Books in Review


Books in Review The Whitewashing of Marshal Tito Review by MAJOR B. J. TODOROVICH (Major Toderovich is a member of General Dra ja Mikailoeiek't General Stag. He it now #n daty rn Washington, D....

...Prior to the outbreak of World War II cooperatives were well established in both the British Isles sod continental Europe...
...Thj* is true whether or not his conclusions meet political approval...
...Huot is not to blame—what he reports was probably true...
...Bp Karl Brandt n/ m Norton amd Camper v. Inc...
...He evidently did not know ef an order by the Partisan flupiema Heed-quarters issued only three months bei or* his arrival in Yugoslavia which sternly reminded all Commissars and Commandants that "western democracies" must be cleverly exploited—that the only sincere ally of the Partisan movement was the Soviet Union...
...WHEN an artist reviews a book by a philosopher of art or "aesthetician," the event should be news...
...But the mechanisms cannot be divorced from the ends they are to serve...
...New York...
...I think it cornea msiulf from creative doing—from a direct experiencing of the values Involved...
...It is a tribute not only to the author, but also to all other members of the various American missions, who are on the Job day and night But to anyone familiar with Yugoslavia's problems, the author will seem rather naive in accepting without question the many stories served him on a platter by hie Partisan friends...
...The first 100 pages of Dr...
...The result is a rather heavy piece of propaganda for the Partisans and against- the Chetniks...
...Accordingly, even if Tito had been in Belgrade at that time, as the author states, he had no need to hide...
...the officers also ssw in the villages proclamations of tho executions of Mihailovich followers by Nedich men and police...
...When he was in contact with the Partisan.guerrillas on the Dalmatian Islands and the coast, a group of hi* American colleagues, stationed at the Headquarters of General Mihailovich, under my escort traveled on foot for about 700 miles through Chetnik territory in Serbia, the Sandzak, Eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina...
...Major Huot explaina that Inch of treat ? required by military security...
...For example, planning is defined variously in several places throughout the book...
...But he didn't tell the whole story, and the incident above is typical of the numerous inaccurate impressions he gives throughout Gum for Tito will impress the resder with the great ability and efficiency of American officers in giving aid to their email allies...
...I found no mention of them agencies either in reading the book or in th* index...
...and if the encounter savors a bit of combat in the arena, that is unfortunate, but, in this case, unavoidable...
...By far the most rewarding part of the book is a five or elx-page treatment of the "Basic Ideas of American Labor...
...That Is on tht means to the education of the aesthetic feelings which are basic in both production and appreciation of creative art The professor thinks this comes fm* contemplation...
...After the bombing of Belgrade, and until June 22,1941, the Gestapo not only failed to persecute the Communists but collaborated with them, since the Soviet Union then was maintaining friendly relations with Germany...
...He realism, ss msny intellectuals do not, that art is the expression of feelings and emotions, is in factta language of feeling, that aesthetic appreciation in this sen** is a thoroughly natural human activity, and that people need the emotional outlet and satisfae-tions which art can give them u fundamentally aa they need other kinds of sustenance...
...American officers who had been in that part of Yugoslavia not visited by Major Huot brought back a copy of that order...
...These agencies and others like them would seem to be the indispensable raw material from which observations on contemporary planning should be derived...
...THIS book, ia the main, is composed of a number of articles which have appeared elsewhere over a period of the last twelve or thirteen years...
...Brandt's book are given over to the massing of avsihthl* farts on the statu of agriculture at the doe* of World War I, and the changes that occurred during the two decades following the close of that war...
...This summary of the underlying trends in American unionism is one of the beet I have aeon anywhere...
...The Partisan movement has nothing in common with ths Plutocracies...
...It is probable that the purpose of that part of the story was to explain where Tito was when the National Movement under the leadership of General Mihailovich was already active in resistance...
...The probable condition of world agriculture at the close of hostilities is carefully considered...
...Major Huot must have known that the American officers who were with General Mihailovich wem permitted to see everything for themselves: why did he not think it strange that information was denied him by the Partisans ? The main part of the book, about his work in ths Supreme Partisan Headquarters, is a meet inaccurate story...
...L. B. Fither Pnbtitking Company, tl% page...
...41« page...
...Agricultural adjustments in the demobilization period will have to be made in many parte of the world if "uncontrolled inflation and Mack marketing are to be avoided . .. nothing can make t hem (the people) more easily forget their misery snd help restore their human dignity snd self-possession more rapidly than ran creative action...
...But General Peter Zhivkovich did not become Prime Minister until after the coup d'etat of January ?, 1929, a full year following Tito's release from prison...
...His eoari...
...But later when American newsmen tried to get in the country, Tito solemnly forgot the promise, which is underlined in the book...
...Nor did I find mention of auch • pressing problem a* the place of bureaucracy in the planning machinery, although no realistic discussion of planning can afford to ignore the threat which an overpowering and irresponsible bureaucracy offers to planning in a democracy...
...Incidentally, ear author passes *· judgment* oa various opposing ? booh of art...
...In the chapter on "The Twentieth Century—The Plan Age," we find "the natural farthering of technical advance calls for collective forethought end conscious social guidance...
...That was in May, 1942, during the famous Fifth Partisan Offensive, Hoot says...
...Lorwin, unless I am mis reeding him badly, would have it both ways...
...By Major Loin* ? not... cetera...
...But I shall endeavor not to take it out on Professor Duresse, The only reason for mentioning the matter here is to point up th* gulf that does undoubtedly exist between those who intellectualixe the srts and those who experience firsthand the emotional excitements in them...
...In the chapter on "The Problem of Economic Planning," the author ssys "there is enough evidence today that in most industrial countries economic planning is a practical method of economic guidance...
...He speaks of the necessity of the education of the feelings "to open up to pun and to sensitize him to rang** and subtleties of feelings for which he has the capacity, bat which be would not ordinarily discover unaided...
...Major Huot suggested to Tito that newsmsn be allowed to visit Yugoslavia and convince themselves of the true state of affaire, rather than aend propagandists to the United States, as Tito wanted to do...
...By Curt J. Ductule...
...Major Huot refers to General Mihailovich and the Chetnik* only by quoting what be waa told by the Partisans with whom he worked, and without making any effort to document or substantiate the accusations snd denunciations he repeats...
...This hiatus ha* profound social implications...
...That* associations can render much help in encouraging "democratic principles and self-government...
...It is interesting to note that he (Nedich) defesda Mihailovich over Radio Belgrade...
...Seek, I have found, is the one end only thoroughly effective means of optniaf long dosed doors to a ptretwrng contemplation...
...ignoring the blueprints results in s job only half-way began...
...British officers watched through binoculars how Chetniks collaborated with the Germans...
...he leaves applications of theory to his readers...
...The writer cites the stories the Partisam told him of how Chetnik bende lived in impassable mountains and plundered the population, but he does not «»k why the Chetniks should live in impassable mountain* like "bandits" and plunder to maintain themselves (as do Tito's men) if thay wem collaborating with the enemy...
...However, the picture given of internal politics is completely misleading...
...Brandt has analysed and evaluated in The Reconstruction at World Agriculture...
...What aeeme even more important than blueprint*," he saya, "them chapter* outline the mechanisms which may help, to pat national and international policy-making on a more rational basis for democratic ends...
...Although the United Nations still have large reserves hi research, management, labor, and stocks of physical goods, the reserves of tha Axis powers am hearing exhaustion...
...The result of this action was the destruction, by the Germans, of General Mihailovich'* Montenegro force* and the capture of hi* commandant them, Major Djurislch—hardly the accepted treatment of collaborators...
...He it now #n daty rn Washington, D. C. He haa actively participated in Yugoslavian guerilla warfare again*t the Nazi...
...No Blueprints For the Future Review few JACK BARBASH TIME FOR PLANNING...
...And that is the essence of planning...
...This education, he believe*, can be gained mainly through contemplatioa...
...Otcar Pi**t, New York...
...Tomorrow's World Agriculture ••view few R ? iLSWOXTH THE RECONSTRUCTION OF WORLD AGRICULTURE...
...Major Huot came away impressed...
...But Hupt must have hsd access to information which indicated the contrary...
...It is stated that in 1928 Tito was arrested by General Zhivkovich, at that time Prime Minister under King Alexander...
...More important than looseness of construction is that the character of discussion is throughout on s very general plana One haa the feeling that Lorwin never comes to grip* with the planning problem in the context of a work * day world...
...The old association* are being revived ss reconquered ares* are returned to civilian control...
...IWAS pleased to learn of the appearance of Major Huot a boosts 1 1 knew it waa to be an account of the work of Partisan guerrilla units, yet I was (lad that a series of testimonies regarding the fight of the Yugoslav people in this war bad begun...
...American officers would never have been permitted to compromise the honor of the United Stetes Government by being with a guerrilla group which elaborated with the enemy...
...the ertirt,"**B learn from it, and that this book should be a positive help in rescuing tht American public from its tragic divorci from the creative arts...
...products that the income of all the people can bay, and agriculture can be prevented from bogging down by increasing the exchange of producta between farmer* and producers of indu*trial goods._ Sorb a course would be fruitful to both group...
...From a social standpoint, then, thli reversal of the usual reviewing procedura indicates that we all, even philosophers and artists, are mutually dependent end should know esch other better...
...The American officers who traveled through Serbia brought back a large collection of pamphlets, newspapers and circulars in which Nedich and his propaganda machine angrily attacked Mihailovich...
...Brandt suggests that the cooperatives might be of assistance in facilitating exchanges...
...The Philosopher and the Artist Review fey RALPH M. PEARSON ART, THE CRITICS AND YOU...
...From this comprehensive platform the author again defines all the usual srt terms—srt itself, «est he tics, beauty, design, decoration, criticism...
...The universal approach was perhaps adequate in the romantic era of planning, the depression thirties, when Planning was a daring and slightly subversive notion...
...Tito agreed...
...The one theme which crops up again and again is that Mihailovich and his men are collaborationists...
...The possibility of harmful results from greedy agricultural pressure groups has not been overlooked, nor -has the ham that might eosne from erecting tariff walla that am too high or from lowerine the barriers too rapidly...
...It is not unreasonable to expect that In a current book on planning, some detsiled analysis of the planning experience in such agencie* as the War Production Board and Office of Price Administration would appear...
...Pictures showing these officers with the Chetniks appeared in New twee k' last year...
...It is interesting that the bast part of the book ahoald be on a subject which i* tangential to the main line of thought I think Lorwin'* preface provides the key to hi* main difficulty...
...It is easy to conclude from the data and arguments presented that th* existing farm population, with the machinery that will be available at the cloee of the war, can provide the agricultural...
...He who succeeds in organising such work has the touchstone to rehabilitation in its noblest sense...
...By Leans L. Gerwin...
...Aftes some probing about, he Attacks the "pernicious" belief that only a few sophisticates can appreciate art, argues that there sra no authorities in matters' of taste, that the official critic* in the end dopend only on their own, and that your or anyone'* test* is cultivsted solely by urn...
...Has it not occurred to him that in that, case the enemy would have given them all th* necessary supplies and comforts as the Nazis did for all Quisling trooper The author takes it aa quite natural when Colonel llich, "Commandant of th* entire coast," refuses to give him requested data regarding the strength of Partisan forces, although the data am requested only for the purpose, of tupplying those force...
...And then, in his last ehapter, he will catch the eye of all women, and not * few men, by a ahrewd analysis of "tht art of personal beauty" with sll its cosmetic aids...
...a ions are ef value bemuse of the vaat quantity of data collected and examined...
...But economic planning either involves control* or it doesn't—we can't have it both ways...
...It ia pointed eat that if the Axis agricultural economy Is destroyed in the Anal stages of the war and food runs short, the people may become desperate, may •ven re*ort to bloody revolution with "its chaos and senseless devastation of productive assets . . . the only condition under which mam starvation becomes inevitable...
...He does not take into account, much less prescribe, creative practice, on either an amateur or professional basis, as * necessary means to its attainment...
...Lorwin writes ". . . control is merely a method toward an end, and before we can do any planning, we have to determine what the controls are for and whether the end may be served without establishing controls...
...Because the book represents contribution to a rarying number of periodicals, there is a considerable amount of repetition, and there are many contradictions...
...Agriculture, industry, markets, capital and nations are the factors which Dr...
...As this artist tests the sesthetic philosophy of Professor Ducasse ag*h»t hi* relatively unlearned but direct experience of the thing* the aether ii talking about, he finds thst the philosophy rings true, that it clarifies many important issues, that he...
...It will not do when government regulstion of economic life is present on a highly systematic basis...
...Professor Ducasse, in Art, the Critic* and You, first discusses the function in Society of those two "queer ducks," the philosopher and the artist...
...On one point alone does my experience register disagreement...
...Two chapters are devoted to the impact of total war upon the supply of food for the people of Central Europe and ether nations involved in the war...
...FERTILE lend, despite new philosophies, creeds, technique*, inventions, and cartels appears to baa.Arm foundation for th* erection of the much-talked about eeonaatr of abundance...
...In the ehapter on "What Is Planning," Dr...
...The concluding thought of the study is: "In essence reconstruction is the creation Of the political and social conditions tnafebin secure sane snd sensibly oriented economic progress within a dv-ilized human society based on law ani order, with respect for the dignity of man's assignment on earth...

Vol. 28 • April 1945 • No. 17

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