COOLIDGE AIDE SPY CHIEF IN MILLS Senator Butler Fathers Espionage in Fight on New Bedford Textile Unions NEW BEDFORD. fALL RIVER and New Bedford cotton textile workers organised in the...

...However, last summer -the existing works councils decided to raise the question of wage Increases, so they drew up a scale of wage rates, made an appeal to the Minister of Labor and began discussions with the employers and representatives of the Ministry of Labor...
...Mlkol hap been one of the aaoet active unionists in the city In tha field of workers' education, having been a director of the International Fur Workers* Union educational department since 1122...
...Right fa Mussoliniland, where the dictator imagined that by calling April 21 (the anniversary of the founding of Rome), a labor holiday he could wipe out' the Wea of international solidarity, there were numerous signs that the Tf*'1*n ..proletariat had not forgotten .the meaning it May Day...
...In Genoa a truckload of copies of II Lavoro, the Socialist daily, was destroyed, hut police guarded the paper's main office...
...Next day he was sent in service on a car to' New York where the sign out clerk worked him back to Albany so that he might write out a statement in that district...
...AH* these charges have been sworn to" and signed by Lark himself, who after realising that the plan to break the Union waa a failure, decided to expose the Pullman Company and become a supporter of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters...
...For that we are not responsible ? The fact, howover, to which, we want to draw particular attention is that the Italian emi...
...Ia Bucharest hardly a wheel' turned and at least 20,000 workers took pert In a Mav Day meeting at which songs took- the place of talks...
...For instance, the clothing workers' and metal workers' trade' unions In Reval have resumed their activities...
...The injpptndent A. F. T. O. unions are now SMkhur a conference with mill managers °n an accumulation of small grievances...
...In foreign lands...
...That is the statement that radfo audiences do not care for talks on serious subjects, but will tune in only on...
...Lark was sent to New York and assigned to that district by Chief Clerk Logan there...
...Binns claims that aw spies are not active enough now at enforce a blacklist of workers, fasts has been no general strike in Jpnr Bedford mills since 1»26...
...In future Italians abroad will be placed In the difficult position of being regarded either as ;b*d Italians or...
...change the statement that he was thrown off the train he would re-instate him In the service...
...A number of spies succeeded to getting into union offices...
...Amalgamated Sends $10,000 to Miners On Strike in Britain •4 the -eat B*-pal» rTes%l?ta^ ^^q^S* wJ^fMlWy Ma*t^f*%wWtsBwgI 914009...
...skat tor Bstler is expected to make fyW eetspsfrn for re-election on the •sMa* issue, promising in the old way Bert work for Massachusetts mills if Sto sniff goes up...
...11' grates burped out and 11 crown sheets burned—ail In the last six months...
...WRNY made a departure last week when it permitted to broadcast a talk, although not until some changes, suggested by the station had been made...
...Announcement ef hia program will be made in an early Issue otVTha Mew-Tender...
...Btans ssys the union workers know that there is an industrial espionage . system in the mills...
...A better way to tackle the problem at this point is to show the radio stations who do broadcast talks on serious topics, such as that of Thomas and Gernsbach, that their action is commendable...
...This oontentton on the part of the radio station managers cannot be met very effectively by trying^ to argue that their position is wrong1...
...Abraham Binns, weavers' secretary and textile council prosMeat, ssys New Bedford mills are ajmaisjt st about 7S per cent, of capacity...
...Lark Has repeatedly appealed to the superintendent for transportation back to his home, but they have refused to send him back until he signs a statement in the office of the Pullman Company...
...the celebration of May Day found In tki European Socialist press show Slat, lag'was noted in The New Leader of May fi...
...The bosses ' has been ¦forced to realise that the trade union must be recognized as the representative of the workers...
...REWARDS A SERVANT Enioleyee Signed Ujjr>to Help - Break Union Finds His Job Far From Heaven ¦WTf THEN Lark Washington returns W i to his home at Little Rock...
...SOL HANDScab Engineers Kill Twelve Persons In Maryland Strike A eaocWag'tpO-pf disasters tog* been the return at the Western .Maryland Railroad for Ma efforts to break tha strike of 404 engineers and fir omen...
...In operation, the big industrial town wore the aprearance of a semi-holiday...
...Let us, bowever, take heart from the thought that although we are crushed today we shall not remain so forever...
...Plans are being made by the Brotherhood, officials to take care of him and to see that legal steps be made against the Pullman Company...
...A Pullman agent brought' his suit case to him and ordered him to bed In one of their rest cars...
...The "failure of Senator Butler's mills to declare their usual 8 per cent, dividend la .taken in New Bedford aa a necessary prop to the senator's - plea for higher cotton textile tariff...
...The May Day leaflet distributed by tha Italian Confederation ot Labor read...
...Butler Mills paid I'ptr cent, for years, but In this day wf swollen profits President Coolldge's friend expects more on his investment sad hopes the tariff will give it...
...Twen- ' ty men besides himself were employed at the rate of l«8.50 per month and sent to St...
...As the Esthonlan workers' organisations are very weak, any effective action for the increase of wages is quite out of the question...
...Many of these "Zpcnusetts workers are EngUsh, sash or Scotch themselves...
...Let them know that you are interested in a sensible discussion as well as In Jass and vaudeville...
...Aa the union had demanded a raise ot 20 per cent...
...When Lark reported to Pullman Superintendent Rlttenhouse...
...The more venturesome workers of Piacenza assembled at two meetings and listened to Socialist speakera In Milan large numbers of workers, especially in the building trades, remained at home, and' although the shops and factories were...
...dp Makers' Local Denounce Communist Boos at London I Local 2 of the Cloth Hat, Cap and Millinery Workers Union has adopted the following resolution: , "Whereas, by the initiative of" the Joint Council of Cap Makers and Millinery Workers, a meeting for the purpose to celebrate the International -Labor holiday, took place on?*May i, 1»2«, at our Lyceum...
...They were, compelled to take back all the operatives and to Introduce the eight-hour day, while the existing rate of wages has been fully maintained...
...Lark Is married and the father of a three months bid baby...
...Charles D. IsnaCHon, manager ef WRNY, at the Hotel Roosevelt, N. Y. C their appreciation and interest in such discussions as that in which Thomas will participate...
...2 assembled at the special jjjmttag on May «th condemns the acW°a of those who are responsible of '"**Tt*lnt a disturbance, and be it *Weher resolved to express to Comrade i~_'y*r Landon highest esteem and apJf*c,«*ton for his service to the Labor (Moreioent ¦ "CAP AND MILLINKRY CUTTERS" t^?*1, L°Cal No- 2. President...
...The trade union groups, which np to the peMaent tsadBTEBMB tod ¦¦g*ao%"siiia . the hospitality of tha Social Democratic Party and cultural societies for accommodation for their meetings, will now bo able to have premises of their own...
...Superintendent Rlttenhouse...
...It is no easy task to organise the workers at such a time, but in some places tangible results have already been achieved...
...The reading of the manifesto aroused great excitement among the members of the reactionary parties in tire national assembly...
...For that reason May first must be observed in silence instead of being celebrated in the spirit fitting to a great international festival...
...grants, most of them workers, are ablate take part In May Day demonstrations, while their comrades at home are deprived of a right enjoyed by the workers id the whole civilized world...
...told Lark that if he would...
...Western Maryland engineers and firemen tried for two years to get the award put Into effect <-nd struck when other means failed...
...The manifesto declared that by this prohibition the Hungarian Government had placed itself outside the sphere of civilized peoples, and that it had made the working class more conscious (man ever of the fact that only "by the overthrow of the counter-revolutionary regime and it regain Its human and political freedom...
...where he told his story...
...and 'Whereas, Meyer London was an invited guest to *his occasion, and a certain Intolerant group of fanatics attempted to prevent Comrade London from delivering his oration, be it there*»re resolved, THAT THE CAP AND gTLLINERY CUTTERS' UNION |PCAL NO...
...Arkansas, it will be no easy lob tor the Pullman Company to transport any more Negroes from that city to halt'the progress of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters Union...
...At Albany he tried to alleviate hia suffering by tearing one ot his shirts which he drew tightly around his body...
...Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers,-' reports: 7t wreaks and deBailments\ £. It employes killed and two other persons atoo dead...
...After he had lived on the charity of the older porters for several days, Lark appeared at the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters at 2311 Seventh avenue, Nl Y. C...
...They are learning that it is easier to lestroy material things than to uproot :laas consciousness or to crush the determination of the workers to gain their freedom...
...One reason given by radio stations for their refusal to permit Thomas or other radicals to talk ov/er the radio has been difficult to answer...
...Senator William H. Butler is known to have been the dominant influence Si'establishing industrial espionage in spar Bedford mills...
...and threatened, according to his own statement, that If the case went to Supreme Court he would be in danger If he remained in New York...
...He says he waa told not to listen to any talk about unionism and., to keep away from the older men...
...donatio* te the British • Miners' Peaaratisa far its striae...
...The mills are not now pying te extend the multiple loom asbaea, says Binns...
...Another porter who hails from Little Rock, Arkansas, was told that If he would make a statement against Lark, he would be paid for It, and quite recently, on May 3d...
...Its representatives on the arbitration board voted sgainst the smaller award, but nevertheless the outcome Is regarded as a victory, considering the desperate general.economic situation obtaining in the land dictated over by Primo de Rivera...
...The mill has »5to,»»0 additional quick assets for surplus...
...fALL RIVER and New Bedford cotton textile workers organised in the American Federation |it Textile Operative* and" in the ^Luad Textile Workers' unions are 1 —rtieuUjly pleased with results ot the mjjZ general strike...
...On this- trip he began spitting bfood and was In great agony...
...According to his story he got into an argument with a passenger on December 2S...
...local labor unity is being furthered ay the attendance of independent Hawrtean Federation of Textile Operatives' union representatives at the regional conferences of American Federation of Labor unions...
...has resulted in a. victory for the strikers after a three and a half months fight...
...HALLORCA TEXTILE STRIKERS VICTORIOUS AFTER FOURTEEN WEEKS The strike' of the textile workers in Mallorca, reported, in The New...
...N. T. While In the discharge of his duties the passenger attempted tgAnterfere as he was preparing a berth for another who wanted to go to bed...
...Binns says they are ousted when discovered... .Rome red flags were In evidence at several points in the morning and the police were busy tearing them down...
...Comrade Szabo spoke next and read a declaration opposing the suppression of May Day demonstrations by the government...
...Avanti's first page was devoted to May Day and the need of a working class peace, so the Prefect of Milan ordered it confiscated, after the black shirts had already burned nearly all the papers...
...Comrade Mlkol, a member of the Socialist Party, has begun to lay pleas to push the school's work among labor unionists next fall... Graad Central Terminal, he received many fat promises...
...Leader of March 20...
...Louie, Missouri, had told him that the Pullman Company found it necessary to hiae a large number of men to replace old porters who are stealing everything they might lay their hands on...
...He quickly took the floor and made a speech of three hours' duration, in which he thoroughly explored the catastrophic position ef the workers, which had led to the despairing drive of Hungarian miners from Salgo-Tarjan on Budapest...
...There were demonstrations In an the m*4n towns of Spain., The Socialist Party presented a demand to the Rivera Dictatorship for the restoration of constitutional rights, the ending of the war in Morocco, and the introduction of numerous social reforms...
...Some of the j bigger industries, which last year only m line sad to keep their heads above water with the*help of State subsidies, are now on the vers* of collapse, so that unemployment, already very large, is much increased...
...It was demanded that the legal eighthour day, unemployment and old age Insurance should immediately be dealt with...
...Ws have felt M waa oar soared ipty en wait mi oar privilege to' do what we eould to back the miners in tha brave fight that they are waging for themselves and their families," DIGRESSION HAMPERS GROWTH OF ESTHONIA LABOR ORGANIZATIONS " * 4 The industrial situation in the Republic 'of Bsthonia, as summarised by the Amsterdam Bureau of the Inter.national Federation of Trade Unions, is so bad aa to seriously handicap the work ot labor organisation...
...Butler was the greeting power behind Sherman Serv|es operations in Butler Mills and ethers...
...The Horthy-Bethlen dictatorship hi Hungary tried to suppress all May Day meetings, as usual, but the parliamentary group of the Socialists used the occasion of the meeting of the Hungarian National Assembly on April 29 to arrange a demonstration for May 1. Karl Payer reappeared for the first time after having been excluded from thirty meetings on account of a supposed insult to the Premier...
...The Butler Mills' last statement shows $1,176,201 reserves from which dividends could be paid as in other mills...
...The employers, however, declined to consider any proposals whatsoever...
...The Fascist...
...Moreover, la order to give the movement -a rallying center, a cooperative society has been formed for the purpose ot building a Labor Club...
...Weekly waxes average about HI, New Bedford mills have ingtsased the number of machines per ao>a*T, but not to the extent done In ether sections...
...Jazz music, wise-cracks, and such...
...The Italian national trade union center realizes that It must pot demand useless sacrifices from its adherents...
...FASCISTI FAIL TO CHOKE LABOR Social Forces Celespft* Ruthless Musaolini Despotism . BBLATKn accounts of...
...A sympathetic porter found him lying on a plank and took him into the office of Superintendent Wagner there, who ordered him back to New York In the care of another porter...
...It was, however, agreed that the workers should temporarily put in a half hour's overtime daily...
...after finding that flair One goods output was not suffleJaatiy increased...
...The increase waa awarded all railroad workers on similar roads in 1(22...
...Louis to make student trips and receive their Instructions...
...During' the days of dull November last year he was out ot work and naturally fell In the hands of the Pullman agents who were sent to Little Rock in search of Negroes for Pullman .Porter service...
...But when the Pullman officials found out that several lawyers were trying to advise him to institute a suit they immediately fired him... traitors to the cause, of labor in the land whose hospitality they enjoy...
...but is still being treated by the doctor for intermittent hemorrhages...
...W. A. Paddock, assistant' grand chief...
...Squads of Fasclsti raided the offices of A van 11, the Maximalist Socialist daily, and of Unlta, the Communist daily, and destroyed all the papera they could find,, with the tacit approval ot the police...
...In part, aa follows: "If there is one country more than any other-with cause to be aware of the universal appeal of labor's festival, k la Italy, with 10,000,000 of its people .settled...
...A total ef 940)000 has seen gives* te these two local fights Involving nearly ' sfiyON workers...
...Day celebration, and s^oarythto* passed off peaceably...
...Union representatives gave no ditBculty In getting such conBssnces, A. F. T. O. officials state...
...The subject will be "Freedom of the Air...
...The broadcasting stations contend, therefore, that they are merely serving the pub*lie what it wants...
...The police celebrated by confiscating the May Day issue of the Bucharest Socialist daily...
...In addition, the most important demands of the, workers were enumerated, and reference was made to the unspeakable misery of the masses...
...In the case of WRNY, It would do more good than most people suspect if several score readers of The New Leader were to sit down and write Mr...
...Demands from striking fur wsfjuwa ef Mow Verb: and Vassal* wool testtiie striker* prevent a larger contribution at present to the British miner...
...There waa a clash and Lark found himself some time after lying on the platform at Albany...
...Another gain for Spanish workers Is the recent award by a Court of arbitration of a wage raise of 4H P«r cent, for the metal workers of the Biscay district, after lengthy consideration and the presentation by the union of evidence showing that the employers were able to grant a material Increase...
...THOMAS TO DEBATE "FREEDOM OF THE AIR" OYER WRNY ON MONDAY Norman Thomas, Socialist leader, and Hugo' Cernsbach will hold a debate over WRNY, New York City, next Monday night at 9 o'clock...
...In Bulgaria Socialists and Communists aos reported to have Joined forces far the "May...
...He was confined to bed in the hospital for twenty-five days, was discharged on February It...
...DAVID MIKOL BECOMES RAND SCHOOL MANAGER Far-reaching plans for the extension of the Rand School activities among the trade unionists of Mew York City and vicinity are being pushed with the election of David Mlkol as manager of the Rand School of Social Science...
...even the most reactionary troverhmenta were not quite able te prevent the Socialists and trade unionists ef their countries from Joining with ' StoBf - comrades of more enlightened lands in observing labor's International holiday...
...The loss due <o one wreck would have paid' for several years the I percent Increase demanded by the strikers...
...Lark alleges that a Negro Pullman Prater Instructor named Smith, from St...
...He was told that because of his injuries he would get money...
...know this, hence their frantic efforts to win over the workers to fascism...
...Indoor meetings were held In the evehltag addressed by leaders of the Maximalist Socialist Party...
...Part leuS those In the A. P. T. O. are worktgaho cam* from Britain 25 or SO wars ago Cotton textile mills in New Bedford ggtr a little more active than those 4j fall River...
...Arbitration had been proposed by the Labor Department following a partial strike ot the men last summer...
...Aa a result of his Injuries Lark waa removed' to Lincoln Hospital where he waa treated [for broken ribs, a punctured left hip and a smashed chest...
...while en route to Plattsburg...
...they know they can depend upon the ever-increasing unemployment to keep them supplied with labor...
...While other radio stations have' refused to permit Thomas permission to air his liberal views...
...In Rumania the day was generally observed in the industrial centers, although speeches had been forbidden...
...Wages are only M to SO per cent, of the pre-war rates, and are insufficient to cover the barest necessities of lite...
...The conferences consider state legislative work for labor...

Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 21

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