On The International Front

On The International Front Workers of the World, Unite! You nothing to lose but your chains and a world to gain." THE INTERNATIONAL WirU Membership Near 7.0M.W0 In iU New Year tummary of...

...An organising committee, with headquarters in...
...Let the workers of all nations letrn the value of that power and they can then destroy the Immoral system of civilisation...
...I am sura tha | work will ba found to be pleasant as well as interesting...
...People's party, .46...
...Urged to become a Labor candidate, Professor Goode protested hi* disinclination on the ground of practical politics being distasteful to him, but his notable gifts of scholarship are available, to tha movement "Until tha Labor party shall have gained Its complete majority in Parliament," h* writes, "poor humanity will continue a* poor humanity...
...89,600 Latvia...
...It will bo under the direction of Dr...
...Brownsville Socialist Sunday School, 219 Sackman Street, Brooklyn...
...8,000 Poland (P...
...The worker* of the European nations believe In the private ownership of capital...
...Let the people of Europe get civilised and they will not want to be warring with each other for the benefit of the Mammon of Unrighteousness...
...Instead of 130 Deputies, the Socialists have 181, oat of a total of 493, against 100 out of 472 in the Reichstag elected May 4.1924...
...Final Levy, Frederick Sumpftr, Luiss Schroder...
...This ukase drew sarcastic comment from the Socialist press and a few days later the statement of the Catholic union leaders corroborated the Socialists' opinion that, as in the past, the Catholic workers would continue to consider their material interests when it came to joining unions and political parties, regardless of what might happen to their souls...
...Anyone who knows the work Stille hss been doing knows that, if the ef...
...686,100 Belgium..................___„____ 621,000 Bulgaria...
...Flovilla, Ga...
...Extra copies to the same person will cost only half...
...Goode In Labor Party ** " Professor W. T. Good*, who as special correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, tha great Liberal newspaper, spent soma months in Russia, ia now...
...While the Amsterdam judge held' that Het Volk had gone a little too far in its remarks, he said hard things himself about Dutch newspapers that were unneutral during the war and practically justified the Het Volk articles...
...GERMANY Th* Definite Reichstag Makeup Official results of the Reichstag election of December 7, given out in Berlin on December 19, show only a few slight changes in the msk*up of the New Germsn Parliament, reported in The New Leader of December 13...
...Democrat., 82...
...2,000 Ruthenian S, P............_____ 6,400 Hungarian 8. P.........._____, 2,000 Denmark...
...a member of tha British Labor party...
...Please 1st us know immediately, if ; you are Interested...
...We are informed that there are a number of comrades Who would like to take up this line of activity, but who hesitate to do so, because they are not sure whether thay an adequately equipped for iU The Rand School has planned a course which will be very helpful to those who with to fit themselves f.r such work...
...Hanoverians, 6; National Minorities, 1 Tho Diet has elected Frederick Barttb, a Socialist, as its Preoident...
...Bavarian People's fwnal' iocWisti^Luie^rVr-filiUorl ites), 14...
...Justice if the official organ of tho Social Democratic Federation, in which tha lata H. M. Hyndman played a leading part...
...in short, all public utilities...
...2,000 Norway...
...fort is kept up, this expenditure will soon be repaid by the increase of dues from an increased membership—to speak only of the financial side of tho matter...
...Lead League, 8; Hanoverians, 4. The La no Leaguers work with the Nationalists as a Parliamentary unit, and the Hanoverians with th* Economic party...
...That is, if it did * go all tha way to El Paw far the » purpose of making that gesture of - submission...
...Nationalists, 108...
...Benjamin C. Gruenberg—and to those who know "wKo's who" in th* educational world that statement will be a guarantee that the course will be Instructive, stimulating, and la a scientific sense up-to-date...
...Tony Deader...
...All who are interested in work with children are cordially invited to attend tha first session, which will be held next Tuesday evening, February 3, beginning at 8:80— which, by the way, means 8:30, not 9. At this session tho work will ba outlined, and those present can make up their minds whether they wish to register for tho three-month courie...
...Socialists, 114...
...j, Th* Communist popular vote was 2.708,176, against 3,746,671 last May, and tho vote of the remnant of the Independent Social Democracy was only 99,126, compared with 248,708 on May 4. Shortly before election Georg Ledebour, the veteran militant who had headed the Socialist League, a group with Communist tendencies which polled 26,424 votes last May, came out with a declaration that there was no use in putting up separate candidstss and advised his followers to vote the Communist ticket...
...The makeup of tha Diet of Prussia, elected on the same day, ia as follow...
...But head-wagging critics will - csrp st the giving of a spurious reason and a lame excuio for putting so much enthusiasm Into its surrender...
...Paul Le*b* is back as President of the Reichstag, after having boon shoved aside for the Nationalist, Wallref, last May...
...The power of Government li the .u...
...We would welcome visits from comrade* ' who are well acquainted with teaching children, in order that they map ' offer ui mpre constructive criticism...
...59,600 Rumania...
...Wanted | Editor, Th* New Leader: I would like to say a few words about what I consider tha molt important work In the Socialist move' mnnt...
...28,000 France...
...The London Bureau has decided to allow individuals to subscribe to its weekly Information service at the rate of six shillings and sixpence for three months...
...It's in ugly taste for th* Fedtr...
...16,000 Argentine...
...It is pointed out that in a number of countries, such as Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Italy, data on membership are not available owing to th* difficult position occupied by the Socialist parties, but it is estimated that if figures for the whole world were at hand the total membership would be revealed as about 7,000,000...
...AU governments hsve i them...
...Democrats, 27) 'National Socialists, 11...
...ALGERNON LEE, Educational Director, 7 East 15th It Band School...
...e— Socialist Sunday School...
...5,948,700 Going Out After Members Noting thst thus far outside of Europe only the Socialist Parti** of the United States, Argentina and som* of the British Dominion* have affiliated with the Socialist and Labor International, the London Bureau says that the Secretariat, in accord with a decision of the Administrative Committee, has started correspondence with nonaffiliated parties asking if they accept the principles laid down at the Hamburg Congress and inviting them to join...
...Also, everyone who knows the facts knows thst Stille is sacrificing a good deal more than are any of us f 2-a-moiith contributors...
...ado, Liberal, against that of General Mario Menocal* CpnsarvaWve, in tha November election as a nutter of expediency, Cuban Socialist agir tators are now laying the foundation for a genuine Cuban Labor party, based upon Socialist principles, according to Accion Soclslista of Havana...
...Tho object of this school is to acquaint * children of the workers with tha ' Socialist and Labor movement...
...wan, chaos, poverty and crime of all description...
...W* could easily ace commodate many more, If it war* " not for the fact that we haven't enough teachers...
...869,000 Greece...
...Hat Volk Fined Fifty Guilders Do Telegraaf, the big Amsterdam daily which was generally regarded in Dutch circles as almost too proEntente during tho World War, won a hollow victory over Het Volk, the Amsterdam Socialist daily, on January 4 when the latter was fined fifty guilders (about $20) for having been too caustic in its comment upon a special Russian edition got out by De Telegraaf on June 26, 1917...
...A bad reason...
...Communists, 44...
...Communists, 46...
...De Telegraaf* pro-Russian edition...
...The costs' of the action were assessed fifty-fifty upon the litigants...
...Now, since tho workers of Europe love this kind of civilization let them pay the price...
...Again, th* people of the Europesn nations would be at war with each other a. toon as they could get ready...
...Ia the advent letter Issued by the optscopate in Holland for reading In the churches during Christmas week t*e ban was again laid upon all Socialist political and economic organizations and Catholic workers were ordered to drop their membership under pain of having tho holy sacrament withheld from them...
...As revealed in detail by Russian archives quoted from in the Paris Humanite last winter, the Czar's agents spent lots of monsy in winning and holding the support of big French and other European newspapers, both before and during the war, and Het Volk did not hesitate to point out the possible connection between the rolling ruble and...
...IM.OOO Gorman 8. P...
...tlon to throw a fit about "bureaus" r merely bocauie it desires to hand t over its sword...
...If the Socialist advocates the cancellation of our debt to Europe, then let us advocate th* confiscation of all collective institutions In America...
...For that action it gave this reason: "Experience shows thst public ownership inevitably lesdi to bureaucracy and breakdown...
...P. S...
...1,600 Lithuania...
...Bad because experience doesn't show anything of the kind...
...At present, the attendance of tha school is an average of 200 or mora ' pupils a week...
...In printing the table below, The New Leader omits Hungary, as th* membership given for that country (190,000) seems too large for that Horthy-ridden country and may be th* result of careless us* of ciphers...
...72,200 Polish S. P...
...I would like thoio comrade* who * are interested In tho Sunday School 5 movement to volunteer their services or visit the school and discuss with ' us the question of teaching...
...t Still, no one li going to withhold t from the American Federation of e Labor the right to send up its hat - for capitalist ownership and control 9 as against public ownership'and eon* i trol...
...SAM FLINT, Lament, Okla...
...The Socialist popular vote was 7,880,058, out of a total of 80,282.984 valid ballots, against 6,014.380 last May, and their percentage of the total rose from 21 to 26...
...The Devil's kingdom 'is a system of civilization that produce...
...ara liable to 1 chuckls and remark that tha august f Labor body took tho Wall Street - landslide (November th* 4th) too 1 much to heart...
...188,600 total...
...Havana, has bean formed and it is hdped thai within a short time there will b« a convention to launch tha saw party...
...How the German bourgeois groups feel about the Socialist gains may bo devinsd from the fact that the mere threat by the Socialists of possible direct action to resist any attempt to lower the workers' standard of Jiving, following the organization of the bourgeois-Nationalist Cabinet of Dr...
...For the proof of this fact, look at the result of the election last October in England...
...Editor, get Mr...
...A few of these schools still exist...
...3,600 Holland...
...Frits Zubeil, Richard Lipinski and Dr...
...Pinkham to write articles on "The Value of the Power of Government...
...Subscriptions may be sent to the Secretariat at 4 Great Smith street, London, S. W. 1, England...
...There is talk of starting new ones...
...We have In Brownsville a J Socialist Sunday School...
...THE INTERNATIONAL WirU Membership Near 7.0M.W0 In iU New Year tummary of tho activitici and »trength of th* ori ganised Soeialiat mov*m«nt of th* world, th* London Bureau of th* Socialist and Labor International fivea a table showing the approximste dues-paying membership of twenty-six of the forty-two parties affiliated with the International...
...Editor, The New Leader: I have read, with much interest, the article entitled: "My Pound of Flesh," by H. W. Pinkham...
...Economl* (party, 11...
...If we, the American people, cancel our debt against the European nations, wo would only transfer the burden to the shoulders of the producers of wealth- of Americs...
...70,000 Germany...
...I understand that what i* asked for is 9200 a month—about f 46 a week —to cover salary and expenses...
...All corporations have them, i The American Federation of Labor I has them...
...GREAT BRITAIN Justice As a Monthly Justice, th* oldest Socialist paper in Great Britain and one of tha most widely quoted in tha world, ha* announced that from its forty-first birthday it will appear as a monthly instead of a weekly...
...Some of them did excellent, work, others did not...
...Hans Luther a few days ago, caused that Cabinet immediately to order the restoration of the eighthour day in the coke and blast furnaces on April 1. As the strongest party in»the nation, the Social Democracy expects to be able to utilize its position out«ide the new Cabinet effectively in the interest of the masses and to retain the freedom of action and criticism that it would have had to some extent if it had entered ths Government...
...There's nothing particularly fierce about bureaus...
...If thla war debt will destroy this immoral system of civilization, then do not try to stop it...
...European Debt...
...8,600 Sweden...
...Before the World War K enjoyed great International prestige, much of which it lost through It* 100 per cent British attitude during the conflict...
...Centrists, 81...
...A. BYRD...
...Sue* cess or failure dependtd mainly on whether the directors and teachers had a sound understanding oi child psychology and pedagogical method...
...I cannot agree with him or his ideas...
...8,000 Austria...
...180,000 EnglandLabor Party ......................8,120,000 Finland...
...A. L. New York...
...Eduard David...
...I am opposed to the Idea of cancellation...
...Let us not be slow to complete this fund, and then double it so as to put a second good organizer to work...
...Since the International's figures were compiled, Paul Faure, Secretary of the Socialist Party of France, has announced that the dues-paying membership of thst party has reached 73,000, America...
...28.000 Csecho-Slovakia- ? Caeeh 8. P...
...CUBA Working for a Labor Party Having supported the successful candidacy of General Gerardo Mach...
...Arthur Crispin, Eduard Bernstein, R. Aufhauser, Mrs...
...Centrists, 69...
...If it is not going to be dune well, it had better go unattended...
...Among the well-known Socialists sent to the Reichstag on December 7, in addition to those named in The New Leader of December 18, are Rudolf Breltsebeld, Wilbtlm Back, the seventy-flve-year-oid Vetera* been there over since...
...Nationalists, 190...
...People's party, 51...
...v, Editor, The New Leaders , In former years we had a number of Socialist Sunday schools in this city...
...The field is large, and tha work ii worth doing—provided it it done well...
...HOLLAND Church War Upon Socialists Vsia Dutch Socialists are pointing with satisfaction to a statement given to the Catholic press by two Bxceutlve of the Roman Catholic Workers' League confirming their contention that bulls and edicts bp church authorities have lost most of their tarrors, even for the faithful, whan they run counter to economic verities...
...The New Leader Mail Bag Work of Comrade Stille Editor, The New Leader: In a recent report from State Secretary Merrill I read that th* special fund for keeping Comrade Stille in the up-State field a. an organizer 1. still not quite complete...
...A Surrender Editor, The New Leader: The American Federation of Labor, in its last national convention, declared against public ownership...
...12,000 Spain...
...Tho composition of tha now Reichstag is as follows: Socialists, 181...
...They were advised to Join the Catholic party and the Catholic unions instead...

Vol. 2 • January 1925 • No. 5

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