Todd, Laurence

Rail Board Packed With Labor's Foes COOLIDGE HURTS CHANCES OF PEACE Ttfliinla I - ,. . -¦ aTrSk^Sa*}. TV UMVWi iww voBR man. tf^witl Ait urtlful By Laurence Todd RESPONSIBILITY for failure...

...B¦*, waving...
...nolo* tor apsahsr* and draft* ot spiiebss to adiUona of SMO...
...make Robots of tb* workers...
...ranks forming...
...jSandy, the manufacturer, wants his flbr man as Governor for fear lest f^Lsgreeable tax legislation may be ¦Sjlected...
...gold, green.' stripes sued' bars, letters and croesss...
...Even Freda Relcher, who had been sent to Colorado to recover her health, was forced Into the prison for 30 days...
...Hrit.aoata more money...
...These seats previously had gone Conservative by a majority of 4,500...
...While, keepins...
...Bociauat Party...
...The New York World said: "A ending has been written to the W**y of the poor boy who rose from masses, achieved leadership, re||Kved the acclaim of the people and Ifjoen great wealth...
...They, like, tbe .unions, expected a new set of man to-be chosen...
...It was strong enough to crowd east side streets With mourners last week When his funeral took place...
...However, before this, question emerged from Lbs stag* of discussion, com* inkling of it had reached the public, and th* Comasunlst party conceived tne Idas, of exploiting question of the referendum for a big propaganda effort...
...H< had an important c*m ha th* SuprdnM Court in Brooklyn at on* tuna wane be suddenly received a call from Canada to make a speech...
...circles and square a —every conceivable six*, colar, shape and form...
...AH the time, his comrades knew that his generosity deserved a much larger purse...
...V ;~r Astonishment ajd li^lsmattop^worp •born by rati labor^officlals^whan^tbn '»*» ' became public...
...The Germans and Austrlans were less able to understand Dutch and Flemish...
...London cited an instance which h< •aid wa* typical, of hi* brother...
...wa» maul...
...BUTTS, Mont...
...In Pennaiffaala, weans buying votes...
...It looks as it we should have, to come to a rigid and somewhat jnechaslcal resbdcUaa of the...
...Friendships Cemented "Sprechen Sie langsam...
...Tb* Bonnes...
...Jtjdfctlfi In...
...To loptrnre^ to, ptfifpjbilc generally tfcA eisaa, aai Srdkddd uPl the trade union jbbr^r»«%*#r^ . To provide a aJfTeifl^wfaitisB ground for woaaoa of air jrr»»n>i who Wish to ape the principles of desaocraoy applied In industry...
...Bread, butter, cheese,' marmalade and coffee for breakfast...
...Brookhart threw a fresh scare MPme Iowa conservatives by a SJMI about fixing, a 6 percent re•jnTtsr capital and letting labor'run MKry- Later, it developed that the Mpgont return limitation was meant Hatjr only to co-operatives...
...Tbto will Bv* oh...
...Friends of the - railroad, labor organisations-in the Senate win fix responsibility on Coohdg* ahd-bia big - business advisee, and will force him to withdraw the name* or else ¦ watt- to give them recess appointments...
...Polish, Bwabuy Ehtttrfi' -wWdr bletadM bate-s^inwilTaVltiMlsntlal iSHat MILWAU K8 sL—Ota man wan killed end two dshers Injured, when - a freight ehwetee -dropped' three fleers infee tfie 'Ivoeewi^ivte * John OavW...
...There were no false barriers of formal introduction...
...Of getting equal pay with men for equal work, the eight hour day, better standards of living, fun cituwnship for...
...Reveille at morning and night...
...Please *ia»emser that this milk graft went on ' fljPjJf that great friend of the peepul, '•¦•layor Hylan...
...znd Judge Jaea* f»aak*a of n*w Tark...
...T?>* authors of the r**hop'» Program ffdr social Justice) ought all to be put in Jail...
...He declined to follow the suggestions of the defense attorney...
...It Is true that London's Socialist comrades are not surprised...
...In reviewing his life jTcoaununists had ovary right to 2d out those points on which they Sr** wfth hlm- But **• tragedy at hi* flooth tbe overwhelming outgha-Jst of affection for him, above all, uqsi uomorl""* services to the labor Magnsnt which even Freiheit grudgsjgdr pfcpottbi Meyer London formerly wsgSerod to tbe labor movement, all mEStfjlip* the tone of Frelhett's ESSS...
...Easley docs not...
...The apMhlf* WB1 he' Lean Arkin, Joaeph Saarak, JM*ph Salerno, of tho Aaielan mail« ataui Workers...
...Kiw«| Bwfor...
...Not only the traditional- Mood red hue of Socialism, but purple, yellow, blue, orange...
...BERLIN.—There were' more - than «MC0 casualties, LSt4 ef whieb were 'fatst, in Prussian mines in VS% * 5,000 Young Socialists Weid Bond of Fraternity At First World Congress By Nellie S. Nearing AMSTERDAM...
...Jn r«llroad matters, and whoa* rota* aava isfidi larly been thrown to tie anti-lab* side...
...nd who used ata* chine tuna and militia companies...
...For the privlSof trifling with the health, if not life, of men, women and children '¦ It New York one agent has confessed Joying nearly $100,000 in graft money which apparently went to the asaint.aat ef a Health Commissioner whose ttestimony as to what he did not know about his own department entitles bim b» rank with the present AttorneyGeneral of the United States...
...Rabid unfairness, MgfoM- shown by tbe right or th« -EfhSsfi, 18 a tremendous stumbling jajSk...
...Safer* Business Started Th* washroom, if an* can use tjj term, was tb* seen* of today iiiilssjg •noouators...
...unseemly and untimely...
...ah* •emb!«d at a menttjorahJp BUMlag on Thursday...
...not likely, however, that tbo 41-hour weak In principle—to say nothing of practicewill ever ho secure ln any trade so long aa the unorganised workers In the textile industry, for Instance, have 'to' work from S4 to 6« hours to live...
...The camp is at Watergraafsmeer, on the outskirts of the town...
...The district Is in the territory of the Chamberlains...
...and payon the basis' or occupation and not on the biab of sex...
...But perseverance can accomplish wonders and the sign language helped out...
...He left something else...
...Fepulaoe greet* Visitor* Tb* Dutth oomrad** arranges On ally portrayed and ssplslnod By night, two bus* mssttoss to tb* town, on* in aa auditorium, and on* to *> stadium posting U.000 peopU...
...44 PICKETS ENTER CHICAGO JAIL InJunctioYi Judge Bitter Against Garment Strikers of 1924— Mothers in Prison Chicago...
...photographs, promising to write, and to maintain the connection'until the next conference...
...The judge did not want his'pound.of flesh to result in death...
...To Impose upon the German people, hard pressed -. under the harden of- reparations, such a -further -load, as is represented by the claims of (hp royal houses, .was too strong a dose even for the long-suffering German...
...Eager groups trying to say with their hands the words that theli tongues were unable to utter...
...To give a general Ida* of Una arduous task, we will only mention that the Social Democratic party, to addition to MO.OOO lists for signature ssd 10,000 accompanying letter* forwarded to to.*** envelope* to th* towns, eons*itu«s»i** and partohea, gtspatcbad for tmopastoada iiifusis to th* local sSSatuaSSS of the party gator' alia, Onywtt^Qtt *PuM*Mr^Wtall' oJuWfW^w* pOuVMCaB...
...Where repartee, debate and discussion were impossible, other substitutes were found...
...London put bis $50 'or $100 in It...
...For supper, again, ^^uyT^tad^'f^'t of'taOar^ ^f e*nxrsO»,1baro Were ha^£t'JE fd^ hungry oantyer*, kaatsJ WSi «»S mar^hedltohS M around nasi arimsnd the "ni^^l Th* Onstee was a soore...
...And there are Wiiijlj to receive...
...which he would deny to others...
...Cantarade, Genoese and Gene as in served to commence any conversation...
...Hhat is there to» vote for...
...Meyer London Jfd those things, with one exception, gfc • will bequeath everything to his fflow...
...They haara dlaMawililiibfl «roa»: •he aaasjsagtaajB apjibawaiafr aatbyj fs«a«b*>*li!^ I TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas iJTdWrjOlinfLVANIA politics are givajjsaasntr of proof—if any were \Mi...
...Bar it*** far Tan dan war* bsM IB to* Munteipal Court the day of th* dbsbbzwobji* ' ^bbjb9mm»jjp1bbbbjbsp <bjbssbbbb*s«tl *sbbz|bbv* sjnt.aa-y ^^Z^ainrbbabbb^^^ * ^jb^fjfdat -^bj^bzbbsdjbbz r*bj^^bt^p^bbp *?-^yy-fff~ ^wzatu^^l^^ ashree atjzbss^eibmbyr $96 A^ffit wwxm ^itsmbssbv mw "a^bssfj^ba tX9&^9m\^LVo mmA ataay*ba*5ai^ ** idattoe Hsary B. ¦ BElBsTlB BJ ^SMJM Michael flult Jndg* Fanhs* and m iwia*^J^SSt^^tmpaace to Faneua HaO toosorrew (jnao 3d...
...Th* two parti** had to despatch nato for signature and poster* to some 00,000 constituencies...
...Where the ~ ibday comes from is already clear...
...Nething could have been more pregnant w&h life had color' except the happy 'anilBsng young faces beneath them...
...diver, met death ' at -tfM s+tBsm-wf the' East River...
...Pi sap datat Coolidge «h*o they .called d* him...
...It isn't much use to feel a .raitaous disgust at this Pennsylvania, bjferipance unless you are willing to JSt to put some reality Into politics, 'IM the only way that can be done is li Work for a strong and Intelligent ;V...
...Bars, ^„ But the spirit engendered...
...This victory, following another on* a few week* ago, vorauao the sr*fd* tion of Th* New tVAadsr that Fi Senior Baldwin's party would suffer political row** bocauoe of hi* tank an ptodgo regarding, the eettlement at th* sumoral strik...
...The revolution' omitted to simply confiscate -the - possessions of the ruling houses, as was dene by the Austrian Republic with the Hapsburgs...
...women and better living conditions for working...
...His reckless vilification of British labor led Warren & Stone and President Timothy Healy of the Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen to resign from his Civic Federation...
...banners wars dtoptoyod from has* droda of window*, while crowd* ST eager naMoksr* lined up slang tba curb* bo efcoer aa aa we passed, faawaj Stood-By* Tb* tost Bar wa* io**rv*a for a boat ride up -to Alkmaar, where one can so* a bit of old Holland...
...The boy* stripped, and waahed from th* waist up aad tad knees Sown...
...tf^witl Ait urtlful By Laurence Todd RESPONSIBILITY for failure «T AM shachinery tor industrial pdac* ib UM imOraai< w^rifjn likely to foltow th* appoimtnmt nCaff anti-saber majority of .the flsllreaii Board of Mediation by Plrtlwt Ooollags hr laid, sqnareiy...
...Wlnslow, Morrow and Hanger cannot be .confirmed .in...
...Hows and rows of spigots emptied their contents Into a kind «t trough...
...fblfj 1 n 1 of veto selling PR^5Iw3la* m, iPPawbetng' a watcher In Pennsyl~MJ^k'iaa.y plausibly advance the ex'"dip that about all his vote is worth n)lawjlia\t he can get for it In the open ¦adast...
...Social Work departments of most >f the other churches, and denounced th* Beets} -Action Departuitat of thw rfJMIiiiial SBIbaJk Welfare Conference br...
...9E| and hit cohorts-make their llvCdd aat of politics...
...Spaded—that popular primaries aara«atb) themselves any sure ours ajjfcs9f ODITUption...
...Two were excused at the last moment by Sullivan, one because she was in advanced pregnancy and the othei* because Of critical' illness...
...industrial situation so rotten that Honorable Frank P. Walsh, former chairman ot the National Industrial Conference Board, denounced It as the worst he bad ever heard of In all his experience...
...five years...
...Bach tba* that wo marched through tb* town, te fact, wo wore aeoorSatt a reception that indicated the dlipapt aad moat wlsdsproad interest BetV...
...f .[ . The International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union...
...What has already been retailed of the milk scandals under our 3ut city administration will keep us 9m Torkers humble...
...The Flemish and the Dutch could understand the German of the Germans and Austrlans when they spoke slowly...
...Agnes Nestor of Chicago, anothej...
...And that...
...But short of that, he was Inexorable...
...tbirtoon inn*fti*ild aoham— for various kind* of soisphtois...
...kialtot movement of jka/Unlted fctataa...
...Notbtaf kdt but tb* empty tents, desolate add bar...
...The "legit^mata" agaipaign expenditures in...
...A husky young chap who Is soaping his feet, beside a piquante damsel brushing' her teeth, needs no words to make himself understood...
...Incidentally, Easley's pamphlet, "Free Speech a Nuisance," is so un-American that it might well have been written by some of his royalist friends from cxarist Russia...
...H* dropped the case entirely and hurried to Canada, paying his fare both way* anc refusing 'payment .for the speech...
...and Freundschaft, with firm and steady steps, they march in even ranks from the station to their camp...
...Maud Swfertx of New York, national president, is from the Typographical Union...
...Three times a day, at seven in the morning, at one o'clock, and in the evening (any time from . six to eleven, depending'' on the day's activities) the volunteer service guards served out rations from wheelbarrows and from fifty-gallon milk cans,' six tents to each' squad...
...Then the ruling princes initiated actions before the ordinary courts, claiming as their own property' the castles, forests and domains, etc...
...Eos*, of the list of these nomas Sean overwhelming majority of _W realtors, lawyers nnd bust^ffglaB...
...They had violated his extreme writs against picketing in the 1934 dressmakers' strike and had now exhausted the last legal resources against serving the 10 to SO days And paying the $109 to $360 fines imposed on them for contempt...
...Some of tb* •ampsrs ^tafiud a mock funeral to, One whs had *ttf*Jl**dly tWlggsj toa o?^ S$S^^JS!mfo1So 2 Plained...
...Easley brands as '"socialistic" and "bolshevistic,1" and anyone wbo advocates them is a "dangerous red...
...The monarchy lies shattered on the ground...
...At the end of an hour, a hundred acquaintances were made...
...A veritable town, laid out over night as It were, with inhabitants ready provided...
...let no Pennsylvanian think that I a»a New Yorker "feel any particular *ffMa In the moral superiority of my .asm city...
...S. Steel Corporation marked "Confidential—Not To Be Published," which tear the mask from this fake "friend of Ubor" so that honest-minded labor leaders can no longer associate In' bis company' ) The marvel to us Is that Easley has been able to deceive the labor movement as long as he has...
...Meyer's brother, explained to reporters who expt«*»*< surprise at th* Socialist leader's amal Mtiti: "He had been accustomed M contributing a large p»rt_ of hi* lnoomi to th* Socialist Party.* to charity ant to various Socialist enterprises," saU London...
...Wo mourn taw loM of* loyal comrad...
...Even Taft Quit Every ardent •..worker for World peace, from ' Jane Addams to Bishop Brent, has been defamed by Easley as "unpatriotic" er . "bolshevistic...
...labor is virtually unrepaHggfd...
...woadins tto way back into oamp at two o'clock to the morulas...
...The twenty-two princes of the Reich ad* vanced a claim of roughly 2.5eo,eoo(006 gold marks at 2IJ cents apiece...
...Interested to learn that 472 men and women are LjLatve policies on a seven-point pro¦T...
...So the erstwhile pickets proceeded to the county jail, seven a week ago, twenty last Saturday, Ave on Monday, and so on...
...The following article by a leading Ger. man Socialist gives the details of the fight and shows' that technicalities may-delay-the decision at the ballot box for quite a long while.] The first attempt to bring about by a vote of the people a decision on s particular legal point, according to the Constitution of the German Republic, has in its preligihiary stage led t° * brlUlantfsuccess for the initiators...
...A greeting from the Dutch hosts and a reply in German, the language most universally understood...
...Herbert M. MarriU...
...doctor or artist...
...Several German states Car* the lassie in costly legal action...
...then, all...
...To develop leadership' among the women workers...
...The* ¦aid they would 'not promote the oastf dldacy of anyone far the Board, ft Mediation, but they would- protest th* carrying over ef-any of the ia«n *M bad made the old board at failure...
...group after group smrsbtog away...
...Not even the* liberal churchmen have •scaped Easley"s malicious tongue...
...John A. Snap, ef that body, on* of labor'* ¦toUBchsez friends, rejoined by labeling S*nt*j aa la tortuous (retainer of plutocracy"—a fitting epithet for the tralr tar t* labor who had hi* secret agent "investigate" th* ministers preparing the Interchurch Federation report, on the Steel Strike and then sent his agent's distorted report to Judge Gary...
...Lists of a few simple rules...
...state •aeretary...
...All, to the number of 44, Including several men, are a sacrifice to the majesty of the injunction in industrial disputes decreed by Judge Denis Sullivan...
...tb* third morning UgA ao cold t didn't look st any ana...
...It was agreed between tit* Communists add th* social Democratic party that each party should carry on it* agitation independently, and that th* axptaaee ot th* procedure would bo met equally between th* parties...
...Th* castles and Other buildings would bo used for purposes of general welfare, culture and education, especially for *onval«*c*nt and children's homo...
...Even BJBh speech showed that CoL BrookBHl moving along, but It's about ¦jflfthat our Midwestern progressive MJgds sbould stop airing individual ¦¦Mas and line up for a real labor Sjtf with a well thought out phifcflpby- Wall Street may be annoyed |(f**paBs for subsidies to farmers like On subslales it Itself enjoys...
...The question at issue was whether for the first time the attempt should be mad* to snow the people to express their will by * veto...
...5 English, 4 Russians, Swedes...
...Other mothers are separated from their Infants, wives from sick husbands, girls from the families they belp support...
...Th* national office of th* Socialist Party appointed Morris HHlquit to represent the party' at th* funeral ef stayer London...
...all over...
...The writer chanced to be asked to help then* Paaaaic strikers when they presented their case to members of the U. S. Seriate and to the Secretary of Labor...
...Practically none of the 1 usual irksome formalities to attend to...
...Such an, a resting army of banners...
...all that time found hint alway* true to th* cor* and with tba ring and gleam of par* gold...
...JKdefinement of hypocrisy in PennSJdnla Is that you don't buy votes, atmply hire as many watchers as <&r alush fund permits...
...He scorned the plea of Jane Addams and other social workers who pointed out the Just demands of their families'upon the women who had displeased him more than two years ago...
...But it pnSB*t lose much sleep so long as ahmfttent confines itself to occasional W}<w ilin within oue or another Of the _ )t If good that the long and bitterly sought farriers' strike in New York City sheW kave ended on - term* which the workoio Who fought so courageously regard as satisfactory...
...I air hiring...
...Yet these long-suffering textile strikers committed no act of violence, were ready and willing to negotiate with thelr_ employers, and agreed with, tbe Secretary of Labor to go back to work Immediately If their bosses would' but agree with their union to pay them a living wage...
...But I do say that any man who stains his Hps with such slimy - slander* of a group of starving workers striking for a living wage as those uttered by this man Easley is no longer fit for the friendship or even- the distant respect of those who are fighting the battles of labor...
...unemployment biit aa a way of escape from long rushed hours •ft the 'machine whisk tend to...
...a *o*>-in-law of th* hit* Marquis* of Cursen, who will oppose NorUto Chamberlain in that district at th* next general election, campaigned in th* municipal by-election appealing to the electorate to vote for Labor as a protest against gOvCraxaOnt methods kt th* general strike...
...Labor la not -JdlRairMy and effectively In politics...
...While denying that he is opposed to child labor legislation,' Mr...
...The returns would be utilised for the unemployed, tor those wounded or loft dependent by the war, for people dependant on email pension* or incomes, for Impoverished victims, of the inflation, for handworkers, small holders and small farmers, and tor th* creation of **tUem*at* on th* confiscated land...
...Socialist Party: "Local Philadelphia, Socialist party, I* profoundly shocked and grtovad to learn of th* untimely death of *ur beloved comrade, Meyer london, "Comrade London will alway* ba astd in respectful memory from his useful and devoted services M tba So...
...whtli some of it wa* given to needy Individual* and to a number of organ!— ¦ tion* which appealed to htm front time to time for fund...
...According to too German Constitution, righto - of private property remain Intact.'- Before these sBiddJeclaas courts they were abks sussses fully to show that, the posssaelons claimed by them- were their own private . property,-' even though, historical proof might he brought forward that the -origin of seme of their capital cduld.be traced to the naW of Oernxan subjects aa cannon fodder to foreign rulers...
...The joy of something achieved when at last an idea was successfully expressed in one language or two or three...
...German people have declared by a huge vote for a referendum en' the ques. tlon . of confiscating property, claimed by the ex-Kaiser and the other former royal families...
...st Oxdles* to*ta- %> on* was MllnW *xr,-*3 What it...
...Fresh sir...
...Sign Language Called to Use For five days we sang and talked, and marched, and met, we ate, and slept,' and -dressed, and washed together, on this far away camping ground, where only half of the S.000 were on their native soil...
...We are, however...
...Rose SchneMerman of New York, vicepresident, is from the Cloth Hat and Cap...
...n«v wan ted a now and ci«aa> Start...
...Staging, feto dsmotaaj, pageants i igris—I lag the old ideal* ot war and ttov newer ktoato of peas*, brotherhood and intarnaUonaliam...
...Called Free Speech "Nuisance" Equally unconscionable are Easley's vituperations' against tbe American Civil Liberties Union, whose director he falsely brands aa a communist because he dares to defend" poor foreign worklngmen deprived of their constitutional liberties...
...W. • Tat Chut*, vice-president and legislative reprs* •entatiya of the Otto of Railway...
...Bath tb* economic and pollUeal movemenu ot the working class will ba the poorer for th* load ot thl* able and,devbted comrade who stood far so many years ilk* a rack of Gibraltar la the Congrea* of th* United BUM* aa thoir champion and *pnk paPMM It •as Auer Bach, I Mliara, who said that th* deeds of th* great who b*V* been among us are Ilk* stream* of fragrance tbat float away through time and •pace, and th* memory of Mayer London win endure as a glorious and fragrant expectance in the hearts and minds at his comrades...
...We hare Just seen some interesting letters between Easley and the chief publicity agent for the 17...
...French, CTennsn...
...universal fsrewclls and pr*aua*e to write...
...But even the at out eat aad boldest spirits pled guilty of fatigue after the two aad one-half hour walk on the *and dun**, aad war* glad to curt up oa tb* soft straw te their tents sad live it all ov*r again in dreamland Oa TfsilasedSj morning a revfltoat S a. ss...
...A blanket to each person...
...Horace London...
...Easley's right to bold such brutal anti-labor opinions If be wants to...
...every progressive person, and principle la tbo labor movement that did not have official protection...
...Then marching, stngingr and still' more-speaking, until the meeting broke up, and transformed itself Into small groups...
...To encourage self government in the' workshop...
...ssB two sdiuoas of about tSMot special number* of two jtwBJgss Th* Communist* had to snost a sBSOar OUotrlbsrUoo, Tbis ha* gnbt* S***y dBMSg ss tba party-t r*-' ^•^(ru»awW"W*t*»Wngs»^u^*yt, ^pw4^*aV ^^i-.''w(gy.^^P^iB^ . voluntary effort by mean* of extraordinary subscriptions and by collection...
...It moans sit act of faith in the Republic...
...They must despatch to the various constituencies the announcements to be posted In public, together with lists for signature...
...Young folks frasn twelve different countries of Europe had made of themselves an Integral unit ready for action...
...Morrow «r Kentucky, lame.du<*.of flaf HailroeA Ubor Board, lor jtolvdejjg the W*tt* How 'las undecided b...
...against strikers in Covington and tb Kentucky coal- fields before be wjf appelated to the Bain-pad Labor Basse), He has appointed Hanger, who la jf) professional Job Jtoatar...
...COmbW W«sT tired fast, created appetites skat asked no questions and mads' as eemnlaint...
...A* og£ boy explained to . me: ~? "Th* firat morning I atayed thsrMC hart hour, there was so much to jK The second day I only noticed a fOSMf the pretty on...
...Son's death has Just com* to our attention and we ar* Inexpressibly prlaved over th* tragic calamity that robs us of this splendid BMa*a*VJ and leader in th* prim* of at* brtniaat power...
...Knapsacks were speedily depomltei, end the real business of learning to know one another began...
...But th* executive of the Socialist party at gam* took the toad and knotty with ah* CUmmojilst party brought before government * motion, tor th* holding of a isfsisngani In tba Constttuttos It la provided the* the referendum abaU be preceded by * *y*llr*Jii»u public demand- This portion- of the task ha* ' *BB fc»ttamttos of thru HmtugSj S*> nMnto to oat scans by a r*|u**t, Bkr psi—isafi...
...Lusty, happy voices were atadtos evsr wits*, out r assail on...
...sHasrUbwW**-,^i\\iw-iy 'iMfY#fie wer* kitted and ' Iffy ' vieewhded Ifi an M^^tt' asii'i - ¦ - A* ¦ i a ah t * tL ¦ •»^^^p*arit wssjn •^^•rvyesi wnm timtmi ifi ,s ' ' i " rs& ¦ ' ------ - rMpsssren ¦ s m - Tensory nssor '-Sldasifcidjbs- i<u «j a...
...It Is, of course, self-evident Sr^e men to solve ourvhousing LSgn are those most closely conLi With the business of land specJt_ money lending,' etc., which Shousing so dear...
...1 At the office of Alfred Then, gad* oral conaasl for the1Association «t Railway grecwhUsa, whoso .maJorMy has.backed the Watson-Parker laajajS tkm, the statement -was mafie thnf tain •election* cunt "ii a. iiw«|is»ii aan...
...en the road to a co-operative BBJBheawealLb...
...aa>iali4>iwbrlaBj t#»# rcfiulattisn SaVtlJi lu9*M brVaniNaV: ¦IflnaHrbjaaa yd Jsnatlai asoard...
...interest—directly or indirectly—in the National Women's Trade Union League which is to bold Its tenth biennial convention here, beginning June 28...
...and capital...
...except cash di hand or the prospect of some job jf favor from one of the boys you put hlefflce...
...Incidentally, this false "friend &t labor" is so considerate of starving little children that he bitterly attacked the Quakers and' ruch men...
...Emery has Insisted that the measure would lead to a wage Increase, and this wage boost would force manufacturers to raise wage* in their turn...
...At too head of the tribunal da has pat the man, who, as...
...If the Senate confirmed these selections,' the majority of the board would Unhesitatingly use Its power*-to"defeat the brotherhoods* demands...
...Oyer 1,000 Germans, 150 Austrlans, nearly 100 Belgians, 45 Ciechs, 10 French...
...head of the Kansas City league and official hostess of the convention, is a member ot "the Waitresses' Union...
...Th« remjr is a partial victory for tbe 40I^JEpjJjJT *letory bought, bowh^ta^ln^Adt^HidajTty ant subordinate, right nnd a*ft WhMC poUUgs to Che good of the union an a wkspflL fit*** other demand* mat lV^sooUlSjhMre dat* bo won without perhaps, so nreaaand for a*4^|«hs weak jf^s*JStt fled not only ag a maens of ovarepmr tag boo son...
...rail laby leader declared, is the meat aa*Matf| who oould bo foemd (a the wheat oouatry—Whitlow, ex-chairman of td* committee that treated rad labor «3 years wfth open ooutonief...
...George Lansbury (known ah "the beat loved man in England"), a "Bolshevik and a.' grafter...
...Meals to be served in front of each tent...
...T "Hi* mimiry win a* gaaliiinii la th* hearts of those with whom ha fought shoulder te shoulder and will b* rapuMParad a* one of those who gave bjrtl to ta* Union* la th* no**)* Industry...
...i One heard these phrases again and again...
...former eheirmaa of tan bill and than.- f»i^ .fsy-^aWK «M» t...
...The biggest task of American labor Just now is the organisation of tbo unorganised- That's why it is so important that every help anon Id be given to the Passaic strikers...
...Mellon, for the Eja&e of bis prestige, wants his own ISrfi for Senator in Washington...
...Part of Meyer London'* Income went to help strikers, his brother aajd...
...a, state lilte r Jbsnaylvanla may be great.' But It ' hi 4aite apparent that the bulk of the ..sasaey has gone for the illegitimate Jarmg ef watchers...
...Assurances that the union organisation is* continuing against the employers the campaign for which the girls had'defled Denny Sullivan fortified . their spirit...
...Who can do g-asB for the people as those who _foW th*nl *° mucn ln the paotT ^ejejl Is the use of professing en .^_osf fet the united front and then M *** *ort ot ar^clcs that aPaaf la the Freihelt on the death of jKldodon...
...Meyer London Left Only $4,000 Iffaime Sacrifice and Service Without Financial Reward Revealed in Filing of Will—Praise of Socialist Continues to Pour in »EYER LONDON'S life of service to the workers and their laboi organizations netted him...
...I do not .question Mr...
...Still, not everything...
...Th* two brothers, Sir Austin and Neville, hav* seats in th* Cabinet *ndj»«v* run Birmingham just aa tba 1st* Senator Fenrose used to dominate PennsylvaniaOswald Moaley...
...Then the initiating parties are bound to carry through at their own expense the procedure of tlfe preliminary demand...
...thoedoto Dabs said: "Tba shocking new* of Meyer Led...
...Th* German branch of -the Socialist party adopted the following resolution: "To the family of Comrade Mayer London:—The German Fad*ration of th* Socialist party U it* meeting ef June 11, 1*26, expresses the slneerest condolence* at this, j our ssd bereavement In tb* IOM Ot rfur husband ahd tether and our trad tetrad* add iMdtr...
...Sarah- Qreen...
...snbtob sap to b...
...th* Banna* at**M6a****f...
...Hilarious bursts of laughter and happy smiles did as much to cement the friendships as hours'of formal conversation could have done...
...Even th* police who escorted uO chatted in a friendly manner all along the Una, and joined frequently te tb* singing...
...appointed Samuel ML Wtnslow...
...Oeerge b bjaojsi win araaMna, Msrria BehwarU *&d Marx Bthwatd, *f tba riddlah Aft Theatre, wtM read sMsfto* ot M*y*r London, and BUaarVroa wilt chant a hymn of mourning...
...With crimson banners floating high, with lusty young voices shouting "Hell...
...We have b**u in poraonal touch witt him for tally thirty years snd during...
...HI* cases were mostly ot two sorts," hid former partner, Benjamin Chess, said, "—wage cases and injunctions...
...The National Women's Trade Union LCaghs'ia a1 federation of trade union* with women members and of Individuals who accept the league* phttfbrtni Its aatnounead...
...EVERY woman who has a job has a share of...
...Cuum^rtt shoulders by railroad labor sftnsnssd^aj tn WasWasrton...
...hasty preparation for dopartur...
...the Chicago Federation ot Labor and the Illinois State Federation of r«abor arc continuing their efforts to obtain the release of the pickets.- The families'of the victims are being cared for by their union...
...Labor won with a majority of more than 140...
...Flowers from the union heartened the prisoners...
...WaHer Dcrneuwtkss...
...As a lawyer, he would be regarded by the ordinary rim of legal practioners as "a nut...
...On the second day one saw them everywhere exchange insignia, addresses...
...t*w_—lowshlp and brotherly love and eBsstton, the atrirmatidn of common kkaab aad nope* fpr the betterment of mankind...
...Easley has adroitly appointed committees of reactionaries to "study" the child labor problem, which committees whitewashed the child-slaving mill owners of the South, and Easley himself assisted by maligning Owen Xovejoy.'tbe great-hearted father'of the child labor amendment to the Constitution...
...To insure the protection of the y o<Jrta*gtH* Hf-tb^ eaforta for better working eindiaoidi and a ttvfng wag...
...Mow York, soldi "i fa*i that I am x eysaanfla«T tba ananlmouz **ntlm*nt of our movement when X aay that Meyer London typiled for u* the realisation of aa Meal of what a thoroughgoing and eon¦latent Soctellst should b*—a maa of brain*, oratorical power, untmpaachible integrity and sound Judgment...
...tS hurried through as fast as I could.* But a mors wholesome basis tor food comradeship undoubtedly resulted and helped to tfroak down some ot the fodUsh barrier* and false asdaaty from which th* girls ars iisosJTj tb* due* to suffer...
...Meyer London...
...ICia* awJa .. • - r ¦'¦ . /•> ¦ • * LOtfOON...
...The Soauutt party aad tan entire working claa* have lost a av>*t able champion and a true comrad* U th* •udden death'of Meyer London...
...the remaining period of the/ present session of Congress...
...By bis selections for th* board, Coolidge appears to have undertaken to block any wage movement in the railroad industry, and, thereby to prevent a betterment ef wage levels In the manufacturing.Industrie...
...Norwegians and two Americans unofficial, but cordially welcomed...
...fii reward, the sum of 14,000...
...He would work night and day and find time to advise with the rest of u»'in thl* office about other ***** And when it came to fee*, be wouk charge only a -third or a fourth of Uv usual sum...
...The draft for the referendum provides tor confiscation of the whole possessions of the royal houses without any compensation...
...Easley defamed the late Senator La {¦toilette and the Progressive Party...
...ASIXTEEN - YEAR - OLD invalid, requiring constant skilled attention from her mother, is being, left* with three other children to the mercy of strange hands while her mother spends 45 days in the Cook county (Chicago) jail.' The child will be a permanent cripple unless given the greatest care...
...the •*r»«,his wili< in which his widow ^oaaghter are made the beneflciay/saled this week, -"'•nobu's accumulation of such a ¦•all' amount of money, when it is jNsatbered that for more than 20 he was a brilliant and much JJW»l»t-for lawyer, presented another *9r* Of the generous nature of the SoiP"kuSt whose passing was mourned by 3PMP8 persons last week...
...Almost a thousand tents arranged in streets and cross streets, with an open square In the middle...
...A high tribune served to make the •peakera visible to all...
...We refer to Ralph M. Easley, creator, director and chief salary-grabber- ot the National Civic Federation, which has long Imposed on the labor movement as a means of "reconciling" the difference between capital and labon The International Association of Machinists, the United Mine Workers and other aggressive labor unions forbid any of their officers to be connected with Mr.' Easley's Civic Federation, and the late President "Warren S. Stone resigned from It in disgust some months before his death...
...The Hollanders had everything prepared In admirable order...
...as ' Captain Paxton Hibben for daring to carry on child relief work la Russia during the famine...
...a bath in the Buyd*r Baa, tne return boat ride aad moonlight watk back to the camp terminated aa Stoats*, perfect day...
...In the "Confidential—Not To Be Published" letters he recently sent to Mr...
...The convention will take Up the old problem...
...Would Shoot Strikers And yet this man Easley, in his letter t* Ivy Lee, dated April 1, 1926, regrets that we have no Mussolini over her* to deal with people like ithese Passaic strike loader*, *ino* "Under our form of government, If we one* let them >R» we could net shoot them at sight nor best thorn up as they - might deserve, nor even feed them ca*tor oil...
...Paries lentement...
...He heard them tell of starvation wages ($12 to 81* a week for night work in civilized America), inhuman treatment by their employer*, th* denial of their - c»nstltutW>nal right, .and ruthless attack* on their peaceful meeting* by violent policemen—an...
...Equal Pay for Equal Work Demand to Occupy Attention of Delegates Kansas City, Ma...
...Neither **¦ it given evidence of Jany con•Ptatons constructive policy of social ••"•on...
...Rail Board Packed With Labor's Foes COOLIDGE HURTS CHANCES OF PEACE Ttfliinla I - ,. . -¦ aTrSk^Sa...
...after the passage of the Wataon...
...A torcbBBkt prnosorlou through th* sUspU of Am« stardam...
...Situation Is CHiieel .' Tbe situation created by Cooltdge's affront to railroad -labor is critical, since the wage movement of the train service brotherhoods Is advanced to a point where the Board of Mediation i* soon to be obliged to attempt a settlement of the dispute...
...But the food was plentiful, and » WSS but...
...htouaat by a political, party representing at least 100,000 voters...
...The hat was never passed at a Socialist meeting but that Meyer...
...In view of'the differing conditions in the various provinces, had toft to the latter "the settlement of this question...
...Business interests iasj mr'*~"*' ~ society can bny and haaiaoJale the electorate scarcely leas ^y&bjatly than a political convention...
...In this are Included.' landed and forest property of 600,000 hectares, about lrl mansions, industrial, and agricultural rights to the .value ot 200.000,000, yearly .pensions to the ex-ruling princes of 164.000,0*0, art treasures, gold and silver ornaments to the value of 500,000,000...
...BSgplI more than good manners LggJ jgwived...
...No one who knew Meyer LonPP*»" will be surprised to learn that I***] thing' was personal pwpwty valued at 14,000...
...HnhasM>polnted fonaar'ftov...
...Indeed, Easley actually stooped to calling the great British labor journalist and member of Parliament...
...REICH VOTES ON EXPROPRIATING ROYALITY Socialists Would Give Wejdth of Ex-Ruler* . to the Nee<iy Masses a By George Schmidt [As the readers' of the Hew . Leader, are aware, the...
...But ft was not a weary way...
...twean tiro'claiiainut ' "* Lak*r m >^tonish*d...
...Quarters were assigned In an Incredibly short space of time...
...Message* of condolence to Mr...
...So much for tb* detail* of eusb life...
...The Constituent Assembly in Germany...
...t leader of wisdom pad ability and desire to express to his botodvsd family •our BBMBfd ns*p*M| I* mMi tims *r ¦orrow...
...Mayor Walker's admlnistraUoa has produced no scandal...
...A want through th* wood* And sand foatoaft* Bergen on-tb* Boo...
...These great social, protections for the workers Mr...
...M*.—Four men were killed in an cnatooion of powder in m gelatin* oartrMg* peeking hones...
...B> the insolent claims of the royal house* wide sections of the' German nation were so stirred that < they manifest ad their will in vast numbers, to the dismay of our opponents.and beyond the highest expectation ot our party...
...Even such a strong American union as the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, which owns .three- large tabor banks, 1* damned by Easley as "bolshevistic" because of Its progressive principles...
...within the-good grass of the hate Bed almost...
...A ¦ mash, of chopped meat, .potatoes and green vegetables for dinner, . It ma> - sound rather basby, but endless, demaiiias for more showed that It was appreciated: Plates were promptly washed "«nd mads ready for the desert, a mixture of rice, sugar and milk...
...The first formal meeting was held after »upper-*ln the open square...
...To secure" fqr>gM« sbd women equal opportunity wltfi boys and men in trades .tn techn^cEr tralnlag...
...engraved ea tb* heart* aad the Uvea of each, on* who formed a part of the First Tnternational Touth Coagrcas at Anwtot* dam...
...They were accompanied to the gates by their staunch union friends, hundreds of them cheering them for their loyalty to the International Ladies' Garment Workers'Union, which they had placed above the sanctity of Judge-made law...
...So they pay...
...The eld parties see to it that . fbdra are- no real issues...
...I believe In the sanctity of the Bill of Rights in the American Coastltution, even if Mr...
...Ivy L. Lee (some-, times called "Poison Ivy" because of the astute sntl-unlon propaganda he has ably turned out for such big openshop employers as the Steel Trust and Standard Oil), Easley wantonly slanders the noble men and women <yho are leading the heroic Passaic textile strikers to victory- After calling these leaders communists (many of them are no more'communists than Is the man m the moon), Easley adds this vile falsehood: "These Reds are not after higher wages and better conditions, but they want to take over the factories in regular Moscow style...
...Joan IS, aaflr*** oar deepest *ymp*lJflfat th* great teas of Brother MeaBFLondea...
...big figure among labor women, it from the Glove Makers, But the things they work for include the thtnssi which affect OQually the pampered secretary of a corporation president, thm head of g worn**'*, department ln: a big bank, the wtaaan lawyer or...
...It la...
...and I want him to Have the freedom of apeech...
...They began ' with the •Tnternatloaale...
...Investment at home and abroad amounting to 100,000,000...
...CoiaaiaMata )i» a*** dross wars r • feature of the as sand roped a sail Tho dawl»t Charao d'AdWiroa, M. Wosajekwy and Mb) daat ii'mlay, at ¦aasweloV...
...Three miners trspsod by a eave-lr> an th* 1J00feet Uvel *f th* West Celuoa •soosto mtns* BRITISH SECTORS GIVE LABOR NEW VICTORIES IN LOCAL CONTESTS -There was a municipal by rtocttou in the Lady wood division of Birmingham recently...
...Five thousand strong, they are marching through the street and along the canals of this quaintest and cleanest of cities...
...wao killed wVfcsfJI fat #s*u*%# In t^0i%i%Ck Js»jtll 4...
...London and expressions of London's itreai service tb labor continued to pour lr this week...
...Conductor*, dr^lared.' £hj»t the rsjS labor, executive* had MSadajid...
...He has openly opposed social insurance, old age pensions, the minimum wage, unemployment Insurance, and even co-operative ownership...
...taf jj» ^¦irinrfff at this mm mtt labor tribunal, at Iirm.a yds* ft...
...Basins war* provided, but th* majority preferred to wash undue, running water...
...The French fraternlied with the Belgians, the Poles with ¦ the Caechs...
...Then followed.the ^Red.Flajg," and the "Song of the Young Guards...
...THE Socialist youth- of Europe' is reuniting at Amsterdam for its first international conference...
...Thl* resolution was passed by Local Philadelphia...
...The executive of the Snalal* Ttswiii exatic partjrv mvenUgated the jpaabhiBf thoroughly and laid it before a largo meeting of party officers...
...Divorce cases, bankruptcy, anything with the slightest unsavory touch, be would not handle...
...He las attacked the Methodist Federation ror...
...The last nail In Easley's coffin as a fake "friend of labor" has just been driven by himself...
...la the face of this frank -atatenwta) Coolidge baa named Morrow, who baa been bitterly anti-labor as * laslsThjd of the old board...
...Ten to a tent, with one commandant for each...
...This, th* graaUst political effort achieved by the Oerman people over th* preliminary demand, testifies at bom* and abroad the good republican •pint prevailing amongst wide classes of the Oerman people...
...including housing and taxation...
...Though important in themselves, la S bigger sense they served merely as S background for tba ssrious bakW nesa of the conference...
...So Insulting were his tirades against advocates of peace that Chief Justice Toft and former Secretary of Commerce Redfleld resigned from his Civic Federation in protest...
...Please speak slowly...
...Back of Coolidge in hi* stacking of the board'against labor and a higher wage level is James M. Emery, lobbyist in Washington for the National Association of Manufacturers, who has fought this legislation from the start...
...Blegef and Hand Eat* broid*r*rs' Union adopted tad fallowing resolution: V "WA...
...Although h* had a largo tea practice, much ef the work waa dont for nothing and his income was not a* Urge ss w*s generally supposed...
...of ta* latprnational Ladehr Garment Workoa...
...It these men take-up the rail wag* ana* Won under' tWjefeud *f^fnabBtir irWcure conflrmaflferi of' their own appointment, there will be no rait'labor PM—• - On Their knees...
...A ease involving a worklngman's $18 wage was just as important to him as an injunction suit affecting $0,000 persons...
...To secure the- representation of women on Industrial trlbunahr and puMic boapojs-a^d aojaaejaataaa...
...The pious '. jfljjgab It appears, adopts the same ^¦jkads as Vare, the ward politician...
...Parker rafl labor disputes bin, th*)* they war* opposed to the selection of nr members of the adoss<ad.BnBroaW| Labor Board to the new board...
...amount of money that may legally lis spent in the primaries...
...Please (xtend our heartfelt sympathy to th* family and bereaved comrade*," Willam M. Henry,-national executive sac* mttry, Mid to a letter to HlltealL EASLEY SORRY HE CANT SHOOT STRIKERS "Tortuous Retainer of Plutocracy" Sight for a Mussolini to Kill Textile Workers By Albert F. Coyle Editor, Locomotive Engineer* Journal WITH respect to one traitor to the cause of labor, qur patience is at an end...
...In aooitloa enotmuu* quantity** of propaganda literature...
...The girls won* a trine mar* modest but did not bsaV tat* to enters* in tboir night gsjtoja and lather vigurouoiy tboir fbosb, naoka, arm*, togs aad t**L TllSsggj it dootrorod a littl* of tb* Tliia**gji of th* charm *f tb* gentler sax/S so* it thus en dta babUle...
...The commissariat Is deserving of particular' mention...
...the while he has tooted 14 VP for a big army and navy...

Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 23

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