THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK NATIONAL Comrade Duty of Hermiiton, Ore-, gou, write* enclosing a rssuittance ; and also a full cargo of coraradeiWjL He and hi* comrad** want speakers, , organisers,...

...It is'not adapted to winter lecture* but for open-air work it I...
...He has his sleeve* rolled up for comething doing in Grand Rapids and Lansing—and hell get away with it—before leaving very soon for Ohio...
...Whan permission it grabtad, open-air meeting*, with out-fPtofn speakers will be held in van j>u» 'jarti of th* city...
...Briefly, the plan I* as follows: Make a uniform rate to all Locals for th* open-air ipeaker but inform the weaker organisations that they will not be obligated to pay the rate unlet* they can.* Being trusted to do their best in the way of finances they generally do it...
...An Invitation is extended to all Socialists to cooperate and make this affair a success...
...OHIO Comrade Panther, of Dayton and Cincinnati, general State hu»tler or ganizer, writes that "things are picking up in Cincinnati, anda real Socialist local will be on the map down in Speaker Longworth'e town...
...In the** two State* where the plan wa* worked the membership and tho Socialist vote increased each year...
...Local secretaries are to (111 tile Wank spares left for inserting ths date and place tor the meeting and send these press notices to the local papers...
...In the case of every speaker sent out st least two press notices, (mimeographed double space) should be sent with announcements of the date...
...Moreover, more speakers were routed by this plsn than under any Other, more.literature wa* sold, more cities and towns Were reached, no heavy deficit* were piled up, and speakers were paid promptly at the end of their tour...
...BROOKLYN Lecture Not** Friday, April 17—-August Claes-tent will lecture on "The True Bends of Love and Marriage," at ths Brownsville Lsbor Lyceum,' 219 Sackman street, Brooklyn, will be the subject of McAthrtor Coleman's lecture at the 6th A. D. Forgm, at the Ridgewood Masqnic Temple Building, Bushwlck and Gate* avenues, Brooklyn, on Sunday afternoon, April 19, at ,1 p. m. This will be th* doling lecture of th* season...
...Also include a town if It has a member at-large who will agree to arrange the meeting...
...Branch 7 announces that Dr...
...Many of the newspapers in the smaller towns will print th* announcement in full...
...received about 6,000 votes...
...Local Hudson County will hold its nominating convention on Monday, April 20 at 8 p. m., at 288 Centra...
...This meeting will consider the question of amalgamation of the 6th and 8th A. D. branches...
...on our plans for a big meeting hare, declaring the proposed speaker was too dangerous a man for war-dim public meeting*, etc But we're •till on th* Job...
...It proved te he • very interesting topic, and Ceartfcfc MM ak handled the question very wett and proved a very intemtteg speaker...
...He'received 30,101 votes...
...avenue, Jersey City...
...Th«*e petitions require 100 signature* and muit be tied with th* various County Clerks not later than June 11...
...Record this information in making up a list of meetings...
...A very successful general membership meeting was held at Machinists' Temple on Sunday...
...The branch now has 75 members, which wss its pre-war strength...
...Blank petition* for Governor will be teni out from the State OsV* shortly, and for this reason It Is most Important that Assembly and other nominations bo mad* at once, a* it will mean a great saving of time and effort if all the petitions are circulated together...
...Admission ten cents...
...And other comrades feel just a* I do and will go the limit...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK NATIONAL Comrade Duty of Hermiiton, Ore-, gou, write* enclosing a rssuittance ; and also a full cargo of coraradeiWjL He and hi* comrad** want speakers, , organisers, revival—want the old- i tine moving movement...
...I believe w* could arrange for a speaker here at any time...
...on Sunday, May 10...
...They are now arranging a testimonial dinner to Eugene V. Debs, in celebration of his fifty years of loyal •ervlce in the Labor movement, at Moiebash't, at 13th and Glrard avenue, at 6:3() p. m , April 28, and indication* are that both the main dining room and the over-flow banquet room will be crowded at that time, Comrades Jams* H. Msurer, Bertha Hole White, and George R. Kirkpatrick, are alto expected to be present...
...And th* coat In th* end, *xperience ha* shown, will be no raor* then under the old plan eo often followed of only giving speakers te the** who are pledged to pay a particular fee...
...BRONX Local Bronx will celebrate Hay, Day with an unusually good concert and some well-known speakers at the McKinley Square Gardens...
...A poor State secretary will let an efficient State organization decline...
...Op May 8, James On*aI, editor of The New Leader, will come to Wath Ington to deliver a lecture on "The Prospects of the Socialist Movement...
...The larger Locals always pay the rate because they can psy it...
...Socialist Party member* will return when activities are resumed...
...It meet* at 1167 Boston road...
...The smaller cities and town* that rarely get a speaker under the 'did plan prove to be good a market foe sales of literature...
...Make up the complete tour and include every city and town where there are organise* tien...
...MANHATTAN Wednesday, April 22 — August Claessens will lecture on "Why Do We Shun Dirty end Menial Work...
...6th and 6th A. D. will meet Tuesday, April 21...
...Only half th* necessary number of signatures have so far been received...
...The Stat* Executive Committee hat called a conference of Pennsylvania Socialists in Harritburg...
...Many of the trade union* opposed th* Republican candidate because of his anti-union record...
...The Socialist representation In the Common Council remain* unchanged...
...I His most important work is to get local organised pns buty and to k**p them buty, a pecislly during the summer months when open-air agitation is possible...
...All Jersey City com radet are urged to call st headquarters for blank petitions...
...The committee decided on the banquet for the inauguration of the campaign...
...This brings the total of new members admitted into the branch in six weeks of Bfl-a record-breaker...
...April 6. The theatre benefit held on April 8 and 7 wa* quite successful and will net the Local a tidy anm of money...
...New Hun 1 The May Day celebration will be held in Hirmanson'i Hall, Sunday evening, May 8. It 1* expected that S. E. Beardiley of New York and Karl Jurstk of Hamden will b* th* ipeaker...
...Often ths collection from a small-town sympathetic audience is surprising, It Is often equal telW for which the Local Socialists feared to guarantee...
...j. . Many Statu have followed the custom of routing a speaker Only to such cities and towns as are able to guarantee a certain fee and expenses...
...Claessens, of New York, an the speaker of the evening...
...All Pennsylvania Socialist* who can poulbly be ia Harritburg on that day should autke it a point to attend...
...They increased their representation In the school board from four to five by the election of George 0. Strehlow...
...County and municipal petitions must also be filed with the County Clerk...
...Th* purpose i* to revive the el&JMe Socialist spirit, to dotormia* pUne for future work aad also to doter-mine the attitude which PimWl vania Socialists, shall take toward th* th* Pennsylvania Labor party whose convention meet* in IIsiWl burg On May 11...
...Final action win' he token at this meeting, and at large sn attendance as possible is very important...
...In the towns and Smaller cities it Is more important because such meetings depend upon traveling sneakers...
...State committees fear to take the risk of including the weak centers for fear of resizing a deficit on the work of th* speaker...
...The writer has served as an executive of two State oganirations and In both has followed a plan that brought excellent results...
...We want something doing and the *ooner the better...
...The membership will increase...
...Watch for further announcements...
...With from six to ten speakers going into every city and town that can be reached in the summer month* the Party will expand generally end not be confined to th* larger cities...
...DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Socialist party activities will b* revived and propaganda work re- ] sumed in the District of Columbia, when Socialists of the Capitol will r hold a banquet at the Madrilllon Cafe, with August...
...Activity will be uniform throughout the State...
...Th* time will be announced late...
...MISSOURI In the recent city election in St...
...On th* other hand, they worked for th* Democratic candidate who** manager was formerly preal-dent of the Chamber of Commerce aud who led the op*n-*hop fight ¦gams* in* Typogrepbiaei Uutou...
...The forum will r*-op*n In October and by that time the 5th A. D. hope* to raise a sustaining fund large enough to carry on through the winter and establish the forum as a permanent local institution...
...NEW YORK vonh*r* Local Thriving Eighteen ew member* were admitted at the last meeting of Local Yonker* Wedneiday night at War-barton Hall...
...w* had KO in cash ready for ! s speaker some years ago, bat the Governor of the State put a heavy bee...
...The revival of the branch is due to the work of Comrade 8. H. fitllle, organiser attached to the State office...
...Th* Stat* Committee alio decided that, a* Comrade Leo M. Narkina of Camden I* th* only nominee who ha* accepted, and a* th* tun* is now so short, hi be declared the party's candidate for Governor, Comrad* Harklns has been a member of the party for seventeen years, is a member of the National Executive Committee, and, although a resident of New Jersey, ha* been General Secretary of Local Philadelphia for the past five year...
...Do rot wsit for formal applications for the speaker...
...CONNECTICUT Hataeea A meeting of Local Hamden will be held »t the home of Gustavo Ber-ouist, M Millie str.*t, Friday evea-i iag, April 17...
...The 2nd...
...New members aro coming In at each meeting and many activities are converting this branch into the liveliest one of the county end city...
...Without imagination and resources a State secretary is a liability to ihe State organization...
...Comrade* throughout Eastern Pennsylvania are arranging to attend this 'affair...
...A committee of seven, of which , Morris Stamen of New York ia chairman, was selected at a recant > meeting to plan for a series of in I door and outdoor meetings...
...The Y. P. S. L. of th* Bronx will hold an entertainment and dance on Saturday, April 25, at 1167 Boston road...
...The three branches of the Socialist , Party, the Workmen's Circle, and a number of liberals are expected to cooperate to assure the success of the undertaking...
...He reports that ail along th* dine there is a vigorous desire for the national Socialist weekly newspaper—"simply must have it and when we do have such a paper the movement will go forward by leaps and bounds.*" WISCONSIN In the city election last week Milwaukee Socialists continued their Jong record of small but substantial gains...
...In the larger cities street cofner agitation is so common that it" is taken as a matter of course...
...Comrade William H. Henry, in a Utter after leaving Detroit, reports distinct revival spirit and activity at Jackson, Battle Creek, Pon-tiac, Flushing, Kalamazoo and Albion...
...Nomination* for th* Assembly and the State Senate are meet important, a* th* vote for the Aesembly candidate* determine* party (tending in New J*r**y...
...I will give f 10 or better any time to help get a speaker for our local...
...In the one ward where an Alderman wa* chosen, Comrade Edward M. Collins was elected over a combination supporting a "nonpartisan" opponent...
...Admission is Another entertainment and dance will bo held on Saturdax*flbr?v...
...One big saving is effected by this plsn...
...The agnaller organisation* will be grateful for being so generously helped...
...Thia is an estimate and it will require probably a week to de-tfVmin* tb* real vote...
...The average expense for csr fare eech day is reduced to a minimum because of the numerous short "jumps... this branch and one more *nJ0y*bl* evening is promised in addition to the many affairs it ha* so suce***> fully held this season...
...The result is that weak organisations tpd towns are neglected...
...G. A. Hoehm, editor of St...
...Announce who he Is, the rate charged (with the proviso mentioned for weak Local*), and when you expect him to enter the State...
...He writ...
...The Republican candidate was elected...
...Anna Iiigcniian will lecture on "Socialism and the Social Revolution" on Thursday, April 30, at the headquarters, 4215 Third avenue...
...MICHIGAN Michigan ia coming back all right...* «*peeled vha>t a large uuwaer of the NO former...
...y 8th A. D. A special meeting of the 8th A, I)., will be held Friday evening, April 17, at 207 East 10th street...
...Local Wettmorelartd has mad* typewritten list* of all rtglatorad Socialist* in that county and It arranging to .interview each en* personally In th* near future they hope to hold a county wide euchre •nd later in the summer a picnic NEW JERSEY Harkiaa for Governor Because of tb* advancement of th* filing date for petition* from September to June, the State Commit-too at ill meeting on April 12 voted it) Inttruct all party local* and brsnshoe throughout the State immediately to mage nomination* for State, couaty and municipal office...
...Boston YIpsels Comrade Joseph Bearak ¦poke te the Yintel* recently on "How 4 Union Was Formed in the Needle Trades...
...Louis Labor and Socialist candidate for Mavor...
...The Party Builder State Secretaries AN efficient State secretary can rebuild a poor organization... the Hsrlem Educational Centre, 62 East 108th street...
...PENNSYLVANIA Local Philadelphia is determined to surmount all difficulties...
...All duee^pafinf Socialist* of Pennsylvania will bo admitted by showing their pad card...
...At this meeting all petition* for th* Jeriey City (onimitsion election (which taken place In May) must bo turned In, a* they mutt be filed April 26...
...Man Lewis, secretary to Representative Victor L. Berger, ha* applied to th* District authorities for persntstien to resume th* open-air meeting*, which were dlaeen-Unwed by the order of the authorities during the war...
...If there are any days in the week a Local -desires to avoid it is requested to mention it...

Vol. 2 • April 1925 • No. 16

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