THE PULLMAN PORTERS BREAK ALL HECORDS New Union of Negro Workers Like a Crusade; Workers Answering Call Through the Nation By Frank R. Crosswaith ', ji ti iik chalking up a record that wul...

...What unheard of arrogance...
...What a cheap dig...
...I am sure the letter will not "perturb" Rabb.i Wise, greatly...
...But Just because we are ao great and noble we can afford to be a little easy, on a npnenlty like Rabbi Wise.- . The epld fact »t the matter ia there are few men In any movement' who come up to the Intellectual and spiritual stature of a man like Rabbi Wise, hpeskkig for myself I can'sky that I have already profited greatly in spirit from contact with the Rabbi.' He Is one...
...But I have observed that fhey prefer always to listen to the eloquent speaker... was filled by Pullman porters and their families, cheering every word that tell from the Hps of the speakers and manifesting a spirit of determination to win and an appreciation of the -serious task'before them as- to make even an oM* labor-war-veteran, marvel with astonishment- Ter**tbese Mark tollers wore choo* lag srasj' reference made to a new "sodai order.'* '"The rights of msn...
...We have dope not a little miking to toe victims of this system in the Ghettos...
...Form the case of Rabbi Wise it was doubtless a mistake of the mind whereas In the case, of the Socialists moral weakness was involved...
...The fttjst meeting, of the New Tear .was held last Friday night, January 8, at St...
...ot the greatest intellectual and spiritual leaders in the'country today...
...In tbp - theatres, cms can see stIk-> bedecked ladies, while on the streets...
...21, at S p. m. in Vienna Hall...
...Labels have obme to mean very little to me...
...pensabia eondition *f a shangs for the bettor in our seeiel and economic...
...There may also be sporadic attempts on the part of aome, contractors to tamper with the wages of our people...
...There are rich and poor...
...Cuke's Hall...
...A sneering sarcaatlAattltude toward men like Rabbi Wiser wm get us nowhere...
...The-Booth win be invaded, the Far West will, in a tew weeks, hear the militant demands and resonant voice oG A. i*rillip Randolph and his colleagues in,, this veritable 'crusade of 12,000 Negros for a chance to Uve and to rescue their Up-subdued self-respect .from...
...One might ask what good has all bis talking done...
...Jan.--21, at t p. m...
...West Heboken,-Fridhy, Jan...
...These are given away to the men...
...freezing, beg at an hour of night and day...
...Gertrude B. McDougaM...
...Branch 9, Ridgewood section, Monday, Jan...
...De Witt has unwittingly done the very thing that will keep men'of the Influence and power of Rabbi Wise .far away from the Socialist movement...
...n the...
...What a'gross injustice to the man and how utterly absurd...
...And bow eloquent these people are in their denunciation of eloquence...
...downtown, Wednesday, Jan...
...DeWitt gives a long list of the terrible kinds of people that comprise the Rabbi's audience every Sunday—high usurers, coarsened cloak manufacturers, etc...
...Branch 7, Brownsviihjyfjction...
...Mttle proletarian ragamuffins, without komee...
...Branch X Harlem •action, Thursday, Jan...
...the membership 'of 'the union "was increased by over (OS...
...On reading the letter, one cannot help being forcibly struck by the fact that the writer is more dominated by a.passion for words and' the Impnassive Phrase than for-truth...
...As concerns Rabbi Warn and the war...
...The Rabbi never* waa a non-resistant...
...muss supercede the rights of property... Beethoven Hall...
...THe organisation ia determined to maintain the wages where they are during.-the alack period, and...
...It proves nothing more nor less than that Rabbi Wise is not Debe...
...There are few men outside er in the Socialist movement it you please, who can stand comparison with Deba...
...Branch 8, Brooklyn section...
...Having taken an active pert in certain public movements of both France and Eag> land, and knowing personally many of the political leaders, alike la France, On i many and.* Britain...
...Ktog Canute la hie famous injunction to the wave*., had more success than these dusky tools of the Pullman Company are having...
...Withta the two but weeks in Debember, 1S2S... * p. m. in Harlem Tenscs^eRaU, 21ft X. 194th street...
...Debe, let me aay, la not the exclusive possession of any particular organization...
...The speaker* were: A. Philip -Randolph...
...Negro —we paper editors, Negro pohttcosn* ot the two-oM-part lea, Negro minis tm* and educators, a veritable hattoHon of "white hopes," to atom the tide of organisation among toe man...
...and In stiff larger ouantRtos tha iluhiue vice* and tyranny of trade untona...
...1ft, at 6- p.' m. in.Jorio Han, Arthur are...
...To* be sure, we Socialists have a monopoly of ' truth, beauty, courage, idealism . and . wisdom and that...
...Brotherhood Hlesplng Car Porters...
...the Important point to remember' ia that Rabbi Wis* baa never condoned the crimes or eased the guilty consciences of bis auditors...
...Branch ft...
...12** West .120th street;, the spacious and elegant auditor... teterpretotkm of current events and recent history...
...Branch' 1...
...Colon CodtmitteS tor* (Jr...
...abort space of four months more than 45 per cent of the 12,000 Pullnwn porters of the nation have rallied to the bugle "call of unionism and class-solidarity.' -4*o other group of workers in the ftng history of the working class of America to, better its...
...who did not in their hearts believe in the war and who did exactly what DeWitt accuses RaSoI Wise of having done...
...Be never was anything ot the kind, in spite of the tact he has never declared himself a Socialist...
...2«1 Drigfts" <gvc...
...Brotherhood Sleeping Car |*nitajra, anfi Frank R. Crosawatth, xTxecutive noereA tary...
...DeWitt implies as much In his letter...
...organisation that is at once planning and gratifying...
...But what*are we to think of .the Socialists by the thousands an over the world who were wise to the game...
...An a^ifitai j to this Rmiliei Tbaei, sunaasOng^ot the wive* of partor*, to sow bebig prgnninsd and already' Ra man-bar ship to), tmpremuve...
...sassa- Sbaarang "at aba unfan...
...21ft E. tth street Dane Socialists View Russia * (Continued from page •> like la any western city.' a*r*sr example, taxi driver* will - "hold you up- nT rhey see you are a stranger and think they can get away with It...
...W. H. So* Terneyi Pteld Orgsplsss...
...The Ihtoiah Cwnmnntos visited the central pttobai to Ttnto, Cstorgto...
...The magnificent Jewels of the Czars, s eetlecflea greater than that of the Ring .with earn...
...anywhere in the streets' of /Hsrtam unteev her joined -the .s^ttuifcnftwft bar hedaads *dt*r one...
...ftftT Eastern Parkway, Monday evening...
...the aroused men asm women of the race - will hajvo nothing to do with them, and Run eartodhhy that as soon as the PuUsaan Ckmumny is convinced—as It should be by apw —that these Negro editor* cant produce the desired results, R win ptSi draw It* support an* tha result wffl be natural death tor these, sheets, a fats wen deserved, end on* that'aft workers, black and white, wik ban with n sang of satisfaction...
...Mr.- AngeS it abto to a-i^^tym...
...and hie motive ia to mislead and' betray, especially if he doesn't subscribe to our particular creed.* Bis speeches -are platitudinous and he is altogether given over to "poaturings...
...Grand cor, Havemeyer street...
...Oonsral -Organizer...
...It is, therefor, a bit amusing that a phraaeologlst like DeWltt should deride another for being a "consummate artist at, bowling down the ten-pin alleys, of phraseology...
...Common eensev to any nothing of, liberality ought to prompt Socialists not to make such a big fuss over the fact that the Rabbi was in favor of the war...
...the class struggle" ° and many other- phraaaa well known to the .readers of the New .Leader...
...hum . ever, while they are being well m> plied with Pullman money, it oaa be safely said, their, circulation and tafiuenee among Negroes baa d*nrmsad> and their duly .earned, fat* patiently awaits them, tor the porter* srfcl not read them... S p. m. in Miller's Assembly Hall...
...18, at S p. m. in John's Halt tf« Wilson ave., corStockholm street...
...And they uisbn very little to people' who taow-Ufal But it seems that Socialists like thtogenegality of mankind had rather-have a bad article wRb their label than a genuine one without it...
...fudging from the contemptuous way some people talk about gfcod speakers...
...Withal, there is so much- to JUueia that recommends .itself to the** a-ternbar* of the delegation that a eaU fee world solidarity and moral support-tor the greatest social experiment te history is sent forth from Denmark...
...ALL HAIL TRR TJATt IN DEFENCE OF RABBI WISE A Reply to De Witt's Critical Open Letters By Richard Boyajian fS^HIS is the first time 1 have 1 written for a paper...
...will be Norman Angall, author and lecturer of note...
...eC so-called big Negroes...
...19th, at t Bj m. in New National Hall...
...There are n few outstanding *s» caption*, ' however—ouch newspapers as the Washington Tribune, tha Pittsburgh Courier, the New Tork ASS and the New Tork Amstardam News...
...Branch ft,-Bronx section...
...I have long Since dlaabuaad my .mind ot the Illusion that the poor ore all angola of light and toe rich all devils of darkness, i I am eenylnosd that an Indie...
...Rabbi Wise is kindly forewarned that "during his first year or so with us' ws may not be able to profit very much In spirit from contact with him...
...eloquent man ia Insincere, hypocritical...
...ganbdng Negro Workare...
...It is positively stupid...
...West Hobo ken, X. J...
...Branch 10—CoOarmalrers of Greater New Tork, Thursday...
...Nmgro to the Form They have established the unmistakable fact that a new type of Negro Is now facing America, and America must heed his presence...
...Meenmn AegslT aft RreaMyn' Jewish ¦ . -Center - - ' The speaker at tha Rrooklya Jewish Canter...
...I have heard him again and again lash and sting his Sock with his powerful speech...
...the stultifying and stagnant swamp W ttps-taklng...
...y * The Industrial outlook in the shirt industry Is good...
...Not much, it must be frankly confessed.- How many hare rallied around our standard...
...This toll the asmgator^* ^* ^"'^^ trtrks*so sasatRar' to^Splsj w s>"whn pteyossv such aa.*hrnusbtoshuaaj .tttossts, shifting off fores*, withholding of pay checks, peid propegandlot* who ladle out in torge porttoas tha ape tins vh> toes and'henevotonco of the onmpany...
...i p. m. In Kriegers' Hall, 422 Blake ave...
...Not contented with'the remarkable successes of lfti, the Brotherhood is out to eclipse Its rederd'for that year by energetically pressing forward % program In 1*28 wlftch should win the genuine admiration of every one truly interested .in the struggles and triumphs of all workers...
...Within the asxt two or' three months, R ia expected that over the required St per cent of the men shall have been an" rolled and the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car ^Porters will take tha case of the much abused and brutattsed PuH» man porters before the RaRroad Labor Board or whatever agency win succeed It, Whom thm Nogro WiU AaggRRw Him Proper Pimm The men are asking'and should saw ceive th* unstinted support of nil who are truly interested - in -the Negro, fas It Is not by singing "the spirituals," or by rhapaodiatng about "thy* old time religion,- that the Negro win bo able to take his place in the world at . men...
...Rabbi apologist of our present form or economic' and spiritual civilization...
...YW Sght of thnPulimsn ndrtess is ttte a]I absorbing topie wherever two or mere Negroes gather In Tlsrlsm...
...It will give him a hserty laugh, as It should, and that wUTbe all...
...The much toR-ed-bf valuables and rich treasures are att intact and unharmed...
...members- The places and dates of the meetings are as follows...
...Like all the great spirits he belongs to humanity and to aS age...
...196 Montrose ave., Brooklyn...
...And if the sentiments expressed in the letter are those of the rank-and file—I sincerely hope they are no%—pienroKthe type of Rabbi Wise are perfectly Justified in keeping aloof from the -movement...
...That Rabbi Wise haa not said and done the things Debs baa ia not a discredit to the Rabbi...
...20, at S p. m. In- Beethoven Halt 21ft E. 5th 'street...
...and HTth street...
...else will make us ridiculous in the eyes of all intelligent people...
...Thm Pmttmm Company** ' Army of Hbod Mom . Ah the proeeoutton of Its alms to keep the porters from organising n uatou over which the company wfB have an control, and as n tost resort to effect this desire, the Pullman Cnaanaay*ana been able to purchase * number...
...these papers are .not found In railroad yards to be freely distributed by the Pullman Company, but la the homes of the porters...
...From.a purely selfish stand' point, to say nothing of a higher motive, it doesn't pay to impute all sorts of subtle, ulterior motives to a man simply because he doesn't...
...Not many, t am afraid...
...It is worse than that... the young inmate with the question: "Won't you admit that the prisoners are treated better «—- JBTtf"" the Csarr* "Tee," answered that young man,** wq can apeak our nuada in -arteon, but not outahte...
...However mistaken he waa ¦ and I believe he wag—he sincerely believed the war was necessary and Justifiable and he did what a man who thought ao should have done...
...During these three days' rally, December 27, 28 ahd 29, over 20 porters, and maids were enrolled in the fighting Brotherhood...
...He said: "Greet the Danish workers and ten them that you 'eannot find day Social - Democrats here, for those who are not imprisoned are killed!** The prison warden turned...
...They read, emnhod and slept as 'they -pleased, -to one-room were throe, apetoi revotaUonariee, condemned to .death..bat feeir eenImpriaenment ¦The detection obtained the mlrlTfsgs- of » conversation with the shtossmra, wb» statea taat theft*'' might - go free trte igfnditVwi that aaur'auaWa&'en'pte^ Cemfta^akm^, fsv another ph^e^they^aayear for agitation against Communism...
...eloquence ."is a cheap, common art, unworthy of the champions of truth...
...a0 of these things are going to die with us...
...It epitomized all the "sins, of radicals''— pride, arrogance, intolerance and narrow-mindedness.- -The sarcasm is vulgar add painfully misplaced...
...Organisers will be sent Into every state whose Pullman porters are located...
...These Negro workers are breaking traditions and establishing the fallacy too long accepted as true, that Negro workers can't be organised and that they constitute the "scabs" ot America: 'A Now Typm . Of...
...It is exactly the attitude expressed in the letter that more than anything...
...Because, unfortunately,,the poor are as full of hatred and prejudice, illusions and delusions ah the rich...
...Why hold Rabbi Wise responsible for the crimes of his hearers...
...Qulta a, faw> of these papers were born atooe Rut porter* began to unionise, othss* were on the verge *f coBapee...
...They have.thrown-in their lot with the porters and arp gtandlng by them moat admirably... the Idea'a of men, a change, broadly speaking, from material istie to spiritual ideals and Rabbi Wise is doing mighty good work in the direction of e realisation of that end...
...In view St this" fact can it be gainsaid that the war record ot the Socialists la s good deal ntore reprehensible than the war record of Rabbi-Wise...
...eyatont ia a ehang... these branch meetings proper Instruction* will be .given to all of our...
...Workers Answering Call Through the Nation By Frank R. Crosswaith ', ji ti iik chalking up a record that wul stand focmaa/a t*,***> day uncbaJknted -in the enSals of "bTganiring workers, the Brotherhood of Sleeping -Car Porters dosed the year 1925 with three monster mass meeting* in the Negro section .of Wear York City...
...After reading Samuel De" Witt's open letter to Rabbi Wise it is hardly possible for me to remain silent...
...In all of the acattored railroad eonHers, there can be found hug* stacks of Negro newspapers and rmmnatees containing articles lauding -the company and advising the porter* *gaBn*t the Brotherhood in particular- and trade unions- in general...
...Tuesday... S| men,' 1a one big room...
...Branch 4, Green point section, Tuesday, Jan...
...And why...
...Imperial castles have been, converted into mneoiime sad school...
...Vies-Chairman, Trade Union Committee dor Organising Rogrp WorhUrg...
...The potters have displayed a' readiness for, add an appreciation of...
...but by harnessing hut powers of production into- labor- organisation* and his consuming powers -Into genuine co-operative*, win he be ta the position to contribute hfg share te the making of a new society, dedtoatod to democracy ia industry and ana ta which, those who- do the World's useful work, win reap the fuU social vnhto of Otolr labor...
...To describe it all as nonsense "would be' putting it mildly indeed...
...Again', it is altogether unfair and unjust to drag in Debs...
...industrial democracy...
...I am not condemning nor am I Bitting in Judgment bat I'm merely reminding you ot a flnr facto which ought to make us a bit more lenient...
...Hie subject 1* "What's Happening la Europe...
...bear our label...
...How much good have we done...
...Nevertheless, art ihls time of the'year it is usually dull, and therefore the Union Is contemplating to do away, with overtime completely until such a time when the real busy season sets' In...
...ny,-,.- st.M \rTf - Ajm Active Port ' > The row'being played to thto fight by the wives of the** porter* should not be permitted to peas inu'esordod, w«e tm^^,,m^t^!^miiiim^^ IS' aunt than--csss^an*Rh» to signthe wossa*^at»taj1s>sr lay **» apathy of Hiuij iig***nd* ' ^¦a^aabftP SsspwSpt^wS^ ^fjsVs^ ^ VasprfeSQA...
...Be that may...
...And their ideals are essentially as corrupt and materialistic aa thoae of the crowd Rabbi Wise addresses...
...What about It?, Fundamentally they are,not any different from the victims of the system that DeWitt*boasts of haying addressed in ¦ the Ghetto...
...The fact that he doe* not label banself a Socialist doesn't bother" me "in the least...
...The spirit manifested in the letter will do muck to kefcp our movement weak, helpless and fan potent Rabbi Wise needs the- Socialist movement and the' Socialist movement needs Rabbi Wtos.' Shirt Operators to Moot The first branch meetings of the year will be held by the Amalgamated Shirt Operators the week beginning January These meeting* are of particular importance, because of - the present industrial conditions and because the renewal of the -agreement ia- soon to be negotiated, with the United Shirt Manufacturers' Association...
...The prison to ah oM castle...
...economic and social' condition*Jisvef shown sqcb results m so short a time...
...The stuff ¦Imply doesn't apnly to Rabbi Wise...
...The- prisoners lived together, aome g...
...Rraaeh t, Williamsburg sectipn, Tuesday, Jan...
...9& , ajssr** eontpany, her\umto...
...aft S p. m. in 245 West street...

Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 1

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