THE Chatter-Box

THE Chatter-Box Sea Mom Last night tht moon roi§ up From out tho 10a— A winds* blushing In kir modttty. But came a ravither; I taw not Mbw, nor whence— So toon tht paled With her...

...He's a corker and we surrender...
...During the debates several Communis'* were removed from the Reichstag by the police because of their violent tactics...
...If you are at all voting in the primaries, please remember that in a certain section of the afore-mentioned city were la a place called the Borough of the Bronx, and that said section is sorely in need w a Socialist Preiident-and that we vouM be lore indeed if we were not elected w that position...
...o Food April found tht kitchen door...
...OUR MOROCCAN HEIRS PERHAPS the French and Spanish Governments will be relieved of the holy task of extending "civilization" to Morocco, and the United States may assume the burden...
...Comrade Larcom, from Nogales, Arizona, compile, in bis Catling gun of a letter most of the complimentary comments of those less intubate than himself, and we sure do with space would permit his machine-Are against the doctors et al...
...Is the United States to become a gendarme to do the dirty work of the fiaranoic who rules Italy, as though talians are all cattle...
...Those ancient regions," he writes, "around Damascus will know what modern science means...
...He would have a million printers and allied craftsmen "spend a two-cent stamp to send for any booklet or circular offered by any national advertiser in a magazine or weekly advertisement...
...He asks, "If it required 100,000 years to evolve a K. K K American, how many million years will it take to evolve a Socialist out of a Kluxer...
...The answer to our reader's question is obvious...
...That will 6et 'em right...
...Then the matter of a general strike is not only a matter of a long period of preparation but it is also a weapon that cannot be psed ass every occasion...
...o-:Paean to the Sixth Avenue El Bounded by your brittle speed, Tht hybrid peoples of hating world Crowd in a proximity Not much closer than tht nations They have left...
...In this free country there If a chance for every boob, SLAVERY, ARCHAIC AND MODERN THE temporary commission on ¦lavery of the League of Nations reports that slavery is practically confined to the Mahommedan countries but that peonage in Latin-American countries is for all practical purposes often slavery...
...Meantime, we urge the organized working class to protest and watch that Vacirca is not turned over to Mussolini and his assassins...
...Those who profit by this form of subjection are eager to wipe out archaic forms of robbing Labor but are very anxious to preserve their own method of accomplishing the same purpose...
...Exploitation knows no color line...
...If the United States is a colonial dependency of Mussolini, let us have it stated in a treaty...
...It it dogmatic democracy, Falsely flaunted by the fettered nation Whose smoke-tithed space you rideIt it bland "Brotherhood of Man, Still-born in tht toult of dreamers— Or it it just indifference, Fostered by tht narrowness of living, Forever barred by brittle speed, That Ittt thtm sit—in peace...
...From Berlin comes the news that an Anglo-American syndicate will purchase gigantic interests of the Mannesmann brothers in the Spanish zone of Morocco, which includes coastal ports, zinc, sulphur, and other mines and extensive agricultural tracts...
...Each situation must be carefully studied even sfter the workers are prepared in order to avoid an adventure that might easily prove to be a disaster however well prepared organized workers may be for it...
...Me glad...
...Riffians subscribe to "bloody doctrines" when they kill, but when the •French kill it is a demonstration of "modern science...
...But more anon...
...0Just before adjournGerman Agrarians ing until the middle Get Tariff Rise of November the Gorman Reichstag made good the pledge made by the bourgeois Government to the Agrarians last year in return for their support for the Dawes Reparation Plan and passed a tariff bill materially raising the duties on all farm products...
...The Congress began throwing out Alexander Varenne, once a prominent Socialist leader, for having accepted the job of Governor General of Indo-China from the bourgeois Painleve Government, and it ended by adopting a resolution serving notice upon Premier Painleve that unless he made speedy peace with Abd El-Krim and also accepted the principle of a capital levy when the Chamber of Deputies reassembled in October the Socialist Deputies would do their best to turn him out of office and clear the decks for a straight-out electoral contest in which the Socialists and the more advanced followers of ex-Premier Harriot would be lined up against the Right Bloc and the near-Radicals...
...It consists of one class being dependent upon the means of employment owned by another class...
...The capitalist form of subjection is becoming universal...
...Gloria Goddard...
...0On Sunday liitsl PresiMexico Honors dent Callcs unveiled in Felipe Varrillot the City of Mexico a * bust of Felipe Cirrillo Puerto, the Socialist Governor of Yucatan murdered by the revolting troops of the Eighteenth Infantry Battalion on Jan...
...The moral is obvious...
...The writer estimates that if all those working in the printing trades were to do this fifteen times "at a cost of the magnificent sum of 30 cents per each individual" they would wipe out 100,000,000 pieces of printed matter...
...I taw not Mbw, nor whence— So toon tht paled With her experience...
...Address the National Office, 2653 Washington Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois, get instructions, and then go to work...
...More details are given, but the idea is apparent...
...A few days before the unveiling, n report from Honduras told of the suicide there of Juan Ricardez Broca, chief of the De la Huerta counter-revolution in Yucatan...
...Tht willing herat shall joyoutly exudt In healthy tong, itt many joys and fears...
...convicted on similar charges...
...France is doing nothing of the kind...
...3, 1024...
...THE amazing extent of the influence of the Italian Fascista in thin country is revealed by the arreat of Vincenzo Vacirca of the Italian Socialist Federation as told on another page of The New Leader...
...Shawled Maggie yonder speaks strangt words With comprehensive gesture And international eyet To Isaac's Slavic bride...
...Just grinding away on one tune of making Socialist...
...What he wants is work...
...He becomes enthusiastic over the prospect of exhausting catalogues and advertising matter of business firms so rapidly that printers and others in the trade would never want for work...
...But he proceeds to show the superiority of the French in killing with flying machines and other modern weapons...
...Then the United States ^should remember that France is making civilization's fight and the fight for whiteman rule on earth in her African and Eastern fighting...
...The issue is clear cut, ana the daciiion lies in your hands-on...
...He's A Corker...
...The unionism that haa no ideals or social objectives, that sees nothing more than the pay check, differs little from the Babbittry of the average chamber of commerce...
...through the old methods of propaganda would become boring to the organ-grinder and hia public, both...
...He would be satisfied with a crazy proposal for having printed matter destroyed as rapidly as it cam* from the proa* Ho would enjoy a civilization whore men were set to digging post holes and filling them up again...
...Now, tht thought, I'll go: Lift wot not a tplinttred floor Nor pott in a row...
...It is helpful information that will aid unorganized Social- j late which tho National Office desires to impart to the scattered soldiers of the new emancipation...
...Moreover, despite the temporary setbacks in some nations, in recent years the working class movement throughout the world is more powerful than ever...
...It is also a striking fact that the New England textile region has generally rolled up big majorities for the G. O. P. The dogma of "protection" has appealed to the textile seals just an it, did to tho iron and steel irrkers for a generation...
...If the deal goes through, the United States and Great Britain will fall heir to much of Moroccan real estate and other properties and the State Department will have to create a bureau to kindly look after the American end of this investment...
...In any event, it will be interesting to observe how the American Government rises to its opportunity to serve our financial oligarchy in Morocco the moment it is jtnown that the deal has gone through...
...ALL FOlTriffit^CENTS AWRITER in the Typographical Journal offers a suggestion to increase the number of jobs for those working in the printing trades which is typical of what Professor Hoxie called "business unionism...
...As ling it written, a reader in a little town in Ohio puts an interesting question...
...Paul Faure, National Secretary of-the party, is a leading champion of straight Socialist policy...
...oJimmy Walker is the candidate of the Tammany firm of political brokers, and one ardent admirer expresses his embtion by inserting an advertisement in the World which reads: "Jimmy Walker...
...Green gives some recent history of the industry,' showing that the fat oligarchs who own it have obtained from the Government high tariff rates and behind the tariff wall have mercilessly made reduction after reduction in wages...
...After "Bloody Sunday," in 1905,'the Russian revolutionary organizations suffered the most terrible pessimism, but twelve years later Czarism was no more...
...This request is that Socialists in unorganized localities who are readers of The New Leader should send their names and address to the National Office, and they in turn will get some interesting information that is essential and helpful in their work...
...He must surround himself with others of like opinions and then all organize for systematic educational work...
...Vacirca is followed by the black-shirt cowards, his peaceful meeting is entered, broken up, and Vacirca is held by the police under charges of an "affray...
...The fact that the' two main sections of the miners are thinking of joint action is evidence of progress...
...Indeed, they consider their own system as one of equity and regard those who desire to wipe it out as very dangerous persons...
...S. Bert Cooksley...
...That the French Socialists are overwhelmingly in favor of clear, uncompromising tactics is shown by the fact that tha Congress cast 2,219 votes for Leon Blum's motion for non-participation In any bourgeois Cabinet to 659 for Pierre Renaudel's motion in favor of participation, and that the vote by which Varenne was ousted was 2,095 to 391...
...It ii the most creditable document that has come from that source in many years...
...At the same time articlea that sell for $10 at the factory have a labor cost of from J1 to $2 while dividends have been voted ranging from 50 to 2,000 per cent...
...To hold the industrialists in line for the food duties they received an increase in the rates on most of their products, especially automobiles...
...And take it from any worker who has had the misfortune of dealing with the healing profession, public pest is entirely too complimentary...
...Simultaneously with the appearance of this letter in the press there sppeared a statement by 150 representatives of 20,000 Rhode Island textile workers protesting against another 10 per cent wage reduction and appealing to President Coolidge in order that publicity might be obtained for their distress...
...They took aH my niggers away...
...Joseph Reanlck...
...We herewith add the observation that the isolated Socialist is a contradiction...
...What that itt voice be neither heard nor toughtt The htart't unburdened with each winged thought...
...The Chinese will fight sny attempt of the Powers to take further control, tta this prospect of stiff resistsnce mskes the Powers hesitate to embark upon a policy that would be likely to meet greet opposition at home and pile up another staggering wsr debt...
...The strike in Shanghai has been the longest of any in the history of the country, which shows that the Chinese workeVs have acquired a fighting spirit that is hopeful for the future...
...For all it could have taid and taith not, For all tht music lott in ttiflled long, For all tht thoughts thus dungeoned to bo rot I No longer shall emotion ht subdued, Nor tethertd by tht dearth of hearkening tart...
...Capitalism adds hypocrisy to deceit, and only sound education of the masses will enable them to understand that they part with more values to an owning class than any other subject class in history...
...The argument is overwhelming...
...o———— The Colorado Koo Koos have deserted the Imperial Lizard, have organized the Minute Men of America, and will go after the dollars of the boobery without dividing up with Atlanta...
...William Garrison is said to have made the acquaintance of a Negro in Charleston, S. C, after the war and congratulated the Negro on emancipation...
...Jimmy Walker...
...S. A. DE WITT...
...The British and American Governments have a lot of cannon fodder that may be enlisted in the noble crusade if necessary, and we may yet be engaged in another war to make British and American bankers happy...
...She is fighting for the extension of the rule of French capitalists and bankers and nobody else...
...The naked forms of slavery and peonage are glaringly obvious, and for that reason they are out of date...
...Very well...
...In other words...
...The futile Utopians who are urging a general strike, especially calling upon the railroad unions, might aa well bay at the moon...
...But with all this encouragement always comes the fear that perhaps we are overdoing it to the detriment of our own peaceful mission of let...
...o-— We pause here long enough to inform you above the din of the psuedo-bsttw between the hirelings of Tweedledeedum and Tweedledumdum for the control m the -ity of East-Side-West-Side-All-arounlthe-town that we, too, ore somewhat interested...
...It would be unfair to indict all unions on this score, but that the writer in the Typographical Journal represents*a large number of union men must be sadly admitted...
...Host of the unions are still so parochial in their outlook that united action of a number of organizations is still an ideal of only a small section of advanced trade unionists...
...The booklet or other printed matter comes promptly...
...Probably this is a matter of pride with the retainers of capitalism considering the job they did during the World War...
...Here such a wide solidarity is not yet possible...
...April found the window pane...
...Our Chatterboxing will have been utterly futile if every now and then we do not get down from our Parnassian perch and take a hay-making wallop at the frauds and quackeries that beset us...
...The Socialist and Communist Deputies fought this bill for many weary weeks as calculated to increase tbe already high cost of living, but they were outnumbered and on the day of the final vote the Socialists left the hall in protest and the Communists loudly shouted "No...
...Meantime, the demand of the Chinese for the abolition of extraterritorial "rights" of foreigners continues and the latter express fear of their property and lives if it is conceded...
...Technically, all that goes with the word slavery is abolished in the modern countries, but its essence, the subjection of one class to the exploitation of another, survives...
...In the first place, these unions do not always cooperate with, each other...
...0-1— Socialists are now rarely charged with the intention of breaking up homes...
...The Reichstag also passed an Amnesty Bill on the last day of the session described as intended to set at liberty practically all of the few 100 percenters jailed for having tried to overthrow the republic or for beating up Socialists or Communists, while keeping behind the bars mpst of the imprisoned Communists and Labor mei...
...Broca shot himself because he dared not return to Mexico and wai unable to find employment in Honduras...
...Tientsin has been anThe Chinese other scene of firing on Remain Firm strikers, this time the firing being done by Chinese guards and police, and the situation there was tense for a few days...
...If the pugnacious chin of a public pest gets too close to our itching fiat, we juat have to take a slam — that'i all...
...There sre 1.700,000 men in the srmed forces, and experts assert that it would take 300,000 troops two yesrs to defeat the Chinese if war occurs, to lay nothing of the billions that would be sunk in inch aa enterprise...
...It is probable that the capitalist Powon will rely on negotiations and »¦*• as much of their "rights" in China as they can aad not provoke a war that might iax voire other sections of Alia...
...0 A general tightening of French Socialistic* lines of the politiTightening Lt'ne*cal class struggle in Frsnce is likely to result from the good work accomplished at tha special Congress of tht Socialist Party held in Paris Aug...
...In addition to the thousands of Mexican workers present at the ceremony, there was a delegation of Maya Indians from Yucatan who had come to pay tribute to the memory of their beloved leader...
...At the time of the split forced by the Communists at Tours in 1920 the membership was 180,000, of whom only about 50,000 stuck by the Socialist party...
...Rarely have we seen a more striking example of business unionism than this...
...Thanks to this mystery of exchange of labor power for wages the subjection of the workers is obtained without them becoming aware of the real transaction...
...Try a pamphlet on Dowieism, boys...
...Quite a number of Rifnans have been "pacified," as graves in the Riff testify, but those who are alive are rather stubborn about accepting the "civilization" of their "betters...
...Archaic Abdul, turbaned by a derby, Garbles incoherence in accents eons old To" a greasy Greek...
...The natives are not in favor of the Soviets although they appreciate the renunciation of imperialist control by the Russians and 'contrast it to the disadvantage of the capitalist Powers...
...It is time that a thorough investigation should be made to ascertain the reason why Mussolinf s agents can engage in violence and court* be used against their victims...
...Then there are millions of workers who find it difficult to think of the wage system as exploitation because wage payment conceals its real character...
...This appears to be a poser, but we should not forget that shortly before the Civil War the Dred Scott decision affirming the perpetuation of slavery was acclaimed as the final word on the "peculiar institution...
...They have never contemplated it before...
...Eventually the iron and steel workers realized the same experience that the textile workers are now enduring...
...The money he receives appears to be an equitable exchange for his labor power, but in reality the capitalist who purchased the labor power gets a surplus value which he pockets for himself...
...0- _ The letter of PresiTextile Masters dent Green of tho A. Challenged F. of L. to the President of the American Woolen Company protesting against wage reductions in the textile industry is blasting in its analysis and logic...
...THE NEWS OF THE WEEK A secret conference of Joint Action the leaders of the UnitOf Miner* ed Mine Workers in Philadelphia, including representatives of the bituminous and anthracite miners, would appear to bear out the suggestion that the bituminous workers may strike with their brothers in the other field...
...We are naturally mora interested in poetry theti we are in therepeautici, and to neglect the muse that lies clamoring from 100 contribs in the bottom drawer o| the desk is well-nigh criminsL We take issue with Dr...
...The worker parts with labor power, receives money for it, and pays it out for commodities...
...oRevolt / hm* detirt to thout, to twell the air With long neglected voice—to retributt The aeon tilenee of my heart, and thara Tht balm of mentioned feelingt...
...Recently Mussolini's followers attempted to mob a Garibaldi celebration and later beat up a Garibaldi 80-year-old veteran in the street...
...Saturday Night, Belmar, N J. -0Wc arc somewhat elated by the evident interest ihown through the correspondence from all parti of this country about our medical melee of recent issues...
...So the put them back: Life was not a bedlett tent Nor a hungry track...
...There have been threats of joint action and it is possible that the miners have been stimulated by tha concessions won by the British miners because of the solid front presented by the whole Labor movement...
...Gold, however' whose letter last week evidences his taking the matter of his profession rather lightly...
...Otto H. Kahn, the New York banker, is reported to be in on the deal...
...Why do workers continue to wrap their ballots into clubs and hand them over to their enemies in this age of enlightenment...
...Oh, tht mutt, Long gritvingH Oh, tht virilt, ehitttrtd tongue...
...Thomas F. Millard's articles in the Times are the most informing that have appeared...
...Moreover, the organization of the iron and steel workers has been crushed in the larger industries which they helped to protect with their voting power...
...He stresses the fact that only five per cent of the population are literate hut that the masses are easily stirred over the power held by aliens...
...Thus far the French and Spanish civilizers have had a bad time of it in civilizing the Rifnans in Morocco...
...We may be sure that our imperialist politicians will also become interested in extending "Christianity" to the heathen in that part of the world and to bring "stable government" that will be satisfactory to banker Kahn and his British colleagues...
...In the United States before the Civil War there were 18,000 Negroes owned by the free Negroes and the latter were opposed to abolition...
...WHITE CIVILIZATION ARTHUR BRISBANE shapes the opinions of millions through the Hearst publications and vet there is no more shallow reasoning done by any journalist, although he is capable of better work...
...It is no accident that the mind that could Restate this suggestion is also-one that could only conceive the World War as one of "polishing off the Kaiser...
...Then comes a follow-up letter with more literature (a circular), and still later another letter with additional advertising matter (a different circular) to stimulate a sale...
...A year or two ago the long arm of Mussolini reached across the Atlantic and placed Carlo Tresca in an American penitentiary...
...Yet—they tit in peace...
...That the Socialists are ready for a new election is indicated by the fact that the dues-paying membership of the party is now more than 102,000, a gain of over 25,000 since the beginning of the year and 9,000 more than the membership in 19-14...
...ters in thii column...
...u ADD WEEK' NEWS...
...The Negro answered, "Huh...
...The whilt your brittlt spttd Wtldt a mechanic microcosm In which thty n't—in peace...
...Win With Walker...
...The same class exploit their own color and nationality at home...
...0The Mexican Communist party is lacking in discipline and in MarxistLeninist education.—Communist Organ...
...He presents French imperialism in Morocco as the extension of "civilization" and damns the Riffians for believing the "bloody doctrines" of Mohammed...
...WRITTEN BY REQUEST WE ARE urged by the National Office of the Socialist Party to make a request on this page for the benefit of unattached Socialists...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 34

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