A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES "The Last Refuge of Scoundrels" tftefTE »re suffering from a regular epidemic of Spring patriotism. It it Bj>>: r- breaking oat like a rash all over the jpgy...

...She opened It...
...I don't want children'-" She had risen from her bed and thrown aside her pajamas, and war preparing to don her bathing suit for a mornlfig plunge...
...Far mats mmmM be without tractors, plows, raspers and JisMpiphola, The housewife wouldn't havs a pot to cook inand tba preacher wouldn't havs a pulpit to pulp from...
...Ob, what could she do...
...The windows of her spacious bedroom opened Into the green foliage of maple trees which strained the morning light before it fell into' patterns on warm Persian rugs...
...3r again, SDj say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, ifhtt so proudly you bought from the realty **»n...
...So away with arid Johnson and all the rest of the ed radicals...
...1* • * * * jWe toldVou last week how the rash has affected Major General Robert Lee Bullard, "ltd., and his National Security League which » working overnight to defeat the plottings what he calls the "Great GaVland Fund" t-fe* c°hiused with the "Great God W&RW...
...Despard, P. T. Daly and a number ef trade union men and women, "fcaud ponna Is well known as a revolutionary In Dublin and "aria...
...Birds built their nests In these trees, and the sound of the lake, like domestic music, played slow accompaniment to all one's thoughts...
...I have come home to get caught up with myself...
...Nqt content with proposing this co|Jecfipn to the unsnspedtthe1 add b|f less children of the country, who are e's yet unable to appreciate tbe real theories ot' Jefferson, and to recognise bow far "from his principles this country has strayed, tbe committee arranges th* mockery of a sanctimonious ceremony far tie occasion...
...In the meantime, I got me a piece of good dirt under my feet gad flaarad it of the rubbish the good Lord rained on it and planted it with setf-respecting crop* and educated a ' goat to stand for being milked twice a day...
...organiffd by Roderick Connolly, son of the lata James Connolly...
...She wondered if she did not still hate him...
...dilemma of having a brilliant church wedding without having Dan's family...
...Tes, she wanted Dan...
...Let's get married at once...
...And what I say here about the difficulties in the path of natic«alization, holds good for such ether aeraafble measures as giant power winch undoubtedly would fat...
...Later he est forth his views la a letter to tbe Convention of the Social Oesno- emtio Party meeting at Stuttgart in October...
...Even Maggie Tpllefer hadn't met him yet...
...Agatha requested, reaching' for her negligee...
...But the more the political organization of modern nations are democratised tbe more the need* and opportunities of great political catastrophes are diminished...
...She fell to wishing he was coming down today instead of next month...
...CouU she shut Dan out as she had closed tbe Little Theatre...
...My head aches...
...Next week—tomorrow...
...D. Immedists Demends of fatal PsmscrsU PROCEEDING from thsss principle* to the immediate demands, the party urged universal, equal and direct suffrage: direct leglslatlon...
...Was lie Just another want—like an automobile...
...But on what terms did she want him...
...e * First of all, there is our old friend competition...
...Its uncompromising opposition to the rights of the workers and its highly prganised Industrial system...
...Tbe Little Theatre had not been opened in three years...
...George von Vollmar, the leader of the Bavarian Social Democrats, always refused to accept the dogma that capital and land—particularly the latter—were concentrating in fewer ami fewer hands...
...However, it was incorrect in its estimate of the time the evolution would take- Freiderich Engels unreservedly acknowledged this in his preface to (he Class War In France...
...In agriculture, however, concentration 'proceeds more slowly...
...From 1*00 until the outbreak of tbe World War the controversy between the Revisionists and the Marxists, the latter led by Karl Kautsky, occupied much attention in the socialist press...
...Until 1181...
...It Is reported that James Lark in has been fired by Moscow on tbe ground of Incompetency and for failure to carry out its instructions and for not cooperating with the British Communists In their efforta to spread their juropaganda ln Ireland *sd ^reat BrSaln, * ; Patriote&fing the Children SAMUEL BUTLER, In his effective satire...
...5. Under tbe pressure of the working class movement, a social reaction has set in against ths exploiting tendencies of capital "Factory lsghdetlen, the democratising of local government, and the extension of Its area of work, the freeing of trade unions and systems of co-operative trading from legal restrictions, the consideration of standard conditions of labor in the work undertaken by public authorities—all theos characterise this phase of tbe1 evolution...
...She began to be afraid that she would not marry him...
...It seems that it is most unpatriotic to suggest that peace is a desirable state of affairs...
...Wo pledge to eeeh other our lives, our fortunes and our seared honor" to the support of these ideals...
...There was her desire Tor a speed'boat...
...Better technique, says another doctor...
...She caught a glimpse of her nude body in the bevelled glass of the French doors...
...Some professional patriot decided fat the Citizens' Training Camps up West* efcagter way were turning out to be more or ief* of » fl°P- S° he looked into the history 2^ that is edited by the American Legion, ^American Federation of Labor, the Daughters of the Confederacy, the Boy Scouts, the jjitjonal Security League, the Knights of Pythias, and other learned bodies and discovered that150 years ago Washington fought a rear-guard section with the British under General Jfowe at White Plains...
...And ye£ Engels even in 18W- overestimated the rate of the process ot evolution...
...They are too busy monkeying with the debt settlement, which is called settled when the debtors finally agree to pay what we think they ought to pay, which, in my opinion* is 100 percent more than they ever will pay...
...For in these days, most errcry^hxaaj is made with the aid of steel and steel cjurV be produced without ooeJL So there you arew e " e a ¦-- •• Now, ona would think that with such a basic commodity as Hturninous coal to deal with, the master minds of the country would sot their wheels turning in order to find a eolation for the coal problem- . The msiter nrinda, however, are doing nothing of the kind...
...This alliance of real estate and our army, while nothing new in the annals of our history, suggests the revision of some of our patriotic airs...
...ikt mean such shows as the United States ' JSM and the Sons of the American Revoput on at White Plains, N. Y., the yjgier day...
...If the youthful car rowdies, embryo gangsters and gunmen who are regularly turned out of our public schools after tugh drilling in the manly arts of done's enemies should hear about peace night take it seriously and where would ariding army be then ? Flal on its back, ling to the school-marms...
...Bernstein was born in Berlin in 1880, the son of a locomotive engineer...
...The week between the birthdays et Lincoln and of Washington la "Patriot Week...
...Marx aod Engels in 1873, in the preface to the new edition of the Communist Manifesto, announced that the Paris Commune bad exhibited a proof that "the working classes cannot simply take possession of ths ready-made State machinery and set it in motion for their own aims...
...e • Neat fellow comes along and says, "VVTsjrt ths coal industry needs is better nianagement...
...Get a machine for every task, now petv farmed by human hands...
...And so we should, and if aayona feels Ska hsnkgfaw the ball on the cat, which in this case is a wildcat at that, there is notljiag to prevent hfan from *********One Way Out ' (Continued from page 6) if the non-union fields are ever brought into the fold it won't be done by the good fellows who specialize in organization work by means of hotel lobbiee .and long distance phone...
...In other words, the shortest and quickest remedy for...
...Indeed, his friendship for Engels deterred him for some years from giving publicity .to his criticisms of the Marxian eoonomlo structure...
...S. Social conditions have not developed to eo acute an opposition ln classes as was depicted in ths Maniwas Mb Is net snnsmpanies by a decreasing number of large sgpllaltaag, but by an lonrsssing number of capitalists of alt degrees, Tha middle Classes change their eharaeter hut they -do net disappear from the social ess Is...
...It it Bj>>: r- breaking oat like a rash all over the jpgy oolitic...
...She confessed to herself in that moment that there was something physical about her loye for Dan, "Perhaps that is all there Is to It," she told herself...
...LEAVES LIFE'S SAYINGS TO SOCIALIST PARTY The life-long devotion to ths cause of the workers of Pablo Igleslas...
...And what of him...
...Is the -conquest of political power by the proletariat simply to be by a political catastrophe...
...she groaned...
...Die Zukunft...
...She did at times, she concluded- She shrank from the ordeal of Introducing him to her friends...
...She had awakened with the clear sense of Dan's proximity...
...ISM- This letter was followed a few months later by his book, "Vorauasotsnngen dos Social tamos...
...So taking esVantage of this happy coincidence the 150th ajeiversary of the Battle of White Plains S.celebrated by the United States Army, ¦ieena 4,000 guileless ^citizens and the entire ietKng staff of the real estate company, to the greater glory of God and country and the undoubted profit of said company...
...A Communist party wag...
...Suppose that Ussy could not make marriage go...
...In particular, this July 4th being both the hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence and tbe hundredth anniversary of ths death of Thomas Jefferson, the committee that usually' rises In such events has come -forward with a project to have the- schpol children of the country buy Jefferson's old homestead at Montleetto as a memento and a monument to the', saga whose Ideas and Meals havs been so debauched by the politicians who have through the years interpreted them to then* own profit and advantage...
...At any iT~& that seems to be the accepted opinion sfgPythose who watch over our public morals ¦-^^fa four New York broadcasting stations .jgW> already forbidden the use of the microto Norman Thomas and a fifth insists m Censoring his speech on "Freedom of the ioWiat is happening is this, that patriotism, ^guch is after all merely a natural affection for '^es birthplace and nation Has become so per|ls?ed by such degenerate practices as those S?Tave described as to make almost anyone professes it a suspect in the eyes'of his in¦m^nt fellows...
...say, go ahead with your campaign, of educati/m along these lines...
...Yea, nadioTis lira tion or giant power, or • cross breed of both, ia abOUt*my only hope for the soft coal industry and if I didn't know that ' fish breed taster than pUlcetophers, I'd preach nationalization- or giant power till the cow* came home to, roost...
...Her apprehension increased...
...Eventually we will have vxnething Kite it, but I'm not Irving eventually but immediately...
...He would kill himself...
...when I think about our love at all I cannot understand It...
...And if the sun keeps ¦M««frrg grid the rain fall-, ing and somebody don't get my goat, the suspension following April 1, 1927, can keep on '. suspending until its suspenders are worn out for all that I care...
...This proper son of the defenders of*the Inquisition spoke to the students of the school on ' the Ideals of' a man who would havs deemed tbe speaker aa abomination, who looked forward to a' government in which tbe people might truly reap tog benefits of their control, who...
...But she could not follow such gruesome speculations...
...All those who believe in progressive labor measures, .regardless ot their economic or Social ii&tug, will be permittM and encouraged] to join the Labor party: Heretofbre the Irish Labor' party* was exclusively a' trade unlop mattar 'and controlled Add financed by the union...
...But to come back to what I'm trying to say...
...Here's a letter for you, miss...
...In that year, the year of the aatl-Seelaltst Act, he left Germany, and was an exile from that country for the next twenty odd years...
...We have never met a radio jpsjfcsa^cr...
...separation of the 'church from the State...
...This ¦'device, which has proven so effective...
...He was educated in a German gymnasium, and at the age OT sixteen became a clerk in a bank...
...Sbc was filled with sickening fear...
...while Engels in 18*5 declared that the time of "revolutions of email conscious minorities was at an end...
...Miss Agatha...
...progressive income and inheritance taxation...
...4. Tbe concentration of pesdsotets industry is net being aocosaptsahod even today in all Its departments with omul thoroughness and at pa oqoaJ rats...
...Is a famous suffragist and sister Of the late Lord French, the military leader of the British during ths war...
...Well* the Jacksonville agreement gave competition a first rate chance to prove its curing power and, from what I have observed, the patient all but died under tbe treatment...
...with the more Sexy Thomas Paine, bad constantly to be held fas check by the mors conservative fighters in the early days of American independence...
...A greater security tor lasting success lies in a steady advance than in the possibilities offered by a catastrophic crash...
...Now to •tart wkh, •vaiyhody needs eoal and everybody wants coaL r tu fact* our *hs|* blooming civijixatian would so to tha bow wows in three jerks of- a tsftsVs tail if cool should give oat today, tear factory, train, waterworks and fight plant would stop- VeikM would have to scatter irons cftts* or starve ar freeae to death...
...She did not doubt that...
...Could she have Dan and not have him...
...Marie asked, after respectfully withdrawing and re-entering...
...genius is l^fhe sort of person best fitted to censor s*2t ^ "great "^io •"die-ace'' sh*n near ffgffi jjffigrs such as freedom of speech and | f|^Jyfemic arid social problems...
...the veteran Spanish labor leader and Socialist agitator, whose death last December at the age of 75 was the occasion of an imposing demonstration ef affection by the working people of all Spain, waa wen exemplified by bis last will and testament...
...she commented shrewdly...
...To be sure, the battle was fought in October, but what are Jlltle things like dates between patriots...
...The center of tbe opposition was.In Southern Germany—in Saxony...
...So let's examine some of the remedies that have been proposed for the coring of the coal evil...
...To be continued next week) GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Novel of the Northwest By M. H. HEDGES Chapter IX • Agatha's Love for Dan THE Gaylards went to their summer home at Lake Mlnnetonka late in May...
...she told her Uncle Matt...
...The new party Is called the Workers Party of Ireland and Is affiliated With the Third international...
...pictures under the gulss of musical banks, the choral tendency of the collection minutes (h the religious houses of today, when the soprano solo or the melodious organ swells across ths respectfully silent -congregation as ths hkts are solemnly held out for the silver droppings...
...Maud Gonna,* Mrs...
...Opposition of Revisionists A gradual opposition developed to this point of view...
...2. The theory of social evolution set forth ln the Communist Manifesto was correct in so far a* it characterised the general tendencies of that evolution...
...For years he was a close and loyal friend of Frederick Engels and spent many an evening at the letter's London home...
...free administration of luetics...
...But how such s policy will put beans in tbe boilers of our surplus miners is more than I can figure out...
...m£n chosen to speak to the pupils of tbf> school16n Jeffsrson and his Ideals was the only one who...
...She sank down upon a stool, throwing her bathing suit over her shoulders, shivering, not with cold, but in a kind of delirium of fear...
...fJMj est every hand WSeH you lots at reasonable rates, 1l sell you nice, fresh real estates, when the smoke of battle's o'er, set you back a 'grand' or more...
...There was a knock at the door, and a maid appeared...
...He urged that increasing attention be given by socialists to Immediate reforms, and maintained that this was necessary In order to obtain the support of the farming population who would be alienated If the socialists insisted that aid could corns to tbe present nvpttetote only through the evolutionary prscosS Issdlsg to tbe concentration of farming, and to ultimate socialisation...
...Stand up and s'loot the flag or get the hell out of our schools...
...Here she came after her passinate friendship with Dan Mlnturn, and here she tried to repossess that experience In her thoughts...
...A further Ironic touch to the whole farcical procedure was given In the assembly of one ot the largest high schools o? this city...
...The German authorities" eventually brought pressure to bear on the Swiss Government to deport Bernstein, and, ln ISM...
...SI Socialists hopes, this exam fie win be followed by enough Spanish Socialists to make, it poasfble Soon to launch the intensive campaign of education ne'adod in the land aoW ruled bar One Way Out bow swmswoT^hrt^1...
...The fierceness of his desire for her drew her hack, fascinated...
...Evolutionary Socialism...
...equality between the sexes...
...I^raciaatcs us to think what a man would *fP& who had to listen five times a day to gtTftarcarolle from the Tales of Hoffman," ¦ S»* times a day to "Yes, Sir, Slip's My I fSBL and ait least once to the Bedtime Story RaHNfofr Rahhit...
...The epidemic has spread to our schoolBanns, male and female, who are always unusually susceptible to Americana Dementia in » most pernicious forms...
...Main Contentions of Revisionists Bernstein's contentions, as set forth in a letter written in October, 1S98, to the Social Democratic party, meeting in Stuttgart, were in brief as follows: L The collapse of the capitalist system Is not imminent It Is therefore a mistake for the party to adopt tactics which presuppose the immediate development of a great, social catastrophe...
...When Bernstein again returned to Germany about the year ltM, be became the leader of the school of thought known as Revisionist school which, despite the official opposition of the Social Democratic party,' gained a large following among the younger men...
...Uncle Matt got that- Just as he had got her a Stutz roadster and built her a Little Theatre on his Mlnnetonka estate...
...Or, they are pumping hot air into the American farmers, which would be alh right if that gent happened to be a balloon instead of a baboeo...
...over the Laasallean group...
...freedom of speech and the'right of free assembly...
...But ot course, we have * ~J?9jiPt that such an inte lectual...
...Everything was lovely...
...of course, too helpful to be neglected by those who are gathering pennies for less holy purposes—though patriotism Is indeed almost aa greatly to be revered...
...But even if every coal mine in the United States were 100 percent organized, then still would be a. few hundred thousand surplus miners unless complete organization was followed by s drastic reduction in the hours of labor—which is another story...
...To come to your senses, I hope...
...Social Democrats' Immediate Demands THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRV W. LAIDLER, Ph...
...rWhose wet swamps and salt marsh in the :*-iWdst of the fight, Seemed a bargain no doubt when you looked :at the plan...
...Bernstein gave up his position to become private secretary to the well-to-do secretary of Die Zukunft, Ksrl Hochberg...
...What else could there be...
...Suppose she would hate to have him touch her...
...free medical treatment...
...LARKIN BOOTED AGAIN The Irish Labor party, through Us Executive Council, has decided to throw its ranks open to non-trade union citizens...
...It was from Dan...
...If real engineers, technicians end efficiency experts were rararoding the mhdng ef coal instead of the Henry Dubs who are doing it now, one-third of the mines, operated at loll blast could produce all tbe ceal required at half of the present cost-" * \ *, Well, perhaps they amid, sod if, so, lot as praise God for the Dubs who are cnanaging the coal mines now for if those efficiency sharks ever get on the job, shout 400,000 miners, instead of only 200,000 miners, will bo thrown on the scrap heap...
...She was anxious to see how he looked In a bathing suit, and she wanted to discuss with him the question whether their wedding day should be September 20 or October 2. and smiled at herself, for coupling such irrelevancies...
...Mlnturn on the phone for me...
...So 1st ma msto one) rrsfSfn gfejasmot Se* thsnadsta ahsMtX Sfls^ coejl...
...Agatha liked it the best ot their several residences...
...abolition of direct taxes and such protective labor legislation as ths fixing of an eight hour, normal working day, prohibiting night work and child labor, guaranteeing a rest period of it hour* a week, legalising labor combinations, granting equality of re* numeration as between industrial and agricultural workers and establishing a system of social insurance, with effective co-operatit/n of the...
...There are about 5,000 too ttUny-nsineS and around 200,000 too, many coal miners end —well, anyhow, a lot of coal harOne are going to the devil directly and a lot of miners are going to the same party the way of moonshining and bootlegging...
...Sure Mike...
...One morning soon after her arrival she lay in bed watching skeins of sunlight tangle themselves in the leaves...
...the soft coal industry ie surely fas one helluva fix...
...tbe over-expansion of the coal industry is to expand youraatf to such an extent as to be phtoab out of 8...
...And if they worked for even lower wages than non-union men are earning now, it might be even uosdibig to starve tbe petv union mines sad miners out of existence, in which ease the union dues could be used to subsidise the membeoahip while H.ja trying to out-starve starving scabs...
...compulsory secular education...
...There exists today an extraordinarily elaborated graduation ot enterprises...
...So the net result was that the union mines closed down while the non-union mines kept going, which is proven by the unpleasant fact thst wherever the union miners are stJS working under union conditions, they ere either on strike or idle or are waiting for the whistle to blow...
...As Marx elaborated his theories in Me London borne, so K was fas Mason that Berasrsta wrote ale oSJIlBhWQs at slargism...
...Have you had your plunge...
...Will you get Mr...
...Thus tbo last act of the Socialist veteran was a reaffirmation at big action a few years ago...
...hip ufs savings, be turned ever to tbe Socialist PsTty ejjr Spain' to help carry aa its areglc ifnowing bis small income from hie writings and bis **neroii'ty toward needy comrades, igleslas' friends were surprised to learn that the "grandfather" of the Spanish labor and Social 1st movement bad been abb) to save anything at all, even though living very modestly...
...H Well, then, why not organise the saioswajb...
...At any rate, cheap and regular supply of coil is about the l«m th"^ Tm cravixag Ht-in the future world...
...So do e«r present-day pejrfoto wea^e truth aid .bJJJorV to IGLESIAS, OF SPAIN...
...Besides,' it so hapyitti that at the spot where the battle was Hit pulled off there was one of White Plains' tsbtt promising real estate developments with afciet of choice plots still unsold...
...if you fellows got any sense, you .wilt follow Adam's eTsaipli before the deluge hits you...
...prairie dog towns...
...In a great many branches, the funcases of ths Marxists have been lustinod...
...And as' a token ef my sincerity end...
...a people's army in place of a standing army...
...Reduce tbe number of coal diggers by one-half air two-thirds, then reduce tbe remainder to a given number of jerks, twists and spasms ss Tin Henry baa done in his Lixxy factory and the trick is done...
...Bavaria, etc., where capitalist Industry had not developed so rapidly as In Prussia and where the state was more democratic...
...His will drew her against her will...
...a at Lower wages for miners is another preecription promising to euro the coal industry aad there is really something to that remedy- If uqion miners, for instance, worked as cheap as non-union miners they undoubtedly would have more work, if work is what they're look, ing for...
...Suppose Dan persisted in his qgaay politics and uttered shocking things at dinner parties...
...There now began a battle between her natural desire and her social instinct...
...ixed miners, advises another one...
...aa' evidence of my gratitude for the blessings which thst Immortal document has sasured to all Americans, I do hereby contribute this coin for the preservation of Mdnticello, th» horse ef Thomas Jefferson, sis a national memorial .to the author ef the Deoleretion of Independence and ae a shrine for the-Children of America...
...Competition may be the life of every other trade but It surely is death to the coal trade...
...For example: "Han* Columbia, happy land...
...of mines...
...Bombs i^re thrown abbut, machine guns were brought into play, aeroplanes dropped imitation poison gases...
...Tbo Hanover Congress of IBM spent more than three days discussing tbe conclusions reached in this book, at the end, however.^passlng a resoluUon Indicating their dissent from these views...
...I wager if I wait unUl fall I'll never marry him...
...Yet she did not break with him...
...on one day thereof all the children of the schools of tbe country are required to rise.In class and solemnly, after their teacher, to repeat tbe following ^pledge: TH* PATRIOT'S PLCOOS OF " . FAITH I do hereby pledge and declare . sty einoore belief and devout faith in the fgjgg"** M*s|ry is kfgvsfy ereelalrnaeJ fa , the*wor!d by ths Immortal signors ef the Declaration of American Independence end in their words and nobis spirit...
...It was the opposition, of tbe Revisionists...
...1 crease the conzumptksn of coal by decrasatnf the,cost of light, heat and power...
...It reflected the feelings of the Prussian socialists, confronted as they were by the autocratic, militaristic Prussian state, with its undemocratic constitution...
...s^yfa?Jj*£T*' fray matter to jpjfgm mttah...
...He commanded her alleglenco despite resistance...
...We would dearlyelove to do so...
...had the brazen stupidity or hard-shell intolerance to rise and speak In defence ef the Lusk 'btthj rn that school...
...r . No, competition won't do...
...Could she forbear not to have him at all, to forego due desire of her lovely body...
...a few years' ago...
...Without coal, Haw Yearkv Parig aad Berlin would rasamble ortsnsl...
...In 187S...
...Of course we don't mean real W-^M&m, which is as different from the tort gEtft prevalent around New York these days %£' German measles differ from genuine implies...
...While ln England, Bernstein came into close contact with the British socialist movement, although taking no active part therein...
...Walt a moment, Marie...
...Fear ruled her...
...he acted as editor of the Zurich edition of tbe Social Democrat, which, despite the exceptional laws, waa distributed widely and regularly in the cities of Germany...
...That was it...
...And the thought pleased her...
...Discovering that in tie persons of Arthur Garfield Hays and James Weldon Johnson (who were due to make Speeches on peace in one of the high schools), e Hun was at the gate, these worthies announced that neither Hays nor Johnson could (peak in those temples of learning which have f* refining ah effect upon the young of New ^ork'as?1 is evident to those who have the misfortune to ride on the subways on Sunday evenings...
...Cduerd Bernstein The cause of the Keriatsnists was greatly aided by tbe publication of Die Vorauesettuagsn dag Socialism us and die . Aufgabsn dor BoshUdetankretie (translated under tbe title...
...Borne day you'll persuade a lower house of Congress to adopt nationalization, and if the Senate ia agreeable and the President doesn't veto the bill and the Supreme Court doesn't declare it, unconstitutional, you shall have nationalization...
...One tires of that sort of thing so quickly...
...working class In Its administration...
...when he turned over to the treasury of the Socialist Party a bequest of lO.ooo pesetas left to him by an old friend—laocento Catieja...
...It was decided to-have a sham battle between trjrfaiar U. S. Army forces at a place five miles ssjay from where the original battle was jjsjflil {But what are little things like five 0pje» between patriots...
...She could not remember when, as a grown woman, she had not had her w^nts satisfied...
...another wants to know...
...How about the nationalization...
...Suppose It was all a horrible mistake...
...Free and unlimited competition in coal, eay the doctors, will weed out the high cost mines snd petitdt the low coet once to live and prosper ever after...
...rwiore ttmy tfHnlMr TOM **** DJT CBS nog...
...How It could come to me I do not sea.* AH I can do Is to accept it as I do the sun snd sir, and It Is as vital to me...
...These criticisms »paarod m » series of articles, among ethers, la Use If due Sett during tbe late nineties, and led to and evoked much controversy wfth the German party...
...When she spoke to Dan she said: "Dan, I think It is foolish to wait until autumn...
...boys, I'm for it...
...Marie," Agatha said, after reeding to the end...
...The Erfurt Program, represented a trlumps of the Marxists, led by Llebkriecht and Bebel...
...Then each In turn is to deposit tbe contribution Into the envelope on which the pledge is printed, which hi ultimately to be stamped by the committee and returned aa a memento— emptied of rts contents—to tbe teacher, who then may frame the envelope as a sign and symbol of the class's patriotic effort to forward the cause of liberty...
...He also knew intimately the leaders of tbe Fabian Society, and their point of view must havs greatly Influenced his writings...
...El Socialists of Madrid reports that, in looking through his desk some time after his departure, friends of Igleslas found a note attached to a bundle of paper money totaling l.ooo pesetas (about 1150) requesting- that this sum...
...Especially when the salesmen made their flank attack and came home with the bacon...
...It weeded out the high cost mines all right enough, but it so happened that these high cost mines were principally located in the organised districts where the high cost of mining is superinduced by high labor and low coal...
...And now the radio broadcasters fitting itchy...
...Or, they are reducing the taxes en swollen fortunes to give ns fellows the swell hand thinking of ourselves as leading laapayeca, which is all right, too, seeing thst the leading is dons on our noses...
...She often: doubted the wisdom of her resolve to marry him- She had gone to bed twice with headaches trying to see- her way out of the...
...In 1*71 ho Joined the Social Democratic party aad from that time waa actively identified with the German socialist paper...
...be snswered, not unpleasantly...
...But by that time you and I will be so completely and successfully dead as to lose all interest in the matter...
...be 'left for London, where he served as London correspondent of the Berlin Vorwaerts, and as an historian and theorist of the socialist movement...
...We mean the sort that is a katzenK wiener after a jag of too much fear...

Vol. 3 • May 1926 • No. 20

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  Kanda Software, Inc.