-:- Sparks and Flaihes -:Toties^^oatt wsaita^itsa^rS l*o«Stf3^^ .noose, ^e #mmr*mmr&*&tm*** hiii1rw>is>T ^^r^'^m^l^i^Si were radically deid. Tee .Cctriuntitusta, Inef^WBt wH* Mrttt t»...

...ones Ton can buy...
...Outragas upon emai has tisdllhsis aad lllisiHo* evoked no protest Our ssass af Juatieo was oock-eyod, Snnlal aad-tetenmstaal program to these United Stateav^hasped...
...Morris H. Hahn will begin a course of ten lectures on Physiology aad Hygiene, to be followed by five on Heredity and Eugenics...
...Jimmlo Walker...
...Coolidgo, Kellogg...
...On Tuesday, at 8:30 p. m., Marias Harisome will 'start a new course In Sociology...
...January 2. at 1:10 p. m-, he will speak oa Socialism and Individual Liberty...
...t New members will be registered tor the Men's sad Woman'* Gymnastic eteesa* at a special rate of 14.00 for the remainder of the season that la, th* four aad a half month* tin May It—plus th* dollar matriculation fie for tho** who are aot already registered for shy course to the school or gymnasium Each of these class** meets twice a week tor, gymnastic work, aad they meet together on Wednesday evenings for social recreation...
...A beautiful ono^from Ann* Rapport a ante owe from" Matilda o. TBhuaa, a thankful one from H. Lataer, an echo from Geo...
...Taanesae* our holy Mecca...
...The same evening, Tuesday, at seven O'clock...
...tie swamp, foul miasma, all you brought forth was stink seeds...
...Aeeordlnjr to Representative Wll,11am A. Oldfleld of Arkansas, tb* Quteaet Cotton Mm, owned by Senator Butles, paid extra dividenda of SO per cept la i«l7-lt, 60 per cent la ltl...
...Tee .Cctriuntitusta, Inef^WBt wH* Mrttt t» 1£?&&*2gr&^* Socialists ma*tedlia»mh*g**¥*l a&fr ls»esutoaws»n^ Th* Child labor amandment atomborod...
...Registrations are now being token far tke tour grades Bjngltoh classes, each of which meets twice a week, en Monday and Thursday, evenings...
...Norman Thomas is booked for ¦a aeries of addresses on Socialism and Some Modern Problems...
...Oar national BeeavJeass Ska ear ststesmsn waa stuotfted with prohibition liquor...
...Its moat baiUlaat bloom* were Mussolini...
...January «, at S:M p. aw wfll ba the first session ta a course ot lectures on Managing Industry for Production, by Walter N. Pctekov, who brings to his subject the special knowledge aad training of a scientific engineer and the critical views and eon*tractive aim, of a Socialist...
...There: arc now about six million coal miners la New Turk City...
...What a>e need most of ail la not now treaties, but a change of tho international mind...* k. k. k. our teteBectuai vanguard aad Dayton...
...Red Grange and Kip Bhlnelander...
...W* t—lv*d a sassHua fro** Baymoad S. Hots**, editor of, the "Beading (Pa... make tt a Happy New Tear...
...All gym members who are interested In tho project for a bus ride, to be held aom* time in January, are Requested to inform tho Director, Richard Blechachmidt Jr„ aot later than January 12...
...the others have too high a price...
...Bat, knowing comrade Hot*** aa weB aa wb do .we have little fear that ha could disagree with Mrs...
...We must beware of what J might call the new type of International criminal—a combination af scientist politician and militarist...
...That's a bar fib—w* are Jaat too dam laxy to write tettora) , "Th* greatest danger today lias to the possibilities of mtenatog acieno...
...journanwc wo wovan uu**nevaaiy aste modeatty hrnoro thews teaarpHmeato...
...Re ia utterly dangerous because he commands the rsaoureee of nature aad at the .same time has neither vision nor conscience...
...f Whan we've lost oar Shirt ws ess sun wsSp our vast Welt astumlng that everything must be better in the new year, here's hoping oor column win also Improve...
...On socond thought wa are hecttiad to beg comrade BaseSgTs pardon tor quoting *a totof a portion front 'so psaasseato aad powerful a paragraph...
...And further, bore's wishing that you Socialists win likewise improve...
...Thanks for tho attention, fallow editor...
...Add reaaoad why tan Soetoltet Party ta ayo^rtog...
...The ptttful pteas aat sear ooal totaers and their despmate strike toot a* rasaaase...
...AB Jarward looking majramaato war* eoaatipated...
...Beted hypnotised by our own ewtbiistsssa -w* thought tho fraction reprinted was compelling...
...WelOoana, l>2t—on condition that you are a cnang* for th* better...
...On Tuesday,, January S, at 7 p. ah* Joseph M. Oatnaa will give the first lecture in a course on Elements of Social Psychology, which will include a consideration of such subjects as Man's Fundamental Activities, Race Difference*, Class Differences, Sex Differences, the Psychology of Industrial Conflict ot Propaganda, ot Crime, and other related topics...
...Thia Saturday...
...which deals with the influence of •economic and social conditions on man's philosophic thinking and the reciprocal influence ot philosophical conceptions on social theories aad movements...
...M* per cent ia IMS...
...Meat Friday...
...Leo EL Saldte Is continuing his lectures # on Main Tendencies hi Modern Literature' on Fridays at half past eight Ths Rand School Gymnasium resumes its activities Monday evening, January t, after a week's suspension...
...Algernon Lee ia booked tor a aeries ot lecture* on The Materialistic Conception of History, on Wednesdays at seven o'clock...
...Bei 11 snfl TTnaaaTrs pawewkheg BtOe book, "Bypatta...
...Tou don't have to W—ch houaaU to man with a creative purpose, iet o -huntan betas throw the energies of bis aonl into tha Baking of something, •ad the.instinct of workmanship win take oar* of his honesty...
...Bar heaat with pity, her thought in rage Picturing her children reaching her age . In a vale of tears, a field of hen The world she brought la her chfidran to dwell, V ANNA TRATTM...
...and CS per cent ta ifign Axd taVUSS ate* a sjtoast esW dead of H par caac, Aad*Mr...
...iMbor Advccatef* ta a quota tins we reosatfy printed front htr...
...Wipf aad a bouquet with a brick to tt from Bob Wnffrnaa of BuftTate,' If we were an CM literary back or an established...
...Assuming;—** tb* past said—that Hop* sprout* eternal to the human cheat...
...this la the last we wdl write (this rear...
...There wiD bo opportunity for questions after each lecture...
...Man'* technical equipment for destruction is miles ahead of bis intellectual and moral capacity...
...But you see we are oaTy a child fh this game sad ao we must show our n*w toy*—or at least mention that we gat them...
...waeae*«te*arw*rh iiltoJil ssn per eaat, aad Skat tads wwTordorecT...
...Oct Wednesday, at S:I0 p. m-, Mprdecal Grossman will continue his course oa Philosophy •' and Social Chalur...
...To hell with lttt...
...Russell if bo knew her argument anger bled...
...o A War-Time Mother A ton of pain, for an ounce of Joy' With every chfld...
...A genuine craftsman will not adulterate his product, tha reason Isn't because duty says ha shouldn't, but because passion says ha couldn't...
...Bum, sSca, BoUgtea our outstanding tesue...
...August ClssjesssbSi The New Year at the Rand School THE Saturday afternoon lectures era being resumed this week...
...Tha writers who hare, nothing to, say are the...
...The topid for the first session ia Can Human Nature Be Changed...
...cadSeto addvdffJtet to tm...
...The aim of thia course is to Ijelp the students to understand th* structure and functions of the human body, with all that this means for the maintenance of physical, mental, and' amotion*^ health and happiness...
...Daily, six million of u* dig soft coal out of our ears and ays*, blow it out of cur noses and blast it off the back of our necks...
...Svr.aV, This to th* bondxqr sssaaa «ha atvtag sesaoa sad, oh, dear issSera, w* ¦bower of senmsaa*ato ratsad en as those week...
...Lord Thomson...
...Ail together, that ought...
...Among his later subjects will be Socialism la Ita Relation to National and Religious Loyalties, -A Socialist Position on Peace and War, and Socialist Tactics tn America...
...Darwin's book wrjtton to IMS waa discovered tn KM...
...girl or boy Suffers, like no "other, Ta* blessed, the cursed war-time mother: Mother's experience ah* alone can ten Psychic battle twlrt heaven and hell Thinking of her children dear Suffering aa she, from year to year...
...Mechanism and Leisure, Play and Recreation, Bace and Immigration, Heredity and Environment Freedom an 4 Propaganda are among the later topics...
...What a bughouse year...
...The following week he win discuss the Psychology Cf Radicalism and Conservatism...
...tor tho holidays...

Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 53

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