N. Y. SOCIALISTS CONVENE Restore Debs' Civil Rights! "Suite** Senator Fall" of Arisona is * cHiien with full civil rights. Chief Justice William Howard Taft, with his ten-thousand-dollar yearly...

...Coolidge to ris* to the sporting level of the old-time Republicans who reinstated Jefferson Davis and his generals, and said: "The war is overt Away with hatred 1 Away with cheap revenge...
...Shortly before the convention adjourned the following telegram was received from the Jewish Socialist Verband through its Nationa' Executive Committee: "Socialist Party Branches, Greater New York: "Please express to the members present our l.cartfelt congratulations and best wishes for the good work the/ have done in the past...
...That the conventioa adopt a platform and do all things necessary to carry on a united municipal campaign...
...there is the noble-hearted Debs made an alien, robbed of his civil rights after being jailed for years in a Federal priaon, robted of his rights for speaking as he had a right to speak on tne war, for speaking with the courage of the prophets...
...The Arrangements Committee itself to act es the Credentiaia Committee...
...Campaign and Organisation...
...Comrade Waldman was deirign!ted as chairman of this committee, with instruction...
...f. To arrange for and attend to publicity matters...
...Thii'Clty Campaign and Organization Committee to be composed as follows: a. Two members of each of the Countiea of Bronx, Kinga and Manhattan, and one eaeh from Queeni and Richmond...
...Barnet Wolff from Qupens and Fred Rosenthal from Klchmond...
...But tW* is Gene Debs, who h*s given fifty years of Ms life for the welfare of the workers...
...Comrade G. A. Gerber was selected as chairman and instructed to call this committee to meet and to prepare a plan to be aubmitted to the •Convention...
...The important matter that brought out a long Mscussion, a number of amendments, amendments to amendments, substitutes and withdrawal of 'motions, was the report of the Committee on Organization and Campaign...
...Of the momea raised by the City Finance Committee, It per cent ahall be aet aside to be equally divided among Bronx, Kinga and Manhattan county organizations...
...One of the last actions of the convention was a motion by Delegate Feigenbaum that th...
...The following committees were elected: Platform: W. M. Feigenbaum, Harry Laidler, Louis Waldman, Charles Solomon, James Oneal, B. Charney Vladeck, Samuel Orr, Norman Thomas, Frank Crosswaith and Harriot Stanton Blatch...
...This report ottered a wide range for suggestions and criticisms and, before adoption, was changed by a number of insertions, the most important being an amendment by Norman Thomas and one by Morris Hillquit...
...That this City Csmpaign and Organization Committee be elected at once: and the county organizations be instructed to select their representatives to thia committee...
...Governor of New York, Albany, N. Y. Dear Mr...
...We trust that you will rise to the rrieat opportunity before you by signng a measure of so great merit aa the one mentioned...
...I Of the aieniea raiaoS by the ceaatjr nfgaalietlena frees Individuals gioepa and supporters la the* respective territories, the county ergeauetioas ahall retaia the satire sun by the* so eelleeted...
...S. That th* solicitation of fMnd> front International and National Union bodies...
...On Monday, April 6, at 8.80 p. m., Joieph Jablonower will lecture on "The Drama of Soeial-Confllct...
...Nationsl Executive, "Jewish Socialist Verbsnd...
...We fervently hope that your good health will continue sua thst your unconquerable apirit will cheer us for the atruggle aheed...
...Debs, marked by a host of men and women as a magnificent embodiment of the real spirit of Christ...
...The statement follows: "The Convention Arrangements Committee, consisting of two members from Locals New York, Bronx aid linn end one eech from Locals Queens end Richmond, was organized •a the lolicitation of Locsl New York ts make arrangements for the City Gaevantion called by the State Exnative Committee...
...RAND SCHOOL NOTES On Saturday, April 4, at 1.30 p. m„ Scott Nearing will discuss "Labor Banks am...
...and fraternal bodiea be Apportioned to the eeveral county er gsaisstions for tbe collection of fuada, and the aieniea as collected afcall all remain with tbe county organisation...
...elccted on the Plattons Committee are Louie Waldman, Harriet Stanton Blatch, Algernon Ue, UorrU Hillquit, Charlea Solomon, Molph Warahow, James Oneal •ad Merman Thomas...
...The duties of this City Campaign and Organisation Committee shall be: a. To organize and co-ordinate the activities of the county organisations, to get the maximum beat results for a concerted municipal campaign...
...Any mechanical device that makes possible an accurate record of the actual votes cast should be welcomed by all honest citizens of all political plrties...
...About UO *elegatee were preaent, ,y the eager discussions revealed Totalise interest in the problem „f piiijr building and the coming tssipeign...
...Thousands of truat magnates who have openly, defiantly, treasonably broken the anti-trust law for thirtylive years still have their full civil rights...
...Very respectfully yours, SOCIALIST TARTY CONVENTION, New York City...
...There is also the fact that the ease with which the present form of voting permits of fraud also encourages t!'e use of violence at the polls...
...That thia City Campaign and Organization Committee shall at once proceed to the fulfillment of lis duties...
...V. To organize a financial drive for the coming city campaign—the City Campaign and Organisation Committee shsTl: a. Organize a Committee on Finance and the county organization...
...Both amendments ^carried...
...erganisationa aupporting inter-local activities and city, pride campaign aeeda shell be tbe sole prerogative ef the City Finance Committee...
...May their decisions of today be such as to keep up the good work as in the past...
...c. Print posters for the city campaign...
...ahall work with and under ths directive of tfcia Ct(y Future Coasaaittee b. The Bodies rmieeS by the City Caaapugn sad Organisation CsnniiMe through the activities ef tbe Fi suet Cemaitte* and tk« eveaty *rKmtauene akeil he divided ea fairs...
...Louis Uiitermeyer Will lecture on "Poetry aa Color"—Tha Imagists, Amy Lowell...
...On Friday, April 10, at 8.30 p. m., Mr...
...e. To arrange and hold meetin/i for the candidates on the city ticket...
...8. Money-raising campaigns through such mediums as the Jewish Daily Forward and The New Leader shall be by the City Campaign and Organiration Committee...
...and activitlea be made possible—and to report the results of this work to a meeting of this Convention not later than five weeks from the date of this Convention...
...At 7.00 p. m., the same evening, Dr...
...Rich mond and Queena to receive special consideration from the City Campaign and Organization Committee VI...
...hal eWseliats ef local anion...
...Following is the amended report: Report of Committee on Organisation and Campaign I. The committee recommends the formation of a City Campaign and Organisation Committee of seventeen members...
...In order to organize and coordinate the activities ef the county organizations to get the maximum best results for a concerted municipal campaign, this City Campaign ar.d Organization Committee shall a. Employ and Toute speakers for use in the campaign...
...aa the Workmen's Circle Branches are to be aollcited through the office of the City Campaign and Organization Committee...
...Morris H. Kshn will discuss "The Phenomena ot Inheritance" in his course on Heredity and tiugenics...
...4. Such organization...
...Fichandler, Thomas Rogers, Emmerich Steinberger, Algernon Lee, August Claessens, Jacob Panken, Meyer Gillis and May Harris Mainland...
...paign Committee to endeavor to obtain the cooperation of Labor unioni^ cooperatives, fraternal aocletiea and progressive groups in the coming municipal campaign, and with thst end in view, if the way be clear, to call a city convention of such organizations and groupa together with the Socialist Party...
...Fraternally submitted, G AUGUST GERBER, Chairman...
...While the committee doea not want to interfere with the prerogafives of the convention, it reeommends, however, that aa soon as the convention haa organiied, by electing its officers and committeee, that the convention proceed to conaider the report of the committee on plana for the campaign and organiaation, and that the convention, after it has acted on the report of thia committee, adjourn to Saturday, June 20, when the convention ahall adopt a platform, nominate candidates, and transact auch other business as may com* before it...
...IT Was * spirited gathering 0f 100 delegates and viaiwh0 packed the pmnaT" 0f the R*nd School in ¦Cw York City on S*turd*y March 28, to attend tie city convention of the SoekUst P«rty Every se,t w4i flTtupted, while many com^de, stood in the resr and stsr the side entrance...
...Provided, that every participating group and organization be definitely in opppsition to the principles and candidatea of the Democratic and Republican parties and that the convention be obligated to put a full municipal ticket in the fteld without endorsement of any Democratic or Republican candidate...
...We assume that you are aware of frequent frauds and charges o! frauds that have accompanied many elections, the unfair counting of ballots in some instances and mutilation of ballots in others...
...t. These members are to be designated by their respective locals...
...Joe Viola and Arthur Rosenberg from Kings...
...In caae of a vacancy in these nine membera the committee shall fill it...
...Louis Waldman, Norman Thomas, Charles Kruse, D. Reason, Frank Crosswaith, G. August Gerber, Leonard Bright, W. M. Feigenbaum, Arthur Rosenberg...
...fKtive solidarity and to brin* all ffrty institutions into closer cooptration with eafch other...
...Igttte Secretary Merrill opened the (Uiventioe...
...Banking" at his Current Events Clsss at the Rand School, 7 East 15th street...
...The comrade...
...h. Print literature and leaflets for the use of the county organizations...
...Retentional J^mes Oneal, Al^x...
...31, 1925, to receive the report and any recommendations of the City Campaign and Organization Committee...
...b. Nine members to be elected by the Convention...
...Tens of thousands of American citizens who are justly hated for their outrageous robbing of the people of the necessaries of life—all these and thousands just like them in spirit and purpose are in the full enjoyment of their civil rights...
...And these things are well known to the President of the United States...
...h. To organize a financial drive for the coming municipal campaign...
...This Convention to be organized as a permanent body until after election, to meet subject to the call of the City Campaign and Oiv gunization Committee...
...A. Kenn»s»y and A. Claesaena from the ftmz...
...The approval of thia measure will tend to remove some of the worst features of elections which have disgraced New York City for mirny years...
...The committee also prepared the Rules of Order and the Order of I'uainess for the convention...
...A meeting of thia Convention shall be held not Inter than Dec...
...Chief Justice William Howard Taft, with his ten-thousand-dollar yearly tip from the law breaking Carnegie Steel interest*, is *l*o in full enjoyment of hi* civil right*, including the right to take the befouling Up of ten thousand...
...Thousands of thugs, rogues, gamblers, oil thieves, lumber thieves, profiteers end professional corruptioniat* h*ve their full civil rights...
...John Gould Fletcher, "H D." in his series of Talks on Modern Poetry...
...A million citizens should deluge the President of this land and urge justice to Debs, urge Mr...
...Debs, the best loved man in America...
...Alfred E. Smith...
...Governor: By action of the city convention of the Socialist Party of the City of New York we urge upon you the importance of approving the bill for the establishment of voting machines In cities having a population of 175,000 or more...
...Julius Gerber wss Js«itd chairman, August Oiaessena, vice rhairma*, and Joseph Viola, secrets ry...
...to call the committae to meet, and see that a draft of a platform is prepared for tha convention...
...c. That a committee of eleven be elected, three from Manhettan, the Bronx and Kings, and one esch from Richmond and Queens, to make aa complete a survey as possible of the conditions and activities and needa of the Party organizations and (ubdivisions in the City of New YorW— this to include all auxiliary, associated and related groups and organizations—and to work out sa complete » plan as possible for the unification and co-ordination of the activities and efforts of ell to the end that a centralized, ordered and diaciplined organization of Socialist effort...
...The Committee, in order to save till of the convention, decided to sleet a Committee on Platform to prepare a draft of e platform to be •admitted to the convention, and a committee to prepare a plan on csmprifa and organization to be submitted to the convention...
...The committee has sent the fol; lowing letter to the Governor: New York City, March 28, 1823...
...Morris Hillquit, Algernon Lee, G. August Gerber, Louis Sadoff, Abraham Shiplacoff, B. Charney Vladeck, Samuel Orr, Patrick Murphy, August Claessens, James Oneal and Fred Rosenthal...
...We wish to anure you thet virile, treeing and active Soeialiet Party of Greater New York will greet you when you again arrive in our midst," C. August Gerber then presented s statement of the work of the Arrangements Committee, which was accepted by the convention...
...ZZ, orfSBiiatieBS into a more ef...
...This document is Important in that it forecasts the work of Party organisation and the coming campaign as planned by the convention...
...Whet stood out in thii (invention wss tbe deWrminstion of !L delegates to avoid a repetition Tth, conflict of plans in the comuig 2s>i>aign, a deal re to .bring tbe bor...
...of natr activity...
...d. It shall be the duty of the Cam...
...The committee to prepare a plan far the campaign and organisation is composed of the following Comrades: 0. A Berber, Henry Fruohter and Algernon Lee from New York...
...A. ROSENBERG, A. KANNASSY, Committee...
...and of the two each in Bronx, Kings and Manhattan, one shall be the Executive Secretary...
...Such devices are available and the signing of the bill now before you will contribute much toward an honest count of the votea of citizens and help to wipe out certain Eradices at elections of which all cneat citizens are ashamed...
...convention instruct the Resolutions Committee to send a statement to Governor Smith urging him to sign the bill providing for the installment of voting machines in cities with a population of 175,0 1 or more...
...As soon as the convention was orr»;jted, August Claessens moved that the following telegram be sent t« Eugene V. Debs, which was ordr,;ei: "The delegates assembled in the NewVerk City convAition of the Socialist Party send you their fraterasl MM tings «nd pledge to do their utns|t sharo in the great revive...
...t Thet the City Finance Committee shall preanre for the nee of each local liate ©Alocal aaiene>*nd frat. ma) boSiea...
...not more than four of them shall be membera of any one county organization...
...g. To take over the management of the forthcoming mass convention in September...

Vol. 2 • April 1925 • No. 14

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