Where the News Ends


Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN Our Stakes in Europe THK conference of Foreign Ministers in London offers an excellent opportunity for the inaugu-rstion of a new, firm, vigorous...

...What ran he laid of a settlement that deprives Poland of historic Polish cities like Leon n"rf Hi'iio and gives Poland solidly German towns like Hrcslait and Stettin...
...The Soviet-appointed Austrian Chancellor, Dr...
...Nothing could more sharply point, up the fact that the continent is actually divided and that powers on the two sides of the dividing line have opposing purposes...
...of the ill-omened derision* in which we acquiesced at Teheran, Yalta and Pots-dam But it is never too lite to recognize an error, to make a fresh stsrt...
...The Council of Ministers goes about its labors under a tremendous handicap, but there are signs which furnish some basis for hope...
...How much ran be salvage* from the wreckage of Potsdam and the preeetnng conference ia doubtful Hut we should at least try to rreate at the earliest possible moment untied administratura for Germany and Austria, to keep the deportation* within the narrowest possible bounds, I» fir tbe earlient possible date for the termination of foreign military orrupatien...
...If the British and American delegations in London, supported by the French and the Chinese, insist on the carrying out of the promises made at Yalta, we may be able to pierce the wall that divides Kurope...
...Two principal objectives of our foreign policy in Europe »hould be the creation of tolerable conditions of economic reconstruction in Central Europe and the sabstltution of democracy for totalitarianism in eastern snd aoutheaatern Kurope...
...It ran no longer Im...
...Democracy is struggling to revive in the regions from which it seemed most effectively banned...
...Don't worry," the Marshal j* reported to have replied, "the Americans will come in and give you more than we are taking away...
...Germany, even within ils 1937 borders was a densely populated country...
...One ran no more deliberately destroy a great prod act i re saerhsaism like prewar tier-as any and expect neighboring European countries te remain unscathed than one could biet out all American fact erica between Pittsburgh and Chicago and expect the rest ef America to fed no Americans should not imagine that they will be unaffected by brutal and stupid "peace-making" in Kurope...
...Irate the iron wall» of censorship, we get reports */ extensive internal discontent in Poland, 1 iignslavis, Hnlgaria, Humania...
...Both economically and socially, Italy hat always played a great part in European life...
...Foreign Ministers Conference improvement was regarded as an attack on Russia...
...Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN Our Stakes in Europe THK conference of Foreign Ministers in London offers an excellent opportunity for the inaugu-rstion of a new, firm, vigorous American foreign policy...
...Under the projected new frontier in the Kast, (iermany is to lose about a fourth of its agri-cult mal land...
...As independent joummHtU begin to gene...
...Karl Renner, had protested to Tolbukhin about the wholesale Soviet looting of Austrian industrial equipment...
...gigafftic bombing of thickly populated areas, ami breakdown of essential means of communication...
...He is right in stressing this basic principle of democratic life...
...Some of the contradictions involved in the Potsdam vivisection are almost incredible...
...The task is so enormous that even a faltering step in the right direction wttl be hailed as a victory...
...Till'', territorial changes imposed «ioth on Poland and on Germany are fantastic in their injustice and unreality...
...These regime* are by no mesn* so strong as has sometimes bees represented...
...American and British action with regard to Bulgaria and Rumania has given encouragement to democratic forces in these lands, and there ate indications of rebirth of political opposition to the dictatorships...
...What can this lead to, except the creation of a gigantic economic slum in the he*it ef Europe...
...We would prove thst we combine the strength of s giant with the mind of a child...
...It seems doubtful whether American public opinion will long t>e sattaned with a state of affau* in *,,„,, the Honet occupation authorities do the looting «IMj tbe uprooting of people, while the relief Job is left to America...
...America is also the one large power with productive reserves which make it a prospective source of relief and of reconstruction aid to foreign countries...
...Since the Labor victory in Britain, democrat ie forces have taken on new confidence in Franc*, and the other liberated lands...
...New blood will tiefis to flow in the exhausted body of European trade...
...That power is now at its peak...
...We would make a grave mistske and invite ultimate retribution if we should abuse our power for purposes of conquest, oppression and exploitation...
...One Europe...
...plausibly argued that we must buy continued military cooperation by sacrificing the very objectives for which the wsr was professedly being fought...
...Which needed a large industry, along with shipping and foreign trade, in order to furnish livelihood to its people...
...All reports agree that President Truman has his heart specially set on the re-establishment of a free press and free communication clear across Kurope to the Russian border...
...The United States delegation is doing the right thing by insisting that this matter be placed first on th* agenda...
...Ther* is every indication that there are still liberal and democratic forces in eastern and southeastern Kuros* that will be galvanized into action if Washington and London show that they mean business in calling for honest implementation of the United Nations' pledges of "free, unfettered elections" in lands freed from Kasi tyranny...
...If Italians are now encouraged, by a just treaty of peart, to make a rapid come-back, the effect on Kurope tl a whole will be great...
...Free communication and free discussion will, eventually, spell the downfall of dictatorship anywhere...
...Some of the derision st Potsdam seem deliberately designed not only to make impossible any revival of democratic civilized life in Germany and Austria, tint also to hold back indefinitely any recovery of Kurope front the pit of physical misery and cultural prostration into which it has been hurled by savage and relentless war...
...f we fail to do this, we shsll deserve the reputstion whichi according to Nathaniel PelTer, we already possess in the minds of many Kuropeans...
...The speed with which Japan surrendered was certainly attributable at least ninety percent to the tremendous growth of American striking power, with its culmination in thst awe-inspiring implement of destruction, the atomic homh...
...Kut we would commit an equally grave mistake and dereliction of duty it we did not use our power to promote liberstion and the processes of peaceful recovery in Kurope, to obtain the honoring of international obligations that have been freely entered into by all the United Nation...
...It would be idle to contend that the achievement ef both these objective* hss not been "made more ditticult by sesas...
...Vast numbers of Cermans, at least eight, to nine million, have been or are being indiscriminately expelled from regions which have been arbitrarily .assigned to Poland...
...Soviet prestige, highest at the time when tbe Red Army was driving back the Nazi invaders, has fall** as a result of the Soviet military practice of living off occupied countries like a swarm of locusts...
...The men gathered in London are the general staff of our effort at reconstruction, previous conferences hart handed on to them a world very much awry, and Jhejr are asked to set it straight...
...In western Kurope, though the economic situation is desperate, there are important sij?ns of political revival...
...This would suggest pouring water into a sieve...
...At the very least, the Atlantic Charter should have been publicly burned and repudiated as part of this complete denial of the right of self-determination...
...There is now a strong, an irresistible esse for throwing all our political, economic snd diplomatic power behind th* purpose of achieving the type of peace settlement that will deserve to endure...
...The one great thing that can be doije at once is to put Italy back'on her feet...
...Mattete connected with the administration of (iermany are not to lie taken up at this session...
...And there should be no relaxation: in the policy te which both America and Greet Britain seem happily committed of refusing recognition to totalitarian Satellite regimes in Kastern Europe...
...Whstever one may think of the phrase One World, there ia a good deal ef reality la the conception...
...If, after a period of free speech, there are in Poland and the Kalkan states the free elections which were promised, the ? teal wall will begin to crumble and it will be possible to envision the reconstruction of the continent as a whole...
...What, the Council of Ministers ran do toward rehabilitation is limited...
...Yet at the same time the shrunken Germany, into which these refugees are being dumped, is to be denied certain industries and severely limited in others...
...There is warning significance in a remark attributed to Marshal Tolbukhin, Soviet commander In Austria, by Edgar Snow...
...The Russian methods of control—including indiscriminate and arbitrary looting—have roused widespread opposition in Germany, Poland, Austria and other areas...
...The excuses which were put forward for the lamentable series of compromises and repudiations of the Atlantic Charter and the Four Freedoms at Teheran, Yalta, and Potsdam no longer possess Irre slightest validity...
...The war in both its phases is over...
...Franco's position in Spain will be made more difficult Democratic forces all over the continent will be encouraged...
...Some three million people of German cultural origin, the Sudeten Get maim, are threatened with s similar fate because of the ruthless expulsion progrsm of the Czech Government...

Vol. 28 • September 1945 • No. 37

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