The Leaque of Peoples In Action

Cahan, Abraham

The Leaque of Peoples In Action Socialist International on War and Peace ProblemsA Series of Exclusive Cables, from Marseilles By ABRAHAM CAHAN (Special Cablet to New Leader.) MARSEILLES,...

...Directly opposite the platform on a high balcony is a portion draped in red for the orchestra...
...In England, Sweden and Denmark, we have had Socialist Governments, while in Belgium and Czechoslovakia our Comrades have several ministers in the Cabinet...
...Buxton begin by saying that ths desire for peace might ba found in capitalistic partial at well a* in Socialist pirtiei, but the Socialists were th* only ones whose program really meant it...
...Tb*present Conw»u represents over 7.000,nnn So mkt P»«y members sod afcut 28.000,000 Socialist and Labor party voters...
...We mutt ignore them completely, he said...
...But t was learned today that he has yielded to persuasion and appeals of all the Comrades to retain his post...
...The struggle for Socialism," he 1 paid, "is a struggle for peace and |we have made great headway toward it...
...Socialism, on the other hand, it inseparable . from reel peace by ite whole conception of society and history...
...Whereupon the judge stopped him saying it was a detail irrelevant to the trial...
...Buxton tdvoctted complete disarmament and abolition of armies | and pointed out the work done by I Socialist representttives in the...
...The committees sre made up of representatives of all countries...
...On inother diy, Abrimovich, represent ing Russia, will be one of the chairmen...
...His noble face and figure look it...
...In like manner the appenrance of Leon Ilium brought home to you the fact Jhat the support or non-support of the Socialist Party of France spells life or death to the French Cabinet...
...For tha sassiont of the congress, Welt, of Germany, and Berger, of America, were chairmen...
...powsr we may bring greet results for peace and the greater our political power the greater is our power to prevent war...
...This, said Adler, "is the difference between Capitalists and Socialists in their attitude towards oppressed nations...
...America will b« represented in this discussion by Morris lliilqmt, who was to speak today...
...The cafes add restaurants around the hotels in the heart of the city where the delegates are stopping offer interesting scenes...
...k | From America there are Victor L. Berger, Morris Hillquit, Jacob Pinken, George Roewer of Boston, Thomas Duncan of Milwaukee and Abraham Cahan...
...Speaking of the hysteria created by the World War which temporarily broke the international ties of the proletariat, he congratulated the Congress upon the fact that these wounds were completely healed, that Socialists of Germany, France, Belgium, England and other countries are completely re-united again, that ill-feeling, jealousies and bitterness are things of the past...
...Hel made the interetting point of fact 1 thit in time of war practically the whole industry of a country, but above all the iron and ateel and heavy chemical Induatry, was diverted from peace to war production...
...representing two nations...
...The hour being lata, however, his address was postponed to tomorrow morning...
...besides Henderson and Bracke, *«A occupied the chair today, were t jgtae platform, Fritz Adler, Secretary, and four interpreters, two of *hom are wel|.Jtnown delegates...
...It was not enough, he said, tp study war dangers emsnsting From Russisn despotism It wis necessary to tike cognissnes of its internal affairs which ars a source of destruction not only to immedii t e vietimt of thst regime but to the whole world...
...Ha insisted thit i the security part was a step fori ward in the right direction and in* - tilted thit, under the guidance of i the International, it would be aafei guarded againlt dingers pointed out : by Buxton...
...Thereupon Bracke quoted the celebrated passage from the speech, of Wilhelm Liebknecht, which the great German Socialist leader delivered after the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, on which occasion he said, "The blood that has flown between Germany and France should act as cement binding us into one nation of the proletariat struggling for their emancipation...
...The rows of long table* covered with red, tha great and beautiful platform covered in red flags and tall plants, with the bust of Jaures in the center...
...One of the great, figures of Internationalism who stands out is Karl Kan Wit...
...In point of fact it P 'h* first Congress of the new iff*'- *"e one at Hamburg having **»« only preparatory to the re•owhuctlon era/ Hwdtraon congratulated the deleIJM* on the tremendous growth of ¦P-iism and Its tangible success P»»*r the world...
...He mentioned heroes and martyrs who have fallen under Mussolini's crushing heel and the destruction of liberty...
...Indescribable scenes of enthusiasm I greeted these words...
...Parliaments of Denmark, Holland,Q and Sweden in that direction...
...THE second day of the Congress was devoted tb the question of international peace...
...In the dayt of Keir-Hirdie, Socialist* thought that lunder capitalism war wat unavoidlable and the only meant Socialists could think of to prevent it was a 1general strike...
...The Congress opened at three •'clock amid scenes of gorgeous •Sect...
...An outsider utterly unacquainted with the purport of this assembly would he fascinated by the very color effect and sea of human facet of the scene...
...He dwelt on...
...First Comes the great countries, England »»d France, represented on the first day...
...Henderson dwelt on the present wave of reaction and the reign of terror which exists in many countries, speaking vigorously in denunciation of Mussolini's regime...
...the problems of Russia and oppressed smsll nations and great war dinger* growing out of these situ, stions...
...The exact number of delegates will be definitely known tomorrow...
...Fritz Adler concluded the session, partly an address and partly an explanation of the order of business and other technical points...
...Leon Blum made the longest but most eloquent speech of the day, a speech moat frequently punctuated by ovations He pointed out the fact that the resolutions pissed by the first Hamburg Congress of the International compelled action by governments, which some of them had now carried out...
...When Buxton saoke one was aware of the fact that he represented the great Labor party of England, a party that recently whs at the head of the British Government, a party whose votes may control the destinies of the Empire, Similarly, when Hilferding was on the platform, one was conscious of the fact that the German social democracy, in whose name he addressed ^he assembly, was the largest and most powerful party in tha German Parliament...
...the World War and in the present efforts to reestablish peace, Germany, France and England, were rep* resented on the platform, each rountry putting forth one of its most Important leaders and thinkers...
...jand eurioaitsjf Among (Rese are notables and scores of women deputies and other women famous in the feminist movement...
...There are surely at least 600...
...He accentuated the fact that this is Marseilles, the historical city whose sons marched to Paris, lending great impetus to the struggle of the great French Revolution...
...This second of the new series of Labor and-'Socialist International Congresses represents gigantic power in relllty and a rapid approach to the realisation of thab poem, that abstract idea...
...Capitalism," Buxton said, "is a perpetual menace to peace and thete dangers are increasing...
...Adler also spoke of the unforgettable scenes at the Brussels Socialist celebration a week ago...
...He was all aglow...
...I- saw this man at the first International Congress I ever attended in 1891...
...There was a great outburst of applause over the warm-hearted sentences at the close of the speech...
...the Geneva Protocol i arrrt the security psct now being : discussed ,'hjr Germany and Franca, i It will be remembered that ths Pro- 1 tocol wit the work of Ramsay Msc- i Donald and ex-Premier Harriot, • and the British delegation therefore i hsve a tender spot for i t So Bux- i tpn, criticised the partial security < pact as not including real disarms- ; mint and threatening new armed i combinations, at, for example, one < of Germany, France and other < countriet against Rutsis...
...The con1 greet closed at eight o'clock end at ten o'clock one of tha mott import-, ant committees met at City Hall...
...i/\VER thirty nations are present t\J at the great international Soi cialist Congress which opened ¦today...
...An enormous crowd of bystander* formed around" the platform...
...Henderson's speech was full of thrilling passages and words well chosen...
...reconstructed after the havoc Pteed by the war upon the hearts jltad minds of the working classes of !*v*ral nations...
...Van Kol attended every congress of the Socialist International since Karl Marx organized the first international In 18S4...
...The vast hall of the recent exposition is fascinatingly decorated with groups of flags, each group representing several nations, with red flags in the center of each clwster...
...Germany and America will Wpply the presiding officer tomortrow...
...1 Hilferding't spech was full of imi portant points, showing his erudi-' 1 tion and independent thinking both ' aa economist and statesman Hia speech included many atriking sentences that brought repeated ap1 plaute...
...Since then we hsve learned thst by politics...
...T Twenty or thirty years ago an International congress was full of enthusiasm and religious fervor, but as to practical importance it only looked forward to possessing It in the future...
...Perhaps the most impressive and stirring moment was when Comrade Filipo Turati, universally beloved, venerable Turati, was invited to the floor and addressed, the delegates...
...There are over 300 Socialist daily papers, Henderson reported, and many thousand weekly papers...
...I was alive to this fact and I listened to the speeches wiUi rapt nttention, accompanied by Thrills of reverence and joy at the thought that the ideala for which we have been working have made such great strides and are so rapidly nearing their complete realization...
...Bracke reminded us of the fact that the great song of the Revolution, the Marseillaise, hears the name of this city...
...It is a question as to what extent it will serve the interests of the proletariat...
...His eyes and evoty other feature of his face was aflame as he spoke...
...who is a^ceived with gennlne* marks of respect and affection everywhere...
...The more power Socialists kchieve the more effective is the (struggle for peace...
...And now as he closed there was a timilar scene of greeting and veneration and affection...
...It was an interesting day, offering an impressive spectacle to the eye as well as rich food for thought...
...Continuing, the noted British leader declared: "The question whether Socialists should enter coalition Cabinets is a mooted question giving rise to heated Controversy, but we are, it must be remembered, in a transitory period between capitalism and Socialism and this question is best decided by each country according to its own conditions for the matter at present is mostly one of expediency...
...Ho mentioned the martyrdom of Matteotti and other victims...
...His references were tactful and far-reaching, covering varied ground and emphasizing the spirit of the Socialist International in happy words full of suppressed fire...
...It is the Congress of International Working • WomenThe city is full of interesting and mil-known men of all countries, leaders of the Socialist movement in many lands, including Cabinet mininiters of former governments of Europe'* leading nations...
...Victor Chernow will be the ipssker st the next session tomorrow...
...Congressman Berger will wield 'fit gavel as America's representative...
...Russia, Henderson mentioned, as one of the countries that are at present under the iron heel of despotism, crushing the will of the people completely...
...Simultaneously with the great Congress of the Socialist and Labor International there is another great I congress in session here...
...In the first half of his speech he made a great impression by reference to his trial after he shot the Austrian Chancellor Sturgkeh during the war...
...As I spoke I could see two Turatis, the young man of 34 years ago and the* present great leader an old fighter, whom even Mussolini would not even dare arrest...
...and a touching heart-rending appeal it was...
...To which my answer is 'Yes, we have been getting nearer to reality, but on the other hand reality has been getting naarer to Socialism.'" Buxton was the first speaker of the day...
...Judge Panken and myself represent tha American delegation...
...Germany was represented by Rudolph Hilferdlng, England by Charles Rodan Buxton, and France by Leon Blum...
...Among other things, he spoke of Russis, its reign of terror and its danger to the peace of the world...
...Comrade Bon, Marseilles Socialist leader, said among other things that it grieved him to watch the outgoing loads of ammunition at the port of Marseilles going to war fronts of Morocco and Syria...
...THE International Socialist' Congress opens tomorrow I in the largest and most beauti-j fttl hall in the city...
...Before he was introduced, the floor was granted to Comrade Vliegen, one of Holland's leaders, who, speaking in a .voice broken witii suppressed sobs, announced the death of the celebrated Socialist, Van Kol, of Jlolland...
...At this point, he added, our methods' in thia direction should) 1 be sharply distinguished from the Communist ideal encouraging desertion from the army and at the lime time stirring up colonial snd internationtl war in the belief that something better would come out of tuch war...
...Otto Bauer ia chairman of the committees...
...Hilferding spoks in fsvor of Germany joining the League of Nations and predicted the United States would be compelled to take a hand in European affairs,' saying it was impossible for a great count ry hk* America to ba indifferent to these questions of wsr and peace that involved the fata of the whole world...
...It reminded him, he said, of scenes of the great war...
...Secretary Fritz Adler, of the International Executive, who |ad announced hisvfirm intention to resign his duties, again !(resented his resignation...
...The platform is very high and picturesque...
...He is one of the oldest Socialist leaders in Europe as* well as in his native Italy...
...This was a childish belief, ha ssid, snd wst contrsdicted I by ill history...
...Henderson emphasized the fact j*' 'his is the second Labor and |T*'»li»t International Congress lince the International was revived...
...Speaking of the Communists, he aaid we> must conduct our affairs and adopt our resolutions at though they were not in existence...
...Arthur Henderson and Bracke Jill be the chairmen representing •Wand and France...
...A lively discussion look place, in which the three great countries involved in...
...He referred to his own speech at that trial when he protested the occupation of Belgium by the German army...
...He dwelt on the diabolical reign of terror under which Italy ii ¦taggering at present...
...The Russian Menthevik lesder, Theodor Dsn, was the next speaker He eulogized Bauer's address, dwelling at length on Soviet Russia and its inhuman methods...
...Indeed, it was one of the most beautiful and effective things spectacularly...
...In contrast to Henderson's ways was the speech and gesticulations of Rraclre, the venerable and fiery Marxian of France...
...Russia he mentioned as one of the reactionary countriet of today that ars staggering under despotic rule, together with Italy and Spain...
...As the question is of supreme Importance to all Europe and aa the men participating In debate, are favnrites and their words command attention and interest, every dele* gat* was in his seat...
...Hilferding took exception to Bux- i ton on this point of the security t pact and Protocol...
...It was a poem, an abstract idea, glorious and gorgeous, but not yet crystalized into practical Importance...
...He made an appeal to r the British delegation to join hands , with German and French delegates '. and work out details of a scheme under the guidance of the Internai tional...
...Out of sixteen elections which have occurred in fourteen countries in the last two years, Henderson declared, we were successful in eleven countries...
...To those, however, who are familiar with th« character and meaning, with the influence and weight, of this gathering it assumed, proportion* ui historical, sfgniflcance...
...He wound up by saying that he did not expect comrades of other nations to help Italy regain its liberty, for he believed that every nation must achieve its own salvation...
...Many languages ara ItaH a' the meetings of old friends, stthe discussions and parleys that Mettle the opening of the Congress...
...The executive committee has been busy all day with preparations...
...There will be two chairmen every day...
...He speke feelingly and with emphatit for an active campiign against undue nationalism in every country and spoke in behalf of sup pressed mlnoritiet in Russis and Poland...
...For the capitalistic desire for peace is contradicted by the very essence of capitalism, whose existence bears the germ of inevitable war...
...As Hilferding saidi "The bourgeois press accuses u* of having receded from our old positions and of approaching reality in a way we had never done before...
...Ubrities of the International SopBt movement are pointed out on i tee strWts with expressions of J Mlnjsled revarenc...
...I am fully convinced that we in Italy will su/iner or later More a victory over %e present regime and restore freedom of speech and conscience in our unhappy land," Turati declared.1 When he mounted the platform every delegate rose to his feet, receiving him with a beautiful ovation that shook the meeting hall...
...He ¦poke of his unhappy land...
...And so this discussion is not merely theoretic controversy of idealists, whose movement rests on hopes and enthusiasm rather than fan tangible power, but deliberations of parties who may have the control of Europe in the hollow of their hand and who already are in a position to dictate terms to the powers that be in nearly every great country of Europe...
...Van Kol was elected a delegate to the congress but was taken ill, and this morning the sad news reached the Dutch delegation...
...Henderson ¦poke, outwardly at least, in a cool, collected manner characteristic of Anglo-Saxons...
...Hundreds of delegates in rows of earnest faces made a picture not easily forgotten...
...Henderson is on the platform not merely an chairman of the day but •Ifo as" chairman of the executive Wmmlttee of the International, and f*W in that capacity that he made "•opening address...
...His large, heavy beard of black and grey, his dark eyes and peculiar expression hovering over his features,'make one feel as if he might be a dear old Rabbi, beloved of hundreds of thousands of orthodox Jews...
...Conspicuous on the platform is a huge bust of Jean Jaures and, in front, Is a portrait of Karl Marx Mrrfiunded by signatures of the ^legates to the Hamburg Congress ef two years ago...
...He was wall known ind beloved among Socialist* all over Europe aad hia death la a great lot* The 600 delegate* rota in reverence and Vhegen waa inatructed to place the International's wreath it th* funeral...
...Thit wai the committee on Eastern European Questions, which include...
...There followed a speech by Jan Oudegeest, Secretary of the Amsterdam International Federation of Trade Unions, bringing greetings from the trade union international to the sister organization on the political field...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 35

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