In Warsaw's Ruins

Gordon, Thomas S.

In Warsaw's Ruins An Eyewitness Report From Poland By Representative Thomas S. Gordon Washington, I would like to report to you that i saw Poland (ire, independent ami happy. I ? ,11.....1...

...Hill waa "aafely out ef Pelend...
...America Firaler...
...Britain opposes continuation of the monarchy, hut wants th* Greek* to decide for themselves...
...Thi* group, including Justice Owen J. Roberts and Clarence K. Streit, are ef the opinion "that simultaneously with efforts to attain a world federal gevernatent, the United State* should explore the possibility of forming a nuclear union with nations where individual Utterly exist*, a* a step toward the protected world government...
...The rule which requites unanimity ol thf Big live rtpj;esf nlalivrs roba...
...To whom will they be responsible if elected...
...But whom are they good for ? Whom do they represent...
...Most of them are in rags, man ? haieluoled, de«litule, and many look starved, desperate, dcjeried, but moat of iheoi with a vary atrong, determine...
...To tie*}, who read The Seat Leader, this eyewitaea* report, and a aerie* ef aubeeqaent stories, printed only sfter Mr...
...Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Soviet Russia In this report I will coiilme mysrll lo ohseivaliona we made ki Poland onlv...
...I ? ,11.....1 submit to von »mli a report...
...who receive their meals in exchange for their services...
...Rul everywhere there i* a feeling that their motions are meaningless... only confirmed what oar cemmearUter* have beea writing far a leaf time past...
...We visited fiance, Keriiianv...
...In a conversation with the President, Boleslaw Hin ul, he related lhal "everything is Irring done lo the heal oi our ability lo aid ihr slrirken people and lo reconeslinil Warsaw as soon as possible, aud in ihr near Inline a free and iinlrlirred election will be held...
...Thoae were the fact* in 1937 and 1941 and we of the progressive labor forces and the Social Democratic Federation, the Workmen's Circle, and other groups, worked together with a coalition in 1937 and 1941 that included the Republican Party of New York City...
...He waa elected lit* Treasurer of Chicago in 198...
...The main issues in this campaign ara simple and clear: the significance of the conduct of the affairs of New York City in the next four years and th" «·* 'iination of forces bidding for the control of our city, New York is an immense metropolis of, some...
...Confldenre ha the .Ha» Francisco project in its present farm ia a sort of land-mine which mar at any moment ezplede in eur path...
...They hoped probably that...
...The first atomic bomb fell iu August...
...Their fares would light up whenever they aawthe American flag on our car...
...He ia a strong Admjniatration supporter and haa aa exreilenl moid un liberal and labor measures...
...He keeks political revenge through s petulant piece of spite work which might defeat the good government fotce...
...It must hasten progres* toward* the municipal ownership and operation of large public service* like electricity, gas, central beating, which are still in the possession of private corporation...
...The Security Council of the I'nited Nations larks every qualification foi this solemn task ol guardianship...
...sud abolition of conscription U th* road toward pi-ace...
...AnT that is whal is already going on -with all its horrif' ing dangers...
...a room here ¦ mi %'tt> * day in American ininey...
...He ia a Democrat...
...a iAi;AIN.ST thi* menace ia · coalition of force* that Inclode th* Liberal Party, the Republican Party, City Fusion, Citizens union and independent non-Tsmm*ny Democrats...
...19IS to »n In sfyyWal rtithY (lies in I mope to ''conduct thorough studies and investigations of all mailers coming wjfiiin the Jurisdiction of llie Committer ,,n hnirigni tfafns," a t oiiiinil Irr ol lour, comprising Represent i vr Frances P. Bolton of-Ohio, lt< piastem al n · Kul Minidi of South Dakota...
...7,500,000 people...
...Hefnre Hiroahlma it may have been very well to remark that "UNO ia better than nothing...
...So these ¦**ti ami women advocated a "wortd federal govern-Penl" with a parliament and a responsible execu-we...
...At llie diplomatic rate ol exchange the...
...The Russian occupation army is behaving very The Atomic Bomb and UNO...
...made Imperative by tin atoinlaonrb...
...This building was saved aa it was used ai the Ceslapo headquarter...
...when he wa* elected lo to*, greas...
...fol- the election of Prealdent Roosevelt and other New Deal candidates against Die forces of reaction and isolation... to llsrllll ends...
...4 That atupid conservatism of Ih*Navy U marvelous...
...something might happen, thai some immediate action would take place now the American*aaere there...
...New York City as a corporation has no stockholders, nevertheless, its eitisens are member* of the corporation...
...The same necessity exists in 1945...
...This measure will increase further the growing unemployment in this region...
...These constitute the "Executive Committee," the City Council is the legislative body...
...Charter of the United Nat mo- Organization was devised in Apul and May...
...411 iving in War.iaw, a mott ghusll\ ? run HTl out ere, THERE WAS SO MORE WARSAW...
...In the N. T. Timas of Oct... a Russian and lb* other in a Polish uniform, who spoke russian far heller than Polish...
...Its objective is not profit or the enrich-ment of a few stockholders...
...It is so little hotter than ¦•iking that Ihia sort of language baa been turned into fatuous nenaense...
...It must maintain parks, recreation centers and playgrounds...
...But never will it give up its independence' willingly...
...It must run our transit facilities efficiently and plan more orderly arrangement and zoning for the accomodation of industry, commerce and dwellings...
...a <up of coffee was...
...It would •*»olve the deliheiaie smimder of sonse part of the •°v"rig»jv „| Paeh national stale...
...All of the scientists whose skill and knowledge gave us leadership in the i ? ¦-1«I ol atomie power unite in a plea that the deadlv new weapon he placed In charge of *n authority...
...Only such a cumin nation with the support of alert apd enlightened citizens can the Tgmmnny-Communut Christian-Front alliance bebte ten...
...The alternative is obviously unsatisfactory...
...Thank* to Costello, Stand, Steingut, Hines, Kelly, Neal, Roe, etc., the Democratic Party, by itself, has lost every national and stale election since 1936...
...But then it added: "The actual choice is not between UNO and an ideal world federation...
...The Tammany elements also include the vicious Christian Front, and anti-Semitic groups that carried on so disgracefully at the Democratic Party State convention in the Hotel St...
...women'* dresses from SI50 lo $200...
...With the world in its present disorganized and belligerent condition, no nation can he expected lo adopt such a recklessly altruistic policy...
...There ran br no world J**rr," thry argued, "until there is a world order ¦•sril upon the principles of ihe limitation and Pooling of national external sovereignly bv all nations for the common good of mankind...
...Good government is not Social-ana, but it may be a step in that direc-"W In an atmosphere of efficiency and rfvte decency men and women can strive 'or further progress...
...Rul il iv ihr onlv •Sion that wmild be adequate to the situation...
...On November ? they will elect a "Board of Directors," a mayor, controller, president of the council, and Ave borough presidents...
...And thus far responsible authorities seem loo stunned lo slail the task of restoration or building a substitute In Condon the executive committee of CNO is automatu all ? going on as if nothing had happened...
...The Liberal Party, we (»· · ?will eventually stand on its own fret and shun coalition* with elements of vastly dlffei -•nt ideologies However, In critical elr-I nmstances a coalition becomes necessai y. It was necessary In 19.16, 1940, and 1914...
...I was |e(| with ihr impression, hnwevei, lhal all ibis depends upon some outside influence, s · a 'IM ii cost of our hieaklasl at the hotel was at the ' tale of... beyond attainment at this stage of world history...
...What ar* th* force* behind them...
...They made the aaa« sort »i sllisnre with the Mtsrmn Mayor Ha-ue of Jersey City...
...He is the front for a most dangerous alliance of public enemies...
...SlNCE we can not divorce issues from candidate*, let u* examin* the leading candidates—Jonah J. Goldltein, William O'Dwyer and Newbold Morris...
...common ordinary working ¦hoes cost $60...
...I ? pry building had hern deliheialcly demolished, not so nun h by aerial hoinbilig, hut hv systematically applied demolition bombs, the only building that aloud in fairly good condition was the Polonia Hotel, where we made our quarter*, on Aleja Jerozolimska...
...It iv.mid mean merely surreudrr hv the United Slates ol whatever advantage il has gained over other nations which are potential Inline enemie...
...He aerved until 1942...
...This ¦* deadly to higher aspirations, an 00-*aeW to social progresa...
...It must raise ¦nance* through sensible taxation and Provide model standards of wages, hours, conditions and relations with our 1*0.000 **tv employees...
...We alresdy have both UNO and chaos, bat we bare as* semblance of ¦nity among nations or international reoperation er even the promise ef an enduring Rig Three or Big Five alliance...
...It is composed ol delegates ol big rival powris which arc busily building up spheres ol influence in preparation for the next war...
...Roosevelt, l-ehman, and others, carried New York City only because of the ALP (before it was captured by the Communists) and the Liberal Party...
...They are allies still...
...This awaits ihe return of manv displaced Poles and soldiers, which dclavs the actual dale when the election tan he held...
...lunch was IIM) zloty*, and dinner was hel u ren Ml .....I .'Mm zlolys...
...George in Brooklyn in 1942, when they nominated Bennett over the proteats of progressive democrats from Roosevelt down...
...Christian Frcaters and Tammany racketeers were allies before...
...There are great numbers of perfectly decent, New Deal Democrats in New York City but the official Democratic Party is neither decent or New Dealish...
...Th* NAM News says that the UDA Is pigeonholing all applications for credit from Russia and her satellites until satisfactory political arrangements can b* mad...
...Atomic Bomb spoke for millions who ar* stunned into intellectual immobility when it remarked: "A true world federation...
...A ? Dublin...
...Genoa Labor Hits Use of Nazi Prisoners of War • The executive committee of the Genoa Chamber of Labor has passed s resolution protesting the proposed employment of German prisoners of war...
...If an adequate global federation cannot be,quickly enough perfected, Ave of the Dublin conferees proposed an alternative...
...The people of ibis country have evetv motive lo see lo il lhat the new power is used for peace rather than for war...
...abuat events in various parU of the world, fully bear out the trends as forecaHt ia our columns, and often evenU teporled yesterday are only a continuation of . .mi, and tendencies exclusively reported in The New Leader meek* smd month- ago In sharp rontraat to the reports from I.lads in Hill is the fiction contorted by' Irring Brandt for PM portraying Poland today aa independent and democrats Hep...
...vrn 11 this Is mail* necessary by th · gigantic armament* ol a totalitarian power, it remain* on* mare step along the path taken by Europe toward militarism and regimentation, and away from democracy...
...The City Administration must keep clean and in repair many miles of streets...
...Operating under the laws of incorporation, New York City is a mighty corporation with an annual budget of over $500,000,0(X...
...With • World fedeial govrii|*firiil we could salrlv haiullr •loniie powrr and I...
...The tragedy is dramatized hv the efforts of Congress to deal with ihe atomic bomb...
...Social Demociatie t ederativn and memler *( the Stat* Krsculiv* Committee of the f.iheral Parly StittK insist that the issues in the New York mayoralty campaign are ' routining Th* confusion is part of their temperament ana not in the issues...
...and the prospects for creating one are far Ironi bright...
...In turn the secrets of atomic power over lo such a body would not mean couiidiiig il lo au international trusteeship which would guard its use...
...We call th* attention of the AMG to the seriousness of our situation and ask that the measure be reconsidered...
...The Republican Party is in this coalition...
...Tinman urged on Congress legislation for one year ef compulsory military training far all American youths...
...These are but a few things our city ran and must do...
...When we say that we want good government, we mean efficient, honest and Progressive government, such as only **en and women with social vision can "giv* us...
...It is our foe...
...lost because of sabotage against Roosevelt and l«hman...
...The business of our New York City administration is to provide services, maintain institutions and cater to the many need*, comforts, health, and happiness of 7,600,000,000 persons...
...It must protect the health of its citiiens by proper sanitation, sewerage and garbage disposal...
...Th* most obvious lesson of the Pearl Harbor disaster 1* the ?,··· I for the unification of our armed forces...
...The Republican Party in the nation and in our state is not our ideal of a party of social progress...
...Eeaad Cowed by Fear late Submission lo Regime," was the headiiaa...
...As a tip In tin- waiter*, we were told lo give one or two cigarettes, which they received imH appreciably, as a good cigarette in ibis pari of the country wa» a luxury and could be used as a means of barler in the black market in obtaining food for their families...
...where the Nazi* planted the tolal destruction of Warsaw The nibble has been shoved aside and among ihn ruins in cellars and in shack*, crudely constructed out of lumber, the people of Warsaw find shelter...
...fart thai despite indes, rilialdc losses suffered hv Poland in (hin war and despite tlie untold sacrifices llie rnliie Polish nation has made for the common cause Poland was iinahlr and still is unable to celebrate with ns the dav ol victory a* ill dav of liberation...
...Mv observations point i» llit...
...It is estimated that there irmain in the ruins of the cily about 50,000 bodies thai cannot be removed as there is no machinery to encevale the ruina lo gel at tirem, and on passing near lire snirll of decsving human Ursh i« nauseating...
...1 can say very little about these three men...
...Ptr-aonally there is no great difference between them in character, background, experience, honesty, integrity...
...The resolution states in part: "We have learned that the Allied Military Government has decided to send German prisoners to Genoa who will work on the clesring of bombed areas...
...Representative Joseph l' Itvtei of Connecticut, and in ? self, hit the liitilcd Males on Aug...
...I Iii« would he a ? evolutionary move...
...All progressive forces, from liberals to Socialists, should work lor the Liberal Party candidates, Goldstein, McGoldrich and rVttr, and for its councilman!!- candidates...
...Member ef Congress, was elected from the Kigath', Illinois District, which lies in (Virago...
...We were told lhat this hotel is a Knssiau enlrrpriae, bill the help and ihr wailrrs were Polrs...
...But the plain fact is that Tammany and its shady cohorts hsve been kept out of the control of New York City daring the last 12 years only because of coalition of force* that alwayt included the Republican Party...
...The flash of the atomic bomb reveaia us defenseleas against ihr «mager* of apocalyptic war...
...Their objective is rbao* and aerial *He*raer, m »hisrh iney proa per...
...Without sT "llfcsrenmiriil we face destruction...
...The Communists «? I· 1*41 bated Kooserelt...
...Elections in some countries and in many of our 48 states do not concern as many voters as we have in New York City...
...Inder our present conditions the Government of the United Stales is obviously a more trustworthy custodian of the devastating new discoveries than anv international hody which we now have or are likely lo have in the foreseeable future...
...These are some of lire pi i. <¦« we noted on the blank market: a loaf of bread coat* $16...
...It has an imatenee responsibility in the education ef our children in our schools and collages...
...lost because of the drop of the vote in formerly and usually strong democratic districts...
...In fact, what their correspondents are now reporting ia the Timet, the Cftrietie* Science Monitor, and in a few other iral rate newapapera and mag...
...As to Newbold Morris we can say little as to who and what i* behind his candidacy except Mayor l.aCiiardia's peeve...
...It is between UNO and chaos...
...These men of llie lahoialiii ies do not seem to realize that there is no world authority worthy of such a linsl...
...Mioul the same view was givrji to us liv f.dwaid \subka-Morawski, the Piesideul of the Council of Vluiislers...
...Secretary of the Navy Forreetal an I Admiral King oppose the Army plan for merger as "revolutionary and unsound " By the time World War III end* in calamity, the Navy may have derided in discard its obsolete uniform«, bell-bottomed trousers and all...'s *uiu,run around S2O0...
...Only th* threat of defeat forced lb-Navy to cooperate with the Army and Air Force in World War II...
...dinner given by ihe amei-ii an Ambassador for llie Committee cost Itelween |00 and %, ? in American money a plale...
...The speed with which ihr technology of destruction has overtaken the snail-like operations ol legislators and diplomats brings the world blinking up against a dead-end...
...Victory will be a step In the detection of a future National Liberal or Labor Party that will develop independent political action on a broad platform of social and economic reform...
...And it would be a practical step toward the larger union which I* our ettimate objective... of authority...
...Our city must embark upon a great slum clearing program...
...What we need ia a new start toward a new objective...
...They sabotaged tax armament preparation*, fomented strikes, feagbt agaiaat the lifting ef the embarga, lead-lease, sad roasrription aad aerketted the While House...
...Universal disarm...
...aleak costs 126...
...As to Bill O'Dwyer, the c»*e is clearer...
...Hut the re.-tenlimi of the bomb secrets by one power is an open invitation for an armaments race on ibis new level...
...They are all good men...
...Pr?si-dent Roosevelt stood with us and against the Tammany candidate the sam* Bill O'Dwyer—and urged his defeat in 1911 This year the same coalition faces Tim many and it must win...
...One of the ironies of the stalemate in Java is that the defeated Japanese army I« bebl responsible far maintenance of order - a situation unparalleled...
...Allied with this rahal are ike Commn-nisi*, not only Ihrengh their oaVriil organization bet also their American Labor Party...
...And thi «•lomai* still pin their faith on bettl« ship*, despite the atom bomb...
...These are the prime questions...
...Arriving from Berlin at ihr only airport thai wa* approachable, callrd Okecie, on the outskirts of Wai-*aw, we wrrr met by mrmhrri of the American Cmhassv, and also by two oflicers...
...What these »»«rmpiluiK political adveatarera want in alliaarr with Tammany Hall ia not bard ?· 4i« rem...
...The danger is lhal we face the situation with fatuous ina,.|jon 'l he Sew York Timts dottbtlrs* Progressive vs...
...In Summary ?-factional ies that if they attempt a coup they will be suppressed just a* the Coin munis ? KAM KLAS was laat December...
...Thi* would enable u> to obviate the curse of "perfectionism " It would relieve us of the charge of treasuring the booth »errat far imperialistic purposes...
...Authorised by a Resolution ,,f the Maine ,j Rcpir-•emetivih ?? Th?v IT...
...Reactionary Coalition The Issues in the New York Municipal Campaign By August Claessens Executive Secietary of th...
...I naanHiU...
...light in fheir eves...
...flew Hampshire, a group of ihoughtlul citizens recently suggested an effective world federation as the wav out...
...In an atmosphere ** t'aft, corruption and inefficiency such a* prevailed when rorrupt Tammany politician* governed us, cynicism, dejpair ¦** public demoralization i* bred...
...likewise in the 1932 and 1941 New York City elections...
...fortunately, we were in ihr company1 of «ar owe people American... Over a story by Gladwin IIill free» Warsaw...
...contained nothing new...
...As a comment on the work door a( San Francisco the explosion over Hiroshima was devastating, llie juristic and literary labors of the w oi Id's top diplomats fell in ruins along with the building* of a Japanese cily...
...They were definitely rude lo us...
...It is nothing more than a jousting gioiind whrie delegates of sovereign slates maneuver Im position...

Vol. 28 • October 1945 • No. 43

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