More Nationalism

Berenberg, David P.

More Nationalism A Review by DAVID P. BERENBERG NOW AND FOREVER. By Samuol Roth, with a Preface by Iiratl Zangwill. New York: Robert M. McBride and Co. $1.75. THE riling tide of antf-Semitism...

...Bauer pro-MM', nothing simpler than the es-tttpshment of a set and certain "njfle.base.'' A valuation shall be tahlp, once and for all, based on "aJBMl investment" instead of the asjganies' "reproduction cost" basis...
...But hii in-tfCtmsnt of regulation ii as scath-jBt-and drastic as gentlemanly and teAiricsl language can make it...
...A new operetta from dec ho- Slovak la...
...And "confiscation" ii tha fearful and uncertain thing forbidden by the United State* Constitution...
...Quo Vadimue...
...he gracefully punctures the illusion of the.Reformed Synagogue...
...ef hi* clothe*, boot*, tool* and muscles...
...Spender shows us the old giants of English Parliaments at work and compares their methods and techniques with our modern rulers...
...It also has been cap-tared by the companies—in the war •ne* post-war days of higher prices...
...It is around ¦J* that the companies have woven **joni ii great aa those of Baron j^hausstt,- Dr...
...Chit Uat e»t social prophet cannot conceive of a coming loclety without profiti aad...
...Spender's heroes of whom he has written a notable biography...
...He might make the Jew out an insufferable prig...
...and an exploiter, for h* thrive* on hi* wife'* cooking, To th* numberless utopia* d'Albe add* a new one...
...Can you expect Europe to be grateful...
...Thursday: strsuss progress, "Den Quixote," MM Klndler win play tM 'Nlf lolo...
...For example, he disclaims any specific Jewish mission...
...and then he brings on Asquith and Lord Grey and Lloyd George and the Laborites and ponders on the changing styles in statesmanship, and is frankly troubled in his Liberal soul over much that he finds sinister in the new order...
...Even in modern life th* Jew leads the world...
...A Review kg AUGUST CLAESSENS' QUO VApWVS, By *. f.'IW aet> d'Albe...
...But the history of regulation does not justify us in believing that anything logical will be done about it...
...It is upon this that the purpan of the book hinges...
...Tear-Gas Used On Strikers I FARMINGTON, W. Vs...
...c00K and other Pjjt and powerful imaginations...
...Tuesday: Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony, Berlin' Roman Carnival, Strauss' "Don Juan," "Finlandia" by Sibelius...
...D. NtwYerk: The 'Mttmtk* Compmmy...
...Th* Jew has always been naively sure of hii innate superiority...
...By J. A. Spendet New York: Frederick A. Stokee Co...
...Ib* book bristles with adjectives sad phriies denunciatory of the "control" of utilities ai here and Mw practised...
...All the** exhibition* may be but venturesome frolici, and than again they may expose to view characteriitici that ar* f*r from praiseworthy...
...Th* htlpkmtm of the utility comrais-uotts, as outlined above, will continue -"unless principles and policies of regulations ar* definitely established and exact methods prescribed...
...They are all but helpless before the huge task of prescribing rite* for- the many utilitiei operating under greatly varying conditions, npidly• shifting prices and tremendous transitions in industrial organisation...
...That "capital" consist...
...Hii super-intelligence stand* out in bold relief a* h* surveys th* jungle of world-wide ignorance and it i* hardly accidental that a comidtrable part of hi* (peculation* deal with th* cheerful proepect and the many different possibilities a* to how th* whole human race may ultimately meet extinction...
...But would it be unfair to give the impression that the**'two fat volume* are devoted to propaganda for reform...
...IT must be a Urge temptation and * great relief for a specialist in aome branch of science to leave hi* limited ipher* of interest occa-sionslly and roam about at large... week: Sundny: Beethoven, "Egmont" Overture, Second Symphony ef Brahms, Strauss' "Held-enleben...
...Valuation Act Afiegh Congress, regulation of pub-gltiiitiei waa in the aenith of its JL...
...J. L. Btuddsrd, former president of sub-district No...
...In aniwer to the eternal question, "Whither are we going...
...Kdwin Franko ' Goldman wlllbrlng forth several special programa next week 0B the Campus ef New York Uni-vertity...
...Reforming Regulation A Review by LOUIS F. BUDENZ WfjffgMh UTILITIES...
...For some things we must be grateful to the author of this remarkable book...
...But it ia difficult to accept his argument...
...Spender at the last reveals his own formula that too much time is spent in debate over matters that should be factual rather than controversial, and he proposes, as did Walter Lippman in his "Public Opinion," a sort of super fact-finding commission which will settle things for good and all by presenting facts to a candid world...
...How much louder the beating must become when to fancied wrong is added actual discrimination and injury...
...Even Senator La Follette'i great Wisconsin Commissioner, Halford E rick-son, fell from grace in that simple manner...
...therefore, on iPy science—in which "nothing Egjnsin about anything...
...He then pro pjeid that eontrol of the carrier...
...Ai long as Dr...
...A Liberal's Book THE PUBLIC LIFE...
...BaW Is aiming, one that will care tie ''uncertainty" and "cum-btrsomeness" and "lack of harmony" sol the "deadlock" and tba "vicious ihpP.lnd th* "unsatisfactory re-Which have characterized our hiijlscades of "control," according totMs'tbarges...
...The recent experience of Americans with a super fact-finding commission on coal makes us a bit skeptical when we are told that the mere presentation of facts to the public will act as cloture to debate...
...Monday: "Wsltt Badinage" Of Lisdow, Second Symphony of Borodin, Stravinsky's "Petrouechka" Suite, "Oberon" Overture, Bimsky-Kersakaff' "Bumble Bee...
...fair return on a fair lErtnd y*t' "ohody can tell arc *»her term means...
...A Review by McALISTER COLEMAN HERE a veteran English Liberal journalist looks back .over a life spent in the march and go, the excitements and monotonies of public affairs in England, the Continent and America, and tells us what he has learned of the ways of statecraft and the men who keep the wheels of Government grinding...
...Monday'* program will be devoted to German composer...
...Ai one readi on through thai* dire prophecies the pessimism of the writer ahadee off into *om* brighter lines...
...of the patient, purblind wd pitiable "public" to do something effective in this direction...
...t Vole., $10...
...that it can ever be adequately a*?*1 ?» MANdied...
...However, with hi* harnen off and a universe to acamper around in, he i* not apt to display hi* noted quail-tie...
...It is an "automatic process" at which Dr...
...Imagine a """ton—supposed to be based on m'eeniatlcal figures...
...What— but 'Roman greed, Greek slavery, Egyptian stolidnsss and European aggressiveness...
...Of course, this beating of the tribal tom-tom is the result o'f an inferiority complex...
...It had become the sacred R., formula by which we were ~? freed from all the ill effect* Separate corruption and tyranny, gutty a dozen years later, just be-JrVhii death, "Fighting Bob" hon-|jL admitted that his Act and its gjehiniry had been captured by the gensportation interests for their en nil and purposes...
...By adding facts that Mr...
...Wednesday: Lee Sower-by'i "Suite from the Northland," Brahms' Second Symphony, Beethoven's Third "Leonora" Overture, excerpt from "Die Meistersinger...
...This booklet I* hardly a wl** ad-dltion to th* thought-provoking and immensely valuable collection of short aaiaye that comprise th* "Today and Tomorrow" *eries of E. P. Dutton and Company...
...It is a fascinating theme that the author has chosen and he treati it in an engagingly informal manner, passlng'from a discussion of*«h*^ut-standing merits of the Sovereign Parliament which is England's to the outstanding disadvantages of a Parliament co-equal with the Executive which is America'*, to a consideration of religious aspects of statesmanship, the part played by civilian ministers in war-time, and a boat of unexpected by-paths...
...It ia the most convincing '••tire of the work, which he has tone into in a painstaking way...
...The fact is, that nothing ii likely to be done except what the utilities want done—that is, in the long run...
...Like all Liberals who profess to despise formulas, Mr...
...A working-man going to hi* work ha* quit* a respectable capital to accompany him en hi* way," **y* thii aavant... *B<I wonderful source* of valuation em wekh the utilities must earn—unlen "cSnflacation" ia to ensue...
...In hi* glimpse* of the future he discourses on the probability of 1,000 year* of uninterrupted progress end presents some compelling thought* on the trend of progrea* In transport and communication, privacy, clothing, homing, children, education and government...
...O, I. Miller and M. Goldreyer have taken over 'JThe Mikln's," a comedy by Alan Burton, and will offer it ea Broadway sheet Labor Day...
...The fundamental trouble with regulation is that the "control" of the utilities is "controlled" by the utilities themselves—and always will be, as long as private ownership persists...
...would help greatly to bring order out of chaos, and to assist the "public"—some...
...J**>ng and short of it is: thst S »>jthor ha* found so many holes mfttlity regulation that we And 2. doubts mounting with .Very fW...
...Bauer does not specifically otaiioft these facta in hi* volume 0* utility regulation...
...Nor can we be too san-J™» that hia strong plea for a JJJrtr diicount of "depreciation" SM«,valuation on the basia of IJfwsI inveatment" will ever come JWMJi-^pite his interpretation Jiwe conflicting Supreme Court ¦wlom in'» way to bolster up his •¦lexpeauticni...
...The fer-ggsMnded experts for the eom-SF"lnerea*e, with almost every fpa...
...From this—or, at least, 'from th* worst of this, the Jew, through Jesus, has saved tha world...
...So, for example, I (a Jaw myself) have fault to And with Jewish social more*, with Jewish business methods, with-that tendency to arrogance so aptly exemplified by the insulting expression "a goyishe kopf...
...Bauer we can aay, when all i* summed up: "God speed in your effort...
...mellowed" thereby...
...It it not inevitable that tha Jew should be hated and feared by people who are his inferiors, and who, in their hearts, know their inferiority...
...Logically, Dr...
...FAILURE" is written, in capital letters, on the attempt...
...The ST"*** sre supposed to be guar-t_K...
...fBEN Senator La Follette, in int, pushed th* now-famous KaSroad... a profltl*** acneme...
...Utility commissioners and judges are looking to th* dayi when they will enjoy utility businesi for them-telvei, and alwayi And their judgment...
...achieve this automatic and •ags) regulation, Dr...
...Oil Wednesday, half ef the" prtgi**/ wtU "fc devoted to eoml* opera pmeta/ f* Frlday, there will be a contest of Beys' Bands in which s*v*r»1MSfa'al>Tlijis pete...
...Bauer is dealing *W> the valuation of the actual Pkyiical plant, we feel fairly certain 2*t he ii making a good case of it...
...To which he adds the inevitable "unteu...
...To Dr...
...1' r.-Jt Twenty-four Negro soprano voleei will compete in * public audition and recital in Town Hall, this Frldsy evening, Aogust T, for th* free course of instruction la grand eper* offered by Edoardo FMrerl-Feataaa...
...This imprenion is strengthened by reading d'Alb*'* little volume...
...Hi* vtaws on Labor, its present Ind pc*-lible future status, expo** him a* * primitive Tory...
...Bauer* suggestion...
...Sitirrday, August '18, a "Childrcrfr- FlrafVtm" U» bee* 9*4***, 0* on Baaday, August IB, the music eg %ii0?'tjimp**n will*he...
...More Nationalism A Review by DAVID P. BERENBERG NOW AND FOREVER...
...taken back by Congreu from the Inter it »te Commerce Commission, te which it had been given...
...I have seldom met a mors deluded exemplar of race prids than Mr...
...They are for the most part analytic and descriptive and they are valuable indeed to those who still take democracy seriously...
...Just • little more ink along this Una and maybe, dear Professor, w* can picture the] worker a* a land-owner, for h* has) real estate under hi* flager nail*,*, financier, for h* rarrie* carfare ta hi* pockets...
...Roth chooses to ignore, he might somewhat alter the idyllic image...
...J^hen he gets into the subject of ¦"tangibles" we scent trouble wad...
...July Srlnto was among the thirty-five victims of the vicious as-ssult of the "guards" and the attending physicians report that ah* is in s serious condition...
...Itjlvtefreshing to note his detailed SJEnmellshing argument against Matter theory of fixing "utility wfcp...
...With some 1,000 page* of faet* at their command, collected at the expense of 8600,000 to the taxpayer*, the public atill seems a bit up in the air on the matter of coal and apparently no one think* enough of the report of the Coal Commission to go to the amall extra expense of having it printed...
...Social justice would reign thereunder, a* "aaen worker would contribute capital (a tha form, of a certain amount of work Ia caie of a total lot* of th* undertaking, he would receive no reward o* wag** whatever, any mof* than th* capitalist who engage...
...Nearly everyone, esys Mr, Roth, if he thinks at all, must follow Fraud or Bsrgson or Marx—all Jews...
...There is the lack of restraint, a tendency to cavort and a reckleis-ness for jumping fence* into neighboring Add...
...eansatd, will open the jiWaeflm as** shortly after...
...Let us have done with the mania, and turn our attention to*imgortant problems, such aa rescuing America from John Roach Streton or digging the political grave of Mr...
...There are illuminating pictures of Bright and Cobden and' Place, of Gladstone and Palmers ton and Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, one of Mr...
...All nationalisms are a nuisance...
...There can b* no doubt that there is a greater feeling of antagonism against the Jews than ever before, and one of the most regrettable sequels of the anti-Jewish tendency is the intensification of narrow racialism and arrogance among th* Jews...
...0«t srdor on the whole business, »»%tir, is perceptibly cooled when w reflect that this "reproduction **tB theory was formerly the pet «t the advocates for the public aide ^ the utility fight—in the days of w*r prices...
...Saturday: Coneert far Wind Instruments and Orchlitra (ff JtMM, Ovtttnr* to Wolf-Ferrari's "S*er*t of Su**an*," W*b*r-¦llSISIIhhl iBVllillilii In thi Danes," |,Mi*v»grV™^ brl*r*i "Eipia*" Rhapiody, Beethoven'* Fifth Bymphonr...
...Certainly we have paid a sufficiently heavy toll for the nationalistic in-•anity of the nineteenth century...
...he rejects, with commendable Indignation, the sycophantic flattery of Madison Peters and th* Andreyevs, Other writers on Jewish matters have not been io discerning...
...he has been amusing in his efforts to appropriate for tha race important men, notable Roosevelt and Columbus, in recent years...
...New Ytrks, E. P. Dutton and Co...
...THE riling tide of antf-Semitism in the United States furnishes the excuse for discussion of the Jewish problem...
...But nothing much will come of it while private ownership and commission rule endure...
...By John jfttr, FA...
...publicity agent* of the coal operators, with the active assistance of the "kept" newspapers, are smoke-screening the affair by claiming that a tear-gas bomb carried by two mine guard* in an automobile accidentally exploded, aad the dally press la shedding copious tears because a whiff of the poison somewhat "lnflammed the eyes" of the "guards" sad are featuring th* incident in gl*Wi*» leladlln**, but M* its) M IMHtf tftftt «* that one of the itriken' wive* ie in a lerioui condition as a result ef the "guard*" gassing the striken on Whither...
...MUSIC Frit* Reiner Gu*st Conductor at Stadium— Straus* Program Thur*day Rudolph OlTll concludes hi* week ** guest conductor ef the Stadium Concerts Sunday night and Will be succeeded en Mondsy by Frit* Reiner, conductor of th* Cincinnati Symphony Orehestre, The progrsm...
...experience with commiisiona S*t n<>t show that there ii much JJJ of these flctiom ever being SjWlly blasted thfough their in-JptWe...
...Neither eouM Plat* viilon an ideal Republic without slave-crwneri, Ths particular eoelii environment and the course Of hii comfortable income ia often the baiia of the philosopher'* or *cl*titi»t's views, and I am mors than curious to know E. E. Fournalr d' Aibe's source of Income to account for hia myopia...
...The outstanding decent valuation from the public viewpoint thus far obtained wai secured by Mayor Couzens of Detroit—not through the presentation of a long line of figures or by any other hocus-pocus, but by attacking the company in an intelligent and militant way until it threw up it* hands...
...What, for example, did the world consist of before the Jewish idea, in the form of Christianity, descended upon Europe...
...Pl*a*ant pro»p*ct», eh...
...Zangwill's interrogator...
...Heath and Transforation," "1111 F.ulenspiegel," Salome's Ilanre...
...Intangibles" are those ex-Posdhure* made by the companies » buildup the utility which do not PW in th* plant itself—promotion *••*> for example...
...4. and BOW international representative of the United Mine Worker* of America, immediately filed a protest with the Conciliation Bureau of the U. S. Department ef Labor at Wathingr~ 1 ......—,-n---¦—-- r; ¦stood is making an investigation, and who stated that the State t<Me* had The...
...he deliver* a few wis* prediction* and several shockingly atupid observation...
...It night he skat*, able to obierv* that in scanning tha future ef the tailing mail**, as* pa** feasor ha* absent-mindedly peeped into th* wrong end of th* tslasaae)*, Hii conception of modern economics, th* nature of capital and wages, i* ai naive ana grot*iqu* as a Tennessee Fundamentalist's, net***, of Darwinism...
...Friday I T)e Fella's "Love, the Mlglclatt," Franek'i D miner Symphony, Alber1* "Th* Mate ef Fertlil'.' Ov*rtnr*, "Sylvia" Suit* ef Delibei...
...And io it often comes to light that when an eminent ipe-daliit leave* hi* domain add enter* into *trang* paiturei he ii most likely to betray himself a* an as*, and a highly ipecialized one at that...
...After a twenty-year struggle with rate regulation," says he, "the public authorities today are scarcely Il s better position than when they ttirted...
...He is quite sure that the Jews are the leaven that have saved the Western World from barbarism...
...Mine I guards at Mine 9 of the Jamison | Coal k Coke Company, near her*, are charged with using tear gas on tha strikers doing peaceful picketing at 6 o'clock Monday morning, with disastrous results...
...During these two decades tity have conducted endless investi-Ittions, caused the expenditure of kindreds of millions of dollars, piled up mountains of records and opinions, and mostly have not reduced rates when fairly justified nor advanced them when reasonably needed...
...All that he says about the Jews may be true, yet another writer, using the same material, arranging it differently and altering the emphasis, might Utterly change the picture...
...He is as sure of this a* Lothrop Stoddard is that ths Nordic element alone is capable of civilisation...
...In discursive but never wearisome style Mr...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 32

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