TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they reflect social tendencies


TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they reflect social tendencies By Linton M. Oak Outer Mongolia Votes for "Freedom" ?UK. ? ? never haa been a more ridiculous -plebiscite than that which took...

...1 can say very little about these three men...
...mho has also denounced Franco...
...The Communist* are worried over the general anti-totalitarian trend...
...Victory will be a step In the detection of a future National Liberal or Labor Party that will develop independent political action on a broad platform of social and economic reform...
...2, an amnesty to political prisoners—to these relish patriota who fought the Naaia for six years and who don't lere the Ranaevik invaders, either...
...Leaflets were distributed, but the Social Democratic manifesto was not printed in the Rumanian press... cuts across class lines in contradiction to the Communist definition of Fascism, provi nf once more that neither Fascism nor democracy (nor Socialism), is the philosophy of any one class...
...We alresdy have both UNO and chaos, bat we bare as* semblance of ¦nity among nations or international reoperation er even the promise ef an enduring Rig Three or Big Five alliance...
...After the 1917 revolution, Russia loci control of her vast sphere of influence in the Kar Kast, but soon regained Outer Mongolia, where a "People's Republic" was set up under Moscow's sponsorshii>— not unlike the new puppet regimes in Eastern Europe...
...If an adequate global federation cannot be,quickly enough perfected, Ave of the Dublin conferees proposed an alternative...
...Thoae were the fact* in 1937 and 1941 and we of the progressive labor forces and the Social Democratic Federation, the Workmen's Circle, and other groups, worked together with a coalition in 1937 and 1941 that included the Republican Party of New York City...
...Elections in some countries and in many of our 48 states do not concern as many voters as we have in New York City...
...Titel Petrusru, Socialiat leader, threatened to break with the Groza Government even if it splits his party, unlet* the Communists' strong-arm tactics stop...
...D is time Washington and l^ndon de mu mied their lelease, in accordance with the Yalta agreement, consistently violated by Moscow and the Warsaw puppets...
...In a free election the CP representation would be drastically reduced, and the Small Landholders Party would probably win as in the Budapest municipal elections...
...The junta used Lend-Lease arm* to overthrow the regime...
...Under the constitution adopted in 1936 the President is given almost absolute power...
...General Zhukov ordered its assets confiscated...
...The Chamber of Commerce and the Catholic Church pledged support to the new government...
...Secretary of the Navy Forreetal an I Admiral King oppose the Army plan for merger as "revolutionary and unsound " By the time World War III end* in calamity, the Navy may have derided in discard its obsolete uniform«, bell-bottomed trousers and all...
...Reliable Poles estimate that there are nearly 7...
...The country has suffered economically from Yankee imperialist exploitation...
...Roosevelt, l-ehman, and others, carried New York City only because of the ALP (before it was captured by the Communists) and the Liberal Party...
...America Firaler...
...Tinman urged on Congress legislation for one year ef compulsory military training far all American youths...
...Social Demociatie t ederativn and memler *( the Stat* Krsculiv* Committee of the f.iheral Parly StittK insist that the issues in the New York mayoralty campaign are ' routining Th* confusion is part of their temperament ana not in the issues...
...What ar* th* force* behind them...
...And it it time the liberal labor socialist forces and decent people everywhere got excited about saving the lives of our friends in Communist jails...
...The Tammany elements also include the vicious Christian Front, and anti-Semitic groups that carried on so disgracefully at the Democratic Party State convention in the Hotel St...
...From all reports, it deserves recognition...
...In 1938 Outer Mongolia signed a new treaty of alliance with Russia, but long before that Communist hegemony had been firmly established...
...Juan Vicente Gomez was a tyrant for 26 years...
...sud abolition of conscription U th* road toward pi-ace...
...The Republican Party is in this coalition... beyond attainment at this stage of world history...
...they "voted," unanimously of course, to sever all ties with Chins and become an "independent" republic...
...The arrival of Mark Ethi ridge, US State Department observer, is expected to result in reforms, in appear, ?-net if not in reality...
...V The British Labor Government warned the Greek monarchists snd other Progressive vs... Is fatcitmT The Argentine regime has been described as Fascist, not only by Ttuettia, ..but by the press generally...
...It is so little hotter than ¦•iking that Ihia sort of language baa been turned into fatuous nenaense...
...And thi «•lomai* still pin their faith on bettl« ship*, despite the atom bomb...
...When has any other Fascist regime permitted criticism in the press...
...Good government is not Social-ana, but it may be a step in that direc-"W In an atmosphere of efficiency and rfvte decency men and women can strive 'or further progress...
...Peron ba* Fascist ambitions, but h* hasn't realized ? hem...
...against th* government have occurred often in Argentina—aut nevar in Stalin's Moscow...
...he would like to prevent demonstrations of university students and opposition parties which undermine his authority...
...1. month 16,000 A met ieeiti taldiert were brought home...
...never haa been a more ridiculous -plebiscite than that which took plat* on October 20 in Outer Mongolia—not even the "plebiscite," by which the peoples of Un Kaltie States chose to become part of the USSR,—was as phony...
...Allied with this rahal are ike Commn-nisi*, not only Ihrengh their oaVriil organization bet also their American Labor Party...
...What we need ia a new start toward a new objective...
...But never will it give up its independence' willingly...
...I naanHiU...
...A "compromise" was reached by which the four parties in the Communist, ltd "front" will run separate candidates, but pledge themselves to continue a coalition government regardless of election results...
...These constitute the "Executive Committee," the City Council is the legislative body...
...The Republican Party in the nation and in our state is not our ideal of a party of social progress...
...Sine* then-silence...
...The same necessity exists in 1945...
...When we say that we want good government, we mean efficient, honest and Progressive government, such as only **en and women with social vision can "giv* us...
...As to Newbold Morris we can say little as to who and what i* behind his candidacy except Mayor l.aCiiardia's peeve...
...They are allies still...
...The City Administration must keep clean and in repair many miles of streets...
...New York City as a corporation has no stockholders, nevertheless, its eitisens are member* of the corporation...
...What these »»«rmpiluiK political adveatarera want in alliaarr with Tammany Hall ia not bard ?· 4i« rem...
...fol- the election of Prealdent Roosevelt and other New Deal candidates against Die forces of reaction and isolation...
...Reactionary Coalition The Issues in the New York Municipal Campaign By August Claessens Executive Secietary of th...
...Voroeh-ilov, Russian boss in Hungary, urged a combined list of candidates composed of 49 percent Communists and Social Democrats, and ? percent of other parties...
...The atombomb makes most of our institutions and philosophies obsolete...
...And it would be a practical step toward the larger union which I* our ettimate objective...
...But he can't...
...a iAi;AIN.ST thi* menace ia · coalition of force* that Inclode th* Liberal Party, the Republican Party, City Fusion, Citizens union and independent non-Tsmm*ny Democrats...
...long i-ont iniii-il civil war between I he Chinese there and the Moslem Kazhna...
...This ¦* deadly to higher aspirations, an 00-*aeW to social progresa...
...Operating under the laws of incorporation, New York City is a mighty corporation with an annual budget of over $500,000,0(X...
...No opposition to the puppet government was permitted, and Ihr Koumintang Government if China I« st all influence (see Daliin'« The Big Thier, chapter VIII...
...Communist domination of the united front ' (National Democratic Front...
...As to Bill O'Dwyer, the c»*e is clearer...
...A vate againtl "independence" wat equivalent to signing a ilrath murin** t. The Mongolian Army ia oftcered by Communists trained ia Raasia, and (» «¦Hiipmeiil is Russian (perhaps with mine i .end...
...Peron mad* a sensational romaback after a military junta threw him out ! with the support of government-organized trade union*), and has promised early elections, "free and honest," as it the fashion now with dictators (Vargas, Salazar, Tito, Stalin, Chiang Kai-shek, Beirut, et al...
...It is our foe...
...But to date no political opponents have been released...
...thus the Communists got credit for being the first to extend "friendship" to the Renner regime, and Moscow's Minister will be the dean of the future diplomatic corps in Vienna...
...The Duke of Alba, who has been Franco'* Ambassador to London for eight years, lesigned, denounced his former boss as ¦ ? enemy of Spain, aligning himself with Don Juan, pretender to the throne...
...In reality, this "concession" will compel the victors in the election to accept the beaten Communists in the governing blo< It remains highly improbable that the election, however, will tie really free...
...1 suggest a new coalition of liberal, labor, and socialist forces in The Atomic Age Party...
...Incidentally, in Ihil fake plrbiteite 1114 u votri was required to wign hi* luHet...
...which la within the framework of «ne i issit Since the signing of the solemn Soong-Nii'lin pact, in which Russia promised mil to interfere in China's internal af-fn'rs, Red Army planes have bombed Ko mriintang trocps in Sinkiang, exploiting I I.e...
...When has an Ambassador to Rusaia (or Nazi-Germany, or Fascist Italy, or Franco Spain) encouraged, publicly, opposition to the dictatorship as did SpruileT When haa a demonstration of thousand* occurred in Moscow or in Nazi Berlin or Falangist Madrid a* tin...
...He assailed Vice-Premier Tatar, escu, who is a reactionary listed,-properly, as s war criminal by Britain and the USA...
...ef them...
...On Sept...
...The Communists fought on the side of the conservatives, aa they have in other Latin American countries...
...One of the ironies of the stalemate in Java is that the defeated Japanese army I« bebl responsible far maintenance of order - a situation unparalleled...
...It has an imatenee responsibility in the education ef our children in our schools and collages...
...armx from America...
...Hitler ordered the list binned a week before the American troops arrived, but totalitarians are not totally efficient...
...Hefnre Hiroahlma it may have been very well to remark that "UNO ia better than nothing...
...Peron would doubtless like to suppress, in a totalitarian manner, freedom of the press...
...The Communists «? I· 1*41 bated Kooserelt...
...It must maintain parks, recreation centers and playgrounds...
...The latest well-known Polish Peaaant Party leader to fall victim to the NK VI» is Kojder...
...But then it added: "The actual choice is not between UNO and an ideal world federation...
...7 the organ ef the ersats "Socialiat" Party, Kobednik, explained that the amnesty had been postponed, "for technical reaaens," until Sept...
...Pr?si-dent Roosevelt stood with us and against the Tammany candidate the sam* Bill O'Dwyer—and urged his defeat in 1911 This year the same coalition faces Tim many and it must win...
...Amnesty—Soviet Style President hieritt granted, on Aug...
...SlNCE we can not divorce issues from candidate*, let u* examin* the leading candidates—Jonah J. Goldltein, William O'Dwyer and Newbold Morris...
...But the plain fact is that Tammany and its shady cohorts hsve been kept out of the control of New York City daring the last 12 years only because of coalition of force* that alwayt included the Republican Party...
...The business of our New York City administration is to provide services, maintain institutions and cater to the many need*, comforts, health, and happiness of 7,600,000,000 persons...
...He said the Social Democrats in the cabinet were camouflaged Communists unrepresentative of the party member...
...There are great numbers of perfectly decent, New Deal Democrats in New York City but the official Democratic Party is neither decent or New Dealish...
...It is between UNO and chaos...
...The Labor Government bill to nationalise the Bank of Eagland will not make very drastic changes, in the opinion of moat British economists...
...vrn 11 this Is mail* necessary by th · gigantic armament* ol a totalitarian power, it remain* on* mare step along the path taken by Europe toward militarism and regimentation, and away from democracy...
...They made the aaa« sort »i sllisnre with the Mtsrmn Mayor Ha-ue of Jersey City...
...fighting continues there, as in other parts of northern China Ueneral Wedemtytr anneunted that I ISA A, mu furte» im China will be rut 'n MHNl...
...These are but a few things our city ran and must do...
...Universal disarm...
...lost because of sabotage against Roosevelt and l«hman... was announced that he was too ill to appear in court...
...These are the prime questions...
...4 That atupid conservatism of Ih*Navy U marvelous...
...Moscow states that Mongolia was liberated by the Soviet Government (wenty years ago...
...Opposition to the Prron dictatorship comes from Argentine capitalists, business men, landlords, the middle class, and the suppressed pre-C mo unions...
...It must hasten progres* toward* the municipal ownership and operation of large public service* like electricity, gas, central beating, which are still in the possession of private corporation...
...Thank* to Costello, Stand, Steingut, Hines, Kelly, Neal, Roe, etc., the Democratic Party, by itself, has lost every national and stale election since 1936...
...Thi* would enable u> to obviate the curse of "perfectionism " It would relieve us of the charge of treasuring the booth »errat far imperialistic purposes...
...They sabotaged tax armament preparation*, fomented strikes, feagbt agaiaat the lifting ef the embarga, lead-lease, sad roasrription aad aerketted the While House...
...Reveraiag relea, Churchill scored the slow nesa of demobilisation ef the British armed strength, and Bevin argued that maintenance of ? fairly large army la necessary to police Germany and held the Empire together...
...It is acceptable to the current Governor and I· moat British industrialists...
...In Summary ?-factional ies that if they attempt a coup they will be suppressed just a* the Coin munis ? KAM KLAS was laat December...
...It must raise ¦nance* through sensible taxation and Provide model standards of wages, hours, conditions and relations with our 1*0.000 **tv employees...
...The German Red Cross was assailed as a tool of reactionaries...
...a From the laiko» Trouble Zone RUMANIAN Social Democrats moved toward severance of their forced alliance with the Communists 'by demanding drastic reforms, including cessation of illegal srrests, new elections by secret ballot in the- trade onions, knd an end to...
...The flash of the atomic bomb reveaia us defenseleas against ihr «mager* of apocalyptic war...
...The great mass are disenfranchised by illiteracy, and the gulf between rich and poor has grown greater...
...Washington and London protested against Moscow's unilateral trade agreement with Hungary which gives them f>i» percent of the industry and commerce of that, land (aa of Kumania and Bulgaria) in an economic stranglehold...
...The Red Cross will no longer function independently in the Russian zone in Germany...
...The main issues in this campaign ara simple and clear: the significance of the conduct of the affairs of New York City in the next four years and th" «·* 'iination of forces bidding for the control of our city, New York is an immense metropolis of, some...
...a a a W fcor Happened te Peetjek...
...17, at Cracow, hi* bullet-riddled body was found a few days later...
...Confldenre ha the .Ha» Francisco project in its present farm ia a sort of land-mine which mar at any moment ezplede in eur path...
...The new President, Bettanrourt, is an ex-Communist • nd leader of the Democratic Action party, liberal and left-of-center...
...hav* in Buenos Aires...
...Christian Frcaters and Tammany racketeers were allies before...
...But aince then the puppet government baa iasaed n« amnesty, and the opponents of Intal« tariaaiam remain in jail am' forced labor ramps...
...At the infamoua trial of the sixteen 1'ollsh leaders in Moscow, lured oot of hiding in the Underground by promisea < t' security by the Russians, one man, Anton Padjak, a Socialist, was not ? !;ii-ed on trial...
...Only th* threat of defeat forced lb-Navy to cooperate with the Army and Air Force in World War II...
...With (be aid of the CUaese Ked Army it han started a drive into Inner Mongolia to "liberate" that part of Mongolin, and doubt ichs the slogan of Mongolian nat'.onal unity will be raised the neat atep would be unity with the liuriat Mongolian Soviet Ke-pablic...
...Th* NAM News says that the UDA Is pigeonholing all applications for credit from Russia and her satellites until satisfactory political arrangements can b* mad...
...The list includes Nazis in the USA...
...He would lik* In jail all opponents, ai is done in all totalitarian countries, whether Fascist «?- Communist...
...The r« suits in Outer Mongolia were a foregone conclusion...
...Kal and Sinking Ship Dept...
...Its objective is not profit or the enrich-ment of a few stockholders...
...Mi;<-nw considers that Sinkiang, like Oliier Mongolia, Is a legitimate Russian Mt'ellite, inherited from the Taars...
...likewise in the 1932 and 1941 New York City elections...
...They are all good men...
...seised at his home on Sept...
...Venezuela hag long suffered under dictators...
...Nehru, Indian Congress Party leader, called for independence for Indonesia and the withdrawal of British and French troops equipped with American arms...
...In little Luxembourg the two organised force* most alert to totalitarian dangers, and most devoted to the preservation of civilized values—the liberal Cntholics and democratic Socialists -won the elections...
...made Imperative by tin atoinlaonrb...
...He was never tried, aa far as is known, bat forgotten...
...American military authorities seised the master list of 8,000.000 Nazi party member... also makes obsolete all of our political parties...
...this is buncombe and it is amazing that it is accepted as fact in the press...
...Ptr-aonally there is no great difference between them in character, background, experience, honesty, integrity...
...a a Russia's latest unilateral action was resumption of diplomatic relations with Austria...
...IN SUMMARY: • A left revolutionary junta seized the Venezuelan government and proposes sweeping democratic reforms, including higher taxes on American oil and coffee corporations...
...In an atmosphere ** t'aft, corruption and inefficiency such a* prevailed when rorrupt Tammany politician* governed us, cynicism, dejpair ¦** public demoralization i* bred...
...The Mongols who had struggled for independence were dismayed, and declared that they would rather remain under the suzerainty of China than to have their land split between two rival imperialist powers...
...On November ? they will elect a "Board of Directors," a mayor, controller, president of the council, and Ave borough presidents...
...Only such a cumin nation with the support of alert apd enlightened citizens can the Tgmmnny-Communut Christian-Front alliance bebte ten...
...Our city must embark upon a great slum clearing program...
...Where is he now...
...Britain opposes continuation of the monarchy, hut wants th* Greek* to decide for themselves...
...kimwhere the Chinese civil war goes « n. The Governor of Shantung, urging liasfe in (he unfruitful negjtiations with the Communist*, declared that the Chi u*se Red Army now ia in possession of two-thirds of his province...
...Mongolia has been in the Kussian sphere of influence since 1912, when by a secret treaty between Japan and the Tsar's government Mongolis was partitioned...
...All progressive forces, from liberals to Socialists, should work lor the Liberal Party candidates, Goldstein, McGoldrich and rVttr, and for its councilman!!- candidates...
...7,500,000 people...
...It must protect the health of its citiiens by proper sanitation, sewerage and garbage disposal...
...It is no worse than the tyranny of Gomex in Venezuela or Diaz in Mexico, for *¦»-¦ample...
...Th* most obvious lesson of the Pearl Harbor disaster 1* the ?,··· I for the unification of our armed forces...
...He keeks political revenge through s petulant piece of spite work which might defeat the good government fotce...
...The New Leader has defined it as old-fashioned dictatorship With Fascist trimmings...
...He is the front for a most dangerous alliance of public enemies...
...It must run our transit facilities efficiently and plan more orderly arrangement and zoning for the accomodation of industry, commerce and dwellings...
...Thi* group, including Justice Owen J. Roberts and Clarence K. Streit, are ef the opinion "that simultaneously with efforts to attain a world federal gevernatent, the United State* should explore the possibility of forming a nuclear union with nations where individual Utterly exist*, a* a step toward the protected world government...
...George in Brooklyn in 1942, when they nominated Bennett over the proteats of progressive democrats from Roosevelt down...
...The Liberal Party, we (»· · ?will eventually stand on its own fret and shun coalition* with elements of vastly dlffei -•nt ideologies However, In critical elr-I nmstances a coalition becomes necessai y. It was necessary In 19.16, 1940, and 1914...
...lost because of the drop of the vote in formerly and usually strong democratic districts...
...Atomic Bomb spoke for millions who ar* stunned into intellectual immobility when it remarked: "A true world federation...
...i predict that either Mikolacsyk will »sign from the Warsaw puppet regime within six months, or he will suffer the fnte of Kojder and hundreds of other* who refuse to capitulate...
...To whom will they be responsible if elected...
...But whom are they good for ? Whom do they represent...
...Their objective is rbao* and aerial *He*raer, m »hisrh iney proa per...

Vol. 28 • October 1945 • No. 43

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