Shakespeare's Attitude Toward Democracy (( ^ OME p*oplt hivf ncvrr forgiven ^ 8hak«ip*tr« for making hii ^ working people, cipeciillr hii crowd* of working people, >o gloriouoiy absurd," (aid...

...As was tsaential to pvliUcal drama, the people figured among the dramatis personae...
...Nancy In Command," by Harold Howland...
...The producer will also send out Martin Brown's "Cobra," opening in Milwaukee Labor Day...
...If the lady was a shrew and hsd tn he taught the error of her ways, then there was a rousing comedy in it...
...The Sea Woman," a new play by Willard Robertson, will open at Asbury Park, August 8. The New York premiere will take place in the Little Theatre two weeks later...
...Martin Brown's new cofliedy, "The BtraVSkrry Blonde," will ba presented by William Harris, Jr., the coming eeaion...
...In addition to Miss Dresser, who, by the way, was a wellknown figure in the musical chmerty world prior lo making her photo-dramatie debut, the cast includes Jack Pickford, Constance Brnnplt, James 0. Barro»(s, Marc MacDermott anU George .Vicholai...
...Brock Pemberton will alio present Gilda Vareai in a new play...
...Eugene Noble, Director of tbe Julliard Musical Foundation...
...Another laughprovoking cinema will be Harry I,angdon in "Remember When...
...platfi a Uading rola tn Vincent Ijowretice'i n'ew eomed}/, "Spring Fever,'' which opens Monday night at the Maxint Elliott Theatre...
...Shakespeare, however, thoughl, it seemed to him, that In a happy marriage there was no story, and an un happy marriage was a nuhjert for tragedy...
...Arthur Rumbolt and Company...
...The men and women against whom the laughter was turned were like children who would not play...
...A Ni<a Girl," by William Hurlbut...
...Open Gate," br Tadema Bussiere...
...The composition judged to be the best -ef those presented will be given a performance at the close of the season at a special Invitation Fellow-Members Concert at Ik- nr-ij--# A..__I- u^.-i John Wenger, ert director for the Rialts and Rlvoli Theatres, hae completed the designing of the settings foi the four open-air operas to be prelented at Ebbeti Field, Aug...
...Here and Hereafter," a drama, will he sponsored by the Arch Productions, the producers of "Kosher Kitty Kelly...
...Strauss "Death and Tranafiguration," Geoff* .Schumann's "Liebesfruhling...
...The Dagger," recently tried out In Atlantic City, will open in Rochester, August 31, and will come Into New York tha following wiek...
...from "RIenxi," "Lohengrin," "Parsifal and the Ring completes the prof""' Saturday: Overture to d'Alberts l"" provUator," Dohnanyi's Suite...
...Marcae Ecoi«aiase" and "Fetes" of Debassf...
...Was it cruel...
...The talkativeness of women had always bei n a subject of jest, and the jest books of Khskesprare'a time was full of it...
...Shakespeara denied ihem loyally and Adelity to any man or parly...
...The dialogue U being directed by Charlee Judela...
...Native-born composers are invited to submit their compositions...
...StrauM "Vienna Woods" walties, the Polovetf kian Dances from Borodin's "Prinel Igor," and Tchaikov»kys "1812...
...Tha prodoetlona will ba under tha auparvlilon of Edgar J. MacGragor...
...JEFFERSON Monda.v to Werfnc.sday — Hprbert Ashloy & Co...
...St ere Opt it on Scenery in Vienna Theatre At a recent performance of Henrik Ibsen's "Peer Gynt," at the State Burg theatre, Vienna, a new lighting device was employed with excellent results In the place of a hack drop, ssys a writer In the Christian Science Moni lorf a plain white curtain was utilized On this was projected a picture, much in the same way as by a magic Isntern slide...
...Manuscripts should be received by the State Symphony Orchestra, at Carnegie Hall, not later than September 20, 1926, for the Arst Ave rehearsals, and prior to January 1, 1926, for the remaining Ave...
...The Program: Monday, Besthovsn'l Eighth Synmhony...
...Rojfrr WilliHtns nnd othpr acts...
...The scenes can b« rapidly changed and the effect of scenery r« markably reproduced...
...Th''* rank ^f doing Ihia was generally handed over to a woman Shakespearc'a great ladies, unless pro voked or In self-defence, spoke little and to the point...
...Thursday to Sunday — Herbert Ashley A Co...
...1, I and , by the Nayor'a Committie Mnaic, Tke operas aro "Aiia...
...Service for Two," a new comedy by Martin Flavin, will be produced soon by A. L. Erianger...
...They found apparently the moves of a first courtship too obvious, and could take no interest in a Rosalind under thirty...
...Dvorak's ".New World" Symphony, Massenet's "Phedre" oveftuft Thursday: Tchaikovsky's Fifth 8y...
...Mercenary Mary," the musical comedy now at the Longacre Theatre, goes to the Garrick Theatre, Chicago, beginning September 6. Weber has still another piny, a melodrama by Martin Brown, "The Praying Curve...
...In addition the program at the Colony will include other scrcrn attraction* as well as an array of stage crrations...
...After departing for England with "Enter Madame" and marrying there she rirtually deserted the stsge...
...the rllsAit* aitfl AI kaa* aivta FRANKLIN Monday to Wednesday —"Lobok" Russian Revue...
...Shakespeare was not undemocratic, continues the report in the I.,ondon Times, although aome of his critics saw in Jack Gade an Knglish Communist and l.«t)or leader, and found the democracy of Rome held up to ridicule in "Julius Caesar" and "Coriolanus...
...soprano, will sing i^l a Wagner program scheduled for Friday evening...
...V.rd'-P««'-'' Uy, Johann Straasi...
...Frank Patterson, composer, and Sigmund Spaeth, music critic and writer...
...Larry ,8emon in "The Wiiard of Oi...
...The first five reheariali will be upder the aupenrlsion of Emit Ton Dobnanyi and conducted by him, Alfredo Caaella assamee the eonductorihip of the •reheitra (or the rMaining Ave...
...Morrissey A Wheeler...
...Cavallorii ¦ttoiiC -ragUaMi" aai TatuC* Rudolph Ganx WOl Conduct 4 SUdiom Concerts Next Week —Helen Traubel, Soloiil Nikolai Sokoloff concludes his w«lt as Guest Cokductor of the Stadlua Concerts this Sunday evening with J program which includes ths "Pathstic" Symphony of Tchaikovsky, the overtMl to Chabrier's "Gwendoline...
...S. Moss' Broadway Theatre, beginning Monday, will show Johnny HInes in his newert screen comedy, "Tho Crarkerjack...
...Oh I Wall Street," by Oscar M. Carter, will be placed In rehearsal thia week by the Carter-ArkatoT Prodfictloni...
...Ha was nieroly following his authorities, who stated that the crowds behaved stupidly when ha made his working men talk like stupid people...
...What his critics should ask is, "Did anything «v»r suffer by thia laughter of the comedies...
...Talla-Rini Sisters...
...These rehevaale are primarily for the^ beneAt of the composer, who will have the advantage of hearing a reading of bis work by a Symphonic Orchestra, under a dlstlnshed conductbr, Only newspaper critics, compcrsers, and fellow-membere of the orchstra will be admitted to these rehearsals...
...Harold Lloyd's new picture, "The Freshman," it was annuonced yeaterday, will be seen at Moss' Colony Theatre early in September...
...For the most part the proletariat made themselves heard in rud* groan* and cheers...
...State Symphony The SUte Symphony Orcheetra has now completed its plane for tbe ten special rehearsals, devoted entirely to the works of American'''conposers to be held on Saturday mornings at Carnegie Hall...
...Back In Half An Hour," by Oliver Herford...
...B. Iden Payne, who has staged the piece, will be asloeiated with Mr...
...II, by the American Producing Company...
...In the case of Peer Gynt," the fiords and mountains, clouds and pine trees were shown realistically...
...Henry B. Harris...
...The ioyi aa* CMtMt UkM »Um Alfa...
...Shakespeare's Attitude Toward Democracy (( ^ OME p*oplt hivf ncvrr forgiven ^ 8hak«ip*tr« for making hii ^ working people, cipeciillr hii crowd* of working people, >o gloriouoiy absurd," (aid Profeitor George Gordon at the opening of tna 8h>ke> prarean leMure on "Shakripeare and ¦ be Spirit of Comedy," given at the Royal Inatitution, rerenlly...
...Did It lead one to think less highly of love nr truth...
...Keep Moving" and other acts...
...No attempt will be made to judge the laerits of any composition before ite hearing, other than from ordinary standards of musical form...
...Wednesday: "Fountains of Rome," Liadows "KiW" mora...
...Rudolph Gam, conductor of the St...
...They were all to be found In Shakespeare...
...I The Playgoers Plar Ten Productions Anew producing organiiation cillinc thtmselvei "Tha Play goers," announced yesterday »*¦ tanslTs plana for the coming season Membership la open to tha public upon payment of 1100 for Ufa membership...
...Was this a personal suspicion at democracy on Shakespeara'a part...
...The Nifh: OatI," by Daniel Rubin...
...The play, as yet unselected, will be her second appearance since her farmer success closed in England...
...Emily Stevens will appear next season in a new play by Ben Hecht, "The Scoundrel," under the management of Hassard Short...
...The direction ia by Clarence Brown...
...Brock Pemberton will revive John Galsworthy's "The Silver Box" this season...
...Rosenblom, Jr...
...The people who protested againit romedy, he went on, were generally ofllciala, thOM who had aonnething to conceal, or enthuaiaita, thoae who had •omethinK to promote...
...It if rumored that Franclne Larrimnre is rnnsiH^rinr the l*af1 The Coming Season Gakworthy'g, "TIm SOver Box," to b« Revhred—EmOy Steven* in Ben Hecht Play—New Comedy by Murtin Flavin—Martin Brown's "The Strawberry Blond," Coming in September...
...Friday: Wagner program, with Traubel singing "Dich Teuro Hsils, from "Tannhauser" and the music ol Isolde in the "Licbestod" from Tristan und Isolde'," which will be prefscM by the Prelude lo lhat opera...
...Flavin i« the author of "Children of the Moon," which caused much comment when produced at,the Comedy two seasons ago...
...l^audeville Theatres B. S. MOSS' BROADWAY iB...
...The Keith-Albee vaudeville will include Shaw and Lee...
...Leon De Costa, author and composer of "Kosher Kitty Kelly," now playing at the Times Square Theatre, announces that he has three more plays ready and their production arranged for...
...Roger Williams and other acts...
...OPRichard Strauss' "Don Junn, J»bs»a Strauaa' "Artists' Life" wsltres, Wer m.m*m «« V .a ¦ •• * k A " OvartUff...
...Thts* are "Tha First Night," by Samnel Raskin Goldlng...
...I han an important part in the vfui miiinral comedy, "June Hay$," whirk opeitM at thf A$tor Theatr* nrit Thursday niff/it...
...a play written by Daniel N. Ruben, is being tried out on the summer circuit this week...
...Turning to some of the recent crit icisms of Shakespeare's comedies, Pro fessoT Gordon said that some critics thought the love affair* came to end precisely at the moment when they were beginning lo get inlaresting...
...It was a great tribute lo the poet's perception that Ihia was so...
...Kuth Sistors and Oancinir Around Co...
...Helen Gahagan, Elisabeth RIsdon, Alison Skipworth and Merle Maddem will be, In the cast...
...They applauded the apeech of Brutus m the Forum, and quickly changed to applauding Marc Antony, who had all the trickt of popular ora lory...
...Lawrence fVeber^s CominQ Season L. Lawrence Weber has hooked his flrst productions of the new se^isnn...
...Sotae Day," with a book by Frances Nertitron, lyrics by Nerille Fleason and music by Albert »on TlUer, will be produced at the Hudson Theatre In the fall by Mrs...
...Louis Symphony Orchestra, makes kll SU^ium debut as guest conductor fM the week beginning Mgnday nifkt Helen Traubel...
...prtrami Friday...
...The Matinee Girl," with book and lyrlct by McElbert Moore and Bide Dudley, and music by Frank H. Grey, will be produced In the fall by Ed...
...Leonard Liebling, music editor...
...Pemberton In etaglng tbe revival...
...Both clasaei were uncomfortably «ware lhat it »«i precisely from amongst them comedy drew her plumpest victims...
...It deals with the lives of some New York flat-dwellers, among whom •II the babies born have red hair...
...A novelty play, "Seas of Sound," and a Chinese operetta, called "Sing Song See," have also been contracted for for Fall production...
...Both conductors will have the cooperation of an Advisory Committee, consisting of Henry Souraine, Chairman...
...Albert F. Hawthorne and Johnny Cooke, "A Banquet of Song and Dance...
...they stopped at nisrnage...
...Tha Haunted Pajamas," by Gtorga Ratalton: "Cupid Incog," by Paul Sine •nd Edgar MacGragor...
...Rex Beach'i Uteet, "The Goom Woman," at Mom' Colony, Sunday "The Goose Woman," plcturiied from a ibory by Rex Beach with Louise Dresser portraying the title role, will bo on view beginning Sunday, at Mo*s' Colony Theatre...
...In the comediM there waa a kind of holy war wirhout malica or bloodshed, against egotism, self-importance, and those weaknesses and failings which mads bad eititens and bad husbands and wivea, and rendered peopU unAt for the every day business of lif...
...Tulidayi Seeond Symphony of RschmsomolT, Saint-Snens' "Phaeton" and "Dsbss Macabre," Three Hungarian Dances of Brahms, overture to Glinka's "Russlsa and Ludmilla," Elgar's "Pomp and Cit'cumstaiice...
...When the play originally appeared here under the the late Charles Frohman, Ethel Barrynore was in the east...
...LUtlt Mils Peppar," a musical «omsdy...
...prelude to "Di* MeistersingeT," Weber-Weingartnsrs "Invitation to the Dance...
...The Fall of Eve," a new play by John Emerson and Anita Loos, la scheduled to open at the Booth Theatre, September 7. Weber's vehicle for Houdini starts a 40-week tour in Cumberland, Maryland, August 31...
...Thursda.v to .Sunday — I.arry .Scmon in "The Wizard of Oz", and bill of vaudeville...
...Lillian Young and Mildred Crewe...
...Bro»dway Brief* ' The dances of ensembles of "Gay Paree," the new revue which opens at the Schubert Theatre on August 10, are being staged by Earl Lindsay...
...Strauss' "Till Eulenspitft^ Berlio*' "Roman Carnival...
...a comedy by Zeida Sears, will he produced at the Cort Theatre on Tucsdny nighl, Aug...
...Tan prapostd productions by tha n*w •rganiiatlon ar* announced for next year...
...The composer will be alloted a place on the program in the order of the receipt of his application...
...Feature Picture...
...a nosletl Ttrsion of "A Pair of Sixes," ¦nd "Shari-Varl," an intlmata r«TUe...
...The Student Prince," the Sigmand Romberg-Dorothy Donnelly operetta, reached Ita 27Sth performance Wed nesday evening at the Jolson Theatre...
...It was Shakespeare'* purpose to laugh them idto If...
...The Goldman Band on the Campus of the New York Ul^ versify, will include three special pi^ gram* next weeki >»*ndey...
...Orson Kllborn is bnsintii manager of tha organiiation...
...Eliiabeth's "The Enchanted April," dramatised by Kane Campbell, will be produced at the Marasco Theatre, August 24, by Rosalie Stewart...
...Owing to the discovery of the values of a certain method of lighting, the pictures were brought on tha screen without loSi of color, and were unaffected by the stage illumination...
...Particularly in such plays aa "Peer Gynt," whera the scenes change sg often, this new method shoura prove valuable...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 31

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