THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK NATIONAL Reporta fresi organisais ia eb* Held makt it perfectly eletr that unemploymtat it widespread and that it ta hindering tht work of organizer*....

...8. Tht dmntr Will hi givt* It tht n*wly completed Wilt Whltmtn Hotel, th* •hew placa of Cimdia, ind will hi th* trtt public (unction ta be held there tftir tht forati opining of thi hottl...
...All Inni» will do a wise thing to engage Esther Friedmin for one or mor* lectures, and have Ntw Leaders and other literature on hand...
...Italian Socialist Activities A deUgstlon of Italian comrades visited th* National Office urging th* needs of organization work among tht Italians There is increasing activity tmong these comrades Two applica tiona for charters reached the Nation...
...Sptakirt, A. Cliuiui, 8. Htrtsbirg...
...Charles Howe, to attend Labor Day services in his church, Sunday, Rapt...
...2nd A. D. Saturday, Stpt...
...Professor Jerome Davi* of Yal* was instrumental in obtaining these speakers for the Council...
...Tht law requires that a complaint ahall bt filed In sueh ratea and th* candidata ha given ten day* to comply with th* law...
...Castrai ( «mmut*, ?uud.y, 8*pt...
...Tayler't own inimitable style of sptlking his etught on In that working elisi neigh borhood...
...Viola'* latest achievement wat' a Local organized at Saginaw...
...Utk-iMh-lsta A. V. Thurtdty, Sept 10, tt lift p m, Bnnch muting it til tut SUS Nuit...
...Now thst this work is com?leterl, preparations sr* being made or active work...
...kawt?cky J. L. Stark and his Committ** oa Arrangements tri working magniti nntly te bring «bont tht riorgtnitstion tf tht Kentucky movement on Sept...
...Short speeches were made by Mary Rogoia, Miss Duel, William Loefstedt, Joseph Fed* and Martin Plunkett, State Secretary...
...New Haven Trades Council The Centrsl Trades Council of New Haven is planning to hold a monthly course of lectures on the third Thursday evening of each month...
...Mondsy and Wedntaday nights ' art used up in various parts of Baltimore as raquttted by local Socialists...
...The County Office having bean busy with the nominstlng petitions could not do much of sny other work...
...NEW~J?RSEY At * well itttndcd and awth ostia li: meeting, Lsctl Cimdta made taal arrangiminti far tht dinn*r tt be ten dtrtd ?«n» Debs oa Saturday, Oct...
...Friday nights at Eastern and 3rd straits, in Highlandtown...
...Irida», lept, 11 at * p. as., «trut m*«ti*g u AI'te strew tad Broadway...
...Office Aug...
...B*c*us* of thi three diy holiday, only two strut mutlngs will bi held in Hudson County on Ssturdiy, Sept...
...Sth a. D. Tu«»da'y, Sipt...
...28 to assume activities in connection with a business enterprise...
...4. It is expected that thty will accept and In return invita tha minister and his congregation to attend their rally with Comrade Friedman as th* speaker W* have a live bunch in Amesbury, both tht Finnish tnd Amtrican branches...
...National Organiser Wilson will make a drivt tn maryland shortly, tnd every Socialist in th* Stata should stani ready to k*ip...
...This cours* hsd not heen taken when thi* was wrlttan...
...Orgtnlsitlon work In th* North Hud' ion, W*st Hobokin, Hoboken ind 12th Wire (Jersey City) branches is wall undtr way, undir thi dtnetion of Or ginltir Hirklns These brinehee hivi ill elected canvassing committees to call en ill formtr members, sympa thlseri tnd prospects for mimbershlp...
...Chsirmsn Bin Goodmin...
...Spuktri, giniuil Bnrditiy Ella O. Guilford and Alaxandsr Schwarta...
...tad Myrna* Waldaaa...
...H« will btgin his work in Pennsylvania, Sept...
...matting and d?monstration...
...snd the State Secretary is alto at a diaadvantage in the fact that th* war-shattered condition of the California movement for many years leaves her with names and addresses of Socialists many of whom have died, or moved, or from fear and discouragement have "quit...
...11, Gardner...
...INDIANA Dittnct Organiser William H Bury Is ia again with eaethu Local, mil aai at Sullivan Kit territory for tht immediate fatitr* will ba mort dimcult u it iatladu mach wising districa ia which User* 1* great tnaacitl distress among tht worker...
...been organised In Scranton which will it onci, fortunately, have something very definite to do...
...12, tt 8i80 p. Str««t muting it Blak* avenu» ind Hlnsdal* straat...
...hallman Ell Cohen...
...State Organizer William A. Tool* still spesktng in Baltimora...
...PENNSYLVANIA District Orgialtir Birch Wilaon hti •virything In riidtnui for th* taming Deb* rally In Scranton, and ht* greatly • wakened tht movement in tnd about th* city...
...Chairman Roetnblrg...
...All meetings btgin st 7:80 p. m. Stat* Organizer Tool* is desirou* sf gttting In touch with unorganised Socialists In Maryland outside of Baitimor...
...Louis, Missouri, the other from Brooklyn, New York...
...I, at lit* p. as, 247 Eut Uth strict...
...Hit efforts should axeit* sufficient interest te makt hit pupil quit* willing to r*td sueh t lttflit It Brtnstetter's "Right to Work" or Klrkpatrick'* "Out of Work...
...BROOKLYN tth A. O. Fridiy, Stpt...
...Chlirmia Eli ?ohtn...
...It il really too bid that wt have not mora of this type of speaker tountlg tha states, she la a vary impressiv- and convincing ipitkir...
...MICHIGAN Joteph Viola is closing up his work in Michigan and will discontinua his services as a District Organizer Aug...
...LOCAL NEW YORK A gen-rel muting of ill members of Loc 11 N.w York will bt htld on Thursdsy, September 10, tt 8:80 p. m., it tht People's Houu, 7 East, loth street...
...Thomas C. Devine, Soeislist candidat* for Mayor ef Toledo, failed to SI* a primary *xp*nt* account within tha tim* limit set by th* city charter owing to hit ebstnet tt Atlantic City...
...A drive to place all th* members in good Handing will be mads and ths County Offlc* expects th* brsnch organizers and secretaries to give th* cooperation necesssry for this,work...
...We were also entertained by some music...
...Chilrmin I. tira» lohn...
...Cluiun* ind Sidie Rfvkin...
...CONNECTICUT New Haven The bean aupper held at th* home of the Secretary, Mary Rogoza, ' wa* a great success...
...A good collection was taken up for the benefit of the city campaign...
...4, it Washington ind 6th strut!, Ho bokin, tnd it Broidwiy ind 28rd street, Biyonn...
...was recently organized at Melrose Park, Illinois...
...Herman Is at a great disadvantage in not having sufficient names and addresses with which to proceed in the places h* visits...
...NEW YORK STATE Esther Friedmin ipoki at an op«ntir muting Aug, 8T,and held tht audi •net apallbound, A ftw questions were •nswered...
...Ssturday, Stpt...
...nsmely, the promotion •f thi great mill meeting with Dlhl ii speaker...
...The vacation period 1* drawing to sn end and most of ths member* are back from their vacation...
...It it bting urged tbat all th* locialiats ia toother* Indiana take * vacation tad rejoice, and giva and take esunstl, with tht Kentucky Socialists at Leuievillt a month beset, when t vtry «penai effort te rtviv* th* Kentucky movement will b* mtdt at LouuvilU...
...11, tt 8:80 p. a., Strait raveling,at Pitkin »v«nue tnd Chester it...
...It il alio expected that «ome of sur comrsdes who attended thi Interna tiontl Congress in Marseilles, France, will bi back ind will report on tht movement, in Europi...
...Gsorgs Meyers...
...On Tuesday, Thursday snd Saturday nights he sptaks at baltimore tnd Hollidty stratta...
...9, Pittsflild...
...II, at lSIrd «trut ind Tiffany...
...II, it t:80 p. a. Straat muting it Auantr Avsnue ind Floyd strut, Spssksrs, Simuli Pira* toff, H. Nemitr tnd Leonird C. Kty...
...Thert were many other good thing* to tat besides batnt...
...NEW YORK CITY Shlplacoff Campaign Managir Comrade Abraham I. Shlplacoff hai agreed to takt thi position •• execu 11va secretary of tht city eommitttl tnd cimpilgn manager... 1 8ft p. m, Strut muting it 114th strut tea 6th tvinu...
...Th* Jewish Branch of New Haven will hold t picnic at Carlson's Grove, Foiron, Sunday, Sept...
...S, it 8:30 p. m, Street muting it 10th strut tnd Ind ivinut...
...CALIFORNIA Emit Herman's lsteat la a husky local at San Diego, where th* movement has lagged in a discouraging manner for a long time...
...He is dated up every night except Sunday...
...8, it which elmllar action will bi taken...
...Ella O. Gullrford, J. A. Weil, Leonird C. Bright...
...Mnd-ISrd A. D. Wtdnosdiy, Sept...
...Ssdoff from setive charge of ths County Office, Israel Chstcuff has b*en elected as the Executive Secretary...
...soon will b* disappointed...
...Spitktrt, William Eeigenlisum and Mary Goff, Chalrmaa C. H. Milllf...
...Tht Finnish Branch of Amesbury atnt a check for a batch of American Appeal sub cards...
...fptlktri, Gertrude Will Klein tnd Simuli H. Friedmin...
...Such prominent educators as Spencer Miller, head of the Workers' Educstion Bureau, Norman Thomas, James H. Maurer, H. w. L. Dana, have been obtained and it is expected that soma of th* British Labor M. P.'s, who ara to b* in this country will also speak...
...Local Socialist organization*, howtvtr, should keep ia mind that t condition of unemployment landt itself to the work of propaganda—ia thit way...
...Admission It by Pirty cird only, tnd only members in good itindlng will bt admitted...
...11, gimril psrty muting, at 1187 Boston Rssd...
...August Cltesten* will speak In Maynard, Labor Day, under th* «uspleta of th* Local Unions...
...Take Shore Line trolley at Stat* and Chapel streets, New Haven...
...a D. -Tridar, lapt, 11, it 8.10 p. s*., Branch muti at 187 ••¦•nu» B. Hia-IMb-tetu A. O. Widnisday Stpt...
...Chilrmtn Kaprher 23rd A. D. Frldty, Stpt...
...S, *t S:8S p. m, S'r*«t atttmg et Usth strut ind Linos svinili 8pe»k«r, August Clliauns...
...Their branch ha* received, through its orgsniitr, an invitation from th* local Baptist minister, Rev...
...An «collent Loeit hi...
...Spitkiri will bt tnnouncid it thi meetings...
...Hamden State Organizer Karl C. Jursek writes from somewhere up in the northern part of New York Stat*, where he and his family are «pending their vacation, that they are having a lovely time and that he will be home after Labor Day, ready to get into tha city and town csmpalgns...
...At this meeting i pltn to reorganise Locsl New York ind thi branches, Including the language branchi!, will bl lubmltttd, This plan involves a thorough rsorganiss'lon, rsduclng ths number of branches in thi county ind ehtnging tht plan it to tht cintrai ind executivi committee of th* Locsl...
...I, sr* going vtry fsst, tnd thost who do not obtiln their ticket...
...10, at Wilkin and Intarvilt...
...The Amatbury Com rades ars to bt reckoned with In all branehts of party sctivlty...
...and 7. Th* Fall Festival is an annusi undertaking with ih* Finnish Comrades andathay arc looking forward te a bigger affair than ever thi* y*«r They have invited all tha English-speaking Comrades of Boston tnd vicinity to stttnd...
...7, Northampton...
...They now have a committal working out plant for t larg...
...A special melting of thi Eighth Wird (Jersey City) Bnnch has been ctlled by Comrade Hirklni for Thuridly, Sept...
...11, tt 6:80 p. m, Street muting it Orihim tnd Birtt streets...
...Spuktrt, A. Cllillins, N. Welner...
...One of tha first questions for the members of a new local to ask themselves is: What are we her* for...
...10, Pittsfleld...
...BRONX OPea-AIr Meetings Thursday, Stpt...
...Sptiktrs, Wltllsa Ktrlin...
...An Invitation i« extended to all th* locals and branches of th* State to attend...
...NEW ENGLAND DISTRICT Th* Finnish Federation will hold its Fall Festival at tha Socialist Recreation (enter at Weymouth Landing, Sept...
...tht capitalist system it mors tttily brought up for discussion undtr such etrcumstances, tnd unemployment furnishct an opportunity to txpltin tht most glaring and cruel of all tht thos-tcomings of capitalist industry Every Socialist should ttltct, each week, oat or mor* neighbors and do his level best to explain this phase of capitatiti •conomict...
...Jiwlah Harlem Brtnch Frldty, Sept 1, tt 1:80 p. m-, Strut trusting at U*th strest tnd tth ¦viinu...
...Spaaktra, Samuel Burdil...
...8. He is now working In Salem, Miss...
...Thus iaUrastU ta *sU*r orgasriaatioa shoal* adores* William A Tool*, Stat* Organiser, IIS* N Fulton avail*, Baltimora, bad...
...Wodntadiy, Sept...
...Spi«k«r, Hymsn Wtldmta...
...Clirenet H. Taylor tt •peaking on Saturday nighta at Pollington avenu* *nd Monument street, nttr the N'ortheast Markat...
...22nd 2Jra A. O. Friday, Stpt, It, at 8:80 p. ov, Strut mailing at i67th atrctt tad Broadway...
...Spssksrs Samutl Beardiliy tad Emeut K. K Haaissn...
...T. F. Brough, the Secretary, is slways on tht job to set thst tht mtmbtrs ere ptid up to data...
...9, it 8:80 p. m., Branch meeting it 3786 Broadway, cornai 117th atleet, loom...
...8, Northampton...
...2* 27 when they will htv* every posai tile Socialist in Louisville at * blood warming mtsa mealing and s gtnaral eouncll muting...
...12, Gardner...
...This alone should bring alt Party members to this meeting...
...Comrade Shlplacoff will assumi hls duties next Wednesday...
...It wis a very cool night, but thi crowd kept growing ind stayed through to the «nd of th* muting, ilio contributing liberally to the collection...
...Friday, Sept...
...23, one from St...
...Chair m in lath Wtxltr...
...WISCONSIN Organizer Coleman's new Loral sf twelve members at Green Bay ia planning to do some systematic work in propaganda and in increasing th* membership of th* local...
...We wish we had t Lewis for every district in tht country...
...City Committee Wednesday...
...Wt htvt now t Ant functioning brtnch in Lynn tt th* result of hard work by District Organizer Alfred Baker Lewis...
...MARYLAND Socialist proptgtndt In Baltimore It sn tht incrttst...
...Detroit Socialists are esger to have him for a long ttrm of work in that city, if they can secure his consent to continue...
...With th* resignation of Dr...
...8, at 6:80 p. m. 7 East 16th street, Room 808...
...Apply to Brsnch or Local secret tries...
...All members of organized Labor in New Havtn and vicinity should take advantag* of this* courss of lectur*t...
...The ttckate for th* Debs Dinn*r in Ntw»rk on Sunday, Oct...
...Upper Wilt Sldt Briar* Friday, Stpt, 8, it 6:80 p. a., Strut meeting it 16th straat tnd Broidwty...
...His co-worker in this is Robert R. Dsvidson...
...Local Amesbury will havt t paradt, Including a seven-piece orchestra, preceding the Esther Friedman meeting-, Sept...
...Tht National Offlc* it retching *v«ry Socialist In Kentucky—snd in Southern Indiana - with t vtry urgent invitation to rally with Eugene V. Deb* at Louitvlll* for a gr*tt reconstruction «ffort...
...Lut Sunday's muting, which wa* »ddr*as*d by Orgmisir Lu M. Har hint tnd by Giorgi H. Goebel who is in eksrg* of tha arrangimants for both thi Csmdin and Niwtrk b*nqu»ts, pledged tts*lf tor ISO tickets immediately, which, however, is only * start Local Philadelphia ia cooperating, and thtrt will be a strong delegation from that city at thi dlnnir, at will as from Tnnton, Atlaetir- City tad otbtr South Jersey points It looks is though tick, •tt will kl i* i primium long bifore the dttt if tht dinner...
...Ther* i* on* answsr that justifies th* existence of the local and that is: the instruction of th* working people particularly, and th* public generally, on what is Socialism, and on the political organisation of the workers for th* advancement of the welfare oif the workers Organiser Coleman has been invited to address the Green Bay Trtdet Council...
...Salem was *lw*ys a hard town to organisa *ven in th* old days, lather Frltdmtn't Datai Beginning Mondsy, Sept...
...lit h A. D. Fridiy, Sept...
...Politicians ara now talking of an ittempt to disqualify him butt It Is hardly probable that thi* will b« dan...
...Another loca...
...Chtiratn Lister Diimond...

Vol. 2 • September 1925 • No. 36

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