A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES British Poets and Philosophers THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W. LAIDLER, Ph.D. COLORIDGE AND SOU-I THEY: Both Coleridge! and Southey, students at...

...Because you erg til well-brought-up boys and girls, we will not tell you the naughty words we said when we read that...
...Our best people are getting blind on $50 Scotch, and our not so good people are following suit by getting plain blind on $4 moonshine...
...No doubt the Son* of the American Revolution will pa** resolutions commending our flyer* (for their bravery and meet them at th* dock with bands and laurel wreath* when they return from their dastardly million...
...Groups of workers, known as Luddites, embittered at the misery which came in the wake of machinery, felt that the remedy lay in It* destruction ind in the return of the good old days of the past...
...For the object of war Is to increase trade and territory, and to repress internal revolutionary movements provoked by the lust of the rich for power...
...He was surroundsd by a group of adoring flap* p*rs who oohed and aahed him a* he told of his •xploit* in the Croat War and prophesied still greater deed* above th* land* of Africa...
...However, by the Corresponding Act of 1799, which prohibited all communication between political societies—so panic stricken had the ruling, clsss become at .the time as a result of the French Revolution— the Society wss finally suppressed...
...Of course, all of our aviators with th* French ars not as simple as this youth...
...that wages were not determined by the product of the worker, but by the amount of food, clothing, shelter and certain conveniences which the worker must havo in order to live and to perpetuate his race without increase of diminution...
...But before you leave th* school, room don't forget- to read that letter from The Lesder editor, and having read, act—prontol . McAlister Coleman...
...But it it property, we srs told, that ought to be represented, because by property Government is supported...
...Two other writers on the economic situation preceding Owen who, while not radicals, influenced the writings of the incipient Socialist movement of the day were Patrick Cflquhoun and David Ricardo...
...A new gemration of more or less total abstainers was growing up A few decades more of persuasion and education, and John Barleycorn would have died from malnutrition...
...Reaction from French and Industrial Revolution: The revolution in France and the industrial revolution in England gave rise not only to the protest of occasional social reformer, but to those of numerous groups of working men, the forerunners of the modern Labor movement...
...It weaned millions from drink, partly by persuasion, partly by education, and partly by making ii inconvenient to get the stuff...
...It was the critical analysis of Hall, however, rather than his constructive proposals, which made his work significant...
...among hi* later works are "Poor Wh'tf," «any Marriages," and ths "Story Tellers Story," | ¦» •Btoblofrap>y...
...These figures were used extensively by Socialists and others to prove the inequity of the present order...
...Coleridge was not satisfied, however, with poetic imaginings...
...Owned body and soul by the operators, the oil interests snd the bankers, they dsre not lift so much as a feeble piping of reproach against the rank injustice and downright brutality that is daily practiced againtt the miners...
...If the Whig leaden do not first conciliste and then restrain the people...
...Prophets of Coming Revolution: The Government knew how to suppress the discontented, but hot how to eliminate the evils which produced discontent...
...In "Marching Men," one of his esrlier works, Anderson paints a striking social picture of life in J» mill...
...by the ssloons...
...This sabotaging/led only to the passage of severe!'tws against the destroyers, and, i* 181.1, to the execution on the gal)ows of nearly a score ef workers, . '*j...
...One of the reasons why prohibition is the gold medal blue ribbon prize fizzle it turned out to be is because it made hard drinking respectable again...
...But after booze became cheap and commoners, tradespeople, laborers and other white trash proceeded to get drunk like "gentlemen," hard drinking lost its exclusivcness and therefore its popu'arity among the better ¦lasses...
...Moreover, a sober worker could produce more and live on less than '.fane not quite so sober...
...The London Corresponding Society: Among the first of thess working-class groups was Ths London Corresponding Society (L...
...He had been State Adjutant ef the American Legion and was supported for ths prohibition post by thst organisation...
...And who on earth is going to feed the poor prisorers after the last man has been locked up for violating the proklbition law...
...Economic Causes of War: Hall's economic analysis of the causes of war sounds as if it had been made btit yesterday...
...The robes ye weave, another wears...
...These groups csme into constant clsshts with the Government, who, terrorized by the French Revolution, decided to put down with a ruthless hand any signs of s violent upheaval in England...
...Instead of a saloon on every corner, we have a distillery in every block and a brewery iin almoae every house...
...With the rise of the factory sys tern, the poor became even poorer than formerly...
...The only time the blue-blooded Virginian wasn't drunk was while drinking mint julep to sober up...
...Dooley once remarked) go to Buckingham Palace as fast as their knees can carry them...
...Everybody is talking hooch, making hooch and drinking hooch, from baby to grandma, and from bum to banker...
...On the official seal of the State appears a Latin inscription which, being translated, reads, "The men of the mountains are free...
...Even prohibition officials pronounced him 100 per cent graftproof, and they ou^ght to be experts in the graft line...
...The leaders wtre arrested and tried for high tresson, bat, dus to the defense of Krskine, they were acquitted...
...This wsek, as we remember it, we were to take up the Sovereign State of West Virginia...
...The Destruction of Machinery: Revolution did not take place but the cities seethed with protesting groups...
...Such division led to inequalities snd to subsequent investment in manufacture and commerce...
...and by blue-blooded Virginian, I mean the creme de la creme of colonial society...
...Tho wealth ye find...
...they had to break the shell to help the good work along...
...My head, my heart, are all alive...
...There was the all-powerful mother instinct fighting for the young ones...
...In due time it was discovered that drinking in the lower orders interfered with the speeding and the smooth running of in lustry...
...West Virginia was best described by one of them to me as follows, "Stranger, this is a mountainous country, very lovely to look on and full of yaller dswgs...
...External facts matter little, his concern is with the •nner lives of people, their impulses and spiritual desire* that find no outlet and remain inarticulate and gr6ping...
...So loi g as rum was imported from Jamaica and wine from Madeira, booze was expensive enough to make a life-sized jag the hall mark of gentility...
...Hall, however, took no stock in the belief that the present order resulted from any conscious conspir-| 1 lacy...
...In colonial days a gentleman wasn't in good form when he was sober...
...Wealth, he Contended, is one of the greatest factors in leading to international warfare...
...The program of this society wss democracy and social reform...
...Southey, the one who had property, decided, however, not to enter the partnership with Coleridge, who retorted, "You are lost to me, because you are lost to virtue...
...Wordsworth, to the end of his life, expressed his sympathy with the masses, plough Coleridge developed into a conservative...
...It promised to make dollars for manufacturers and merchants...
...What 7 Doet property men the navy or fill th* ranks of the army...
...The life of tho poor was a short and difficult one, devoid of proper physical or mental care...
...I have drawn up my arguments in battle array...
...In other words, a working man labors sevan days for the capitalist and one day in eight for himself, his wife and children...
...Hall was the first to attempt to demonstrate by statistics the great injustice of the profit system, nnd to interpret the voice of rising Labor...
...After all you cant be too rough on th* simple ass...
...But they could not wait for the chick to come out'of the egg...
...ids of John Barleycorn talk about the long-haired cranks and short-haired women in whom they saw the whole anti-saloon movement...
...Of course, any civilised country would immediately place under arrest for contemplated murder such of its cititens as announced their intention of joining the French foreign region...
...The organization continued its work for several years longer...
...At first, the workers organized groups bent upon the wholesale destruction of machinery...
...the property from which all other is derived, snd without which grandeur must starve in the midst of Supposed abundance...
...A Federal grand jury in Chicago inj* x dieted Major Percy Owen, Prohibition Director of Illinois, for having surreptitiously smuggled 500,000 gallons of wine out of Government booze depositories and distributed them among the thirsty sufferers of Chicago on the q t. * • • • a The *add**t part about Owen'a fall is thst he fall so far and hard...
...It's driving the whole nation to drink...
...Everybody is breaking the law from Presidents, Senators, Governors and Congressmen, down to dog catchers and prohibition enforcement officers...
...You make the land fruitful, but not for yourself, oxen...
...He says that whsn his workers come pleading for their old jobs at reduced wages—"they will bring with them the spirit of love and gratitude and will bo cured of their discontent" More Prohibition Enforcement ANOTHER good man gone prohibition...
...There was the i appetite of merchants for the money raked ii...
...There was nothing spooky or Utopian about the anti-saloon movement...
...Its connection with the French Convention and its insurrectionary activities soon brought upon It the strong srms of the Government...
...and Southey, students at Cambridge and Oxford, felt the same thrill, wrote dramas, hymns and odes to the new age...
...Fun for Our Flyers Humorous West Virginia Bourgeois Bed Time Stories LL A MERICAN FLYERS DROP BOMBS A 0N BIFFS," said the headline that 1 greeted us at breakfast this morning...
...In the meantime prohibition agent* (not yet indicted) swooped down on the Fish Fsn Club, an exclusive organization on thr north side, with headquarters in a large boat in Lincoln Paik, smashed open hundreds of lockers, seized the liquor therein, and then announced that the raid was only the beginning of s drive against country clubs, athletic associations, and golf clubs in and about Chicago...
...In hit undelivered speech prepared for hit own defense', Thelwall, presented the challenge nf his organisation: "'If, once in every year, the poor man's vote were as important as th* employer's, the poor could not be forgotten...
...Man and not immovables is the object of just legislation...
...From all this it looks as if the sporting activities of Chicago will be greatly restricted, and while this msy not hurt the sporting goods trade, it surely will be hard on the sports...
...Ha wanted to try the experiment in a higher liberty at once, and in 1794 he proposed to Southey the organization of a Communist colony, "Pantisocracy," where all-equality would reign...
...Its principal products are scab coal, prostituted newspapers, a debauched clergy, and a corrupt legislature...
...The, armt yi forge, another bean...
...Now we have prohibition, and as a result of prohibition booze fighting has become as respectable again as it was in the days of George Washington...
...To go fishing without a bottle in the bait box is ono-of the most depressing exhilarations on rec<rd, especially when the fish don't bit*- Practicing the manly art in a dusty ring without the opportunity of washing the dust down afterwards is equally sad...
...The effects of unrestricted individualism under the developing manufacturing system became so tragic for great massss of the people as to lead to frequent prophesies of revolution...
...For if throwing bombs on villagers who hav* no anti-aircraft tun* nor any means of defence i* not murder, then' w* are eligible for' admission to th* Bellevue" psychopathetic ward," as the police reporters ussd to call * . , . * • Speaking of civilization, we find that we got so hct up about the Riffs that we plumb forgot to give you boys and gHs your weekly lesson on Civilization in the United States...
...The few are the owners of the life and liberty and possessions of the many...
...V It used to amuse me to hear the...
...the leaders, Thomas Hardy (17621882), a Scotch shoemaker, and John Thelwall (1704-1844), orator and poet...
...The anti-s&loon movement made drinking, among the middle and working classes disrespectable...
...Winesburg, Ohio," and the "Triumph ef the Egg" reveal the barrenness snd conventional •talene** of the American provinces, and the terrible JPiritual Isolation of the individual who, imprisoned j* his misery, goes on silently living the mechanical...
...This emphasis was especially noted in the writings of Charles Hall, a British physician...
...Thus Southey in what Tyler had the hero describe the early Communism under natural law: "No fancied boundarict of mine or ' thine Restrain our wanderings...
...and the democrats who are almost for revolution and republicanism...
...And ss far aa the newspapers of West Virginia go, the tongues of the editors are black front licking the boots of the coal Operators...
...And haven't wc our "backward peoples"—Haiti and Santo Domingo and the Virgin Isles and the Philippines, to say nothing of Negroes in the South and Labor agitstors in the North...
...H* seemed surprised when we conveyed to hint •our earnest hope that he would fall out of his bloody machine and break hi* dam fool neck, Apparently no on* had Sver suggested te him that he wa* embarked upon anything but a chlvalrle enterprise...
...I have met with my share of cowardly ministers, but never have I seen so arrant a pack of palsied pastors as the Men of God of West Virginia...
...The organised miners of West Virginia have so many injunctions plastered upon them that if they so much as look cross-eyed at a scab they sre thrown' in the calaboose without hearing or trial of any sort...
...We find in him a connecting link between those who based thst revolution on "natural law, and the proletarian Socialist...
...Ricsrdo—Theories of Vslue snd Wages: Rkardo, though a staunch upholder of things as they were, elaborated, in his abstract system of distribution, two theories at least which proved grist for the Socialist mill...
...Charles Hall Analyzes Class Struggle: As we round the eighteenth century and begin the nineteenth, we find increasing emphasis laid on the struggle between the working class and the capitalist, class...
...He is a product of th* crowd with which he trains, that Long Island, lickspittle outfit that when abroad, as Mr...
...Socialistic writers for years accepted these theories as correct statements of economic relationships under the capitalistic regime, but protested that if Labor was the basis Of wealth, and if the workers received under the most favorable circumstances but enough to keep them alive and to produce the next generation of workers, there was something fundamentally wrong with the system...
...The only free men* we ever saw in West Virginia were members of the United Mine Workers of America and the majority of them were in jail...
...the Constitution itself, the Monarchy, and the Whig aristocracy will, In no long time, be swept away . . . The nation is on fire at four corners...
...West Virginia Is noted for its humor...
...An i what's the use knocking pills over a cow pasture when there it no dryik in the very last hole...
...Eight-tenths of the population receive one-eighth of the wealth, while two-tenths, who produce nothing, receive seven-eighths...
...It promised to save dollars to taxpayers and give dollars to housewives and parsons...
...West Virginia's jails are full of free men and its mountains are full of slaves.1 • *, • • • So that's that...
...There was the money ef large employers, like Rockefeller...
...Laughter and applause...
...The rich see that the pooivare taught the so-called glories of war, not its seamy side of suffering and death...
...Another keeps...
...So, little children, you will not be surprised te hesr thst thi: State, with all its natural beauties, hst never produced even one artist, one .nusicitn, one ststesmsn, one poet...
...What power the wealthy mutt possess that they are able to ttlfle reason and morality, and induce man to murder his fellow man...
...Property is nothing but human labor...
...If the manufacturing system continues to be extended, Increasing as it does the number, the misery, snd the depravity of the poor," declares Southey in 1807, "I belfeve that a revolution must come, and in the most fesrful shape...
...In 1814 he published his "Treatise of the Wealth, Power, and Resources of the British Empire," in which he told statistically the story of the wealth of the British Isles and how that wealth was distributed...
...C. S...
...He was a godd-looklng, nice-spoken, Arrow Collar lad whose eyes fleshed with excitement when he told u* what sport he was going to have bombing Abd-elKrim'i tattered troops...
...In the circles through which he has ginnlly been revolving it is taken as a matter of course that Americans should bomb open town*, kill naked tribes* men and tribeswomen from the skies, and hitch up with any representative* of th* "Grot Powers" who have a dirty impa/'ialietic Job to do...
...but Man, with arrojant selfishness Proud of his heaps, hoards up superfluous storct Robb'd from his weaker fellows, starves the poor, Or gives to pity what he owes to justice...
...The most inestimable of all property it the sweat of the poor man's brow...
...After analyzing the official documents to which he had ready access, he concluded that the higher and lower nobility received from ?00 to 400 pounds a person a year, while, on the other hand, the agricultural and industrial workers and their families on the average about eleven pounds a year a person...
...Wealth possessed more than kingly power over the lives of the many...
...And promising dollars t > all hands who would invest dollars in the cause, it got the dollars and it got the votes...
...The L. C. S. was formsd In 1792, and at once began its agitation among the massts...
...And last, but not least, there was the proselyting ability of army corps of preachers...
...Shelley: It was in this spirit of protest that Shelley (1792-1822), the young revolutionary poet of the period, addressed the people: "The seed tow, another reaps...
...Ws will inform you In passing, however, that we did not learn these words in th* Sunday School class of th* Butger's Presbyterian Church at 73rd street snd Broadway, where, with ths late lamented Archibald Stevenson, we received our early instruction in Biblical lor...
...So why put recreation wine ' and beer in the pay envelope when the dumb brute was better off with bread and bologna alone...
...Somebody please stop the bloody swindle...
...Aren't they English imperialists, and don't they set th* styles not only in clothes and matters of personal taste but in thinking as well...
...Nature gives enough For all...
...Colquhoun On "Who Gets England'a Wealth...
...They had to get prohibition before the country was ripe for it...
...Following these came a number of friends of the people who felt that all would be well with England if the currency were but reformed...
...Sherwood Anderson 8herwood Anderson, the most original American Writer of the younger generation, is attempting to jive expression to the struggling soul of America...
...The remedy was the nationalization of land, its occupation by small farmers, and the making of agriculture the basic industry...
...As the Latin verse goes, "You make the honey, but not for yourself, bees...
...Now It so happens that this worthy quit'our Army (stand up and salute, you beggars I) just two jump* ahead of a dishonorable discharge for "conduct Unbecoming an officer and a gentleman...
...The cranks and short-haired women were there all right, but something much more forceful was there also...
...The great body of the nation," declared the Edinburgh Review three years later, "appear to us to be divided into two violent and most pernicious fsctions: the courtiert, who are almost for arbitrary power...
...The second was his theory of wages...
...The situation of the rich and the poor, like the algebraic terms of plus and minus, arc in direct opposition to, and destructive of, each other...
...I notice that a certain ex-Major from our regular army Is receiving newspaper notoriety as one of the gallant band who are dropping cruel death on the Riffian rebels...
...Universal suffrage, to be uted In obtaining economic justice, was thus among the chief demands of the society...
...Mm CoaIdiMOT...
...A limine has closed down his extensive manufacturtag plant, throwing out ef employment two thousand men and women...
...It made its appeal to the material interests of definite groups...
...Colquhoun, jurist, municipal administrator, businett man, was the first'to describe to Englsnd in what its economic life consisted...
...It was as solid ts the rock of Gibraltar and as real realistic as Tammany Hall...
...It wa* our luck to talk with on* of the** out-ofwork aviators th* day before he sailed to Join the French flying corps for service in Africa...
...Louis, Mo.—Henry B. A limine, leading Capitalist ef this etty, says, "Ths ear* for discontent it hunter* Mr...
...Southey remained anti-capitalist in spirit, and strongly denounced the manufacturers, who appeared as a source of misery...
...shall I have such a scheme of it...
...In his "Effects of Civilization" (1805)', hei criticized so-called civilization for the%ivision of society into rich and poor...
...At a matter of fact, we htrj no doubt that Archibald and many of our fellow Bible students are thrilled to death to read the heroic achievements of tho** brev* Americano aviator* who hav* gene way off to Morocco to help La Belle France put down th* wicked Riff* who ar* braah enough to fight for independence...
...All therefore, ought to be consulted where all are'concerned, for not lest than the whole ought to decide the fate of the whole...
...Out of this new sociology came that wonderful combine tion of industrialists, traders, women and preachers which finally put the saloon on the blink under the white banner of the Anti-Saloon Le gue...
...Alas, however, Coleridge's ardor also soon cooled with the depressing reports from France, and the poets returned to a faith in the institutions of government...
...It resulted logically, he felt, from the division of land into great estates...
...Whan we were winning the Great War as a private In the Engineer*, w* saw quit* * lot of these "officer* and gentleman," and their conduct, and we are here to state that if said conduct gets te the point of an honorable discharge that ex-Major must be a combination of the James Boys, Lorenzo Da Medici, Leopold and Loeb, and Harrison Noel...
...It's making jailbirds out of all of us...
...One wat his Labor theory of value, a theory that the exchange value of a commodity arises from labor, and is measured by the quantity of labor necessary to produce the commodity, at least the quantity necessary under the most unfavorable circumstances ef production...

Vol. 2 • September 1925 • No. 37

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