Public Ownership -New Light

Public Ownership —New Light By NORMAN THOMAS T' A MIME NT, fa the evening Bunshlne following the day gi rain, looked Store beautiful than aWe* to the delegates ar-ftving for the first session of...

...All these tendencies and movements are barrier*, to*class solidarity...
...Every person who it reached will become aware of the increasing activities of the Socialist Party fa the various states...
...Leonard Bright argued that the right to organist* and bargain col-hctfvely was more important in this <*an«tion>than the right to strike, an opinion which Mr...
...Deb* Rout* Commanlsta The conference adjourned in the midst of an enthusiasm, tope and purpose such as has not been felt before in this State since th* war...
...Neglect of Fundamentals I The debate strikingly brought out the present strong trend in Minnesota toward the resumption of Socialist organization for propaganda purposes...
...Party members had become isolated...
...The first of these meetings, the Socialist conference, in its success, was a surprise to most of the Socialists here...
...It ia just such former members that The New Leader desires to reach, fa the files of Locals that survived the storm of reaction and fa the files of State offices there are thousands of names and addresses of former members and sympathizers we desire to reach...
...Many of the children employed are very young, being certainly not mora than six years of age...
...iment and a large delegation frem Unity Houae gave us a;, audience well over 800 on Saturday night...
...Thus we have private individuals whose wages are equal t o the wages of seven or eight thousand other individuals...
...The Commission heard evidence that contractors obtained young children from the country districts, paying til* parents $2.00 s month fag the service of each child...
...TOwonfarenc* then turned to the JWWl *t publie ownership of rall-2** as it effects consumers...
...for you can get a stout spadesman to work and maintain himself for the sum of ?30...
...4) In,capt a r i n g for the public whit U now diverted to private profit takers On the practical tide, our own expenance during tha war and tha Canadian experieri...
...But on account of the increase of foreign competition, the lack of sufficient reserve capital and the low tariff, they became bankrupt, one after the other...
...with a Socialist spirit and determination not known here since the war manifesting itself on all sides...
...Thanks are dsn to the management and staff ef Camp Tamiment and to Miss D*> brow and Miss Straus of our ova staff, for the admirable handling « | all administrative details...
...So the circle is complete...
...From this veteran came a list of nearly 200 name* and ad* dresses...
...It realise* that the capitalist world of today is no...
...the third i* quite practical only a* a sequel to the second...
...The working, hours for men, women, and children are counted by shift, which varies from 12 to IS hours in succession, with not mora than an hour off for a meal...
...Do so and DO IT NOW...
...The New Leader will help them to think...
...In Ontario the original impetus toward public ownership came from the Chamber of Commerce, from the small town of London, Ontario, which felt t h a t Ontario enterprises could not be left to t h e tender mercies of private owners of power...
...It does not give to the consumer scientific and efficient service at a reasonable price...
...By employing such children la the mills and factories, the contractor is able to make a profit of about $4.00 a month In respect of each child...
...Since 1928 t h e miners' fear of being dubbed Bolshevists, fear of the a r b i t r a r y power of the Government, fear >f a fixed wage, have kept them from effective propaganda for public ownership of t h e anthracite industry...
...Only in New- York, Washington, California, and to 'some extent in Oregon, is t h e r e a practical question today of public versus private ownership of hydro-electric power...
...The native industrialists would argue in turn that if the foreign capitalists, with more capital, better bank credit, and under special protection, were not willing to improve working conditions, how could we maintain the existence of our irdustry, to say nothing of competition...
...BOOST SOCIALISM THROUGH THE NEW LEADER THE NEW LEADER'S appeal to Us readers foe name* and addresses of unattached Socialists and sympathiser* mat a hearty reoponoo ia Montana...
...About three thousand subscription pledges were made...
...All in all 1926 set a mark for the summer conference that we shall have to work hard to surpass...
...What do those highly benefited individuals do to society for their wages?, Kill partridges...
...It robs post e r i ty by the wasteful methods employed...
...President (Harry W. Laidler), John D. Oilyfeller (NormanThomas), Henry Flivver (S Ion DeLeon), Chief Justice Daft (MeAllster Coleman), Bishop Banning (Leonard B r i g h t ) , Admiral Blackjack (Sam Friedman), Secretary of Agriculture Sardine (II...
...In many industries dsy and night work is the rule, there being two shifts of twelve hours each...
...Laidler declared gf* the only ultimate remedy to bornuoracy was a thorough organi-W*0 of the workers on the political •ireconomic field and that auch re-Jjwen should go hand in hand the development of public own-«Mnip...
...the beginning of 1921...
...Th* meeting at Camden Park, Minneapolis, Sundey, June SI, drew a crowd that was estimated by the leading capitalist pap*r her* to be 6,000...
...Let us take the struggle for industrial free, dom...
...Laidler, Sabloff, Jones, Potter, and Levine, emphasized soma of t h e point* of the speakers...
...with St Paul and other localities clamoring for organization work and the forming of locals...
...The Chinese uprising was discussed and it was generally felt that tha Chinese student* were to be highly commended for a s s i s t i n g the strikers who a r e fighting again* * foreign exploitation...
...That ia, we have ttt disadvantages without the advantages of publie ownership...
...From time t o time, especially in the non-' n i j n territoriea, these conditions result in a condition of civil war...
...Accompanist, Mrs...
...Most of the speakers expressed the belief that the Farmer-Labor party would be a thing of the past within a year or two...
...Of these classes, District No...
...Recently William H. Henry, one of the regional organ* isers of the National Office, wrote that ho had found Social* Ists fa Michigan who bad not seen a Socialist paper fa years...
...Thomas made a brief statement of t h a value and need* of t h e League, explaining t h a t line* coming to camp he had received word of one generous offer of $1,000 from a friend not a t camp, but that at least $4,000 of new money would be necessary t o finish out the year...
...The soft coal industry sprawls over the whole country...
...No gift*, h* said, were planteo in tha audience...
...rWaan Levins, of McKeesport, Pa., to his own experience of "PjstloB ei wast* through direct 2?«»t daring the Federal adminis-•W<B of til* railroads...
...But other force* tend to neutralise the drift towards Labor solidarity...
...Tha cast, of fours*, cooperated la suggestions Mrs...
...Some time before the debate began every seat in Mailly Hall was taken...
...Friday E v e n i n g: Canada — and China Mr...
...This has greatly encouraged those her* behind th* drive for a State-wide organisation, as there has been no Socialist organisation up-State for years...
...There Is no time off be-for* or after childbirth for married women...
...When the aforesaid "Report" printed the objections of Chinese millowners to the enforcement of the Labor protection law in the Settlement, it forgot to mention that their mills are also in t h e Settlement and are loaded with foreign loans...
...Comrade Graham is one of the veterans of the Socialist and trade onion movement and one of the keenest observers of economic and political developments fa the West...
...Quaationt by Messrs...
...Its response left no doubt as to the possibilities for Socialist reorganization and education ia Minne______ The Truth About Shanghai > ........¦¦-WII—IIIS :% . By KIA-LUEN L0 i i (ThU articlt u writm by a ' Chintt* seheler and journalUt, who .'* known throughout China, and hat Uktn active part in th* CM**** Social Rtconttruetitm Movement for tight yw...
...To James Graham of that Stat* belongs the honor of being the first to respond to this appeal...
...tJ?*h*lnnan summed up the dis-hjr pointing out the strength mm theoretical case for public HJJ*» ,nd democratic manageJr) In siving the people control EL...
...Many of our publications had been destroyed by the Wil-sonian adventure fa "democracy...
...The unions can count an t h e s t r e n g t h of t h e organized miners in t h e anthracite field, which, as contrasted with tha bituminous territory, is very compact, not overdeve'op^ed and solidly organized...
...Mr, Thomas, presiding, outlined *oa» of the principal problems involved in publie control of ratipoads s*J referred to the Plumb Plan...
...there had been a steady recession from a fundamental stand on economic and political truths, increasing confusion and decreasing morale and enthusiasm...
...but it is not impossible to break it, if somebody is willing to t a k e the initiative, S u g g e s t i o n s For n R e m e d y ( I For t h s time being the Mimic • I pal Council should take immedtote actior to urge and even to compel tha favored side, i. *., t he foreign capitalists, to t a k e the init i a t i v e and t o b r i n g about some immediate betterment of labor conditions as an emergency act in order to release the present high tension of social grievances and national indignation in China...
...the second can only be e s tablished nominally by t h a Chinese Government, end s u r e l y will not be observed by...
...Speaker after speaker brought out the fact that the cause of Socialist disorganization and apathy, in Minnesota, was the almost total suspension of propaganda activities during the past six or seven years and the general absence in the State of Socialist papers connecting the readers with the national and world Socialist movement Un-ususl enthusiasm for the proposed national Socialist propaganda paper swept the conference, resulting in the passing of a resolution asking that the American Appeal b* started on Labor Day this year, rather than at...
...Out of this debat* and decision issued plana to begin at one* th* rehabilitation of the Socialist Party in Minnesota and, in order to insure the permanency of this work, to conduct an intensive drive for subscribers for the proposed national weekly, the American Appeal...
...The writer, in spite of his personal knowledge of the sit-nation, wishes to bks* his statement of facte mainly upon th* authoritative "Report of Child Labor Commission," published in July, 1024...
...How to obtain real efficiency, to divorce administration from politici, and to correlate the interests cf workers and consumers, ara problems requiring the utmost thought...
...The children are frequently most miserably housed snd fed...
...And be It further Resolved: That similar action he taken to the colleges in the fall against the particular manifestations of imperialism at that time, such as possibls aggravations of tha situation in China, the possible encouragement of a revolution in Mexico by American capitalists, and the militaristic activities of the War Department in the schools and colleges ef the United State's...
...This report Is doubly authorl-tative, because th* Commission was composed of foreign experts appointed by the Municipal Council, Shanghai, June, 1928, which in turn consists of foreign capitalists and has been traditionally dictated to by foreign Consuls...
...Thomas then introduced Mrs...
...In time they will make a r'emand for it, though at present thsy a r e more interested in their desperate financial problem than in electrical power...
...This situation led to the miners' proposal, in 1923, for the liquidation of ownership in the an thracite region...
...The imperialist nations cultivate racial and nationalistic dogmas fijn* the preservation of capitalism...
...F r i d a y M o r n i n g: The Problems of the Cos...
...An important decision was mad* regarding th* attitude of Minnesota Sociatilts toward the Farmer-Labor party of that Stat*, la th* form of a resolution that it the the sense of the conference ^hat the Socialists of the State may continue for the present to co-operate a* individuals with the Farmer-Labor party, but that the Socialist Party should be built up and n.aintained as an educational force in the State, ready, if the Farmer-Labor party should fail to function as the party of the real producers, to resume its activities as a full-fledged political party...
...First he called attention to the extraordinary progress of electrical science...
...We would like to have thp**i*Jids of name* and we will have them if YOU will act...
...The average wage of workers varies from M.00 to $8.00 pu month, which is below the amount necessary for bare existence in Shanghai...
...This resolution was adopted without a dessentlng vote after a comprehensive debate on the question...
...hind each of whom stands its respective Imperialist government...
...Their headquarter* have often been raided by thft municipal police, under foreign control, and 'onsequentiy suppressed, because they have hMstwP daring as to claim their human rights, and therefore are "Bolshev i s t s " or "Red T e r r o r i s t s , " and are paid by the "Russian" or "sinister agents...
...He ta«l threw the question open to general disnission...
...After brief' discussion t h e resolution wa* unanimously adopted...
...4 Fundamentally, t h e whole s y i - • tern of e x t r a - t e r r i t o r i a l i ty should be abolished, which has given the foreign imperialist* so many immunit i e s and privilege...
...Slavery tH Cm""f Chiefly on account of the vast unemployment and th* exploitation of foreign capitalists, the conditions of Chinese workers are unspeakably wretched...
...Debs literally gave these disruptors the rope with whfch they hung themselves...
...Nativa Factories Ara Insignificant When the Commission wss to mske some recommendations to the Council it was advised "to deal with the settlement ae if it were in t he neture of a watertight compartment...
...There ia no life or accident insurance, no compensation, no old* age pension, etc...
...Clement Wood sang a group of Negro spirituals t o the delight of t h e audience...
...and (Z) Chines* labor has net only to flght against th* Chinese cspitalista, but also against th* dominant foreign capitalists, be...
...Workers Organised 'Selves in 191ft The factory worker* in Shanghai did not organize themselves effectively until 1910, after the' general strike...
...Patriotic organisations, financed by the grand duke* of Capital and Finance, cultivate ancestor worship and glorify the iratifcisfioa* that serve the ruling classes...
...Public Ownership —New Light By NORMAN THOMAS T' A MIME NT, fa the evening Bunshlne following the day gi rain, looked Store beautiful than aWe* to the delegates ar-ftving for the first session of Hi League for Industrial Democracy Conference, on the even-taof Thuradajr, June 25...
...Also, one of the heads of t he California companies recently said t h a t they now intended to give cheap irrigation and power to farmers even a t the expense of city people in order to b u t t r e s s their popularity...
...Annually the coal industry extorts the lives of some 2,500 miners — double the loss of life in Britain with 40 per cent more miners and worst natural conditions in the mines...
...The miners today, while on record in favor of nationalitation, are actually engrossed in t h e fight to maintain the standards and wage scale they have won...
...Other guests at Camp Tam...
...It does not give to the miners a decent living or the rights commonly considered native to America...
...Then followed the somewhat painful task—for the chairman at least —of money...
...It will help to revive interest, promote educational activity and lead to organisation...
...foreign capitalists...
...To than ne lass than to our speakers, pUy, wrights and actors the success *f the conference was due...
...3 The inspectorate system should • be immediately established by inviting foreign experts, who must be closely associated with the Labor movement in Europe, to work in cooperation with the Chinese...
...Armaments are a«iiraialfag on the seas and more wars for the dominion of Capital threaten the peace of the world...
...Our dramatic critic send* u* this somewhat enigmatic message...
...I t is worth while noticing that In Shanghai the British and Japanese owned spindles amount to 967,432 out of 1,740,566...
...t In discussing >ll contemporary Chinese problem* ws must remember that Chins has recently suffered as industrial revelation...
...The first suggestion would get no hearing...
...Broadway h a t never wen anything like i t . " On t h e s t a g e were gathered Mr...
...with more than 8,000 subscriptions for the Amerioan Appeal pledged...
...James fisjpeon, of Toronto, Canada, Vice-President of the Canadian Trades and Labor Congress, mad* a most interesting statement of actual conditions of the Canadian National **ilr»sds, where tit* B. ft O. Plan, jesviding far representation of men ¦ the management of some of the •Hps, is being put into effect...
...Mailly in a graceful speech expressed the pleasure of the camp in having the L. I. D. Conference and introduced the speaker of the evening, James Simpson, Vice-President of the Canadian Trade* and Labor Congress, who spoke on the extent of public ownership in Canada...
...The general consensus of opinion was that it would be folly for thu Socialists at present to attempt to sit up political machinery in the State in opposition to the Faimer-Laboi party, but that Socialist organization for educational purposes had become imperative and that the proper form of this organization was the regular Socialist local and State (organization affiliated with the national organization in the regular way...
...Each man fights for his own band...
...2, United Mine Workers of America, led off with a succinct and graphic picture in the coal fields, especially in the bituminous territory...
...In this country less than 3 per cent of t h e farmers have the convenience of electricity...
...Robert Bruere discussed certain phases of the super-power development...
...Tannenbaum, whoaa services were procured a t t h e last moment, proved a n admirable accompanist...
...Thes* foreign capitalists close their fac-tori** in their own countriea and establish them in China, getting raw rroLWS*wihner.Chi*„k.r JXtw from elsewhere, thanks V) the lew CMAes« tariff, and exploiting cheap Chinese labor for the manufacturers... that titer* hss been an unscrupulous exploitation of cheap labor by foreign capitalists...
...During the Great War t he Chinese who owned cotton mill* were often very prosperous...
...Pessimism and inactivity followed...
...After the publication of the Coal Commission's figures on anthracite profi t s the operators were able to increase their margin per ton, from 69 cents to $1.18, in the first quarter of 1923...
...Even the United States bow operates the Alaskan Railway...
...S. Raushenbush), Iva Scoop (Clement Wood), Dr Blank Brain (Mr...
...DEBS STIRS MINNESOTA SOCIALISTS By MURRAY E. KING ataHE PebB\ meetings A Minneapolis In connection with the present nation-wide organization drive of the Socialist Party amount in their effects to a practical re-birth of the Socialist movement in Minnesota, in the minds of many leading Socialists here...
...It is the present intention of the L. I. D. to have the debate printed or multigraphed so a s to make it generally available...
...Some delegates, however, maintained that the Chinate situation was too remote from tha immediate interests of American students to warrant t a k i n g any action on the matter, and suggested that a campaign against militarism In the schools and college* of America wa* t h e most important activity for students to engage in a t t h e present time...
...Overproduction makes the s t r i k e weapon relatively ineffective, The situation ii bad, but by no means hopeless...
...The New Leader is maintained to help organize the Socialists of the United State* on a more enduring foundation...
...It was the largest outdoor crowd th a t hss assembled under any Labor or progressive auspices sine* the era of disorganization and apathy set in several years ago...
...To remedy this situation the ope r a t o r s have no program...
...A man with ?200,000 a year eata t h e whole fruit of 6,000 men's labor through a whole year...
...Thousands of Pledges Comrade Debs was at his best...
...Some of these for yesrs have been connected prominently with the Farmer-Labor movement...
...It was felt that this kind of organization only would be prepared, in case the Farmer-Laorb party should fail to function as a working-class organization, to step in its plsce and become, as In other states, the essential political party of the workers...
...A well-known Chinese owner who once had three mills with more than $20,000,000 capitnl, has now nothing left...
...This assemblage was moved to great enthusiasm by Debs' masterful address...
...Saturday Afternoon: Discussion for College Student* The afternoon session was devoted to a discussion for college student*, led by Roland A. Gibson...
...2 has 12 or 14, and through them, in spite of difficulties, President Brophy hopes to see his own ideal of public ownership and democratic management achieved...
...Before til* war, outside of the United States, • little over half the world's mileage was in the hands of the pubHc...
...The eonrfortable bungalows and an '-fa... the United States public control is judged by the experience* of ftdtral operationthere was not fetes} ownership — of the railways es*M4ke war, A natural reaction ennA .all war'tine restrictions, plus a *«od of propaganda by pri-vs# interest*, has obscured the real •wees, m p«t#R *tfrtfol...
...Public ownership in an atmosphere of capitalism without adequate organization of the workers on the political and economic field may prove a dubious blessing...
...In tha national field such a question exist* with regard to Muscle Shoals...
...and t h e fourth is the most fundamental because it strike* at t h e root of all evils, but is the most difficult because no Imperialist Government will concede it...
...The New Leader will come as an inspiration to them...
...You c a n ' t mine coal with guns...
...A* a result of the appeal about $300 was raised...
...It drew quite * number of ktstanding veteran Socialists who-have been Inactive for years...
...On motion of Morris Hillquit, the officers of t h e L. I. D. wer instructed to cable Messrs...
...They World State of capitalism k issuing out of the muck and ruin of the World War...
...Since the courts would probably rule against this proposal a second plan was suggested, namely, the r e t i r e m e n t of t he capital by the industry itself...
...Solon DeLeon and Clement Wood wrote the dialogue, Sam Friedman some of the lyric*, and Harry J a y e r original muiic for some of t h e song...
...oiution is far graver and mors dan* gerous than in Europe and America, for two reasons: , (1) It has come suddenly, and Is complete with all the mechanics...
...Then came the debate between Morris Hillquit and Arthur Williams...
...According t o figures submitted to the United S t a t e s Coal Commission, the cost of t h e anthracite mines is about $283,000,000...
...In considering ahe technical side, however, we must not forget t h a t coal r a t h e r than water will continue, even after the effective development of water power sites, t o be our main dependents for superpower...
...To which Algeria, Lee replied that there was abundant evidence that the State ess already inclined to treat a strike oa...
...Tha dinner bell brought the discussion to an abrupt close, but not before tha chairman, Norman Thomas, had expressed hi* doubt of t h e efficacy of an experiment of public ownership of a few Governmen operated minaa in the economic condition* prevailing in the United State...
...Mines President John Brophy, District No...
...Our appeal to our readers now is to follow the example of "Jimmie" Graham...
...In American state* constitutional change in some cases would be necessary to permit t h e S t a t e to go into the business of supplying electric power...
...H. S. Raushenbush, who h a s been employed as an expert by the ant h r a c i t e miners, spoke with special reference to anthracite...
...Send them...
...They have constantly appealed to the owners and the Municipal Council for better lisslsasjfc but have always been refused...
...Soltia and his associates literally shrunk up and malted away under this withering blast and were seen and heard no more during th* conference...
...In Germany a great plant is already in use in which air is used for cooling, necessary for condensation...
...Plans were discussed for the annual student conference next winter, as well a s concrete ways and mean's far students in and out of college t o cooperate with the Labor and radical movements...
...They leave this State with a score of applications for membership In local Minneapolis...
...Most of the speakers dwelt up on the fact that since the political ascendancy of the Farmer-Labor party real propaganda along the line of fundamental economics had ceased...
...Thesa substantial savings cannot be won without the conscious desire of tha miners, nor can Government ownership be effective if the miners sabotage...
...MeAlister Coleman, reporting for a committee of himself and H. S. Raushenbaum appointed for t h e purpose, introduced a resolution calling upon the director* of the L. I. D. to appoint a committee oi experts, representative* of Labor and consumers, to make a study of t h e coal industry and super-power and their interrelation, with a view to prepari n g plana for t h e i r efficient public ownership, which plans should from time to time be r*po, ted to the L. I. D. for consideration and given the widest possible publicity...
...In the gathering were several farmers very enthusiastic for the complete restoration of the Socialist Party in Minnesota ahd clamorous for the early organisation of locals in their Neighborhoods...
...Raushenbush submitted figures to show that by the substitution of 6 per cent bonds for outstanding capital, in 60 years all existing capital could be retired at a cost ranging from 31 cents to 79 cent* per ton, according to what valuation was a c cepted, while the present cost for interest, profit and depreciation approximate $1.20 a ton...
...Nevertheless, public ownership is no magic formula, not even when combined with democratic operation...
...Blanshard and Ward for more details, with the understanding that if the reply warranted they would take the initiative in arranging for relief...
...the capitalist world of the period before the World War...
...Partus Goldman, of Washington, raised the question whether the State might not prove not only hsftaucretic, but tyrannical, in its ajltude to Labor...
...Thomas opened the evening session by reading a cabled appeal from the L. I . D.'s owrl Field Secret a r y , Paul Blanshard, and Professor Harry F. Ward, for relief for the Chinese strikers in Shanghai...
...KNOWLEDGE is the only awe road to final amancipation, The class struggle is today world-wide...
...Many of you have more...
...inventions whfch have been seeu« mulating in Europe for mere th*n two centuries...
...THE struggle for industrial freedom and national lib* erty in China are two party of the same question...
...The storm granted a reprive until the lights were out and the campers safe in bed...
...The Setting This story <• not complete wHtnsjl reference to tea porfactio* 0 f the setting—lake, woods, sky and clouds —and tha joy of good fellowship...
...So in dealing with the problem of improving Chinese labor conditions, the question of abolishing the whole system of e x t r a - t e r r i t o r i a l i t y is essentially involved...
...The conference was thrown open to all Socialists, affiliated or unaffiliated with the Arty...
...An ill-informed working class is a helplaas working class... did what prlfat* management was fail-(ng to do -it eliminated enormous Mstes, secured the cooperation of lapor, *M Coordinated the military and civil task* of the railroads as nothing else could...
...Th* foreign-controlled tariff, taxing only S per cent for all imported good*, raw or manufactured, 1* completely incapable of protecting th* Infant nativa industry...
...The conference registration w*l 176...
...Even the difficult problem of finding super-power gene r a t i n g sites with an abundance of water is today no longer the barrier it once seemed...
...The writer merely wishes to say here that the whole of Shanghai is practically a Settlement, that the native factories in the Chinese city are very insignificant, and that the foreign works outside the Settlement, under the protection of extrat e r r i t o r i a l i t y , are also free from Chinese jurisdiction...
...That cleared the way for t h e play, which was generally voted the best of our annual productions...
...t h a t they are bound to abuse, and which haa wrecked the whole econimic and administrative s t r u c t u r e of t h e Chinese nation...
...It had to consider seriously "how fer, if a t all, i t is practicable to regulate or restrict the employment of children within the Settlement without injuring or unduly interfering with the industries employing them, which industries have to compete with those outside...
...Since ¦ the war the Dawes Plan for tiia sake of repara gap) hss token the railways of Germany out of public control, but against that is to be put the success of me Canadian National Railways 'tti the increase in public control hi Russia...
...Their spokesman, fine Sol-tis, opened the attack by hurling broadside charges against the Minneapolis Socialist aldermen...
...Yet t h e private utility companies of the United State* have long denounced the Ontario Commission for doing—»o they »ay—this very thing...
...There are millions who yet have to learn to th.nk...
...Another has saved his mill by raising a foreign loan of five millions...
...Names and address** handed in for organization purposes .reveal th* fact that this crowd was mad* np of men and women not only from the Twin Cities, but also from-various up-State points...
...Saturday Night: Public Versus Private Ownership Even the thunder conspired to make our big night a success...
...He listened patiently to th* vituperative harangue of the spokesman and as patiently gave the latter th* floor whenever he asked, for ft When the psychological rtanslat arrived and Soltls brought up die question of th* "United Front" Debs let loose hi* entire battery of eloquence, wrath, wit and sarcasm in the most complete expos* of Communist party insanity and crookedness that has ever bean heard in Minnesota...
...Dancing marked the end of a perfect day Sunday Afternoon i A Committee OH Coal and Super-Power The chairman turned to t h e practical question: Whst can we do about the advance of intelligent and democratic public ownership...
...Bertha H. Mailly as the chairman of the evening...
...The following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved: That it is tht sense sf this meeting that public masting* should b* held in the immsdlsts future, wherever possible, to educate th'c public, against imperialism, particularly American imperialism, and to rais* funds for the relief of th# strikers in China...
...m "reducing rather than incrrias-3 ** bureaucracy which now 1E»J"***" by reason of the **<Bdwl neeeassry to »^r^|st«t*ew»m...
...Locals and Branches had been destroyed by the 100 percenters...
...Thurvlay Evening: fBbltf Ownership of Railroads Hsrry W. LeieTler .began with » rtium* of the extent of public own-0$}p of rsilroads, contrasting conditions before end since the great wsr...
...Governo Pinchot rightly insisted that the wage increase, granted in 1923, could be absorbed in most cases my the companies, but the companie not only refused to absorb any of it but added about 14 centa per ton more than was necessary to pass on the increase t o tha consumer...
...Tannenbaum, Assisting in Stage Costuming, Gert r u d e Goddard and Mr...
...It was at least four times as large as th* largest crowd the Farmsr-Labor party was able to muster at its final Open-air rally at the climax of the recant municipal campaign...
...the railroad* as a crime even though they were owned and managed privately...
...It JJMpsSd that at present public •Union in America is more con-J*11**' for service on the railroads 9*"** the rights of the workers...
...Th* large scaled foreign productive machinery has displaced th* small Chinese Industrial organisa* tions and handicraft...
...Brain*, the g r e a t farce-satire by the L. I. D. Playersi is an amazing production...
...2 Then let the Chinese Govern• ment provide a set of well-considered Labor Protection Acts which should be universally enforced, i. e., which should be observed by foreign and native capitalists within and without the settlement alike...
...J u s t why certain enterprises have passed under public management, while others are under private cont r o l , it will be hard to say...
...It breaks down frontiers, promotes kinship of feeling and solidarity of purpose among the workers of all countries, and tends to wipe out the abominable race, national, religious and order distinctions that divide the working class into auspicious groups...
...In i»20, Professor Eliot Jbnei, of Stanford University, maintained that W per cent of railroad mileage in the countries where data was avail ab(*, outside of the United States, was under public ownership...
...Such s rev...
...Into a Stat* bewildered between Farmer-labor opportunism and Communist impossibilism, where there was but one precarious local of the Socialist Party, Debs and his militant cohorts thrust themselves...
...More than SO Socialists from Minneapolis, St Paul, several up-State localities, and several points in western Wisconsin assembled...
...e at present juatify confidence in public awnerihip...
...Goldman was inclined to doubt on the basis of ¦Sjjinerience with Federal employes • Washington...
...Young children, who are supposed to be working, but who hsve been overcome by fatigue, 11* asleep in every corner, some In th* open, others hidden in basket* under a covering of raw cotton...
...We have a potential production in mines now opened of a billion tons with a present annual requirement of only 600 000,000 tons, that is, there are too many mines, too much capital invested, and too many miners...
...The only discordant not* during the conference was created by a group of Communists masquerading as Socialists...
...The play opened with a conference of "brightest minds"—at first without the ladies—called to settle the problem of public ownership...
...F i n k e l ) , Ma i'exas (Gert r u d e Goddard), Mr* Vincent Asthma (Edna P o r t e r ) , Baby Grand Dutchess Anesthesia (Gertrude Weil KJein), Miss Steno (Nellie Nearing...
...Simpson, of Canada, called attention to the success of New Zealand in operating some Government mines and wondered whether anything could bo achieved by a similar attempt in America...
...The foreign capitalists, while perpetuating the cruel practice of exploitation, argued that if they would condescend to be benevolent, they might be handicapped in competing with the native industry...
...The remainder is still largely under foreign capital...
...fine dinner put everyone to the 'right humor for the ftsrt...
...They receive no money, rfhd their conditions of life are practically those of slavery...
...P r i v a t e utilities people are making a great play of what they call consumer ownership, t h a t ic, t he sale of stock to consumers to check the growth of public ownership sentiment...
...Can this last?, No, by the soul of man it cannot* and will not, and shall not.—Car* lyle...
...Every name on the list will receive a copy of The New Leader and a letter...
...This .list is already being reached by The New Leader...
...In time a mora intent., and intelligent interest in the reorganization of the industry is bound to arise, largely through the instrumentality of such study classes as t h e Worke r s Education Movement promote...
...It is carried on t h e book a s $600,000,000 and it pays dividends on a monopoly value of about a billion...
...Following and inspiring speech by this veteran leader setting forth the purpose of the gathering, an unexpected enthusiasm for Socialist organization and the early establishment of the American Appeal developed...
...Games an land and we at and tha combined comfort and good tests of tee camp helped to make the eeeferenoa a aucet-ss...
...Tha union oan also count on t h e strength of union feeling and organization in t h e central competitive field in t h a bituminous territory...
...Therefore, we repeat, EDUCATION of the masse* is the great necessity...
...IP brings new problems, new duties and new responsibilities...
...The children frequently have to stead the whole time they are at work...
...fJSrrim io vlt*1 *<> w'n *ne /o\ *rt,rlw °f our national Wrt <*) In securing the advan-ST!u_,lullfied administration and Sf wWgaUon of existing wastes...
...Simpson's address ••will appear in a subsequent issue of The New L e a d e r ) S a t u r d a y M o r n i n g: Public Ownership or Super-Power The morning session was opened by Harry Laidler's report on the work of the L. I. D. since the last summer conference It was summarized last week in The New Leader...
...It is published to promote sound Socialist education and to give information of the Socialist and Labor movement all over the world...
...In this situation publicity has not proved an adequate remedy...
...The intrusion of the lady conferees, the President's ride on his hobby horse and the "brainy" opinion* of the delegates furnished occasion for songs and dialogues...

Vol. 2 • July 1925 • No. 27

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