Socialist and Labor International In Memorable Session

Socialist and Labor International In Memorable Session f>RUSSELS.—In a aerie, of D meetings held in this city from January 2 to 6, representatives of the great internationmt guiding the...

...These are the .prices for suits, many with two pairs of trousers,:, $25.05, $28.05...
...Because, 1 guess, they take everything nowadays with a grain of salt," sail Finkelstein, "and you can't blame the people...
...WS must re-mold their minds and clean their brains of the capitalist cobwebs spread there daily by the capitalist papers...
...In the year 1924 the American money market loaned to seventy-six foreign borrowers...
...But the majority of those present favored the plan, even with its imperfections, as a definite step along the road toward peace, and a resolution urging the Socialist and Labor movements to work for its ratification and the early calling of a disarmament conference was passed, with the British delegates not voting...
...Jan Oudegeest added that he and the Amsterdam Bureau, while not wanting to mix into the affairs of the political International, would be glad to see it take more energetic action in the future for democracy and against dictatorship...
...replied Maisel, "in spite of our many Imitators...
...Take nothing for granted...
...New York has surpassed London as the money capital of the world...
...A'o/c name and addreti carcjttlly ,„ , .f FINKELSTEIN & MAISEL 810 BROADWAY, Opp...
...During 1924 the total of American foreign loan, was $1,209,000,000, as agai-«t $578,949,100 for London...
...Once inside, the Communist tactics of building "cells" and making trouble would soon produce new divisions of the Labor movement...
...Or the one who marks his goods sky high and offers fifty per cent off...
...The impoverished countries of Europe had only America to turn to for assistance, and America, or rather the American bankers, were ready to lend them money on proper terms...
...The harmony obtaining iiuring the sessions was taken tag a good omen for the continued cooperation of the two iritis of the Labor movement...
...How can they tell the out and out honest fellow from the trickster...
...The American Empire already rivals the British Empire in world influence and power and in its rapid onward march it bids fair to outstrip all great empires of the past...
...And these conditions will never change we have a genuine progressive Labor press in this country...
...We must wake up the American, working-men—and wake them up soon...
...Only one way," said Finkelstein, "the people should deal only with reliable concerns...
...assassination of Sir Lee Stack, the British Sirdar, by a fanatic...
...While appreciation his reasons and personal difficulties, the committee members urged Comrade Adler to stay on the job st least until after the International Congress, which Is ts be hold la Franco next August or September, and he consented to de) so...
...Good luck to you in your future struggles...
...It is a good paper and its only fault is that it has not enough readers...
...Peidl (Hungary) and Bezpalko (Ukrainia...
...Demand and insist upon getting money baek if ' dissatisfied, whether advertised or not...
...It is therefore hardly necessary for me to say much about the mission of The New Leader in New York...
...Imperialism may be defined as the exercise of sovereignty, dominion or rule beyond the original boundaries of a country...
...The meeting was also attended by Treasurer Wellhead, Dr...
...See what we are doing in this clearance sale," continued Finkelatein, "virtually giving our goods away, at the prices, and certainly offering as fine a line of suits and overcoats to be seen anywhere...
...Tom Shaw then remarked that he thought Jouhaux's statement was entirely satisfactory and that there was no need of further discussibn...
...smf industrial activities carried on so successfully by the Belgian Comrades...
...S. Money Kings Lead as Foreign Lenders So strong is the rise of American financial imperialism...
...Executive Meats The afternoon of January 4, the Executive Committee of the Socialist and Labor International opehed a meeting which, interrupted by numerous social affairs, lasted until January 6. The members present, in addition to the Bureau members already named, were De Brouckere (Belgium), Crispien (Germany), Allen and Wedgwood (England), Martna (Esthonia), Longuet (France), Tseretelli (Georgia), Zeelens (Latvia), Niedzialkowsky, P. P. S., and Drobner, Independent (Poland...
...Its Only Fault" By VICTOR L. BERGLR Socialist Member of Congren ^TNHERE is probably at the presI ent time no proletariat in any | .civilized nation that is less ; elnss-conscious and more capitalist minded—less progressive and more ' reactionary—less honest and more jeirrupt—than the American proi letariat...
...These are the prices for Ulster* and Overcoats: $22 74, $25.08, $31.08 and 138.12...
...33 58 and $36 13, Bear In mind the very high grade qualitjr--guaranteefl J)net pare wool—nothing else—guaranteed perfect fit- guaranteed very latest models—guaranteed abaoliitely the Bert values in New York City or money back mstantly...
...The March of American Imperialism By MORRIS HILLQUIT T T would be idle to deny that 1 the United States is an imperialistic country...
...In the last five years American iuans to foreign countries—governments and corporations—have exceeded London's by a substantial margin...
...The Austrian and German loans are typical examples of such transactions...
...Important Reaolntiona At the joint session, which was concluded on January 4, three resolutions of international importance were adopted...
...Imperialism is an inescapable phase of modern or capitalistic industrial development and American capitalism has outstripped its rivals in that direction, as in all, j other directions, because of the great economic advantages of the country...
...The majority of European countries are in a condition of questionable solvency and the loans extended to them are often made on conditions which Imply foreign control over their fiscal and governmental affairs...
...But as to the real factory clearance sale Finkelstein (k Maisel start today...
...This lack of a genuine Leber press is' also responsible for the pitiable showing made at the last election in most of the States...
...That's been our success...
...And in the meantime we may find reassurance and hope in the rise of Socialist and Labor Governments, who are pledged to the principle of cooperative production for use instead of competitive industry for profit and to the program of a pacific union of nations instead of the system of rival Imperialisms...
...It is fast becoming the Receiver General and supreme ruler of bankrupt Europe...
...It is offered but once a year in order to clear their factory preparatory to manufacturing spring goods...
...The next meeting of tho Executive Committee will probably be held in May...
...The United States has passed through all these stages...
...How can they distinguish the real manufacturer selling direct, to the public and the fellow who deliberately fakea it...
...The resolution notes the ac-'| tivities of the Socialist parties si] England, Franco and Belgium in favor of ending military occupation and ef the German Socialists against attempts to revive militarism in their country...
...True," replied Maisel...
...They should remember that the emancipation of the working class of the world can never be accomplished without the actual cooperation of the American workers, and this collaboration cannot take place without a powerful and influential Labor press...
...That's true," said Finkelstein, "and it's 8 per cent, more than we offered our various retail shop trade in former years in order to clear our factory at this time of the year...
...Engber and Lindstroem (Sweden), Soukup, Czechoslovak and Czech, German (Czechoslovakia...
...Decision, af Executive Other resolutions adopted condemned the crushing of Egyptian independence by the British Tory Government under the pretest afforded by the...
...The United States is the largest holder of such obligations...
...In the discussion on the Geneva Protocol, by which the League of Nations hopes to outlaw international wars and cut down armaments, the British delegates pointed out that the Protocol was not popular in England and that the role of international policeman was not desirable...
...11th St., N. Y. Half Block above ll'auamaktr's...
...Tho New York comrades, arid the Eastern comrades in general, must get those readers for The New Leader...
...The money power here is thus vitally interested in the affairs of seventeen foreign governments, Beven provinces, seventeen municipalities and thirty-five corporations...
...One of them ! is the almost complete absence of a Socialist press, or even of a genuine Labor press...
...Often 8 till 7 p...
...The London total of $2,300,932,950 for the five-year period is less than 68 per cent of the American total for the same period, $.'1,490,096,000...
...Gold Dollars at 50c Each Would Create a Sensation" Said Finkolstein to His Partner, Maisel, "Yet Lot Me Seo You Convince tho People Our Sale Means the Same...
...Approving the plan for the abolition of night work in bakeries drafted by the International Labor Office and passed for its first reading at the last International Labor Conference, j the delegates asked the Labor and | Socialist press of the world to begin I a campaign for this plan and urged cooperation of the political and trade union movement in all countries, so that it will be passed in second reading at the Seventh International Labor Conference, which will open in Geneva in May, and its ratification by January 1, 1927, be assured...
...This not a boast, nor is it a reproach...
...Notice Our everincreasing business...
...Representing the S. L. I. were Secretaries Frederick Adler and Tom Shaw, Anderson (Denmark), Bauer (Austris), Bracke (France), Cameron (England), Dan (Russia), Levi (IUly), Vandervelde (Belgium), Vliegen (Holland, and Web (Germany), while the I. F. T. 11...
...It has extended its territory in continental North America by occupation, purchase and conquest...
...V Following the meeting of the Jureau of the Socialist and Labor International, under the presidency ef Emile Vandervelde, at which the agenda for the conferences were examined and approved, the joint session of the two Bureaus got under way In the beautiful Maison du Peuple, which the hospitality of the Belgian cooperatives had placed at the diiposal of the delegates...
...Marion Phillips for the International Women's Committee, and Comrade Heinz for the Socialist Young People's International...
...To build up the social conscience in place of the capitalist mind—is probably the foremost and the hardest task of our press...
...Adler's decision was hailed with enthusiasm, as the value of his services to tho international movement is recognised everywhere...
...A capitalistic legend with a patriotic halo is already in the proj cess of formation about Gompers i for the adoration and emulation of , the young, hopeful trade union painter or clgarmnker...
...It should have three or four times as many...
...In a detailed report, Secretary Adler gave an account of world happenings of importance since the last meeting of the Executive Committee in London the last week of September and then the committee members began a discussion which resulted in the adoption of a resolution denouncing the prolongation of the occupation by the Allied troops of the Cologne district beyond the date set in the Treaty of Versailles (January 10, 1925) as an act calculated to encourage the German reactionaries and discourage the German Socialists and other Republicans in their work of international reconciliation and consolidation of democracy at home...
...Notice the bankruptcies...
...Vandervelde said that the British unionists' disparaging reference to the Georgian Socialists and their movement for independence was a surprise to sll Socialists and he also noted that the delegation had said nothing about the lack of political liberty in Russia, but had reported that there was religious freedom...
...Sukhomlin and Stalinski, Social Revolutionary (Russia...
...In a letter explaining his desire i to devote more of his time to the . task of promoting real Marxism , within the ranks of the Socialist movement, Frederick Adler asked i permission to give up his place as one of the secretaries, ef the Lead**) Bureau so that he might return ta his home and work in Austria...
...Its successive forms are the extension of the home territory, the acquisition of overseas colonies, the establishment of "protectorates" and the development of the more subtle "spheres of influence" in foreign countries...
...That's more like selling gold dollars at about ten cents each," replied Maisel, "but at that you are right...
...I This is due to a variety of coni (lit nui and circumstances that oxist ! in no other country...
...To say that they were enthusiast!* over what they saw would be putting it mildly...
...While noting that of course the British visitors had the right to report what they considered an improvement of general conditions in Russia and to be friendly with the Soviet officials and those of the Communist International,' Vandervelde remarked that fsseJMelthe optimistic statements made by individual members of the delegation in anticipation of their official report, which had not yet been published, were being exploited to the limit by the Communist press snd that, as Purcell was President ef the I. F. T. U., it was in order for the Socialist and Labor International to point out how the Communists of the Red Trade Union International, having failed to force their Organization into the place occupied by the International Federation of Trade Unions, were now trying to get inside by shouting about the united front and that the British delegates' statements were of great value fo them...
...The consensus pf the meeting was that, with the two Internationals working in harmony, as they always did, and with their Bureaus in close touch, there was small chance of cither making a false step...
...Socialist and Labor International In Memorable Session f>RUSSELS.—In a aerie, of D meetings held in this city from January 2 to 6, representatives of the great internationmt guiding the activities of Wprld Labor on the political and industrial fields, i. e., the Socialist Labor International jpl the International Federation of Trade Unions, exchanged views on current matters of import to the working jigs of the world, and especially of Europe, and mapped git lines of action for the future...
...Replying for the I. F. T. U., Vicepresident Jouhaux said thst while he did not believe in discussing the delegation's alleged attitude on the Russian matter when none of its members was present, he wanted to point out that the Amsterdam Bureau was going to ask a few questions of President Purcell in this connection, although it must be remembered that his trip to Russia was not made in the interest of the I. F. T. U. Jouhaux then sketched the progress of the negotiations between the Amsterdam Bureau and the Russian trade unions on the united front and assured his hearers that his organization was fully aware of the plans for disruption entertained by the chiefs of the Red Trade Union International, that the negotiations for unity were being carried on only with the Russian trade unions and not with their International, and that there was danger of the Amsterdam Bureau or its Executive Committee being fooled... is next to impossible to convince the public of the truth, outside of those who havo dealt hire...
...This means a 15 per cent, discount off4 of their real factory prices on alf-ulste*s snd overcoats of highest grade domestic, English and German woolens, a' o one and two trouser suits of finest domestic and Imported materials...
...When a borrower is sound and the required loan is comparatively small the banker will extend it to him on the mere security of his promise to repay, but when the borrower is of doubtful solvency and the required loan is large, he will exact security in the form of a lien on property or revenue or by some other arrangement that will give him a measure of control over the business and affairs of the debtor... has acquired oversea "possessions," established effective protectorates, and is now entering upon the phase of international rule through the money power...
...Absolutely," replied Maisel, "but you also want to remember we are offering an additional discount of 15 per cent...
...and expressed ardent sympathy for the Italian working class in its time of renewed trouble due to Dictator Mussolini's recent efforts to stamp out all opposition through raids and suppression of the press...
...Report On January 8, the following telegram was sent to Edusrd Bernstein, the German Socialist veteran whose seventy-fifth birthday was being celebrated in Socialist circles sll over Germsny: "From Brussels, where we are meeting, we send you heartiest greetings for your seventy-fifth birtbdsy...
...It was decided to push the fight for ratification by all industrial countries of the EightHour Day Convention of the International Labor Office of the League of Nations and that as soon as the French Parliament ratifies it, but at all events not later than the first half of April, the Socialist and Labor members of all Parliaments should make a drive for ratification...
...In arranging May Day celebration this year the various parties and Labor unions are asked to lay stress on ratification of the Eight-Hour Day Convention...
...British Delegates on Russia Hardly had the joint session i stsrted when Comrade Vandervelde,: who was presiding, drew the atten- j tion in the name of the S. L. I. of the representatives of the I. F. T. U. to the seriousness with which the leaders of the Socialist political movement regarded the recent statements on Russia made by A. A. Purcell and other members of the delegation of British trade unionists who visited Russia last fall under Instructions from the Hull congress of the British unions...
...This powerful form of the new imperialism has attained tremendous proportions after the war...
...All that an enlightened and progressive citizenship can do ir to palliate the evil consequences of imperialism by insisting that the business dealings with foreign countries be carried on by our bankers at their own risk and without any species of Government intervention for the collection of their claims...
...Following a report by Tom Shaw , on conditions in Mexico and LatinAmerica in general, the Secretariat was instructed to prepare a plan for getting in closer touch with the So, cislist organizations in Latin-Aineri ica...
...An exhaustive report on the situation in Esthonia, where Communist attempts to seise the Government on December 1 resulted in some street fighting and many executions, was submitted to the meeting, but no resolutions on that subject were passed...
...The tendency since 1919 has been to invest more money in corporations and municipalities and less in governments, the figures show...
...that armament be progressively and rapidly reduced by international agreement, and that th.- countries under American control receive fair and just treatment and be given complete political independence and autonomy as speedily as possible...
...Some people get fooled for a while, but the foolers get fooled in the end...
...sent | Secretaries Oudegeest and Sassen- j bach, Grassmsn (Germany), Jou- I haux (France) and Mortens (Belgium...
...Bad weather in the Channel i is understood to have prevented' President Purcell and other British I delegates from attending...
...After hearing a report by Julius Peidl on the party troubles in Hungary, due partly to the signing in 1921 of the "truce" between the leaders of the Socialist Party and Premier Bethlen and other Government officials, a committee consisting of Tom Shsw and Louis De Brouckere was named to get In touch with the Hungarian party leaders and the chiefs of the opposition with the view of preventing a serious split in the ranks of the only real,opposition to the bloody rule of Regent Horthy...
...Imperialism is a standing menace to the peace of the world, .but any attempt to check its course would be as idle and fruitless as the favorite spcrt of trust busting...
...Secretary Adler urged the committee men to lee to It thst their party officials furnished the International Bureau with more news about party activities...
...Demand a guarantee such as we give...
...Following the adjournment, a number of the committee men made trips to different Belgian cities to inspect the political, socle...
...Only in that way can we explain that, like in the old Turkish empire, "Amurath followed Murath"—sort of Green follow Gom-1 pers...
...For more than half a century you have worked untiringly Ifi the service of the International for the equality of mankind...
...In his report of the work ef tho London Bureau, Comrade Adler noted that Its weekly news service called International Information, although only a few months old, had already become popular with the Socialist and Labor press all over tho world and that there were 810 sunt, scrlbers to the Germsn edition, IN to the French and 100 to the English...

Vol. 2 • January 1925 • No. 5

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