German You Hi Poisoned by V.izisiii? mier Has Appealed to Nazi Youth. Will They Respond starry On Guerrilla Warjare? By KarlO.Paelel 1J*S* %**k, Tm* •/ Dteition, Sumner Welles writes ttssrt...

...They were initructed to inform the aathoritiaa immediately of all "negative" tendencies at a clam room...
...In Krefeld at least '.'10 percent of the Hitler Youth were aecret Kdelweiss member...
...The information revealed to the Allied • eorr*apondentn that the young people in the Rhinelaml have been particularly affected by the Edeiwai** movement...
...i th* American reader had been informed of I of the Munich students, their manifesto and In July, 1944, the German army newsawd Hatmet reported on another trial beana aha Paopi*'- Court: aaodioal students, four high school students girl friends worked out a plan for the salaany which they wanted to transmit to l*h a foreign bishop...
...Th* Allied correspondent recently interrogated five members of tho Kdelweiss who wer* taken near Aachen...
...The HJ iUelf ia being supervised by5 th* Special init*) dfthe "»V " (apecial task units) dfthe "Stamm*W (Mncleu...
...If we wish to be 'masters,' we hsve to learn the true meaning of th* word and demand greater efforta of our futur* 'masters...
...The growing number of dacrota which, at present, have to be iuu*d on account of the** and aimilar ofTenaca, distinctly *how that thia now attitude among German youth ha* but now baeoBM a ma** phenomenon...
...The instructions demoded that thee* officials keep an eye on all grumblers and obstinate elements and repress all criticism of Natkwal Socialism...
...Tha fact waa that most of th* teenagers, whom they had expected to find thoroughly indoctrinated and fanatical, expressed anti Nazi sentiment...
...The pedagogic magazine Wttientehaft, ErtUkung und Volk$bildun§ Science, Education and Adult Education), »BBBsh*d in September 1942 a decree which had been asaai by the Minister of Education explaining that amahhister's 1938 decree, providing for close rocpertt all adminiatrativ* national agencies with the Service of the S3, wa* from now on to lie II* schools also...
...It would be an optimist inmatur how deep hi* sympathy for th* Geri, wh* would have any hop* that the younger will em be abl* cyan to understand what is...
...The German legal periodical l)tut»<he Jnttiz (Gorman Juttict) recently published a decree, signed by IImiuilcr and others, which heads: "The young peopla who sre placed in these camps are those whose criminal and anti-Social inclinations are punishable by police meaaures...
...In addition, severe punishment is meted out to juveniles whose behavior in the HJ is considered "undignified...
...At approximately the same time, special grade Wader* aad mean* leaders were established in all German Mbool...
...He, too, demanded "that manifestations of erroneous attitudea and mental confusion be strictly supervised...
...actually, however, these are prison camps...
...SS-StandarUnfuehrer Henri, in Bielefeld lectures before party officials and Wehrmacht- and governmentauthorities, admitted that certain developments apparent today among juveniles must be considered ths "natural results of the war...
...In case of acute danger, boys and girls can be taken from their homea by th* police at a moment's notice and sent to these campa for the protection of their morale...
...In Ksehweiler the SS arrested thr** Kdelweiss mem Iter* and tortured them in an attempt to get information...
...They got non...
...He referred to absenteeiam among juvanilea and stated: "On account of thia well-known juvenile weakness, all reports of illness have to b* strictly checked in order to avoid idleness...
...h*a*-ined second decree followed, directing all edu•bsbbv aarerits aad guardian* to rafer all pupils and aaaBBse emphatically and at regular intervals to the he againat listening in to underground and foreign amadeaata, and pointed out that the possession of even « aelf built radio waa punishable by law...
...There are many more examples to substantiate such a belief...
...If we consider only the legal and police steps lately have been taken against juveniles, we different picture...
...Th* r*fuaal to fulfill ev*ry ord«r*d duty, ahirking *«rvic* in th* Hitler Youth, forming unaurnartlaod group*, contradiction and obstinacy toward* auperior* —the** are th* only way* in th* ordinary day-to-day life by which young people in Germany can (how tbey have had enough of the total mobilisation of tha Faacist itat...
...Will the United Nation* through German Democracy be able to show it a new road to liberty, freedom and * constructive future...
...Have the Gerajg aaarlord* the same impression of German youth m\t Wtllea...
...An American broadcasting station in Europe quoted reports from an Allied front-line correspondent on a "growing tnti-Nasi movement among the youth of Germany," railed th* Edelweiss group...
...HJ) and the so-called HJ Control 3*r»iea (HJ St.-ifer»dieiisl), to whom lately official f*ho* authority haa been awarded...
...Since young people suffer more intensely from solitary confinement, such confinement with hard labor it a good educational medium...
...They want to have fun and do th* thing* other young poop)* da, instead of b*lng regimented...
...The age limit is from 18 to 21, but it can be lowered or raised as necessary...
...Now confinement of aeveral weeks haa been introduced a* a punishment for this offense...
...By KarlO.Paelel 1J*S* %**k, Tm* •/ Dteition, Sumner Welles writes ttssrt German youth: "Sine* Hitler rained control af th* German Reich, the youth of Germany has ~ neassly corrupted...
...National Socialism can no longer completely dominate and control the •pirit of Gi i insii youth...
...The Etiener Nationatteitung reported on a meeting of Hitler Youth leader* of the ?i**n, Oberhsusen, Muehlheim/Ruhr and Dinalaken district...
...The forbidden aatoaomou* Youth leagues a* well have recently come l*t* th* open, which forced Reichafuhrer Himmler to aa*fa decree to the police in which he **id: "It is of ferakolar significance to watch any groupings of young Mpt Bnder 18...
...These few examples of such official fart* a* have actually been admitted by Hitler-German sources indicate clearly that German youth is restlcs* ami unruly under the National Socialist party...
...SS-Obergrupp< nfuehrer Kaltenbrunner has issued another order saying: "The taak of the police camps for the protection of youth is to separate the young boys and girls according to criminal-biological principles, and to keep in custody those w,hom it is impossible to educate by making use of their labor...
...In this connection we sre calling Shaath)* to unsupervised hiking and camping of IV has been admitted that all these ami similar ' fPaW-measure* had nothing to do with juvenili delin ajssgf-, hut are actually directed again»t the continuous P»wii)g unwillingness of juveniles to be led by th* •aaaWat ideology of National Socialism...
...Their attempt wa* unsuccessful...
...Growing obstinacy among the youngsters crest** a problem spreading outside the official Youth Leadership...
...They hoped to -ta-am* Churchill by this document that there are aaaeanaie forces in Germany so that Churchill would as *aw*d by *o much democratic foresight and wisdom sad aeald hand over the German government to these i man who waa to carry the plan abroad walked , into the Gestapo's net and the case was conby a number of death sentences...
...They want some kind *f freedom," Dr...
...Th* Gestapo and the 8S gave special attention to theae rebellioua groups and a number of them have been executed and beaten up...
...With a few exceptions, this development In tho ranks of German youth is by no means identical with juvenile delinquency, and certainly not criminality...
...In earlier days such youths were expelled from the HJ ranks arid declared "unworthy to bear arms...
...They are simply fed up with Nations...
...In cases where unarmed force is not aufflcient, fire-arms should be used only in self-defense...
...From the** interviews and from aimilar one* th* Allied correspondent concluded against all pre conceived idea* that * very considerable part of th* youth in Germany ia fiercely opposed to the Nazis...
...Podover, th* apeaker of th* group, explained...
...Th* report wa* quoted as saying: "An order from Himmlar ha* banned th* German pre** or any public speaker* from mentioning the rpost important and widespread of tha youth groups which ia Known aa the' sMelwai...
...They have had inbred in them a for religion, and a brutal hatred for t" . . i words, German youth is one hundred per_ »al Socialist, eager to live and die for Hitler'* ajgdv -tat doe* this correspond with the facta that ¦mlhaalkKted from the German press...
...At thi* meeting HJ District Leader Schroeder, head of the Social Main Office of the Reich Youth Leadership and of the Youth Agency of the German Labor Front, delivered a speech about juvenile delinquency in wartime Germany...
...The mags sine Dtuteche' Jultiz writes: "If it prove* necessary to enforce proper conduct, no weapons should be used...
...SS-Stanssrarnfuhi, r Werner write* in the June 15 issue of Doutscho Folitti, th* monthly organ of the German police: "Ont result of tho war has boon th* inclination of...
...This mere glimpa at what ia a widespread development (begun quit* a while ago), indicates the superficial nature of Sumner Welle*' condemnation of all German youth...
...They don't know a thing about democracy, can't define it, dent know what H fa, but they will all tell yon they want ***** kind of liberty...
...These leaders, a* representatives of the HJ (Hitler youth), are responsible for the boys' attitude toward tha Hitter State...
...juveniles to form < liuues, th* member* of which very *oon indulge in an accentuated indifference and indolent attitude to contemparary event*, very »oon become oppo**d to tho HJ, in certain inetaUte* even to tho National Soeialitt pAuosopAy, and finally *ven aim at committing punitbabl* acta...
...Negative tendencies, listening to anti-Hitler broadcasts, opposing Fascist philosophy—these are th* specified "criminal" offenses, criminal acta merely from Uta point of vi*w of the totalitarian party...
...Recently, specisl camps for rebellious juveniles hsv* been established for "the protection of youth...
...Naturally, th* rebellious youngsters can bar* no definite political opinion to serve |s a belanee to th* ide»s of National Socialism...
...In Cologne a few months ago Kdelweiss member* attempted a raid on a military depot to obtain weapon...
...Such clique* are to be found chiefly in big towna, and they occupy th* Stat* police and police to an extent demanding immediate attention...
...In the Aachen area an "intellectual task fore*'* composed of three American scholars working for the Pcychological Wmrtmra Branch of the Twelfth Army group wa* very much surprised about the attitude of German youth...

Vol. 28 • February 1945 • No. 6

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