Silverstein, Louis

Governor's Board for Demands Of Ladies' Garment Workers By Lours Silverstein AT test -awWeWtsM^ «eonunehd*tkms of the Governor's Advisory Commission' for the cloak, suit, and skirt industry...

...It Is expected that other union banks, the offices of labor organizations and eventually private establishments will follow suit and thus solve one of the most serious problems of organising white collar workers...
...and be is able to attar the retailer estsaagnssg styles at a moment's notice... the X. W. W„ are opposed to trade agreements as such, can find serious fault with the bill...
...right of manufacturers hsving a regular fores of thirtyfive or more employes to reorganize their shops once a year at the beginning of ths season, provided it shall not in sny one yeer causa s total displacement of more than ten percent...
...An arrangement has Just been made with the ¦ Bookkeepers' Union whereby the check-off, as in the case of the miners, Is established...
...The first check for union dues from the bank staff has.already been received...
...L. 8. among aasJety eslieu sub-s>sxmfacturers who are glad to get woffle under any terms...
...2) The payment of unemployment insurance by the sub-manufacturers who in turn shall bill tha Jobbers...
...Then on May 20 it made public its final recommendations: (1) The extension of tha work of The Impertisl Chsirmsn and the attachment to hia office of an accountant to'see that contracts are being carried out...
...This spring the Commission published two research reports, one dealing with wages and wage scales and another with employment and earnings of workers during 192S...
...On account of the prevalence of rush and alack see sons, the necessity of quick adaptation'to stylo changes and the temptation to avoid onion control, the capitalist has worked out an ingenious subcase, . He becomes a Jobber...
...It fasupposed to settle a long standing disunite between labor and capital, but hi order to accomplish this it analyses end proposes to reorganise the industry Involved...
...The United Front Committee of Textile Workers had accepted the invitation...
...Then, there are three groups of capitalists, who are struggling among themselves and in some cases actually find themselves more in harmony with labor than with, what should theoretically be, their own' side...
...Now, the latter are usually • small fry...
...uncovering the disintegrating agension 'n'f fltis tasks sill ¦ llimplis seifhlTS be is *mxmrtMm*;* wmUmr ptamW and a sneee Bttais line df.sjsods...
...His speech met with a responsive chord with many of the delegates...
...The employers had rejected these demands and the members of the union had voted ln favor of a general strike, when Governor Smith Intervened...
...he has no contract with labor, except in the case cies in America j and unity of effort...
...It Is a ronutrkabl* document...
...Last summer at the time of the scrap of the Xew York left wing locals of the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union with the parent body, several members of the Bookkeepers, Stenographers and Accountants' U"lon Of New Tork City were dismissed by the Dressmakers' Union, No...
...Also, the manufacturers and sub-manufacturers can have very little complaint to make...
...3) The establishment of an un. employment insursnee fund...
...that is, nntil June 30...
...It waa necessary to encourage .the genuine manufacturer, who bad the Inside shop, and who couM control and be controlled, and to curb the tyrannical, unintelligent power, of the Jobber...
...The manufacturer, ln the ordinary sense of the word, is one element...
...Several arose to express their strong condemnation of the Democratic Party—and even ot Tammany—for not living up to election promises...
...adarssMS wore also delivered by Abra|ssj Lsfkowltx of the Teachers' Union, Looja Hyman, General Manager of the ¦ York Joint Board of the Cloak, gait end Dress Makers and Ben Gold...
...It WScld have been an...
...At the same time increases In salaries have-been given to all employees...
...On tbo contrary, though, it deals only with vital matters... this respect it Is a complete confirmation ot the union's contentions...
...the recososgasadationa of the Commission seem on the whole eminently fair...
...Nevertheless, at ths time of writing (May 26), all sides have been marking time, waiting for each other to make the first move...
...The Tofts" had not Informed their followers that the Amalgamated had just the say before given 125,000 to the striking furriers...
...Implicit confidence was expressed by Organiser Randolph...
...proposal,, to reconstruct the cloak, anlt and dress industry so tha...
...The Marwafsst»jror*o Miner Part .Bat the manufacturer plays but a minoT part m the industry...
...df breaking the 15,000 WORKERS DEMAND SHORT WEEK The Bookkeepers' Di...
...outlook for the open shot on transportation systems...
...In the spring of the following year the Commission advocated the renewal of the agreement for another year...
...The eyes of fne organised labor movement, especially of the transportation workers, are focused .upon the Porters' fate," be said...
...It is seen from the above recommendations that the general position of the union has been held...
...Railroad Labor Returns to Normalcy Tbo...
...The proof of it la that it Is the union which made th«vorigins...
...he one mention of the AmalWnated at this demonstration simply .brought forth boos for Hillman...
...converting a closed shop neighborhood town...
...putting ; the community Into the open shop ranks...
...The nature of this gathering can be judged by considering the following items which appear on the agenda...
...This was accepted by the membership by referendum vote...
...2) The adoption of a ssnitsry -nlen label...
...If the union is not in the pink of condition, even the best of recommendations Will go unenforced...
...There are the workers, who are represented by the International Ladles' Garment Workers' Union, though it is the New Tork joint board which is directly involved...
...Ceep#e.,this complexity of motives, ^sasal htjjkfat the Furriers in their hisThe Union Bookkeepers' Dilemma The peculiar position in which unionised bookkeepers who are employed tfcf organisations affiliated with organ•Jed...
...but because of the very nature of the industry...
...All the work is done under his own roof and since ho has Immediate supervifusal to reemploy Herman as a gross violation of the principle of unionism that a striker, must be taken beck to work but admits that in view of the delicate political situation, it were best that ho find employment elsewhere, while being reasonably reimbursed for loss of time...
...If possible, replaced by the inside shop...
...A cot-throat competition results* The Jobbers have them at their mercy, for the season is short and time is money...
...workers the right to- strike, aa has been claimed ln some quarters...
...TsiafTUu were received from all parts «f tks country The sedience was an enthusiastic OSS sod, well might they be...
...The clinching argument Is supplied by the mill owners of Passaic, who have Issued a joint statement declaring that it would be a bad thing...
...The .union, of course, has not had all its demands granted, but, on the other hand, It has hsd Its main claim upheld, that the Jobbing - sub - manufacturing system must be .restricted and...
...To those who,are not familiar with economic conditions in th1 noodle trades, the...
...labor may find themselves is fflestrated ln two recent occurrences...
...The class struggle in the trade under discussion does not follow a simple formula...
...5) The designstion of s minimum number of steady sub-manufacturer* by each Jobber, with the obligation to furnish them with work to snsbts them to give their workers the minimum period of employment...
...jobber Is free from worry...
...8) Ths...
...And what is the form of organization that would thus be harmonious...
...On the merits of our case alone victory Is assured...
...Adoption of a systsm of limitation of the number of submanufacturers with whom s jobber may do business...
...His salesmen then go out and get orders...
...A recent decision by Organizer Hugh Frayne, acting tor President Orson, condemns the' rePORTERS TO TEST NEW RAIL BOARD . Ns-axoes* Case as Soon astibsnbers Art ApS.SlHW new railroad labor hoi «nI acSed by Congress will be placed -•a* to a test insofar as the railroad ii uteris esrtetee of the four Brotherhoods are concerned when the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters submits its claims for recognition as soon as the members ot the new rail mediation body Is appointed, by President Cooljdgw.-General Organiser' A. Philip Randolph plans to have the Porters' case recorded as the first to come before the now machinery...
...It Is discontent based upon such concrete foundations as the above that will awaken the American workers to the duplicity of the two old parties...
...The workers and the sub-manufacturers both suffer...
...Both sides agreed to submit their dispute to an Advisory Commission appolntel by him...
...Only the absence of the . Jisihjimntrfl Clothing Workers' replOseatatlveB marred the proceedings, •rgey were not present partly because t; would have been displeasing to the j£t...
...Wo have yet to see a similar conference conducted by labor leaders—and' this In the face of the company union menace...
...4) An increase in minimum wags scales ranging from $2£0 to $A making tha highest wage fifty dollars and ths lowsst thirty...
...The railroad brotherhoods have agreed to maintain the status quo with respect to them...
...The other incident involves the office staff of the Amalgamated Bank of -New York...
...A system of penalties in cases of evssion or misuse of the sanitary or "Prosanis" label...
...The employees must submit to the terms offered, for it .Is...
...The union, of course, would have a difficult time convincing the rank and file that the limited right of discharge granted to the larger Inside shops was not a backward move...
...The Open Shoppers Talk It Over As we go to press, news comes ot the opening in Detroit of the National Open Shop Conference, which was organised In Salt Lake City In the Spring of 1922, during the open shop drive...
...That means that he rents some space, sufficient to maintain an office and a cutting room...
...7) Ths continuance of the Bureau of Research...
...presenting the open shop to women's clubs, churches, dinner clubs, civic -organizations, schools, employes and other groups...
...Now, the union realised that the industrial renloses Wtth whom it bad to deal Bad neither the gumption nor the tatenigenoo to take hold of the cloak...
...5) Ths advisability of a joint committee, headed by the Impartial Chairman, to chock up the sanding of work to non-union and unauthorized shops... organising the meeting.' It sfsWortunate that the Furriers' leadit* did not seize this opportunity to dflgsge for a Joint management...
...obnoxious Railway Labor Board, which, with the authority to make decisions 'and no power to enforce them, lost Complete confidence of workers and owners alike... frighten the "bosses** and at the same time to enlist the support of the entire American labor, movement...
...They have been able to set themselves up in business because H has required but little capital...
...Consequently, in the summer of 1924, under the leadership of President Morris Sigmaa...
...6) An increase in ths minimum scale of wsgss...
...The unions can and will continue to fight this evil, but first they had to get the Railroad Labor Board out of the way...
...important pracfetf step towards amalgamation, ajhirb Is one of the constant theoretic mm.....In of the "lefts...
...What waa especially galling waa the incident of last summer when the New York City authorities did not grant the expected increases to building workers engaged by the city...
...It was no use demanding wage increases - whoa economic circumstances resulted la clandestine violation of scales agreed upon Ada the short season cot Into the worker's earnings...
...It Is the jobbers who ore hit hardest...
...national aspects of the open shop ln building construction, ln amusement and in the printing and allied industries...
...22, presumably because they were "right," 'while two non-union workers against Whose employment protest had been Bade previously were retained...
...bandies of cloth, thus prepared, to sub-manufacturers...
...In s worthy cause...
...a cheap loft and a few machines rented for the - purpose...
...A spark'of hope which ought to bo kindled into flames waa discerned at the last monthly meeting of the New York Central Trades and Labor Council held May 20...
...He simply has his cutters cut the material...
...Abraham Lefkowltx of the Teachers' Union took the floor to report to the delegates on Governor Smith's veto- of the tekchers* salary rise bill...
...On Juno 27, 1934, this Commission recommended, the adoption of the first three-mentioned demands of the union, the establishment ot an impartial chairman machinery, the further Investigation and study of the other proposals and the-signing of an agreement, tor one year...
...It does not deny the...
...signing of the Watson-Parker -Bill by President Cooltdge is the death-knell of the...
...It is* Just an extension of the collective bargaining principle to railroading, and i only those, who...
...qm joafhfel General Manager ot the sfeV... to keep an open shop community open...
...the work-t ers would be able to have adequate wages and satisfactory working conditions...
...The sub-manwfacturers bid below their, means, Then they return to their shops and offer their workers miserable wages to satisfy their commitments, made ln the desperation of...
...Open Shoppers Meet i?¦* —Rail Labor—Textile . X the call of the General Strike .Committee of the Pur Workers ^St» Union of Now York City, fifteen JbgosBSSnd working: men and women tjeekared in the New Madison Square Oeil'~ New York Clty' ln * msss ^ZZpatration ln favor ot the forty>BBavjreel(- The meeting had the sop¦¦grof the American Federation of jBS as was symbolised by the fact jft John Coughlln, Secretary of the jtjggr fork Central Trades and Labor rjsainf noted as chairman and John ¦afliiin President of the New York ' ahata Federation of Labor, was one ot MBeMea speeches by these two...
...Then, it la wrong to say that the new law signifies a recognition of company unions...
...For four weeks beginning July 8, 11X4, a general stoppage was conducted to reocganlse the industry In accordance with the Commission's recommendations...
...The one big union," they say, "which the workers are being taught will remake the entire condition of their lives, -is impossible of realization, not because the jnlll owners are opposed to the idea as\ such, (oh, no...
...What else the union leaders can hope to gain depends entirely npon their estimate of and confidence in their economic strength...
...Unity for Textile Workers Now we have final proof that what the textile workers need more than anything else Is a single well-organized union...
...have shops with at least fourteen machines...
...4) A minimum -guarantee period Of employment...
...Moreover, there Is a certain strategic advantage in accepting the suggestions in principle...
...Also the absence of any reference to the demand for the forty-hour week and a guaranteed minimum period of employment would prove stumbling blocks...
...The Madison Square Garden demonstration was a clever sosve to discredit the international administration, which Is "right" and bad been urging the strikers to settle at forty-two hours...
...Most of the work to done under the so-called JobMng-sub-manufscturing system...
...It will mean the backtag of the Commission and the enlistment of "public sympathy," which Is a fbtor in making...
...the union made the following . unprecedented demands upon the three organised groups of capitalists In the Industry, the Merchants' Ladies' Garment Association (the Jobbers), the Industrial Council of the Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers' Protective Association (the manufacturers) "and the American Cloak and Suit Manufacturers" Association (the sub-manufacturers): (1) The employment by jobbers of sub-manufacturers who...
...Then, they go oub to bid for work among the Jobbers...
...The new law re-establishes the principles of conciliation and voluntary arbitration that prevailed before the war...
...then be ships the...
...He generally has a large establishment known as an inside shop... will seem bet an academic treatise...
...Only the designers' local, in whose behalf a supplemented request had been pot in for recognition of' their union, have expressed official disapproval of ths recommendations and are prepared to strike, To this- efrsaiser...
...the strikers were reinstated with the exception of Herman Herman, the shop chairman...
...getting some business or none at all...
...of L. officials and partly because te>s/'felt that they ought to have had tSsfes...
...made public...
...7) A reduction of working hours ' from 44 to 40 hours per week...
...suit and drees industry and eradicate the obvious ills...
...Plant committees and works councils," which is a euphonious way of saying company unions...
...Torfc Joint Board of Furriers...
...Then, the announcement goes on to state that the mills "Will not recognise any organization as speaking collectively for their employes except that organization, which in purpose and method, thoroughly harmonises with the peculiar conditions to which the industry and the particular mills are subjected...
...Tha present method of direct contributions by jobbers has proven inefficient...
...3) The establishment of a labor employment bureau under the auspices of the Trustees of ths Unemployment Insursnee Fund...
...The Bookkeepers proceeded to picket the Presan lakers' headquarters on the around that they had been locked outx With the intervention of President William Green of the A F. of L...
...too precarious to go out into the ope nlabor market and seek for better employment when the season Is brief...
...Governor's Board for Demands Of Ladies' Garment Workers By Lours Silverstein AT test -awWeWtsM^ «eonunehd*tkms of the Governor's Advisory Commission' for the cloak, suit, and skirt industry ot New York City have been...
...As if to reply to the bosses, the American Federation of Textile Operatives has called a unity conference ln New York on June 5 to which representatives of other textile workers' organisations are invited...

Vol. 3 • May 1926 • No. 20

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