TO BUILD FOR SOCIALISM By BERTHA HALE WHITE National Secretary, Socialist Party. DURING the past months we have examined into methods, compared the methods of the present with the methods of the...

...The most powerful publication of all, with a circulation of a half-million, disagreed with the party on questions of policy...
...reading Socialist books Sad leaflets—distributed by party members...
...Fruits of Socialist Activity So much for the press...
...Plans are being made for the employment of the whole,army in such works of reconstruction...
...DURING the past months we have examined into methods, compared the methods of the present with the methods of the past when the Socialist Party ways steadily increasing-in power and prestige...
...In the survey made years ago, these three phases of party activity almost equalled the power of the Socialist press...
...It sowed ths seeds of suspicion and discord—and in one single year, 29,869 names wars dropped from the roster of party membership...
...PLANS AND PROGRESS IN MEXICO Mexico Labor Expels Communists — From fVar to Peace-Labor Attaches, An Innovation in Diplomatic Practice By ROBERTO HABERMAN AT the sixth convention of the Mexican Federation of Labor a resolution was adopted as follows: "While the Mexican Federation of Labor is not against Russia, while it should support the Russian Labor movement and the Russian revolution, and should respect the right of the Russian people to establish the regime best suited to the realization of their aspirations and interests...
...A Danger to Avoid The privately owned Socialist press is dangerous and wasteful of our resources...
...In the history of this one great Socialist paper can be found not only an example of the tremendous power of the press to build for Socialism, but also the clearest possible proof of the menace which such a paper can become when the party has no authority or control over it...
...It wanted to knew why the membership wss growing so rapidly...
...The Socialist papers that managed to survive at all were restricted and limited until they served only to reach local or State membership...
...In the light of this survey, the Nations...
...The Labor body Is most emphatic in declaring that the only reason forSts attitude and action on this matter is the fact that the Communist party in Mexico, regardless of conditions and problems peculiar to this country which are quiet different from those obtaining in Russia, continues to conduct a hostile propaganda entirely unrelated to the actual needs and conditions prevailing here, but in accordance with the absurdities emanating from Moscow...
...It proved thst the "prejudice sgainst the Socialist Party" is a cleverly maintained fiction of our enemies...
...The Lyceum was tremendously auoeessful in promoting the Socialist press...
...We tewat tan ear eyes forward...
...How create the aew sad adequate machinery...
...Among the many resolutions adopted was one providing that the Labor movements in their respective countries endeavor to influence their governments to appoint representatives of Labor as attaches with their respective embassies...
...Whst were ths results in terms of membership...
...Only a short time ago, the Central Labor Council of Mexico City expelled Mr...
...10, expelled Its secretary-general, Jesus Bernal, who is a member of the Communist pajty...
...Not only did this publication, built by the hard work, the loyal enthusiasm of party members, serve the agents of disintegration from that time on, but when the dark forces of tyranny and oppression were loosed upon the Socialist Party during the war, this publication was the first to demand the Socialist Party's crucifixion, the first to broadcast the charge of treason against party officials...
...A powerful Socialist press wss created, but It was not owned by the organised movement...
...Aide gWreau, which i. pan ef hi* Department...
...Eugene V. Debs, as Editor-in-Chief, helped to create the greatest circulation In the world for a Socialist weekly...
...That part of the army which is left is being used at the present time for the building of roads, which are almost unknown in Mexico, and on other public works...
...They no loi.ger brought new numbers in snd the expense of keeping the papers alive fell to a limited number, imposing upon them an unbearable burden...
...Many who came back were so embittered by their experience they were intolerant of the slow processes of evolution and they had neithsr time nor pstience for educational work...
...Discussion—with party members...
...The Mexican Federation of Labor does not snd will not permit the establishment in Mexicc of a party, calling itself the Communist party, which shapes its tactics and objectives not in accordance with . the need and conditions prevailing in Mexico, but in accordance with instructions received from Moscow, Russia.'" , The resolution Was adopted unanimously...
...Canuto A. Vargas, who for six years has been the Spanish secretary of the Pan-American Federation of Labor at Washington, and who is a member of the Miners' Union of Arizona, left for Washington on Feb...
...14, as the first Labor Attache to be appointed, I believe, by any government...
...What made the Socialiat Party a power thirteen years ago...
...During this period, he brought thousands into the Socialist Party...
...The main plonk in their fighting program is the establishment of the Civil Service in Mexico, and the Preamble of their Constitution reads: "The Mexican Association of -Public Employees seeks as its goal the establishment of bonds of solidarity, not only with the public employees but also with the other members of the working-class, of which it is a part...
...All Labor unions in Mexico have been notified of these two expulsions...
...This is why the work which those Labor attaches will perform must be considered highly beneficial for our country, of colos-V importance...
...We| had more than five thousand active locals and branches throughout ths country...
...To prevent any possible friction between the immigrants, who are coming into Mexico in large numbers, and the native Mexican workers—due to the fact that the immigrants compete with the Mexicans for jobs—the Association of Socialist Teachers, of Mexico, an organization affiliated with the Mexican Federation or Labor, is planning the Mexicanization of all foreigners, by opening night schools in which will be taught reading, writing and speaking of the Spanish language, the history and geogrt;phy of Mexico, the history of the Mexican revolution, and the meaning of the Constitution of 1917, especially that part of the Constitution which relates to Article 27, which places the title to all property in the nation as a whole, and to Article 123, which is probably the most radical Labor code in existence...
...Bertram Wolfe, the delegate to that body from the Reporters' Union, for the same reason—membership in the Communist party...
...It is not true...
...Luis N. Morones, in a statement given to the press relative to the appointment of Vargas to this post, says: "Above all, this act of the President is establishing a presidential precedent, and at the same time fulfilling a need whicl is very urgent in these times, because nothing is more just and necessary than that all elements nnd factors which make up the life of a country should be profoundly studied by other countries, especially by those in other countries who have dedicated themselves to the solution of these problems which affect and ihapc a parti, ular branch of...
...Instead of supporting the organization, it began to attack the organization...
...The** application* do not cover nil unemployed Th* figure* indicate at load 80,000 out ef work, .. tbeueend* do net register with the city, aad many other* might Jeat a* well he east of work rince they are working only pert tint...
...Today we need organisers, We need young men...
...This notable reduction has been brought about by the mustering out of service of whole regiments of soldiers, by the complete elimination of the First Reserve Corps, composed of ion generals and 600 officers who aro drawing half pay...
...Other Labor attaches will be appointed for Berlin, Paris, with jurisdiction over Europe, one for Buenos Aires and another in Central America...
...that the preset wiatgc ha* heea the woret UdusUiallr since he aeeeesed oSaos in JSlO, that sieve oppli-catiou* here been mode for charity dole* to the City Welfare Department than in any other winter withie the aanw ported...
...Ofltoe planned its work...
...He declares the weekly paper, owned by the party, eea> trolled by the party, directed by the party, will give him the voice he must have to fulfill his mission...
...They have applied for affiliation with the...
...Organize Federal Employees The new union called the Mexican Employees of Public Officials already counts 3,500 members...
...In compliance with this resolution, the Carpenters' Union of the Federal District, on Feb...
...But in the days of crisis, the paper turned upon all who remained faithful to the heroic principles of Socialism and joined hands with those who silenced and persecuted Eugene V. Debs, and were guilty of the final infamy of his Imprisonment...
...COOUDGE CONDITIONS IN BUFFALO City CoBMuieoteoor frguJi C. Perkin*, of ¦usTaU, jeet reported to the legale City Council that at present thoro are 88,000 eppUea tiont on hie from the joblee* worker, L the luddstria...
...He was appointed by President Calles on the recommendati' n of Luis N. Morones, head of the Mexican Labor Movement, end at present Minister of Commerce, Labor and Industry in the Cabinet of President Calles...
...This is the third expulsion of a Communist taking place within the brief period of a few weekB...
...All honor to those fsithful snd courageous ones who held the thin red line through the critical years...
...In 1912 we had a great membership...
...The.second yesr ssw an increase of 16,708, and in the three months preceding the 1912 National Convention, 41,110 men and women wars admitted to membership...
...Crimes of violence against Socialist workers snd organizers were distinctly encouraged by a bland tolerance from those who hac sworn to uphold the law...
...The first yesr after the survey (1916), 16,883 new members joined the party...
...At the close ef 191t, there were 898 Socialist publications in this country, of which 87T were printed in English sad five wsre dslly papers...
...Just as in the past we have had commercial and military attaches in the embassies, whosi work has been tt study everything related to their particular branches of human activity, so now there I...
...It also has expelled Manuel Becerra of the Ironworkers' Union...
...Press, Literature, Discussion—through these snd through these Only shall we have the greater Socialist Party easily possible todey... to the Council was the tret aad aedy public recognition in the pre** of the real problem ef unemployment aew prowing in Buffalo...
...Duties of Labor Attaches The main duties of those Labor attaches will be to study the labor, cooperative and other social movements within their jurisdiction, the laws of the various countries relating to Labor and social reform, and to bring about more cordial relations between the workers of Mexico and the workers of other countries, and in general to gather and to send information, and to study all problems' related to the working-classes of the various countries...
...This is a resume of a period that isai closed...
...Only II out of every 100 members came Into the party through lectures and street meetings...
...1, 1TT24...
...Their program also states that while it may not be necessary for them to join In a general strike in rase the other unions are affected, they can, however, help by contributing financially, and they reserve the right "to use energetic means when the revolutionary institutions of the country find themselves in imminent danger (regardless of the causes of this danger), in a frank and definite colloboration .with other revolutionary elements of which the proletariat is composed...
...Subscription cards wars sold at every meeting, in shops snd factories and offices The great Lyceum Course of 4*U-I» wis eindaotsd upon a sub-esrd basis...
...What is lacking todty...
...We had more than a j thousand elected officials...
...But how much do we want him to Save itt To rebuild the Soclslist Party-ths spoken and the written word of Socialism...
...There is a disposition in some quarters to think the decrease in party membership is the result of lessened Socialiat sentiment...
...Nut in effectiveness was the personal work of party members supplemented by organisers...
...Whoa Coaasaiaeienor Perkin* presented thie report to the City Council he celled attention to tke myth ef "Coolidge prosperity...
...human activity...
...Com-m...ioner Perkin...
...It is composed of all public servants, be they employed by the Federal Government, by the States or the municipalities...
...In every way, Socialist papers, ths moat sffeetlve, most powerful agency for Socialism, were supported...
...We want him to have It It is vastly important to us that be shall have this voice...
...If the recent campaign proved anything at all through its wider contacts with non-party members, it (roved that the belief in So ciblism is ever growing...
...If promoting the Socialist press became dangerous st times, to discuss Socialism waa a dangerous thing through the whole war period and for a long time after "coming of peace.'' Literature could not be sold or distributed with any guarantee of safety...
...That is, it realizes that the workers and the peasants must together occupy their rightful places within the class struggle, and they wish to destroy the idea that they, the Government employees, constitute an Intermediary or middle-class, a sort of a buffer-class between the capitalist and the proletariat, when in reality they are nothing but Workers who sell their labor power for wages...
...Te build the Socialist Party—what is asfssesST...
...19 were made Socialists through talking with Socialist IT wars made Socialists through rlading booki and t**H*l...
...Wo know he has a message for the millions, Hs cannot speak to those millions, face to face...
...what it was that made Socialists and brought them into ths organised movement...
...But during .the war countless numbers of Socialist men and boys were in the millions sent to the bloody trenches in France-Some remained forever...
...the budget for the Ministry of War and Navy was reduced from 180,000,000 pesos, the amount spent last year, to 87,000,-000 pesos for 192f>—a reduction of 43,000,000...
...With the election by the Labor movement in Mexico of Plutarco Elias Calles as President of Mexico, this part of the program of the Pan-American Federation of Labor has become a fact...
...The results were interesting, They showed thst out of every hundred members, e 39 were made Socialists by reading Sotialilt paptrt...
...nothing more just and logical, whui Labor is becoming a factor the world over, and the governments of so many countries are in the hands of Labor, that Labor attaches should be ap-pi inted who must have an equal opportunity to study the problems related to Labor . . ." N. ' Noli: It'is important to note that uo naval or military nltaches have been appointee to any Mexican om-barsy this year, and none will be appointed...
...About fifteen years ago the National Office conducted a survey...
...So the work of maintaining the party and defending it from those who sought its destruction was left to the few who dould serve snd were ready to serve... were mads Socialists through study tturttt...
...Mexican Federation of Labor...
...No wonder the comrades were inspired to work early and late for the party with a membership more than doubled In two years' time I But there wss a fatal flaw in this splendid machinery...
...He declares he has a message...
...The voice of Socialism in the United States was silenced-From 298 weekly publications in 1912 the number was reduced to 28 for 1924...
...During the war, autocracy made it dangerous to distribute or seek support for Socialist publications, I'ai cr after naner was forced to suspend because those who promoted and supported it in former years ware unable to continue...
...Labor Attaches 1 The first convention of delegates of the American Federation of Labor, the Mexican Federation of Labor, and representatives ef other Latin-American countries, held at Laredo, Texas in 1916, under the Presidency of Samuel Gompers, resulted in the formation of the Pan-American Federation of Labor...
...The corps of field workers was scattered...
...Today, Eugene V. Doha, who never asked anything for himself, ig asking far a voice with which he asay serve the cause to which ho sea* secreted his life fifty years ago...
...From War to Peace The process of converting swords and cannons into ploughshares, and pruning hooks into books, blackboards, pencils, etc., is going on at a rapid rate In Mexico...
...It is used for the specific purpose of discouraging the old crusader epirit among the Socialists...
...On Dec...
...Leaking Forward So the old, effective type of party organiser was forced to turn his attention to other pursuits...
...Organizers were driven from the field and Socialist discussion was silenced everywhere...

Vol. 2 • March 1925 • No. 11

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