Cahan, Abraham

THE READ TO LASTING PEACE INTERNATIONAL FOR DEMOCRATIZED LEAGUE By ABRAHAM CAHAN J (Cable to Th. New Leader) MARSEILLES, Aug. 26. THE afternoon session of the International Con?ress...

...An agreement wss flnslly resched in th* committee room where these questions were bs...
...They have been sitting up sll night snd morning...
...Roberts, with his flowing white hslr and artistic features, fitted the role of music master...
...The station Is surrounded by a nine-foot wsll which made attack from the side impossible...
...Turati was enthusiastically applaud ed by about one-half of the delegates present, mostly by the delegates from smsll countries, but many ef the delegates who did not sgree with him joined in applause out of respect and love for this desr old Comrade...
...Miles of brown skinned ricksha men trot by, gasping in the heat, dragging large white men with...
...She offered a resolution to set up sn advisory committee of women to handle the special problems of the sex...
...This could only delay tha hour when tho working class, master ef its own destiny, will be able to realise in prosperity and liberty Its complete emancipa* tien...
...This idea of looking backward rather than for¦NiI typical of many officials...
...Th* International I rejoices to nata that soma of Its sections, such as those ef Denmark, Holland, Norway and Sweden, have either secured or made proposals far total disarmament or a sweeping reduction ef armaments...
...There is no need of them in Shanghai just now...
...This was the beginning of a heated discussion which brought out the chasm between the English snd othsr delsgations...
...A World Afe has transformed the nations, fhging a whole new series of prob¦fcto the workers, and yet...
...will appear In The New 'Loeder Next Week...
...A flame of revolt spread through the schools and colleges of Shanghai...
...Working-men have ! a vested right to their jobs and a i vested right in the shop where they work," he said...
...They shut up the* shops bf nearly all merchants and alllowed them to open only after arrangements to support the laborer* en strike...
...THE afternoon session of the International Con?ress began at three o'clock* he subject under discussion WM unemployment There was a sharp conflict between Bel* gian and English delegations, the French and German dele* gate* supporting the Belgians...
...I wsnt yesterday to the alley way where the shooting took place snd drew the following diagram...
...When it was reported that the two factions hsd joined hsnds over the resolution, supported by the 158, the communication wss received with s sense of relief, for it wss Iste snd ths delegstes were snxious to go home...
...They prefer to go slowly, avoiding frtetion on topics connected with the wsr...
...The session wss snnouneed for nins in the morning, but'no reports were resdy snd ths secsion wss postponed for four o'clock this sfternoon...
...The Chines* deny It...
...Ths students were all unarmed and many were shot in the back...
...Spesking of tht uprisings in tht Fsr Esst, Comrsdt Bsutr congrttulsted ths working psoplt of the»t countries, expressing the hope thst they would brssk down tht last riserve army of capitalism...
...The latter is, ia its e pinion, nothing but ths prat tleiT application af tha Covenant it.elf It is the most d?finit* step taksa in tb* direction of disarmament...
...Leon Blum, the leader of the Socialists of France, snd de Brouckere, one of the leaders and leading Marxist of Belgium, replied to Turati...
...Referring te s rsmsrk of Dollan, Comrade Dissmann ssld : "If English msnufscturers point to German working-men ss good boys because they work longer hours, we msy similarly say that German employers likewise point to English working-men ss being willing to work leng hours...
...Be Patient The Letter will Tell You ALL About It...
...International Socialism . calls upon tha workers to conduct their daily propaganda and to act in their parliaments in approaching tb- problems arriving from timo to >ime in connection with th* probUm af security... it wss decided to devote the entire evening snd, if need be, the whole night to disposing of sll mstters and thus close the Congress without making another day of it...
...Special notes should net be used to hinder measures under th* control of tho League Of Nation...
...In no other Country do the courts go farther ¦) arbitrary decrees against the •tide unions...
...Wt wanted a resolution that spplies to the life of t?dsy...
...This mesne thst some of the Sikhs who fired on the crowd relosded their guns four or Ave times snd continued to shoot, although sll evidence shows thst the crowd broke snd ran immediately...
...The two most important ' para-, graphs of tha resolution referring to Russia sre ss follows: "The International emphasizes «itliout reservstion the right of the new Ststes to s free snd independent existence, snd the Soeislist psrties sre urged to eombst every policy of hostility which msy be directed against the Soviet Republic snd to help bring about normal political sad economic relation* with that la...
...Another Englishman, Robert Williams, took the floor to announce that the English delegation, after deliberations, decided to accept the suggestion of chairman Vandervelde...
...In the station there wss s fire hose...
...The delegates listened with...
...They live in a Shanghai college that was closed by the , Settlement Council...
...We help to pay for this scheme of government...
...They halted almost every industrial activity in the Shanghai Settlement...
...Ws hsve provtd it to the world thst Frenchmen snd Germans can get along very well together and be banded together by s spirit of frsternity when both ef us are snimeted by the name of high ideslt such as Socislism- This hss been proven conclusively linee tht feeling of poses has become Sannita and unsquivooal—that is, sinea the Soeislist Psrties hsve bttn plsctd in positions of politieel powtr in their retpective countries...
...M/m* tmk, Wt there Is an over-pr...
...consent to imprisonment for debt...
...The street unions include the small street merchants who operate their stalls in the open air...
...It was practically s question of two resolutions: one favored by tha Russian Social Revolutionists and (he other by the Mensheviks...
...TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND workers, students and merchants of Shanghai have downed tools, left their class rooms, and shut shop doors, in a national protest against the shooting of Chinese citizens on Nanking Road in Shanghai on May 80...
...She is a dark complexionod womtn of early middle sge, of pleasing appearance, and a fine, affective speaker...
...What We Help Pay For We help to pay for a good many things over here that the tax" payers of Durant, Oklahoma, do not know' For example, there 'are those 'marines who walk the streets with a nice rolling swagger in earch of an American soda fountain...
...It is like Pittsburgh during the steel strike...
...They have given a consistent twist to the Coojidge economy program by quartering themselves on e radical college.' The Trouble Begins In the official records the business men and editors who defend the police for shooting students on May 30 have have a fair case...
...The marines might well have stayed in their ships in the harbor where they would not serve as a living taunt to Chinese* fi ride, a living proof of the dortti-faictions of American ideals snd practice...
...The workers adhering to tb* International have given their approval to the foundation ef the Leagii* of Nation*, but they declare that It will toot fully accem' rH»h it* tack unies» it includes all the p*opl«s admitted with equal rights and obligations, unless it, duly recognises the necessity ef th* peace programmo, outlined abeva, and unless tha international organiaation la based en a sound economic foundatian...
...You mustn't forget, "hi ' said," that this is a world < risifc...
...When they were ordered to Shanghai to serve their country they felt heroic and useful...
...Why do they live there, and why was the college closed...
...Labor is week because it is conservative, timid, lacking in assertion of its claims, and hesitating to go forward to more progressive policies thst hsve been tested and vindicsted by th* organized workers in many other countries...
...They saw a sign in Dallas or Minneapolis one day telling them to see the world and serve their country...
...Student lecturers took to the SOSp-BOX and harangued street crowds...
...It rejoices else at th* effort* that have bean mad* ! bv seme ether sections to rive the Crv?aaat of the League ef Nations effectiveness, strength and Ufa...
...They sang Independent Labor party anthems snd popular songs such as "He's A Jolly Good Fellow...
...I am through with my work so far as the facts of the Congress are concerned...
...Part of th* White Man's Burden Shanghai snd this strike are not comprehensible to an American unless hs knows several things about the past of this international city...
...Socialism isjene is fully capable ef putting aa cad te this state ef things...
...At the entrance to the narrow alley which leads to the police station 'Pf wswat.tttay a^WMsj a cordon of police There waa?a good deal of saautl— sad pushing...
...When his speech was translated into French it was often interrupted by outbursts of applause...
...Three foreign witnesses who sppssred at the trial expressed their staat surprise that the police should Wave fired st such s Crowd...
...Its wording steering deer of such «Jecific declarations which might create sn awkward sltustion for ths Socialist Psrty in this or thst country...
...As a matter of fact, it has never won this friendehip and it never will...
...Everywhere there ' are smells...
...These representatives will alto resolutely maintain tha conception ef tha lateraatioaal ia opposition to tho cancaptioa af Bolshevism, which substitut*», a di earn of blind destruction for the conttructive purpetes of Socialism...
...It does not inspire % masses with the ideals and that WUaiou.i fervor for a great causo *m«h ia sotfasential to a powerful M cement...
...The Mixed Court could not find the students guilty of any real crime bat they delayed their verdict of acquittal...
...The resolution was carried unanimously...
...We did not care to draw s resolution for the year 2,000 which would mean a resolution on psper only...
...This system is and romains a fundamental aausa pf the danger of war...
...Lewis rejects it as ptopian and then recommends that p$f go back to the "fathers" for a solution of all our troubles...
...Shanghai is part of the white man's burden...
...The temperature is near 100...
...Seated in sn open vestibule under a semi-circle of red flags were several rows of English delegates, with Arthur Henderson and Roberts, both former ministers in MscDonald's Cabinet, standing In front of them and leading the singing...
...To appeal to the past, to venerate old traditions and ideas, should be left to the enemies of the working class who find this attitude good for them...
...rapt attention and when he finished they joined in a vehement outburst of applause...
...Mutt mail September 10...
...Ws shall never give up our flgfit for shorter hours, but the conditions stifling us must be faced...
...They stats, in esse an agreement cannot be reached ever an essential point, Spsin, France snd Abd-el-Krim should agree to submit ths esss in dispute to ths arbitration of the League of Nations...
...Comrade Cahan's resum...
...The singing echoed through the vast hall and it seemed that the red flags vibrated in response to the spirit of the moment and as though the rows and rows of tables covered with 1 red cloth glowed with a new glow I ef passion for the high ideals of i Socialism...
...Production, consumption and exchange, are exposed to ail tha disorder and danger of competition end tho working elass has to bear tho brunt nf the 'resultine misery...
...2, Spain snd France shall agree upon s new frontier in order to fscilitsts indispensable srrsngements for ths provisioning ss well as tha economic organization of the Riff country...
...The trouble began about the middle of May when a Chinese worker was killed by a Japanese employer during a lockout of the workers...
...Ths feelings brought on by ths war, the hat reds between German and Belgten'or Frenchman »n>i Englishman, sre really a .thing of ths past, so far ss-ihU Congress is concerned, hut ths economic cats-clysm Which tbs war left in its wake It felt in this Congress molt keenly...
...Mighty good singing It was...
...It rejects saflortalization of the mines alHsgh a committee of the union ¦perai years ago spent months in preparing a program for such na¦taalization...
...Socialism is tha great farce tending to final pacification of the world, and the political victory of the working classes la all or at least tho principal countries will be tho best guarani** of lastiug world peace...
...The most intsretting speech along this lint was delivered by Comrade Breitt:heid, one of the foremost leaders snd best speskert in Girmany...
...Th* International calls on all affiliated workers to bring pressure lo bear upon tho Governments of Germany and Russia, I which matt directly concerned, to J secure their admission to tho .League ef Nations...
...It was seised and built up by ths great Powers...
...It smothers independent, thinking which is so essential for ||< growth of any movement...
...Publie opinion b| their country is net reedy for I™ Should they accept sn amendment of that kind it would" upsst things at home* snd give rise to dangerous complicai ions...
...Dollsn, of Englsnd, was the next spesker, snd he offered the abovementioned amendment, accentuating ths ills of repsrstions snd ths close relation it hsd with unemployment...
...At first both sides were insistent and stubborn, although in essence there was scarcely any chasm between the two...
...mesns the question of small nation- j alities, the attitude of the Congress towsrd Russia as wtll as the uprisings in Asia...
...Their outlook in general is the same as it was twenty-five years ago...
...Actually their esse is almost as bad as Dyer's case st Amritsar...
...The Chinese arrested by foreign police in the Settlement are tried by a Mixed Court which includerlo Judge chosen by the Chinese...
...The Socialists of Spsin, Frsnce snd Great Britain demand further thst military operations shall be suspended immediately pases negotiations have begun...
...Books — Juat Books...
...These Chinese impers do not glorify the foreigner...
...It closed with s beautiful feeling of unanimity, msrry singing of ths "Internationale," amid scenes of hand-shaking snd embrscing...
...Nowhere else are tStde union funds at the mercy te, the employing class...
...Polke Inspector Evans waved his pistol In the air and gave the students ten seconds' warning to disperse...
...the old .ilntulas, policies and ideas of the EHs years of the present century constitute the intellectual armory of the American trade union...
...Ht mid...
...Ths next dsy the Mixed Court released the remaining Students who hsd net been shot...
...Accordingly, ths English offered sn amendment to the unemployment r?solut ioua/alling...
...Psnken said the resolution did not go fsr enough snd demanded more rsdicsl snd drsstic pronouncements...
...We hsve contrgdictsd...
...f?twardly as I write there is peace, at least in the International Settlement of Shanghai...
...He did not oppose the resolution: he merely wished to remind the comrades of their duty to hold the flag of our movement high...
...At the end of the ten seconds he ordered the police to sheet to kill...
...There has been no rioting here for a week...
...The world knows," De Brouckere said, "and it is unmistaksble, that Socialism mskes for the complete abolition of capitalism with its entire system of wags slavery and competition...
...Tha workers tharaf ore demand that the League af Nations b* made all-inclusiva and democratic and tbat tha machinery for th* revision of th* peace treaties under Artici* IS of the Covenant should bo elaborated and mad* effective "Th* workers further demand that any Stat* which retorts to war after refusing to submit to arbitration ar arbitral award (no matter whether tho enemy of its own people or of mankind)—that ia ae case should hostile action be allowed except ia esse of resistance te acts ef aggression or whoa such action is taken in agreameat with the council or assembly af the League of Nations "The Congress draws attention to the aggravation of unemployment by the many still unsolved problem* associated with the mistaken policy of undefined payments ef reparations and the refusal to cancel inter-Allied debts, and recommend* that action should bo taken to secure solution of there problems, which would be in harmony with international Socialism...
...And children...
...At first there was a division on sn smsndmsnt offered by Jean Longuet...
...Ths longest snd bitterest struggle is still tsking pises in the Committee on ths Esstern European Question, which really means the question of Russis, smsll nation?, snd the minority peoples in the newly created states...
...This Internationsl," he slid, "does not content itself with reiterating Socialist doctrine...
...Long before this article reaches America it will have changed its form, taking on revolutionary phases or developing an international boycott of new proportions...
...Thit is the goal of our movement and we strsin every effort to bring humanity to that goal, but one cannot live on one's final goal only... fought out...
...The delay wss fatal...
...When I wss coming up to the Congress hall spirited singing reached my ears...
...Remember, one more week «nH that lettor goos out...
...It Is fer this reason that the Labor *nd Socialist International demand* that tha League ef Nations should organisa a conference to davit* substantial meaturei which should eventually lead ta complet* and universal disarmament...
...They said that our general principles and our great ideas are reiterated upon every occasion...
...Htrt j sre tome of his uttersnclt taken : down literally...
...Such pacts are defective becaast they do net contain provisions for disarmament Thay mutt net contain any secret clauses...
...Still, this should not bt any txcuse for supporting ths schemes directed agsinst Russi...
...Not a single European or American has been killed in the Shanghai Settlement during the entire strike...
...ilon of coal, snd these delibarle, aggravate thS situation sad add to the causas which throw out of work English coal miners...
...If we «empare the official publications of the unions of that period with such publications today wV will have difJJtWlty in noting any difference...
...The following resolution was carried by the Commission on AntiWar: "The Congress of the Labor and Sociali?» lateraational declares that the competitivo economie system la the standing •ourca of csaflcta between capitalist groups of various nations for raw materials and markets, for the sexploitation of tha working masses, accumulation, and financial domination...
...Forward, not backward, should inspire us, for if we lose the art of pioneering death awaits us...
...Trrere is no appeal from the decisions of this court...
...At tha same time It calls upon the werkers of ether countries who ere already heiplag the League to fight for tho Geneva Protocol and to scrutinile carefully tho pact ef security, which will bo submitted for the approval ef the parliaments In tha parliaments aad in public propaganda...
...The Chinese pay 70 per cent of the expenses of the Settlement government and have no representation on the council...
...The former got 128 votes and the othsr 168...
...The resolution on Morocco follows: "The Congress pretests vehemently against military operations new taking placo, resulting ia fresh bloodshed, end demands from tha Governments concerned immediate end decisive actiaa far restoration of peace," The resolutions also demand pulilicat ion of the peace terms i agreed upon between Spain snd France...
...They think that by so doing it would hatter, tie healing of war wounds...
...This savsd the day...
...The Msnshevik resolution wss supported by Otto Bauer, the thinker, and leader of the Austrian movement, who made the introductory speech and drafted the main sections of the .resolution in tho committee room...
...teen students snd workers...
...There is sn international sentiment running high smong Herman workers, as they showed in helping Danish workers in thsir recent great lockout and ars now showing in helping Belgian metsl workers out on strike...
...mere we demand and the mors •Wneibilitjei- we claim ior citisen- , *jePt contrei of industry the J** will sur enemies be inclined T**ke concessions to us...
...Rather it was a matter of wording, the 128 leaning toward a mors drastic and sharper formula...
...The resolution itself is a repetition of the usual demands by trade unions and Socialist Parties ths world over...
...The president of th...
...there has been no disturbance that the local police were not entirely competent to handle...
...We are for liberty snd for democracy snd against dictatorship...
...The streets swarm with idle workers;'the shops are boarded tight against possible raids...
...She mentioned the fsct that altogether there were 800,000 women members of Socialist Psrties in the world...
...By THE EDITOR LABOR DAY is usually a 'JU* 4ey for taking stock, and 'Ijl who surveys the field for the past few years must admit that every division of the La?¦ army in this country, polit1 and economic, has been doing little more than marking time...
...for a wiping 011 of reparation* and cancellation of war debts...
...It is obvious that ths other committee will seek snd And s formula that will express the sttituds of both contending parties in a theoretic form, somehow, which will ssve ths sit'JBtion for both...
...The next moment my eyes were greeted by a beautiful scene...
...With this exception...
...Squads of American sailors with round boyish faces parade their white summer uniforms and poke fun at' t$e little naked Chinese boys who run along beside them...
...De Brouckere congratulated the delegates upon the...
...We wsnt to bo clssr...
...Behind Shanghai sre several hundred million people who srs reading thsir own Chincit paperi...
...Not st sll...
...Charges must be brought against ; working-men intended to be dis- ' charged, he said...
...Our Committet," ho ssid, "did not want to tske s position which would bt misunderstood...
...That Letter—Next Week j. o...
...We must emphasise the ides thst the problem* of reemployment csnnot be solved under capitalism, which creates wealth not for nss but for profit...
...Seeking False Heads It Is also based on the idea that S; rigid conservative attitude will wis friendship for the unions in the eeaeervstive' classes...
...E. I...
...This, to my mind* is ths sunt sod substance of the mood of ths pr?sant Congres...
...Aside from venturing Into workers' education, the typical American trade unions have not kept pace With the advancing and changing jKsgs in the Labor world...
...In my previous cable I spoke of 1 the long deliberations snd hested de-1 bating over the resolution on the I Esstern Question, which really...
...If the police instead of forming sn sre in front of the alley had blocked the alley way st ths entrance with fixed bayonets, six men could hsve handled the whole crowd...
...II Wit the movement In old ruts, di gO*0* 'ito pertichisi units, bars the JflJMo solidarity, and enables the fljfcjBy to^ defeat one division after JJ° 'he extent that, the organized JFkers break with old traditions PI Consider new policies and meth jfi Will they acquire more power jBP'fria U»e respect of their enemies...
...til thst," he ssid...
...Patrols of rigid faced British soldiers march up and down the streets...
...In the municipal counoit which governs the Settlement there ays six British subjects, two Americans and a Japanese...
...Readers aro bow looking for it...
...Psnken insisted thst children's labor sge should not be fixed at 14, but that the International should fix ths sge at least at 16, and later 18, finally, he advocated laws to make it impossible for an employer to discharge workmen except for cause...
...This 1s something which the Belgian delegates ars not prepared to accept...
...It is thrown away...
...But whatever its form, it is essentially part .of a nationalist movement against Western imperialism...
...The venerable Comrade Turati, the brave and devoted leader of the Italian movement, spoke in s different strain...
...Chinate Close Their Rank» Th* mout unusual feature of the Shanghai strike is the organization into one rebellious group of merchants, students and workers...
...The masses of the people are represented by the General Labor Union of Shanghai, the National Chinese Student Union, the Shanghai Student Union and the Federated Street Union...
...Standing Still in w Changing World Qfhe whole world has changed but ¦m unions have not...
...THE morning was agsin devoted to committee work...
...We must bids our time and meanwhile do our best...
...Even at the highest point of A. F. of L. membership a few years ago the trade unions of this country hsd a smaller percentage of the wage workers organized than in any other modern country...
...Dieaming ef war-like revenge or brutal reaction, these Governments paralyse the real development of peace...
...The press snd the foreign colony have responded almost unanimously j on the side of the police...
...I know very well," he further ssid, smilingly, "thst it is much wiser to get sn egg at once than a whole chicken in the remote future, but the lofty ideas animating us are apt to be submerged in all sorts of practical details and half tones obscuring the beautiful colors of our great principles...
...Adelheid Popp of Austria spoke in behalf of the women's conference which took place the day before the Congress opened on Saturday...
...It returns to plague us in court injunctions and hostile legislstion...
...Only when production is carried on for use, as it will be under Socisllsm, will this problem be solved," Psnken declared...
...submit to compulsory militia drill, and many other grievances that prevailed in the days of the "fathers...
...The needs of the day must be taken into considerstion snd should not be befogged by verbosity or radical phraseology that have no practical meaning at the present moment...
...Comrade Jacob Psnken, of New York, took s hsnd in this discussion, being the first to speak after tha chairman of the committee on un* employment hsd delivered his address...
...The trade unions especially have lost heavily in membership Few strikes have been wen...
...Tha representatives of tha latarnatienal, while urging tho insufficiency of partial pacta, will notice tho blind ogoiam of tha reectloaary partiaa and of the Governments which by suppressing tha liberty of peoples deny them the right of orgaaising themselves for peace...
...Wt wish to hsve the imperialistic tnd . reactionary Govtrnmtnti kttp their hands off the Soviet Republic, but that does not mtsn thst wt mgkt ptsct with Bolshevism...
...The book of .Tohn L. Lewis on...
...It looks deep into Socialist reality...
...AU Socialists Want Them...
...De Brouckere's remarks called for frequent expressions of hearty'approval while he spoke snd by grest applause at the end, an applause in which almost all the delegates of France and Germany and England took part It was one o'clock in the morning when the Congress closed amid the singing of tho "Internationale" and scenes of enthusissm and*mutual affection mentioned above...
...that It has not uaresorvedly taken from tho governments th* right of declaring war, and that ceecertcd action against tha aggrcsior is still insufficiently organised...
...It is as thought Setter were to try to cope with JMSvrn conditions of warfare IWUW'' ninth** instead of the MMW mschine-gun...
...Text of Resolution MARSEILLES, Aug...
...She has a peculiar intonation and a ringing, pleasing volet, ari her flow of rhetoric made a favorable impression on the entire Congress...
...Whtn ha closed his lucid address ht was loudly snd wsrmly spplsudtd...
...This feeling dominates Its sessions, almost completely eclipsing certain features of the Socialist sentiment which usually coma to ths for* under more normal conti!, tions at Congress...
...To put it into a nutshell:' tht atmosphere surrounding the Congress Is eloquent of the suffer» Ings which ars an echo of the Greet War...
...If this had failed, there was s huge iron door 100 feet back from tht street which had s bolt snd padlock ready to lock snyone out of the immediate vicinity of the police station...
...There is nothing definite in its sections...
...It shows thst tha police ststioit wss 160 feet back from ths street in sn alley 15 fast wide...
...It should be remembered thst Btutr j is tht suthor of ths strongest and I best book against Bolshevism...
...To survive, to make progress, ws must think and advance with a chsnging world...
...Hostile Discussion Threatened At first ths discussion took on hostile aspects, but ths English delegation sobered down snd accepted the suggestion of E mils Van dervelde of Belgium, who wss in ths chsir, to refer thsir amendment to a committee handling ths problems of war and peace...
...The foreign witnesses who were honest enough to support the moderate Chinese view of the shooting are denounced as traitors, The American China Society, a post of the American Legion, sll the press snd most of the missionaries are standing for low and order against Bolshevism...
...That Mfrgf" % experience of the orMoreover if the organised wor' 2|?&»f *? *?* position which T,V •* "sovesaeat new occupies in other advanced nations, that unity in the use of the ballot is juat as important ss unity in tie shop snd mine, we will make more progress...
...These are not normal times snd wc cannot apply normal methods to our present tr.ubles...
...Henderson, usually stolid and careworn and deliberate in manner and looking ss if, he weighed every word and gesture, let himself go singing and smiling and laughing and keening time like a schoolboy...
...the c?ki situation it typical of this survival of an old outlook...
...This Is probsbly true...
...that We must give up the ballot...
...For example, the Usnnans de:Mw>i » «art of ,mm...
...And red signs...
...Finally they demand that tha education of th* children shall b* permeated with tha spirit of peace and shall lay % sure foundation far merel disarmament and th* disappearance of hatred...
...collars and linen suits...
...Thereafter, from Hongkong, Canton, Peking and elsewhere, came reports of the spread of the strike...
...They fired 44 shots directly Into the crowd, killing six...
...The Americans hsve risen to the occasion with great readiness...
...Capitalism's Refining Influences...
...Ostensibly it was created to guarantee a safe port for foreigners in China...
...As the crowd of delegates grew around them, the Britishers warmed up, their voices rose, their faces shone...
...Dollsn was followed by Dissmann, President of 800,000 German metal | workers- Speaking for the German : delegation, he depicted the terrible i conditions burdening the Germas | workers...
...Psnken fer 40-Hour-Week "The International," Panken said, "ought not i » be satisfied with a ds- J mand for forty-eight hours and instead should demand a forty-hour week snd even shorter hours...
...good accord existing smong them, upon their compromising smsll differences, snd upon the triumphs of our idealism combined with sound common sense...
...The French are of the same mind, of co i 'Sevf And strange as It may appear upon superficial examination, ths German delegete* are in accord with ths Belgisns snd ths French ea this topic, fhey would certainly wsnt thslr country to be released of its reparation burdens, but they resiles that ths time is not yet ripe for it sad they, ara afraid that such sn amendmtht might upset all that has been achieved in the direction of a better understanding between Germany and Franca, breed new troubles, and pave ths way to another Poincar...
...It is absurd to insist that by dissi* pating our voting power among thousands of candidates of all par* ties political power can be msde effective...
...Incidentally it marks a new stage in the rise of the Chinese working class...
...On the other hand, the Sontuet Partita should call upea the B is sua people to oppose every policy of eg...
...We don't believt thst wsr will 1 hsve s revolutiontry effect, but s I compromise with Bolshevism it utI terly impossible...
...The United ttstti is' the one nation where the tJBSMI of industry have not con*jt*d the right of trade unions to JJMt...
...The real control lias in the hands of the British...
...I shall try, by way of finishing touches, to submit to The New Leader readers a sort of general resum...
...Tram ears snd busses were psas...
...They demand that these terms shall be communicated immediately and directly to the leader of the Riffs, Abd-el-Krim, snd they require from him a clssr snswer ss to the possibility of immediste negotiations snd understanding...
...Somt of the tpeechss dslivtrsd on tho resolution referring to the question of pesce brought out some inttreiting points showing ths difference between ths time when Socialism wis s mere theory and tht press?t Urns when it has become a formidable political power...
...of this historical week...
...Five students were hailed I before the Mixed Court, held in j prison, brought up for a hearing I Msy 2fi and then bound over until j May 80...
...establish spoliticai liberty thora 'The International gr sets tas awakening of vast masses ef working people of the Chinese, Hindu saf Moslem worlds," It wss Otto Bauer, sgsip, «ho reported to ths Congress tht whek) rtsolution as finally accepted by all factions in committee...
...It was really stirring, one of the beautiful bits of color in this Congress of grave faces and heated debates...
...Tst peint upon which discussion mi uni li • striking example of • situation governing delegates and their frame of mind St thin Congrecs...
...Big business is represented by the Chinese Associated Chamber of Commerce which entered the strike partly through fear...
...The officials can readily conjure up pictures of themselves as defenders of women, children, munitions and honor...
...Ing through the crowd until the moment of the' shooting...
...It It in this sense tbat It has supported every tea te indue* the Governments te accept th* Geneve Protocol...
...THE Congress closed latt night, or rather esrly this , morning...
...have no Men law on our wages...
...The workers would establish peace on a basis of arbitration and of gansral completo and universal disarmament affected within the framework of the League of Nations...
...The officisi trsnscrlpt of testimony of ths trisl of rioters' in the Mixed Court shows thst the police who did the firing were using old-fsshioned rifles which hsd to be relosded by hsnd sfter each shot...
...I Only forty per cent of our workmen 1 are enjoying sn sight-hour dsy add the remaining sixty per cent are compelled to accept longer houri...
...Sptaking of ths present relet ioni between the Germana and Frenchmen, Breltscheid ssid t htrt tre serot people who are "fond of representing ut st incurable entmits, ss two nstiont which inhtrit from thtir sncestors blood tainted with tht germs of mutusl hostility...
...They mutt provide for a system ef, mutual guarantee heving a general character con trolled and supervised by tha League ef Netieat withia th* framework ef any ether power or group ef pewert, end which consequently will net lead te a possible revival of a falsa balance ef pewert e system whish will not permit any pawer automatically te apply sanctions...
...The oui ¦ ' standing exceptions are to be found in the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. and among some Christian bodies...
...On the question of the "Working Class snd ths League of Notions," ths resolution states: "The working elass is already so strong as to be able to exercise oa governments enough pressure te lead the world towards peace, They realise that tha Covenant of the League ef Nations itsalf does net fully previde tor tha necessary limitation ef tho sovereignty ef statos, as damaaded by tha solidarity ef modern peoples...
...Shanghai consists of a Chinese sectien ruled by the Chinese Government, a French concession, and an International Settlement ruled jointly by Britain, Japan, and the United States...
...In what other country do we Mr*' such ,.frightful brutalities •tsinst strikers as in the United The ultra-conservative attitude ma won nothing for the organized Storing class...
...Some of the eommitttsss sre having a hard time trying to conciliate the I factions snd arrive at an understanding...
...The msrinea are here becsuse the British council wants the college closed snd because the British want some other nation to divide with them the wrath of the Chinese...
...v'ijfte is blissfully unaware that If we did this we would have to accept the common law doctrine that trade unions are conspiracies...
...Students are not always harmless...
...speech which sxplsinsd ths r?solu, tien, its meaning and its spirit...
...Thasa must only bt applied under conditions provided for by the Covenant ef th* League ef Netieat...
...Tremendous feeling was aroused, expressing itself in strikes snd demonstrations...
...He expressed regret thst the resolution was not more rsdical in language, that it was not sufficiently characteristic of the Marxian spirit of olden times...
...The smaller nstions, where the Socialists do-'net enjoy political power, can better afford to indulge in rsdical ssunding generslities then, for example, we of Belgium, where the Labor movement is so strong thst we sre pert of the Government To us these questions sre a matter of great responsibility and we need a resolution of action, not of theory only...
...grecai on tad annexation oa the part ef their own Government Also ths Socialist Psrties should argo tas Raasiaa people to rettore a dota*, eratic regime ia Russis sad te r...
...Thst vote is divided into a thousand frsctions and is lost...
...These are things that need to be said on Labor Dsy...
...They closed the schools and jpid up the shipping...
...The Congress affirms that if at the present time the diplomatic action ef the notions proposes ta resert te special pacts ef security and guarente*, the respeasibility rests ea these who refusa to seek in the League ef Nations tha application ef a general past extending te with aqual rights and duties...
...The aim has been accomplished, but in the process Shanghai has become7 somewhat unsafe for Chinamen, especially independant Chinamen who express Candid opinions concerning foreign economic practices...
...Taw police Claim that som* nt their Own number who were eut In the middle of the crowd were Jostled snd seised by some of the students who tried to taks away their guns...
...council^'tro Amertcsrfflawger named PeiM?deiffl whom ^British hsve been shrewd enough to use as the figure head of their rule...
...The Conflict On Reparations The English Want abolition of reparsUons which they insist Is ana of the great, causes of unemployment...
...Tho3e negotiations must, with regard to material matters, first snd foremost tske ints consideration the following points: 1, The independence of the Riff territory is to be recognized by Spain...
...Turbaned Sikh policement with their black beards on brown skin adorn-the corners...
...On May 24 s memorisi service was held for the murdered Chinese worker on Chinese soil just outside the foreign Settlement Ths foreign police could not stop ths service but they arrested several student leaders who crossed the Settlement border with banners and I leaflets...
...Ilo then voiced his opinion thst ths struggle for the eight-hour day was obsolete and out of dite and should give wsy to a demand for still shorter hours, mentioning the fsct thst in the United Ststes there were msny trsdes that enjoyed a forty-four hour week and u some cases have conquered a forty-hour week...
...These four bodies are welded togetmw in the Amalgamated Union of Commerce, Labor and Education which has been conducting the strike...
...Brsitschsid is tn sxtrsmtly tfftetive speaker, and when he, itood on the lofty ted platform hii thin, tall figure, erect and tente with the electricity of hie thought!, and hit sentences rolling out in eloquent, stately phrases resounding through the great hall...
...On Msy 30 many studente weps» arrested for street apeeklng e followed to the police sts oj a crowd of their friends . demanded thst sll the atuds^l should be arrested or sll free...

Vol. 2 • September 1925 • No. 36

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