Dewey Keeps a Promise


Dewey Keeps a Promise By George J. Mintzer New York Leads in Enactment of Legislation Against Racism '"J",Quinn bill establishing a farwanaat five man discrimination to ea*aleja*eas> TMo la...

...But achieve it we must For it ia fundamental that wr should ever strive for tile end of intolerance and for equality of opportunity without discrimination in employment in peace- times aa well as in, war...
...They deliberately sought to MIL it and attempted Governor Dewey stopped into the fight...
...but they were rebuked with thw remark: "My children are drowning and you would sing...
...The Lord, said' the Jew, delight* in judgment and righteousness...
...Religion, education and the family, together with an enlightened attitude by those in publie office and in private enterprise, must unite in achieving the broad objective...
...The Legislature concurred in the Governor's recommendations and' a Temporary Stain Commission was appointed, Irving M. Ives, Republican Majority Leader of the Assembly, waa designated aa chairman...
...The Temporary Commission, the Governor recommended, ehould be "empowered to make forthwith a study of existing laws and to prepare recommendations which would give to, our people an...
...finally, at the critical time, on Pehrury Iff, the (Iovernor received a group oft leading crtixetia from New Yoik City, headed By Chaefea Bvaxts Ifaghes, Jr...
...A* to the Roman Catholic churches, Myrdal states: "On the whole, the Roman Catholic Church prefer* to have Negroes attend all-Negro churches, on the basis of residential segregation and of attempts to dissuade them from attending whit* churches...
...3. Margoshee aaks...
...the people of the Stage," Ait thw publie haasilng which WkwrsaV four daye later, the success of the bill was assured and speaker after apeaker echoed that iilitiainil of Rahbi Staph aa S. Wise when he said: "I am not a member of Governor Dewey** political: per art bat I vrieeV aw aw Aaaerican ta record my unlimited1 aecMinateha fhr thw Gov emor's statement Paaaage of <fhr Ivee ^famn hill i» hn essential step in1 the proeeee of preserving eaenecnie freedom, which is fundamental to human liberty...
...The Republican ItadanaMg is bath, t...
...Why should not Jewe hate the Germans...
...A free society must talfa adequate measure to meat such diecord and to foster understanding and- uJHy...
...Whil* there are white churches that admit Negroes, they are careful not to permit the Negro membership to grow too large...
...While in the North there are tome contacts between Negroes and whites in th* ssm* Protestant denomination, there contact*, says Myrdal, arc hot enough to modify th* basic fact of church separation...
...Having worked quteta* and effaetrvelw tea the bill, with individual ve}*eaaaBByaeBjaaBi ¦aaaapaaai ^pb^^^™^™ «W- ^¦^¦¦¦b ¦ - — §*^^w» t Mataaiowa legislators and- the* lewder*, Aa Swvanler had succeeded in ntaiafaaffj asaawUri aewaag* at thw Mil It riiaotituflntj mwSetgwi Hi* ttoe L*jjjisfftture dttrnanrifrig r passage...
...He keeps mercy and judgment...
...the seasi on, that none of them would even come to a vote, and the Governor was determined that the State of New York should lead the way toward actual accomplishment in this field...
...IwgrANWHH.K thw Temporary State Commission held hearing* throughout the State and obtained and received Many valuable suggestions...
...LjAST year the Governor's Committee on Discrimination in Employment introduced two bills on anti-dis<r initiation ten days before the Legislature was scheduled to adjourn...
...Despite two thousand years ef indescribably cruel persecution Jewish creative thought is never directed to destroying neighbore, nor to retributive punishment, but rather to helping' them achieve higher ideal*, greater knowledge and better living conditions...
...Today, out of the intensified emotions brought on, by war, bigotry, intolerance and discrimination have been displayed in many ugly forma," the Governor said in his message...
...He hopes that the armies of' Russia and the United States "will soon crush the Germane into pulp fit for Maidanek...
...Thie is nonsense, comments Dr...
...Mutual tolerance and respect must name Iron within the hearts and minds of the people themselves...
...fought ita pawaesHr wJajaiarhj...
...Once a year some churehes participate in "Interracial Sunday... tie) Legislature, however, isaangft sagpsroad Mas bait Powerful faseaa arasawat tfeeaeaeaitoaa tar ewpoeition to the bill and...
...David Rankin Bargee has written a letter to say that I have exaggerated th* extant of discrimination or segregation...
...For Jbwa to harbor teellngs of hatred or vengeance, even toward' the Germans, would cegteadiet all Jewish history, and' weald' be untrue to Jewish idealism...
...He ridiculed a, rahM who objected to the statement made by George Soaolshy that Jewe hate Germans...
...However, there are in fact, separate Negro Catholic churches in Washington...
...yet the Jews, as a people, have never clamored dor revenge...
...anti-discrimination measures and that despite his pledge for action this year, nothing would come of it...
...They are not motivated by hate but by moral judgment...
...The Negro church is a segregated church, and there is astonishingly little interracial cooperation between white and Negro churches," hs says...
...the vicious totalitarian trends elsewhere in the world, w« have seen, a rising- discord but' ~n men of differing race, color and creed...
...established basic policy aimed at eliminating discrjmination in that social and economic, structure of our State...
...IN bis column in The Day on January 2V, Dr...
...Once again, New York leads every State in the Union and the national government as well, as the result of the courage and effective work of ita Governor...
...Margoshesi The Jew, he says, would be "lose than human end more of a ehlemiel than- he is were he to come up to the expectations of the Brooklyn rahM, which, fortunately for us, he- does not...
...Almost immediately political opponents charged that the Governor had "scuttled" the...
...nd member of tfte legal diiaitiaial1 ea* tfae JBawrfhaa Jewish Cewaavitteai THE COMING DAY A column conducted by Milton K. Konvitz Do Jews Seek Vengeance...
...but the await policy eheeild he an all-envelopiag program ea»|toisju^ taalakniut at tfaa guilty, aet> ta-vesat More on the Color Line in Washington Churches • In this column last month I wrote of th* color lino in the churches of th* Nation's Capital...
...Margoahea represents,, we believe, an extreme point of view among the Jewish people...
...I wrote to a friend in Washington who knows the race situation there very intimately...
...Their usually effective) aettjndal sounht llllil II success to emasculate the measure by having crippling amendments appended ta> it The (iovernor favored tbe bill in ita original form and quite frenhiy said aw, ashes, representative* of oppenenta to the measure called upon him recently in an attempt to get him to favor amendments to it...
...The rabbi saidr^'As a rahM my acquaintance among Jews is naturally very wide, and I can state honestly that Jews do not generally hate Germans, even after twelve years of Hitleriem...
...It is related in Genesis: "And"*a certain man found him, and, behold, he was wandering in the field...
...Moreover, it was clear, by the end of...
...Hi* reply, in part, follows: "I do not know of any Protestant church in Washington with whit* membership which admits Negro communicant* to membership, I have ne, - doubt that there are numbers of such churches which would not order out a Negro who chanced to come in at the time of worship...
...The IwsaiQniM bill waa anbsaquenUy introduced...
...Commission to make a study of the "entire subject of discrimination in oqr State...
...Mar gashes does not apeak for Jewa generally on this issue...
...But eaaw lauttni ledge* awaV'loam caused- the bill's defeat We took the effective way...
...we Better* it ia a steer toward reaweing that cancer ef ear ¦¦.....j iiiihl svtultiitiMSai ¦ffa...
...But the ministers who profess to speak the word of God and preach the universal brotherhood of men, and the good white folk who engage these preachers, refuse to recognize the Negro as a brother...
...Who, then, made the black m*n...
...Hwgihta issued to the press a statement on behsir off the group, authorised by the Governor, in which he declared that the Governor had labeled the Ives-Quinn bill aa "one of the great social advances of our time...
...yes, even with his neighbor* who ware his mortal enemies...
...The point of this tradition is that the Jew considered even the Egyptian taskmaarter and the murderer of his man-children, bit brother: the Egyptians, no less than the Jews themselves, were thought of as children of God And the same folklore explains why, at the Seder on Baaanvex eve, Jewa count out drop* of wine from their wihe-cupa when the ten plagues are mentioned: the cup of joy cannot be full as long a* others, are suffering...
...issmev pertrayhsg the Carijreaat atintrftfoitfl hutt UmMV tat 4faMMfCfap» W. . re (lad to print this article, giving credit where credit ia daw...
...Myrdal, in An American Dilemma, states that segregation in the churches ii the general pattern throughout the country...
...and punishment of those reaasaalMe for the Buffering of this war ia not a matter of revenge, but of juattea," Hat call* far just punishment of /' not only the Nasi leaden, but of other participants in war crimes, "far dawn the line...
...Action in this field of human relatione is imperative," ha concluded...
...Hie open support of the bill did much to consolidate and' encourage tbe liberal elements favoring ita pawsage, from the outset Ma position haa bean mawalati ently lb favor of the anti-discrimination MIL it took at the record is in order at this time...
...The statement by Herbert C. Pell, former member of the United Nations War Crimes Commission, reflects, ia oar opinion, the position maintained by the vaat majority of the Jewish people: "The conviction...
...The Jews seek not vengeance but justice...
...Wheto anaay haa est near ale a.___ . ajtasJa . MM .a- fa , g-fc I. taJHaa faW " fas n«T« CTinclMesT \Wm eTPSer^ffPtaaV asvaanr nr IW Wkwwmm* cie...
...There) were at that time several other sntd-discrimination measures pending...
...Of course we all recognize that legislation ia uniform >nean» of influencing human conduct...
...These opponents, very autive with their charges last year, have been strangely quiet this year, now that the anti-dlterimination bill haa become a reality...
...Today the Negro is the man wandering in the field seeking his brethren...
...from its inception deapita opposition to it by some members of hie earn garr» 1st Bepnhltaan Assembly- < men opposed it out of VT voting en the lea an re...
...However, through the Washington Council of Churches some progress ha* been mad* in arranging specific occasions where Negro and .white minister* exchange pulpits, or where Negro and white congregations join in a particular service...
...God made only pals faces...
...Dewey Keeps a Promise By George J. Mintzer New York Leads in Enactment of Legislation Against Racism '"J",Quinn bill establishing a farwanaat five man discrimination to ea*aleja*eas> TMo la aa» aaejaer indented liberal a tea by the iuweaitily...
...The Nazis ana not the first people to have murdered Jews: there waa the Spanish Inquisition, there were the Russian and Polish pogroms...
...Opponents of the Mil) many- of whom, had declined ta appear at the State-wide public hearing of the- Geav misaion, started to work in, Albany against the measure...
...Jewish folklore relates that when the Egyptian hosts were loot in the Red Sea, angels in Heaven wished to sing praises to the Lord...
...Consequently, on March 17, 1944, the Governor in a Special Message to the Legislature strongly recommended the appointment of a Temporary...
...Jews ant human, he says, and it ia human to hate the- oppressor...
...he is a nationally prominent educator and Negro statesman...
...He acta justly snd kindly...
...And the mart asked him, saying: 'What seekest thou?' And ,he said: 'I seek my brethren...
...We believe that Dr...
...It was justice, not vengeance, that the Jew sought in every age and in every land...
...Is Theeaae WL Dewey a restNonesy or * satwaffP Win The Nam Leader • p »* a a d Dewey m the last eatosweaa cent Pearee in oar Fe...
...but this contact is largely of a ceremonial or symbolic character and doe* not affect the pattern as 0 whole...
...Following the conference, Mr...
...This ia the record of* Governor Dewey's successful and eouragoua fight for the paaaage of the Ives Quinn bill...
...Twn ftmHIaa aationa are in the State Sanaa* mi4 aiinwialJBa oawadnaaaifroto law by Governor Theses** K. Dewey...
...He *sys that in the Presbyterian, Congregational, Protestant Episcopal and Catholic churches no color line is drawn...
...These virtues were attributed to God" because the Jew wished to attain them in Me own life, in hie own dealings with his neighbors...
...At a few of the white Catholic churches, where Negroes attend in substantial numbers, a segregated section is provided for them...
...It must be led by the earneat efforts of every Intelligent and decent member of the community... these churches Negro and white par* eons meet together and ett together...
...In the South th* Catholic Church provide* a ssparats set of whit* priests to serv* in Negro churches, and these white priests, Myrdal reports, seldom mingle with other whit* priest...
...There should be punishment for erf sees committed against Jew* not only ia Poland and other countries) bat in Germany aa welL Kvery effort, he aaieV wust be made ta avoid eeesKittiag an injustice, though there are bound to he, here and there, itofaaadtl casea ef punishment of persona relatively innocent...
...The Sovsiaor also stSHtedl that, hs) believed "the measure would serve to aaauaa equality of ognniltlinitg tea all elements of our ciliaenship nsgarilsas of race, creed, color or national origin, and would he a> laatirtg forward aten ia promoting harmony among...
...las, JilMfi'ii gtafad *- . .a a. a . h .---- a> ^aeat nnilva nCattM /tlwi vmy, impartial cRetirr-ian in tmm lakes' clotfciB, industry...
...The Roman Catholic churches in Washington, as elsewhere, are theoretically open to all persons of that faith...
...In earlier isaues of hl> column Dr...
...It hecame apparent that an integrated program of antidiscrimination, which would boldly and honestly face the problem, would not result from piecemeal paaaage of the carelessly drawn hills than before the Legislature...
...No society can remain free if claaa ia arrayed against elaaav or group against group...
...Partly due to the long depression from 102fi> to I'.»!!!» and partis due to...
...Then on January S, I'.UIi, Governor, Dewey ia hi a opening mesaaaje to the Legislature revealed that tbe Temporary State Commission was prepared1 to make vital' recommendations With eared ally drawn legislation by, February 1st "I cannot tee strongly urge that after the Commission haa rendered ita report* action should he token ta, place our Stat* in the foretrwnt at the- Nation in the handling of Una vital issue," th* Governor said...
...Margoehee urged that the United Nations provide that the Nasi war criminals be tried and punished by Jews, in the very, ghettos of Poland where so many millions of Jews were murdered...
...In both respect* th* South Is extreme, but the situation in the North is not very different...

Vol. 28 • March 1945 • No. 10

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