An Actress' Heart

An Actress' Heart "Starlight" With Dori* K*an* ai th* Broadharet Glsdy. Uager Km ulepted from th* Dialog**! of AM H*rmut, ui Freak Egen md Chirln Froajaaa mm producing, thi* .trie, of Important...

...2:30 p.m.—Dr...
...w* hav* liked to think that th* greater one's intelligence and sympathetic understanding of lift, th* greater actor one might become— granted th* equal posseaalon of th* facultle* that *nt*r into playing a part...
...Tho Education of Working Worn* en," a lecture for tha wives of meal* ber* of the 1 L. G. W, % Sunday, March 16, same place, 11 a. m.—Dr...
...Reaervations c*n b* msde at one* either in parson or by writing the Educational Department of th* In t*rnat!onalf»s>W*it 16th street Courses and lecture* arranged by Educational Department of I. L. G. W. U. for thi* week i J Worker*' University, Washington Irving High School, Room 830 Saturday, March 14, 1.30 p.m.— B. I. R. Stolper: "Clear Voices in English and American Literature...
...Goetter-dlemmerung," on Thursday afternoon-with Lanen-Todsen, Mueller...
...Sylvia Kopsld: "The Child Labor Amendment and Public Opinion...
...Fault" will bt givin Sunday pight in concert form.___ Music Note* Roth St...
...11.10 an..—Dr...
...Nocturne" I* now th* regular production at th* Punch snd Judy Th.atn, and will continue it* run there until "Th* Dune* Boy," th* Art Theatre's nut production, open, on March 23...
...Lucia dl Laramir-moor," Saturday night, with Mario, Wakefield, Martinalli and DeLuca...
...Maurice Swartz's New Yiddish Art Theatre Maurice Swartt, th* ector-manag.r, now playing In "Peter th* Great" at th* Yiddiah Art Theatre, will locate his new theatre on Second avenue and 12th street...
...A. W. Calhoun...
...Philip Moeller 1* directing th* pl.y...
...f When Madlaon Squan Garden Is rased next year It will necessitate the tearing down of th* present theatre, which occupies th* 27th etra.t and M.dl.on «veuu» corner ef th* .truotuje...
...confirmed yeaterd.y by formal announcement from th* offle* of Charlat Dillingham...
...Tsucher snd Bohnen...
...Sons* of th* tcensa in this episodic play work to tffactlv* cloatt: which wt recall Gtorg* Sand and other famous women of Franc*, while Aurell* almost hat htr baby on th* stag*, wa* most appealing...
...Edna Brothers I* now playing th* role of "Mr...
...Findlay and Marjorit Wood...
...engagement and "Th* Youngest" will then b* tr.ns-ferred to that house for a single weak...
...For ticket* writ* to Theatr* Club...
...1. Galdeton: Lecture on Health...
...In th...
...It 1* in such momenta a* th*** that Doris Keane is at htr b*it, catching without tffort th* spirit of th* part...
...f artifice, not a woman of sincere fading* and d*pth and understanding...
...Iter Frtitehuts," for th* flrst tim...
...Economic Per-chology — Economic Quaiitiee of' Modern Man...
...Calvert, and Ralph Glover...
...On thi* occasion, peat and pree-ent students of' the numerous classes, their friends and instructors, and officers of th* union will aitembl* and apend a few hoars in aociability and good fellowship...
...Derii Keen, plays th* part ef th* great actrtit quit* wall, though with torn* variation according to th* mood...
...this season, will open the week on Monday evening, headed by Iteth-btrg, Mario...
...Bori, Howard, Johnson and Whitehiii will ling the principal role...
...Stravinsky's "Fin-Bird" Suite snd Rimsky Korsa-koff'i "Sehihiranda" complete th* program...
...Unfinished Symphony in B Minor, Schubert...
...t recital in Aeolian Hill, Sunday •venlig...
...Theatre, wa...
...the Utter with Lauri-Volpe and Danil...
...Carman: "Tho Inda.tri«l Development of Mod*rn Society...
...A. Fichandler: "Economic Baals of Modern Society—Lumbering and Fi«hlng...
...Clo.ktnakers' Center, l«3» Uatstge-tost A am Sunday, March 16, J0;80 a- *¦>¦< Max Levin: "Industrial Dtvolop...
...from tha tim* ah* f*JU on tho itego •FCUopatn la hir girlhood, to th* boar wh«a ah* ttruti on a* Bm-pr**i Thaodoaia ia bar old aga...
...Andrea Chenier," Friday evening with Relhberg, Howard, Laari-Volpi and DeLuca...
...But most of It, tut of th* necessity of it* episodic (trac-tart, holds lootely together and leads to no gnat period of Intensity...
...Th* complete program...
...Symphonic Poem "Mazeppa," LUst...
...With tht Orchestras NEW YORK SYMPHONY This Sunday's program at Aeolian Hall, with Bruno Walter conducting, includes th* symphony in C Minor by Daniel Oregory Mason, associate professor of music at Columbia University...
...Fannia M, Cohn and Max Levitt...
...of AM H*rmut, ui Freak Egen md Chirln Froajaaa mm producing, thi* .trie, of Important mo-menU in th* lit* •( ¦ great *etr*n, tracing htr He...
...Conway Ttarle is co-starred...
...Yolanda Mm will glv* her hut recital ef th* seaaon at Aeollaa Hall ea I Monday aiteraeoa...
...Th* famoue actreaa rla*a from th* gutter of Montmirtra, and earrl** through all htr journey through llf* a (light taint, In tha form of an ambition for rea,ie< tatiiltty combined with a vulgarity ah* can never wholly atop...
...Revival of "Pelleas *t Melisande" at Metropolitan Opera House Tht first by th* Metro polit.n of Debussy's "Pell*** et Mali-a.ndt," at th* Saturday matinee, i. a feature of next we.k't r.p.rtoire »t th* Opera House...
...Samson etsDallla," Thursday evening with Brsntell, Mirtlnilll and Danit...
...7 East 15th street...
...Mary Boland play* the principal role...* nady March 88, or th* following Monday, M»«h 80...
...Extension DivUlon, Friday, March 18, Local 8 Club Room., 1681 Washington avenue, Bronx...
...Two additional performances will bl given Tuesday matin** and evening, March SL Duiolina Glannlnl, soloist with th* New York Symphony thi* Friday night, ¦¦11* for Havana on April *, to give three «onetrta in th* Cuban capital...
...Llttl* Minister," at th...
...Liontl Atwlll will play Ca*S*r, Helen Hayes, Cleopatra...
...PHILHARMONIC f Th* Philharmonic Orchestra, directed by Willem Mengelberg, resumes itt local schedule tomorrow afternoon at thi Metropolitan Optra Houn Id a Beethoven program, with Erna Rubinstein ¦I soloist...
...This Is a shock te our pr«conc*ived notion...
...Pre**nt> Day Problem...
...H* -J...
...I. L. C W. U. Buildi.g Wednesday, March 18, 6.30 \ve\> —Dr...
...Th* architect, to h.v...
...Th* plot forth* new MorrisflW.rts* has been acquired..., la addition to Mil* Chatterten, will b* Ralph Forbes, Thorn...
...T.uclier ¦nd Schorr...
...Tht Barrl* pl.y, with Both Cbatterton at Its .tar, will b* revived at th* Glob* on Monday night, March S3...
...the pUy...
...Mitch* lervitikl, plinlst, gives his recital at Carnigi* Hall, thi* Saturday eight... Guild Theatr* on West ttnd street...
...Elizabeth Hoeppel...
...Th* Gr.b Beg," now at th* Globe, will •nd It...
...Dick*ns—English Laughter...
...v *Th* Niw YorK Symphony will pay Its monthly visit, to Washington, Haiti-more and Philadelphia next week...
...Thi Students' Concert Ukn place In Carnegie Hall, Wednesday evening, when Dtimi Tiylor'i "Through th* Looking Glass" suite hss its first Philharmonic performance...
...The program for the evening will be refreshments, music and dancing... th* Bnnx Open House, for one week beginning Monday...
...Miss Hayes will eontlnu* In "Quarantine" until "Cesar and Cl*op*tiV I. r.ady to op.n...
...8 p.m...^e Dr...
...Other opens atxt week: "Petruahka" and "Giovanni Cal-lhurt**," on Wednesday evening, th* former anictad with Galll, Rudolph, Bolm and Bonftgllo...
...Sunday, March If, 10.8t) *,t...
...Thayer" In "Whit* Collars," at th* Cort Theatr...
...Sarah Bernhardt la iug-geaud la torn* *f th* «pi*od*a, with-oat euffleiint *x-actn*** to permit direct traeiag of incident*, bet enough to add a •light element of extirnal iutereit t...
...Denis, Ted Shawn and thi Dtnisbswn Danciri, will givi a program ef niw dance creations at Carnegie Hall On Tuesday evening...
...Th* progrim will include Music Visualisations, a .Spanish ballot, "Cuadrn Flamenco," a group of divertissements Including a danci without music, "Trag-ica," and an Algerian dance dram*, "Th* Vision of the Altiout...
...contralto, will glv...
...Prices 81.10, 82.20 snd 82.75...
...The Piccadilly Th.atn, beginning Saturday, will show "Bad Company," th* new photodrama that mark* th* return to filmland of Madge Kennedy, who, for th* past two unions haa eon lined her work exclusively to th* ttag...
...Th* third "I.eonore" over-lure, thi "Eroica" Symphony and th* violin concerto comprise tht program...
...Symphony in C Minor, Mason...
...Barrie'e "LittU Minuter" at tha Glob*, March 23 Th* forthcoming production of "Th...
...iiient of Modern Society " Adini.aii.ri to the and loaV tun* ar* frca to members If fhC i ii'b...
...Meet the Wife" at the Bronx Opera Howe* Monday Night Stewart *nd French will present th* Lynn atartllng romedy, "Meet th* WIfi...
...Edueati<wtal Netet - - Th* annual reunion of atndenta and teachcre of the L L. ti...
...Rand School Branch...
...It will bo th* first New York performance of th* symphony...
...W. U. claases will take place on Saturday, March 28, at f p.m., in tha dining room of tha Washington Irving High School, Irving Place and 16th •treat...
...Eleven •cent* cover ilxty yean of a career w* are told I* th* greatest In stage history, but which w* cannot bat think eomehnw shallower, mora tawdry, than ?hose who appeal to ua would hav* n* believe W. 1. ¦~»i —7j—-r—--~Broadway Brief* A company of th* "Greenwich Village Follies," headed by Gallagher and Shean, began a tour of th* Far West at th* Curran Theatre in San Fran-«i*oo, last Mondey night, Meurtc* Schwan and th* Yiddish Art Play*r» will present * nvival of Abraham GoIdf*d*n'« play with music, "Th* Witch," thi* Friday night at th* Yiddish Art, Th* play will b* repeated Saturday and Sunday, afternoon and night...
...I. L.G...
...From her portrayal, aided by th* adapter of th* author fwhoa* most famous work il "Conversation* on French Grammar"), we ar* likely to r*-mIt* th* notion that a gnat actrti* ¦o give* htr life to her art that *ven on* th* stag* th* becomes a being, * puppet moved by th* string...
...The Students' Council of the Workers' University, under whose auspices the affair is arranged, hav* decided, in order to defray tome of the expenses, to charge 85 cent* admission...
...Theatre Club Benefit of "The Wild Duck" Ibsen's dr»m», "Th* Wild Duck," will be tha next performance of Th* Theatr* Club, on Tuesday evening, at th* 48th Street Theatre...
...Gerard Hekking, Dutch 'cellist, who arrived here shout two weeks .go, Is to make his dlbut with thi Philharmonic at Carnegie Hall, on Thursday evening, playing th* Lain Concerto...
...Bernard klehner: "Thi Worker and J,!*, Healtrj...
...Her associate players include Charles D.I ton, Erneit Ltwford, P.trioi...
...Beethoven Hell, glO E. Stk Street, Room C Friday, March 19, Tt80 j...
...Th* "Looking Glass" suite ind "Sche-herar.adc" complete Thursday evening's program, which will be repeated on Friday afternoon...
...Cottar and Cleopatra," To Open New Theatr* Guild Horn*, March 30 Th* Theatr* Guild production ef Shaw's "Caeur and CUop.tra" I. to op.n th...

Vol. 2 • March 1925 • No. 11

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