TRENDS: Ideab in aetion; events at they twmu Mwiaf it*nif ifefes BylAstonM.Oak Tripartite Intervention in Spanish Politics THE Spanish people were urged, to ouet fjraaep^err^ the USA, Britain,...

...John M. Coleman is the first Negro to become a member of New York City's Board Of Higher Education...
...He it sttailed for his Western orientation, a confession that the others have an Eastern orienta» '¦ "•' '*> "w , tjpn, One of M ikolajczyk's condition* for Joining the bloc wst the abolition of the secret police-^without which th* present regime would fslL ' According to the Yalta-Potsdam agreements, - elections' mutt be held before July '1, but •'the''Communists " seek .to ' ' pbttpW them...
...The Oiler bill is designed to prevent the exploitation of atomic energy to strengthen monopolistic corporation...
...Hillman convinced American authorities that they should pursue • "go-slow policy," Brown asserted...
...leader, commented that without aid'the ' Kpanisti people r a mint overthrow •Franco peacefully of...
...Prazct acrhsed fhe-wleef TOVporkfi'ons if discriBtlnating sgahasf'tawtf neW .t)ta-mobile firm to SenalM'them for signing * with the union'1 Desvyirig them met»t...
...prepared to fight Britain if^fhe:'British, attempted a lending to defend Gibraltar...
...The Puerto Itican Legislature overrode Governor Rexford Tugwell's veto of bills which would . ive the people of that island a voice in choosing their next Governor and a plebiscite to determine the future ststut of the island...
...How the Spanish people can get rid of Franco and the Falange peacefully, tha three powers did not say... should be amended, however, to safeguard against leakage of atombomb manufacturing secrets until its provisions for world control under an effective UNO can be realized...
...Henry J...
...The bills csn still be vetoed by President Truman...
...Hence only the Communist press carried editorials approving the verdict...
...Eceneasie and political support was promised such an interim legist* Twe-Sripartrau uiatasmnt went as far as possible, short of breaking off diplomatic relatfthi*, as'Prance arid Rtlssis and the Spanish Republicans have urged...
...Britain began withdrawing Indian troops from Indonesia...
...Marshall Zhukov has denied it, but Social Democrats knew that their members have mysteriously disappeared with increasing frequency since last August...
...There are now 115,000 Jews there, according to tha Soviet Government, and it is planned to settle up...
...Stalinism, which it National Communism, hat alwayt met eventual defeat everywhere outside the borders of the USSR...
...These reactionaries who .support Truman's demand concerning the admission of 100,000 Jews to Palestine do so with the purpose of arousing the entire Middle East and to aggravate the Jewish problem there...
...The Soviet radio is indignant because '''This demand is reactionary, and the American Fascists have supported it fearing that America might have to admit Jewish immigrants...
...Thus does Soviet justice creep over a wor.d paralyzed by cowardice...
...The ' 4Vi< lator tas control of'the Army...
...The AAP and its affiliated corporations "have used their massed purchasing and selling power to destroy competition...
...a) Still another outrageous secret agreement reached at Yalta is now revealed—Churchill and Roosevelt agreed to return to Soviet Russia, as deserters, sll nationals of present Russian territory...
...In radio broadcasts to Arabian states, Moscow attacked Truman's appeal to Britain to admit 100,000 Jews to Palestine...
...Protests to British snd American authorities have been futile... that part of Venezia Giuilia occupied by Anglo-American force* to also investigate the area held...
...The, three...
...Captured documents were ipad* public proving Francois aid to Hitler and Mussolini and vice versa...
...The Pope might be accused of anti-Semitism by the Communists: he < host 32 new Cardinals—and pot one of them is a Jew...
...And throughout most European countries this is the trend...
...The US Department of Justice contended that the Atlantic A Pacific food chain is using threats of boycott and a "double squeeze" on retail competitors in "an ever-broadening and ever-ascending spiral of monopoly and trade restraint...
...Th* US Navy protested in October and February to the Soviet Government the "hostile acts" of Soviet planes which fired at US Navy aeaplanes near Dairen and Port Arthur, Manchuria, it is no* revealed...
...The Administration, and housing, met a defeat when the House of Representatives rejected the plan to subsidize housing, 161 to 92... 4,fl<Xr,00u there...
...But now the official Warsaw Polpreas announces thst 262,000 Poles will be returned, during March alone, from Russian territory to the area an-nexed by Poland from Germany...
...the.alliance with Germany in order to avoid the fate of the Baltic States...
...The Federal Council of Churches of Christ, condemned the atombombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as unnecessary and irresponsible...
...The Communists have denied that hundreds of thousands of Poles wen deported to forced labor in Russia in 1939... at they twmu Mwiaf it*nif ifefes BylAstonM.Oak Tripartite Intervention in Spanish Politics THE Spanish people were urged, to ouet fjraaep^err^ the USA, Britain, and Prance...
...Russia would .result, from a verdict of not guilty...
...Alan May, British physicist, confessed that h* gave atomic energy secrets to foreign agents but refused to admit that they w*r» Rusaians...
...One Jewish-American leader remarked that most of the Jews who go there do so either because they are exiled or because it is near the border snd escape into China is an attractive possibility...
...Quotation from Novov* Russkoye Slovo, February 20...
...Hillman refused to discuss the accusation...
...They were kidnapped because they here resisted Commnnist pressure for a merger of the two parties...
...The UP reports that 200,000 have been sent to Lake Baikal to work, and that none of the 230,000 Japanese civilians in Mukden have been repstristed...
...VNRRA reported that Italian* Aaw the lowest bread ration in Burops that "thousands upon thousands or*] near the edge of ttarvation...
...FRENCH COMMUNISTS have gained 15 percent in strength since the 1945 elections, and the extreme right has gained about the same, both at the expense of the moderate liberals in the MRP and Socialists, the French Institute of Public Opinion reports after a poll...
...MISCELLANY P- • tr- i i< • ' • •' REMIER DE GASPERI of Italy urged the Allied Commission which is about to investigate conditions...
...Ih> ¦ Sadler, ana th, Givil Gsard, . tenable, huw, to continue to rule Jby aseans of (terr/ir., It rs futile to ask (he anti-Franco forces tp, revolt against aaeh heavy odds without any promise •f chreet «»epoe...
...others preserved a most eloquent silence...
...they made a deal with Italian firms without telling the British about it, and Britons think it's sn unfair bargain, giving the American firms a privileged position, » • • JAPANESE AND CHINESE FORCED LABORERS are being sent to Siberia after being used In Manchuria, Richard Gushing of tha AP andftwo colleagues discovered during their brief trip to Dairen—the first Americana to get in, but hustled out speedily by the Russians...
...Psulus, ss a pliable tool of Moscow... the Yugoslavs, wher* thousands of Italians are suffering in Tito's concentration- camps and the people Jive under terrorism, i • Bixobidjsn, Jewish Autonomous Region in .Siberia bordering Manchuria, became a Soviet project in 1928 for the settlement of Jews from, all over the USSR and for the utilization of these Jews for the development of the area...
...nations wps eased the- hope that a "caretaker" government would be set up to provide tor fr»» elections...
...If there is ''"War criminal" in Finland it is Baron Mannerhetm, who just resigned as President, but thus far he is safe, for he has played the' role of Gen...
...slid Kaiser and' his part Vict: " • The May-Johnson bill for control of atomic" energy was Vebortetl' \v\ by The McHfJvon TnTl,^ wfticb ,Truman sup-port's, is, superior yi that it provides for civilian, not military, eontapl...
...The Rev...
...We can thank Stalin for one thing: If the European Communists had been under such leadership at that given in Russia in 1917 by, Lenin and Trotsky, most of that continent would now be under Bolshevik dictatorship*, or in th* midst of civil wars and violent revolution...
...Unless the liberal-labor-Socialist forces get together, disaster impends...
...KsW'and Joseph'W...
...BUSINESS IS BUSINESS and politics should never interfere with profits, American airlines evidently think...
...In France it seem* probable that only a coalition of democratic parties under de Gaulle's leadership can save France from ultimate civil war, or at least chaos...
...The 9lternat,ive was national suicide...
...steel corporations sttfVcempetifion...
...The Soviet Navy replied thtt the defense of Port Arthur and Dairet is Russia's exclusive responsibility and American planes have no right to approach within 12 miles of these naval bases...
...The whole project has been exposed as a fake, not only by Zionists, but by anti-Zionists as well...
...Whatever mistakes these men may have made, the main guilt rests on Stalin's -head...
...Franco never fully fulfilled his promises to Hitler because the Nasi fuehrer refueed i. grant the Spanish Fascist's demand for French colonies hi Africa...
...This repatriation clause includes .not only Russians who foaght in V«'« armies, but everyone who left Russia since IS2S,.whether soldiers or civiliaaa, despite State Department denials...
...The unprovoked- war Waged by Russia, against Finland in 1,939 forced Finland Into...
...The unthdrawat of Britith and French troops from Syria and Lebanon "will begin March 11...
...THE ATTACK ON MIKOLAJCZYK at a "reactionary" by the Communists dominating the Warsaw regime grows more embittered in the pre-election campaign...
...Vaino Taniie|r Uud h>i\tin...
...A sort of Soviet "Palestine," the Bolsheviks promise that it will become an autonomous republic, a Jewish - State within the USSR...
...During the infamous purges in Russia, nearly all of the Jewish Communist leaders in Birobidjan Were executed...
...Kalinin said in February, 1949, that the influx of more Jews into Brrobidjan is "an economic necessity...
...Gregory Aronson will expose the project ¦ in The New Leader soon, American Communists and front organizations are now seeking to raise money to promote it, though millions have been poured into the thing without helping Russian Jews...
...A four-power investigation of the kidnapping of political figures by the Russians hss been ordered in Germany...
...The court was officially warned that bad relations with...
...Red Army soldiers captured by the Germasi are also termed deserters by Moscow...
...They also disclaimed any intention to interfere in Spain's internal affairs, while doing just that, and properly so...
...Ijuikosaics^to <nV years, and ''others to varying terms...
...J ' The hitherto secret documents alpo revealed thatTortdg^S d^tirtfer Salaiar'was sympathetic to the Fascist Axis'/Wit...
...0 Irving J. Brown, European representative of the American Federation of Labor, charged that Sidney Hillman secretly dictated the American military government's trad* union policy in Germany...
...the charge waa leading their country into war against Russia...
...Finnish papers we>e 'also warhed not to comment adversely about the nature of the ''justice" rendered...
...Hit refusal to include the Peasants Party in a tingle election bloc with th* other parties—^11 of which are controlled by Moscow's agents—is the occasion for the renewed sccusstions, for his party would win in a free election—even against a bloc of the other four licensed parties...
...But th* (Viler bill it better in many .ways than either...
...Fee ^h« tare* na- - 4er>*ncd, in thja mrW*ar wswld be as* ytVlflfV>% *a,w*# JJhe ;SnonJn.tfrye«A FINNISH* ^PEtiPLE'3 cVjAfclt hentenced fanner President Rystn %\t to 10 years at,hard ^hoc...

Vol. 29 • March 1946 • No. 10

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