TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they reflect social tendencies


TRENDS: Ideas in action; events as they reflect social tendencies By Liston N.Oak The Higher Democracy at Work in Poland OMR men step toward tamadntlia et* Stulms plan te Poland w Utes ··> Apt*...

...On the contrary, it will strengthen it and make it possible for armament gradually to be reduced...
...aad Bierut...
...The only news available w in form ef daHy bulletins posted in the streets...
...Betet unions have been driving for years to get management cooperation hi installing safety device* and ia training foremen in safe methods... a tot end * trammeled election, each party running "its owa" candidates, «R of wham wUl be Cotaasenists or fellow LraveJers or stooges—or nine amp laps...
...The Conservatives, representatives of the wealthy planters, hold only three out of 24 seats, **ertaj ten years ago thay held all of them...
...Somewhat aa Veto Malftiaia runs on the Republican, Democratic, and American 1-abor parties...
...Can anyone doubt where the real power liest Active opposition to Moscow's "requests" would amount to political suicide The plebiscite In Carpate-Ukrate eaanot be in doubt it triu ge te Russia An latent*>at Ctecha...
...The anti-totalitarian Polet have been damned for an uncompromising opposition to domination by Moscow...
...M— Miin'rT ? ailei tted te 4mmI aka* eate«*toe tea **» rcgiaae W admitted to tka .Sn Framclare «??>-fcrenet, a demand itteed p/Imubj« mi Lstatai...
...fa Balparia they ha-ee eigen tied the Patn-ofic ¦'neat aaaVr the control of Dimitrov, who promises "t-'ie reyeaerattoii ef te futkortmnd . . . in the anten ·/ Starte eoaatriae...
...Property It te be protected from looting, fraternisation between Batate soldiers and te German population ia strictly forbidden...
...All able-bodied German men aast women are kept fully occupied en mannai labor daring te daylight henra and confined te their botet at night- Germans are netMpermltted te form trade union* or eter organisations...
...during these year* the per capita production of food decreased by ? percent Our exportable' food surpluses decline, now that we must reduce our own consumption to feed starving people abroad...
...Jones and the WFA are charged with deliberately planning the current food shortages, protecting the profit...
...During the examination, each was asked whether he belonged to the Home Army...
...IN SUMMARY— The Census Bureau report* that the Negro population of the USA increased 45.6 percent between iso* and 1944t, when there were 12,8«,818...
...The main instructions ef teat ramwindcrs are: Industries essential for the Russian war effort are te be kept going...
...Frank Ostrowski is president, and Anthony Mojsowski is secretary of the Polish-American Labor Council...
...Skilled worker*, suck a* mechanic*, locksmiths and technicians, art being sent to Russia, and sailors to Odessa...
...Is far Stalin to compromise: to admit at least · few «f the democratic Polish leaders into the new provisional government This is little enough—Moscow would still exercise effective control of the destinies of Poland—bat it might avert the threatened failure ef the San Francisco Conference...
...Newly .arrived immigrants from Europe, Negroes, immigrants from Mexico, and other minority groups have nearly always been the major sources of labor supply...
...hV h is Stalins interpreUuon of te Crimea* i «rauda aa the Polish troni tan...
...The troops of the Republic of Polsnd, fighting outside of her boundaries, must have the right to take part in universal voting, in the same manner in which those rights are guarenteed to the soldiers of the American Army...
...Slovakia would resist the loss of tkia territory...
...Both the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen (AFL) and the United Packinghouse Workers (CIO) have organized large numbers of these workers into powerful locals...
...The House food study committee haa heard charges that 90 percent •t the meat in Boston and New York is sold in the black market...
...Present Food Shortages Here Planned Washington (lp>.—a drastic- »nakeup of the eereriiment's food policies and the dismissal of Marvin Jones as head of the War Food Administration found increasing favor in the ranks of organized labor and consumer group...
...Meat slaughtering has stwsys been known as a hazardous industry...
...fiitiH* rcemried te* Ramsin JaJwaaV «- «ka pact, la pay ? ptrosnat W te eeot W recsswarnrtJmi Polaad...
...A large number of those examined were jailed...
...But migrate to the North hat reduced the number of counties in the South where Negroes are in a majority from 286 to 180...
...It i* these parties that make Up the only legal Poliah government in London... 1943 illegitimate births were 6.3 of all births >s Britain...
...He haa modernised the ¦tate'a penal aystem, he has vigorously opposed the pall tax, and now he haa taken a step which will mean much for the economic progresa of the South...
...What is not so well known, however, is tas WFA's "make scarce" program which, as one labor leader put it, "has turned the greatest food larder we km ever known into a severe shortage of food only on* year later...
...There Is the ferherlead DURING WorM War I, certain areaa in Germany aad in France escaped unscathed: after the war it was discovered that these undestroyed statt factories and iron tad coal mines were jointly owned by Germaa-Fronch cartels...
...Management got a return of 4900 percent on the funds it invested in an industry-wide drive during the three months of its operation, Miss Perkins said...
...what was his attitude toward* the Polish Government in London...
...from Columbia (e Human», the Cmmmtmitte are caa>«a/lapte tefr oryoaiwiHeas...
...Safety Program Pays WASHINGTON (LPA).—How successful a small expenditure for an industrial safety campaign can be was demonstrated when Secretary of Labor Francea Perkins reported the results of a safety drive in the meat industry...
...All citizens must enjoy full freedom of speech and assembly as well as all other political civic rights...
...Dorothy Thompson notes that British aad American representative* to Ctcchotlovakian Government at Kosice were informed at the last possible moment— by the Russian Embassy, not by the Cteeh*— that conditions are not favorable for their arrfval at Kostce, The Russian Ambassador, '/.orin, is already there, of course...
...Lieutenant General Thomas T. Handy, deputy chief of staff of the War Department, disclosed recently that the War Department employs 264,000 draft-worthy males...
...The children of fanatical ? a sin...
...The following measures were urged t**a*ur* thai Poland will be a free and democratic country: -1) A goaumaly Independent Polish government in Poland consisting of true representatives, recognised by tha nation, of those political parties which were active in the war against Germany...
...Later there wUl...
...e Where Steel la...
...incited by prepa* gaada ahewt te atrocities tey would sewer if they fell int« the bande ef te Benalan*, tegat Mindly ht defense ef Berlin The ctrrtapendet)t of a rkachbtha paper said: "Those child saldiert gee* wBd ere eertaioty owe ef te meat dreadful thing* te htetory of war baa aeon...
...In The Now Leader of Oct 28, 1944, 1 stated that the call for a revolt against Franco which waa then issued by the Communist led "Junta Suprema" was not only premature, but "irresponsible adventurism, doomed to defeat," and that it would lead to terrible reprisals... as they reflect social tendencies By Liston N.Oak The Higher Democracy at Work in Poland OMR men step toward tamadntlia et* Stulms plan te Poland w Utes ··> Apt* 11, when · pect ef mutual «? waa a.gned with Rumu» puppet reerima Mrf by < Hubka Moraw.k...
...That it why we Communists endorse universal military training...
...Real wagee had lingered six percent behind the 1989 level—the ne wagroosnents effect* a raise of about five percent...
...Hi* defense will contend that Petain negotiated an agreement with the British in October, 1940, to join tbt Allies a* soon as they invaded North Africa...
...Since ten an average of 1,000 anti-Franco Spaniards bate been killed every month, Pritto reports, and 90«V 000 are still In Jail in Spain...
...We demand that these camps be discontinued immediately...
...Organized st s conference called by the Department of Labor here last spring, the drive had the cooperation of labor, management, state labor departments, national safety organisations, insurance companies, and many federal agencies...
...The State Department has discriminated in favor of the CIO in providing transportation and other facilities for many more CIO than A PL tenders to act ia an advisory capacity at San Francisco, William Green charged...
...Those who did not belong to any party were enrolled in the P.P.D...
...The government of India ha* adopted a .polim ·' taking over the development of Major industries whenever privato capital it lacking...
...te Communist Polish Workers' Party...
...A trainload of CIO officials and foreign labor leaders sponsored by Hillman and the PAC left Wash ington April 19...
...Staff officer* and higher officials «f te Underground Administration art 'liquidated' without trial...
...The Swedish Federation of Labor Unions reports that new collective agreements covering 140,000 workers have been signed...
...If the Big Three fail te solve this particular conflict, what nope is there that tey wiB solve any of the tber tremendous ask* ahead, that the United Nations will maintain "unity...
...How comet These factories art owned by cartels in'which there is British and American capital...
...Drafted men adjudged trustworthy were left in Krakow...
...The search for officers of the Home Army continue...
...4) Soviet armies must be withdrawn immediately after the German defeat, in pursuance of I^nin's statement that no true aelf-determination of a nation snd no true plebiscite are possible as long as a foreign army is on its soil...
...Tbt Herald-Tribune commented, "tine raport at te White Room was that Iba President had called these military leaders to got their advice on standing Arm against Russian demand* for Anglo-American recognition ef tbt Warsaw government...
...In bringing suit against the railroads for imposing upon the South s discriminatory freight-rate schedule which ha* kept it in a "colonial" position, Arnall ha* shown the way for emancipation...
...In ster atantl...
...ftattrion Policy la Germany The Leedo* Timet (March 7) described Russian policy in eastern Germany, liberated by the Red Army, as follow*: "There ia ae trained pertoomtl for te admieja-tratiea ef accepted areas...
...Governor Dewey'a veto ef an election bill which would have crippled indrpindtat partita, by virtaahy eliminating independent tf totlf for office, »as hailed by te Liberal Party aa "a real service to democracy.'' 9 Marshal) Petain is on the way back to France to face charge* of collaboration and treachery...
...In te Krakow district te drafting of soldier* Me te Communist "Polish" army ander Zymierski hat been completed...
...see Ciecftos'ovak'a—dnofher Anfoaomoat Soviet ffepeblic...
...Other plants undestroyed are certain L G. Parbenindustrie factories, in which cartels Aaseriean and Englishmen are financially interested...
...Between 1914 and 1989 the population of the USA increased by one-third, or 83,000,000...
...Commanders tat cap-tared towns are appointed from among te farces which distinguished them selves ia local battles... Silesia, the N.K.V.I), has issued instructions which state there are no German fascists there, and which declare that te German nation no longer presents a threat to the Soviets...
...Insursnce companies have traditionally avoided having anything to do with workers in the industry...
...Governor Ellis Ar-nall of Georgia ia the foremost southern liberal...
...Over 5,000,000 votes have been cast since the board's inception nine years ago...
...3» Diplomatic representation of the United Nations in Poland must be immediately brought back to pre-war status...
...Attending the conference wart AveiiU H«rriman, U. ?. Ambassador te Russia, and (Jen...
...The electoral victory of radical labor in Jamaica hat Decesaber bas been paralleled by a similar tries** in Barbados, where Grantley Herbert Adams, Nerro leader of the Progressive League end Workers' Union is now in a position to control the House of tossmbly...
...The government wffl have representation in the management of the plants to be established by American automobile firms...
...No listening te the radio ia permitted...
...I/.-der the name ·/ te "Deaueeraiic Seciolut Party ·/ C«f aaste," tey hate reoswtte steered dee ataim «/ the jfaJteli Ceaerese...
...U'a a slick trick...
...The National Labor Relation* Board announce* that last year 1,072,694 workers cast valid vote* in over 4,000 union elections...
...Tkia leans that, the Patiah Caaaasaniats have created a new "feasant Party," ? they have a new "Socktet Party," so that they ran include the quisling "leaden" of tea* phony organizations inte te reorganised govera-mtnt and give it the appears nee of mass support...
...what he would do if he learned about an officer of the Home Army...
...The "Lublin Government" set up by the Soviets represents only the Communist Party which never had any importance in Poland...
...This does not conflict with the necessity of building op te United Nation* world security organisation... R a ataxia they tnmod the peiif#d filial faiuihl aad the Ceatmawut mniema, omi Commemioto hoU irfi hey offUe», «aat dmrngeaf their po.ty't name te (Ae Socialist Party, tehees sec re tare ts rataraas...
...meaning subversive...
...Ordntntt factories, public utilities, and railways are already «lale-owned...
...wke pays te paper «alta te tea...
...Following the ejection of a Communist Mayor tf Bolognn, another Communist ha* bean elected Meyer of Modena...
...Bot the final result will be shout the tame...
...The Chechoslovakian Cabinet it beaded by Zdenek Pierlinger, long a friend of Stalin a* Ambassador to Russia, and it .contains six admitted Communists, live , Social Democrats, three Socialists, twe liberal Catholics, two of tbt Slovak Peasant Party, and three without open party affiliation...
...of the food industry at the expense of the public, asd permitting dissipation of the nation's food reserves...
...Bot all possible emphasis is upon close tajsptrttiaa With Russia...
...Now GI Joe's lighting their way into Germany find wide area* occupied by big war industries untouched by bombs or artillery...
...te naw Palba Cawaaatet agency, taateliat U te Rasmiea TAM, restarted trem Uda te* The Peasant Party, owce headed by ex Premier Stanislaw Mifcoiajciyk, Poland's largest party," has pledged "fall support of te Polisa ProvtSMual Got was at...
...The mortality rate among them was 70 >W thousand or SO percent higher than among other CBudren The shortage of men is mainly responsible, »ei there, ia a growing demand for more legal protects*, for babies born out of wedlock, r»nd removal of Mai stigma against their mothers...
...There was an unscheduled conference between Truman, Stettinin», and American tap military leaders on April 24...
...g) Free universal elections to be carried out as soon as possible, and not under any pressure...
...e C'e«r-e*-Crytfal Dopmrtmeat • "There I* nothing wrong with the Idea of a big army, navy, and air force," Israel Amter declared In the l>a,ly Worker of April 2.1...
...How-«ver, 15 of the largest packing companies showed »1,270,imi<) in profits for the first six months of 1944 as «enpared with a 1342,000 average for the same period «¦ring the years 1986-39...
...Aroused Congressmen, convinced that the meat ¦aortage has given birth to huge black markets throughout the country, scheduled special inquiries in Boston, New York, Chicago and Cleveland...
...ft) te Ctltgwt area, te American owned Ford plant and the British-owned Courts ? tentil« plant ere undamaged amid JtvaataUsB...
...The Supreme Court has announced its decision to sit in Judgment on this case...
...There seems to bt a blind spot et the Norden bembaight...
...Representatives of foreign institutions, above all the Red Cross, UNRRA, International Labor Bureau, Labor Unions and Associations of Americans of Polish descent, must be allowed to visit Poland and move there unrestrictedly in order to obtain first hsnd information on conditions in Poland...
...John K. Deane, who recently headed a military mission to Russia...
...WHAT Lenin failed to achieve by proletarian revelation Stalin will accomplish by mean* of diplomacy backed by tbt Red Army and the Communist partita of liberated land...
...Many thousands are there only because they had belonged to the Underground Anny which fought against ths Germans...
...Polish officers freed from German prisoner-of-war camps art tent to Russia for 'training...
...Thus the tatet democratic 0f te nations born from Wilton'* principle ef self-dt-termination takta te path that must lead to final inom poration into the USSR, whether R be in years or decades...
...If it is won by the people end rstee are equalized, it will mean encouragement of the industrialization of the South, necesssry to its escape from poverty and backwardnea...
...The coming election cannot change this trend...
...Two reasons for the shortages are well known: increased needs of the armed forces and increased civilian comum ption...
...WHAT DEMOCRATIC POLES DEMAND Tjrjt Polish-Amarinan Labor Council, at a meeting in Detroit, adopted a resolution condemning the Yalta Igfciee* on Poland as a violation of the ideals of the Atlantic Charter...
...Political officers examined the, ' party affiliation of each...
...Certain liberal* have praised the wisdom of Eduard Benes of Chechoslovakia who pursued the opposite policy and appeased Stalin all along the line...
...Government experts and others have contended that the country today has more beef on the hoof on Western ranges than ever before, but the packers' lobby is ctmntly badgering Congress to lift ceiling prices, thinning that one of the chief reasons for the meat iwrtage is their inability to make any profits...
...This followed a »ession of the foreign mini iters of the Big Three with Trnman, at which, it is reported, Molotov waa tough, insisting upon recognition of Moscow's puppet Polish reg me, with Truman equally Ilm and Mont The only way of breaking this deadlock, apparently...
...For this purpose the return of all deportees must be expedited.' There are now in Poland and in the territory of tbp Soviets many concentration camps where hundreds ef thousands of Polish citizens hay* been sent without trials...
...that, an the ether hand, Polish 'fascists' form a dangerous element, and they are to be destroyed with the assistance of the German...
...Workers avoided $204,000 in wage losses during that period...
...Considerable money awards are being offered for their detection...
...thai bt waa playing a double game with the Germans...
...The latest report from inside Poland to leak through the rigid censorship reads: "Arrests continue in the Bialystok district...
...Arrested persons are evacuated to unknown destinations by the thousands or are thrown Into cold dungeons without suitable clothing...

Vol. 28 • April 1945 • No. 17

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