America Where Mussolini Rules

Levinson, Edward

Amv 'a—Where Mussolini Rules Docum xry Proof of Blackshirt Activity Here Vacirca Jailed at Fascist Bidding (Thu it a translation of a letter in Italian, the original of whieh is in the... ttiat ran effect the estredilion |f Vacirca from New York State, where he now lioa in 1 omba prison, they intend to to with him as the Italian con •ul — the Nnwark envoy of Mussolini— wishes...
...In what part of Italy is the 3rd District Magistrate's Court, New York City...
...In 1912 it joined with other concerns to form the Campagnle Generale de Maroc, and in 1922 to form the Morocco Railway Company...
...J^n Consul in Newark Vacirca l|u **n warned and threatened 4a»tk!L *n<"* if B«ralated in go.pwreugh with the meeting, which waa acheduled to be held In Laurel Gardena at 10 a. m. When Vacirca entered the train at the Hudson Tube station at 14th street and Sixth avei ue, he noticed he waa being followed by aix burly men wearing the insignia of the Fascisti on the lapel of their coats...
...Aa early aa 1903 and 1904 tha Banque de Paris et dea Paya Baa isaued loana to the Sultan of Morocco, and in 1907 it headed a consortium of French banka which secured a concession from the Sultan and formed the State Bank of Morocco...
...He is assisted by one Virginio del Guercio, who was sent here by Mussolini, The New Leader is informed, as a propagandist...
...On hia arrival from ibwad, he was detained at Ellis ™»nd for several daya pending the ««sion of a special board which "n»'d«rad the question aa to f>*fhar he should be admitted...
...From Huelva t and Penneroya great volumes of extremely fine copper are carried to the porta of Britain and France, there to be crushed, refined, and used in innumerable industries, especially electrical...
...Now the ores of Central and Southern France are approaching exhaustion, and those of"Normandy and Lorraine are highly phosphoric, and are, moreover, far from the districts where the older acid-steel producing plant ia situated...
...Before the war M. Caillaux, the present French Minister of Finance, was in favor with the Banque de Paris, and was concerned with land mortgage business in Algeria and elsewhere...
...out of the meeting » ^twark that grew the proagainat Vacirca that haded him in the Tomba S™* th" Pleasure of the Fa...
...Del Guercio came here outside the quota aa a tourist...
...The station at the moiHt waa deserted and when Vatffica-refused to agree to return to New York, th*ey made preparations for forcibly getting him on a New York-bound train...
...Threatened Hia Life In the railroad station they boldly accosted him and roughly ordered him to return to New York...
...He is "freed" on parole...
...The only iron ore deposits In Morocco which have been developed on anything approaching an extensive scale are those in the Riff territory...
...With tfct advent of Muasolini, he came quickly under the ban of the Black Shirts...
...Vacirca had heen speaking but a few minutes when several score of Black Shirts, led by "Count" Ignaaio Thaon da Reval (more of the,(.,vut Utter), President of the Kkscisti League of North iAmerles, entered the hall and swarmed down the aisles, wildly commanding that the meeting come to an end...
...The State Department called Michael Karolyi dangerous and gagged his mouth...
...jM Up At »» laland ~ J The Fascisti influence here was «»«n the day Vacirca arrived at «It» Island...
...This Utter haa acquired vaat interests In gold and copper minea all over the world...
...During the last forty yeara French ironmasters, aa well as tboaa of the Wes't of Scotland and Walea, have tended more and more to seek in Almaria, and in tha Atlaa rangea of Algeria and Morocco, deposits of high-grade and non-phosphoric, ore...
...He asked bail be fixed at $60,000...
...On his arrival in Italy he was almost immed.Rtely elected t« the Chamber of Deputies...
...He therefore got off at the Harrison, New Jersey, Pennsylvania station, from which point he planned to take the next train to Newark...
...Economic Background of the War on Riffs By J. WALTON NEWBOLD WHY is it that two Ministries in France, formed with the support of the supposedly pacific Left Bloc, have involved themselves in a struggle to subjugate the tribes of the Riff territory in Northern Morocco...
...But the Fascisti followed...
...Almost aa one, the listeners rose from their seats to meet the oncoming Black Shirts...
...Signed) DR...
...Look into it, then, and this it »(•• tou will find: | That at the hoh»»t of American * * Fascists, agents of Benito Mussolini, the prosecuting attorney of Essex County, New Jersey, has causad the apprehension and imprisonment of Vincent Vacirca, Italian Socialist leader...
...The letter in an adjoining column—written by the same "Count" Revel who led the raid on the Newark meeting —speaks for itself...
...It: waa as perfect a picture of Black Shirt Italy as could he painted...
...Vacirca la wanted In Italy for the aame thing he's been "pulling* here—thia Socialist stuff, meeting and riots," Captain Mary informed me...
...Borgoa Aaaiatant Dr...
...I hope they will be ready in fifteen daya, but it ia • terrible fatigue which atarta on Sunday and eontinuae through the entire week, demanding all our apare tame and alao depriving ua of the time we ahould devote to buaineaa...
...S. C. Peel, of S. Japhet and Co., is interested, and this firm ia now concerned, together with the Rothschilds, in a finance company, of which Sir Alfred Mond ia tha moat important director...
...The mining conditions are very easy, and the mines are open worked...
...The mines were then in Spaniah and German ownership...
...In that country he further earned the enaity of the Black Shirt Dictator by a number of effective, biting artl«l«s exposing the corruption and ttactionary character of Faaciamo...
...In Spain foreign capital—mainly Parisian in origin—ia chiefly interested in the copper and iron ore, and in railways...
...Amv 'a—Where Mussolini Rules Docum xry Proof of Blackshirt Activity Here Vacirca Jailed at Fascist Bidding (Thu it a translation of a letter in Italian, the original of whieh is in the poaaession of The New Leader... at present operating from \Phil» eelphia...
...So says the Report of tha Department of Scientific and Industrial Research on Iron Orea, issued in 1917 (pp...
...That Mussolini, not satisfied " With the huge extent to which he has made tbe United States die scene for Fascisti organisation work, is planning to sand here, under a ruse, the Rome director of the Fascisti Work in foreign nations...
...Associated with the Banque de Paris In bank promotion in Morocco was a Belgian concern in which the Hon...
...a e * Meanwhile the Fascisti organization work goes merrily ahead and the* Federal and local Government*, so alert for "conspiracies" where strikers and radicala ara concerned, seem strangely disinterested...
...I asked...
...0 That if E««*« Count...
...Here la another tip for the guardians of our peace...
...There are a few grown-ups, however, who do aot...
...He is at present living in Philadelphia—at 1244 South 18th street—where he pretends to be engaged in the real estate business...
...He hot-foots it over to tha office of the prosecuting attorney of Essex County...
...Oh, that's up to thej Italian Consul, We ere going around to see him tomorrow, to see what he wants done about It," said Captain Mary...
...Before to departure for Italy a few years ago, he was head of the then powerful Italian Federation of the Socialist P«.rty...
...Up To the Italian Consul" Counsel for Vacirca, retained by the Italian Chamber of Labor, asked Magistrate Goodman ta fix bail at SHOO...
...New Jersey...
...FrAeia Adam...
...he has held miniateria' rank in the peat, and after the fall of M. Herriot's Government, before M. Palnleve took office, hi* name waa mentioned as a possible Minister of Finance...
...Ro much for the Fascisti chief as far as the "toils of the law" are concerned...
...e a e * a Or is America another of Benite Mussolini's vassal States...
...Within a few hours, w* Warn what the conference is all about...
...presumably the French have succeeded to Germany's share...
...In Southern Spain and in Northern Africa there are enormously valuable metal deposits, and they are largely undeveloped, although they have been known and worked since the daya of Carthafe and Rome...
...Tha orea of Almeria are from 55 per cent to ?>8 par cent metallic iron, and only from .015 per cent to .018 per cent phosphoric...
...Will they act...
...t That, in violation of the immi(ration law, Mussolini has sent at least one organiser of Black Shirts here who...
...Railway development haa been financed chiefly by the Rothschilds (who are associated with the founders of the Banque de Paria et dea Paya Baa), and by the Periera, whose instrument ia the Credit Mobilier Francaia...
...Always it has been understood that Catholic and Conservative Madrid and freethinking and Liberal Paris Were poles asunder, at any rate in Northern Africa...
...Bastianini plans to come here under the guise of a member of the Italian Debt Commission...
...The meeting was in hopeless confusion...
...What are you planning to do with him If the extradition papers are signed...
...The iron ore resources of Almeria are estimated at 15,000,000 tona, and those of Huelva at about an equal amount...
...If the authorities want the original of this letter—and if they mean action —The New Leader will be glad to let them have it...
...Will they apply the gag to this Fascisti gentleman, associate of the murderous Mussolini, open slayer of freedom...
...From Almeria in Spain, and Oran in Northern Africa, iron ore la exported to Cardiff, tha Clyde, Marseilles and Nantea, to feed tha blastfurnaces of South Walea, Lanarkshire, the Haute-Loire, and the Basse Indre...
...It ia my intention to go to Pittaburgb neat week, but aa I have already epeat too much of my money, I ahould like to know whether my expeneea will be reimbursed, at leaat the railroad fare... the boundaries of Italy end...
...You may see Hie documentary proof in ether columns on this page...
...Follow several hours of consultation...
...What part af Italy is Pennsylvania...
...e * e • Revei Vacirca Jailed Now observe tha working of our aworn upholders of tha Constitution...
...It is the companies under their influence which are chiefly concerned to increase the import of iron ore from Southern Spain, Algeria and Morocco...
...The explanation ia to be sought in two inter-related economic 'motives, one connected with minerals and the other with finance...
...There would have been no signs to disprove the statement...
...Count Ignuio Tbaon dm Reval, Preeidente Faaciati League of N. A. New York...
...Such are the interests in copper and iron, electricity and steel, which are forcing the second Ministry formed by the Left Bloc to serve the interests of its material progenitor, the Banque de Paria et dea Paya Bas...
...Ft many years Vacirca has been a leading Italian Socialist...
...Count" Reval knowa hia men...
...Reading, Chester, Bethlehem, Easton, Allantown, Camden—these towns are but a few already "organized" for Fascism...
...Those of Oran average 47.5 per cant metallic iron, and contain mora phosphorus...
...The arrest and imprisonment of 'scirea thin week is not the first tort"nee of Muaaolini's deadly feud •lainat Vacirca, who, in Italy, was *» intimate and Comrade of MattJ«Wi, the Socialist leader who waa Ira by the Fascisti • year ago...
...Sevan seriously wounded ware the casualties...
...In the absence of the chief prosecuting attorney in Eaaex County Court House, Chief of Detective* of Esaex County, Captain Jamea Mary, who took part in the arreat of Vacirca, Informed me of the proposed next moves...
...An undue proportion of phosphorus makaa tha ora unsuitable for tha production of aeid steel...
...The owners have, therefore, been turning to Spain, tq Algeria, and to the extension of the mineral area in the Riff, just across the western frontier of Algeria and within Moroccan territory...
...Theaa facta explain the enormous power of the Banque de Paria in Madrid...
...As for Varirca, Socialist and bittar opponent of Dictator MussoliniVacirca la "picked up" in New Yoik City Monday night on a bench warrant, charging him with "affray," which in New Jersey means inciting to riot, and declaring that he is a fugitive from Justice In Italy...
...Now we know that the Banque da Paria et dea Pays Baa haa become interested in iron, alnc, and lead orea in tha Riff, and the connection of French banka alike with Spain and with Morocco ia worth a little careful examination...
...A That the Fascisti Leegne of North America is carrying on a feverish campaign, working overtime and with an apparently largo supply of money, in organizing Faseio (bands ef Black Shirts) throughout Pennsylvania...
...Reval is "arrested" for his part in the riot...
...One of thepe he recognized, Alfred Conslglio, an ex Anarchist now turned Faaciat...
...For the Lords and Llara ara quaking At the Peopla'a atern awaking From the slumber of the agea...
...When these grown-ups happen to include the chief prosecuting attorney of Essex County and a aaagistrate of a New York Court it if time to look into the matter...
...Further, M. Loucheur participated in 1917 in a syndicate to work waterpower rights in Morocco...
...ri»j rearing the aix intended violence,' Vacirca decided to attempt t6 "shake" them by leaving the train before it arrived at Newark...
...Goodman made It $60,000...
...The riot in mm last Sunday was but the iW recent incident of this kind...
...At first eight it seems unnatural that tha Governments of two States traditionally so unsympathetic aa France and Spain should be found acting together—and that at a time when Fascist reaction is ruling in the one and a Radical Left nominally controlling the other...
...For the moment the spectator could have been told ha was in Milan or Rome instead of Newark...
...Dear Revel: We wan unable to coma on account of the work required for die re organization of the Reading Faado and for the organization of the Faacio in Cheater, Bethlehem, Eeattoa, Allantown, Camden and in another town of which I do not recall the name...
...He is in the same orbit as the French Thomson Houston Company, which, in turn, Is linked with tha Banque de Paris and the Banque de l'Union Parisienne...
...2That the charge against V» ' circa is that he is wanted in Italy as a fugitive from justice, his "erinse" in Italy being political opposition to the Mussolini dictatorship...
...Foolish questions...
...Every child may know it...
...It took but a moment for the audience to perceive what was happening...
...These two dominate financially the Comite des Forges, the all-powerful association of French heavy industry...
...Afw several days' delay, he waa fiw'ly admitted to the country...
...He waa then obliged to flee for safety to Switzerland...
...The Fascist record of the last few weeks is not, complete without men tion of the proposed visit to this country of Giuseppe Bastianini, member of Parliament in Rome and Director of Activities for Fascisti activities in foreign lands...
...and tha People slowly rise, And with handa locked together, One in heart and aoul for ever, Watch the sun of Light and Liberty leap upwarda to the skis...
...Tha Credit Mobilier Francaia and the Banque da Paria are everywhere to be found together...
...Labor waa abundant and cheap in 191i," arid the content of metallic iron waa as high as 97 per cent...
...M. Loucheur is powerful in the French heavy industries and in finance...
...The policeman then assisted Vacirca into a trolley car and the Socialist speaker made his way to the Newark meeting, where a throng of more than a thousand people had been waiting more than an hour for htm...
...Cordial greeting*, THE STATE DELEGATE...
...and it is upon electricity that France is relying to build up her new industrial economy...
...The Rothschilds are predominant in the Rio Tlnto and Penneroya Companiea, inland from Huelca, and they are very powerful In the French matal market...
...But the Fascisti had barely* started their work...
...Within twelve hours after his arrest, Vacirca found himself in tha Tombs prison where he had been sent for thirty days pending the disposition of extradition proceedings which have been instigated against him before Governor Smith of New York State...
...aonally I want to be aaaured that once I have formed an opinion concerning Vke-Conaul Lucci, the Faaciat jerarchiea will pledge their word to abide by my dectaion, whatever the coat I hope by next Wedneaday to be in Philadelphia, whence I ahall leave directly for Pittaburgh...
...Before Magistrate Henry Goodman, In the Srd District Court, New York City, the Essex County Prosecuting Attorney declared that Vacirca is wanted by the Fascisti Government, Vacirra'a crime, in Italy, is opposition to Mussolini, for which, daring hia exile In Switzerland, he waa convicted by a Black Shirt court It is completely a political "crime" for which the Newark authorities are endeavoring to turn Vacirca over to the Black Shirt authorities...
...They told him he could proceed to the meeting only at the peril of hiM life...
...Every child knows that Pennsylvania, Hew Jersey and New York City are not part of Italy, but part and parcel of the sovereign United States, you aay...
...My decfaion to eome over waa determined by a letter from New York addreeeed to Paaaler, in which we war* blamed for the delay in aettling die well known conaular affair, the delay being due exclusively to the aforeaaid reaaona...
...Yet here they are collaborating, if not very whole-heartedly, against those whom, for centuries, each has incited to incommode the other...
...Almost immediately, Vacirca **?«d his tour on behalf of the fceialirt P,rty which haa been •Meed by rontinuoua Interference 3 American Faadata...
...The Essex County Proaecutor repeated hia tale of Vacirca'* "crime" in Italy...
...Philadelphia, Pa., August 1, 1928...
...For half an hour the battle raged...
...Fortunately, at that moment, a police officer who had been summoned by the ticket agent arrived at the scene...
...Borgo, "The State Delegate" who signa the letter, is not alone in his organization work...
...74 and 75...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 34

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