TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they reflect social tendencies


TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they reflect social tendencies By Liston M. Oak Chinese Civil War Enters New Phase ASSOCIATED PRESS and United Press cables from China, and editorial! in Am ¦...

...A VICTORY for peace as great as any scored on the battlefield has been won by Russian and Chinese statesman ship," the Krr rimes editorialises...
...ritoriet granted te Poland are thti* 'tripped of industrial machinery, and Poland is made entirely dependent on Bastian production...
...Among' other social groups which point in tke same direction are the farmer organisations, the consemer cooperatives as well as institutions like the TVA, to mention only some developments in the USA...
...The return of these prodigal eons is awaited on the frontier by special Soviet committees, end also by two Polish divi sions commanded by Russian officers...
...Lengrsnge or short-range, the Putsdam decisions were unwise, leaving no hope tor a future peaceful, democratic and proa-pereus Germany...
...But they are confident that our errors will be so enormous that the Japanese Communist Party will grow space—and ite it will, I predict...
...Byrnes and Bavin have objected to the "new totalitarianism" in ths Balkans...
...On the eenttrsry, during May and June new ege-greope, up to 56 years, were called up...
...Izvettin tells us that the Greek elections are to he held "under sswdHtens ef Fascist terror...
...Solemnly they urge "unity" in China—a unity that teat Cemmanista snake impossible...
...M**m* was ike /fret nation te reMf...
...The further advances in this trsnsformstion, as symbolised by war economy, totalitarianism and the controlled economy developed at the end of the depression of the 1930's are still too recent to digest...
...The collective bargaining lyatem of our trade unions, based, in the Isst analysis, on the right, the sower, and the will to strike aa ultima ratio, givea labor today aa economic influence undreamed of a few decades ago...
...The institution of political commissars, disguised under the name of political and educational officers, is a typical feature...
...Likewise, the type ef feudal-monarchiet-eriental totalitarian ideology that has mied Japan is far closer to Stalinist totalitarianism than to western democracy...
...Simultaneously the Chinese section of the Comintern asaumes the offensive, gather* its terces, seeks to get the Japanese to surrender to them, to seize Japanese armament, to capture key cities...
...Arynx'a group of dittidtnt Socuditt* mod Ik* Co miliums U, defeated m their manemvore, eeekuwd iked (key would net appose ihr Giral Government...
...Stripped of resources by the Russians, Austria faces a desperate economic crisis...
...The treaty between the two nations was the bent Sooner could get Stalin to sign...
...When the Red Army marched into Tort Arthur, won and lost by the Tsars, won again by the Bolsheviks, and into Harbin, the red flags, the banners reading "Long Live the Bad Army, Long Live Our Liberator Stalin,"' were already ? here to greet them, as weald be the ease if the Red Army marched into Psris or lx>ruton or New York... designed I» strengthen the Soviet grip on Poland, and to exercise pressure on any "free" elections conducted bv the newly recognized provisional govrrament...
...The executive committees of...
...the first two ars both dominated by disguised Communists...
...lowers ef Gandhi aal Nehru are stRl in Jail...
...Poles forcibly enlisted into the German Army and taken prisoner by the Soviets are being deported to Russia...
...The principle of the bill—that when private industry cannot provide full employment the government must help with public works projects to supplement private capitalism—is a necessary first step toward planning, but not nearly enough...
...Polish women kept by the Gerniant ia the infamous concentration camp at Ravensbrueck and liberated by the British Army ware evacuated to .Swedes...
...The National Democratic and Christian Labor parties are termed "faaeiat," although they participated loyally ia the resistance te the Nasi invasion-Poland today enjoys "cultural and linguistic autonomy," said Kolodziejski, who is an obscure member of the puppet regime in Warsaw...
...In France, tke percentage «artai from 4 to 14 percent in the voriou* army cams* ns which therm are about 9,000...
...the tasks arc tea tremendous...
...In Summary LaSKI is as anti-Communist as is Kevin, according to the Daily Worker (Aug...
...Local German elements quickly grasped the situation, and are busily creating numerous coie-mittoas "to fight Fascism...
...Besides the presence of the Red Army, there is another danger threatening free elections, namely the Zymierski army, which is only a Polish branch of the Red Army...
...Thj Russians have removed from Polish Silesia all food stores, technical installations, and mm limes brought in daring the German occupation...
...The alternative te totalitarianism is not a theoretically putainie Socialism er a return to "free" enterpriae, nut a society ef organised ceaflicting groepc, balancing their often colliding interests by ueana of an organized democracy...
...They have begun, in ear time, still hesitatingly and gropingly, to play their part in all important matters of national and intei nstionsl politics...
...Of the "Socialist-" leaders, only Stancsyk and Zulawski are genuine party members...
...Such rumors are intended to lure the refugees back into Poland...
...Theas facilities, W*«»ar...
...A majority of these trying to carry out the Potsdsm decisions ars of the aplaion thst "it wont work.*' Germany has lest one fifth of her territory, and caa supply less then 13 percent of her feed requirements at best...
...National Socialist or Fascist idealogy is net identical with Russian National Communism., but it is easy for a Nasi er a Borshevik to make the transition...
...Tais gives Russia an initial advantage in the coming struggle for power in Japan...
...The realization that the traditional Socialist labor movement had been sidetracked by the course of history leads to a feel tag of frustration which could easily be exploited by the total i-tarians...
...At present, Poland seems to be fully mobil ized...
...It ia dangerous enough that any power ait earth possess suck power, but to give it away to the enemy, actual or potential, is shear madness...
...Today in < hmn tomorrow where...
...Recently tke Polish Committee of National Liberation (the Lublin Committee) celebrated its anniversary in Moscow...
...We are already far advanced in this direction...
...The only newspaper now printed ia l^ipiig is a Communist organ...
...Alt senior officers above the rank of rsptain are Russian citizens and mostly members of the NKVD...
...This army, controlled by the NKVD...
...lince 1927 there haa been an ebb and flow, with the Chinese Communiata retreating or taking I he offensive as circumstances dictated, in accordance with Sulmut strategy (aae A'.-«ndmtwnt *f l.enmxtm, by Joseph Stalin...
...Ticket to Siberia IN all units of the Polish Army-in-exile s poll has been token to determine who wsnts to return to Polsnd under the Moscow-control led regime...
...Neither Pritto «er Ntgrin i$ m the Cabinet...
...It is unwise for the United States to intervene militarily in this continuing...
...The reason the percentage was higher in Scotland thsa elsewhere was thst more of the soldiers there hsd families in Poland to whom they wished to return even at personal risk...
...Truman's denunciation of the Franco Government ef Spain was followed by ? statement by Byrnes that tas USA w.ii net enter into sny further trade agreements with Spsia unless they are ef special benefit to America...
...Ernest Bevin said be hoped Hong Kong would be returned to Britain, "in agreement with our Chinese end American allies...
...The NKVD network extends through the whole army, with agents in every platoon...
...Without industry tka Germans csnnot pay for Imports...
...The New Leader has supported this bill...
...and defends the Bulgarian sjoction laws as "tka sanat de...
...In reprisal the Soviet authorities deported to the interior of Russis 2,000 Polish political prisoners held in the Lublin, Castle...
...In s regiment ststioned in Centrsl Poland, out of 27 officers live sre Poles, two Ukrainians three Jews—the re-msining 17 ere Russisns...
...This reformism, must Ik ·? aggressive reformism, since it has to achieve a transformation of so-ciety against strong reactionary, on the one hand, and revolutionary totalitarian forces of Left and Bight on the other »aad...
...Those who prove unsuitable from the political standpoint end their career in jail...
...Bavin's hope "is' aa Anglo-French alliance which would be the cornerstone of a western «uti Soviet European bloc...
...The program of the British Labor Party ia far bettor...
...Although a Polish militia has been created in Gdansk (Danzig), the German police force still functions...
...Reducing Germany to an agrarian state was termed "a short-range political necessity but a long-range economic absurdity" by a group of American and British experts working in ths Reich...
...The candidates undergo an intensified military ami ideological training...
...Berling, who was said to oppose the Sovietization of his army, was shot in February, according to persistent rumors...
...a Recent Events In Poland Early in June, s group of Poles forced their way into the Rembertow concentration camp and liberated many soldiers of the Home Army imprisoned by tke Soviets...
...The old reform ism ef tke continental European type, and the British type of trade unionism, were adequate expressions of the main trends of social evolution for the period up to World War I. But the First World Wsr introduced transformations in society which were not foreseen by reformism snd whioh it was not prepared to understand...
...Army" ·1 General Zymierski ?? ? withdrawal of the Russian Red Army from Polish territory is sn essential prerequisite for the Tree and unfet-bmai elections" to be held in Polsnd...
...war, hvt it is imperative that Aneei ica continue to give the Gevernsaeat headed by Chiang Kai-ahek economic and .'ivlomatic support, including srms, without limit...
...Germans are more often appointed te administrative positions than Poles, although the Soviets proclaimed long ego that this part of Germany should belong to Polsnd...
...It must be regarded as merely a Russian maneuver with concessions dictated by circumstances...
...Tka provisional government formed after the liberation of Warsaw and the present Government of National Unity faithfully continua to serve the Committee and follow its orders...
...But now the new histories...
...Some of them fell into Russian hands liefere the British reached Ravensbrueck...
...I hu», even after the withdrawal of the Red Army from Poland, there will be no chance to establish a democratic regime unlens all Rum aians are removed from the "Polish" army, and unless Anglo-American forces are present to supervise the election campaign and voting...
...Finally, it has to present its view with the confidence which it may justly derive from its own position...
...The i Russians conceded, ander pressure, control ef Japan to Americana...
...The Rumanian Government, under Are of criticism front Washington and Landen as s "new typa af totalitariaa...
...Dismantling of factories in Wroclaw (Breslau) is In progress...
...At the same time the Soviet military commander in Poznan ordered the release of 1,500 German citizens and allowed them to return to their homes...
...nes» aha new Jaw ansa G»iw*m<rxt m-0*9...
...The eornmsnd-ing officer of this regiment seals his official letters with ths following stamp: The First Polish Soviet Army Regiment...
...Tke Indian Government extended amnesty to 60,000 Indian srddiers whs fought far Japan...
...AH we need is to exploit the new possibilities snd sccept the responsibilities inevitably sccompsnying growing power...
...The enlistment into this ermy did not cease after VE-Day...
...The nominal ration for Viennese is 900 calorie* daily, mostly I rom bread and peas...
...ought te be urecisely defined so thst they do not infringe upon Polish sovereign rights...
...But they are silent about the Communist dictatorship in Poland, which is worse than in Bulgaria or Rumania...
...In April, General Zavadzki, head of the civil administration in Silesin, said: There are no more German Fascists in Silesia, but we must liquidate the Polish Fascists...
...After months of delay Anglo-American forces entered Vienna, and brought a promise of help that may avert mass starvation...
...The pries China had to pay for the concessions (which are thus far only verbal) was great Russia regains the position held by Tsarist Russia in the Far East prior to tka war with Japan in 1904-05...
...China surrenders Outer Mongolia and Pert Arthur and a half interesi in the railroads across Manchuria...
...The Lublin radio reported officially that he had been appointed military attache in Moscow on February 12...
...cation of British owned mines...
...Bat some ef flat let...
...The existence af ceaflicting social groups with colliding inter ests will moat certainly create social tension and lead to socisl straggles, but, st the ssme time, is s asara reliable guarantee for the maintenance of Use fundamental political, cultural and individual rights and liberties than any system ef free enterprise which leeks for govern meat subsidies with esch new economic crisis...
...The Yugoslav miau are working, at 25 percent of capacity, nade* a workers" Soviet...
...And as for Salin's promise of non-intervention in the domestic affairs of China, that is s formula often repeated and invariably violated...
...Attlee agreed with Churchill and Truman that this ghastly, portentous secret, grant and terrible, must remain the exclusive possession of Britain and America...
...It would have been perfect if a Negro and a Nisei bad been there In the Whit* House...* does not mean that transport end mams ani usUen fueflitiar through Po should ha denied to the Russian ¦*·¦¦», especially aa regards the eccu-•sticm of Germany...
...Jose G'rul IS Premier, Fernand* dt lee Kies Fortif* Minuter...
...Twenty-eight veteran* received the Congressional Medal ef Honor last week from President Truman...
...Only the coal-mining industry has remained intact...
...the Polish Air Force only 1.5 percent elected U entruet their live* to tke NKVD, and in Ih* Navy 5 percent are willing to return...
...Certainly, there are reasons why this kas not yet been done...
...Modern reformism haa to formulate its own aima and vision, without which it csnnot attract the younger generation...
...All the available evidence shows that this is not a Polish army, even though AO percent of the junior officers are of Polish nationality...
...It seems fairly certain that the American Army will do a relatively poor job...
...Then the Communists' opportunity will come...
...There baa been kae reasarisn of the Chines* civil war even daring the war with Japan...
...Viscount Wavell conferred with Lor i rrthirk Lawrence, new Labortte Secretary of State for India, and the prospects appeared good for dominion status far Indis ss soon as disputes between Moslems snd Hindus can be compromised...
...The document given those who agreed to go bsclt was called "s ticket to Siberia...
...Tke "foils...
...In the costing elections, only three parties will be allowed to run candidates—the Peasant Party, the Socialist Party and the Communist Party...
...Again in aceordanee with Soviet strategy the Moscow dictatorship signs an agreement with Soong of the Kuomintang Government to aid China, not to interfaere ?? her internal affairs, to share the administration of Manchuria and other vast areas — with tke real control in Human hande...
...Their primary task is to keep the troops in the iron grip of Communist discipline...
...The results art: In Scotland, about 24 percent of tke 70,000 seedier* chote to return...
...Furthermore the treaty legalises Russian penetration of Manchuria, Korea, Mongolia, and gives them such a degree of control, that it will be an effective first step toward far greater, if not complete, control...
...sll tke more so ss they ars combined with tke rapid shift of international leadership from Europe to America on the one side, and stussi* on the other...
...It was founded by a decree of the Soviet-sponsored "National Council" on July 21, 1944, combining Polish units formed in Russia under General Berling and the "People's Arpiy" (Communist military organisation in Poland...
...caaveaieatly discovered "a terrorist pie*" agahsst Premier Pelm Gross...
...They have to develop appropriste organisations snd leadership, not for the representation of special interests of limited groups, but for the defense of the overall interests and long range policy of the society in transformation...
...In Upper and Lower Silesia (ceded te Poland under the Potsdam agreement) the Communists pursue a "soft" policy toward the Germane...
...The available < vidervce seems to indicate that Japanese officers and the Japanese ruling caste fear Russia aa aid their apposite numbers In Gerasany, while the Japanese workers hope that the Communists will rescue them from domination by western im 1 erialisaa, aa well as from theii own rulers... Am ¦ wam paper», talk of the "threatened civil war in China...
...There comes a paint, however, at which the new organisms havs to take the lead...
...tic the Bulgarian people ever had...
...The treaty actually settles nothfrig— neither the civil war nor the possession of Manchuris...
...Its founder, Wanda Wasilewska, wss set present A Communist leader, Mrs...
...The political past of the officers, their former associations, including membership in the Home Army, their relations—however casual— with the Western Powers, sre carefully scrutinised with a view to securing perfectly obedient tools for Soviet purposes...
...scene is set, definitely enough to outline realistically the new role which labor will hav > te play...
...Financial mirres!» in Paris, London, aad New York are worried lest other governments in Ihr Soviet sphere will likewise nationalize property owned by . foreign capitalists...
...Lord Sirmbolgi, LarWnV peer, de...
...dared: "The brutal fact is fset tear ·» urn instrtimtnt of national polity earn now be imil/fil only by the United States be-.o«sc it Ans u monopoly ef the fuel and intricate plant needed for the atiotw bomb...
...The Communists—Russian and Japanese aud Chinese—have known hew to exploit effectively the discontent ef Japanete soldiers living on a daily howl < f rice, treated Haa slaves...
...We gat the tough Jeb of feeding the starving Japanese)— along with the starving Europeans— s id ef administering the affairs of that volcanic island, hesvily overpopulated, in the first crucial years...
...but however fair its promises, one must remember that Poland, as well as the Baltie States, signed a series of very excellent treaties with Moscow...
...The Russians placed them in a newly established csmp in Koenigsberg on th« Oder (not to be confused with Knenigs-berg in Esst Prussia...
...It has to analyse and criticise our present society snd the sdverse trends in thst society thoroughly...
...This "plebiscite" was genuinely "free and unfettered," carried out under the supervision of British liaison officers...
...Head of this institution previously was (Jeneral Zawadnki, a Soviet citizen and notorious sgent of the NKVD On March 8 /.awadski was succeeded by General Spychalski, another high official in the NKVD...
...When and if the Communist maneuvers are defeated in China we can assail the Koumintang for its manifest and manifold defects...
...There are persistent reports thai Soviet policy toward the Poles ia to be "liberalized...
...Recruits -with higher and university education are selected for officers' schools which, as a rule, are situated in Russia (Orel, Odessa, Kiev...
...It is merely a declaration of purpose and policy...
...And the trade anions are steadily extending the field <>f their activities, advancing from Wage and hour problems to the more geaeral topics of social security, general welfare, general education...
...Guilty them serves, the Communists accuse Chiang Kai-shek of being a dictator of plotting n«il war...
...What is missing is the theoretical and political integration of these genuine spontaneous developments into one generally recognized view of s new society in tke making, which is neither totalitarian and bureaucratic-centralist, nor classless, nor individualistic...
...But any slightest appeasement of the Tenan Communist regime is an invitation to disaster...
...but that it Is merely a beginning, and utterly inadequate to the situation that is developing as a result of our planless transition from wer to peace...
...The elementary forms of s new society have developed thus far within the womb of the old capitalist society just aa once capitalist society developed in the womb* of feudalism...
...In Germany, eligktly more than 2 percent of 17,000 voted te go back...
...They have told the Socialist Parties of Europe, the DIV ssys, "break with the Communists and you can be assured of British support...
...Kucsynska, declared that, "All hopes of ths Committee have been fulfilled...
...And the astonishing fact Is that serious political commentators view all these treads as sosnething new...
...ties led by Niekotas Baaostn and Jali« Mania were stressed and tke secret police rep art they hare eaafesaed te "creating discard among tke U sited ? a* tiene and soaking foreign aapport," as well aa "working against national unity," all heinous Crimea in a totalitarian la ad...
...The task of the political commissars is not confined to Communist propaganda...
...Look at the nsmes of s few of them: Bell, Clark, Dslessondro (Dago to Senator Bilbo), Herrers, ? riles, Dshlgren, Gsrcis, Gers-tung, MacGiilivery, McCarter, Mabry, Rudolph, F.verhsrdt, Funk, Neppel, Beyer...
...As I predicted a year ago, with the war's end the Chinese civil war enters a new phase...
...France protested sgsinat tike si lionslisstioa without compensatio«, hy Yugoslavia, ef French -owned rapper mine* there, worth ??#??.?·#, Britai., plans a similar protest against nations...
...IN SUMMARY: • James F. Byrnes, Secretary of State, endorsed the Murray-Wagner Full Employment Bill which will come before Congress when it reconvenes, and that ia line...
...From the German part of Silesis they removed saany prewar factories completely...
...1» Italy, lee* (has 10 percent would like to return out of 110,000 men...
...Moscow reports that the Kwantung Army surrendered to the Bed Army, after mutinies So which Japanese soldiers ¦hot their officers in approved Bolshevik fashion...
...To do this, they have to clarify snd substantiate their aims and views...
...The old formulae proved to be unsatisfactory, the old yardsticks inaccurate...
...Hard-boiled commonsense, which cuts across classes and parties, wan in Britain with the repudiation by the British Labor leaders of the phony idealism ef a group of Laborites who proposed that the secret of the atomic bomb he entrusted to a United Nations organisation—including Rossis...
...Twenty-seven members ef the sar...
...In a society, ss assnmsd here, consisting of several classes* and social groups with partislly conflicting interests, it is very important for the role each group csn play, how conscious it is of its position within the society as a whole, and of its own aims and possibilities, snd how successful it is in developing the proper political instruments and ideologies to deal with the situation...
...New ideas of organising social security are under discussion, suck as John L. Lewis' latest program of royalties on tke products of laser for the creation of welfare and sdaisflatml funda, a very modern idea, tried thus far only in very limited fields of soma special .rafts...
...TRENDS nunriationa...
...The Germans frequently denounce Poles far alleged anti-democratic activity, ths Soviet authorities encourage these d«The uargsining and executive oigsns of juc» s cooperstive and decentralised planum emerge from the struggles of organized labor...
...The war he* ended a new war begins...
...Flections in which opposition candidates are permitted to run will probably be held in Turkey in the autumn for the nrtt time...

Vol. 28 • September 1945 • No. 35

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