The Realm of Books

The Realm of Books The American Revolution A Review by JAMES ONEAL ggfl7 AMERICAN STATES. Dur>ju and After the Revolution, liJt-irtt. By Allan Nevini. Hew York: The MaemUlan Co. M _ $f»...

...New York: Albert ft Chtrlci Bonl, TUTANKHAMEN AND AFTER...
...Throughout, the reviewer was impressed with a freedom and freshness of treatment that cut deep, a sincerity of conviction that is compelling, and a clarity and simplicity of style thst would make thii volume a valuable addition to the library of worth-while books of [every layman...
...Methods of teaching and the administrative machinery of our schools, still weighed down by hoary traditional standards, aa well as the financial dependence ef colleges snd universities upon the benefactions of the captains of industry, interested in the preservation of the present order, have not been con-, ducive to the formulation of educational ideals that would serve as a guide to our ailing youth toward a critical approach to the values of modern life...
...By Harvey Lciit Luti...
...The youth of today finds himself in an environment which is solely the creation of its elders...
...The author very skillfully develops ths routing of the ignorant superstitions through tcience and knowledge...
...Should workers fight and then be told that they could...
...It was their duty, so they conceived, to close the mouths of opponents, fa tome cases to take over local governments, to deport some offensive Loyalists and in some cases to kill those who were either suspected •r were known to be guilty of giving encouragement to the British...
...Finger wuuld seem to have travelled in very remote spots snd to have penetrated deeply Into the lives oi the simple-minded snd sweet-minded folk he found there...
...This industrial order "impoverishes the spirits of men, and then with ready money Invites them to seek refreshment in things that can be bought rather than in things that can be had by achieving them... the arts," he replied, "aad in tho BUS* •( the people...
...Miicells neons THE JOURNAL OF LOUIS HEMON...
...New York: Apple ton...
...But nothing has been done to give them spiritual purpose...
...On the whole this is a valuable contribution to American social history^and it will have to be consulted by any person who desires to be informed upon the revolutionary period...
...New York: Knopf...
...and finally the irsfting of a new and free Constitution...
...The book is not without its interest, however, especially toward the last...
...They probably are, if their pupils are as different from ours as the author indicates in an incident related in his firs...
...The stories he relates sre decidedly different stories, unlike any I have read from Greek or None legend, from our North Amerlcsn lndisn tales, from the folk lore of Russia, Germany, or Czech" Slovakia...
...It fosters the mechanization of men as routlnary attendants upon a machine or as mere soulless marionettes fulfilling the unquestioned will of their superiors...
...Terribly devastating to the flesh... it s new publication...
...The radicals' wrath Sffiait British loyalists soon turned if tins t the ruling "nabobs" and "aristocrats" and a class struggle Between the two factions was carried into politics and often threatened physical violence...
...In Weitchnter County, New York, 'fray Loyalists were seised...
...They are a tweet people, the sweetest in 'he world...
...A Sympotium by 1$ Writer...
...New York: Out ton...
...I had a propaganda motive once, but it's gone now, I hope...
...The author points out that "this mechanization creates a chasm between work and leisure, and sends men in search of exciting pleasures to offset the deadening routine"-*-* telling indictment of the meaningless of work as achievement...
...New York: League for Public Dlicusslon...
...g J*»I«hmIss and provincial outlook of tho various sections and States alao found expression in the army...
...But there is a virility coning up out of the soil from the mass of the people that will save the situation, if anything c;.u...
...In Chapter Four he shows hew foolish it is to expect that s person skilled in skating or ditch-digging, for example, can therefore teach those arts...
...It it unfortunate that Professor f»esr has not written a book more needed in the field he tries to cover, and in a manner which would attract readers rather than discourage them, for his a'titude on this point Is one that cannot have too many exponents, Now It Can Be Discussed A Review by RAYMOND FULLER OUR CHANGING MORALITY...
...It is not difficult to imagine the perennial panic in parents' hearts over their sons' and daughters' dangers, which could readily lead to the extreme tyranny of enforced virginity...
...Work and Play A Review by LUCY RETTING SKUA..., not at an equilibrium of selfish interests maintained by fear but as s possible world-fellowship and worldcooperation . . . ." Within the limited scope of an essay, the author necessarily presents his case in bold atrokes, but it is nevertheless well substantiated and convincing...
...The radicals," writes Nevini, "aligned themselves against special social, economic and religious privilege...
...The industrial age makes men Impotent...
...There is a clear exposition of Gilbreth's tridimensional photo.rraphy, vhich is still used, although slow-motion pictures have, come to share that field...
...That there are risks involved is equally true of the thought snd sctlon of the more mature...
...At once, says Professor Pear, the teacher finds himself at a loss for words...
...Professor Coe's implied answer is embodied in one pithy phrate—"a rapidly changing world and slowly changing schools and colleges...
...But our modern Occidental civilization demands that boys and girls, fully ready to procreate at sixteen, do not do so for at least eight years...
...But his is not the smooth, blatant sureness thst closes the door to iew impression or ideas...
...Hs ssys in his preface, "The msin interest of all these tales (the Sagas) is the same: they tell of real men snd women in rest circumstances, and show them human in tpite of tht legends which' be** grown about them...
...This creation is the ugly ogre of an industrisl society, feverishly consumed with the aim of mastering and exploiting natural resources for profit, snd not for production, craftsmanship and creativity...
...He \> distine'ly open-minded snd, above all, kindly... makes on* understand clssrly the different adaptations which people must mske to living where nights are sometimes so very long and light comes for so brief a period, snd vice versa...
...where emphasis it laid upon several good points...
...Probably the best-known American novelist today, he is of course sure of himself after the maner of any one who has thoroughly mastered a job or a situation...
...The book contains adventures of real excitement, interest, and suspense...
...T»e States were not united in their Wjtlsi nor in support of the ConBMntsl Congress and Washington's *JJ... intelligence, and the development of the capacity of all for making and creating...
...Some twenty years ago Mr...
...the utilization of science, not to enhance the profits of the few but to enlarge the life of all...
...Science and invention have brought about significant changes in economic conditions and social relationships, to which all the rules of conduct laid down by the ethics and morals of our elders are no longer applicable...
...But a good teacher, faced with such an erudite question, would need no terminology...
...By George Kelly...
...Of this tho author writes: "How deeply provincial and sectional jealousies, based on differences of society snd manners, cut was shown ss soon as Washington took command...
...The struggle was a complex one...
...He could explain in everyday language the working of the muscle groups Involved, for his training in kinesiology, or action of muscles, would have given him the necessary 1 nowledge...
...It is inevitable...
...If you merely Interpret what you see, you become s ret'ist...
...New York: Bonl * Liveright...
...If i find myself limping in my left knee, I am likely to assume that my left knee is the sest of my ailment snd that the euro mutt be direct treatment of this joint...
...By Eliot O. Mesrs...
...Are we reaching the breaking point where taboo no longer stands the strain...
...New York: Macmillan...
...These who summoned the mechanics and poor farmers to fight for the political revolution became alarmed when the latter placed their own demands in the foreground...
...Extra-legal methods brought them into power...
...The emotions csn be developed just st the Intellect, but they aren't—usually...
...By Charlee J. Fmger...
...It gives s vivid genre picture of ths fsrm lifs on tho fiord...
...In my rather varied reading as a child It escaped me...
...As a rule these writers nowhere plead or demand, they present...
...And I doubt whether Professor Pear's words ef advice would reach any but the trained teacher, for no other could assimilate this heavy mixture of physiology, even though there are many apt similes to lighten the dose...
...Unfortunately this ignorance of pedagogical background of the avowed audience characterizes the entire work...
...Privilege and emotionalism—both anti-social—stand as the sternest obstacles to a sweeter freedom for the race...
...By Frsns Molnsr...
...In approaching his analysis in this manner he strikes at the root of the problem rather than at its surface manifestations...
...Lidiilu Reymont...
...Two of these books are reissulnge of older volumes...
...In that tame chapter he emphasizsa the fact that the approval or disapproval of the worker toward a new efficiency movement should be taken into consideration in the teaching of that movement So we find our new friend in habit formation, interest, given due credit... the columns of the Nation during 1924 goes our gratitude for such inventorying...
...All this was illegal and feunded on contempt for the "established order...
...Personal estates were seised...
...The "fathers" of the revolution Ware not sticklers for law, order, tradition and established government...
...Professor Coe makes s plsa for age to welcome the Youth movement snd cooperate with it, snd sptly turns up what may be gained from the partnership, as follows: "The simple joys of robust health, open air, the beauty of nature, folk-song and festival, sincerity of speech, unvarnished good fellowship...
...Wherein lies a remedy...
...If we may believe the words on the jacket, teachers of games and economics of industry are the public for which this little book of six chapters and seven illustrations was written...
...Of course the industrialization of Europe will come...
...This is what chiefly interests me," he continued, "not social causes or univc-sal panaceas...
...Between fr e love, with its blinding ly bright possibilities, and Victorian-style Podsnappery, the bourgeoisie, however conscientious, have trembled and trembled —and passed the buck...
...IN WORK AND PL A V. By T. H. rear...
...By Lawrence Houim...
...They are written with charm and plcturetqucness...
...Man functiona aa a man with tools and materials, just as a woman functions with children...
...In his concluding chapters, Professor Coe discusses the failure of religion to meet the new needs of education...
...Whether or not Mr...
...The merit of this work a that it knits together a number ef important factors during the {evolutionary period so that a comjrshemsive picture of the revolution u obtained...
...Senseless barbaric customs, of course...
...COSTUMING A PLAY... as daily food rather than as a mere appendage of the common life...
...The science of form, which hai developed from the study of muscular movements underlying skili, is scarcely so new that it warrants this treatise from the pen of an English psychologist...
...We Americans are really a spoiled people, we have so many comfortable, things in our life...
...then a Congress starting up side by side with the Legislature...
...Look at New York,," he continued...
...It i built upon money, Yet no one really caret about money for itrelf, It it what money will do...
...By Allen Frenek... shows what ths rigors of Far North climate mesn...
...of course, the humane implicatiens of a tight I ening interdependence industrially must be traced out...
...In the energy, inspired enthusiasm, quickening thought snd action of the critical youth of today—the Youth movement—which senses the realities of the problems facing it...
...some **rt beaten to death, while others tad the tendons of arms or legs cut •¦d were lamed for life...
...Nevins' account of ,»tt;'.fln*nc»« Is excellent and one . <ne most valuable features of his Cn.w . v«nety of currencies financial chaos and that ¦ all 1" tr,n»«rt'°ns were conducted ¦P" s marvel...
...A debstf between Bertrand Russell and Scott Nearing...
...But tl.L of itself is not really significant...
...Garden CUy: Doubt eday...
...I Re* Yorei 1. W. He* Seek...
...Docs the return to handicraft work offer any chance of improvement...
...New York: Albert * Char lee Bent...
...The srts are nothing but the crafts intensified in the hands of an imaginative person...
...unselfishness and gentleness art emphasized throughout the book, but, at the tame time, bravery, skill, and diligence are highly rated...
...And monogamatic marriage itself, with all thst its mores msy mean of stultification, ennui and parasitism, is pressed, cut and shaped by a similar antinatural expediency...
...He has not much faith in political expedients to solve the social und industrial iniquities of the world...
...By Edwin Juitui Miver...
...I have iut been here for ten years...
...Ameriernt art simply trying to find themselves...
...With singular aptitude in its choice of contributors, the Nation made of this symposium a brilliant success...
...Other people will iIj the same...
...Longer and longer grows the pre-marital taboo period, as economic pressure sets the tighter...
...The Shan peoples go on welding neckrings around their girls' threats year by year so as to lengthen them grotesquely Hig.i-clsss Chinese women not so long ago had their feet so bound that they soon ceased to function as anything more Shan stumps...
...Angle after angle of the polyhedral subject of Sex Morality is exhumed into the light of sane criticism...
...A PLAY By Jsaei Joyce...
...It is full of Wild adventures and holds many s thrill far th* boy or girl who csn master the dlMoftlt names and somewhat unusual l»ngusge...
...Some of these acts of venl*»Me were committed after the end w tb* war snd the signing of the Wee treaty...
...This volume Is gaily ill" ' -ated by Henry Pits In a manner which increases ths vividness of ths adventurous tsls...
...One of the most valuable chapters considers the political, economic, educational and religious Institutions of the colonies especially as they affected the mass of the people...
...Bottom t Little, Brown d) Co...
...The Aslembly confiscated and sold some Wyslist estates and deprived LoyalPl of their civil rights, including m franchise...
...Experiment they dare not—those few who dared went cither into police-courts or fiction...
...but medical tcience may tell me that my lameness is due to s poison thst originates elsewhere and that, in order to walk normally, I must permit the pulling of a tooth...
...But I am no pessimist," he concluded...
...None (if them is afraid to saunter up to the edge and see what moral disorder looks like," says Freda Kirch way in her introduction...
...The white population of the low country was only 28,644, of which a small number were wealthy slave owners...
...New York: League for Public Dlicusilon...
...We have some pretty bright beginners over here, but not that bright...
...I asked him...
...In the last chapter the suthor closes with an appeal for the teacher who will combine scientific understanding of his profession with an academic background that will make for tolerance and sympathy, especially in teaching the working man...
...sM thi conditions of life, whether at home or abroad, have been described as closely at was possible within the limits of ths simple narrative form which ths SSgSS customarily employed...
...I used to believe thst political changes could work wonders...
...By Hew Het Martineau...
...I The Sens of Liberty supplied whst |h) would today call a "Red Guard...
...Feat* on ths Fiord," with striking pictures by Boris Artsybasheff, is put out by the Macmillen Company as one of the Children's Classics along with "Robinson Crusoe," "Arabian Nights," "Treasure Ilk land," "Gulliver's Trsvsls," "At* top's Fable*," etc...
...Tranilited by William A. Bradley...
...It Knot the first one of its kind as jpeker, Beard, Schletinger, Beer and filers have dens notable work in ¦is field...
...Nothing will chanp** things but growth and mutual understanding, a realization that people are people, not machines...
...Yet it is this critical approach, the searching for the virtues and defects of the social environment, the actual participation in devising and making social changes, which is one of the most vital and essential characteristics of the educational process...
...Thus Professor Coe in his provocative essay indicates that what ails the youth of today is not due to a malady inherent in youth but rather to a maladjusted social order...
...The white population of the up-hill country was 111,584, yet to the Jeer country was apportioned s majority of the seats in the State IsjiHwi'S...
...Boston: Little, Brown St Co...
...and the New linglanders, whom Admiral Warren had found in the last French War the quickest to assert their rights aa Englishmen, showed a coldness to other breeds...
...New York: Bonl A Liverlght...
...Ho certainly would if that happened in America, for he would have swooned from surprise...
...but at any rste, ths tons of ths stories is one of "sweetness and light...
...Sentimental family forebodings gave us the virgin-complex, and hard economic interference, the one-woman-one-man life sentence—disguised as a contractl And both family and State are equally fearful and intolerant of discussion...
...He ascribes this failure to the belief that "religion itself is ailing...
...Complaint was soon heard among the Massachusetts snd Connecticut regiments that the men of other sections habitually called them "damned Yankees...
...What this civilized barbaritm means in our efforts to improve our culture-stage and achieve advances toward brotherly and spiritual love the Freudian schools are revealing to us...
...Teachers may be different in England, however...
...The author's idea "is to present a conspectus of State hit tory, at distinguished from national history, from the organisation of the Irst independent State agencies at the beginning of the Revolution until 17...
...By St...
...Finger edited hit tales to leave out all flagrant cruslty it net mads clear...
...M _ $f» those who bolicvo that the Igltrictn Revolution wet the upriskg ef » united people and who de K to continue belief in thii fiction Bp hUtory will come at a shock...
...Religion is today still under the influence of a too potent soporific theological tradition—with no fresh outlook upon the remaking of a human world...
...Edited by Ernest Gruening...
...Literature THE PEASANTS...
...New Ytrki Ifotv mi/Jen...
...He is a big, virile-looking man, keenly interested in people...
...French tried to revive ah interest in ths thrilling exploits of the old Icelandic heroes, by writing the story of "Rolf," drawing upon tho incidents as they occurred in th* Ssgss...
...My job is to interpret what I see and feel, and let people draw their own conclusions...
...Practically every State was affected by this proletarian phase of the revolution...
...The prominence of law in almost every onsflst the Icelandic Ssgss has boon preserved In the following story...
...But the conservative...
...What was good enough for my father and his father ought to be good enough for me" is a lazy rationalization for blinking at problems at which open-eyed and inquisitive youth refuses to blink...
...All three contain stories of far away lands aad peoples, "Feats on the Flora" convgytng very definite pictures of daily living in one of the Scsndlnsvlsn countries, end "Rolf," of life in tho long ego in Iceland...
...In this new environment vsst numbers of women have been drawn into industry which has changed their outlook on life...
...Anderson's most interesting philosophy csn bs obtained in a series of lectures which hs it giving st ths Rand School, 7 East 15th street, on Friday evening, Jan'ary 30, st 8:30, Friday evening, February 6 at 8:30, and Saturday afternoon, February 7 at 3:80...
...People are reduced to the level of machines...
...then the disappearance of the latter snd the rough elaboration of the new Government to cover executive and Judicial functions...
...The Ssgss reveal the character is tics of our branch of the Aryan rats, especially personal courage...
...First we see the Mattering local committees...
...II -Winter...
...Sherwood Anderson—Philosopher An Intertiew by NELLIE SEEDS NEARING SHERWOOD ANDERSON arrived in New York the other day, his firs', visit here in ten years...
...New York: Macmillin...
...What does education do to help youth understand this environment...
...New York: Leigue for Public dlieusiien...
...were usually ready to support tkt old order...
...Their antagonism to each ™l*r and to Congress, their varying Jwnai policies, struggles and aims, JW tendency to separatism and in ••Me cases to snatch an advantage 'bsmtelvei, leaves one wonders2u l ,uch * loo,e union of sutM ouid have ever come out victorious 2,;J» wltn GrMt Britain, "ith few exceptions each State also *«t through the disastrous experiSl" *ith P«Per money which ?™«*nt so many financial difficulties eom.°ngre"' 0ne *ood "ource of in" mV* th« confiscation and sale J^yshst property, New York alone 2*™lnjr "more than $3,600,000 in from the sale of Loyalists' Mr...
...But trained teachers, at least in Americe, have already learned to employ every device known to their profession that will gain the "greatest possible result from the least possible expenditure of fnergy...
...Curiously, pure morality seems to have had little money value on the Rialtos of the world...
...Maturity has got us into the troubles in which we find ourselves and seems to be Insufficiently grown-up to show ut the way out...
...New York: American Library Service...
...In another ten jears," he said, when I a:;ked Mm what he thought about politics, "no one but the politicians will vt.ii...
...A debate between Clarence Darrow snd Alfred J. Tslley...
...Some of the Chilikat Indians, snd a few Bantu tribes, bind their bsbies' heads to make them conical...
...Of course, we cannot have intelligent adaptation to changing economic and patriarchal conditions without free discussions...
...Urges the teacher to "describe the sensations in his limbs as he changes his grip, or steps into position for a backhand stroke...
...The real tragedy of the industrial age lies in the effect of standardization...
...A dobste between John S. Summer and Erneit Boyd...
...I have simply grown up...
...Southern soldiers stood as a clan apart...
...Not only does our educational system neglect to consider the new problems in modern life, but the new values and fresh purposes which spring from these problems suffer a like neglect...
...Bv Klisiheth %. Grisiesll snd Rhea Willi...
...A further Insight into Mr...
...It only needs tho artist to interpret it...
...Toother*1 College, New York: Softener...
...But if you are no pessimist and don't believe in politics, where do you see hope...
...It has become a real thing of itself, not an imitation of any European city...
...the troops of tho Middle Provinces regarded each other with a cordiality not felt for slaveholders or for frostbitten Yankees...
...New Yorki Century...
...One csnnot rensme the characters and, most with Cinderella or Hansel and Gretel...
...And American people have much to contribute...
...Some Tory farmers *f South Carolina were murdered, "•ny ethers were banished, still Mers tarred and feathered and much Loyalist property was conflsMted...
...Ry | William tilery Leonard- .New York: Huebteh...
...The sex repression aimed at in order to accomplish this feat could not but produce violent biologic and psychic protest from the human animal...
...By Leon Trotzky...
...By Jul> Ellsworth Ford...
...And in so far as logical, tolerant, scientific discussion of both subjects will help, such a campaign of publicity for the latter is both a step ahead .and » striking evidence of another once muted topic that now w* can talk about I BOOKS RECEIVED Social Science PUBLIC FINANCE...
...This incident brings forth eleven pages on the need of a terminology which will allow the teacher to make such a description...
...was a question freontntly heard, while the conservatives claimed that a radical triumph weald be "the rule of the mob...
...There 1 '• Hits' reel aad direct originality in the point of view of the man on tho street beceuse he has had a direct contact with life...
...chapter, A beginner, having been told the rudiments of tennis, then asks for an account of the game as the teacher "feels it from the inside...
...then a legislative committee of correspondence...
...It it difficult to trace into the sex mores themselves much of economic influence...
...To steer a course socially expedient between free-love and chill sex-continence has been perhaps the most serious worry of all to preachers, keepers of the public morals, and to parents generally...
...New York: Dutton...
...Beneath the political revolution for independence was a struggle for social revolution against the Americsn ruling classes, a struggle that verged on civil war a number of times...
...I questioned...
...New York: Boni 4 Llveright...
...No," he said, "that is simply going up a blind alley, as did William Morris...
...That is not my job...
...In the South the class lines between a handful of plantation ownen snd the mechanics allied with the non-slave-holding small farmers ate illustrated by South Carolina...
...Finger indicates vsrious places in South America, where he learned the stories from isolated groups of Indians...
...It is no light question...
...No, I am not interested in propaganda," he replied when questioned...
...not vote...
...Government not in the interest of a race or of a class but of humanity as such...
...New Education For Old A Review by MAX SCHONBERC WHAT AILS OUR YOUTHt By George A. Coe...
...More and more hypocritic on the one side and hysteric on the other have the efforts become to make social purses out of biologic sow-ears...
...Tickets can bs secured in advance for these lectures There and Then Stories A Review by MARY P. tVUM FEATS ON THE FIORD...
...perhaps the somewhat stilted and didactic style of 100 years ago would not have appealed to my twelve-year-old tabid, But it was a pity to miss it and J am glad it had been reprinted for the youth of today...
...While it takes the artist to interpret emotion, no artist is a divine thing, nor it any artist any good who does not work like the devil...
...Tho volume is illustrated with wood cuts by Paul Honors, which adds another unutusl touch to thete unutusl legends...
...while by "Silver Lends" Mr...
...Page et Co...
...Second Series...

Vol. 2 • January 1925 • No. 5

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