze* blow, Where the butterfly takes wing...
...We will now rise and sing- our favorite anthem: "God save our stupid King, Stupid as anything, God, what a King...
...Let's talk about something more important," she demanded...
...I don't want them and I won't have them" *T think sometimes, dear, that you S*t mors like a child every day...
...erefore, I'm willing to learn...
...too little mat In oonsusiers* on ovstaUsa na>dertaktaga...
...Bernstein adds that ths great increase to Socialist votes tndlsstss a steadily Increasing Interest In Socialism, although it cannot hs said ttiat an of tbs votes edsss from Socialists...
...Only the other day you told mo 1 had no sense of humor, and now you upbraid me for being funny- There la no pleasing friend wife...
...tion between men and women...
...Bo all my life sine* than I*vs Just been mevtu*, asevin* sa...
...she pouts...
...she flings oat...
...She does not believe man and women antagonistic but complementary...
...It would be Impossible to socialise all of these industries at once and to run them ofBclently...
...His voice is cold, no° bitterness nor resentment audible...
...dear," he says to bis wife...
...You have twice his ability...
...By the way," he states, "that definitive edition of Nietssche is coming out today...
...looking down tbe empty rain-, swept street...
...I thought you swore you would not read it...
...to the nineties of the last century], It would be a question, in industry and commerce together, declares Bernstein, of about a-hundred thousand businesses with five or six million employes, and, in agriculture, of over IO0.MO holdings with oner five million workers...
...As far as we know It la concrete in Its thinking and not abstract...
...If s In the blood...
...But no, Peterodactylus is so much shorter, sounds so much sweeter, is so much easier to pronounce, and anybody can spell it after seeing it once—with the exception of me and you and the other Hundred and ten millions who should rule this country, but don't...
...He thought the most atneuri subject could be discussed in plain jfcjguagi and appealed particularly to botanL ttham he called the most prolific coiners...
...I'll tell you what Rakov says: it's something like, 'Happiness knows not comfort, and has naught to do njith pleasure...
...You talk much better, and ydu should...
...But this group ,1s an extraordinary mixture of different groups, and the difference of occupation, education and social position has prevented any great spirit of solidarity from developing...
...But tbs was scared...
...Next I run into Peterodactylus...
...While concentration has taken place in many industries, still there are hundreds of thousands of separate business*;/ in existence...
...In case of a Socialist victory, ho concludes, it can be- taken for granted that "there would be no' question of an immediate taking over by" tbs stats of tbs total manufacture and distribution ot products...
...At them big tsars I thought I'd die, my heart did <**• much throbbln...
...him—Noah says nothing...
...Man is concerned with "conscious life," women with "unconscious life...
...We got a copy of the esteemed Nation the other day, to read a piece that caught our eye called "Alcohol and Amoressness...
...He Is somewhat mollified by the compliment...
...He goes back...
...As for the largs ntanufacturing and commercial businesses, ths communes would either have to leave them in the hands of ths former proprietors,, "or, if they wanted to expropriate these absolutely, they would "be obliged to give them over to associations of workman on some leasing condition...
...He does not feel quite satisfied with leaving Agatha thus...
...fff*** aDout "*e gco^op't8...
...It is late March...
...Anyone, especially a temperamental French maiden, is entitled to one good collapse after looking at the/ King...
...f« Let's see what Noah Webster has tb say about...
...I nigh was starvln...
...What abundance ot Judgment, practical knowledge, talent for administration, must a government or a national assembly have at its- disposal to be even equal .to the supreme management or managing control of such a gigantic organism...
...Injecting the first note of seriousness into their conversation...
...To by far the greatest number of them the socialisation ot agricultural production cannot be much more than empty words...
...I know there is no jrord like that, but .I'm sure it's more illuminating than the right one, whatever it is...
...How many times have I told you that I am vulgar, that I like to be, snd that secretly you like to have mo be...
...drawing awsy from him...
...I thought all privately printed books Were cheap," she explains...
...The committee rat bad about and finally found a manure ¦nreafasr which they trundled to the center of the field and on which they elevated Magnus...
...She rushes into' hit srms...
...I remember oncet I stayed in a grand hotel...
...As she corrects him her voice Is not nnklnd, only a little fatigued and a trifle Accusing...
...Here then is Mr...
...Hs speaks less confidently as It * thought-cloud bad floated down over tbs' sunlit Inner landscape...
...And If one considers only ths larger Industries, the task of socialisation he contends is a colossal one...
...My friends, I have been speaking nvpubUe for twenty years, but this is the first time I have ever spoken from a ftspubbcgn platform...
...Up and aat him for a slice—an' he give it to me, Wanted me to stay an' work, but—ths dear Lord love me...
...Archeozoic" means something like first age, ¦> earliest rock age...
...that Nietssche Will never fit in "here, Dan...
...And privately made gowns, dear," he counter* playfully...
...Did you get the building permit "T...
...r ¦ ' '. ' •torn the world and bittor oafd, Irhsema, painful to endurei * very whera a lava of gold, Nowhere pity far' tha poor, Bvaeywhare mistrust, dtagMJss...
...He waa speaking aeai farmers' picnic...
...Of course, I don't know what it means, lot perhaps Noah Webster does...

Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 24

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